#Nurse Ragatha
actuallyjustabiscuit · 2 months
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"I-I-I don’t think this is the best way to bring down a fever, Ragatha!"
"Nonsense, Pom-Pom. Who’s the nurse here? Now be a good girl for me and take three of these a day~ "
Ragatha getting lost in her fantasies
Too bad her timing is trash
Inspired by @moonie-cake’s beloved Nurse Ragatha
This scenario popped into my head while I was trying to draw her and I couldn’t stop laughing
The only time you’ll catch me drawing DomRagatha is when she’s delusional about it
You’ll have to pry loser Ragatha from my cold dead hands
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ghost-ferry · 3 months
Heyyy new follower here !! I'm Moonie :)) Hopefully you're doing good hehe
Saw your blog one day and been stuck here with you ever since , and it is so awesome to know that you take art requests too !! So here's mine :
Could you please draw Nurse Ragatha comforting Sick Pomni ?? I just want my gals Pomni to be happy getting attention and Ragatha being able to provide said attention for once aughh
Do it whenever you want really , the most important thing is to take care of yourself and often hydrate yourself while doing so too , thank you if you did do my request 🥺
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Thank you for the kind words :D
Yes I screenshotted the background I don’t have the patience to draw it /hj
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miguxadraws · 3 months
Question bout your swap AU,
Do you have an images of legit interactions with Jax and Ragatha? Maybe a bit of conflict, maybe a bit of goofiness, dealers chouce.
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why are you dressed like that
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abbey-abdominal · 5 months
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My part of an art trade for a good good friend of mine who I hope promptly explodes upon seeing this. Nurse!Ragatha teasing Pomni (who is supposed to be sick but uhhhhhhhhh? Is being a simp a sickness? Google is being a simp a sickness?)
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fenrir-fox · 9 months
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The Doctor has some strong feels for her assistant.
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starryyskies · 3 months
Hellow welcome to the Clinic AU
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TW : affections
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Another TW : slight boobas
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Context :
She saw you reblogging this loll lmao
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And if you're wondering :
Yes. *I* was the one who first brought up the Nurse Ragatha agenda
((It was most probably not original but oh well))
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sodawithmoss · 4 months
Uhh hello! I'm Moonie and I'd like to request forrr Ragapom because I'm such a sucker for this ship 🥲🥲
...Nurse Ragatha tending onto Sick Pomni?? 👀🥺 Pretty please (tysm if you actually do it❤️)
your ask has been in the mailbox for a long time, but I just now found the strength to finish your drawing.. Sorry, Moonie,,, <:3
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Actually, I really like the way Caine turned out. Mostly because I couldn't really draw him, but the fact that he has a cute striped vest also plays a role :"D
Were most of the drawings created around the end of March?? The style is incredibly unstable, because some were painted later- MUCH later(last night)
but at least I was able to finish this thing!! Hurray! ^^,,
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 4 months
Can we have more about The Awful digital hospital?
[ slams papers on desk ] i'm so glad you asked !
this au's still admittedly a huge work in progress and there's not really a lot down - though to be fair i'm not really that much of an au person . i take a million years to finish them shfsf
also fun fact that gooseworx made music for the awful hospital so this au was fated to happe
anyways the awful digital hospital is ... kind of a crossover but also Not ?? it's more like it's own thing that combines both elements of both medias , so no character is a one-on-one swap and there will be a lot of differing elements . nonetheless it's kind of hard to do this without spoiling the webcomic which i still highly recommend to read - one of the only medias that made me cry and laugh out loud lol
dolly's our favorite shrimp who , after being admitted into the hospital for an eye injury , has a son to save . kind of our most mentally stable ragatha because she doesn't have this thing called ' being trapped in a digital hell for years ' . still burdened with the voices though
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2. rabbit is one of the other patients in the hospital that . may or may not have killed so much of the staff - which is why there's oddly so few of them . has been trapped in the hospital for years , which did a number on his morals .
of course being a digital space the said staff Can come back by rebuilding their code but still it's pretty odd this guy would unexistentialize people
3. here's the hospital staff . they were ... kind of decent at their jobs ? but [ SOMETHING ] leaked into the mainframe so everything's falling apart now . while some of the staff ( read : the nurses ) are friendlier than others they still will pose a threat if you are not in your room .
here's the only ones whose designs i have down . i do know that jax's a veterinarian , zooble's a surgeon , and kinger's a psychologist
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4. zooble can also make tiny little zoobles with their zoobox . they generally help out with the surgery though there's one that escaped and became dolly's companion .
5. loo is the manager of a candy factory that totally does not use humans as its main ingredient . very friendly at first glance but if you're flesh and bones you're thrown in the sugar grinder . scramble was unwillingly taken in to become the cashier for the candy shop but oh well at least they're not being murdered .
