#Noemi Wolfe
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ginger-grimm · 4 months ago
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Day 31: Here's A Treat!, Part 2
Happy Halloween!
Sofía Madrigal (Disney Descendants), @dancingsunflowers-ocs
Greta Dwarf (Disney Descendants), @daughter-of-melpomene
Skye Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia), @luucypevensie
Poppy Halliwell (Charmed), @witchofinterest
Angelica Hedley (Teen Wolf), @manyfandomocs
Rosabella Anderson (Spider-Man), @anotherunreadblog
TAGLIST: @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @nikosasaki @noratilney @wordspin-shares @oneirataxia-girl @endless-oc-creations @stelstellakidd @andromedalestrange @far-shores @daughter-of-melpomene @bibaybe
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simslegacy5083 · 5 months ago
Today's (10/10/2024) Episode: Naughty or Nice
Noemi had been overjoyed to get Denton’s invitation and jumped right into grilling him when they arrived “Congratulations! Tell us everything!”
“Well,” Denton began “We had already arranged to adopt Peter after the holidays, but Hunter called this morning. Apparently, a scared young wolf desperately needed a room, and The Collective asked if the missus and I could help them out by taking our boy a bit sooner than planned.”
At Luigi’s puzzled look around for the rest of the family Denton continued: “Bridget’s visiting her folks with Markus while Peter gets comfortable here, but I realized that for someone used to The Collective, it’s far too quiet. That’s why I asked you to come over and say hi when I saw you on the news.”
On the other side of the room Peter was definitely not lonely anymore; proudly posing for a picture in front of his magnificent new dollhouse.
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The boys were happily playing when out of nowhere Father Winter popped out of the fireplace! They immediately stopped what they were doing to run over and say hello, excitedly asking for presents from the jolly old elf.
“Happy Winterfest young man and congratulations on your new forever family!” Father Winter told Peter. As he ran to his father for help unboxing his gift, Skye waited expectantly for his own special surprise. However, instead of producing a second gayly wrapped package the old sim shook his head.
Confusion turned to mortification as Skye realized he was being rebuffed and he started  cry, devastated and clueless as to why this was happening.
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The mythical holiday mascot rose to take his leave, only to find his path blocked by the slighted sims furious father. “I don’t know what your problem is” Luigi cried “But giving Peter a gift right in front of my boy and then turning him away, on his birthday no less, is just cruel.”
“Skye was denied a gift because of his misbehavior as a toddler.” Father Winter replied sagely “If he’s a good child next year things will be different when I visit again.” Skye, who was still sobbing in his mothers arms a few feet away whimpered “I’m sorry! I promise I’ll be good.”
Once again Luigi had to bring every one of the anger management coping skills he’d learned in therapy to bear to refrain from slugging the smug old sim right in the face. “YOU.ARE.THE.WORST!” he finally said, stepping away from the door and going to join Noemi in consoling his distraught little boy.
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Once Skye calmed down Luigi told Denton “We need to get going man, we’re running late to a potluck on the beach with my teammates and their kids.”
“No problem” Denton replied, “Say hello to Beau for me.” He paused as he got to the door. “Sorry about what happened with Father Winter. If I’d realized I would have warned you, that Plumhole pulled the same stunt on me for the same reason when I was Skye’s age.”
“Not your fault” Luigi shrugged, “You had no way of knowing. Anyway, thanks for having us over and congratulations, Peter seems like a great kid.”
Turning back to Skye and Noemi Luigi asked them “Are you ready to go see our island friends and end the night right?” Skye nodded, smiling through his tears, and the three of them left the city behind to head to their final Winterfest destination on the sunny shores of Sulani.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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invisiblequeen · 9 months ago
Noe Bodi Gameplay, Day 41 Part 2
Didn't I tell y'all we weren't done?
Blair Carter (@spurgees), Noemy Ortiz (@beebeesiims) and Adwoa Kofi (@saturngalore) were just casually standing next to Rory Oaklow in WOLF FORM. (Don't mind Noemy's stone face, she's been mentally preparing herself for the BMB2 reunion. 👀)
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Townie Nalani was the only sim to run out of the club. Guess werewolves don't come to sulani often.
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I guess Townie Lou Howell was smelly or something because Noemy's face looks too scrunched up for any other explanation.
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And hey look! Kash Monet (@saruin), Riaan Angel (@wibblywobblytumblywumbly) and Detective Martin Davies (@starjira) are here too!
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Bless their hearts, they came rather late in the game, so the sun had started rising. And as you know, when the sun rises, the club closes.
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But I was able to get Noe a few more connections with the neighbors she hadn't met yet. Like Adwoa!
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And these fine ass townies Wayland (@rhdweauni0) and Samuel Steed (@cinamun).
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Jeremiah (@seulvgi) showed up at the last minute, so I got them to formally introduce themselves too! And right in front of Townie Jason (@rhdweauni0) just smiling vacantly.
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...And then these two showed up.
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Nekkid ass townies Kenji (@cinamun) and himbo Jack (@kazuaru) , with Pax Ramey (@theosconfessions) walking right past them into the now empty club without glancing once. What a legend.
I don't know why that happened. I will fix it in CAS later.
But true to form, Noe Bodi still gave them a respectful introduction.
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But I think Kenji started trying to kick game to her because she noped the fuck out right after that.
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At home, she stuffed herself with fruit salad to fill her hunger need...
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...and promptly fell out five minutes later.
