#North Stradbroke Island
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o-ctober21st · 2 years ago
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via o-ctober21st
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quo-usque-tandem · 2 years ago
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North Stradbroke Island, Australia
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taradactyls · 4 months ago
Progress Update: Trying to Tread Water
Here's your fortnight update, though I think we can safely say three weeks is the soonest I'll ever have a chapter out given my schedule.
I've been able to work steadily, so have a bit over 5,600 words currently (pending editing and cuts) so I'm going really well in that regard!
And for context of how extremely I underestimate how much I'm going to write for each scene, all of those 5,600 words, plus a bit more I've got to do, and the entirety of the last chapter, were in my notes as the first 1/3 of Chapter 40...
So this chapter is either going to be huge or I'm going to have to separate out some ideas and increase the chapter count again, lol.
But I'm used to doing that by now and no one has complained about me exploring things in too much depth yet, and I've gotten pretty good at making those sorts of adjustments quickly, so it shouldn't delay the chapter update.
*edit* Also finally got that Chapter 40 research post up!
Other small updates:
Everyone in the household is over their colds and I've been getting enough sleep! I even got to go to art class yesterday morning and did a really expressive painting with mostly sponges. It was very good for releasing stress!
Actually, I'm just going to show it to you, here's my painting and the supplies I used:
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mindblowingscience · 8 months ago
University of Queensland-led research has found migrating humpback whales off Australia's east coast became less stressed over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research paper is published in Marine Environmental Research. Dr. Jake Linsky from UQ's School of the Environment led a study out of Moreton Bay Research Station to measure the health of the species during a time of unprecedented change in human activity. "We used drone photographs and blubber samples to assess the health of eastern Australian humpback whales in the waters off Minjerribah—North Stradbroke Island—during their migration in 2020 and 2021," Dr. Linsky said.
Continue Reading.
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leadshootingcupid · 4 months ago
Hello hello!
Don't know if you remember me or not, sent you some photos I made in Bundaberg during a holiday, now I'm back with a new share of photos from North Stradbroke Island!
Hope you have a good day :)
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Oh, yer kiddin' me! These are a treat, mate.
'Course I remember ya. Have been lookin' back on the last pictures ya sent every now and again.
Thanks for stoppin' by.
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oo32c · 1 year ago
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☆ North Stradbroke island
The beach was really beautiful and the weather was so good.
I dropped my gelato on my jeans💦🌀
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ditte-i-brisbane · 1 year ago
Besøg af mor og Høgni
Så er mit semester her i Brisbane officielt overstået, og jeg har nu sommer/vinterferie. Jeg tror jeg er bestået alle mine eksamener, men det får jeg først endeligt af vide d 29 november, så jeg vil opdatere der ;)
Direkte efter min sidste eksamen d 15 november stod den på tur med mor og Høgni. Vi kørte om aftenen til Hervey Bay ca. 4 timer nord for Brisbane, hvor vi skulle sove. Dagen efter skulle vi nemlig have et lille propelfly til Lady Elliot Island, en koral ø i det sydligste af the Great Barrier Reef. Her havde vi en overnatning, så tiden blev virkelig udnyttet. Vi fik alle sammen snorklet en hel del, og det var så fantastisk. Revet var lige ved stranden, så man kunne gå bare ud i det. Vi fik set skildpadder, masser af fisk, koraler, søstjerner, kæmpemuslinger og jeg fik også set en blæksprutte. Det var sådan en fed oplevelse, og øen er skrevet bag øret, hvis jeg kommer til Australien igen. Kunne meget godt tænke mig at komme tilbage med Mikkel under armen <3
Efter den skønne tur på Lady Elliot kom vi tilbage til Hervey Bay og sov endnu en nat. Dagen efter skulle vi nemlig besøge K'Gari (Fraser Island). Dette er den største sandø i hele verden, og den var ret spektakulær. Her blev vi kørt rundt i en 4WD af en guid, som viste os lidt af, hvad øen har at byde på. Der var ferskvandssøer, sandklitter, skibsvrag og en masse søde dingoer. Det var så fedt endelig at få set en dingo, da jeg har gået og tænkt på det dyr så længe. Virkelig virkelig dejlig dag.
