shreyachatterjeevlogs · 9 months
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Veteran Traveler Shreya Chatterjee explores North Bengal Dooars.
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ltbunny · 6 months
creepy, pervert, boyfriend Mactavish is my roman empire
(fat reader because I'm feral and soap would little gnaw on your tummy like a chew toy [he loves you], excuse my grammar, English is my first language, I'm just bad at it)
CW: dub con-ish, unsolicited pics, consensual somnophillia,
Definitely sends pictures of you to the group chat cause he's so smug about having you,
look at my bonnie baby
*attachment photo*
its a picture of you sleeping against his chest, cuddled up, the flash of the camera in the dark room catching your back rolls and ass, his hand groping your ass and Johnny's smug grin in the back, somewhat visible but really not the center frame.
He sends another attachment, his mouth on your tits as he grins in the camera again, centre frame with your chest this time, maybe even a little video of him sucking your tits while you stir in your sleep, making little noises that go straight to his dick (and gaz's. he's the only other one up right now. simon and price wake up at 5am, they'll see it later)
He always sends more than he intended, but he can't help it, especially when he knows the boys like the pictures too. You're so soft and pliant when you're asleep, letting him spread your legs with ease, no panties, soap convinced you to let his second favourite girl (debatable) breathe, no panties on at night, same goes for his lil swimmers.
You said it was okay....right?
He can use you when you're sleeping, as long as he doesn't yowl like an animal and fuck you awake every night, once in a while is fine, he gets it, he's loud and he wants his pretty girl to have her beauty sleep but its been like 4 days and his cock is hard. Four days is long enough.
He looms over you and strokes his hard cock over your pussy, breathing heavy, his eyes never leaving your soft peaceful face, cooing nasty words with a soft voice.
And.... maybe the sleeping arrangements are fine, but the pictures aren't really... discussed... but that's just for him and the boys. You'll never find it anyway. What you don't know can't hurt you. The group chat could have confidential information! That's what he told you. He lets you go through whatever you want on his phone, nothing to hide, no girls, no cheating, expect his little hen. He says the gc, 'one-four-one', could have sensitive work stuff in it, and obviously, you trust him. You never peer or peak in the group chat. (Not like it has any top secret messages anyway. Why would anyone send confidential information in a whatsapp group chat? Silly girl, he muses, at least this way she won't see anything in the group chat..)
"Fuck, mo luaidh, ye so fucking sexy for me, even when all ye doing is breathing, it's like ye wan' me to cum all over that pretty pussy, your tits are going up and down, doll, fuck you want me to suck em again that bad?"
He grins manically to himself, leaning down and sucking your nipple again, groaning, stroking his cock faster, wanting to cum all over that pussy, it's been a while since you've shaved and he loves it, makes the cum stick better. He leads the tip down to your clit, shuddering at the warmth on his tip, rubbing it along the clit.
Cums right there, on your pussy and outside too, some splattering up to your soft tummy, he grins and snaps another pic.
Call me Picasso cause i just made some art
*attachment photo*
Fucking beaut
Get it pumped as the Scottish say
He grins at Gaz's text and throws the phone off to the side. He ain't done yet.
(Price and Ghost have Samsing you can't convince me otherwise, soap probably has a fucking Huawei but let's just settle with iPhone for now, Gaz has an iPhone and a burner phone)
(You wake up sticky, covered in dried and some globs of cum and with a weird, salty taste in your mouth, you groan and roll your eyes)
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cookieseals · 7 months
"A 'Cookie' Fueled Dinner"
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Let's just hope no mention of Cobs occurs at this table..-
LMS MP4 belongs to M3K0DY4 on Wattpad
Company Swap/Samsing4 belongs to @cookieseals/myself
Blue Eyes MP4 belongs to @lettermanjack
GKGG MP4 belongs to @maxphilippa & @burgycreeper405-blog
Acorn4 belongs to @cookieseals/myself
"I told you to not eat anymore than one.. You instead eat all ten on the plate!?" - 'Samsing'4 "I'm sorry.. They just looked so good to eat.." - Acorn4
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kyoobot · 11 months
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Samsing doodle page :D
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staticscr33ns · 10 months
who up samsing their gregor
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narcotic-pharmacology · 6 months
You know some men just can't hold their aresnbinthe...
