#Novo Alliance
nnn-lll-nnn · 10 months
how fares the xanxon army?
1RST OCT 16TH 1975 2 ARG
THE XANXON ARMY is a part of the larger Xanxon Military, specifically the ground forces. It is the greatest fighting force in the I.T.C.G.[A.]'s records and the largest, not only Intertimelinally but also proportionally speaking, relative to the Xanxon Military, it remains the largest branch.
The following is a list of all actions pertaining in relation to the Xanxon Army, as a service record and a log of all actions considered even remotely noteworthy, since January 1 1rst, 1975 2 ARG, from the Dayi Operation on Dazaan, to the present day [16OCT1-1975-2ARG].
###DTL--- [On January 1 1rst,] Xanxon ambassadors meet with General Ryan Ponitownolskiy, of the pro-Xanxon forces, in Warsaw Poland, Dt.A.L..
###DZN--- Just a mere two or so weeks [13-14ds] prior to the Invasion of [REDACTED], Xanxon forces, some 36,000 elite troopers, assaulted the small town of Dayi during the identically named operation. In spite of being outnumbered by the roughly 155k Imperium troops, they were able to so nobly push the invaders out, however this would only be so long lived naturally, as by the 14th enemy reinforcements arrived and crushed the forces present with some over 300,000 hostile personnel piling onto the much smaller force of highly trained Xanxon troopers, who pulled back out of necessity.
###SDW--- On January 1 14th, the Xanxons commence their Invasion of [REDACTED], which seems some rather immediate success, however, after the cruel war crimes committed by the Imperium, and their overwhelming numbers, Xanxon forces were forced to fall back at and after the key and decisive battles, of Carcass Ridge and The Lublin District Pocket, see below comments upon this document for further clarification regarding this campaign. Afterwards, the Xanxon Army was forced to retreat off-world, having dealt heavy casualties, at least at a one to one ratio with the enemy, and unto him they struck.
###WRD--- (Various minor conflicts).
###DTL--- After repeated Imperium aggression, the cowardly evil of Markovich struck again, and this time during Operation Sodium, an Imperial plan to crush Xanxon and local resistance efforts by eliminating most of our leadership, and by capturing or killing General Relek, who, contrary to official Imperium statements, is not guilty of any such war crimes as he is currently being accused of.
###DTL--- On Nov. 16, 2009 D.t.A.L. Local Time, various Bari/Batti-Class Nation(alist) heroes in Europe launched a gracious military coup takeover against the decadent democracies in Britain, France etc., following Ivan Morozov's decision to side with the Xanxons, and save his country of Russia from the clutches of Imperium "freedom". Likewise, General Jeac Ben Venice of France had also decided he'd have had enough of the Imperium's false promises and lies and oppression.
###GSH--- Following this, the opening of the front in January, then by April of the 1rst ARG Cycle, and in April of the GSH's year 2020, our heroes successfully took Leyai City against the evil Soviet and American Imperialist forces. This grand, great and sweeping counteroffensive action had just coincided with many events on the rest of the Interntimelinal Plane.
###T71--- {{AZR-K-15.-8}} It was here that the Imperium failed to even begin occupied the Trinity Seven Dash One world, as we had just quite simply beaten them to it.
###T72--- Minor clashes and an alliance with the Triangleheads had just begun by this point in time.
###DNG--- Likewise, Dazaan had just completely fallen. The Xanxon Army had crushed the evil forces of the Imperium here as well. Predominantly in Asiatic environs.
###DTL--- It was around this point that a massive, full scale Invasion of the DTAL United States has begun, and they lost their capitol very rapidly.
###DTL--- Fortunes for the devilish continued, however, as an equally despicable Empire had just arrived, invading through Germany. What followed was a lengthy and costly struggle. From early to mid December, up until March 1rst of next year (2010), this Empire would fight, as they did in Germany, and in France, and in Poland, and in Berlin, and in Italy, and in Madrid, and in Vladivostok, and in Saint Petersburg, and as in Manchuria, and all before Markovich had committed serious and completely ignored by the community war crimes, achieving a rather speedy victory.
###GSH--- A long, lengthy and complex war had just begun. Following various actions, Interntimelinal World War One had just begun. And it would be bloody, as on the battlefield we had played honorably, and they had just returned that honorable nature with a show of barbaric force and pure malicious evil, trampling upon every single agreement they had signed, promised and had sworn upon. We had to eventually accept a negotiated settlement, which had granted us most of what we had wanted in exchange for peace, simply because we had just slaughtered that many. And it is this settlement that we can indeed consider a victory.
###KRG--- We had joined in upon the imperials in fighting for what they claim and what we prove to be our objective, and that is the rules by which we as responsible hlGl geostrategic citizens must indeed quite follow. And so he had joined upon even unto this dearest conflict.
###2BT--- After repeated attacks, our rather quite slightly troubled ally of Ner was just plain forced to invade Preska, an evil regime, however, by now after August and September, the war had mellowed out in Preska.
###WRD--- It was there, during the heroic and altogether futile fighting in Manchuria, that the enemy had unleashed such terrible weaponry systems and am entire race of such Insectoids as defined by Aichi. We had begun to secure victory by this point, however.
###WRD--- Various conflict, all minor, occured by this point.
###XXE--- And yet it was within our own Empire, that traitors have just tried to seize and secure their ill-gotten power. And yet it is the heroic and impossibly good Xanxon Army who had stopped these terrorists dead in there tracks.
Many conflict are still ongoing, and we are always innovating and improving.
We yet look forward even unto November.
(Note, some materials contain the listing of '1975 1', and this is an error, and or indicates oversimplification. Presently, we are in DASH TWO, 1975 ARG time, or the SECOND repeat proper in the year. And it is of this year that we are currently in the Month of OCTOBER, 16th day, FIRST [MONTH] CYLCE OF OCTOBER. And it is of this that there are currently a remaining FOUR Cycles of the year before we enter DASH THREE, then all months repeat five times, before we enter DASH FOUR, and then all months repeat for the second last time, as we enter DASH FIVE, and one last cycle happens before we enter 1976 DASH ONE.).