Dagen efter kørte vi fra kysten og ind i landet. Her skulle vi bruge to overnatninger i Bunya Mountains. Vejret var lidt tåget og det regnede, så Høgni fandt en hytte, hvor vi kunne overnatte. Det var så hyggeligt. Vi fik gået ture og blev ret våde, det regner altså også i the Sunshine State, men vi kunne tørre tøjet ved pejsen. Det var også virkelig rart bare at få slappet lidt af i hytten og nyde ferien. Her fik vi også set os helt trætte i Wallabies, små kænguruer, Cockatoos og Rosellaer. Dette er altså en side af Queenslands natur, man ikke lige umiddelbart tænker på, men det er noget jeg nyder virkelig meget.
Da vi alligevel var blevet lidt træt af regnvejr og tåge, kørte vi tilbage til kysten og brugte en overnatning på North Stradbroke Island, også kaldet Straddie. Her har jeg været før, men jeg synes altså det var så fantastisk, at jeg måtte have mor og Høgni med her ud. Da vejret så lidt bedre ud, brugte vi natten i telt. Vi fik igen gået lidt ture og set en masse dyr og planter. Her så vi endnu flere Wallabies, store kænguruer, flere fugle også fik mor også spottet en skildpadde fra klippekanten. Høgni fik lavet mad på trangia, som smagte virkelig godt, og vi faldt i søvn til havets bølger og fuglekvidder. Næste dag gik vi langs stranden, hvor vi kiggede efter muslingeskaller og andre ting der var strandet i sandet. Vi kørte hjem lidt efter middag, hvor jeg blev sat af derhjemme og kunne gå i bad og pakke ud.
Dagen efter var det min fødselsdag, hvor jeg fik købt et løbeur, Garmin Forerunner 265S, og kigget lidt efter regnbukser. Kl 15 mødtes jeg med min mor og Høgni på Queensland museum, hvor vi kiggede på de mange forskellige udstillinger. Især en udstilling med nogle af Queenslands mange dyrearter var fed, da vi kunne gå rundt og pege på de mange dyr vi havde set på vores rejse. Efter museumsbesøg gik vi til en Vietnamesisk restaurant kaldet District 1, hvor vi spiste aftensmad. Det var virkelig lækkert, og da ingen af os har fået Vietnamesisk før, var det en meget fed oplevelse.
Dagen efter var sidste dag min mor og Høgni var i Brisbane, men da de først skulle være i lufthavnen kl 17, brugte vi formiddagen på at tage til Toohey forest og lede efter koalaer. Desværre så vi ingen koalaer, men vi fik gået os en dejlig tur, og kigget på rigtig mange trætoppe. Det kan også noget.
Nu har jeg ca. en uge inden jeg begynder roadtrip med Chiara og Brita ned langs kysten, så jeg bruger tiden på planlægning. Jeg skal både planlægge roadtrip i Australien og roadtrip gennem New Zealand. Det er virkelig fedt at undersøge, hvad jeg kan se og opleve her på den anden side af jorden :)
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marklehnphotos · 2 years ago
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Our first trip away trying our the new camper. Straddie you never disappoint!
North Stradbroke Island (Minjerribah), Queensland.
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coolyecoinau · 15 days ago
Where Are the Best Spots to See Whales on the Gold Coast?
The Gold Coast is a renowned destination in Australia, famous for its pristine beaches, lush hinterland, and vibrant atmosphere. However, one of its lesser-known but equally captivating natural wonders is the annual whale migration. Between May and November, whales Gold Coast sightings become a highlight for locals and visitors alike. With a range of vantage points offering spectacular views, the Gold Coast is an ideal location to witness these majestic creatures up close. This guide explores the best spots to see whales Gold Coast and offers tips on how to make the most of this unforgettable experience.
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1. Burleigh Heads Lookout
Burleigh Heads is one of the top spots for whale watching on the Gold Coast. Its elevated lookout offers breathtaking panoramic views of the coastline, making it the perfect place to spot migrating whales. From May to November, the annual migration brings humpback whales close to shore, and visitors are often treated to incredible sightings as the whales breach, tail slap, and spout in the distance.
Key Features:
Panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean
Easy access from Burleigh Heads National Park
Elevated position for better whale sighting visibility
2. Point Danger Lookout
Point Danger Lookout, situated at the southern tip of the Gold Coast, is another prime whale-watching location. This lookout provides a commanding view of the coastline, where migrating whales are regularly spotted as they travel north to warmer waters. With the right weather conditions, you can observe the whales as they pass by on their journey.