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voxmail · 4 months
From*¹ : Anon❗️
Email Subject : Re: Re: Power Outages
I.. am honestly not sure how to respond to any of those replies
And I'm not sure how, or when, but your little man-child SamSing TV found my apartment address and destroyed only MY FLOOR. Just mine. What's insane is I live in the middle of the building, this motherfucker got rid of MY FLOOR, IN THE MIDDLE OF MY BUILDING, just to spite me. I would say you lost a customer but I know you guys to don't care.
There's only so many apartments I can afford before having to sell my soul for a bed and communal toilet.
-Anon ❗️
To : Anon ❗
Email Subject : Re : Re : Re : Power Outages
[ This Is An Automated Message Provided By Voxtech ]
We thank you for being a faithful customer at Voxtech. You taking your time to reach out doesn't go unnoticed. Currently no officials are available to answer your message. In the meantime, check out [ Brand New Voxtech Heated Flooring Installation ].
Link 🖇️ [ Voxtech Official Site ]
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squishmallow36 · 7 months
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And this is fregor samsed. No one knows how he got this way. One day he was fred and the next he woke up like a Gregor Samsa (we read the metamorphosis in lit, okay?)
For every problem on the mcq of the problem sets, he gains an arm
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martendoc · 1 month
Ein Leserbrief in der WAZ vom 07. Juni 2024 - Überschrift:
Ernsthaftes Bemühen
Reformbestrebungen der Katholischen Kirche. Als interessierter ökumenischer Theologe nehme ich seit jeher fortlaufend auch an den Reformbemühungen der Katholischen Kirche Anteil. Mein Motiv: im Tiefsten und Letzten gehören wir zusammen! Beeindruckend ist derzeit das zwar kontroverse, aber ernsthafte Bemühen aller beteiligten Personengruppen und Entscheidungsträgern, auf dem Synodalen Weg weiter zu kommen. „Einheit in versöhnter Verschiedenheit“ - unter diesem praktischen, vor allem aber geistlich-visionären Ziel können sich alle religiösen bis christlichen Bürger Oberhausens versammeln, die an Heil und Wohl der hier lebenden Menschen interessiert sind. Dazu braucht es Zuversicht und dauerhafte Hoffnung, viel Geduld und Langmut, die wir oft im Alltag nicht aufbringen. Der Spur des einen unteilbaren Geistes Gottes in Jesus zu folgen, ist sein eigener Auftrag: „Fürchtet euch nicht!“ Mein Plädoyer: nur Mut zu weiteren basisorientierten Reformschritten. Es geht um unser globales und zugleich lokales Leben und Überleben!
Dr. Ulrich Samse
Soweit der Leserbrief
Ganz und gar meine Welt: der Spur des einen unteilbaren Geistes Gottes in Jesus zu folgen.
Geht in der Richtung des Theologen Jürgen Moltmann, dessen Ableben heute in der FAZ mitgeteilt wurde.
Moltmann strebte keine begriffliche Schärfe an, oder platonisierte im Sinne Ratzingers irgendwelche Glaubensdeutungen. Er verstand sich gemeinsam mit seinem Münsteraner katholischen Freund Johann Baptist Metz als Vordenker einer „neuen politischen Theologie“, die nicht die Macht „der Herrschenden“ legitimieren, sondern umgekehrt den „Aufstand der Unterdrückten, Marginalisierten, Entrechteten“ inspirieren wollte.
Zugleich war Moltmann einfallsreich genug, in sein Bild der Schöpfungsordnung die „Schechina“, der „Einwohnung“ oder messiani­schen Gegenwart Gottes Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.
Moltmanns Gottesbild ist nicht der eines unbewegte, deistischen Bewegers, wie aufgeklärte Sophisten der alteuropäischen Me­taphysik es auffassten. Vielmehr entfaltete Moltmann 1972 in sein „Der gekreuzigte Gott“ der trinitarische Gottesbild des „Gott Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs“, der sich auf Golgatha als lei­densfähig, lebendig und Hoffnung sti­mulierend erwiesen habe.
Als Nichttheologe - im praktischen Christentum verankert - nähere ich mich gedanklich Moltmann und in der Realität praktiziere ich jenen Ansatz des Paulus an den Galater, dessen "Was der Mensch sät, wird er auch ernten". Praktisch bedeutet das: mit meine vom HERRN geschenktes Talent als Krankenpfleger zu Werben für ein bürgerschaftliches Engagement @Bedside in Wort und Werk. Werben mit ein Unvernehmen (Ranciere) gegen eine kuschende, küssende und kuschelnde Kirche und praktisch vor Ort lokal, mobil im sozialen Gefüge eines Quartier den Menschen Nah zu sein um Nachbarschaftshilfe als Machbarschaftshilfe als "Werkstattleistung" zu erbringen. Ganz und gar im Sinne einer Gemeindediakonie, bei der jeder, ohne päpstliche Hierarchie, sich einzig und allein ihrem HERRN verpflichtet weiß.