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ncfcatalyst · 1 year
Unity Day Story: Irreconciled differences no more
The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools. ― Thucydides As our readers know, the student body of New College has changed quite a bit in all aspects. Returning NCF veterans now see a stream of fresh-faced athletes decked out in Gym-shark enjoying the ping pong tables at the Hamilton “Ham” Center. How are all these…
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catalystrelay · 1 year
Petition for Emory University to reconsider the tenure of Mark Bauerlein, one of the DeSantis appointed Board of Trustees members of New College. The details on why his tenure should be reconsidered are contained in the letter.
Please consider signing it, it is a chance to strike back at one of the people aiding in the destruction of academic freedom in Florida.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
As the Kursk offensive heads into its second week, Ukrainian forces now claim to control nearly 30 Russian villages comprising 1,000 square miles of Russian territory. In a meeting with security advisers at his residence in Novo-Ogaryovo on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin directed his ire at Ukraine’s sponsors, claiming, “The West is fighting us with the hands of the Ukrainians.” The Kursk offensive marks a significant escalation in the two-and-a-half-year-long conflict. 
So, what are some of the broader implications of the Kursk offensive? 
A few observations:
The Kursk offensive highlights, among other things, the inherent risk of what I would call “non-allied allyship.” Washington has no treaty of alliance with Ukraine, yet the Biden administration persists in acting as though Ukraine is not just a treaty ally—it acts as though Ukraine’s survival in the form it took for three short decades (1992–2022) is essential to the national security of the United States. Washington’s granting of non-allied allyship to Ukraine has led Kiev to act in ways that are detrimental to its own survival—including through Kiev’s refusal to implement agreed-upon provisions of the Minsk Accords, which, if implemented, would probably have demonstrated to the Russians that waging a war of choice was unnecessary.
The Kursk offensive also shows, once again, that the idea that “if the Russians are not stopped in Ukraine they will go on to conquer Eastern Europe” is patently absurd. Russia could not conquer Kiev in 2022 and has been fighting a costly war of attrition even since. 
Russia remains, however, the world’s leading tactical nuclear power, and as such Ukraine’s raid on Kursk puts it and its military and financial backers, including the US and NATO member states, at risk for retaliation.
Despite the success of the incursion and the loss of prestige suffered by Russia, it is important to remember that, on balance, Ukraine is losing the war. According to a new report in the Financial Times, “The amount of territory captured by Russian troops since early May is nearly double that which Ukraine’s military won back at heavy cost in terms of lives and military materiel with its summer offensive a year ago.”
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meteor752 · 5 months
Who of the kids would win in a life series?
I actually haven't thought about this, but like I'm having just all the thoughts right now
Cause they all know the ins and outs of the series, every little loophole you'd be able to abuse, so knowledge-wise they're all on the same wavelength.
Liana has the Scar-licensed Silver tongue, but considering all the other kids know her and her tricks that ability wouldn't help her for too long. She does have the long-range advantage, being the only one skilled with the bow, but that's her only combat experience. Her odds are low
Wes is physically tanky, so he can both deal a lot of damage and take a lot of hits, but he’s also extremely anxious and would probably be afraid to hurt people. He also relies on his bulk, so heavy armor and shields isn’t his priority, meaning weak spots can easily be exploited. I doubt he’d win, but he’d make it a bit, possibly top three
Gertrude is a redstoner which means she’s capable of complicated traps, she’s a good physical fighter, and she has the advantage of being a fricking werewolf. Her biggest weakness is her own intelligence, mainly when it comes to logic reasoning, and let’s be honest here, trust. She’s quite easy to fool this one. So while she could possibly win the whole thing, she could also be the first one out lol.
Johnny is the son of two curses, so you know that’s not great. I mean, those curses are broken (was Tango’s curse broken? I can’t remember lol) but it’s still a disadvantage. Johnny is thought a fire demon, and can inflict second degree burns just by biting someone, and he’s also an animal wrangler and talented with both the lasso and whip. He does have the same problem as Wes, in that he doesn’t really wanna kill people. I don’t think he has the worst odds (unless he has the canary curse), so he could possibly make it to the top three.
Jassy wins. Just, no question, she wins. She’s a ninja and expert in many forms of combat, and she’s stealthy like it’s nobody’s business. And while she does care for her friends, she’s not afraid to kill them in cold blood to win. Jassy is the winner. Congrats anime girl
Jekiv is where things get complicated, because a very important question is posed. Does he get to keep his magic or not? Because if Jek has fricking necromancy, he’s winning. Like no shot. Jassy can be as talented as she wants, she’s not fighting an army of undead. But if he doesn’t have his magic, then Jekiv’s only option is an alliance with Wes, and even then he’s on thin ice.
Novo is not getting far. He’s small, frail, with negative charm and no self preservation. The only thing he’s got going for him is his unpredictably, something that will not get him very far. If Jekiv can’t use magic, then he might be the second one out, but if not then he’s out first, no doubt.
So the most probable order would be either
It is a little funny how Jek, Novo, and Liana are the children of the six winners, yet they’d be completely awful in these games lol
Also I am, heavily considering making actual traffic designs for them, like color indicators and all, so you know we’ll see if I get around to doing that
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
It's embarrassing to Putin that US intelligence is better than his own secret police at assessing the threat posed by ISIS inside Russia. And it's irresponsible of Putin not to have taken the US advisory seriously.
The US warned Moscow that ISIS militants were determined to target Russia in the days before assailants stormed the Crocus City Hall in an attack that killed scores of people, but President Vladimir Putin rejected the advice as “provocative.” Gunmen stormed the concert hall near Moscow on Friday, opening fire and throwing an incendiary device in the worst terrorist attack on the Russian capital in decades. Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack. Experts said the scale of the carnage – some of which was captured in video footage obtained by CNN showing crowds of people cowering behind cushioned seats as gunshots echoed in the vast hall – would be deeply embarrassing for the Russian leader, who had championed a message of national security just a week earlier when winning the country’s stage-managed election. Not only had Russian intelligence services failed to prevent the attack, they said, but Putin had failed to heed warnings from the United States that extremists were plotting to target Moscow.
Earlier this month, the US embassy in Russia had said it was “monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow,” including concerts, and it warned US citizens to avoid such places. US National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said the US government had “shared this information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding ‘duty to warn’ policy.” But in a speech Tuesday, Putin had blasted the American warnings as “provocative,” saying “these actions resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.” That stance came despite Russian authorities having reported several ISIS-related incidents within the past month.