Key Features:
Located on the border of Queensland and New South Wales
Offers stunning coastal views for whale watching
Located near Tweed Heads, just a short drive from the Gold Coast
3. Kirra Hill Lookout
Kirra Hill Lookout, located in Coolangatta, offers a tranquil setting for whale watchers. The lookout sits at a high vantage point, providing expansive views over the ocean. Whales can often be seen from here as they make their way along the coast, especially in the peak of the migration season. With fewer crowds compared to some other spots, this location is ideal for those who prefer a quieter experience.
Key Features:
Less crowded than other whale-watching locations
Panoramic views of the ocean and hinterland
Located in the southern part of the Gold Coast
4. South Stradbroke Island
For those who want a more immersive whale-watching experience, a trip to South Stradbroke Island is an excellent choice. The island offers a combination of natural beauty, pristine beaches, and close proximity to whale migration routes. You can either view the whales from the island’s beach or venture to a nearby vantage point for an even clearer view. Regular sightings of humpback whales are common during migration season.
Key Features:
Secluded location with fewer tourists
Beautiful beaches for additional relaxation
Close access to whale migration routes
5. Coolangatta Beach
Coolangatta Beach, located at the southernmost point of the Gold Coast, is an excellent location for whale watching. With unobstructed views of the Pacific Ocean, the beach offers an ideal setting to catch a glimpse of these magnificent creatures. It is especially popular for whale watching during the morning and afternoon hours when the whales are most active. From Coolangatta, you can also catch a glimpse of whales migrating past the coastline, heading north towards Queensland’s warmer waters.
Key Features:
Close proximity to whale migration routes
Unobstructed views from the beach
Calm waters, perfect for watching whales in action
6. Surfers Paradise Beach
Surfers Paradise Beach, one of the Gold Coast’s most iconic landmarks, is another great spot to see whales Gold Coast. The vast expanse of the beach and its strategic location make it an ideal place to catch sightings of humpback whales as they make their way along the coast. While the area can be busy, early mornings or late afternoons often offer quieter moments to enjoy the natural spectacle.
Key Features:
Popular, lively area with easy beach access
Ideal for watching whales from the shore
Close to a wide range of amenities and services
7. Sea World Whale Watching Tours
For those seeking a more intimate whale-watching experience, Sea World on the Gold Coast offers guided whale-watching tours. These tours take you out on the water, allowing you to see the whales up close and personal. Whale experts and guides provide educational insights about the migration patterns, behaviors, and conservation efforts surrounding humpback whales.
Key Features:
Close-up whale-watching opportunities
Expert-led guided tours
Learn about whale behavior and migration
Best Time to See Whales on the Gold Coast
The best time to see whales Gold Coast is during the annual migration season, which typically runs from May to November. During this time, thousands of humpback whales migrate along the east coast of Australia, with many passing close to the Gold Coast. The peak of the migration occurs between July and September when the whales are most abundant.
Whale watching is generally most successful during clear weather and calm seas, so checking the weather forecast before heading out is recommended. Early mornings and late afternoons are also prime times for spotting whales, as these are the times when the whales are often most active.
Tips for Whale Watching on the Gold Coast
Bring binoculars: While some sightings can be visible to the naked eye, a pair of binoculars will enhance the experience and allow you to see the whales in more detail.
Stay patient: Whale watching requires patience, as sightings may not happen immediately. However, with a little time, the reward of seeing a whale breach or tail slap is worth the wait.
Dress appropriately: Weather conditions can change quickly on the coast, so bring layers and sunscreen for protection.
Respect the wildlife: Always maintain a respectful distance when watching whales, especially if you’re on a boat. Avoid causing distress to the animals.
The Gold Coast offers some of the best whale-watching opportunities in Australia, with a variety of spots providing excellent views of migrating humpback whales. Whether you choose a popular lookout or a more secluded beach, you're sure to be treated to the awe-inspiring sight of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. By visiting the best spots to see whales Gold Coast, you'll have the chance to witness one of nature’s greatest spectacles while enjoying the beauty of the Gold Coast’s coastline.