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I want to thank every single simmer who has taken my sim requests and allowed me to fill this save with unique and diverse characters around my simself to interact with. You guys are the real MVP's, and are the reason I pulled myself out of the rabbit hole of CAS-Only Play and set on the road of gameplay. I'm enjoying the daily life of sims again, thanks you you all. <3
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readnburied · 1 year ago
What I Read in November
Target: 10
Read: 5
I’m not surprised that I wasn’t able to reach my reading goal for the month, but I was actually really busy so it took me longer to read and finish the books even though I enjoyed the ones I did get to read. So here is the list of all the books I read in the month of November. 
The Ritual by Shantel Tessier
This is book 1 in the L.O.R.D.S. series and follows our main characters Ryat and Blakely as they go through university and while dealing with the circumstances of being with each other. Ryat is a Lord and through some unique circumstances is coerced into choosing Blakely as his and Blakely despite having a boyfriend has no choice but to accept Ryat. However, the enemy is not pleased and they will do whatever it takes to tear them apart. 
I gave this book a chance because it’s a dark romance and because I’d been curious about it for quite some time. I enjoyed the whole kinky and dark romance aspect of it, however, the book dragged on for me in some parts. I would’ve preferred some parts to be a bit more condensed, especially towards the end when they’re trying to figure out how to take down the enemy. Overall, it was a good read but nothing that blew my mind. 
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
This is a standalone novel and focuses on Noemi Taboada who receives a cryptic letter from her cousin asking her to visit her because she’s in a deep state of distress. Noemi doesn’t want to go but she ends up at High Place and immediately realizes something’s not quite right with the place as well as the family. With their strange rules and suspicious behavior, Noemi only finds hope with the youngest son who seems to be the only one willing to help. And when things turn downright bizarre it’s up to Noemi to save everyone and most of all, herself. 
I’ve been wanting to read this book for a really long time and I’m so glad I finally got to read it. I loved how this book is set in Mexico and I loved the role of mushrooms in the entire narrative. I love mushrooms and everything to do with them. However, the story did turn slightly disturbing and I couldn’t help but feel a strange discomfort while reading some scenes. But that’s just evidence of the author’s talent and I recommend everyone to read this book. 
League of Liars by Astrid Scholte
This is book 1 in the series of the same name and follows the life of Cayder Broduck who is aspiring to be a lawyer and fight the use of edem—a magical substance, the utilization of which is banned. However, when he comes across people and cases that make him question his beliefs, Cayder has no choice but to reevaluate all he knows and figure out who he needs to defend and why. 
I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. I loved the multiple POVs and the hypocrisy of the government officials really irked me but I had a good time reading this book and can’t wait to read the next book in the series. 
Lotus Effect by Trisha Wolfe
This is a standalone novel and revolves around the life of Lakin Hale who is a true crime writer and helps solve cold cases with Special Agent Rhys Nolan. But when a cold case arrives that’s eerily similar to Lakin’s, she can’t help but try and figure out who killed her. As much as she wants to stay detached she can’t and now she won’t stop until she finds and brings the killer to justice. 
This book blew my mind. It was phenomenal. Not only is the lotus one of my favorite flowers but the way the story is weaved around the flower just took my breath away. I love murder mysteries and this was one of a kind. And the plot twist was a punch to the gut—I did not see it coming and the ending was impeccable just as it was painful. I will elaborate on my thoughts in a separate review for this book but I urge everyone to go and read this book as soon as possible. 
One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig
This is book 1 in The Shepard King series and follows Elspeth Spindle who has been in hiding for most of her life with no one but the Nightmare as her sole companion, residing in her head. She’s content living her life staying away from people but fate has other plans and soon thrusts her into a web of danger and deceit with no one to trust except for the mysterious highwayman who makes her breath hitch. Together they must gather the Providence cards if they have any hope of saving their town and the people they love. 
I had a good time reading this book. I loved the unique concept of the Providence cards and how different people had different abilities. This book was fun and I know plenty of people will enjoy reading it. I do recommend you give this book a chance and I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series. 
And this is my wrap up for the month of November. Let me know if you’ve read any of the books listed above and what you thought of them. If you haven’t read the books, do you want to and are you going to? I would love to know your thoughts on them. I hope I’m able to read more next month. 
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heavensims · 3 years ago
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apiarianphantom · 3 years ago
what if i drew my ideal empire-breaker queen ciri of cintra au what if i drew it specifically just to draw my oc of her wife
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korgbelmont · 3 years ago
Now Added: Noemi
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Noemi in her Wolf form has now been added to the Transparents folder
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malbontesvicky · 4 years ago
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I loved becoming the packs speaker and saving the spring but it was so sad that Noemi was dying. She was one of the first ones in the pack who accepted her, with no judgement on her not being raised with the pack. And Jett, I have the most friendship points with him, and he still doesn’t like her. I wonder if there’s something deeper as to why... 🤔
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luucypevensie · 5 years ago
Your Teen Wolf ocs are stuck on an island together what's the dynamic like? Who takes the initiative? Are there any tensions? Arguments?
Hmm... a good question Noemie. I definitely know that Aurora would take a leadership role because she’s the one who’s good at taking charge. I could see her making Jo her second-in-command because Jo would be good at having everyone listen. Laurel would definitely be the mediator because she hates fights, and prefers trying to keep the peace.
I don’t see there being a lot of tension between all my TW OCs (mostly because Laurel’s sad Bambi eyes would make anyone feel ashamed of themselves for fighting). As for arguments, I could see arguments rising between Tally and Aurora over certain leadership issues because Tally can be a bit competitive when she wants to be, and so can Rory, leading there to be some tension.
