#Notus ghoul
sentientgolfball · 3 months
Nobody asked for this and nobody but me cares but I’m going on a ramble about Ministry lore and the first ghouls
Not necessarily but if you read Origin first this will make more sense.
The first ghoul ever summoned by the founders of the Ministry was Ivy. Summoning rituals are time consuming and expensive, they didn’t have the luxury of mistake. They had to make it work or all of their plans would fall through. So they decided on an earth ghoul. They figured it would be the easiest of the five elements to summon. That and having one around may help them convert the massive amount of land into an abbey much faster.
When they pulled Ivy from the Pits there was a celebration, a feast. They welcomed it Topside like it was a guest of honor, almost worshiping it. They explained to Ivy who they were, why it was summoned, and what their goal was.
They were creating a Ministry in honor of Him. A place for all in the Morning Star’s flock to safely live. They needed, wanted, the help of ghouls. They were creations of Him. They would know the best way to serve Him. They also needed help. They were a small group, not many were sympathetic to their cause. They wanted to eventually summon a ghoul of each element.
Ivy’s place in this as the earth ghoul is to protect the land the Ministry stands on as well as help cultivate produce. Ivy easily agreed. It had been summoned before. It had seen the things humans wanted with infernal power. But these humans? There was something interesting about them. It wanted to watch them, see what becomes of them.
It was months before they could conduct another summoning. Almost a year since Ivy came to them. It had helped them in the allocation of resources, allowing them to perform another ritual that much faster. They decided air would be the next best element to try. According Ivy they live in the mountains of the Pits. They live the closest to the surface.
Notus was the first air ghoul. They treated him much the same as they treated Ivy when it was first summoned. Celebrate, feast, explain purpose. He would help them clear a space for their abbey to be built. Like Ivy he agreed, though unlike Ivy this was his first time being Topside. He thought what these humans were doing was noble. He has only ever seen damned souls, he never would have imagined there were humans who wanted to worship the Morning Star.
Notus was the last ghoul summoned for many, many years. Not because they couldn’t, but because there was no need.
When these two ghouls disappeared, never returning to the Pits, whispers began to travel. A ghoul had never been summoned without being returned shortly after. Returned once their contract was fulfilled. The whispers eventually reached the Morning Star Himself. He became curious. If His creations were being stolen He needed to know by who. He would not be like His Father. He would not abandon His creations.
He traveled to earth, following the trail of infernal magick to a vast forest far from civilization. At the heart of it He found His creations. He also found a small group of humans. He watched from the shadows as they ate together, laughed together, embraced one another. The Morning Star was touched seeing His creations treated the same as his creations. He made Himself known then, revealing Himself to the humans.
He questioned them, asking why they had taken two ghouls without returning them. In their stupor they tried to explain to Him who they were. What they were doing.
They called themselves The Clergy. They were creating a Ministry in His honor. He was taken aback. He was aware there were humans who chose Him over His Father, but to have a group dedicate themselves in this manner? He could never have predicted this.
This knowledge combined with testament from Ivy and Notus helped Him come to a decision. He gave these humans, The Clergy, His infernal blessing. He called forth the one responsible for the summoning of ghouls, a man with the name Emeritus. He made this man their leader, blessing him and his bloodline for centuries to come.
He also left them with a gift. Three to be exact. Their names were Alpha, Delta, and Omega. The rest of the elements, perfect specimens of their respective types.
With a full set The Clergy was able to build their abbey without needing any outside resources. They created their safe haven for those in His flock. As the years passed and their congregation grew the first ghouls grew alongside it. More were summoned, Clergy began to pass and get replaced, but they remained loyal as ever.
Ivy began to fade into obscurity though, becoming more of a Ministry legend than a person. It was their protection. It stayed in the forest, bonding so deeply with the plants they began to grow on it. It was able to talk to them. It could know if there was something moving on the opposite end of the forest.
The other four tried to keep it company, but they too began to forget about it as their own duties piled up. Ivy was never resentful. It enjoyed what it did. It was proud to know every human and ghoul could safely live their lives because of it.
Alpha and Notus maintained the Ministry. Alpha knew every inch of the gigantic building, he helped design it after all. Notus was able to reach the highest points, the places Alpha could not. It never fell to ruin, never damaged by even the worst of storms. Those two would not let it.
Omega and Delta took care of the residents, human and ghoul alike. Omega was their healer, able to cure even the worst of wounds. Delta listened to their woes. He made sure there was not a single soul in the Ministry who felt alone. Even in death he made sure there was someone for them, visiting graves to leave offerings.
These were the first ghouls.
They have seen everything.
They will be the last.
They will not leave until the earth has turned to dust.
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sentientgolfball · 4 months
So the origin of zephyr comes from the Greek god and personification of the west wind Zephyrus right? Right.
Cool okay so following that methinks I’m going to start calling Air Notus, the personification of the Southern wind. Also the representation of the strong, warm winds that’s bring in the massive storms of late summer and early autumn.
I just think…it is neat that the two air ghoulettes follow a cloud theme with their names, so why not do the same with the two air ghouls.
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inkrabbit · 1 year
Could we have some comfort from Nihils ghouls? Possibly comfort for anxiety or just comfort in general. Please and thank you. 😊
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Totally didn't neglect these for the past like 2 months-
v short but here we go
Sleeping next to your beloved ghoul always helped bring you peace of mind. You knew you were safe with him, normally with his arm wrapped around your body and holding you against his chest. If you were lucky, you would stay up a little bit after he had fallen asleep, hearing the soft and gentle purr that would reverberate in his chest as he slept. It was something that would always lull you to sleep.
But tonight had been different, plaguing you with a nightmare. Standing before your Papa, those mismatched eyes peering down at you with such a disgusted look on his painted face. It felt as though your feet were made of cement, binding you to the marble floor as his ghouls circled you. You had caught sight of your beloved among his pack, those glowing eyes hungry and fierce.
“You understand why you're here,” Papa sneers, snapping his fingers to regain your attention. “Do you know how much you've cost us in resources? How inadequate you are as a sibling?” He leans forward. “You can't do your chores right. You can't take simple instructions. Your careless actions have cost me time, money, and patience.” His voice lowers as he spits out the last sentence, “You are a liability.”
“N-no, Papa!” Ares swipes at you, narrowly missing your arm and making you jump back with a shriek. Your body bumps into a ghoul, earning you a snarl. Green eyes glare down at you, but you're shoved away from the ghoul before you know it, bumping into another. Even through his clothes, his skin is ice cold, and you're quick to take a stumbling step back. Those double horns seem to glisten in the light, and the runes on his larger horns looked like they were glowing.