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o-ctober21st · 2 years ago
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via o-ctober21st
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simplewedding · 25 days ago
Marriage Registry Office Brisbane: Your Complete Guide to Getting Married
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Are you planning to tie the knot in Brisbane? The Marriage Registry Office in Brisbane is a convenient and cost-effective option for couples looking for a simple yet legally binding wedding ceremony. Whether you're after a civil marriage or an intimate celebration, the registry office provides a streamlined process to make your wedding day special.
Why Choose a Marriage Registry Office in Brisbane?
Many couples opt for a registry office wedding in Brisbane because it is:
Affordable – A cost-effective alternative to lavish weddings.
Legally Recognized – Official marriage ceremonies conducted by an authorized celebrant.
Quick & Efficient – A hassle-free process with minimal formalities.
Intimate & Simple – Perfect for couples who prefer a private ceremony.
How to Get Married at the Brisbane Registry Office
1. Submit a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM)
Before getting married, you must complete a Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) form at least one month before the ceremony. This document is legally required and must be lodged with the registry office.
2. Provide Required Documents
To register your marriage, you will need:
Valid photo identification (passport, driver's license, or birth certificate)
Proof of divorce (if applicable)
Proof of identity for both partners
3. Book Your Wedding Date
Once your NOIM is processed, you can book a wedding ceremony at the Brisbane Registry Office. It’s advisable to book well in advance, especially during peak wedding seasons.
4. Attend Your Ceremony
On the wedding day, you and your partner must arrive at the registry office with two witnesses (over 18 years old). The ceremony typically lasts 15-30 minutes and includes the exchange of vows and signing of the marriage certificate.
5. Receive Your Marriage Certificate
After the ceremony, you will receive a commemorative marriage certificate. However, for official purposes (passport, name change, etc.), you may need to apply for an official marriage certificate through the Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages.
Costs of a Registry Office Wedding in Brisbane
The cost of a registry wedding varies depending on the type of ceremony and additional services required. Generally, the fees include:
Marriage registration fee
Ceremony fee (varies based on the location and celebrant)
Marriage certificate fee (optional but recommended)
For up-to-date pricing, visit the Queensland Government’s official website.
Alternatives to a Registry Office Wedding
If you prefer a different setting, you can hire an authorized civil marriage celebrant in Brisbane and have your wedding at a location of your choice, such as:
Parks & Gardens – Brisbane Botanic Gardens, New Farm Park
Beach Weddings – North Stradbroke Island, Moreton Bay
Private Venues – Hotels, chapels, or function halls
The Marriage Registry Office in Brisbane provides a simple, affordable, and legally recognized option for couples looking to get married with minimal stress. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure a smooth wedding process and begin your new journey as a married couple.
For more details, visit the official Queensland Registry of Births, Deaths, and Marriages website and start planning your special day today!
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swimwithturtlesgoldcoast · 1 month ago
Experience the Best Turtle Encounters on the Gold Coast
The Gold Coast, located in Queensland, Australia, is renowned for its pristine beaches, vibrant marine life, and diverse ecosystems. Among the many natural wonders this coastal paradise has to offer, few experiences compare to the thrill of swimming with turtles. If you're looking for a memorable adventure in the crystal-clear waters, swim with turtles Gold Coast should be at the top of your list. This experience not only offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature but also provides the chance to witness these gentle creatures in their natural habitat.
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Why Swim with Turtles on the Gold Coast?
The Gold Coast is a haven for wildlife lovers, and swimming with turtles is one of the most extraordinary ways to interact with its underwater world. The region is home to several turtle species, including the loggerhead, green, and hawksbill turtles. These ancient mariners can often be found swimming around coral reefs and seagrass beds, where they feed and rest.
Swimming with turtles Gold Coast is more than just an opportunity to see these incredible creatures; it allows you to engage with them in a respectful and eco-friendly way. The marine environment here is protected by strict regulations to ensure that all wildlife encounters are sustainable and safe, making it an ideal destination for ethical wildlife experiences.
Best Locations to Swim with Turtles on the Gold Coast
The Gold Coast offers a variety of stunning locations where visitors can experience the joy of swimming with turtles. These areas are rich in marine biodiversity and provide clear waters, making it easy to spot these majestic creatures. Here are some of the top spots to explore:
1. Cook Island
Cook Island, located just off the coast of Tweed Heads, is a must-visit for anyone wishing to swim with turtles Gold Coast. Known for its vibrant marine life and crystal-clear waters, the island is home to a healthy population of turtles. The coral reefs surrounding the island are teeming with colorful fish, and the shallow waters make it the perfect place for snorkelers to glide alongside these incredible creatures.