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Deswegen schrieb ich den Adressaten vor seine veröffentlichte Leserbrief an mit folgender Inhalt:
Sehr geehrter Herr Pfr. Dr. Samse
zuerst mein Dank für das gestern i/d Antoniuskirche überreichte Programm - ich saß neben ihnen in der ersten Reihe.
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Ohne Textur bleibt der Genuss und Wirkung von Madrigalkunst à Monteverdi nur halb zugänglich; gehört doch sein Stil darin, Melodie und Text hochdramatisch miteinander zu verschwurbeln. Hochdramatisch und faszinierend, sodass mir (seit ich in Vaihingen sein berühmte Maria-Vesper live erlebte) mich Monteverdi immer wieder in den Bann schlägt.
Ich vermochte Sie bzw. Ihre Person als Banknachbar zuerst nicht zu verorten - dann - zuhause viel mir ein, wer Sie sind:
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Ihre Frau habe ich jetzt auch zum ersten mal bewusst gesehen - gehört als unsichtbare Orgelspielerin schon öfter.
Ein lieben Gruß auch an Ihrer Linke Seite. Wir erlebten gemeinsam eine herausragende musikales Erlebnis, die die Macht der Worte im Lied hervorragend in Szene setzte.
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Hesses Gedicht "Stufen" - fand sich an passender Stelle am Ende; ich platzierte dieses zauberhafte Gedicht als letzte Seite meiner Schrift zu Care-Craftsman: "Auftrittsmenschen".
Während frühere Gottesdienste lernte ich Ihre Künsten auf der Klampfe schätzen.
Während Ihre letzen Predigten - 2019 - vernahm Ihre Thesenwerk, wie Sie es verstanden haben möchten.
Ab und an ergänzt durch gelegentliche Leserbriefe in der WAZ.
Unter anderem bin ich nicht abgeneigt Ihrer Aussage "Der Heilige Geist wird eine Schneise durch das Chaos schlagen" voll zu unterschreiben und anzueignen.
Hesses Gedicht "Stufen" - als Zauberwort gesprochen - fand sich an passender Stelle am Ende; ich platzierte dieses Gedicht als letzte Seite meiner Schrift zu Care-Craftsman: "Auftrittsmenschen".
Nicht nur Gerkens Buch "Manager - die Helden des Chaos" steht bei mir im Bücherregal.
Weil mehr als nur Belletristik in der Art von Abelard und Heloise wird.
Im selben Raum, wo auch Abraham Kuypers drei Bände umfassenden: "Het werk des Heiligen Geest"
Heute konnte ich auf eBay ein Büchlein über das Chaos verkaufen: Briggs; die Entdeckung des Chaos.
Nur die Art und Weise, wie der Heilige Geist in Oberhausens Hagia Sophia wirkt und werkelt, dürfte etwas anders geartet sein.
Wenn nicht - und wir nicht nur im Geiste am selben, von gebündelte Strangen gewirkten Seil ziehen - allenfalls nur an unterschiedlichsten Enden bzw. Knotenpunkte - so ist meine Bitte, den beigefügten Letter of Interest unterschrieben zurückzusenden eine ebenso gewagte wie selbstverständliche Bitte?!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Marten Wiersma - mmw.medipflege.de
0 notes
fireflyresort · 1 month
Family Fun in Chalsa: Kid-Friendly Activities and Entertainment Options
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Chalsa is a beautiful town situated in the western region of Dooars. This offbeat tourist attraction situated on the foothills of the Great Himalayas is known for pictorial views and rich flora and fauna. If you’re travelling to this location with your kids and the entire family then don’t forget to pre-book a spacious room in the best resort in Chalsa for a comfortable holiday experience. 
Chalsa is such a location in Dooars that it can offer thrilling activities to tourists of all ages. From kids to older adults, every tourist can have fun during their Chalsa trip while cherishing the breathtaking beauty of the snow-capped mountains, lush green landscapes, magical views, blooming tea gardens, and dense forest areas. 
