#Now Includes Ales Mansay!
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spoocys-glade-of-dreams · 1 year ago
Rayman Head Canons: Voice Claims
So a little note before we begin, Rayman Retold had a few faces that were introduced in Rayman 2. I found out that The Great Escape (PS1) and Rayman Revolution (PS2) versions had completely different types of voice acting when it came to the English dubbing. A few of the credited voices had "Rayman 2," but not really anything specific. I'll have to rely on clips and I might not have much info on the voice actors in question.
Admiral Razorbeard:
I've changed the voice claim from when this post was first made. As much as I loved the previous one, I decided to go back to giving Admiral Razorbeard the voice he had in Rayman Revolution.
Razorbeard was going to be another major villain within the Rayman Retold Project I was working on. Despite his defeat, he was going to return sometime down the line alongside his wife.
Jano, The first Nightmare:
Jano actually has 2 voice claims: One when he speaks English, and one that is his native Nightmarish tongue.
For his English lines, I did research and my results were pretty empty. considering Jano actually had 2 English voice actors that depended on which version of Rayman 2 you played and they were VERY different voice portrayals.
Here's the differences between the Rayman 2 playstation games with Jano's English voice:
When Jano speaks English, it's the voice he had within Rayman Revolution, or the PS2 version. It's the language you hear him use the most when he's communicating with members of the glade that enter his lair.
Within Rayman Retold, his native tongue is a language only used by creatures of nightmare origin. It's mostly referred to as “Nightmarish” but doesn’t actually have an official name. for Jano, its the “Raymanese” voice sound effect he had from Rayman 2.
You don't normally hear Jano pulling the nightmarish language and the voice that goes with it unless he is in a fit of rage, or he’s attempting to corrupt those into his puppets.
Princess Barbara:
Ruth Connell. She was the voice for Princess Merida in video games and Sofia the First.
Ales Mansay the Teensie Magician
Jess Harnell.
I blame this on when I was shown scenes from Sophia the First, and when I was picking up Ales' Pig Latin voice lines from Origin one night. I couldn't unhear this since, and now I portray Ales with the same vibes and personality as Cedric.
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proto-jenna · 1 month ago
Been seeing a lot of Rayman headcanon posts, so I thought I'd share mine. This is about his world, and a few characters within it.
First off, every game is essentially a new universe. When the current god entity of the universe dreams, those dreams manifest into reality. Each dream is different from the last, but often similar. Similar enough that Rayman returns every time, but not necessarily everyone or everything else. Each time the universe changes, some things go missing, some things are added, and a lot of things change. None of the characters know this, and they go from game to game, universe to universe, blissfully unaware that anything changed.
For example, Rayman knows Betilla in R1. But in R2 Polokus dreams that Betilla is now Ly, and as far as Rayman remembers, she was always Ly. R3 rolls around, and Rayman has no recollection of either of them because they don't exist in that universe (I don't count Ly's statue easter egg, unless we're trying to make sense of Razorbeard's easter egg too). In Origins, suddenly Betilla's back and it's like she was there the whole time, now she's the one who created Rayman. Ly becomes a forgotten dream, someone nobody was sure ever existed.
Similarly, Polokus and the Bubble Dreamer are different iterations of the same god-entity whose dreams define the world. In R1 and RRR, the god-entity's dream didn't give itself a physical form, and instead is the world itself... or the heart of the world. I also think the god-entity intentionally avoided having a physical form to avoid the wrath of the rabbids.
In R3, the god-entity takes a low-profile physical form that no one would suspect: Mawpaws! Think about it, they can fly to seemingly anywhere, they're big and majestic, sparse and mysterious, and they're always magically there to pick you up if you fall (except for the final boss, which has the ONLY death pit in the entire game). I don't have any evidence for this one, I'm just Mawpaw-kin so I had to include this somewhere in here XD
On a related note, there is a canon connection between Rayman's world and our world, thanks to RRR2. I think Polokus and the Bubble Dreamer are also direct connections to our world, in that they are representations of the dev team; the irl people who literally dream up Rayman's world and make it a reality.
I also think the Magician(s) in Origins/Legends is another iteration of the Magician from R1. Initially I thought he might be another version of Mr Dark, but both the final and scrapped plot don't really support that. I think the Ales Mansay version of the Magician is just a teensie now. Why? Because the Bubble Dreamer dreamed it, and as far as anyone remembers, he was always a teensie. And also probably for the same reason that all playable characters besides Rayman and Globox are teensie re-skins in Origins; because the dev team focused their time and money on making levels, environment art, and fluid controls rather than fleshing out the world and its inhabitants... er, I mean because the Bubble Dreamer only had so much mental energy to dream, and spent it all on the world itself so all friendlies are teensies now.