2. Moreton Bay Marine Park
While Moreton Bay is slightly further north of the Gold Coast, it is still one of the best places to experience turtle encounters in the region. The Moreton Bay Marine Park is home to a variety of marine species, including green sea turtles, which can often be seen gliding gracefully through the waters. Snorkeling and diving in the park offer the opportunity to swim with turtles in their natural habitat while exploring the diverse marine environment.
3. Stradbroke Island
Stradbroke Island, located off the coast of Brisbane, is another fantastic destination for those looking to swim with turtles Gold Coast. The island’s clear, calm waters are ideal for snorkeling and swimming with turtles. The waters around the island are rich in seagrass, which is a primary food source for green sea turtles, making it a prime location to spot them in the wild.
4. Byron Bay
Although technically just outside the Gold Coast, Byron Bay is close enough to be part of any itinerary for turtle enthusiasts. The waters around Cape Byron Marine Park are home to a variety of marine life, including sea turtles. Snorkeling tours in the area frequently include opportunities to swim with these magnificent creatures, offering an unforgettable experience.
Best Time to Swim with Turtles on the Gold Coast
To maximize your chances of encountering turtles during your trip, it's essential to consider the best time of year. The Gold Coast is a year-round destination, but there are certain periods when turtle sightings are more frequent.
Summer and Autumn: Peak Turtle Season
The summer and autumn months (from December to May) are generally considered the best time to swim with turtles Gold Coast. This is when the waters are warmer, and turtles are more active. Many species of turtles are nesting around this time, and the juvenile turtles are often seen near the shore, making for an exciting experience.
Winter: Quieter, but Still Worthwhile
While winter (June to August) may be a quieter period for turtle sightings, it is still possible to encounter these majestic creatures. The waters are cooler, but the visibility remains excellent, making it a great time for snorkelers who want to experience a less crowded encounter with turtles.
How to Swim with Turtles on the Gold Coast
There are several ways to experience swimming with turtles Gold Coast. From guided tours to self-guided snorkeling adventures, there is an option to suit every traveler.
Guided Tours
For those who prefer a more structured experience, guided tours are an excellent way to learn about the marine life and ensure a safe, enjoyable encounter with turtles. Local tour operators offer snorkeling and diving trips that take you to the best turtle-spotting locations on the Gold Coast. Guides are often experts in marine biology and can share fascinating insights about the turtles and their ecosystems.
Self-Guided Snorkeling
For the more adventurous traveler, self-guided snorkeling can be an incredible way to swim with turtles Gold Coast. With plenty of accessible beaches and reefs along the coast, you can rent snorkeling gear and explore at your own pace. Popular locations such as Cook Island and Stradbroke Island offer easy access to turtle habitats, making them perfect for independent explorers.
For those seeking a deeper experience, diving offers an unparalleled opportunity to swim alongside turtles. The Gold Coast’s waters are home to some of Australia’s most vibrant coral reefs, and a dive into these underwater wonderlands will bring you face-to-face with turtles, rays, and schools of tropical fish.
Tips for Ethical Turtle Encounters
While swimming with turtles Gold Coast is an unforgettable experience, it is essential to approach it with respect and responsibility. Here are some tips to ensure that your encounter is both safe and sustainable:
Maintain a Safe Distance: Always keep a respectful distance from the turtles. Avoid touching them or disturbing their natural behaviors.
Avoid Chasing or Cornering Turtles: Let the turtles approach you on their own terms. Do not chase or corner them.
Follow Local Guidelines: Respect local regulations and guidelines regarding wildlife interactions. Many areas have rules to ensure the safety of both visitors and marine life.
Be Mindful of the Environment: Protect the fragile marine ecosystem by avoiding touching coral reefs or disturbing marine life.
There is no better way to experience the Gold Coast’s underwater world than by taking the opportunity to swim with turtles Gold Coast. Whether you're snorkeling around Cook Island or diving in the crystal-clear waters of Stradbroke Island, this unforgettable experience will leave you with lasting memories of one of nature’s most majestic creatures. With proper care and respect for the environment, a turtle encounter on the Gold Coast can be a life-changing adventure for marine enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.