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darthmengele · 3 years ago
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simslegacy5083 · 4 months ago
Today's (11/7/2024) Episode: Friendly Encounters
Skye had been worried that once Elyse aged up she’d be too busy with high school freinds to see him anymore, but she quickly proved him wrong.
Besides shooting up in height, she also decided to totally change her sense of style. It was a little intimidating, but Skye did his best to be supportive of the sim who had always been his best friend. “You look so pretty” he enthused, “like you’re going to win first prize at a Spooky Day party.”
“Thanks!” she replied “I guess. I’m trying out some goth looks and found this online. Do I look like I would fit in at Forgotten Hollow?”
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Skye frowned. “I’m not sure. I know my Great Grandpa Vlad lives there, but for some reason we’ve never visited him.”
She looked disappointed. “Well I haven’t been there myself either, but I found a lot of cool pictures and stories. One day I’ll move there and never have to deal with sunny days and early mornings again. Maybe I’ll be a vampire or take one of the huge spiders in the trees as my witch’s familiar.”
Skye listened, rapt. It all sounded more scary than fun, but Elyse always knew better than him, so if she said it was awesome then it must be true. “Neat! Do you want to make pancakes? We can use some chocolate syrup and strawberries to make them spooky spider pancakes!”
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The Sulani crew come visit anytime, living just down the boardwalk, but Noemi got to see her non-island friends much less often.
Chestnut Ridge was only a teleporter away, but she was still excited for the excuse to visit when Amaya called to announce she had adopted a baby.
“Miguel and I had only gone on a couple dates when I found out I was pregnant. Shotgun wedding anyone?” Amaya said with a laugh. “Now that we’ve really settled in as a family, we decided that raising little Graysen has gone so well that we should do it again… So come over and meet Julissa!”
“Ok sure, this project is at a good breaking point, we’ll be over soon to see your new daughter.” Noemi replied, earning herself a surprised look from Lu.
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The Lawbournes decided to bring Roach too. Their four-legged friend could run around the ranch with Silver, like he had during their honeymoon.
While the parents were cooing over the new baby inside, Grayson was trying to convince Skye to go for a ride together on the two horses.
Skye looked up at Roach, towering above him and easily ten times his weight, and shook his head. “I don’t think so. I don’t want Roach to buck me off – I could get hurt! I’ll take some pictures of you riding Silver, or we could go exploring together.”
Grayson was disappointed not to be able to race his friend, but thoroughly enjoyed posing for pictures on his faithful steed. After picking out the best shots to keep and which to post online the two boys left the stables and set off to dig up hibernating toads along the creek bed.
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Inside Noemi was snuggling the incredibly soft and warm Julissa, who was happily chewing her fist as her mother talked about deciding to adopt.
“…so I told Miguel that I’ve got enough back pain these days without adding 30 pounds of bulbous baby belly into the mix!” Amaya chuckled “I carried the first one, and it was clearly his turn, but the chicken decided to see what was available on the second-hand market instead of doing it himself.”
The "chicken" in question shot his wife a scandalized look at her description but resisted being pulled away from his conversation with Luigi.
“Hunter said that The Collective found this little sweet pea left all alone in their front garden. No idea if she’ll be “hungry like the wolf” yet, but  we’ve got plenty of room to run around out here, whether she wants to do it in fur or track gear.” Amaya continued, stroking her daughter’s cheek.
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When they got back home to their own campfire that evening Luigi remarked “We all got really lucky in the friend department at the end of the day.”
“No thanks to you, Mr. you can't be Amaya's friend” she reminded her husband with a mock serious expression.
Luigi chuckled “I never meant to say exactly that, and anyway you were quick to put me in my place, as always. Skye, you’ve got a nice group of playmates already and a good head on your shoulders to know when what they are asking of you is unwise…” thank goodness he finished silently. “I just hope you have as much luck in the future as your mom and I have.”
With that they rose and headed inside to get Skye off to bed, looking forward to what new adventures awaited them with the sims they were lucky enough to count among their close companions.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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natysadventureblog · 7 years ago
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thesimpanions · 3 years ago
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⭐️ N E W  V I D E O ⭐️ The Sims 4 | MAXIS MATCH KIDS HAIR COLLECTION | Custom Content Showcase + Links
Today I'm showing you guys all 189 hairs for male & female kids I currently have in my game! - I added numbers to make things easier ♥
CC Links
2. MYSTUFFORIGIN SIMPLICITY HAIR FOR GIRLS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/simplicity-hair-girls/