I think a lot of friend characters don't show up after their debut game because they're never dreamt of again in the constantly changing universe. I think the Bubble Dreamer is always dreaming new things, so inevitably some dreams end up forgotten. In the same way that devs were probably encouraged to come up with new whimsical worlds and creatures to inhabit them with each new game, rather than bringing every minor character back over and over. All of this to say that Uglette and the Globox kids were forgotten dreams, since she was cut from the final game.
Which means, in Origins/Legends, Globox and Rayman are lovers. Sorry, I don't make the rules. They share the same conception of life in polite society, their taste in music, dance, and the arts in general. A friendship grew to legend, and a legend grew to myth. Nothing could keep these two apart. No one gets THAT close to someone without exploring each other's bodies, come on.
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rayman-chibi · 2 years ago
(Disclaimer: please read the reblogs on this post for any updates)
... it is time.
Long ago, on February the 7th, 2023, the great @raygirlramblings had held a tournament for the villains of the Rayman franchise in order to postpone the titular hero's fights against them.
And now... the day has come.
Not only are we celebrating love on Valentine's Day, we will also be starting our celebration of the VICTORY of Admiral Razorbeard, antagonist of Rayman 2, via an art collab of the chaos and turmoil he himself had went through!
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And so, as someone who voted for Mr Dark, I say we accept our losses and work together on this set. There will be tears, there will be bloodshed, there will be... whatever other gross liquids that tend to come out of anyone's bodies... BUT! It will be done.
Here's the deal:
One slot for each villain. Each artist who volunteers to draw a villain under the "main slots" list must contribute to drawing said villain. They can also choose to draw more than one villain if they do please. Simple. As. That. There will also be an "optional slots" list below the "main slots" list, where they're not required to be included in the final product, but they ARE there as extra challenges for you guys. So go ahead! Let's do this thing!!!!!!
Main Slots:
Admiral Razorbeard - @claraknight
Mr Dark - @rayman-chibi
Ringmaster Rigatoni - @turquoisephoenix
André - @lexintothenex
Reflux - @pixelsjoy
Rabbids - @hot-topic-rblx
Ales Mansay - @11cleyva
Raymesis - @generalfoxy21
Optional Slots:
Bad/Dark Rayman (1) - @limblesswanderer
Detective Grub - @raygirlramblings
Henchman 800 - @ardate
Jano - @theevilmrdork
Bad/Dark Rayman (M/Arena) - @mimi-meme
Count Razoff - @eph1999
Professor Barranco III - @generalfoxy21
Dark Teensie clones - Wannakickpayo (Instagram)
Darktoon - @y-make-art
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theevilmrdork · 3 years ago
Ales Mansay
Send a character
(note that im going to be treating him as a separate character from the original Magician so if you want to send him too that’s fine!)
First impression:
for first FIRST impression, i had no idea who the hell he was when i played Origins blind for the first time a couple years ago because i’d never seen a Raymond game in my life before then (though i think i thought he was cute). for my first impression once i was seeing him again he was my absolute favorite because he was comically evil XD
Impression now:
stupid idiot who deserves to have his nose honked. love him even more now thanks to dark magician au, which me and @silverstarsheep have been working on for... at least two months now XD
Favorite moment:
literally just seeing him at the end of every level. i’d specifically be like “vwoop, here he comes!” every time i saw him slide in lmao- the dance in The Reveal is also fun, but i think him Appearing sticks in my brain the most cuz it happens constantly. his dialogue in certain levels is also v good but at that point i might as well just say his entire existence is my “favorite moment” XD
Idea for a story:
Ales being dragged along with Rayman for a level (or multiple) by riding in his hoodie is an idea i had foreeeeever ago and i still think it’d be fun, especially with all the potential banter XD
could also be fun for him to interact with the M/ario characters if you had the R/abbids crossover actually include the Raymond side of things like it should’ve
also for Dark Magician specific stuff it’d be fun for him to interact with Betilla or player characters who aren’t Ray during Origins because god knows who would or wouldn’t believe him. AND interacting with the Antitoons but that’s just a Mr. Dark story in general
Unpopular opinion:
the ‘simping for Dark’ thing is repetitive and samey and sometimes even revokes any other personality traits Ales might otherwise have when some people do it. i know people like it, but i feel like it’d be more fun to play with if he just... has a strong admiration for Dark because he’s stronger and bolder than him 
(especially if you go with Ales having been the limbless Magician because he was literally HIDING for all of R1 and then still runs away during Origins AND Legends)
...also Dark Magician au kinda broke it for me because Mr. Dark and Ales are the same person in that case XD
Favorite relationship:
absolutely no clue!!!! he pretty much has none in canon aside from like. Raymond’s surprise enemy, though i do like the idea that he and Betilla in particular hate each other to contrast with the Magician being good friends with her, same person or not
Favorite headcanon:
...does all of Dark Magician au count? i guess not- then uh... i dunno really, i cant think of anything particular to teensie Ales that doesn’t just overlap with Dark XD
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spoocys-glade-of-dreams · 1 year ago
Captain Laserhawk Universe Fan Lore Time!
