#North Bengal
Is anyone any book lovers, book reviewers, or people who read books?
Please respond so that I am thinking to make a review or first impressions about some useful reading books.
Here are some books that I bought in Kharagpur, West Bengal on the occasion of Kharagpur Book Fair, in January 2023.
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Today I did upper lip, underarm, legs and hands and almost my back waxing. Now my underarms are bleeding a bit ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ And my mom said beauty needs pain and the reason for waxing is that tomorrow is school.
But when I was watching a WhatsApp meme channel, I saw this horrifying news:
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It's about a literal goods train crashing into a passenger train in Bengal, the state in India where I live. People who go in this express go to North Bengal to visit Darjeeling, the hill station in Bengal, and also to see Kanchanjunga, a tall snowy mountain which can be visible from Darjeeling during Winter. This news literally shocked me.
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bookingnexttrip · 4 months
Booking NextTrip is a web travel stage which came into presence based on necessities of visitors.
Website link: https://bookingnexttrip.com/
Just dial 075018 44554
WhatsApp :: 075018 44554
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parjatakgurukolkata · 7 months
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Darjeeling Tour Package from Kolkata
Your Darjeeling tour starts today. First, meet our IHPL representative, who will be there to assist you while you take a transfer to Darjeeling from New Jalpaiguri Railway Station (70.3km) / Bagdogra Airport (65.3 km) / Tenzing Norgay Bus Stand (61.9 km). On your arrival in Darjeeling, you will have an assisted transfer to the hotel. Complete the check-in formalities at the hotel and unwind. In the evening, go out for a stroll around the Mall or local shopping center of Darjeeling. Have a comfortable overnight stay at Darjeeling.
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sangbadpratidin · 7 months
West Bengal government to build IT Hub in North Bengal
Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee revealed plans for an IT Hub in North Bengal, taking inspiration from Rajarhat. IPS officer Rajeev Kumar is at the helm of this groundbreaking initiative.
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shreyachatterjeevlogs · 9 months
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Veteran Traveler Shreya Chatterjee explores North Bengal Dooars.
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banglakhobor · 11 months
কেন্দ্রীয় বঞ্চনার অভিযোগে তৃণমূলের ধর্নামঞ্চে গঙ্গারামপুরের বিজেপি বিধায়ক
সুদীপ চক্রবর্তী, উত্তর দিনাজপুর: কেন্দ্রীয় বঞ্চনার (Central Government) অভিযোগে তৃণমূলের ধর্নামঞ্চে (TMC Dharna Mancha) বিজেপি বিধায়ক (BJP MLA)। তৃণমূলের ধর্নামঞ্চে হাজির গঙ্গারামপুরের (Gangarampur) বিজেপি বিধায়ক সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ রায়। বঞ্চনার অভিযোগে তৃণমূলের সঙ্গে একমত তিনি। কেন্দ্রের সঙ্গে আলোচনা করে বকেয়া আদায় করুক রাজ্য, পরামর্শ বিজেপি বিধায়কের।  কী বললেন?দুপুর পৌনে দুটো নাগাদ ধর্নামঞ্চের কাছে…
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sroy1967 · 1 year
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Coronation Bridge, Teesta, West Bengal, India
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khabarsamay · 2 years
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piyalbal339-blog · 2 years
Jungle book resort, madarihat, dooars, west Bengal, India
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stephstars08 · 2 months
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I am really loving this hair style!!!
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joseph-lee-burrow · 1 month
Do you think Joe is coming back better than ever this season? I do 🐯
Of course. The king of the North baby 👑
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0zzysaurus · 1 month
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Okay so here’s our schedule fellas. Let me walk you through it in beginner talk.
Fun and important adventure below :]]
NFL is broken into two organisations — The AFC and the NFC. They are then broken down into four regional divisions — each division has four teams. Teams from both the AFC and NFC will play each other throughout the season, but we also have divisional games, where you play the other teams within your division.
Bengals are in AFC North — AFC North consists of, the Cincinnati Bengals, the Cleveland Browns, the Baltimore Ravens, and the Shittsburgh Steelers. We play each of our divisional rivals twice in order to make a ranking within the division, which — on top of overall ranking — determines placement in the play-offs (which not every team gets into, as the season comes to a close, teams with lowest wins are eliminated.)