3. SHYSIMBLR FLORAL HAIR CONVERSION: https://shysimblr.tumblr.com/post/174758408953/hot-days-floral-hair-toddler-child
4. MYSTUFFORIGIN FRENCH BRAID OVER SHOULDER FOR GIRLS: https://mystufforigin.blogspot.com/2015/07/french-braid-over-shoulder-for-girls.html
5. SAARTJE77 MORGYN HAIR: https://saartje77.tumblr.com/post/187685453674/hi-guys-here-are-some-hairs-for-your-sim-kiddies
6. VERDIGRISS ANNA HAIR: https://verdigriss.tumblr.com/post/186889074483/original-anna-by-isjao-conversion-adult-to-child
7. FLAMEDEYES SURYA HAIR: https://ts4mm-cc.tumblr.com/post/166860341282/surya-hair-ea-mesh-edit-i-fell-in-love-with
8. SAARTJE77 LONGER BOB: https://saartje77.tumblr.com/post/187685453674/hi-guys-here-are-some-hairs-for-your-sim-kiddies
9. BOXOFPLUMBOBS NAVANA HAIR CONVERISON: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/187229158585/navana-hair-conversion-navana-by-wild-pixel
10. SALTTRY MARIAM HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/185264497085/mariam-hair-for-kids-isjaos-mariam-hair-for-kids
11. SAARTJE77 BOB: https://saartje77.tumblr.com/post/187685453674/hi-guys-here-are-some-hairs-for-your-sim-kiddies
12. SOFTPINE MATTHEW HAIR: https://softpine.tumblr.com/post/612114029512704000/%F0%9D%90%81%F0%9D%90%8B%F0%9D%90%8E%F0%9D%90%8E%F0%9D%90%8C-%F0%9D%90%9A-%F0%9D%90%A6%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%A2-%F0%9D%90%A9%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%A4-2-new-hair-meshes-an
13. SAARTJE77 SHORT CURL CONVERSION: https://saartje77.tumblr.com/post/156236380434/baecarrot-requested-this-hair-so-here-you-go
14. VERDIGRISS ANNA HAIR TWH RECOLOR: https://verdigriss.tumblr.com/post/186889074483/original-anna-by-isjao-conversion-adult-to-child
15. TAMOSIM 90s WAVY WOLF HAIR: https://tamosim.blogspot.com/2015/10/90s-wavy-wolf-for-ladiesgirls.html
16. DBASIASIMBR ANGEL HAIR V1: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/653542989957906432/requested-by-jeni092-anon-credit-to
17. DBASIASIMBR TEGAN TWISTS V2: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/649917286443008000/previews-here-google-docs-link-this-thumbnail
18. DBASIASIMBR SO SWEET BRAIDS: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/650733246378917888/this-didnt-take-me-a-whole-month-to-get-out-lets
19. DBASIASIMBE 90s BABE BRAIDS: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/650733246378917888/this-didnt-take-me-a-whole-month-to-get-out-lets
20. DBASIASIMBR TWYLA TWISTS V1: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/649917286443008000/previews-here-google-docs-link-this-thumbnail
21. SISSELIN LILYPAD HAIR: https://sisselin.tumblr.com/post/182255980829/my-part-of-the-playtime-stuffpack-me-and
22. SIMPLESIMMER EMORY HAIR: https://blogsimplesimmer.tumblr.com/post/154193322800/followers-gift-2-part-2-hello-everyone-i-have
23. SIMLAUGHLOVE SPORTY TWINTAILS REVAMP: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/147846102398/sll-sportytwintailsrevamp
24. WILDLYMINIATURESANDWICH NOEMI HAIR: http://wildlyminiaturesandwich.blogspot.com/2017/05/noemi-hair.html
25. SIMLAUGHLOVE LOVEY DOVEY LOOPED BRAIDS: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/147499507098/sll-loveydovey
26. SIMLAUGHLOVE MISCHIEVOUS PIGTAILS BANGS: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/147456150343/sll-mischievouspigtails
27. SIMLAUGHLOVE PLAYFUL BRAIDS: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/147305191393/sll-playfulbraids
28. SISSELIN HEART BUN: https://sisselin.tumblr.com/post/182255980829/my-part-of-the-playtime-stuffpack-me-and
29. FERALPOODLES ROSIE HAIR: https://feralpoodles.tumblr.com/post/183368942758/rosie-hair-ts4-maxis-match-cc-had-to-do-a-hair
30. SAURUS LISA HAIR FOR CHILDREN: https://www.patreon.com/posts/my-lisa-hairs-24535181
31. NOTDANIELLA CHEVRON HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/183479638030/sogue-hairs-greenllamas-part-chevron-and-fiji
32. NOTDANIELLA FIJI HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/183479638030/sogue-hairs-greenllamas-part-chevron-and-fiji
33. DBASIASIMBR TATI TWISTS: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/649917286443008000/previews-here-google-docs-link-this-thumbnail
34. WILDLYMINIATURESANDWICH ROWAN HAIR V2: https://wildlyminiaturesandwich.tumblr.com/post/145881402009/things-you-should-know-before-download-available
35. DBASIASIMBR TUFFY TOP CURLS: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/623283641585369091/first-off-i-just-wanna-say-im-sorry-for
36. AN0NYMOUSGHOST MICA HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/653800315586592768/child-conv-aharris00britneys-mica-hair-redux
37. BOXOFPLUMBOBS MIRANDA HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/187613529285/miranda-natasha-hair-conversions-miranda-hair
38. IKARI-SIMS BOUND UP BOWS: https://ikari-sims.tumblr.com/post/178549620862/bound-up-bows-ts3tots4-conversion-so-this-is-my
39. BOWLOFPLUMBOBS LANA HAIR: https://mmfinds.tumblr.com/post/187659908037/lana-hair-conversion-lana-by-greenllamas
40. SALTTRY JEUN HAIR FOR KIDS: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/185476567033/salttry-jeune-hair-for-kids-greenllamas
41. SHYTOWNIE JEUNE HAIR: https://shytownie.tumblr.com/post/185533999392/jeune-by-greenllamas-and-the-conversion-for-kids
42. QICC OSCAR HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-male/title/oscar-hair/id/1567870/
43. QICC JORI HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/jori-hair-patreon/id/1564615/
44. QICC AYLA HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/ayla-hair-patreon/id/1559346/
45. QICC 1989 HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/1989-hair/id/1559120/