“You do have one use,” Papa continues, waving his hand dismissively. “My boys need to eat. Seeing as you've outlived your usefulness, you can at least do this one simple task.”
“Papa-” Your plea is cut off, a clawed hand wrapping around your throat. The smell of the lake surrounds you as Neptune walks into view. His face is emotionless and he's silent. Instinctively, your hands go for his wrist, trying desperately to pull him off. But without any effort, you feel yourself being lifted off of the ground, and your mouth opens pitifully as you try to breathe. You manage to get out little squeaks here and there, your legs kicking and flailing as your nails dig into Neptune's wrist. Your only thought is to try and carve out pieces of the giant's flesh in hopes that he'll drop you. But the way his hand squeezes, putting more and more pressure on your windpipe and spine, shows that he won't be stopping anytime soon. 
Your body is being shaken, gently at first before coming violent, and you can vaguely register noise to accompany it. In a flash, the scene before you is gone and your eyes snap open. Your body jerks up, hands flying to your throat.
“Hey, hey! You're okay!” His accent brings you comfort, as does his scent. His warm arms wrap around you, pulling you to his chest as his hand rubs your back. “It's okay. I'm right here.”
“Ares...” It doesn't take you long. You return the embrace, burying your face in his neck as you let your hammering heart slowly start to settle. He holds you tightly, reminding you that you're okay and that he wouldn't ever let anyone hurt you. 
When you finally pull back, you take a reassuring look around the room. The brick walls (that normally made you feel so cold and imprisoned) had never felt so cozy. You let out a shaky breath, following Ares as he lays down with you, your head resting on his chest.
“You wanna talk about it, amore?” he asks you softly, rubbing your upper arm. You let out a soft hum.
“It was just a nightmare.”
You almost shriek when you see those glowing white eyes staring down at you. 
“It's just me!” he tells you in a panic, his cold hand leaving your arm so he can raise it in defense. It takes you a second to realize what's going on, but the chill that sweeps through the old church is familiar. His name comes out of your mouth in a relieved breath, and you sit up to wrap your arms around his neck. The ghoul holds you close, his tail loosely wrapping around your waist as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
“You're alright, elskan,” he whispers against your skin. Though your heart is still racing, you can at least acknowledge that you're safe with your beloved. 
The two of you move, rearranging the comforter so it's wrapped around you both snugly. Your back rests against his cold chest, sending a chill up your spine. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” His voice stays soft and comforting, but you just smile and shake your head.
“I know I'm safe here.”
The shaking is violent enough to wake you up, and the second you see those blue eyes, you jerk back from him. Neptune's ears pin back, a loud whine emitting from him as his hand lowers onto the bed, steadying himself. It takes you a second to recognize where you are, the light reflecting off of the water from his indoor pond and the giant fish tank in the back reminds you where you are. 
He lets out concerned chitters, drawing closer to you. You're certain he can hear how fast your heart is beating. He has to with how worried he looks.
“I'm okay.” It doesn't seem to really help him, another soft whine sounding out. You open your arms, allowing the giant ghoul to scoop you up and place you in his lap. He practically curls around you, holding you close as his head rests atop yours. It almost makes your nightmare feel silly. You knew that your gentle giant would never do anything to hurt you. If anything, he had shown that he would hurt others if they posed as a threat towards you. 
You lean into the ghoul's body, taking in the smell of the lake. At least the scent made you feel calm now. 
“Wake up!” Your head knocks against Notus' when you shoot up in bed, sending you right back down as you hold your forming bruise. A whine comes out of the air ghoul as he reels back, his face scrunched up in pain. 
“Sorry...” Those gray eyes stare down at you, concern washing over again. “Are you okay? You were kicking and screaming.”
“I-I'm fine.” But your shaky voice tells otherwise. He reaches out, pulling you against him and letting you bury your face in his neck as he slowly rocks you back and forth.
“It's okay,” he whispers, rubbing your back. “I'm here. I'm here.”
You take your time, breathing in that crisp scent of his and remembering that you're back in his room. You're safe in his arms. You know he would never hurt you.
“Thank you.”
Your scream is the first thing that actually registers when you wake up, but you can't move. It takes a second, but you finally recognize the hands on your shoulders, pinning you to the bed as a distressed earth ghoul looms above you. His hair is tousled and there's a concerned look on his face.
“You're okay. You're okay now.” You know he's trying his best to keep you calm, slowly pulling his hands back. You look around his room, the various plants and the window wall reminding you where you were. You weren't in the cold basement with your Papa spewing venom at you. You weren't being circled by your beloved and his pack. You were safe in his bed, in his room.
He lays next to you, wrapping his arms around you when you shuffle closer to him. You feel him press a kiss to your head, his hand rubbing your back.
“You wanna talk about it?” he asks softly. Flashes of your nightmare come back, especially the look in his eyes when you had bumped into him.
“Maybe in the morning.”
“Hey, hey, hey! It's me! It's me!” Your eyes shoot open, your wrists being held in Richard's grasp. In the dim light, you can barely see a forming bruise on his cheek, and the guilt quickly spreads when you realize what happened. 
You sit up, wrapping your arms around the man and pulling him close. He returns the embrace, softly shushing you as one of his hands go to your hair, petting it in an attempt to calm you down. It does work in all honesty. At least you knew you were safe in his apartment. 
When you finally pull away, he reaches out, caressing your cheek.
“Are you okay? His voice is thick with concern. “You were fighting so much in your sleep. I was worried.”
“I'm sorry.” The words come tumbling out, but he shushes you again.
“It's okay. I get it.” He gives you a smile, leaving you for just a moment to turn on the light. The brightness makes you squeeze your eyes shut for a second, but you finally adjust and reopen them. Richard is still giving you a small, comforting smile. The second he opens his arms, you're settling right in between them. He presses a kiss to your head as you bury your face in his neck. 
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Not right now.
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inkrabbit · 2 years
alright everyone, this post is going to be on Nihil's old ghouls. as I've said, I don't know if they're used anywhere else or by anyone else. this is only going to be my version of them and the names I use for them. I've had a few people ask about Ares and since I am almost done with a fic for all of these boys, I felt like it was appropriate to make a post for them.
this is still pretty much unofficial and will be until I get everything squared away and I'm 100% happy with how they are. when that day comes, I'll make a new official post
each ghoul is defective (save for Astraeus) because Nihil wasn't always in the church and his first summon was a flop. however, he was too attached to his ghouls at this point to send them back and decided to keep them.