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ecoblast-pressurecleaning · 3 months ago
Pressure Cleaning Services in Amity Point: Revitalize Your Property with Professional Care
Nestled in the serene beauty of North Stradbroke Island, Amity Point is a coastal gem where homes and businesses enjoy stunning ocean views and a relaxed lifestyle. However, the coastal environment can also take a toll on properties. Salt, sand, mold, and mildew accumulate over time, leaving your exteriors looking dull and worn. This is where Pressure Cleaning Services in Amity Point come to the…
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voyagederevelee · 4 months ago
Day Trip to North Stradbroke Island from Brisbane…. WOW!
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floorandwillemijn · 4 months ago
Sonja and Elisa Jane Carmichael
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Sonja Carmichael is a Ngugi woman from the Quandamooka people from Nort Stradbroke Island. She is a fibre artist and active member of her commmunity by sharing her weaving skills to ensure the continuation of Quandamooka artistic practices. She works with fibre basketry and woven sculptures and her works reflect her family's deep cultural connections with the land and seas of Minjerribah.
She draws inspiration from the stories connected to traditional Quandamooka weaving and additionally explores contemporary materials and techniques, in particular discarded nets and fishing lines. By using these materials she expresses her concers about the preservation of the natural envrionment.
Sonja Carmichael is a leader in the regeneration of Quandamooka weaving, passing on cultural knowledge and skills trough workshops, exhibitions and field research. In here practice and trough her research she revived the Quandamooka loop and diagonal knot weave, a technique she reflects on as 'symbolic of the female spirit'.
Elisa Jane (Leecee) Carmichael, de daughter of Sonja is a Ngugi woman from the Quandamooka people of Moorgumpin (Moreton Island) and Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island). She is a multi-disciplinary artists who works across the mediums of paintings, textiles, and weaving. She works with and honours her salt water heritage by incorporating materials collected from country into her work.
In her work she visually explores the beauty of nature and her surrounding environment, drawing inspiration from her cultural idenitity and heritage. Her works, that are contemporary explorations of Quandamooka weaving, provide a modern and unique twist on the enduring cultural tradition and heritage.
With her work she ensures the continuation of weaving in the next generation. She collects materials following a process of protocol and sustainable respect for country: they carefully pick grasses in abundance in the right seasons and pluck the discarded netting and materials that weave their ways to Minjerribah from the ocean. Using the marine debris in this way protects salt water animal kin and raises awareness of the harmful pollution of their dabiyil.
Alineas are based on:
Moulton, K. (2020). Quandamooka weavers: Sonja and Elisa Jane Carmichael. In Carmichael, F, Et al., Long water: fibre arts (p. 68-69). Institute of Modern Art.
Davidson, K. (2021). Wunjayi (Today): Sonja and Elisa Jane Carmichael. QAGOMA, Brisbane, Australia. Cited at https://collection.qagoma.qld.gov.au/stories/17766 on 22/10/2024
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ditte-i-brisbane · 1 year ago
Sidste semesteruge og weekendtur til Straddie
Så er sidste semesteruge afsluttet, de sidste afleveringer er afleveret og første kursus er bestået!
Denne uge har altså mest af alt stået på at afslutte de sidste skoleting inden "læse"ferien starter. Jeg har i denne uge fået afleveret hele tre afleveringer og lavet to quizzer. Det er helt forrykt, hvor meget tid jeg har brugt på skole. Dog var der i mandags tid til lidt hygge, hvor jeg tog med Florian, Jasper, Brita og Luke til Indooroopilly (udtales Indruhpily), eller Indro (australierne elsker jo deres forkortelser) for at spise på Bettys Burgers. Efter dette tog vi et spil bowling, hvor jeg tabte :( Bowling er virkelig ikke min sportsgren, men jeg gjorde det også svært for mig selv, da jeg formåede kun at ramme 1 kegle i første runde....
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Fredag fik jeg afleveret mit sidste kemiprojekt, og sikke en lettelse der kom med det. Derudover lavede jeg min sidste quiz i kurset Aquatic Environments, hvilket betyder at jeg nu har bestået det kursus :)) Der var altså dømt ferie efter dette.