46. QICC CYNTHIA HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/cynthia-hair/id/1525841/
47. QICC MARCEL HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-male/title/marcel-hair/id/1509196/
48. QICC LEON HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-male/title/leon-hair/id/1509060/
49. NAEVYS-SIMS SARAH HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182802105129
50. NAEVYS-SIMS MADDIE HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/180856171174
51. THEWEEBSIMMER LORELEI HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/179267426040/lorelei-hair-hey-guys-i-absolutely-adore-this
52. NEAVYS-SIMS GF HAIR CONVERSION: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/180581741094/get-famous-conversions-boys-version
53. NAEVYS-SIMS WAVY LADY HAIR V2: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/181926231949/leeleesims1-wavy-lady-and-aharris00britney
54. NAEVYS-SIMS LUCY HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/180856171174
55. NAEVYS-SIMS MADISON HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/180856171174
56. NAEVYS-SIMS ALYSSA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/180856171174
57. NAEVYS-SIMS JENNA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/179955608694/jenna-hair-kidstoddlers-version-hairstyle-by
58. NAEVYS-SIMS WENDY WAVY BUNS: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182802105129
59. SISSELIN KIMMY HAIR: https://sisselin.tumblr.com/post/182255980829/my-part-of-the-playtime-stuffpack-me-and
60. MYSTUFFORIGIN MAGIC BRAIDS FOR GIRLS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/magic-braids-for-girls/
61. MYSTUFFORIGIN LARA HAIRSTYLE: https://mystufforigin.blogspot.com/2017/08/lara-hairstyle.html
62. SLEEPINGSIMS PARANORMAL WAVES FIX: https://sleepingsims.tumblr.com/post/641872860490645504/paranormal-waves-fix-it-baffles-me-how-ea-botched
63. NATHANSIMSS OKRUEE PETRA HAIR CONVERSION: https://nathansimss.tumblr.com/post/663678615507107840/portugu%C3%AAs-convers%C3%A3o-do-cabelo-petra-by-okruee
64. DBASIASIMBR LONG WAVES MESSY: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/190445915711/this-is-honestly-long-overdue
65. not available anymore
66. SHYSIMBLR MALI HAIR 1: https://shysimblr.tumblr.com/post/185915842698/mali-hairs-new-meshes-for-all-ages-not-hat
67. SHYSIMBLR MAKENNA CHILD HAIR 4: https://shysimblr.tumblr.com/post/168445084133/makenna-child-hair-i-converted-the-makenna
68. SHYSIMBLR HOT DAYS CONVERSION: https://fantayziamaxismatch.tumblr.com/post/174955322190/hot-days-floral-hair-toddler-child
69. DBASIASIMBR SPACE BUNS HALF UP: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/190445915711/this-is-honestly-long-overdue
70. SALTTRY AURORA HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/183819719828/aurora-hair-for-kids-another-hair-reupload-still
71. DBASIASIMBR HALF SHAVED PONYTAIL: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/190445915711/this-is-honestly-long-overdue
72. ONYXSIMS PRECIOUS HAIR: http://onyxsims.blogspot.com/2017/12/precious-hair-updated-122017.html
73.  SISSELIN BUBBLES V1: https://sisselin.tumblr.com/post/182255980829/my-part-of-the-playtime-stuffpack-me-and
-74. SHYSIMBLR MALI HAIR 2: https://shysimblr.tumblr.com/post/185915842698/mali-hairs-new-meshes-for-all-ages-not-hat
75. SHYSIMBLR MALI HAIR 3: https://shysimblr.tumblr.com/post/185915842698/mali-hairs-new-meshes-for-all-ages-not-hat
76. PEACHIBLOOM OKRUEE HELENE HAIR CONVERTED: https://okruee.tumblr.com/post/182660340981/okruees-helena-hairstyle-converted-for-toddlers
77. PEACHIBLOOM BRIA BRAIDS: https://mmfinds.tumblr.com/post/184545884937/savvysweets-and-shespeakssimlishs-hairs-from
78. PEACHIIBLOOM WANDA WAVES: https://mmfinds.tumblr.com/post/184545884937/savvysweets-and-shespeakssimlishs-hairs-from
80. NAEVYS-SIMS STACEY HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/187754882004/soleil-hair-imvikai-stacey-hair-by-isjao-and
81. SIMANDY AURORA HAIR: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/183848307706/all-green-and-fresh-there-must-be-like-1-year
82. not available anymore
83. BIRKSCHESSIMS KIDS MAGIC CURLS: https://birkschessimsblog.wordpress.com/2019/09/11/kidsmagiccurls/
84. SISSELIN HEIDI HAIR: https://sisselin.tumblr.com/post/182255980829/my-part-of-the-playtime-stuffpack-me-and
85. SIMPLESIMMER HELEN HAIR: https://blogsimplesimmer.tumblr.com/post/154193322800/followers-gift-2-part-2-hello-everyone-i-have
86. MOONCHILDSIMS SAM MINI BRAIDS: https://moonchildsims.tumblr.com/post/151447136086/sam-mini-braids-base-game-compatible-disabled
87. DBASIASIMBR MILO CONVERSION: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/616493461966815232/requested-by-thefreshsims-i-hope-i-didnt-make
88. PEACHIBLOOM LYNN HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/184622110258/lynn-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion
89. PEACHIBLOOM BOBBI HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/181552353950/bobbi-hair-child-conversion-shespeakssimlishs
90. GEORGIAGLM OLIVIA HAIR V2: https://georgiaglm.tumblr.com/post/189932926843/festive-pack-by-georgiaglm-here-it-finally-is
91. BIRKSCHESSIMS GIRL HALF BUN: https://birkschessimsblog.wordpress.com/2019/07/18/girlhalfbun/
92. BIRKSCHESSIMS KIDS TOPSY TAIL: https://birkschessimsblog.wordpress.com/2019/06/23/kidstopsytail/
93. STEPHANINE ROWAN HAIR: https://stephanine-sims.tumblr.com/post/162637040759/rowan-hair-converted-for-children-and-toddlers-hi
94. GEORGIAGLM OLIVIA HAIR: https://georgiaglm.tumblr.com/post/189932926843/festive-pack-by-georgiaglm-here-it-finally-is
