#Nothing&039;s Gonna Hurt You Baby
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myipop · 5 years ago
‘Hurt By You’ es el primer single del nuevo disco de Donna Missal Muchos, descubrimos a Donna Missal cuando nos visitó como telonera de Lewis Capaldi y desde entonces, nos quedamos prendados de su talento.
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psychedelic-bastrd · 7 years ago
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby..
Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby..
Artist: Cigarettes after sex Genre: alternative Notable lyrics:  Whispered something in your ears It was a perverted thing to say But I said it anyway. Made you smile and, look away.
Boy am I gonna be in trouble for this *nervous laughter*. Thanks for naming your band that. Also, the original video had a very ”erotic” cover *nervous…
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patosdetemporada · 8 years ago
Cigarettes After Sex lanzó el "Apocalipsis"
Cigarettes After Sex lanzó el “Apocalipsis”
La banda afincada en Brooklyn presentó el adelanto “Apocalypse”, uno de los tracks de su primer disco que se lanza el 9 de junio.
El texano Greg González es el líder de esta banda que, en este 2017 y luego de agitar las aguas de la virtualidad con sus aires a lo Angelo Badalamenti, debutará en el universo de la industria discográfica con su primer opus: “Cigarettes After Sex”, el mismo nombre del…
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maergo · 6 years ago
001. When is their birthday?Dec 9th002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday?No, he doesn’t celebrate it003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea?Coffee004. Do they prefer being alone or with others?He likes to be surrounded by up to a few people every now and then but also needs his alone time005. Are they in good health?Physically yes, mentally not so much
006. What sense do they most rely on?All? 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist?Both008. What is their favorite fairy tale?He doesn’t have one009. Do they believe in happy endings?Sometimes he does, it really depends on what it’s about010. Do they believe in love at first sight?No011. How would your character court the person of their dreams?He has no person of his dreams012. What makes your character embarrassed?Compliments, he doesn’t know how to react to them and then he gets embarrassed013. Have they ever been bullied or teased?He has been for a very short period of time014. Detail one secret shame your character feels.uhhhhhhhhhh i can’t come up with anything now015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?His tongue, he’s not a fist fighter016. What is their choice of weapon?probably hair because he doesn’t know how to use any kind of weapon017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved?When it is to protect themselves or someone else018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?Probably wait and see how it’s gonna turn out019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?I think he’d pick invisibility020. What are their hobbies?Photography, music, cooking021. How do they display affection?With close friends he’ll just constantly call them things like bitch and what not. With relationships it really depends on his mood, one day he’ll be super clingy and the other he’s just more vocally affectionate022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?Flowers023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically?An overall healthy look024. What do they consider ugly in others physically?Ugly is a big word but he just tends to not want to look at those that do not take any care of their physical appearance025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise?Confidence026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise?Full on rudeness, like 24/7027. What is their idea of perfect happiness?Being content with what one has in their life. 028. What makes them laugh out loud?People who accidentally hurt themselves (falling down etc)029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have?He has a dark sense of humor030. Do they believe in the afterlife?He does031. Are they superstitious about anything?Not really032. Does your character believe in ghosts?No033. Do they keep their promises?He tries to034. What’s their view of lying?He believes lying is okay as long as it’s not harmful to anyone035. What is the most important rule your character lives by?None036. How honorable is your character?uhhhhhhhhh idk037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do?Pick it up, go to that person and tell them that they dropped the money038. What bad habits do they have?Hairpulling in stressful situations, nail biting, overthinking039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?Emotionally scar them040. What is their obsession?Writing, going for walks, he’s also lowkey obsessed with singing and staying in bed for too long041. Are they comfortable with technology?He hardly knows how to use all the new equipment but is okay with older stuff042. What is their greatest achievement?Getting cats043. What will they stand up for?His friends/ family044. What disgusts them?pussy045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions?He thinks he does but doesn’t want to see a doctor for it046. How do they handle getting sick?He just keeps on doing what he usually does because he hates not getting things done047. What was the last medical problem your character had?