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there's a bunch more but i'm letting everything here cook first ... ! still happy to talk about this thing though i like thinking about my two fixations
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saytrrose · 4 months
Hi rambling about my human au
Pomni - Penny (Accountant)
Ragatha - Agatha (Midwife/Prenatal Nurse)
Jax - Jackson (Part-time student at the college that Kinger works at, but ofc this man is def not an entomology major so he’s not his direct student. Part time job at a gas station)
Gangle - Gwendolyn (Self employed artist/etsy shop)
Zooble - Zoe (Part time college student where Kinger works and Jax attends. Part time because they have a job as tattoo artist on the side.)
Kinger - Kristoff (He’s a college entomology professor.)
Caine - Cain (Head of the Apartment Complex. Yeah his name doesn’t really change much)
Bubble - Bubble (Stays the same but is a dog. Hes a Pomeranian, Has a talking collar and is a menace and runs around Cains main office area. His talking collar is one of C&As first successful technological advanced devices.)
Kaufmo/Queenie/Etc - Kaufman, Qiyara (The abstracted are simply residents that have moved out of the residence and gone elsewhere. Cough cough DIVORCEE Kinger.)
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Do this whenever you want, or just tell me if your burned out for TADC requests and I’ll put it on the back burner. So, there I was, sick as a dog (still am urgh) and had an idea. Could you do the crew with their s/o who got sick via a virus, like a legitimate computer virus that infected them and got them ill. Found it amusing and as a fun way to introduce real world problems to them in the digital world.
Again, this is low priority so you don’t have to worry about it too much. But other then that, I hope you’re having a marvellous day.
TADC cast x reader w/ a computer virus!
Rolling out a request before I work on art stuff tonight, this might be the nights last post !! Still stuck on mobile since my cramps are still. Keeping me from being able to do stuff at my computer <\3
Written these as a group thing since I was struggling to come up with hcs for separate characters <\3
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I know you likely meant this to be executed as something akin to a cold, but I cannot shake the idea of a virus being more.. dangerous and intense, given your entire digital body is code.. ponders.. I think I'll go with a middle ground between actual threat and simple sickness
You were in your room, in fact you were hauled up in it for a while, at least a day or two.. some people were starting to get worried; thinking something happened, that you may have abstracted
Ragatha would be the one to find you in bed; body shifting and glitching about
Obviously, given how similar this was to how Kaufmo was discovered, she would think you were in the middle of abstracting.. I think her freaking out with attract the attention of the others
Ragatha is panicking, too weary to get too close out of fear she would get glitched out too and that you'd turn suddenly
Pomni would have a similar reaction, I think, especially since Kaufmo so far has been her only experience with the abstracted , and she doesnt know what the warning signs look like
Jax just. Dips. He is gone the second he sees the commotion
Kinger is stuck in place,seemingly wrecking himself for the courage to try to help you through this
Zooble seems vaguely shocked, taking a similar route as jax; though they dont leave completely
Gangle , who is in the back, scared and worried out of her mind
Caine... zips forward and after (carefully) inspecting you, announces that you're in fact not abstracting! Youre just sick!
Cue a chorus of relief but also, confusion.. actually kinger is the only one who seems to get it.. hes probably seen someone get sick before.. huh.. weird..
Apparently caine manages to stamp out most viruses before they pose any threat, but it appears sometimes things can happen.. but now with you sick, all you guys can do is wait for you to get better
But hey, caine simps! Look at it this way! You now have the teeth man as your personal bedside nurse since hes the most qualified and able to help you through this!
Kinger, Ragatha, and Gangle still visit you when you're recovering! Ragatha checks in on you to see how you're holding up! Gangle gives you little fidgets and other stuff to keep you occupied! Kinger offers reassurance that things are gonna be alright and he offers to tell you stories
Jax doesnt interact with you until long after you've recovered, far too worried about himself getting whatever yucky computer virus you've caught.. zooble is similar.. can you blame them? No one likes getting sick <\3
Pomni is in between, keeping her distance since shes not sure if what you have is contagious, but as a friend she wants to make sure you're okay.. tough calls here..
Overall, the experience itself sucks... the glitching leaves you sore and sometimes you sit still and "buffer" for extended periods of time.. it also feels like a flu, with the body aches and fatigue and all that...
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denny-artsss · 6 months
I'd like to request for some Ragapom , please ... Specifically Nurse!Ragatha X Sick!Pomni :))
Pomni: wow..*sniffles* I never felt so awful before- I feel like my head is gonna explode .. how is this even possible-
Ragatha: oh- you must've gotten the digital flu! Don't you worry sweetheart I'll help you trough it!
Pomni: digital fl- what the actual #%@% is the point of its existence?
Ragatha: well- it's more like a bug in the system I thi-
Kinger: BUG?
Ragatha: no kinger. No bugs- *grabs pomnis hand and leads her into her room* here! Caine should leave you alone while you rest in my room! Don't you worry about a thing you can stay here for as long as you need!
Pomni: wow um- thanks Ragatha- but- why are you always so quick to help me?
