#Not sure if i should continue or delve into some of the easter egg choices
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Easter Egg references, anyone? - Part 1
So, as of late, I have managed to do some car liveries while in GT Sport that somehow manage to reference something of my own past.
Some “eggs” will be a mere nod to a key location, but I think it is time I do get it off my chest. Sorry, but not so much, for the lengthy post! (Below the “keep reading”)
#1 - Nissan GTR Nismo - Blue

The egg in here is in plain sight. The livery pays homage to something I did back a few years ago - rather the Dunlop sticker goes well with the GTR NISMO’s AWD. Yep, I actually did that figure, in km/h, in my own 4WD! and on factory-spec Bridgestones! (NISMO here has Dunlops standard). I actually submitted this very scape shot to a buddy who was doing a “send for showcase” style thing like Polyphony Digital themselves are rn, and it got complimented by a random viewer of my bud’s IG story.
#2 - GTR Gr.3 - SAGO, with a nod or so.

This actually has two nods. I will say this though - that is a dark gold and maroon stripe set that is complimented by white and black (barely visible, ik). That, is a nod to the highschool I graduated from! (again home to rather quite a lot of personal memories)
There is presence of the racing number itself - which pays homage to the house I grew up in waaaaaay back in the day.
In terms of non-personal, there’s a thing for the GTR’s own heritage with the Calsonic Blue up front.
#3 - Powerhouse Amuse S2000 - the homage to the old days.

Last one for Part #1 of the post - this livery does a mix of past and present as much as the Gr.3 one above.
The 15 is a personal (yet cheesy, I know), nod to the school that I actually attended back in the day - same principles as before can be applied here as I did have quite fond memories of this place.
The grey bit up front and the “fighter jet mouth” decal on the side are actual references to the Fortuner I drive currently - as I was once called a “Road Warrior”, by friends (they did ask for a ride to and fro, and we all went on the same day) on a Friday that we had chosen to attend the GamesCon of Abu Dhabi, and then actually had a drive back for a late night group dinner. The “Road Warrior” bit came from the night drive back to Dubai, as I actually, uh, managed to do a lot of defensive driving (my forte!) while still showcasing my joyful side. Can say it was worth the laughs that one night as well as the food. Also I do recall that the casual talk OTW back did kinda almost had me spill the beans on something, but I’m glad that didn’t happen.
To close up the livery eggs, there is a wolf insignia on the back - that, once more, does reference to my current keychain in use on the Fortuner’s keychain ring. The blue used on top does somewhat reference a key group I was a part of during highschool, back in the day - one that somewhat has the same vibes as this one league I’m in rn.
#The GT Sport side of things#gt sport#gran turismo sport#nissan#GTR#R35#GTR Nismo#Honda#Honda S2000#Powerhouse Amuse#Amuse S2000#JDM#ps4 pro#game screenshots#personal references - 47#Not sure if i should continue or delve into some of the easter egg choices#Nissan GTR#nismo
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DEATH BATTLE Review: Aquaman vs. Namor
Marvel and DC’s Aquatic kings of Atlantis duke it out in this Season 6 opener. Who will reign supreme, and who will end up sleeping with the fishes?- We’ll find out in the Season 6 premiere of DEATH BATTLE!
Woo hoo! It’s good to be back, folks! Man! It’s been a while. There have been a lot of changes. Like the new schedule for their podcast, the new location change of said podcast, and a whole bunch of other stuff like changing the Youtube channel name. With that said, let’s dive right into the first episode of the season.
Aquaman′s Preview.
We start off Aquaman’s lap by going over his origin story. And thanks to the new movie that’s been swimming around theaters, I’m sure we know his story by now. A good ol’ romance between the land and sea that would make one of the most remembered heroes around. The one and only, Aquaman.

With his origin story now out of the way, we can freestyle right into the powerset of the Atlantian King. And get used to those swimming, water, and ocean puns, because they’re not drowning out anytime soon.

And we even get to go over a lot of his powers about communicating to fish, though, not all of them…

(Don’t worry. Arthur got better).
And that “Clear” thing gets explained around here:

But there is one aquatic sea creature that he can’t mess around with, like his friend, Topo. Who goes from a goofy octopus to…

But as it turns out, Aquaman isn’t just limited to sea life. He can also talk to birds and other less intelligent animals. And while he doesn’t have total control over humans, he can still mess with their heads and disorient them enough to win fights.

DAMN! Aquaman is scary when he wants to be!
But no true Atlantian King would be complete without his trust weapon of choice, his trident………s……… Please note the plural.

