#Now Theo tells Stiles what happened in BH since he came back
mostly-vo1d · 4 years
Wait I have a steo wild hunt au that still gives us the why wouldn't I remember Stiles scene. Time travel.
Everything goes exactly as planned, the pack remembers and gets back Stiles. Stiles and Theo somehow end up fighting together when one of the riders gets both of them at the same time. But because magic is funny like that (read: whatever the dread doctors/the nogitsune did to them turns the hunt's train station dimension into wibbly wobbly timey wimey nonsense) they end up both alive 3 months earlier.
And promptly get taken separately by the wild hunt again.
So we not only get both of them being forgotten, we also get Theo being the one telling Stiles he was the only one who really remembered him.
#teen wolf#stiles stilinski#theo raeken#Steo#Also different train station angst: Stiles being oddly /comfortable/ there#This is before that conversation but Stiles knows they remembered him last time around#That even if it takes them longer it will still only be comparatively short for them#So all they can really do is wait it out because Stiles has already explored all 2point5 rooms of the station last time#And neither is/pretends to be unsettled enough to risk the portal again#Except that it's probably at least been a week for them and 'something should have happened by now'#Until then they've stayed away from actually talking about what happened and stuck to unimportant things#To keep away the boredom while waiting to be rescued#Now Theo tells Stiles what happened in BH since he came back#Either trying to gloss over That Scene because he's had a week to come to terms with the fact that the chance of them getting out is minima#(and he really doesn't want to be the person who makes Stiles lose faith in his friends /again/ after everything)#Or saving it for last because 'that clearly won't/hasn't worked so now what?'#And also 'what if our memories cancel each other out and no one remembers they're missing something in one direction or another?'#Idk if the pack does rescue them eventually or if they rescue themselves#(I refuse to let Theo go through the magical fire-y portal of doom)#Or if the wild hunt moves on to another town a few decades later and they only get out then#But the vibe at the end is#Slightly codependent because they're the only ones who really knew/remembered the other#And slightly distant to everyone else because no one is quite sure what to make of their change in dynamic
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usermischief · 3 years
It occurred to me way too late that the narrative we're given, via Scott, is bullshit. Plus you add with what Posey said about Scott screwing off. So I propose a new canon;
Scott lied about nearly everything and was tossed out of Beacon Hills after graduation. The pack didn't break up, Scott didn't just choose to leave he was unanimously tossed out by the others. Think about it.
Lydia only joined because Allison and Stiles and because it was safer to surround herself with pack than be alone since she had no idea what she was and with Jackson gone and her popularity she was a nobody.
Stiles was all in as Scott's best friend but the relationship obviously soured and by the end of the series Lydia and Stiles were the best friends.
Kira left, Isaac left, the twins suck and Malia, as a coyote, literally does not require a pack and can be on her own. Which she was trying to do if not for 6b (tho obviously after Scott got tossed put she did get her French men and her own independent storyline off screen thank christ)
And Scott screwed up so much. It would make more sense for Derek, who evolved, also to become a true alpha and reclaim his territory with his family and toss Scott out.
Which he would be in total right of considering what Scott continuously put him through. Derek was no angel but Scott was a narcissistic, hypocritical, dangerous mess.
So everything he's telling the kid is his own version of the story to recruit a new pack member because at the end he has not one.
Why didnt I mention Liam and Theo? Because Liam was only aligned with Scott out of desperation and semi forced and Theo, while no longer evil, gives off Peter level vibes and is probably playing the long game and waiting to strike him down for that sweet alpha power.
...I rewatched it during a hellish flu and I have so much regret
Like I always say: better late than never lol No, but you're right. Considering that (as hinted by the last episode) Scott is narrating the whole show, there are a lot of inconsistencies. There's also a lot of stuff happening that Scott a) never could've known about and b) don't make sense for the character who is doing them (e.g. the speech Derek's giving to the idiot twins, or Derek saying he came back to BH for Scott.... I mean, really?).
We also learn that Scott doesn't know a lot about Stiles' (his supposed "best friend" since kindergarten(?)), which again, brings into question how attentive Scott really is (so, if people told him the stuff he's later recounting to the kid, how much is true, and how much did he change because he just doesn't know/doesn't remember/remembers incorrectly?).
JD shot himself in the foot when he hinted that Scott is the (unreliable) narrator of Teen Wolf because that brought into question everything that was said/that happened on this show.
Also, agreed. Derek should've become the True Alpha after evolving because that would've made so much more sense. He was an alpha, fucked it up, sacrificed his alpha spark to save Cora's life and after almost losing everything, he comes back stronger than ever. That's a proper arc.
(Also also, that bloody coyote should've been tossed from the show before she had a chance to become an actual character. )
And why would you do this to yourself? Watching that hot mess with a fever doesn't sound like a good idea! I hope you're feeling better now! 💖
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whoishisaribi · 5 years
Hi! I love steo fanfics! I just finished rereading Stain in the basement, wich is amazing, and I would like to ask you about the ending. I know the end was supossed to be up to imagination, but I would like to know your take on it. When you where writing, what did you imagined happening? Was the being that appeared to Theo really Stiles? Where those journals really Stiles's? What was the language they were written on? I'm sorry for the size of this ask, your story really impressed me!