Some of us may recall another time when the leader of a large country didn't take warnings of a terror attack seriously.
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Of course Putin is trying to blame the attack on Ukraine without providing any credible evidence. But anybody who seriously keeps an eye on terrorists understands that this attack was conducted by an ISIS related group. I mean, ISIS-K itself is openly taking credit for the Crocus City Hall rampage.
Russia and its predecessor the USSR have been angering Sunni Islamic militants for a long time. It doesn't take much for ISIS to get pissed off at you and Russia has been giving them lots of material.
The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 set off the forever war in that region.
Russian intervention in Syria where Putin has been propping up fellow dictator Bashar al-Assad since 2015.
Russia's de facto alliance with the Shi'ite régime in Iran has Sunni ISIS enraged; they consider Shi'ites to be heretics.
Russia's growing involvement in Africa puts it at odds with ISIS elements there – especially in the Sahel.
The Putin régime has been stepping up suppression of religions other than Orthodox Christianity in Russia.
Crocus City Hall, site of the shootings and fire, is in Krasnogorsk which is not terribly far from Putin's official suburban residence in Novo-Ogaryovo. In a direct line, the two are about 9 miles/14.4 km apart; that's the distance between downtown Chicago and the nearest suburb Oak Park. According to Google Maps, it's a 25 minute ride.
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I bring this up because it was reported...
President of Russian Vladimir Putin conveyed get-well wishes to victims via Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova. He did not address the nation himself.
When the late Yevgeny Prigozhin was headed to Moscow with his mutineers last year, Putin apparently fled to the Saint Petersburg area. If the most senior official available just after the Crocus attack was a deputy prime minister, that may be an indication that Putin and other senior figures were headed out of town during the crisis.
Just one more observation: Crocus City Hall was the venue for Donald Trump's 2013 Miss Universe contest.
Crocus City Hall: The Trump-linked venue that's now the scene of a deadly IS attack
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ask-wisteria · 2 years
Prince Seastar, do you prefer the ocean, land or sky?
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Old vs new Prince Seastar!
"Land, Sea, Air. All are home to Equestria and its creatures. How could one such as I, love one more than the other?" ((secretly he actually likes the land the most. It is most accessible to other creatures.))
His design is one of the most changed as you can tell! Being the son of Queen Novo and Queen Celestia, he is smart, cunning, and a good "chess player" if you will in terms of manipulation. However, his goals are the best for Equestria, and its alliances. He can come off cold and doesn't have much of a sense of humor. But he makes up for it by devising strategy and coming up with amazing legislation. Heir to the throne, Equestria worships him for his determination to help and unite the other races.
Queen Novo and Celestia were an arranged marriage after Seaponies and Hippogriffs still held mistrust and an old grudge against pony kind. So the two married to unite their nations. As well as to make it easy to protect Seaquestria in its revival. During this, when Tempest and Luna were falling in love, Celestia was envious of her sister's relationship. But over time, she and Novo did fall for each other and had Seastar eventually.
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Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, join Bulgarian military allies during a live-fire tank shoot firing the first ever rounds fired by a U.S. M1A2 tanks in Bulgaria at Novo Selo Training Area, Bulgaria, June 25. Transported as part of a tank section from Germany to Bulgaria, the Abrams tank will be used by soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 69th Armor Regiment, alongside Bulgarian soldiers from the 6th Brigade Battle Group, during a live-fire exercise during Operation Speed and Power during Kabile 15 as part of Atlantic Resolve-South. Operation Speed and Power is a joint training exercise which demonstrates U.S. Army Europe's preparedness to deliver strategic effect in Atlantic Resolve-South by showcasing the freedom of movement to maneuver and fire M1A2 Abrams anywhere along the Eastern Flank. This ability enables the NATO allies to defend themselves against all threats, and shows that the alliance remains ready to defend itself anywhere at any time. (U.S. Army photos by Spc. Jacqueline Dowland, 13th Public Affairs Detachment)
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nnn-lll-nnn · 9 months
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In an official press statement, General Hrixien of the devilish Xanxon Armed Forces, stated that all Xanxon forces south of an undisclosed line would be pushing upwards, into the relatively desolate and empty northern section of the country, although experts warn this could simply be a new[er] strategic posturing, as opposed to an outright rout.
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ncfcatalyst · 2 years
New alumni board will operate outside the New College Foundation
A group of alumni have begun the process of starting a new board independent of the New College Alumni Association (NCAA), with the primary goal of separating from the New College Foundation. Although the average student’s tenure on New College’s campus only lasts four years, the community formed in that time lasts much longer. A primary way that alumni stay connected with one another is through…
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internexumbr · 11 hours
Futuro das tecnologias espaciais. A tendência - e por que ela é importante
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A rápida redução dos custos tecnológicos na última década resultou em um aumento na viabilidade e relevância das tecnologias espaciais. Custos menores, atribuíveis à redução no tamanho, peso e necessidades energéticas de satélites e veículos de lançamento, levaram a um crescente número de lançamentos e aplicações para tecnologias espaciais. Testemunhamos o surgimento da conectividade de internet via satélite em larga escala - pioneiramente desenvolvida pela Starlink, da SpaceX, com mais de 5.000 satélites em órbita terrestre baixa (LEO) - e um aumento no envolvimento do mercado privado e inovação em veículos de lançamento. O crescente número de casos de uso também atraiu a atenção e o investimento de empresas não ligadas à tecnologia espacial, que veem uma série de oportunidades nas áreas de conectividade remota, observação da Terra em diversas frequências, entre outras. As receitas da "espinha dorsal" da indústria - ou seja, provedores de hardware e serviços espaciais - podem potencialmente crescer para mais de 750 mil milhões de dólares até 2035, mas a adoção de diferentes tecnologias espaciais varia amplamente. Enquanto algumas tecnologias estão implantadas e se expandindo rapidamente, muitas atividades da futura indústria espacial, como mineração espacial e fabricação em órbita, ainda estão em estágio inicial e terão que navegar por uma série de obstáculos tecnológicos e geopolíticos nos próximos anos.