(Poseidon is in Boomstick’s hand, Neptune’s trident is in Wiz’s hand).
Aquaman also has plenty of strength feats to back him up as well. Like the time he lifted a ship comparable to the size of this thing thanks to his water magic:

And he’s got plenty more feats to back him up.

Now, blocking the Dead King’s scepter is an impressive feat. As that was the same scepter that sunk Atlantis in the first place. Since Atlantis is considered a continent, it has to be bigger than Greenland, the largest island on Earth.
Which, in simpler terms, means that the total size of Atlantis swims at about

836300 square miles! In order to sink or destroy it, the dead king Atlan would have to have managed to take down this much volume in one blow:

In order to do this, Atlan would have to have struck it with a grand total of

over 155 trillion tons of TNT! And Our boy Arthur blocked that!
But even with all of that power, Aquaman isn’t exactly invincible. He’s susceptible to dehydration, and his durability has limits (as we’ve seen with the piranha thing).
But he’s found different ways to work around that weakness. Like that one time where he used blood to refuel himself. And no, I’m not showing a screenshot for that. It might not be as bad as Elfin Lied, but I’d say that for a guy like Aquaman, one time in the blood pool is enough.
And the end line really should have been a line from Brave and the Bold. Literally any time he would shout his signature “OUTRAGEOUS!” would have been nice to hear. But we just get his word of warning from the Superman animated show instead.
Namor′s Preview.
We start off Namor’s lap by going over his origin story. And thanks to the new movie that’s been swimming around theaters, I’m sure we know his story by now. A good ol’ romance between the land and sea that would make one of the most remembered heroes around. The one and only, Namor.

Except this time, Namor would spend more time in the sea rather than on land. Basically, Aquaman is Surf and Turf, while Namor is just… Surf.

With his background out of the way, let’s delve deeper into his arsenal and powers.

(Wow… Never seen that before…)
Uh, anyways, Namor is also Marvel’s first mutant… Well, kinda. See, Namor isn’t the first mutant to be born, he was simply the first that Marvel introduced. This is because Namor is part Atlantian and part Mutant. Where the mutant part comes from is anyone’s guess, but maybe he just had an X-Gene laying around. This gene is what allows Namor to fly with those wings of his.
And Namor has plenty of other powers to fish for as well.

He can mimic marine life to copy their abilities. He can also communicate with other marine life as well, and his Atlantian education makes him a worthy heir to the throne of Atlantis.
He’s also got a trident named after Neptune.

Wait for it…

(God. I love the fact that I’ve figured out my screenshot editing skills. Makes things so much easier to work with).

Anyways, Namor’s trident isn’t just a fancy fish fork, it has hydrokenisis, mystic blasts, mystic formation, and can even animate objects.

And if he needs backup, he can use his horn to… Huh? What’s that (inaudible whispering) He doesn’t use it in the fight? (Inaudible whispering) And Aquaman doesn’t even call for Topo either? (Inaudible whispering) And now you’re telling me that we need to get to the feats?

Y’know, the fact that they didn’t go over the Island Utopia’s weight kinda shows that Namor……… Probably wasn’t going to win this. I mean, tossing a 9000 ton naval destroyer is impressive, but when compared to the 255 thousand ton ship that Aquaman threw……… It’s not exactly reassuring to the Namor fans.
But, much like DC’s Atlantian royal, Namor isn’t invincible. He also needs water. Not to survive, but to maintain mental stability. This can sometimes cause him to be the villain. Though it should be noted that this isn’t how bipolar disorder actually works.
But as long as there is water left in his body, Namor will continue to be the defender of Atlantis.
And again, we could have gotten his signature battle cry of “IMPERIOUS REX!” From the 2006 Fantastic Four show. But no. Much like Aquaman, we get a word of warning from the 90s version of the show.
The Battle Itself.
Luis is lead on this fight, with Zack, Kiid, and Kayas helping out. Aquaman will be voiced by Kaiji Tang, and Namor will be voiced by Todd Haberkorn. Jerky is the sprite artist, as per usual, Kings of the Sea by Therewolf, Chris Kokkinos lead on sound.
I should also note that instead of his usual “Alright the combatants are set! Let’s end this debate once and for all!” Wiz now says ‘Alright the combatants are set, and we’ve run the data through all possibilities!” It doesn’t have the same feel of epicness that the previous line had. Maybe they’ll change it back, or maybe it’ll take some getting used to. But at least they kept the good old line from Boomstick.