Element: Fire
Position: Lead guitar
Personality: A loaded gun, Ares started out as aggressive and hostile, and kept this up until Papa Emeritus II took hold of the band. While he's still short and blunt with everyone he comes in contact with (save for his own pack), he's allowed himself to become more playful and joking.
Relationship to Nihil: His closest matched energy, Ares is everything Nihil actually hates about himself. Normally selfish and self-centered, Ares put himself first above all else when first summoned. The name "Nihil" had originally come from Ares, where he refused to call the man "master" like the others, and instead called him Nihil because, quote: "Nihil translates to nothing, and that's all you are to me."
His toxicity waned after Astraeus had attacked Nihil and Ares defended him. This resulted in Ares having broken horns, two missing claws and multiple scars. After this, however, Ares started to refer to Nihil as "master" and now refuses to use the old nickname he had originally coined.
Defective: Unable to self-regenerate like the other ghouls, Ares is more susceptible to death. Vulnerable during fights because nothing will grow back.
Element: Water
Position: Bass
Personality: This happy-go-lucky water ghoul is normally all smiles and happy chitters. He resembles a giant teddy bear and, standing at 6'9, he normally has to pick everyone up in order to hug them. Physical touch is the best way to get his intentions across, but he does acknowledge that his build can be frightening to some. A selfless ghoul that puts everyone before him, Neptune only wants everyone around him to be just as happy as he is.
Relationship to Nihil: Joy and excitement personified, this lovable giant encompasses all of Nihil's happy emotions. He's the easiest to get along with and will happily welcome attention and affection at any and every turn.
However, in times of immense stress and/or rage, Neptune will dissociate and lash out. His strength is unmatched and only Nihil can pull him out of this haze. It's a rare thing, and Neptune hates letting this happen because he will have no recollection after he snaps out of it. The last time he went into a frenzy, the entire ministry had been flooded, multiple siblings had been killed and injured, and Silvanus had been injured trying to calm him down.
Defective: Being a mute, Neptune relies on vague gestures and physical touch to get his point across. This leaves him unable to call out any important information and has, in the past, gotten his pack injured in fights.
Element: Air
Position: Keyboard
Personality: Shy and reserved, Notus doesn't interact with others too much. He keeps to himself and mainly to his pack and Nihil, never having made a connection with the newer ghouls or Papas. He's easy to frighten and fluster, and he feels like everything he says make him looks stupid. As a result, he normally settles for short answers or just head nods/shakes.
Relationship to Nihil: All of Nihil's shyness and insecurities rolled into one, Notus is the frontman's need to avoid conflict. He bottles up all of his emotions and feelings in order to maintain neutral ground with everyone, even if it's self-destructive. While he has become a bit more open over the years, he's still very shy when meeting new people/ghouls and will revert back to the timid air ghoul he was originally summoned as.
Although, there has been an instance where his emotions got the better of him. In the heat of the moment, Notus had actually snapped the day one of the siblings decided to get in Nihil's face, spewing threats and insults. As a result, the air ghoul got between them and, when he couldn't talk the sibling down, he let his elemental magick take over. The winds he had summoned were enough to break apart the old church, leaving a good portion of it as nothing but rubble. The ministry had to make a new church and, to no one's surprise, Notus hid away and refused to speak to anyone for almost a month.
Defective: Horribly near-sighted, Notus has been deemed "blind". Anything that isn't about 6in in front of his face becomes horribly blurry and all he can make out is various shapes and colors. Because of this, Notus has a hard time differentiating feral ghouls and members of his own pack.
Element: Earth
Position: Drums
Personality: Laid-back and calm, Silvanus tries to not let much bother him. He doesn't seek out attention but also won't turn it away when presented to him. He has a sort of parental figure vibe and will happily listen to any siblings or ghouls that has problems, and even try to offer advice. He keeps an "open door" policy where he'll never turn away anyone, no matter the time of day or if he's busy.
Relationship with Nihil: Silvanus is Nihil's spirituality and loving side come to life. He's the man's voice of reason and tries to talk everyone down when the room is getting too tense. Though he has a more easy-going personality, this earth ghoul has no problem becoming firm and, in times of extreme need, aggressive and even hostile to whoever is causing problems.
In the beginning, Silvanus was very professional and was the one who tried to guide Nihil onto the right paths, though he never pushed too hard. However, as years passed and Papa Emeritus I took over, Silvanus allowed himself to become more free and laid-back, and eventually took on the new role as being everyone's little "safe haven".
Defective: Because his claws won't grow and his teeth aren't sharp like a normal ghoul's should be, Silvanus has to rely on his antlers and fighting techniques, along with being able to evade and his elemental magick.
Element: Quintessence
Original Position: Rhythm guitar
Personality: Paranoid and hostile, it's commonly advised to avoid this ghoul as most encounters have resulted in severe injury or death.
Relationship with Nihil: Originally meant to be his compassion and empathy, Astraeus had been summoned previously by multiple masters, all of them betraying and traumatizing him. This left the ghoul in a paranoid state, refusing to believe that the new leader of a Satanic church would actually treat him well. Because of this, Astraeus was aggressive and oftentimes unapproachable, especially if Nihil was the one who wanted him.
Through it all, Nihil refused to send Astraeus back, insisting, quote: "He's still my ghoul. He's still part of me. I can't leave him." And while Nihil had tried time and time again to gain the ghoul's trust, it never worked. The fateful day Nihil had tried to push through Astraeus' paranoia, the quintessence ghoul attacked him. He also attacked Ares, breaking the fire ghoul's horns and ripping two of his claws off before cutting Ares' lip and chest. However, Astraeus was eventually defeated and retreated into the woods, making his home out of the old church Notus had destroyed.
It's said that he's calmed down after all these years, but Neptune is the only one brave enough to try and spend time with him.