95. PEACHIBLOOM PIA HAIR: https://sim-4-cc.tumblr.com/post/182619145598/pia-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion
96. PEACHIBLOOM DUTCH BRAIDS: https://leeleesims1.tumblr.com/post/182354042559/dutch-braids-toddler-and-child-conversion
97. PEACHIBLOOM JESS HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182311228810/ness-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion-isjaos
98. PEACHIBLOOM NESS HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182311228810/ness-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion-isjaos
99. PEACHIBLOOM HAYLEY HAIR: https://mmfinds.tumblr.com/post/182290891192/hayley-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion
100. PEACHIBLOOM CHUNLI HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182440010690/shespeakssimlishs-bobbi-hairstyle-and
101. PEACHIBLOOM LEXI HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182336414710/lexi-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion
102. PEACHIBLOOM TRISHA TRESSES: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/182397614280/trisha-hair-toddler-and-child-conversion
103. SOFTPINE ABBY HAIR: https://softpine.tumblr.com/post/612114029512704000/%F0%9D%90%81%F0%9D%90%8B%F0%9D%90%8E%F0%9D%90%8E%F0%9D%90%8C-%F0%9D%90%9A-%F0%9D%90%A6%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%A2-%F0%9D%90%A9%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%A4-2-new-hair-meshes-an
104. SISSELIN OUT OF MY FACE HAIR: https://sisselin.tumblr.com/post/182255980829/my-part-of-the-playtime-stuffpack-me-and
105. SIMLAUGHLOVE SIMPLE PONYTAIL: https://simlaughlove.tumblr.com/post/138347515488/sll-simpleponytailchild
106. DBASIASIMBR PINA “FRONT” CURLS: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/623283641585369091/first-off-i-just-wanna-say-im-sorry-for
107. SIMANDY SUMMER BREEZE: https://simandy.tumblr.com/post/181878784381/finally-been-working-on-these-for-months-and-now
108. DBASIA PERENNIAL PUFF: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/623283641585369091/first-off-i-just-wanna-say-im-sorry-for
109. VERDIGRISS MEGHAN HAIR: https://verdigriss.tumblr.com/post/186818663203/decided-to-learn-how-to-convert-hair-for-children
110. DBASIASIMBR TERRA HAIR: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/619479581069541376/i-hope-you-enjoy-it-credit-simtric-updated
111. DBASIASIMBR CHILD ALMOND CONVERSION: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/619479581069541376/i-hope-you-enjoy-it-credit-simtric-adult
113. MYSTUFFORIGIN CURLY UNTAMED CONVERSION: https://www.mystufforigin.com/curly-untamed-conversion/
114. SALTTRY JONAS HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/183985347248/jonas-hair-for-kids-burnin-up-mesh-by-okruee
115. SALTTRY JONAS HAIR V2: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/185012424163/jonas-hair-v2-for-kids-okruees-jonas-v2-hair
116. MYSTUFFORIGIN SHORT BURLY FOR BOYS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/il-short-curls-for-boys/
117. MYSTUFFORIGIN PIXIE CURLY FOR BOYS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/pixie-curly-for-boys/
118. MYSTUFFORIGIN SLICKED BACK SHAVED FOR BOYS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/slicked-back-shaved-for-boys/
119. PRALINESIMS NONSTOP BUZZCUT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/nonstop-buzzcut-34922581
120. COLISWONDERLAND FAE HAIR: https://coliswonderland.tumblr.com/post/143570566228/fairy-garden-stuff-this-months-cc-prompts-was
121. WEEPINGSIMS ROSEMARY HAIR: https://weepingsimmer.tumblr.com/post/166985451471/ghouls-just-wanna-have-fun-its-finally
122. SALTTRY SYDNIE BRAIDS V3: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/185399921125/sydnie-braids-v3-aharris00britneys-sydnie
123. COWVERSIONS RACHEL HAIR: https://mellofinds.tumblr.com/post/183773807820/aharris00britneys-rachel-hair-converted-for
124. SALTTRY STACEY HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/183678572943/stacey-hair-4-kids-cute-adult-to-child
125. NAEVYS-SIMS REGINA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/183610679179
126. NAEVYS-SIMS COSMIS LOVEH AIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/184319097379/ophelia-hair-and-passionfruit-hair-by-imvikai
127. NAEVYS-SIMS SASHA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/183610679179
128. NAEVYS-SIMS PASSIONFRUIT HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/184319097379/ophelia-hair-and-passionfruit-hair-by-imvikai
129. NAEVYS-SIMS DOROTHY HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/183610679179
130. not available anymore
131. NAEVYS-SIMS OLIVIA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/184319097379/ophelia-hair-and-passionfruit-hair-by-imvikai
132. NAEVYS-SIMS OPHELIA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/184319097379/ophelia-hair-and-passionfruit-hair-by-imvikai
133. SALTTRY CANDIE HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/185254049423/candie-hair-for-kids-aharris00britneys-candie
134. SIMPLEPLUMBOB INSELIN HAIR: https://simpleplumbob.tumblr.com/post/183548195266/inselin-hair-need-mesh-by-wild-pixel-adult-to
135. SALTTRY EMMA HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/183065912550/emma-hair-guess-who-learned-how-to-convert-hairs
136. SALTTRY AZURE HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/184959548695/azure-hair-for-kids-greenllamas-azure-hair
137. NOTDANIELLA LIGHT WEIGHT HAIR: https://ilovesaramoonkids.tumblr.com/post/183594116190/simandy-light-weight-hair-for-kids-and-t1oddlers
138. TEKRISIMS KATIE W/ BANGS: https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/TekriSims/downloads/details/id/1449691/category/sims4-sets
