#Nora Miao
frenchcurious · 1 year
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Nora Miao, Bruce Lee et sa Mercedes-Benz 350 SL 1972. - source Cars & Motorbikes Stars of the Golden era.
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Billy Lo, star mondiale du cinéma d'arts martiaux, refuse de travailler pour un syndicat du crime de Hong Kong dirigé par le sinistre Dr Land , malgré plusieurs avertissements donnés par Carl Miller , le champion de karaté des malfaiteurs. Steiner décide alors de faire supprimer Billy par le tueur de l'organisation, Stick .
Au cours du tournage d'un film par Billy Lo, le tueur agit. Billy est atteint d'une balle en plein visage qui le laisse pour mort. En fait, il est toujours en vie et doit subir une opération de chirurgie esthétique qui change son apparence physique (il porte une épaisse barbe). Billy profite alors de sa « métamorphose » et du fait que le syndicat du crime le croit mort pour se venger. Il s'introduit dans la propriété du Dr Land et tente de l'étrangler mais doit rebrousser chemin après avoir repoussé plusieurs hommes de mains de « l'organisation ».
Billy décide de s'attaquer à Carl Miller à l'issue du championnat du monde de karaté au cours duquel Miller recouvre son titre, après avoir dissuadé sa fiancée Ann Morris de tuer le Dr Land lequel assiste au championnat. Au cours d'un mémorable combat de karaté dans le vestiaire, Billy tue Miller réveillant les soupçons de Land et Steiner au sujet de sa mort supposée.
Steiner fait enlever Ann et ordonne à Jim Marshall collègue de travail d'Ann et ami du couple Ann-Billy de faire dire à Billy que ce dernier doit se rendre dans un entrepôt où l'attend Stick en embuscade, entouré des motards-tueurs du syndicat. Billy neutralise tous ses ennemis et oblige Stick à lui révéler où le Dr Land réside, un restaurant de quatre étages. À chaque étage Billy affronte un ennemi redoutable :
Pasquale , un champion de nunchaku.
un champion d'hapkido .
le redoutable Hakim , terrifiant combattant de 2,20 m .
Steiner, très habile avec sa canne qui lui sert d'épée et qui défend l'accès aux appartements personnels du Dr Land.
Finalement Billy poursuit le Dr Land sur le toit du restaurant. Ce dernier glisse, tombe dans le vide, traverse des panneaux publicitaires électriques et se tue.
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baddawg94 · 6 months
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1976’s New Fist of Fury
Jackie Chan
Nora Miao
Chan Sing
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randomrichards · 2 years
Mob targets restaurant
Lee arrives to take them down
Rumble into Rome
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strictlyfavorites · 2 months
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Nora Miao, Bruce Lee et sa Mercedes-Benz 350 SL 1972
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moja-co · 11 months
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Nora Miao , Bruce Lee and Maria Yi -- Hong Kong
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smalllentil · 7 months
watched way of the dragon...... beautiful....... perfect... 10/10........ never a cast had nora miao bruce lee and chuck norris...... so good.......,....... fuck.....
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videostak · 2 years
also there was a scene removed from the return of the dragon releaase that i do clearly remember watching as a kid when i saw the movie with my family. well not a kid kid like this is when streaming was still a thing but i mustve been like 12 or 14 but this funny scene where nora miao’s character is telling bruce lee to be more kind to strangers and then this woman puts his arm around him and he does the same to her and nora miao gets upset and leaves and then it goes to bruce being in that womans apartment and her coming out of a room naked and then he freaks out and leaves awkwardly lol. in the return of the dragon version it doesnt show the apartment scene and jsut ends when nora miao gets upset by it obv since the apartment scene has nudity they probably thought it woudl be better to just cut it. i clearly clearly clearly remember him getting invited to a womans apartment and being weirded out/running away when she like comes onto him or smthn but also dont remember the nudity which is weird since u’d think i would since i was younger and watched it with my family lol. but also i dont remember the earlier scenes in the movie that were cut from the return of the dragon release like bruce having trouble ordering at a restaurant. and i also dont think i watched it in the original language with my family like im p positive it was still an english dub. so i dont kno what cut of the film i saw lol. but like the first few times id watch it on vhs id be like “hmm i wonder waht movie that scene was from” since id always expect it to happen since its leading up to it but then just skips lol. it never really occured to me  that it would be cut lol. well actually i remembered rn the reason it never crossed my mind that it would be cut is cause around that time the only reason my family all watched way of the dragon is cause it was when we were all watching bruce lee and jackie chan movies cause my dad loves those especially jackie chan ones so like i always assumed it was from a jackie chan one that i couldnt remember the name of. liek we would watch some random obscure ass movies of his like some of his not even martial arts ones and more serious ones for some reason just cause we just watched anything w/ him in it. i think the only real great ones we watched were drunken master 2 and project a. like aside from that it was just rush hour and stuff like that and just later career stuff lol. the only bruce lee movie we watched was way of the dragon/return cause i think that was the only one on streaming at the time aside from game of death and when we put game of death on and saw it was all reused footage we just turned it off lolll.  i clearly remember the game of death opening credits being dope as fuck even back then i remember being blown by like i think it was the way the dice looked or smthn like the lighting on them and then when i did eventually watch it on my own years lateer i was like correct since the opening is the best thing abt the movie aside from the original game of death footage at the end of it.
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ruivieira1950 · 2 years
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NORA MIAO, com o inesquecível Bruce Lee
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theactioneer · 2 years
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Nora Miao & Bruce Lee on the set of Way of the Dragon (1972)
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fuforthought · 2 years
More Hong Kong television for you all. These fights come from the ATV network’s series, Reincarnated (1979)
The series stars legendary movie swordsman, Norman Chu, as well as Bruce Lee’s alleged mistress, Nora Miao.
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may8chan · 2 years
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Nora Miao
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higherentity · 3 years
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randomrichards · 2 years
A student returns
To avenge his master’s death
Fights for his people
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clemsfilmdiary · 3 years
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Fist of Fury / Jing wu men (1972, Wei Lo)
Also known as: The Chinese Connection
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mudwerks · 3 years
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(via JHALAL DRUT: Nora Miao)
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