/048. Do they have any allergies?He’s allergic to roses049. How does your character feel about growing old?It terrifies him and also causes panic attacks050. How does your character feel about their own mortality?lowkey don’t feel like googling that last word051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today?Make sure his pets will get a good place to stay at and then live his last day like any other.052. What is your character’s worst flaw?I’d say it’s his insecurities053. What is your character’s greatest strength?He doesn’t easily give up054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?Not at all055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert?He’s kinda both but leans more towards introvert056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger?No057. Has your character ever killed anyone?No058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day?One on which he doesn’t stress too much 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up?ugh i so do not wanna do this lmao060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning?He loves learning and he loved school. If his passion wasn’t writing he would’ve considered to either follow more types of educations or he’d study to become a teacher himself061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security?Safety and security most of the time, but an adventure every now and then is appreciated too062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind?None063. How well does your character handle difficult people?Depends on how difficult they are and in what way064. In what ways does your character annoy others?Just by being himself lmao065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer?He good at both and prefers to lead066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature?The city life, if he doesn’t hear traffic constantly he gets too deep into his own thoughts067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny?Not really068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it?He’s responsible when the situation calls for it069. What about your character is heroic?Nothing lmao070. What about your character is cowardly?He’s too afraid to face certain emotions071. How kind is your character?Generally very kind unless someone really gets on his nerves072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)i don’t even know that game073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.)Probably a sidekick074. What is your character’s favorite game?He doesn’t really play games-- at least I assume it’s about videogames?075. Is your character ticklish?A little076. How do they express anger?He bottles it up until it gets too much and then he just takes it out on himself077. How often do they cry? Over what?He cries a lot, mostly when he’s too stressed and can’t deal with his feelings anymore078. How emotionally stable is your character?He’s not very stable079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others?He can kind of sense it when someone lies about how they’re doing080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions?Very easy, it’s very clear when he’s not in a good mood081. Is your character religious?No082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences?When he’s alone he likes to sleep on his stomach, when with someone he wants to sleep against or even half on top of them083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up?Usually it’s something like ‘good morning babies’ because he wakes up to a whole lot of cats waiting for him to give them food084. Describe your character in one word.Odd085. Describe your character in three words.Messy, dramatic, soft086. How would your character describe themself in one word?Unworthy087. How would your character describe themself in three words?Useless, unimportant, weird088. Is your character quiet or loud?Both089. How vocally expressive is your character?He can be very expressive or not at all090. How bodily expressive is your character?Not very expressive091. What type of music does your character like?Anything, he can go from ballads to metal in two seconds092. What emotion does your character evoke in others?Probably annoyance093. What is your character’s goal in life?To become content with what he has094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know.oh idk tbh095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do.Do backflips, sing hella high, uhhhh---096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project?When for work he gives off a very excited and confident type of energy, when alone or with friends it’s generally the opposite097. How well do they adapt to change?Not well at all098. Does your character like animals?He l o v e s animals a lot099. Do they talk to inanimate objects?He curses at his phone sometimes but that’s it 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? Usually he has nightmares but mostly doesn’t actually remember them
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thejoyofviolentmovement · 5 years ago
New Audio: Acclaimed Dream Pop Act Cigarettes After Sex Release a Hauntingly Spectral Single
New Audio: Acclaimed Dream Pop Act Cigarettes After Sex Release a Hauntingly Spectral Single @cigsaftersexx @paritsanrecords @tayfpr
Currently comprised of founding member and primary songwriter Greg Gonzalez (vocals, guitar) with Jacob Tomsky (drums) and Randy Miller (bass), the acclaimed Brooklyn-based dream pop act Cigarettes After Sex can trace their origins back to when Gonzalez formed the band in El Paso. TX back in 2008. Their debut EP, 2012’s I received…
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