139. NAEVYS-SIMS MISCHA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/183610679179
140. BOXOFPLUMBOBS DIWARA HAIR: https://mmfinds.tumblr.com/post/187480581422/diwata-hair-conversion-diwata-by-marsosims
141. NAEVYS-SIMS SOLEIL HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30005726
142. NAEVYS-SIMS NAOMI HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30005726
143. MYSTUFFORIGIN ARIANA HAIRSTLYE FOR GIRLS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/ariana-hairstyle-girls/
144. COWVERSIONS JENNIE HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/184393732720/cowconuts-jennie-hair-requested-by-two-anons
145. BOXOFPLUMBOBS NATASHA HAIR: https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/187613529285/miranda-natasha-hair-conversions-miranda-hair
146. MYSTUFFORIGIN DUTCH DOUBLE BRAIDS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/dutch-double-braids-for-girls/
147. NORDS NDID HAIR: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/ndidi-hair-for-kids/id/1507382/
148. SALTTRY VALERIE HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/183225666633/valerie-hair-conversion-wanted-this-hair-for
149. NAEVYS-SIMS PEARL HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182034015899/feralpoodles-lila-hair-simmerstesia-homemade
150. NAEVYS-SIMS BROOKE HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182343125844
151. NAEVYS-SIMS BANGIN’ BANGS HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182188238334/bangin-bangs-hair-hair-by-luumia-synthsims
152. NAEVYS-SIMS LARNI HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182802105129
153. NAEVYS-SIMS SIDE BANGS BRAIDS: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/183405090474
154. NAEVYS-SIMS HOMEMADE BUBBLEGUM HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182034015899/feralpoodles-lila-hair-simmerstesia-homemade
155. NAEVYS-SIMS MILKY WAY HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182034015899/feralpoodles-lila-hair-simmerstesia-homemade
156. NAEVYS-SIMS HONEY BUN: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/181974167109/greenllamas-winter-hair-okruee-lizzie-hair
157. NAEVYS-SIMS WINTER HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/181974167109/greenllamas-winter-hair-okruee-lizzie-hair
158. NAEVYS-SIMS LIZZIE HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/181974167109/greenllamas-winter-hair-okruee-lizzie-hair
159. NAEVYS-SIMS BRIANNA HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182343125844
160. NAEVYS-SIMS CLOE HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182343125844
161. NAEVYS-SIMS QUARTZ HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182802105129
162. NAEVYS-SIMS CHERRY PICKED PONYTAIL: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182343125844
163. NAEVYS-SIMS MARS HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/183405090474
164. NAEVYS-SIMS MINNIE HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182188238334/bangin-bangs-hair-hair-by-luumia-synthsims
165. NAEVYS-SIMS GWEN HAIR: https://naevys-sims.tumblr.com/post/182343125844
166. NOTDANIELLA SKYDANCE HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/182844820463/naevys-sims-skydance-hair-for-kids-a-little-late
167. MYSTUFFORIGIN BOB BOW HAIR: https://mystufforigin.blogspot.com/2017/08/bob-bow-hairstyle.html
168. DBASIASIMBR ANNE HAIR: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/666678917996953600/i-had-a-nice-little-break-hope-everyone-enjoyed
169. DBASIASIMBR TULIP HAIR: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/666678917996953600/i-had-a-nice-little-break-hope-everyone-enjoyed
170. DBASIASIMBR ANNA HAIR: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/666678917996953600/i-had-a-nice-little-break-hope-everyone-enjoyed
171. DBASIASIMBR ANNIE HAIR: https://dbasiasimbr.tumblr.com/post/666678917996953600/i-had-a-nice-little-break-hope-everyone-enjoyed
172. KIARA24 GIRLS ABSOLUTION HAIR: https://modthesims.info/d/552689/absolution-hair-for-girls.html
173. MYSTUFFORIGIN CREATIVE BRAIDS: https://www.mystufforigin.com/creative-braids-girls/
174. STEPHANINE-SIMS PACIFIC HAIR: https://stephanine-sims.tumblr.com/post/187688162054/pacific-hair-for-children-and-toddlers-i
175. STEPHANINE-SIMS KELLY HAIR: https://stephanine-sims.tumblr.com/post/187982982732/kelly-hair-for-children-and-toddlers
176. SALTTRY SAPPHIRE HAIR: https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/183819728743/sapphire-hair-4-kids-another-reupload-love-a-good
177. AN0NYMOUSGHOST OLYMPIA HAIR V1: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/649176993047461889/olympia-hair-simstrouble-i-didnt-expect-this
178. AN0NYMOUSGHOST BARBARE HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/650738150007767040/update-61421-amber-headband-includes-the
179. AN0NYMOUSGHOST FLORENCE HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/650738150007767040/update-61421-amber-headband-includes-the
180. AN0NYMOUSGHOST ANGELINA HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/651734672954523648/an0nymousghost-imvikai-age-conversion-dump-u
181. AN0NYMOUSGHOST SIMSTROUBLE GLORIA V1 HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/652935964014034944/i-made-this-while-very-sleepy-but-why-is-this-the
182. AN0NYMOUSGHOST OPAL HAIR: https://emilyccfinds.tumblr.com/post/652201409067057152/an0nymousghost-opal-hair-age-conversions
183. AN0NYMOUSGHOST CORNELIA HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/653465237774909440/clumsyalienn-illusions-age-conversions-20-ive
184. AN0NYMOUSGHOST ADRIANA HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/653465237774909440/clumsyalienn-illusions-age-conversions-20-ive