Activities To Try In Chalsa With Your Kids 
Check Out The Night Sky
For an adventurous start to your family fun in Chalsa, arrange camping amidst nature for your kids. There are various camping spots near Chalsa such as Rocky Island, Bichabhanga, and Murti where you can sleep under the sky full of sparkling stars. Seeing how the night changes and locating stars can be a fun as well as informative activity for your children. 
Arrange a Family Picnic 
The main objective of a family vacation is to improve bonding among the family members. One of the best activities that can help you create unforgettable memories with your children is picnicking. This activity will enable your kids to develop a sense of connection with nature while enjoying the captivating views. Murti riverside, Gorubathan, and Jayanti are the popular picnic spots to explore from Chalsa. 
Collect Vibrant Leaves During Nature Strolls  
If you’re bored with traditional activity ideas with your kids then try collecting fallen leaves during your Chalsa trip. This new and fun activity can improve creative skills in your kids where they can use the collected leaves for making homemade stamps or creating silhouettes. You can explore nature strolls in Chapramari and Gorumara near Chalsa to collect some vibrant leaves. 
Go On A Family Hike 
While enjoying a stay in the best jungle resort in Dooars, you can arrange an exhilarating family hike with your kids. Samsing is a popular place near Chalsa which has various stunning hiking trails through the vivacious landscapes of Neora Valley National Park. During the hike, you can gossip with your kids or educate them about the diverse flora and fauna species. 
Watch Tribal Dance 
Dooars is known for its diverse culture and heritage. If you want to make your kids well-aware of the culture of Dooars then watch a tribal dance performance during your stay in Chalsa. For this cultural experience, you can visit the Lataguri Nature Interpretation Centre where tribal dance and other entertainment programs are arranged in the evening every day. 
Spot Wildlife Species 
Your Chalsa trip will your kids and family fun will be incomplete if you don’t spot any wildlife species. For a remarkable experience, book a jeep or elephant safari in Gorumara National Park to spot various species such as one-horned rhinoceros, deer, tigers, and elephants. You can give binoculars to your kids so that they can observe the animals and enhance their wildlife knowledge. 
Identify Trees 
Trees are becoming less in the urban environments and this is why don’t miss the activity of identifying trees with your children during the Chalsa vacation. Chalsa is surrounded by various evergreen, deciduous, and flowering plants. Herein, you can make your kids understand the difference between these trees and cherish their vibrant colours to make the vacation educational. 
Staying at a comfortable resort in Chalsa and arranging normal sightseeing tours to the nearby places can be quite boring for your kids. To spice up your family vacation, you must try various fun-filled activities with your kids which will keep them engaged and connected with nature. 
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resort-trimurti · 3 months
Escape To Serenity: 5 Affordable Nature Retreats In Dooars
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If you’re looking for a nature retreat in West Bengal, Dooars is one of the best places to visit. Located in the north side of West Bengal that borders Assam and Bhutan, Dooars is a perfect place for family, group, and solo holidays. It nestles in the foothills of the easter Himalayas and is home to a vast range of wildlife species. Explore its mystic forests, tranquil rivers, lush flora, hilly areas, and pleasant climate. Stay in the best resort in Dooars and enjoy the best nature retreat in Dooars.
There are many forest resorts and eco-friendly accommodations in Dooars. All these accommodations provide guests with comfort, security, and luxury. Modern amenities are also available to make your stay more satisfying. Based on your holiday attractions in Dooars, choose your resort.
You can choose your resort in and around - Buxa Tiger Reserve, Gorumara National Park, Lataguri, Murti River, Samsing, Jaldapara National Park, etc.
Here are the best 5 affordable resorts in Dooars to plan your nature retreat:
Jungle Bell Resort
An ideal resort for holidays with family and friends, Jungle Bell Resort is situated nearGorumara National Park. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly stay amidst Dooars’ forest, you may choose this unique resort. The resort offers modern amenities and services for your beautiful stay experience.
Resort Amenities
Multi-cuisine restaurant
Car hire service
Dooars tour packages
King-sized bed
Room service
Kids play area
Free parking
Free Wi-Fi
Deluxe Cottage Room Non AC – Rs. 2000
Holong Eco Village Resort
Holong Eco Village Resort is beautifully located in Jaldapara. It is one of the most affordable resorts in the area, where you stay close to forests and the Hollong River. This eco-friendly resort provides an open-air badminton court and barbequedelights. Relish your stay in the best jungle resort in Dooars.