Deemed Feral
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons for the ghouls as partners? asking for a friend
Ares is your typical romantic. Contrary to popular belief about how he could never love anyone, he will become incredibly soft and gentle with his partner, and he has a habit of spoiling them a whole bunch. While he'll still have days where he'd rather just be alone, Ares is happiest when he has his partner in his arms
Astraeus is actually very nervous with a partner. Because of his first, and last, relationship, he's scared he'll do something to mess everything up, and he's not sure he can handle another heartbreak. He might be a tiny bit clingy and need a bunch of reassurance, but when he's finally settled down, he'll be all purrs and soft kisses with his partner
Neptune is very "vocal" about his love for his partner. He purrs and happily chitters whenever he's with them, and he has a bit of a touching problem. All he wants to do is pick them up and hold them, or even just hold their hand if carrying them around isn't their cup of tea. He tries very hard to understand that a healthy relationship requires both parties to take breaks from each other, but Neptune can't help himself. He just wants to be wherever his love is
Notus actually becomes more confident in himself. He'll initiate conversation more, and he's even throwing out jokes here and there. That normal timid, monitoring look will fade from his face whenever his partner is with him, and he'll be nothing but smiles and good vibes. Similar to Neptune, Notus wants to always be touching his partner, but nothing too extreme. He's more than happy to hold their hand, or even have his arm around their waist
Silvanus is actually a bit problematic. Yes, he is a very sweet ghoul that lives for taking care of his partner, whether it be cooking for them, buying them gifts, or simply listening and spending time with them. However, he can also become very possessive. While he won't restrict his partner's freedom, he will become hostile to others that show a lustful or romantic interest in his partner, and, on some occasion, he will become violent towards the other person
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Merry Christmas! just some Christmas hcs for Nihil's ghouls..... and Richard. don't ask about him, he's a long story
He's already not too happy about the cold weather
His joints ache and he's wearing a hoodie underneath his jean jacket
You'll find him in his room for most of the morning, since he has a nice fire going in the fire pit
Cuddle up with him until the others wake up. He'll be more than happy to allow you into his bed
"There you are, amore. Was hoping I wouldn't have to wait to see you."
The ghouls don't normally give each other gifts. They've been together for over 60 years and they don't care to exchange
But for you, Ares has already gone out and gotten you a ring
It's nothing too special. Just a simple fire opal he wanted you to have to remember him by
Please don't show it off too much. He'll never hear the end of it from everyone else and he doesn't want to be bothered
Hope you enjoy spending the night with him, because he refuses to let you leave the dens. You're giving him attention whether you like it or not
This is the one and only time he will actually leave his stupid church
He'll slip into your room in the early morning
"Shh, tesoro. It's only me. I just wanted to surprise you."
He's cuddling up to you for the rest of the night, kissing your shoulder and holding you close to him
Don't worry, he'll still be there in the morning, and he'll still be cuddled up to you
He doesn't feel comfortable leaving your room, however. He just doesn't wanna bump into Nihil or his old packmates
Don't let that stop you, though. Go do whatever you need to. He'll keep himself occupied until you get back
He also might've borrowed one of the guitars from the old practice room when he was on his way to your room in the midddle of the night
He'll put it back. He promises. He just wanted to play you some music while you two spend the day together
He couldn't exactly get you a present, so this is it: him playing music while he softly sings his feelings to you
You don't have to seek him out. Trust me. He knows where you are
You'll know this when you're suddenly pulled off your feet and you're being pressed against his chest as he hugs you
He's full of happy chitters and loud purrs, nuzzling the side of his face against yours and even giving you soft kisses
You're not going anywhere today so I hope you're happy being carried around by this giant ghoul
He's bringing you back to the dens for some food first. He knows how easily humans get hungry
But the second you're done eating? You're accompanying him out to the lake
You two aren't swimming. He knows it's cold. He just likes being away from everything and everyone with you
But he will ask that you close your eyes. Just trust him. He's a good boi
You'll feel the cold of the gift around your neck. It's nothing too special. Just a silver anchor necklace with a sapphire heart on it
This is his way of always being with you. He knows you're busy with the clergy and everything, and he knows you can't always make time to see him. So this was his next best thing to do
I won't lie to you, this little sweetheart was worried he wouldn't see you today
He was up all night fretting and Ares had to help shut out his worries
You'll see just how much he lights up when you come into the dens and seek him out
He'll pick you up and swing you around, giving you a sweet kiss. He's just very happy you're here
"I'm so glad you decided to come! I was worried you would've been too busy for us."
Also, he's 100% pulling you into his lap when you two sit down, especially if it's to eat
He's also wiping your face clean if you get food on yourself. He just wants to take care of you
You're not leaving the dens after everything is done. He's leading you up the stairs and to his room
No, it's not for anything sexual..... yet. He actually got you a gift
It's nothing too special, but he got you some chimes. He hopes that, whenever you hear them, you think of him
This lovable idiot normally hangs around the ministry and with Nihil's ghouls whenever he feels like it
But today? Oh, today he's gathering you up and leaving. He has everything planned out, just you wait
He's nothing but smiles and sweet, tender kisses. He won't tell you where you guys are going. It's a surprise, after all
But you can kinda guess what's going on when you see the wicker basket and his guitar in the backseat
Don't say anything. Let him think he's being clever
He drives up to a cliff that overlooks the whole city, and he's being a true gentleman helping you out of the car
"I hope you like everything, sweetie. I've been thinking about what to do for the past few months and, well... I thought it'd be nice for us to just be alone."
He's got your favorites in the basket, setting everything up on a cute little blanket
He'll play you any song you ask for, providing he knows it. If you don't have any requests then he's just winging it and singing some slow romance songs he had written up during his sleepless nights
He'll hold you close when it gets darker, pressing kisses to your head as you two look over the city
He spends most of the morning cooking, as always
Don't worry, he's made sure to cook you your favorites. And knowing the others, they won't be up until the afternoon, so he serves you first with a kiss on the head
"Merry Christmas, ciccio. I hope you'll have fun today. I know I'm not... really that interesting."
Don't offer to help. He won't allow you to work. Just sit back and relax until he's done
Everyone will hang out in the common area for a bit, sharing stories and just talking
Silvanus will make sure you're comfortable in his lap, arms around your waist and head on your shoulder
He's constantly checking up on you, making sure you're comfortable. He knows that sometimes it can get a bit... intimidating being around his pack for so long
When everything dies down and everyone goes their separate ways, he'll lead you up and into his room
He got you something, saying it's nothing too special. It's just a sun catcher that he hopes you like
His room has a lot of windows, one of the walls even being nothing but a floor-to-ceiling window. He hopes that whenever the sun reflects on your gift, it reminds you of the times you'd spend with him in his room
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inkrabbit · 2 years
I'm finally home, so here's the Thanksgiving hcs for Nihil's dumbass ghouls
This is one of the only times he's cooking alongside Silvanus in the kitchen, so he'll be absent for the morning
But the second he's done, he'll bring you a plate of food and eat with you
"I hope you like everything, mia luce. Don't worry, we used different meat for you."