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Desenvolvimentos recentes
Os desenvolvimentos recentes envolvendo tecnologias espaciais incluem:
- Crescimento contínuo das constelações de comunicações de satélites LEO. Constelações de satélites LEO estão em vários estágios de planejamento e implantação, com múltiplas empresas lançando e implantando constelações para uso comercial e governamental. Após apenas alguns anos de operação comercial, a Starlink viu um rápido crescimento em 2023, alcançando mais de 2,3 milhões de assinantes em mais de 60 países e lançando novos satélites em órbita a cada poucos dias. Potenciais concorrentes, como o Project Kuiper da Amazon, estão testando seus produtos na esperança de introduzir serviços comerciais em breve.
Interesse e expansão esperada da conexão direta para dispositivos continua. Após o lançamento da conexão de emergência direta para dispositivos (D2D) da Apple em seu iPhone, as empresas aumentaram seu foco nessa tecnologia para ampliar sua cobertura em áreas remotas. A SpaceX concluiu testes bem-sucedidos em parceria com a T-Mobile. A Viasat e a Skylo anunciaram a primeira rede D2D global do mundo, tendo como clientes-alvo indústrias como agricultura, mineração e logística.
Aumento da atividade global de lançamentos. A empolgação e atenção sobre lançamentos continuaram em 2023, com uma estimativa de 223 tentativas de lançamentos contra 186 em 2022, um aumento de 20%. A maioria desses lançamentos é de empresas baseadas nos EUA, principalmente a SpaceX. No entanto, houve um aumento significativo na atividade de outros países, como França e Índia, que estão começando a investir mais em exploração e envolvimento espacial. A estreia do Vulcan Centaur - um novo foguete movido a metano da United Launch Alliance - no início de 2024 marcou o início de duas missões de certificação, adicionando uma nova alternativa de lançamento ao mercado.
Atividade lunar continuou nos setores público e privado. Em janeiro de 2024, o Japão concluiu com sucesso o primeiro pouso lunar do país e o mais preciso do mundo até então. Este evento representa o interesse expandido em pousos lunares em diferentes geografias entre as esferas pública e privada. Uma série de empresas privadas, como Astrobotic Technology e Intuitive Machines, têm se concentrado fortemente na construção de módulos de pouso lunar, com o Odysseus da Intuitive Machines conseguindo pousar a primeira nave espacial dos EUA na Lua desde 1972. A NASA recentemente selecionou a Intuitive Machines, junto com a Lunar Outpost e a Venturi Astrolab, para avançar as capacidades do veículo de terreno lunar para os astronautas da Artemis, permitindo que eles conduzam pesquisas científicas na Lua e se preparem para futuras missões a Marte.
A integração de ofertas em soluções de ponta a ponta é impulsionada pelo aumento do interesse de setores não ligados à tecnologia espacial. As empresas de tecnologia espacial estão cada vez mais focadas em fornecer soluções de ponta a ponta (E2E) à medida que o mercado amadurece e os clientes, particularmente as empresas, exigem integração perfeita com sua infraestrutura existente e menos complexidade na implementação. Vemos isso através de parcerias únicas entre empresas de tecnologia espacial (como aquelas que oferecem tecnologia D2D ou análise de sensoriamento remoto) e empresas em indústrias como mineração, agricultura e sustentabilidade que buscam soluções tanto de hardware quanto de software. Por exemplo, a Planet Labs tem contratos com a Swiss Re e outras seguradoras para usar seus satélites e software para observar e fornecer análises para apoiar o seguro agrícola paramétrico.
"O espaço continua a acelerar na consciência pública, mas a adoção é desigual, e o financiamento está cada vez mais fluindo para os 'vencedores'. Progresso real está sendo feito para cumprir as promessas de 2020-21."
Jesse Klempner , sócio, Washington, DC
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Desenvolvimentos de adoção ao redor do globo
As ferramentas de tecnologia espacial são mais específicas para algumas indústrias e, portanto, experimentam níveis relativamente baixos de adoção relatada em todo o mercado mais amplo. Talvez não surpreendentemente, os entrevistados de empresas de energia e materiais e de telecomunicações, mídia e tecnologia relataram que estão escalando ou já escalaram mais do que outras indústrias, devido à centralidade da conectividade e do sensoriamento remoto nesses setores.
Dimensões de adoção
A trajetória de adoção para tecnologias avançadas varia para cada tecnologia e cada caso de uso dentro dessa tecnologia. Avanços ao longo das seguintes dimensões poderiam permitir o próximo nível de adoção:
A evolução tecnológica facilita o acesso mais fácil e a harmonização de dados espaciais e cria oportunidades para o surgimento de novos fluxos de receita. A melhoria da acessibilidade e usabilidade permite que players comerciais não ligados à tecnologia espacial abracem os dados espaciais, quebrando barreiras técnicas e fomentando casos de uso inovadores.
O aumento da demanda - por exemplo, através de requisitos regulatórios para observação de métricas-chave - poderia ser realizado por sensoriamento remoto baseado no espaço em uma gama mais ampla de verticais. Legislação substancial onde a verificação de emissões por terceiros é necessária ou benéfica, como o Regulamento de Desmatamento da UE, pode criar incentivos para que as empresas usem tecnologias baseadas no espaço para monitorar seu impacto ambiental. O crescimento da demanda também é possibilitado por um mundo cada vez mais conectado e móvel, gerando demanda por internet via satélite, serviços de posicionamento e navegação, e insights alimentados por IA e aprendizado de máquina para várias aplicações, incluindo resposta a desastres e detecção precoce de tendências.
Uma diminuição considerável dos custos de implementação para as empresas, auxiliada por uma maior integração E2E de dados, hardware, software e métodos baseados em ciência, permitiria que mais empresas acessassem a tecnologia, integrando não apenas dados de satélite, mas também outros insights relevantes. Por exemplo, pode ajudar no campo da sustentabilidade, com cálculos certificáveis de emissões de Escopo 3 ou necessidades de certificação.
Na vida real
Exemplos do mundo real envolvendo o uso de tecnologias espaciais incluem:
- A John Deere formou uma parceria comercial com a Starlink da SpaceX para trazer conectividade D2D para suas máquinas agrícolas. Isso permitirá novos recursos em máquinas novas e existentes, como compartilhamento de dados em tempo real, opções aprimoradas de autorreparo (por exemplo, suporte conectado e atualizações de software) e comunicação máquina a máquina para agricultores em locais remotos.