Resort Amenities
Private balcony
Free parking
Delicious cuisine
Kids playground
Free Wi-Fi
Package tour
Room service
Tent facility
Deluxe Room – Rs. 1800
Resort Trimurti
Resort Trimurti is a luxury accommodation in Murti Lataguri. It’s a cost-effective resort that offers an aesthetic location in the heart of lush forests and the serene river stream. This resort is ideal for nature retreats in Dooars. Stay with your family, and friends, or plan a romantic stay. Get the best resort in DooarsLataguri at affordable costs.
Resort Amenities
Multi-cuisine restaurant
Bar facility
Outdoor sports
Laundry service
Car hire service
Free Wi-Fi
Tea/coffee maker
King-sized bed
Room service
Kids play area
Free car parking
Doctor on call
Wheelchair support
Banquet hall
Marriage ground
Deluxe Room – Rs. 2500
Bamboo Village Resort Chilapata
If you need a cozy stay near Chilapata and Buxa Tiger Reserve, Bamboo Village Resort can be the best choice. The resort boasts a serene location adjacent to Chilapata Forest and a tea garden. You can stay here with your family and friends or in a group. Rooms are decorated with bamboo, offering calming vibes amidst nature.
Resort Amenities
Good food
Room service
Ironing service
Parking facility
Kids playground
First aid service
Wake-up call
Suite Room Charge – Rs. 2409
Green Tea Resort
Green Tea Resort is a 3-star hotel in BatabariDooars. The resort has a calm, and quiet environment, surrounded by lush tea gardens. Enjoy the calmness of nature and cozy accommodation with your family or loved ones on the property.
Resort Amenities
Parking facility
Car hire
Room service
Free Wi-Fi
Luggage assistance
Room Charge – Rs. 2,632 These five serene resorts in the Dooars region offer an opportunity to reconnect with the beauty of nature. So, pack your bags, leave your worries behind, and unwind in the peaceful nature of Dooars.
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itineraryblog · 4 months
8 best Places must be Visited in Dooars Tourist Spot
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The Dooars region is a picturesque area located in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas in North Bengal, India. It is known for its lush tea gardens, dense forests, wildlife sanctuaries, and beautiful rivers. Here’s some information about popular tourist spots in the Dooars region:
Gorumara National Park: This national park is renowned for its diverse flora and fauna. It’s home to a variety of wildlife including Indian rhinoceros, Indian elephants, Indian bison, and numerous bird species. Visitors can enjoy jungle safaris and elephant rides to explore the park.
Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary: Another prominent wildlife sanctuary in the region, Jaldapara is particularly famous for its population of Indian one-horned rhinoceros. Other animals found here include elephants, deer, and various bird species. Elephant safaris and jeep safaris are popular activities for exploring the sanctuary.
Buxa Tiger Reserve: This reserve is known for its rich biodiversity and scenic beauty. It’s home to several endangered species including the Royal Bengal tiger. Treks to Buxa Fort, located within the reserve, offer stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary: Situated near Gorumara National Park, Chapramari is known for its pristine forests and diverse wildlife. Visitors can enjoy jeep safaris to spot animals like elephants, gaurs, and various species of deer.
Samsing and Suntalekhola: These are two picturesque villages located amidst tea gardens and dense forests. Visitors can enjoy nature walks, bird watching, and trekking in the surrounding hills. Suntalekhola is particularly famous for its serene landscape and the Suntaleykhola stream.
Bindu: A quaint village near the Indo-Bhutan border, Bindu offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas and lush greenery. The Bindu Dam and the Bindu Hydroelectric Project are popular attractions here.
Lataguri: A small town located close to Gorumara National Park, Lataguri serves as a gateway to the Dooars region. It offers various accommodation options and is an ideal base for exploring nearby wildlife sanctuaries.
Rocky Island and Paren: These offbeat destinations are known for their scenic beauty and tranquility. Rocky Island is famous for its rocky terrain and the Murti River, while Paren offers opportunities for camping and adventure activities like river rafting.
The Dooars region is a haven for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts, offering a perfect blend of adventure and tranquility amidst the beauty of nature.