He'll talk a little bit, but he's quiet for the most part. You'll have to initiate conversation if you want it at all
He keeps busy before and after dinner, so you might be waiting a bit to spend time with him
But don't worry, once the dishes are done, he'll be all yours and he's open to doing whatever you want
You'll have to go out to the old church to find him because Lucifer knows he won't wanna step foot on ministry grounds
But if you've managed to get close to him, he'll welcome you inside
He can't exactly offer you food since he's sure you won't like human meat, but he can offer you his company
He'll indulge you in stories he can remember, and even old poems if that's something you'd like
He might look mean, but he really does appreciate you being with him
"Having you here with me... it really means a lot to me, amore."
He likes spending time with his pack, but he's also happy you're here to spend time with them
He's also keeping you in his lap and nuzzle your cheek while the food is being made
Expect him to also feed you and/or clean your face. He just wants to pamper you
Letting out a lot of curious chitters, wondering if you're enjoying the food and enjoying your time with them
After everything's done and put away, he's carrying you to his room
Hopefully you like relaxing in water, before he just wants to kinda float around and hold you
Mans is absolutely vibrating with excitement when you finally get to the dens
Holidays, big or small, are his favorite because it means everyone gets together and he gets to spend more time with you
You two will spend the morning just relaxing in his room and cuddling while the food is being made
"I love when we get to spend time like this together. It makes me happy knowing you like being with me and my pack."
He has a habit of holding your hand a lot, especially while eating. Just let him know if you want a break from it and he'll oblige
He'll stay behind to help with the dishes, but once the others tell him it's okay to leave, he's quick to lead you back to his room for more cuddling
Just like Ares, he spends all morning cooking. However, he gets up a little earlier so he can go harvest fruits, herbs and veggies from the garden
He prefers you to stay out of the kitchen. Ares being in there is already too much for him, but the extra pair of hands is a huge help
He's cooking you different meat, and even cooking it in a different pan. He doesn't want you eating their meat and, eventually, ending up like them
He'll let you taste it, too. He wants everything to be to your liking.
"Alright, you got a taste. Now be good for me and go sit down, alright?"
Any second he's not busy in the kitchen, he's showering you in kisses and affections. He's just glad you're spending time with him
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inkrabbit · 8 months
Just short fluff because I haven't shown these idiots some love in a while
Papa Nihil looks up from his typewriter, gray eyes glowing in the dimly lit hall outside of the office. Of course it was Notus. Who else would be up so early in the morning if not him or Sister Imperator?
"What is it, early bird?" He raises a wrinkly hand, beckoning his air ghoul closer. Obediently, the ghoul steps inside, silently shutting the office door behind him. His shirt is gone, exposing his white and black-spotted wings.
"Do you have a moment?" Notus asks softly, taking a few steps towards the desk. Even with his failing eyesight, Nihil could see the fresh pin feathers. A smile forms across his face as he pushes away from his desk.
"Come here, figlio," He waits patiently, watching as Notus quickly makes his way over to Nihil, turning his back to him and kneeling in front of him. Nihil reaches forward when Notus's right wing extends, old but nimble fingers gently pinching the keratin casing, hearing the soft crunch as he works the feather loose, slipping the casing away.
"The others aren't awake yet?" Nihil asks softly as he moves on to another feather. A soft grunt comes from Notus.
"Silvanus was drinking last night, so he's not up yet," Notus explains. Nihil vaguely remembers watching the earth ghoul mix drinks the previous night but he wasn't sure if the drinking binge continued after he had gone to bed. With Silvanus's high tolerance, Nihil assumed his beloved earth ghoul overdid it.
"He got into the alcohol again?" he asks, just for confirmation.
"Him and Ares," Notus tells him, giving a small shake of the head. Another pin feather is removed and Nihil watches as Notus flutters and stretches his wing.
"They haven't changed, I'm assuming?" With everything that was happening recently, Nihil hadn't been able to spend time with his own ghouls. Sister Imperator had been grabbing him for different meetings and plans that he could barely keep up with in his old age. He didn't know how she did it.
"You'd know if you'd take the time to visit the dens," Notus's reply is sharp and quick, and Nihil feels like he's just been punched in the gut.
"Mi dispiace, figlio mio," he sighs, moving on to Notus's left wing. "The abbey has become very busy lately. You know how it is."
A soft hum of acknowledgement comes from Notus. "Cardinale?"
"I don't want to talk about it," Nihil grumbles. Though the mere mention of the Cardinal makes him want to strangle someone, Nihil continues to maintain a gentle touch as he rids Notus's wing of more pin feathers towards the base. "Sister is so adamant about having him become Papa."
"Can't be worse than Terzo, right?" The question makes Nihil scoff, if even he does consider it. Would Copia be better than Terzo? The little troublemaker did win that Grammy, and he had been bringing in a lot of new members, even if Nihil's ghouls were apprehensive about that fact.
"I guess we'll see," he sighs, finishing up with Notus's wing. He watches as the wings flutter a few times and stretch out again.
"Danke, Master," Notus stands up, his wings folding as he turns to stare down at him. Nihil returns his gaze. Even after all of these years, his ghouls still kept him in a state of awe. Their power and presence would always fascinate him.
"Maybe I'll drop by the dens this evening?" Nihil offers softly. He sees Notus's tail flick, his feathers just barely grazing the ground. "You're right. I haven't visited in a while."
"You know Neptune will come find you if you don't come willingly," Notus teases as a grin spreads across his face, the tips of his fangs just barely showing.
"I wouldn't expect anything else."
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Do any of nihils ghouls have stuff like insomnia, ptsd, adhd, ect?
they're all fucking stupid
but real talk:
Ares has light insomnia. some nights it's worse than others, but for the most part, he wakes up every 1-2 hours. when he does wake up, he'll leave his room and go check on everyone. he won't wake them, but he'll just quietly open the door to their room, poke his head in, make sure they're fine and then leave
Astraeus deals with trauma. out of all of the ghouls, his abuse was the worse. because of this, he reacts negatively with sudden movement, people reaching towards him, any sort of touch, things like that. if he knows you and likes you, then he tolerates it more. but other than that, he just doesn't want anyone around him
Neptune cannot deal with fire. period, the end. he has a huge fear of it because of his death, and he has gotten burned. it's why he wears his mask 24/7 now. even though the fire only caught the side of his mouth, it scarred him and also made him feel like his entire body was set on fire. in a way, he relived his burning until his mind will finally shut down and he goes into a frenzy. Ares is actually the one that tries to keep Neptune away from any and all visible flames
Notus deals with anxiety and adhd. the others try to keep him "sheltered". they know he can get kinda panicky in large crowds. one of his ways to tell someone he's close with "I'm not doing okay and I need to leave" is by gently biting their shoulder or the top of their ear. these are areas he'll bite in a more intimate way, so he hopes it gets the message across. he can also be impulsive at times, but he's gotten better with this as the years have gone on
Silvanus is severely depressed and is believed to be bipolar. while he can hide it very well, he has a habit of making very dark jokes, and there have been plenty of times where he'll have depressive episodes. if his mental state gets bad enough, he'll actually leave the ministry and go to a certain tree in the forest, block off the little entrance with his vines and sort of hibernate. there will also be nights where he'll relive his death. he'll wake up out of a dead sleep, unable to breathe and he'll feel blood and the pain at his throat. he'll panic until he finally passes out and he can breathe again. no one knows why this happens or how to prevent it
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Hi! Hello!