Jeg brugte fredag aften på at sige farvel til Luca, Jasper og Florian som tog til New Zealand i en uge, og til Sophie som tog til Cairns. Sophie og Luca skal direkte videre til Asian og mødes med Chiara og Kelly når de er færdige med deres andre rejser. Der er altså meget få mennesker hjemme i husene pt, og der kommer ikke til at være helt fyldt igen på noget tidspunkt. Det er lidt skørt at tænke på, at vi ikke kommer til at være allesammen sammen igen. Jeg får da set alle igen, inden de tager hjem, så jeg har ikke sagt mine helt store farvel endnu.
Jeg vågnede tidligt lørdag morgen, og tog også selv på en lille tur. Jeg tog til Minjerribah/North Stradbroke Island, North Straddie eller bare Straddie, hvor jeg skulle bruge weekenden. Det tager ca. 3 timer med offentligt at komme til øen, inklusiv en dejlig færgetur. Vejret var så skønt, og det var virkelig rart at få lidt alene slap af tid, efter min nok mest pressede uge i semesteret. Øen er fyldt med lækre strande, sandklitter og masser af dyr. Jeg så så mange kænguruer at jeg ikke har tal på det, og jeg fik også set en goanna! Øen skulle også være det perfekte sted at se koalaer og være på hval udkig. Jeg så dog hverken hvaler eller koalaer på min tur.
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Lørdag fik jeg gået en helt masse, og da benene blev lidt for trætte, satte jeg mig på Cylinder beach og læste, indtil jeg skulle på surf kursus. Jeg synes lige jeg skulle have revenge på det surfing, og det gik også meget bedre denne gang. Det er nok lidt sjovere at surfe, når man ikke har massive tømmermænd... Jeg havde en instruktør på knap 15 år, som nok er en af de mest australske personer, jeg har mødt her indtil videre. Kæmpe surfer dude vibes med meget lyst hård, brun hud og en australsk dialekt, jeg næsten ikke kunne forstå. Han var en virkelig god og sød instruktør som var meget opbakkende og støttende. Jeg prøvede både, hvor han skubbede mig ind i bølgerne, og jeg "bare" skulle stå op, og hvor jeg selv skulle "catch the wave". En gang lykkedes det for mig at fange min egen bølge og komme op og stå. KÆMPE VINDER FØLELSE. Det skal virkelig prøves igen :))
Efter surf lektionen chillede jeg lidt mere på stranden, inden jeg skulle finde et sted at sove. Der var desværre bookede overalt på øens campingpladser, så det blev lidt ulovlig camping jeg var ude i... Jeg havde en sovepose med, også sov jeg under stjernerne. Eller det vil sige under skyerne, der var nemlig helt overskyet da solen gik ned. Heldigvis intet regn, men lidt ærgerligt at jeg missede den ellers helt fantastiske stjernehimmel. Da jeg vågnede næste morgen, var der kun lige et lille snit, hvor jeg kunne se solopgangen. Selvom det ikke var meget, var det stadig en konge måde at vågne på.
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Søndag gik jeg lidt mere, og her gik jeg på the Gorge Walk, hvor der bare var de flotteste klipper. Vandet her har bare en helt fantastisk farve. Det minder mig om det græske middelhav.
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Efter lidt mere strandtid, tog jeg hjem søndag, for at gøre mig klar til mini roadtrip med 4 venner fra DTU.
Der var nemlig en vigtig ting, jeg skulle have styr på. Vores bil er desværre begyndt at ryste lidt, og det skulle have været fikset i fredags, men desværre ikke helt. Jeg tog den derfor tilbage til mekanikeren mandag morgen, for at få den tjekkes ud igen. Mekanikeren fik lappet problemet lidt mere, men der er stadig to ting, der burde fikset på et tidspunkt. Dette ville være en del dyrere, vi har givet 950AUD forløbeligt, og vil muligvis koste +2000AUD. Det er noget med bilens suspension og transmission (hvilket jeg jo ikke aner, hvad betyder). Mekanikeren mente dog, at bilen lige nu ikke er i problemer, og den sagtens kan køre. Dog ville han fraråde lange roadtrips, da dette kunne forværre bilens tilstand. Dette har Chiara og jeg altså lige valgt at ignorere lidt, da vi har planer om roadtrip til Melbourne. Dog vil vi nok få den tjekket undervejs, hvis den bliver meget værre. De problemer tager vi til den tid :))
Min første eksamen er matematik d 8 november, så jeg kommer hjem fra roadtrip d 4, så jeg lige har et par til at sikre, at jeg består :)
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