So, with DBC’s new schedule, we didn’t actually get the full audio for the fight. Shame though. Friday was enough time to not only see the battle, but to also gather enough questions for them to answer. Also, now broadcast can’t force Achievement Hunter out of the studio anymore with the excuse of DBC since they moved. But the just of it the story of this fight is that Aquaman does a splash in the pool, and it ticks Namor off.

So they do battle underwater. I should also note that the pool says “50 ft” which implies that it’s that deep. There’s also no “FIGHT!“ Soundbite. Which takes away from the overall feel of it. I miss that announcer. Hopefully, they’ll get it back next episode. Because that sound is something that I’d use for a text alert.
They even exchange a few fisticuffs in the air before crashing onto a beach.

And we also get to see a little Easter Egg too!

(Roshi rebuilt his house. Yay! (Commentary suggests that this takes place before or during that fight though, but I like my idea better mostly because it feels better continuity-wise))
And Namor decides to bring out the big fish, by using his animation powers to summon a few rock golems to do battle with Aquaman.

But Aquaman doesn’t drown easily.

So they take the battle to the water again, where both of them call their aquatic armies to fight. But Aquaman’s army is also backed up by the Clear, so they obviously win there. So they take it even deeper where they clash.

Oh. Right. The finishing blow.
(Y’know, I tried to make this a gif, but the website I used didn’t want to use videos from the website. So it’s back to using screenshots).

Well……… That’s quite the predicament you’re in, chum.
Verdict + Explanation.
Well, both were evenly matched in terms of ability. That was basically a no-brainier. Comparing abilities on their own basically means that you could essentially flip a coin to determine a winner
Namor had wing feet, but Aquaman had magical flight thanks to his trident. Neither side really held advantages in any category.
But while Namor could win in some scenarios, Aquaman had more intense abilities to win out more times than not.
Remember how Namor could match Savage Hulk?- That’s an impressive feat of strength, considering that Hulk could lift a 150 billion ton mountain. But Aquaman could stop Atlan’s Atlantis-Sinking strike. Which had over a hundred times more energy put into it. It’s not exactly a 1-1 comparison, but Aquaman has more feats that back up his own strength.
Namor once kept Utopia from falling into the ocean. Calculating it, that means that Namor managed to hold up a little over 1400 tons of TNT. While the force Aquaman stopped was nearly 200 billion times more powerful.

And when it came to speed and reaction, Namor could catch the Human Torch, who breaks the sound barrier on occasion and regularly flies 140 mph on his normal days. But Aquaman has gone toe to toe with Wonder Woman on multiple occasions. And we all know how fast she is.
Aquaman also had the edge in the whole “Controlling sea life” thing too. While Namor could communicate and command them, Aquaman could dominate their will. And giving them a Clear fueled edge-up also meant that Namor was stuck commanding regular fish while Aquaman was controlling super-fish. This not only meant that Aquaman’s aquatic telepathy was stronger, but it also meant that whatever he was commanding was also stronger.
In the end, both fighters had plenty of counters and abilities, but Aquaman’s strength, speed, and telepathy made Namor fish food.

Overall impression.
I feel a bit… Unsure about this. Not only is the “FIGHT” soundbite missing, but we didn’t get Wiz’s usual “Let’s end this debate once and for all!” line. Don’t get me wrong, this is still very well-researched, and the fight was pretty fun (When you could see it, anyways), but the voice acting was a bit……… weird. Not bad, it took some re-watching to get the feel of it, but for first-time viewers, it would feel weird.
The rock golems aren’t exactly that great-looking either. This kinda feels a bit… rushed. Like we go the unedited version instead of the more polished version. If I’m right on this, and the polished version is out by the time this goes up, then sure. Let’s go. But the overall feel of it doesn’t feel like one of Luis’ fights. More like… a rushed product. It kinda hearkens back to the old Captain America vs. Batman fight that was also filler. Maybe it’s because they said that they planned this for last season, but this doesn’t feel like a strong start.
7.0/10. It’s not a bad fight, but it’s……… Unfamiliar waters.
Next Time…

Well……… This should be a mega battle. We haven’t had a battle royale fight since… the Kanto battle royale. Should be fun, though now I have to write in every single Mega Man.
I’m thinking X might have this, if I’m not forgetting anything about the other robots. He was built to be better than classic Mega Man, so… It’s a reasonable guess. But it looks like I’m going to need to find a way to differentiate later on.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
A battle of Mega-proportions!
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