185. AN0NYMOUSGHOST AXA SASHA HAIR: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/665842184465072128/happy-simblreen-came-out-of-retirement-to-do
186. AN0NYMOUSGHOST AXA MADISON HAIR V2: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/665842184465072128/happy-simblreen-came-out-of-retirement-to-do
187. AN0NYMOUSGHOST AXA MADISON HAIR V1: https://an0nymousghost.tumblr.com/post/665842184465072128/happy-simblreen-came-out-of-retirement-to-do
188. VERDIGRISS RIZAL HAIR: https://verdigriss.tumblr.com/post/186843532683/another-conversion-for-kiddos-this-is-my-new-fav
189. VERDIGRISS RIZAL HAIR TWH: https://verdigriss.tumblr.com/post/186843532683/another-conversion-for-kiddos-this-is-my-new-fav
1K notes · View notes
netflixonyourcouch · 5 years ago
Noémie Wolfs is obscure even to me; my Belgian friend tells me that she was a part of an iconic 90′s band called Hooverphonic, so she has notoriety over there, just not in the States.  I’m coming into her from her solo material, and it’s an excellent piece of “alternative” pop that’s flying super under the radar right now.  I really think she should be more known.  peep this shit - her album is mad nice too and deserves a full listen.
0 notes
heavensims · 3 years ago
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Daniel's handshake is a bit distracted as his eyes scan the landscape but his greeting is warm and genuine. “I’ve always heard Greymont Bay is an amazing place to explore. I hope we’ll get some time to take in the sights together.”
Marcello is showing something to Trey and misses his call to the front so Maite, who is used to keeping track of many things at once, seizes the opportunity to warmly greet the bachelorette with a glowing smile and firm handshake.
“Hey man, you okay?” Noemi nudges Brandon.
He sucks in a wavering deep breath. “I’ve been so hopeful Nic is the one for me, I didn’t stop to think about all the competition. You’re all so intimidating!” 
While Brandon has his existential crisis in the shade of one of the aspen trees, Owen takes Nic’s hand and stares a moment, seemingly lost for words.
“Hi?” she finally says.
“Sorry,” he shakes his head with a smile. “I was drawn to you from the beginning but being here in person with you…your smile is breathtaking.” 
27 notes · View notes
paging-possum · 2 years ago
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Port Ackles trainee team’s terrible horrible no good very bad mission (repost coz tumblr did something weird the first time around)
[a digital drawing of a four story office building, with the floors spread out so they can be mostly visible.There is fog surrounding the building, blocking off some sections. On the top floor are five offices and a waiting area. The waiting area runs along one wall, with an elevator on one end and two couches. On one couch sits Lady Lycanthrope, a woman in a tank top and hair in a bun, while she talks to a nervous Justice, a man with long hair wearing a cape and superhero suit. The farthest two offices are mostly covered by fog, but one is filled with weapons. In the middle office, Justice is asleep at his desk, while Kyra, a teen girl in a tank top with a ponytail and glasses, and Prattled, an alien with a mullet and t-shirt, stand over him and Kyra pockets a small stone. The next office over is filled with plants, and the one at the end is filled with water and a desk. Most of the third floor is blocked off. In the hallway is the Archer, a woman with a high ponytail and quiver of arrows, pointing her bow at Kyra and Prattled, and in one of the offices Terra, a woman with an afro wearing a sleeveless bodysuit, is angrily talking to Justice. Near the stairwell, the Centurion, a man dressed like a Roman emperor, is yelling at Hindsight, a woman with short hair and glasses, while holding her up against the wall by her shirt collar. On the stairs, two young twins taunt Justice and Kyra. Most of the second floor is covered as well, but in one office, Kyra and Prattled sit next to the unconscious body of Pulse, a woman in a bodysuit and curly hair tied back. On the stairs, the twins are taunting Justice and Prattled. On the first floor, there’s a woman asleep at the reception desk. In the rooms are: Leo, a girl in a hoodie with short hair, and Noemi, a girl with pointed glasses and a braid, standing over an unconscious Hindsight; Hexplode, a woman with short hair and a domino mask, standing in a corner while Karma, a woman wearing a lot of concealing clothing, gets hit with a small explosion and Leo, Kyra, and Noemi reach out for her; Leo watching Lady Lycanthrope in wolf form; Isabelle, a woman with long hair and glasses, talking to a young Motoyasu, a young boy with long hair; Noemi getting yelled at by Ye-Ji Kim, a woman with short hair and glasses; and Alex, a woman with short hair, asleep on the floor. At the far end of the first floor is a training room, where Celeste is curled up in the center with a set of scales behind her. Standing around her are Justice/Tyrian looking nervous, Lady Lycanthrope looking angry, and Emeraude, a woman with long curly hair, and John Harper, a man with slicked back hair, standing together. Outside the building, Madge and the Swords Knight are walking away- Madge is a woman wearing a top hat and magicians suit and is talking happily and the Swords Knight is a man wearing long armor over a skirt, looking nervously back at the building while holding a sword. The drawing is done in shades of purple, with the people and some of the clouds in yellow.]
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