Ragatha: oh you know- *puts a thermometer in her mouth* I think we're very alike in the way we fear our inevitable demise that is getting closer and closer with every passing digital day in this GOD FORSAKEN HEL-
*thermometer beeps*
Ragatha: *checks it* oh- poor thing- you're burning-
Pomni: *looks at her terrified*
Ragatha: but don't you worry your little head for a second! I'll be here for as long as you need me! *pushes her head onto her lap as she applies an ice bag on her head to reduce the temperature*
Pomni: *blushes slightly* uh- is there- any OTHER reason you're so nice to me?
Ragatha: well- I always have to fake being mentally stable with everyone so I don't make them panic but- I feel like I can be myself around you and- it's like a breath of fresh air-
Pomni: *smiles feeling comforted* im glad I can be that for you- you seemed to need it-
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dutifullyfuriouscat · 3 months
Ima give the cannon age that gooseworx have gave us but ima do the age of what the characters went into the game. Including the year they were trapped in.
Like for kinger for example.
Kinger is 48 as of 2024 where pomi entered the 'abandoned game'
It was in 2004 when kinger was about 28 years old and his wife were the beta testers for the 'new horror game but in an vertical reality! ' thing.
Zooble being 22 when pomi in 2024 now.
It was maybe 4 years like 2008 where a 13 year old zooble found the headset and put it on their face because of curiosity.
Jax is up and in the same year as zooble around 13 also, in 2008 but was a month later.
Gangle is up next and around 26 years old a year older then pomi in 2024.
She was around 14 in 2013 and her and her 'friends' who was in drama club/class as her. Somehow got into an 'abandoned building' and a headset was just sitting there next to an old computer.
And was dared to wear the headset and was pressure to do it with phones out and all and she did it... The rest is history.
Ragatha is 30 now in 2024 where pomi is in now.
Ragatha was around 20 in 2014 where she was practicing to become a nurse! But was cut short by her roommate giving her an 'old headset' just for sh!ts and giggles and she was curious about and so was her roommate. Then when she did put on her head she was in that forest.
Last but not least pomi! She's 25 and in 2024 so she doesn't need an long day but here is what she experienced.
When she put the headset on with her friend right behind she work up standing and have all her thing in the bag but it was colored differently and so were he clothes! She also realized she only know her first letter name which is P, while she's trying to figure out what's going on and walking through the forest she was transferred into. Then she saw the back of an sun head man? No a lady with a sword and wearing a knight armor looking at something. The that sun knight turned her head like 180 degrees like an owl! The turned the rest of the body and attack her! She got slashed on her left arm and somehow got that sun person off of her and ran and ran until she saw a tent and an sentence? Saying 'welcome new player!' Now she's really confused now!
That's all is got for you guys ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧
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enthrallingcookie · 11 months
my silly little headcannons for what the main cast of tadc did before they put on the headset!!
gangle: english major or psychology major at a good school
jax: in law school or unemployed no in between
ragatha: middle school teacher
pomni: some kind of office worker but probably volunteered at an animal shelter
kinger: a pediatric nurse
zooble: interning at nasa or someplace similar
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know-it-all-and-all · 11 months
an Au idea for a fic
i can't keep this to myself. [Zooble and Jax are not here because they be 17y old]
Ragatha = Agatha Rand, female, 25y old, lesbian, Psychologist (Therapist), German/UK descendant, natal British.
Pomni = Ponmani Powell, female, 20y old, bisexual, patient, Tamil/UK descendant, natal British.
Gangle = Gabriela Smith, female, 21y old, straight, nurse, Spain/UK descendant, natal Spaniard.
Kinger = Reggie King 43y old, straight (widower), patient, UK descendants, natal British.
Director Caine 52y old , straight (married to the moon XD)
mental health hospital AU.
Agatha is in her second year in the mental health care hospital, and a week ago she was stab from a patient but she came back anyway, now she take a sole new patient, a nervous small girl, the two of them begin to develop a relationship that end up being healthy for both of them.
I going to do a fic about this idea, but if any wants to do something with this idea, be my guest.
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jaqiqi-blog · 3 months
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Oonne more concept doodle before I pack up my PC.
Clown pomni was the first concept I had for this cause it's a given lol. Jax huntress was just a better start to me. Ragatha spirit was the last one I came up with so far which I think goes perfect with the Jaxtress flavortext and zooble parts indicating Ragatha being victim to an unfortunate event. Said event being Jax.
Pomni Clown is def the silliest one, which I feel fits the vibe of a lot of clowns skins lol
Ragatha spirit eats imo and simply goes hard. Will be taking no criticisms for her (kidding obviously lol) The original idea for her was nurse before cause, ig since nurse has dress? This fits a way better vibe.
Alrighty, seeyall in like a month-ish or somethin idk lol.
Will be posting old art while I'm doing life!
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fenrir-fox · 9 months
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Plague Doctor Ragatha and Nurse Pomni for my Virus AU.
Pomni is Ragatha's assistant and is often seen hanging around her around the hospital.
Ragatha is rarely ever seen with the mask off, only Pomni has ever seen with it off and no one knows why.
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