#Nuremburg Maiden
formeryelpers · 7 months
Medieval Torture Museum, 6757 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles (Hollywood), CA 90028
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For “death positive” people or those who are interested in torture, the Medieval Torture Museum provides an interesting, informative look at torture across the world. The exhibition is 7,000 square feet of basement space, spanning several darkly lit rooms. The rooms look like dungeons and the music is appropriate for the setting.
I went to a torture museum a long time ago and this one does offer some improvements. Thanks to technology, they have an audio guide app. The audio guide has 56 snippets, about one minute per recording, which provides more information about the exhibits. I do highly recommend that you use the audio guide as it provides much more detail than the posted signs. The audio clips describe who invented the torture device, how it works, how it feels to the person being tortured, when and where it was used, etc. There are also stories that accompany the figurines (polymer and silicone models of people being tortured).
The exhibition is interactive. You can touch the exhibits, put on a mask used to torture people, etc. The fake fires actually were warm. I don’t think any of the devices are authentic but they’re more like movie props. The devices include the Nuremberg Maiden, electric chair, shackles, Cradle of Judah, several types of guillotines, pendulum, Sicilian Bull, Bloody Eagle, pillory, rack, masks of shame, brands, etc.
The app also includes a ghost hunting experience that we did not try out.
The Medieval Torture Museum is very close to other museums like the Wax Museum, Icons of Darkness, and Ripley’s Believe It or Not. We found discounted tickets on Groupon, $27 each (vs. $42.96 list). They put some effort into the exhibition, so it’s better than most. Expect to spend about 90 minutes there. The gift shop isn’t very good. They sell a lot of skull mugs and cups. I didn’t see any gifts that had to do with torture.
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#gemini the twins Typical Features Tall straight body, inclining to thinness, long arms, dark hair, good eyesight, (Lilly describes 'a good piercing hazel eye'), quick reflexes and mental alertness. Dignified Planets Planets Dignifed in Gemini: Mercury by sign and as night-time triplicity rulerSaturn as day-time triplicity ruler Planets Debilitated in Gemini: Jupiter by detriment Traditional Rulerships Direction: West Anatomy: The arms, shoulders, hands, fingers, nervous system, blood and lungs Colours Mixed colours. Often associated with yellow, or yellowish green. Stones & Metals: Stones and metals fall under the rulership of planets, not signs, but through its association with Mercury, Gemini is often linked with agate, quicksilver and stones of diverse colours. Traditional Definitions: Humane: Humane signs are those represented by human figures. They are renown for their social graces and intellectual skills. They are also referred to as 'manly' or 'courteous' signs. They include Gemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. Double-bodied: Double-bodied, or bi-corporeal signs are those represented by two figures. All the mutable signs are double-bodied - Gemini: two twins; Virgo: maiden and bird; Sagittarius: man and horse; Pisces: two fishes.  Barren: The barren signs are Gemini, Leo and Virgo. These can suggest difficulty in conceiving children. Countries & cities: Include Italy, Belgium, Armenia. The west and southwest of England, London, Louvain in France, Bruges in Belgium; Nuremburg, Hassfurt, Mainz and Bamberg in Germany; Cordova in Spain, Cesena in Italy. Places: Hills and mountains, high places, barns and storehouses for corn and grain. Libraries and studies, the walls of houses, the hall, playrooms, chests, drawers, coffers and places where money is stored or kept, ie, treasuries, purses.  Direction: West #castor #pollux #zodiac #astrolog_milosmusicki #astrology #astrologija #spring #2020 #blizanci #horoscope #sky #horoskop #astrologer #stars #sign #asabovesobelow (at Belgrade, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcoMS1p1kb/?igshid=ehg5q1a72kjo
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wahbegan · 7 years
Has anyone read The Squaw by Bram Stoker because y’know incredibly racist title aside, it’s great cause it’s about you know the title doesn’t even have fucking anything to do with...this guy in the story tells like a tangential semi-related mini-story about this Apache woman torturing this white dude to death for killing her kid and idk i guess it relates to the themes and whatever it’s a dumb title regardless racism aside....and also y’know it’s racist but anyway it’s about this American dude on holiday at the Nuremburg castle and he wants to see the Iron Maiden and idk if the real one worked like this but it has to be held open with a rope cause of the way it’s weighted if the guy lets go of the rope it slams shut but anyway he’s on the castle wall and there’s a mommy cat playing with its kitten and he’s like “ha ha ha i’m going to fuck with them by dropping a rock and freaking them out” and the rock lands on the kitten’s head and smashes its skull and the mommy cat starts launching itself up the wall tryna get at this guy and he’s like “har har har stupid critter ive fought Injuns and grizzlies i ain’t afraid of no stupid cat har i’m American” side note i don’t think Bram Stoker has ever talked to an American person but anyway he goes to the torture chamber and he’s the only one there and he’s like “oh my god that tharr doo-hickey sure looks like the cat’s pajama lemme stand in it partner” and he bribes the caretaker and he’s like all right fuck it no skin off my nose go ahead dumbass and then the mommy cat waits until the guy’s all cuddled up cozy in the iron maiden and then pops out like “surprise, bitch bet you thought you’d seen the last of me” and claws the holy fucking fuckitty fuck out of the caretaker’s face and he lets go of the rope and the iron maiden slams shut and kills the guy and stabs his eyes out and it’s AWESOME 10/10 best depiction of both the wrath of cats and motherly love i’ve ever seen you don’t have to read it tho i just told you all the good parts
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meta about her relationships?