Utopia is a walled off, highly secure city that rose where Los Angeles once stood in California. It's considered the safest city within the ruins of America. They have many strict rules and laws. They also heavily control who comes in and out of the city.
Utopia is run by a character referred to as The Mayor. The Mayor was The Limbless Magician from Rayman 1 days, and was Rayman's father figure back on Dimension X. Rayman is unaware that his father survived and does not know the identity of The Mayor. Eden lied to him about the guy and painted him as harsh and unwilling to come to reasonable negotiations, when in reality he was willing to give up everything just to have the chance to reunite with Rayman.
Eden would open holes to Dimension X often. Rayman was not the first Dimension X refugee to hop out of those holes. The Mayor would screen any of the refugees that came to Utopia and offer them a place to stay. These include various characters such as Ales Mansay who now works as the mayor's personal secretary, and Globox.
The heart of the world was destroyed back on Dimension X. Betilla and Ly were able to recover only a portion of the power before they and the other nymphs vanished without a trace. The Mayor believes the fairies may have faded because of the loss of magic in the world, thus making him a widower. He took that portion of the heart of the world's power and fled to the dimension where The Captain Laserhawk story takes place. The heart of the world fragment being a power source for Utopia.
The power source of Utopia gives a portion of magical power back to the refugees of Dimension X when exposed to it. The core is heavily secure. The power it gives also allowed them to build the city quickly and fortify it greatly. They have enough fire power to take out Eden if the mayor's hand is forced. This is why Eden seeks to partner with Utopia. Not only to save their skins, but to also have all that firepower to themselves.
The Mayor is Murfy's boss. He is the one who funds Murfy's resistance group. He sent Murfy to Eden to act as a spy and help thwart the corrupt officials. Murfy would also relay information on Rayman to him.
When Rayman would assume the Ramon identity, take out the board of directors, and save bullfrog, The two would receive a very strange calling card from the greenbottle, inviting them to meet with him and join his resistance group.
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spoocys-glade-of-dreams · 10 months ago
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Rose Quartz: Who do they love?
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Besides his family and his brother Globox, canon Rayman has his son Lucas over at @pktearsoftazmily and a daughter, Pearl, over at @gorgonacorali's blog. He would also gain a daughter in the form of Lumlight in his ship with Raymona.
Being a multi-ship muse, he has a few ships: including Raymona, @gorgonacorali's Naida, and he is planned to have a relationship with with @pvachypessa's Princess Peach.
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CLH Rayman's only family when he fled Dimension X was Raymona. Through Raymona, he would be introduced to Murfy and Floyd, who would become like his brothers. He will also reunite with his brother, Globox, with time. He eventually discovers that his father survived and fled from Dimension X. He cherishes his family dearly.
He would adopt a son with Raymona in the form of @pktearsoftazmily's Lucas, and he's gained an adopted daughter with Nadia in the form of Pearl.
Still the multi-ship muse, He has partners in the form of Raymona, @badxsshottiexllie's Ellie, @gorgonacorali's Nadia, and he will eventually gain one with @pvachypessa's Peach.
He also gains a twin in the form of @rayheroism's CLH Rayman. He considers him a brother already!
Floyd not only adores his older sister, Merideth, but he's in a loving relationship with the CLH version of Murfy.
They have been dating for a few years now and their bond is tight. They rarely fight and cherish each other dearly.
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Raymona loves each and every one of the lums she creates as one of her children. She also views Murfy as a brother figure and is very close with him. She adores her children Lumlight and @pktearsoftazmily's Lucas
Raymona's usually paired with Rayman as a partner, but for threads that have Rayman shipped with someone else, there are rumors running around that she's got eyes for Ales Mansay, the Teensie Magician and her friend from the Magic Academy.
Murfy's found out that she may have started falling for @rayheroism's Rayman.
For CLH Raymona, She has her family circle in the form of Murfy, Floyd, and Rayman. She would eventually pursue a relationship with Rayman. She would adopt a son with Rayman in the form of @pktearsoftazmily's Lucas.
Raymona would end up with 2 Raymans in her life when @rayheroism 's Rayman was brought to their dimension. The Rayman she grew up with would remain her best friend while the other would become her boyfriend. They are currently taking care of a hybrid lizard child that Rayman named Theo.
For the times Rayman is shipped with someone else, Raymona will sometimes talk about a person who lives in Utopia and works as the Mayor's secretary. Murfy will comment that the two are very close and will talk to each other often through the use of video calls.
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