A Qatar Airways anunciou que começará a instalar o Starlink em aviões selecionados para Wi-Fi de passageiros. A empresa afirma que os clientes poderão alcançar velocidades de até 350 megabits por segundo, o que é mais rápido do que em muitas residências na América do Norte. Outras companhias aéreas que incorporam o Starlink incluem JSX, Hawaiian Airlines, airBaltic e ZIPAIR.
A Índia pousou com sucesso seu módulo lunar Chandrayaan-3 na Lua em agosto de 2023. Isso torna a Índia a quarta nação a pousar com sucesso uma nave espacial na Lua e a primeira a pousar no inexplorado lado sul.
Com a Estação Espacial Internacional atualmente programada para ser aposentada por volta do final de 2030, várias empresas comerciais estão competindo para construir e operar estações espaciais em órbita terrestre baixa.
O governo australiano contratou a empresa de análise geoespacial HawkEye 360 para usar seus satélites de sensoriamento remoto e análise de dados de radiofrequência em um programa piloto para detectar e prevenir atividades de pesca ilegal e não regulamentada nas Ilhas do Pacífico. A HawkEye 360 opera uma constelação de 21 satélites, com planos de expandir para 60 satélites até 2025.
A start-up de nanossatélites Fleet Space Technologies comprou participação na empresa de exploração mineral Thor Energy após levantar 33 milhões de dólares em sua rodada Série C em meados de 2023. Juntas, as empresas realizarão testes de exploração mineral usando a tecnologia ExoSphere da Fleet Space, que utiliza seus satélites e tecnologias de matriz sísmica para criar modelos 3D de locais de exploração mineral.
"Por tanto tempo, o espaço tem sido fascinante, mas distante da realidade. Agora, é uma das maiores influências em nossas vidas diárias - desde nos guiar em nossos deslocamentos diários até facilitar operações de socorro em desastres. As tecnologias espaciais permitem impacto na Terra."
Giacomo Gatto , sócio, Londres
Tecnologias subjacentes
As tecnologias espaciais fundamentais incluem:
- Pequenos satélites. Satélites pequenos modulares podem ser construídos sob medida - usando arquiteturas CubeSat e blocos de construção de tamanho padrão - para realizar uma variedade cada vez maior de missões.
Sensoriamento remoto. Imagens e monitoramento de espectro completo são usados para observar as características da Terra, como oceanografia, clima e geologia.
Avanços em SWaP-C. Reduções no tamanho, peso, potência e custo (SWaP-C) de satélites e veículos de lançamento aumentaram a relação custo-benefício da tecnologia espacial e casos de uso associados.
Avanços na tecnologia de lançamento. Avanços tecnológicos (por exemplo, design auxiliado por computador e ciências dos materiais), a reutilização de estruturas de propulsores e motores, o advento de novos veículos de lançamento pesado de menor custo e o aumento nas taxas de lançamento estão abrindo o acesso ao espaço. Vemos potencial para tecnologias de lançamento mais avançadas, como propulsão nuclear.
Tecnologias de conectividade avançada. Essas tecnologias, incluindo comunicações a laser, antenas escaneadas eletronicamente e operações de satélites automatizadas, devem progredir nos próximos anos.
Confira o artigo original na página 82 do mckinsey-technology-trends-outlook-2024.pdf, abaixo. Produzido pela McKinsey Digital / McKinsey amp; Company .
Principais incertezas
As principais incertezas que afetam o futuro das tecnologias espaciais incluem:
- A relação custo-benefício das tecnologias espaciais é necessária para permitir maior escalabilidade.
Os mecanismos de governança precisam definir melhor a alocação de direitos de uso de espectro e órbita para acomodar o número crescente de players, satélites e aplicações.
Os riscos cibernéticos, incluindo violações de dados, malware e outros ataques cibernéticos, estão crescendo em número e complexidade devido à proliferação de players comerciais.
Grandes questões sobre o futuro
As empresas e líderes podem querer considerar algumas questões ao avançar com as tecnologias espaciais:
Como os líderes podem definir direitos de propriedade e acesso ao espaço e Tecnologias de conectividade avançada. Essas tecnologias, incluindo comunicações a laser, antenas escaneadas eletronicamente e operações automatizadas de satélites, devem progredir nos próximos anos.
Principais incertezas
As principais incertezas que afetam o futuro das tecnologias espaciais incluem:
A relação custo-benefício das tecnologias espaciais é necessária para permitir maior escalabilidade.
Mecanismos de governança precisam definir melhor a alocação de direitos de uso de espectro e órbita para acomodar o número crescente de players, satélites e aplicações.
Os riscos cibernéticos, incluindo violações de dados, malware e outros ataques cibernéticos, estão crescendo em número e complexidade devido à proliferação de players comerciais.
Grandes questões sobre o futuro
Empresas e líderes podem querer considerar algumas questões ao avançar com tecnologias espaciais:
Como os líderes podem definir direitos de propriedade e acesso ao espaço e seus recursos?
Quais são as implicações de longo prazo da crescente dependência de tecnologias espaciais para infraestrutura crítica e segurança nacional?
Como as empresas podem equilibrar os benefícios das tecnologias espaciais com preocupações éticas e de privacidade?
Qual é o papel das parcerias público-privadas no avanço da exploração e utilização do espaço?
Como as empresas podem se preparar para os desafios e oportunidades apresentados pela comercialização do espaço?
Space: The $1.8 trillion opportunity for global economic growth, McKinsey, April 8, 2024.
Starlink's rapid growth and influence has made it an indispensable part of Elon Musk's SpaceX, CNBC, November 11, 2023.
Space activities in 2023, Jonathan McDowell, January 15, 2024.
NASA selects companies to advance moon mobility for Artemis missions, NASA press release, April 3, 2024.
How satellite data is changing agriculture insurance, Planet Labs, December 6, 2023.
John Deere announces strategic partnership with SpaceX to expand rural connectivity to farmers through satellite communications, John Deere press release, January 16, 2024.
Qatar Airways selects Starlink to enhance in-flight experience with complimentary high-speed internet connectivity, Qatar Airways press release, October 13, 2023.
Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft lands on the moon in 'victory cry of a new India', Reuters, August 23, 2023.
How India became the first country to reach the moon's south pole, Time, August 23, 2023.