We always tend to struggle divisionally, so it’s good to have a preliminary look at the non-divisional teams we’ll play, be they other AFC teams or NFC teams. Some of the teams we have this season (i.e. Carolina Panthers, Denver Broncos, Tennessee Titans, etc.) are DOG ASS TEAMS ‼️‼️‼️ We should be able to cinch easy wins from those teams — but never say that out loud, because the Bengals have a habit of ‘bungling’ things up.
On the other hand, we also have some absolutely cracked teams in our schedule (i.e. Philly Eagles, Dallas Cowboys, and regrettably, the Kansas City Chiefs). These will be hard teams to beat, especially the Chiefs, because they’re the NFL’s baby pretty princess special boo boo ga ga team who can do no wrong. The game is scripted in their favour I swear to God. BUT it’s been done. We’ve been known to give those skanks a thrashing.
See, the Bengals are a bipolar team if ever there was one. We either wipe the floor with ‘em, or get absolutely barebacked and humiliated on live television for several weeks straight. We always start bad with even records but tend to climb up the winning ladder the closer to the end we get. Joe Burrow — our Quarterback — also has this cute little habit of getting season-ending injuries every fucking season. He also got a big pay check last year so he’s been playing like total ass. Jake Browning is our second Quarterback and he did an ace job last year for it being his first professional season. Evan McPhearson is our kicker and he’s my favourite. I want him.
If u would like to be a Bengal Freak like me, here are three tenants to follow to keep the spirit of the game alive in your soul:
1. KEEP THAT WHO DEY KITTY IN YOUR HEART !! (Who Dey is both our mascot and our signature chant) When you got the Who Dey on a Game Dey? You can conquer the world. First tenant — Be glad that we’re here.
2. Never say you think we’re going to win a game. It attaches some evil Pharaoh’s curse onto that week of football and we will lose. Even if it’s Q3 and the game only has 15 minutes of playtime left and we are up by multiple TD’s, do not say that we have it in the bag. Do not say we are gonna thrash their hides. Second tenant — If the Bengals can Bungle it, assume that they will.
3. We have enemies. But we also have friends. But more importantly we have enemies. The Chiefs — despite not being a division rival — are a team we are sworn against. Fuck those guys, we all hate ‘em no matter what team you support. Remember them as the key villain of the sport, and revel in their downfall whenever you can, just know that it never lasts long. Division teams are sworn to hatred — the Ravens, Browns, and Steelers all suck — but especially the Steelers. Remember to save all your hatred for those towel-wiping shit squealing Steelers. On the brighter side, the Buffalo Bills are our friends. We have done good things for each other over the past half-a-decade. We’ve got each other into play-offs via score manipulation, we’ve respected one another through very serious injuries, and we send each other food when our teams win. You will see Bengals fans touting them as our friends forever. We love the Bills Mafia. We are in a romantic relationship with the Bills Mafia. The Dolphins, Lions, and 49ers are also our chums! Third Tenant — Root for our rivals, and kill our enemies.
This has been Joey’s introductory guide to being a Bengals Buddy in 2024 — watch out for August when my entire account turns orange ^^ who dey!! 🐯🏈
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the-football-chick · 2 months
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banglakhobor · 11 months
সঙ্কোশ নদীর জলে হাতির দাঁতহীন কাটা মুণ্ড, অসমের চোরকারবারিদের কীর্তি, ধারণা বন দফতরের
অরিন্দম সেন, আলিপুরদুয়ার: হাতির দাঁতহীন মুণ্ড (Elephant Head Recovery) উদ্ধার ঘিরে চাঞ্চল্য অসম-বাংলা সীমান্তের ভলকা-বরোবিশা এলাকায় (Alipurduar)। শুক্রবার সঙ্কোশ নদীর জলে ভেসে আসে মুণ্ডটি। অসমের চোরাকারবারিদের হাতেই এমন ঘটনা, প্রাথমিক ধারণা বন দফতরের। শুরু হয়েছে তদন্ত।  কী জানা গেল? বন দফতর সূত্রে খবর, শুক্রবার বিকেল ৪টে নাগাদ বক্সা ব্যাঘ্র প্রকল্পের ভলকা বিট অফিসে এই খবর আসে। বনকর্মীরা দ্রুত…
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sroy1967 · 1 year
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The Winding Rail-line
@ Dooars, North Bengal, India, 2022
This area abuts the tea gardens (notice the recently trimmed bushes; the fresh leaves are up by about March for the first round of picking), and the lower Himalayas (the blue mountains beyond).
Alongside are placed many spare concrete railway sleepers. Have halted here numerous times to catch a bite off my pack!!
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