That I am an enthusiast of Papa Nihil's Ghouls, there is no secret.... To know you are acepting requests about them and them only? Ahhh! I adore your writing!
Do you think the ghoul have kind of a preparation ritual before the shows? With Papa and/or without Papa. Something they do everytime before go on stage.
May you share some thoughts with us, in a narrative or by headcanon-type topics please?
but plssss I'm glad you like my writing bb <333 there isn't too much about the boys when it comes to preparations before the shows, but Nihil did notice a little habit when it came to all of them
Ares would actually step out and smoke a cigarette. He would take his time, but he was always back inside before they had to go on stage, and he always stayed looking presentable
Astraeus, before he ultimately left in 1968, would actually spend his time writing in a little notebook. When Nihil had asked about it, Astraeus confessed that he still wrote poems, just like he did when he was alive. Apparently it helped clear his mind
Neptune simply would always open his arms to Nihil and patiently wait. In all of their time performing, Nihil has only declined Neptune a hug once. However, these little before-the-show hugs became a sort of routine, and Neptune also had a habit of picking the smaller man up and giving him a bit of a squeeze
Notus would actually practice a bit before the show, normally in his dressing room. He also always had a cup of coffee that he would drink and, normally, finish before they had to go on stage. He said it helped calm his nerves
Silvanus would actually give himself a little tarot reading. They normally weren't anything too big, just a 1 or 3 card pull. While he ended up buying his own decks years later, Silvanus always used the one Nihil had originally bought him back in 1960
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inkrabbit · 2 years
request for @phantombluue
something soft with both Notus and Silvanus
He's one of the nicer ghouls out of the pack, so it's not uncommon to find him in the library, offering help wherever he can. Sanitizing the tables and chairs, and putting old returned books back into their spot. He likes the quiet. It also gives him an opportunity to skim through books he might've never considered checking out before, or even be one of the first few to know about new books.
But the second he's done in the library? He's scooping you up and taking you to his room. His setup is a bit more extravagant than the others. From what you knew, he was the only one that had a loft over his bed, the walls above it being lined with built-in bookshelves that held countless books. There was also a plush beanbag up there that you two would spend countless hours sitting in, talking softly as the sun set and the darkness took hold.
Tonight was a little different. He carried you to his bed that was right underneath the loft, surrounded by fairy lights so you two could still see each other. He had pulled you away early from your chores today, saying he felt like you had done enough. Who would argue with one of Nihil's ghouls? Certainly not you. You let him pull you away, both of you giggling like children as you crossed through the old path down to their dens. You couldn't hear the others, but that didn't matter to you. All you wanted to do was spend time with the air ghoul.
The air in his room was strong with his musk; a crisp autumn scent that you normally got lost in. You had kicked off your shoes and joined the ghoul in his nest, a smile cemented on your face as he pressed his cool lips to your cheek. He keeps his voice soft as he talks to you, asking about your day and how it was. You indulged him in conversation and told him about the chores Imperator had given you today. He had laughed when you worried about the consequences of not getting some of them done because you had been pulled away early, and he assured you that nothing would come from your absence. He promised he would talk to Imperator personally, or at least relay the message to Nihil. You knew he had always been the favorite.
“Don't worry about it, liebe.” His cool hand strokes your cheek and you feel the tip of his claw brush against your skin. “Just focus on being with me for tonight.”
It's no secret that he's not interested in helping out around the ministry. He's told you before that after Imperator's return, he stopped caring. And he decided to showcase it with you.
It didn't matter what time of day it was or what you were doing. If he felt like being with you, he was going to be with you. Most of the time he was good, sitting by or helping you finish whatever you were doing. But the second you were done, that was it. He doesn't care if you had anything else to do, tugging you away from the abbey and towards the dens.
Today, however, Silvanus decided he didn't want to wait. He found you in the back of the library, scoffed when you told him you were putting away books and decided to pick you up when you playfully told him you weren't moving from your spot. You kept your arms wrapped around his neck as he carried you back to the dens, telling you someone else could finish putting the books back if they wanted it done that badly. You slapped his chest as you laughed. You knew he wasn't the most patient ghoul.
The one thing you could never get over about Silvanus was his love of music. It seemed like everywhere he went, everything he did, he had to be playing something. And cuddling was no different. He had closed up his canopy before laying back, letting you rest your head on his chest while he scrolled through his phone. The song he picked was slow and soft, something you would've guessed might've been from the '50s. It matched the calm night you both wanted to have as he dropped his phone beside him and wrapped his arms around you. His hands absentmindedly rubbed your back as he hummed along to the song. It made everything feel so calm and serene; a very pleasant change from the occasionally hectic lifestyle you lived in the ministry. Even though the canopy had been drawn, the dim light pouring through from the window wall had been enough to illuminate some of the earth ghoul's features, those mossy green eyes glowing as he stared at you.
“Leave us be, Eros,” he sings softly to you. “Your intrusion kept our love delayed.” 
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Hi! Do you have any headcanons how do ghouls sleep? On tour or at home? Do they have weirdo habits?