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on
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Alright let’s start with the relationship she has with her family, as it is rather significant. 
Being from an incredibly large royal family, Odette has to maintain a good relationship with most of them which is incredibly difficult with all the different opinions and sometimes even different religions (protestant vs catholic) and therefore it is usually that she treads carefully around the more distant relatives. Her more immediate family such as her parents is obviously a part of the family to which she is incredibly attached and she is very affectionate with the family members nearest to her and whom she regularly sees.A list of relatives she is closest with:
She adores her parents despite their attempts to get her to marry as she knows they are merely worried about her and has a good bond with them as she is quite aware they allowed her much more freedom than most royal parents. 
There is her second cousin Carolina with whom she has a special connections as both girls were abducted and cursed by the sorcerer von Rothbart. They cope with their traumatic experience together and have rarely been seen without the other nearby after the whole incident. Carolina is also Odette’s lady-in-waiting.
Then to be noted is her first cousin Johann. The two get on very nicely as they would often have the chance to play together as children whilst growing up and there was actually talk about having them marry after the whole issue with Derek, but both children objected to it with claim that it would feel like marrying a sibling. They still quite often visit the other and have sparring matches.
Next we have Sybille, also a second cousin, whom Odette supported after she requested an annulment because her husband was an extremely cruel man. Odette pulled strings to influence the pope to approve of the annulment and had her cousin stay with her in Austria whilst working on repairing her reputation.  After discrediting the former husband and putting him in bad daylight, Odette assisted her cousin in finding her a better husband and was later on bridesmaid in the wedding. They frequently write eachother letters until this day.
Odette has very few platonic relationships with people that are not family due to the fact that she doesn’t consider just any acquaintance a friend and because she is a princess/queen, she is hyper aware of the fact that many people she meets have been encouraged to befriend her for political or social advantages. Therefore at the times where none of the family she was close with was at the palace, Odette was a rather lonely child due to lack of sincere friends. Though as she grew up, she managed to make a few and after the curse, she became friends with the other swanmaidens.
list of sincere friends Odette has:
Marie, daughter of the majordomo. Marie at first was quite reluctant towards Odette but they somehow managed to become friends after the princess voiced her displeasure over being treated as a pawn during the whole derek thing. Odette always lets Marie attend the balls thrown in the castle.
the ladies-in-waiting as well as former swan maidens:Adelheid, daughter of the burgrave of Nuremburg.Catharina,daughter of the duke and duchess of Amalfi.Anne,daughter of count and countess of SuffolkAll three mentioned above were also victims of von Rothbart and the girls all bonded in their captivity. After being freed, they became ladies-in-waiting to Odette and help eachother constantly with coping and other personal things. It would be unwise to insult one of the group because then they will all come after you.
Odette has had barely any romantic experiences and she can be quite guarded in this aspect of her relationship as she is aware that many a man would try to marry her for the riches and title of King Consort that comes along with Odette’s hand. As well as her beauty. Rarely is her intelligence noticed by those with hidden motives and she is always slightly suspicious of men who attempt to get closer to her right away. There is also the issue that Odette is not solely attracted to men, but also to women which sometimes puts her in a difficult position.Overall, Odette has experienced romantic feelings plenty times before and the closest thing she had to a romantic relationship is with Derek post-von Rothbart, but I usually don’t quite see them as a perfect fit and neither does my muse.
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headcanon: the ladies in waiting (former swan maidens)
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Carolina (22), daughter of the count of East-Frisia and Odette’s second cousin. Taken and cursed by von Rothbart a year and four months before Odette. She was reunited with her parents and became Odette’s first lady in waiting out of all the swan maidens.
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Anne (21), daughter of count and countess of Suffolk. Taken and cursed by von Rothbart a year before Odette. She was reunited with her parents but then went and became one of Odette’s ladies in waiting right after Carolina.
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Catharina (26), daughter of the duke and duchess of Amalfi. Taken and cursed by von Rothbart six months before Odette. She remained in Spain with her parents for two years before becoming a lady in waiting to Odette.
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Adelheid (18), daughter of the burgrave of Nuremburg. Taken and cursed by von Rothbart two years before Odette. She was reunited with her parents and too became Odette’s lady in waiting after spending a year with her family.
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