Hello! It’s been a while since someone even asked me about my fics without me coming at them first, so I’m really surprised and glad you came! Also, tumblr didn’t show me the ask and I only noticed it yesterday, so yeah, sorry for kinda late response! Aaand, glad you liked it, yay! Don’t be sorry for the size of an ask, I’m happy anyway, yeah \awkwardly waves hands\
This chunk of a story, what happened to Stiles and so on, was left aside because I understood it should be a 20k+ fic and I won’t be able to crunch it in a week. But I’ll come back to it eventually! Though I’ll answer your curiosity, yay
This thing was highly inspired by the movie Wake Wood, which has Pet Sematary vibes with bringing the dead back and so on. So at first, I didn’t know what exactly happened to Stiles, I knew he died, but he was tied to the house because his father lived here. Then I watched the film and the plot changed slightly. So, Noah Stilinski, is, in simple words, a witch. He’s as magic as one can get. And he knew about the Nemeton and other powers that live in the forest.
When Stiles was three, he fell from the tree and broke his neck. Claudia, who looked away for like a second, was devastated. Noah took Stiles’ body, told Claudia to calm down and left. He knew the ritual, that allowed reviving people. So when he came back almost in the morning, Stiles was alive, covered in dirt and blood, but a bit out of it. He explained Claudia in a hushed voice, that he’ll be ok in the morning, and won’t remember a thing.
At that time she was just relieved, and Stiles didn’t act any different from how he usually was. He died a few more times by sheer accident, but without a fail, Noah brought him back.
And then FTD stroke and Claudia lost it. She killed him at least three times by the time Noah managed to put her in Eichen. Noah said and believed these resurrections didn’t really affect Stiles, but he was wrong - Stiles was just good at not showing it. He really didn’t remember how he died, and how he was resurrected, but something was bothering him and yeah.
In his teenagehood, he died like two or three times. Also, it was like 80th, and BH was small, so even if people saw his dead body, they didn’t really question him being fine and dandy the next day. At least, they didn’t dare to question it out loud.
“Sometimes children are just not meant to live long enough to see adulthood,“ Finstock once muttered, when he helped Noah deal with Stiles right before he went to the college. The kid managed to fall during the lacrosse practice, and, let’s say he’s really good at falling dead. And Finstock had his guesses (also I’m all for Sheriff/Finstock, but shhh, this isn’t the thing here).
Noah just shrugged and proceed washing the blood from Stiles’ hairs.
And then Donovan happened. He came for Sheriff but noticed Stiles as well. Stiles burned him, but couldn’t kill - even though he wanted to. He also called an ambulance and died three minutes before arriving in the hospital.
Now, that’s the time we talk about the ritual. It allows one to bring you the dead person back, but only if it’s been less then 21 hours since their death. The sheriff was unconscious for five days, and Finstock was out of the town.
The ritual advices deeply against even attempting something after 21 hours, before there are too many things that could go wrong. But Noah didn’t care, he didn’t let the death take his son for twenty years, he won’t let it take him again.
Stiles did come back, but he was wrong. Because of all resurrections, he dealt with at his earlier age, his character stayed almost the same. It’s just, he stopped being human. He didn’t age, sometimes he just dissolved in thin air to appear a few days later in the same place without even knowing he lost time. He was physical, anyone could touch him, but also he was too cold and wrong to feel comfortable while doing it.
He thought of himself as a spirit though, and Noah didn’t know enough to tell what he was. And being a spirit, or thinking of himself being one, he haunted Donovan, didn’t allow him to die and made him suffer in constant pain of burns and being unable to move. You know, fun stuff.
So when Noah died Stiles kind of lost one of his anchors, and he only haunted Donovan for some time, before Theo moved to the house.
After Donovan’s death, Stiles kinda disappeared again, but Noah managed to learn about his state a bit more in twenty years he coexisted with something like Stiles. That’s who wrote journals - Noah. Some of them were Claudia’s, but they didn’t have anything useful, aside from her falling into madness. There was one Stiles’ journal, but it also didn’t have anything to do with magic, mostly there were to-do lists and so on.
Noah’s journals are more interesting though. They all are written in English, because even though I do like the Polish Stilinskis idea, Polish isn’t the Slavic language I know lol
So in these journals, he wrote about magic. How he wanted to teach Stiles, and how he couldn’t because death would skew his spark into the void, which is completely different magic. Then he described revival ritual. Buty the body under the nemeton’s roots, spill the blood over it, you know, nothing special. And then wait till the dead would just dig their way out.
He also explored everything he could about Stiles’ current undead state. He can’t come back to live anymore, but he can come as close as stopping disappearing, but Noah couldn’t do the needed ritual himself, and they had a big argument with Finstock because of that. So Theo’s gonna use it and yeah.
Also yeah, the ghost who appeared before Theo was Noah, not Stiles, sorry!
I’m not sure how to finish this plot for steo yet, because, I guess, Theo would somewhat resurrect Stiles, he’ll also be more undead, than alive, and he’d die for good as soon as Theo dies. Also, I guess they’ll move from house to house, repair it, sell, and deal with actual ghosts and other supernaturals living there! I still have some writing to do!
But only after I catch up with my other writing, haha...
thank you for reading my ramblings! \runs away awkwardly\
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