At home:
Ares pretty much sleeps on his back, normally with an arm tucked underneath his pillow and a hand on his chest or stomach
Astraeus sleeps curled up, even with his tail wrapped around him and with an arm tucked underneath his head
Neptune sleeps mainly on his stomach with one leg straight and the other hiked up. He also likes to sleep in the middle of his bed because... big boi
Notus also likes to sleep on his stomach, but he'll also sleep on his left side with an arm underneath a pillow
Silvanus sleeps however, but he mainly sleeps on his back. Sometimes he'll swap around on his sides
On tour:
Ares is still normally on his back, but sometimes he'll flip and lay on his stomach. He also gets pretty irritable because he won't be able to sleep the best
Whenever Astraeus went on tour, he would still mainly sleep on his side, but he would also flip onto his back here and there. Reading occasionally helped him
Neptune is trying his fucking best, okay? It's hard for a 6'9 giant to sleep on a bus, and most hotel beds aren't big enough for him. Because of this, he'll be moving around a whole bunch, but no position will make him comfortable and happy
Notus isn't really comfortable either, but he fairs better than the others. Normally he'll just curl up into a little ball, pull the blanket up and over his head and just try to relax
Silvanus also isn't comfortable. He does better on the bus, but hotels actually make him paranoid. He'll normally sleep on his side, facing the door, but he'll wake up every 30min-1hr throughout the night. He normally smokes and drinks in bed to try and ease his paranoia
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Let's Talk Frenzies
I know I've touched on this in a previous ask, along with one of the beta posts about the ghouls. I hc that all ghouls have the possibility to go into a frenzy, and they all vary from ghoul to ghoul. This post is only going to focus on Nihil's ghouls
Ares in a frenzy is pretty much a lava fountain. The first signs he's getting close is his veins will light up a golden-orange and lava will start to drip from his nose. If not contained and calmed down, Ares will shut out everyone else and focus solely on his target. Lava will proceed to leak from his eyes, nostrils and mouth until his target is dead. There's only been one time where Papa Nihil was able to get through to him and calm him down without using his name
Astraeus will "lock" his target in place. There is a sign that he's entering a frenzy, but it's hard to spot in the heat of the moment. He'll get a distant look in his eyes, and his markings will barely start to glow. When in a frenzy, Astraeus will take this time to kill his target, generally using his claws. However, he's only gone into a frenzy once, and because of his relationship with the ghoul, he only split the ghoul's lip
Neptune, similar to Ares, will give off a sign: water starting to leak from his eyes before it finally pours out of his eyes, nostrils and mouth. In his frenzy, Neptune won't know friend from foe and will attack anyone that is in his way. Sadly, most people think his warning sign is him crying, and normally don't know when to leave well enough alone. He's had two frenzies since his summon, and Papa Nihil had to be the one to evacuate the room and general area so he could use Neptune's real name and get him under control
Notus, thankfully, is the hardest ghoul to set off, but also the most dangerous. There are no known signs for his frenzy, but it's very clear what will happen: a wind storm will pick up, strong enough that it had crumbled apart the very first church the clergy had built. On cloudy days, rain will pour as well. Still, it is easier to get Notus out of his frenzy, though it does require Ares or Papa Nihil to make the command for him to snap out of it
Silvanus is the one that will give the clearest signs. He'll normally isolate himself in the forest, and while his voice will revert back to his original overlapping voice, he will blatantly tell whoever is around him to leave. If the warning isn't taken, he will resort to attacking. Silvanus is the only one that doesn't have to be pushed to a feral point, as his own thoughts can bring him there on his own. However, if someone is the reason why he's pushed into a frenzy, there will be no clear warning
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inkrabbit · 2 years
I'm vv curious about Notus? Any info you'd be willing to share?
Notus is currently a little under-developed, but he does have some fun hcs!
Notus knows how to play the violin! he was very interested when seeing it in a music shop one day and decided to buy one. his is a beautiful white and gold, and he loves to play it on windier days so the notes can carry all throughout the ministry
while he's very shy, his fashion is "rugged casual". it's rumored that he actually looked up to both Ares and Silvanus for their more confident attitudes, and their styles influenced his, but these have never been confirmed to be true
surprisingly, Notus doesn't have a spade tail like Ares and Astraeus! think of a peacock feather: it's got a bare base that turns more floofy at the end. it's also pure white feathers that he preens a good bit
in his ghoul form, Notus is grayscale. his hair is white, as are his tail feathers. but his human form? his hair turns ginger. he doesn't 100% know why, but he assumes it's because his human form matches when he was alive
whenever he's flustered or just can't think of the English word for it, Notus will revert back to German. he also softly talks to himself in German as well
as mentioned in a previous post, Notus can summon wings. it takes up a lot of his energy, but he mainly does it during fights. it helps him evade and move to other positions faster. in dire situations, he'll also use them as a shield
it took until the late 90s before Notus got glasses and contacts. he went over 30 years considered legally blind because he couldn't hold his human appearance for longer than an hour or so, and they never knew how long the process would take. so he just waited until he could hold up his human form for a few hours before going with Nihil
just like the Greek god, Notus can ride the winds. he doesn't do it too often, but sometimes when he's feeling lazy, or he has to cover a lot of ground and there's a good wind??? he'll summon his wings and just kinda glide
Notus can walk on air! and there's a little trick he likes doing to scare people who has never seen it before: he will walk to the edge of something and jump :) if you hold in your screams and watch, you'll see that he actually steps on air (what looks like nothing) and he will continue to jump, step and roll through the air until he's safely on the ground. the first time Nihil saw this, he screamed and cried because he thought Notus was going to get hurt
when fighting, Notus will summon a small storm. there's rain and very high winds that will make it feel like needles are sticking into you. normally this stuns his target long enough for him or one of his packmates to attack
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inkrabbit · 2 years
I rly wanna draw notus bc i love that man so much can you describe his design please? Thank you! :)
Notus' design isn't fully set in stone yet (similar to how Neptune's design was tweaked just a bit, along with Silvanus'), but I've got a rough idea for him. His facial structure takes after London Guzman (the sweetheart in the middle), while his hair, eyes, nose and mouth take after dear old Uncle Ben. His tail resembles a peacock feather (pictured below) and his horns are gray and curled back (also pictured below).
Notus is also grayscale while in his ghoul form. His skin is gray, as are his eyes, and his horns fade to a dark gray towards the ends with the tips being black. However, his hair is white.