Dooars Tourist Spot
Itinerary Plans
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cookieseals · 6 months
E Angsty Acorn4, rare moment for my art of him to have it-
"Acorn4, just calm down.. Just write another and have your friend Test Tube send it off to him.. Where-ever he's at now, he's going to write back at some point in time." - SS4
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"But why hasn't he Samsing.. I don't understand why. Was It because I did poorly when he told me to truth.. I just want to talk and be friends again like before" - AC4
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circusfans-italia · 7 months
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Si è concluso ieri con il Galà la 21° edizione del Festival du Cirque Auvergne-Rhone Alpes Isere. Questa edizione svoltasi nel Palazzo dello Sport di Grenoble ha laureato i seguenti vincitori: Étoile d'or Le duo One 2 One
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Valeriia Davydenko
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Étoile d'argent Ramadhani Brothers
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Étoile de bronze La tangent du bras tendu
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Étoile prix spécial du public Daria Davydenko
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Étoile Prix spécial des enfants Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes UniCircle flow
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Étoile Prix spécial du Conseil départemental de l'Isère Alan Silva
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Étoile Prix spécial Gilles Trignat Résidences Nicolas Lagroni
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Étoile prix spécial SAMSE Troupe Amoukanama
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Étoile prix spécial KING JOUET Irena Lagroni
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Trophée du club national du Cirque Les Mangeurs de Lapin
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Visita le nostre sezioni ARCHIVIO  TOURNEE' Per rimanere sempre aggiornati sulle tappe dei circhi italiani Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto Read the full article
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celltophone1 · 8 months
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adbkanvas · 1 year
Places to visit in Dooars
Dooars is a beautiful region located in the foothills of the eastern Himalayas in West Bengal and parts of Assam in India. Known for its lush tea gardens, dense forests, and diverse wildlife, Dooars offers a range of attractions for nature lovers and adventure enthusiasts. Resort booking in Dooars is now become easy. One can reserve their rooms by online booking or through Dooars hotels phone number in website before visiting.
Some popular and best places to stay in Dooars:
Gorumara National Park:
Known for its population of Indian rhinoceros, Gorumara National Park is a must-visit destination in Dooars. It is home to various species of flora and fauna, including elephants, Indian bison, leopards, and several bird species. Thus ADB Kanvas is one of the top hotels near Gorumara.
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Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary:
Famous for its population of Indian one-horned rhinoceros and Royal Bengal tigers, Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary is another prominent attraction in Dooars. You can go for wildlife safaris, elephant rides, and birdwatching in this sanctuary. ADB Kanvas is one of the best hotels near Jaldapara.
Buxa Tiger Reserve:
Buxa Tiger Reserve is a place of rich biodiversity. Whereas it offers opportunities for trekking, birdwatching, and wildlife spotting. The historic Buxa Fort, which served as a detention camp during the British era, is also located here.
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Chilapata Forest:
Situated on the fringes of Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary. Chilapata Forest is a dense forest. It is known for its elephant corridor and diverse wildlife. You can explore the forest on jeep safaris and enjoy the serene beauty of the region.
Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary:
Another wildlife sanctuary in Dooars, Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary is known for its elephants, Indian gaurs, and various bird species. It is a great place for nature walks and birdwatching.
Tea Gardens:
Dooars is famous for tea gardens. Please visit to these picturesque tea estates. Some popular tea estates are there, e.g. Margaret’s Hope Tea Estate, Makaibari Tea Estate, and the Happy Valley Tea Estate.
Samsing and Suntalekhola:
These scenic villages are located amidst tea gardens and hence offer breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and forests. You can enjoy nature walks, visit waterfalls, and indulge in birdwatching in these tranquil locations.
Situated on the Indo-Bhutan border, Bindu is famous for its cardamom plantations and scenic beauty. The Jaldhaka River flows through this region, making it a perfect spot for picnics and relaxation. ADB Kanvas is one of the best hotels near Bindu.
Jayanti is a small village which is a natural beauty. The Jayanti River and the ruins of the Buxa Fort are major attractions here. You can go for nature walks, explore the riverbanks, and enjoy the serene atmosphere.
Resort booking in dooars Lataguri:
Lataguri is a small town that serves as a gateway to Gorumara National Park. It offers comfortable accommodations and is an ideal base for exploring the nearby wildlife sanctuaries.
Hence, these are just a few of the many attractions that Dooars has to offer. There are many Hotels in dooars forest. Hence, One of the Best Hotels in dooars lataguri is ADB Kanvas. Thus, the region is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, adventure seekers, and wildlife lovers. Resort booking in dooars is now became easy.
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