HawkEye 360 working with the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency for greater maritime visibility in the Pacific Islands, HawkEye 360 press release, July 6, 2023.
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cxolanes · 24 days
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sulan1809 · 25 days
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Charlie Nash - O personagem mais injustiçado de Street Fighter
De todos os personagens de Street Fighter, o mais injustiçado de todos é Charlie Nash. O personagem é nomeado Nash em todas as iterações japonesas de Street Fighter, mas isso não vem ao caso. Parece que os produtores não curtiam muito o personagem e decidiram descartá-lo em Street Fighter Alpha 2. Em Street Fighter Alpha 3, Charlie retornou, embora a aparição dele não seja canônica naquele game, apenas para morrer outra vez... Para simplificar, Charlie era mentor e amigo de Guile, e a morte dele atiçou a fúria de Guile, que buscaria vingança contra Bison em Street Fighter II(Esse maldito Bison gosta mesmo de atrair inimizades).
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No final de Charlie em Street Fighter Alpha 2, ele é visto interrogando Bison, até o momento em que ele é atingido por disparos de um helicóptero, caindo cachoeira abaixo. Esse incidente foi o que motivou Guile a buscar vingança contra Bison em Street Fighter II.
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Em Street Fighter 5, Charlie retornou do mundo dos mortos por uma organização ainda mais megalômana que a Shadaloo, denominada Illuminati, no entanto, ele apenas retornou para ser humilhado outra vez. Charlie se sacrificou para ajudar a destruir M. Bison, de tal modo que Ryu pudesse derrotar o vilão de uma vez por todas. Parece que Charlie foi destinado a ser um herói trágico e desafortunado.
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Em Mortal Kombat, há um personagem que sofre quase dos mesmos problemas que Charlie Nash. Liu Kang sempre foi o protagonista de Mortal Kombat, no entanto, parece que os produtores estavam bêbados quando propuseram que Liu Kang fosse morto dentro de um game na franchise. Para resumir, a primeira morte canônica de Liu Kang ocorreu em Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, e ele permaneceu morto em Mortal Kombat: Deception e Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, aparecendo apenas como um zumbi. Com o reboot da franchise em 2011, Liu Kang retornou, apenas para morrer de novo. Ele foi assassinado por Raiden enquanto tentava impedir que Shao Kahn dominasse EarthRealm. Em Mortal Kombat XI: Aftermath, o personagem foi seriamente descaracterizado, e podia ser morto novamente caso os jogadores escolhessem Shang Tsung para enfrentá-lo na batalha final. É inadmissível esse desrespeito com Liu Kang!! Dado o tratamento duvidoso que o maior protagonista de Mortal Kombat recebeu ao longo dos anos, nem parece ser muito surpreendente que alguém dentro da NetherRealm Studios deseja ver Liu Kang extirpado absolutamente de Mortal Kombat para sempre...
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urbtnews · 2 months
Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine in Landmark Decision
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Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine in Landmark Decision. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 to overturn the 1984 Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council case. This decision ends the controversial Chevron doctrine. The case involved was Relentless Inc. v. Dept. of Commerce, argued alongside Loper Bright Enterprises, et al. v. Raimondo.  Download the URBT News App from your App store. Apple / Andriod The Court vacated and remanded the First Circuit's decision. This decision had upheld a rule requiring fishing companies to pay for at-sea government monitors. New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA), representing the fishing companies, hailed this as a monumental victory. The ruling curtails administrative power abuses. The Court emphasized the Administrative Procedure Act. Courts must review agency rules de novo. Despite the government's plea to uphold Chevron, the Court rejected it. Chevron doctrine was deemed unworkable and not deserving of stare decisis. The Court reaffirmed that federal courts must interpret the law. Chief Justice Roberts remarked, "Chevron was a judicial invention that required judges to disregard their statutory duties." He stressed the need to abandon Chevron for a principled legal development. This decision prevents federal agencies from wielding undue deference against Americans. Concurring opinions highlighted constitutional issues with Chevron deference. NCLA founder Philip Hamburger has long emphasized these. Judges abandoning independent judgment and litigants not receiving impartial adjudication violate due process. Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine in Landmark Decision The government argued that Chevron supports Congress's power to delegate policy decisions. However, the Court ruled that statutory ambiguities do not grant agencies authority. Interpreting ambiguities is a legal action for Article III courts. The Magnuson-Stevens Act does not mandate fishermen to pay for monitoring in the New England herring fishery. This means the government must bear the cost, as it did for 20 years. The case returns to a lower court. NCLA and its clients aim to defeat NOAA's rule and restore the industry’s status quo. In response to the ruling, NCLA announced the creation of the "Relentless Working Group." This group will ensure federal agencies adhere to the decision. It will bring together public-interest groups to fight against agency actions that ignore or circumvent the ruling. Congress cannot delegate judicial power to executive agencies. Photo Courtesy of NCLA Statements from NCLA: “Today is a really special day and the culmination of almost a decade of work to protect the rights of fishermen. We finally saw a return to ‘Equal Justice Under Law’ as inscribed above the Supreme Court entrance. No more will fishermen and other American citizens lose their rights through judicial deference to government agencies. From now on, NOAA and other federal agencies will have to think about the consequences of their actions without the benefit of Chevron. We finally have an even playing field in the courts, and the government will have to pay its own regulators’ salaries without forcing that cost directly on hard-working fishermen. I’m so grateful.” — Meghan Lapp, Fisheries Liaison & General Manager, Seafreeze, Ltd. “This ruling is long overdue. To allow agencies to pick the pocket of the regulated without congressional authorization is against all the principles of representative government and our constitutional structure.” — John Vecchione, Senior Litigation Counsel, NCLA NCLA, representing the fishing companies, hailed this as a monumental victory. “NCLA’s fishermen clients have landed the biggest catch of their lives by persuading the U.S. Supreme Court to take its thumb off the scale when ordinary Americans are contesting unlawful government regulations. When NCLA was founded less than seven years ago, taking down Chevron deference was priority number one, because agencies have used it so often to violate people’s civil liberties. That ability ends today! It is deeply gratifying to have overturned Chevron so quickly. The dismantling of the unlawful Administrative State has officially begun.” — Mark Chenoweth, President, NCLA “Today’s decision vindicates the rule of law. By ending Chevron deference, the Court has taken a major step to shut down unlawful power grabs by federal agencies and to preserve the separation of powers. Going forward, judges will be charged with interpreting the law faithfully, impartially, and independently, without deference to the government. This is a win for individual liberty and the Constitution.” — Roman Martinez, Latham & Watkins partner who delivered oral argument in the Relentless case. U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in SEC v. Jarkesy: Implications for SEC vs Punch TV Studios - Read more! Supreme Court Overturns Chevron Doctrine in Landmark Decision Read the full article
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f0xd13-blog · 2 months
there was a series of errors, a few i noticed: South Africa and Rodesia supported Portugal, they started supporting UNITA only after the portuguese left in 1975. And Portugal wasn't actually struggling in Angola since the independence movements were more focused in attacking each other than the portuguese.