His fashion also leans more towards rugged casual, and lately the design he seems to like is this. He also wears shell earrings, a vine bracelet with emeralds, and a sunstone ring on his left middle finger. These are just little things he was gifted throughout the years to represent his remaining packmates
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Sorry my bad! I still mistake their names (of all ghouls actually I'm new around here)
Now you got me curious again about their deaths. Can you post it please? I can send you my heart if you want
You’re fine, anon! Below the cut is all of the boys and how they died, along with their age. Formatting might be wonky because I’m doing this from my phone
Ares was 28 when he died. he was a mechanic that generally tried to help anyone and everyone, and just tried to see the good in people. he went to an old abandoned house with 3 friends he was close with. like friends who always invited him out, were always so nice to him, got him gifts, etc. they wanted to do a séance since it was getting closer to Halloween. just something spooky. friend 1 had the bright idea of "hey, how about one of us goes into the broom closet?" and friend 2, who had originally been picked to go in, was way too scared. that's fine. Ares volunteered to go in instead because he didn't believe in anything. so they shut him in, had a little laugh about it. Ares kept making jokes to make sure friend 2 didn't freak out too much. he may or may not have had feelings for them. but the candle friend 3 was holding got a little too close to the decorative blanket that was hanging on the nearby wall and it caught fire. Ares didn't know what was happening. he just thought his friends screaming was to freak him out. you know, until he smelled the smoke and heard the crackling of wood. the door was stuck because the hinges were old and rusted and, in the end, the 3 friends ended up leaving to save themselves when the fire got too much. Ares was trapped in the broom closet, frantically trying to open the door but he couldn't. and in those final moments, he blamed them. when he got to Hell, he thought it was a sick joke that he was a fire ghoul and he carried his rage close. every single person that summoned him was shitty and it only made him worse. so when Nihil summoned him he was just so tired and angry and he just didn't wanna do it anymore
Astraeus was 25 when he died. while he was a Viking, he spent a lot of his time as a skald (a poet). his whole clan loved and adored him, and he did have a love interest. his best friend growing up, who had eventually become the leader of the clan. Astraeus stayed as their right hand, as well as their confidant. and everything was going great. the night before their raid, his friend asked him to sing them a song. so he did. he picked up his old lyre and strummed it while he sang of a man that had hopelessly fallen for someone well out of his league. and his friend seemed to love it. in the morning, they packed everything up and, as usual, Astraeus took his position by his friend. but this raid was different. nearly all of their own had been killed. but like the ever loyal berserker, Astraeus stayed right beside his friend up until the end. they managed to kill off all of their enemies and even found the loot his friend was looking for. a very joyous moment that was cut short when Astraeus felt a sharp, stinging pain in his back. his friend had stabbed him. and then proceeded to stab him over and over and over again, even after he fell to the ground. he wasn't offered any closure. he was just left there to bleed out. and right before he finally died, he watched through lidded eyes as his body was set on fire. even as a ghoul, he was abused and betrayed. his real name was used against him in order to make him submit and his previous masters did whatever they wanted to him. when Nihil summoned him and he saw the other ghouls, he was worried the same thing would happen
Neptune was 31 when he died. he lived in the same town as Silvanus, and died a week before him. his home life was actually very loving, and he grew up with two brothers and two sisters. Neptune was the oldest and had no problem taking care of his younger siblings and helping his parents. he proved to be a skilled hunter and took on the role of getting food for his family. fruits, veggies, meat, whatever they needed, he went out and would find. but Neptune had gotten a little too ambitious one day. it was getting closer to winter and he knew that meat and food would start to dwindle. his family wasn't the richest and he knew they relied on him. so even though he was so exhausted from his hunting through the day, he pushed on well into the night. when he finally couldn't take it anymore, he made a little camp, right beside the lake he loved to visit during the summer. he could barely keep his eyes open and ended up nodding off by the fire. his pant leg got too close and it caught fire, lighting up the rest of his clothes and body quickly. in his panic to put it out, he jumped into the lake, but the sharp temperature change threw him into shock and his body locked up. he fell below the water's surface, and though he tried desperately to call for help, the water only filled his mouth and soon his lungs. he woke up in Hell in a confused haze. an older ghoul was the one who had to explain to him what was going on. Neptune, however, was very lucky. all of his masters were respectful of him, or just in complete surprise that a ghoul actually existed. when Nihil summoned him, he just assumed it was another sweet master that he could server
Notus was 19 when he died. originally from Germany, he moved to America in order to go to college and get a new start. he missed his parents, but he loved the freedom he had on his own. surprisingly enough, he fell in with the jocks, and even was gifted a letterman jacket by the star quarterback. he always questioned his place in the group, but he never left. the day he decided to take the train to go to the city, however, was when an argument turned into a fight in the subway. he tried to ignore it and tell himself that it was okay. he would be away from it soon. but one of the men got shoved backwards and, in turn, was knocked into Notus, who fell onto the tracks. he landed face first on the metal, breaking his nose and putting him into a daze. he didn't get the chance to realize exactly what was happening before he heard the train's horn. the last thing he saw was the train barreling towards him. he woke up in Hell, scared and alone. the ghouls ignored him, save for one that tried to take him under her wing, both literally and metaphorically. Notus lacked a backbone, and the ghoulette talked him through everything. she told him to never give a master his real name, and also told him that some masters were vile and cruel. she was summoned before him. Nihil is Notus' first and only master, and while he does miss the ghoulette that helped him in the beginning, he's happy to be with his pack and actually feel like he belongs
Silvanus was also 31 when he died. his father died from a disease when he was 5, leaving his mother to raise him. she was a saint that originally came from Okinawa, and she taught Silvanus everything he needed to know. how to cook, how to sew, how to be kind to people and stay peaceful. he grew up with a Japanese accent that he eventually lost as he got older. eventually, at the age of 20, his mother took ill as well. Silvanus stopped everything to take care of her, even quitting his job at the local shop when she got worse. a lot of his savings went to medicine for her, along with the best foods money could buy. he gave her the world, and even insisted that she took it easy when her illness waned. desperate for money, Silvanus became a bounty hunter and, eventually, became an amazing sharpshooter. his mother was worried, but he always told her he would be okay. he never told her that bounty hunting helped distract him. severe depression had taken hold when she got sick, and the adrenaline of shooting and killing helped him ignore his sorrows. but he hid it well, even when she got worse again. he had come home from a successful job one day and found her laying motionless on the floor in the kitchen. he completely broke that day. he lasted for a week, but he wasn't himself. he became cold and hostile towards what little friends he had out of nowhere in a desperate attempt to cut ties and save everyone the heartache of his made up mind. he grabbed a metal box, his parents' wedding rings, and two pictures: one of his parents after they had gotten married, and one of him and his mother. he put them all in the box, locked it up and carried them out to the woods. he attached a note to the top of the box that requested it be buried with him. and when he felt ready, he slit his throat. Hell wasn't too bad. he kept to himself most of the time, but it was his masters that ruined him. they yanked his antlers and tail, pulled on his teeth, made him fight other ghouls. but he always came out on top. and he always killed his masters for their abuse. he thought the same would happen with Nihil and refused to believe in a "happy ending" until he was finally proven wrong
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