@catualdahá 9 dias
The only thing I think is "wrong" in this video is the fact that it doesn't mention the 1961 massacre by Congolese UPA members in Northern Angola, both Africans and Europeans were massacred with no distinction, that kicked off the colonial war. That aside , great video.
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@JustDevon1há 10 dias (editado)
Two notable things that are not mentioned in the video. 1: At the time, Portugal had conscription in place. Creating a similar generation to the Vietnam generation in the U.S. 2: For a long time, Portugal had referred to its overseas territories internally as provinces. Despite the reality of the situation, Portugal used this as justification, that these colonies were actually part of Portugal proper. And as such decolonisation didn’t apply to them.
@rodrigomachado4660há 10 dias
My maternal grandpa was a doctor that treated injured soldiers in the Overseas War and I also have great uncles who also fought as soldiers in that war, it was a terrible war that killed thousands of people and caused many economical problems in our country, it's the main reason why the Estado Novo regime (we gave up on u)
How Portugal's Empire Ended: The Colonial War | Animated History
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“Portugal was getting a bit chummy with the allies behind the scenes, and Germany didn’t like that one bit.” Oversimplified
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Afixado por The Armchair Historian
@TheArmchairHistorianhá 10 dias (editado)
Thank you to Paradox Interactive and Victoria 3 for sponsoring this video! If you're like me and you enjoy the idea of building alliances, creating power blocs, and forging your own empire on which the sun never sets either through diplomacy or war, click on the link and get your copy of Victoria 3: Sphere of Influence today! https://play.victoria3game.com/ArmchairHistorian Every click and purchase helps to support our channel! Sign up for Armchair History TV today! https://armchairhistory.tv/ Merchandise available at https://armchairhistory.tv/collections/all Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fourthwall.wla.armchairhistory IOS App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/armchair-history-tv/id6471108801 Armchair Historian Video Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1679290/Fire__Maneuver/ Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/armchairhistorian Discord: https://discord.gg/thearmchairhistorian Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArmchairHist
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@lucianoosorio5942há 10 dias (editado)
“Portugal was getting a bit chummy with the allies behind the scenes, and Germany didn’t like that one bit.” Oversimplified
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@hilmust6278há 10 dias
The Estado Novo era of Portugal must be one of the most unheard parts of European history
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@ghost7344há 10 dias (editado)
Hello guys, I am the new editor for the channel, hope you guys enjoyed our latest production, I have also been doing the sound design for the past year (not every video, since I have 2 more awesome colleagues). Please let me know your thoughts about it and what you would like to see from us in the future.
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@catualdahá 9 dias
The only thing I think is "wrong" in this video is the fact that it doesn't mention the 1961 massacre by Congolese UPA members in Northern Angola, both Africans and Europeans were massacred with no distinction, that kicked off the colonial war. That aside , great video.
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@ReiPagohá 10 dias (editado)
My grandfather fought in this war, won a praise for saving a colleague under fire and was a cooker in the army. One day he recooked caldo verde (portuguese soup) as there were no more ingredients for soup he had to scrape the soldiers bowls to make more caldo verde. The best part was that the officers said it was good. He told that the rebels ("turras") were so dark in skin that they attacked from the trees and were difficult to see. After the war he dedicated to making chocolate and helped people. With the money he saved with military service he bought the house I still live today. Had he died in that war I wouldn't be here. He did not like war but was conscripted to Angola. He's an example I want to follow and make proud. As a portuguese, I'm sorry for the atrocities commited, nobody wins with war.
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@jayhuxley2559há 7 dias
Portugal alone fought Germany in Africa and destroyed the German desire of MittelAfrica. Germans fought for conquering Angola and Mozambique but Germans were defeated.
@ramsaybolton9741há 10 dias
Military experts and general historians claim a Portuguese military success and general victory in Angola and Mozambique and a stalemate in Guiné Bissau, but according to this video, it seems like they were defeated everywhere
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@theuniverseaccordingtomasehá 10 dias (editado)
My grandfather (Sergent) lead a squad in Angola, in the 70's. (he was in the airborne forces of portugal) he has tons of war stories. i am very glad you made this episode!
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@noplease1709há 10 dias
I know this video focuses mostly on portugals african colonies, but i think there should also be a mention of their other territories such is east timor or goa, which shows how foreign actors that are neither east or west also took advantage of the collapse.
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@TWE_2000há 10 dias
You should make a video about the "Central American Crisis" in the 1970s and 1980s. It was one of the main battle grounds in the latter half of the Cold War, with civil wars in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua.
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@aliakber775há 10 dias
It reminded me of "DEATH TO THE MPLA" quote
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@Taquito_Rathá 10 dias (editado)
Portuguese history needs more love. I'm glad to see you cover this. Much thanks 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹
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@LisandroSantosshá 10 dias
As a portuguese, I'm so happy that you made this video. I have been watching your channel for over 1 year and always wanted a video about our colonial war. Well, it was worth the wait since this video is pretty good :D
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@CARL_093há 10 dias
The Portuguese Colonial War in Africa lasted from 1961 until the final overthrow of the Estado Novo regime in 1974. The Carnation Revolution of April 1974 in Lisbon led to the hasty decolonization of Portuguese Africa and to the 1975 annexation of Portuguese Timor by Indonesia.
@Maliershá 10 dias
"Those who are left the battlefield have won" - Michael J Collins
@JustDevon1há 10 dias (editado)
Two notable things that are not mentioned in the video. 1: At the time, Portugal had conscription in place. Creating a similar generation to the Vietnam generation in the U.S. 2: For a long time, Portugal had referred to its overseas territories internally as provinces. Despite the reality of the situation, Portugal used this as justification, that these colonies were actually part of Portugal proper. And as such decolonisation didn’t apply to them.
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@WhatIfSport.há 10 dias
Fun fact: Guinea was named after the Gulf of Guinea and used for multiple countries there, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea. Papua New Guinea was originally called Papua but explorers thought the natives looked like the natives from the Guinea part of the world in Africa.
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@User3334-nd6pnhá 10 dias (editado)
My grandfather fought in Angola, unfortunately when he came back he was not the same person that he used to be
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@rodrigomachado4660há 10 dias
My maternal grandpa was a doctor that treated injured soldiers in the Overseas War and I also have great uncles who also fought as soldiers in that war, it was a terrible war that killed thousands of people and caused many economical problems in our country, it's the main reason why the Estado Novo regime was easily overthrown on April 25th century
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@viperaputakeyteaparyou8237há 10 dias
Thank you for covering this. This event doesn't get the coverage and attention it deserves, not even in Portugal. It is just taught as a sidenote, something else bad that happened during the Estado Novo.
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@Tusiriakesthá 5 dias (editado)
Things our European friends usually don't think when thinking about Portugal: - A lot of our population ("white" portuguese) with more then 50 years (so like, your boss at work, your father's friend, not "old people") were born in African or Asian countries when they were part of the Empire. I had a school colleague born in Macau. - A lot of our 65+ population has PTSD from the colonial wars... if you are around 20-25... those are our "fathers/uncles" generations, not our "grandfathers" generations. - When Portugal thinks of itself, it doesn't really see itself culturally or historically has an European country. Yes, we feel and are European, but our history happened outside of Europe, our international relations are still very much divided between EU, NATO and CPLP (Lusophone countries). The contrast can be "jokingly" seen in these factoids: The Portuguese language is the 17th most spoken language in Europe, between Czech and Catalan... at the same time, Portuguese is the most spoken language in the World's Southern Hemisphere.
@M_P-x6zhá 10 dias
Ah yes, a Portugal video right when my obsession with Portuguese History starts.
@cgt3704há 10 dias
20:42 And Timor-Leste. Dont forget them, even if they would later be invaded by Indonesia.
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@RiderSousahá 10 dias
Obrigado (thank you) for this! Cheers from Portugal 🟦👑⬜
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@GazilionPThá 10 dias
One thing should have been said, but it was not: yes, the Estado Novo denied political rights to the Portuguese African colonies — but the white population of Portugal was also denied the same political rights. Portugal was, let's not forget, a dictatorship.
@cavalexhá 9 dias
Fantastic video! Just a small note, as a Portuguese I think you missed some details about the conflicts, for example you forgot to mention the duration of the conflict (13 years!), the huge amount of Portuguese people that fought directly or indirectly in the war over that period (more than 1 million, for a country with 6/7 million people at the time), the economical costs of the conflict for the Portuguese state and the consequences of the independence treaties that displaced more than a million Portuguese people from the colonies. I'd like to add another thing, today is very common for young people in their 20s/30s to have at least one grandfather who fought in the war. My paternal grandfather fought in Guinea Bissau for a couple of years and sometimes tells me stories that would give anyone PTSD nowadays, such as seeing his friends getting eaten by crocodiles after a native soldier blew a raft with a bazooka, throwing almost a dozen guys in a river during some sort of operation. Of course he hated the war and the military, and that made him a communist sympathiser which later was involved with the Portuguese Communist Party, who he votes for in every election until today.
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@joaoantunes2917há 6 dias
You forget the part where the conflict started, the part where the separatist terrorists went from town to town slaughtering everyone who was in favor of Portugal, black or white. Portugal never had any difficulties with terrorists until the USA, USSR and CHINA arrived with support. Not forgetting also that after the USA and the USSR helped Angola to free itself from the "portuguese oppressors", then they decided to go against each other by manipulating Angolan tribes to fight each other, resulting in the longest civil war in the history of Africa and the death of more of half a million black Portuguese, all of that because of money. Oh and if you wana try to make this a race conflict, 4x more black people fought for Portugal than for terrorists.
(more than a million gypsy Portuguese!)
HeavenlyWarriorhá 5 dias (editado)
I met angolan people people who said when the portuguese where in control, life in Angola was much better and people were treated equally. Nowadays it's completely the opposite and there are brutal crimes.
GazilionPThá 10 dias
One thing should have been said, but it was not: yes, the Estado Novo denied political rights to the Portuguese African colonies — but the white population of Portugal was also denied the same political rights. Portugal was, let's not forget, a dictatorship.
Just like everywhere in Europe
BillyThurst_the1sthá 9 dias
Funny part of this is everyone took a break from the cold war just to get rid of Portugals colonies.
josevicentemartins9085há 7 dias
People in Angola, Guinea, Mozambique , S, Tomé, Cape Vert, lived much better in the times of the Portuguese Empire than now. Economy was better, infrastructures, public services, cities and towns were very cleaned, there was security. Then, countries " from the singging tomorrows " as Soviet Union and Cuba, helped the "black brothers " to liberate there nations from the fascists , imperialists , slavists, capitalists, misogynistic and nazis ( as they used to call the portuguese ). Now, those independent countries are in a complete misery, rulled by despotic dictators with incredible fortunes. Meanwhile, Soviet Union has disapeared and Cuba is what it is...
we can always count on Cuba to help black brothers kkkkkkk wanna know what happened to Cuba and Portuguese territories? Look at the USA right now. Blackie be zombified
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researchanalysts · 3 months
Whole Genome Synthesis Market: Unlocking the Potential of Synthetic Biology for Research and Industrial Applications
The Whole Genome Synthesis Market is Valued at USD 2.4 billion in 2019 and projected to reach USD 13.03 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 26% During the Forecast period of 2024–2032.
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Conclusion: The Whole Genome Synthesis Market is poised for significant growth, driven by advancements in synthetic biology and increasing demand for genetically engineered organisms. 
This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the market, offering valuable insights for stakeholders to navigate the complexities and seize opportunities in this dynamic field. By leveraging the information presented, businesses and researchers can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and contribute to the development of cutting-edge biotechnological solutions.
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