#Noel quitting the band for the first time after that lol
moldy-mushrooms · 18 days
Oasis mistaking meth for cocaine and then all of them fucking up their la gig because they were playing different songs at the same time is so fucking funny like babes
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alarrytale · 5 months
“What we do know for a fact is that when he says in interviews that he got into music at 12-13 by listening to Oasis, that's a blatent lie.” Didn’t he say his first band that he has tattooed covered Green Day and Oasis songs? Also Louis is not the only 1D member that likes Oasis… their songs are classics in their part of the world, it tracks that’s how he got into music even if he listened to other stuff that was popular at the time. Much how teenagers in America got into rock music listening to bands like Guns N Roses.
Also if you actually listen to Oasis, they aren’t a “bloody realism” band. In fact, the quite opposite. Liam Gallagher and Noel Gallagher hated Nirvana and Liam said about them that “music should be uplifting.” Which if it sounds familiar, it’s the way FITF was written. Listen to the songs Stop Crying Your Heart Out, Stand By Me, Live Forever, they sound all very Louis to me in a way!
Hi, anon!
Yes, Louis has said that. He's also said his kid is his and that he's straight. It's all about curating his image and trying to seem cool to a particular target group.
The fact is that we know, because there is evidence out there, that the Rogue did at least one (or two, depending how you count) cover songs. I got a feeling by the Black Eyed Peas (it's on YouTube last time i checked) and Look After You by the Fray (it's vocals by Louis but one of the other The Rogue members produced it). I wouldn't be surprised if they also covered Wonderwall or American Idiot, but i think Louis is trying to bend the truth here. I think they covered popular songs and more pop/pop rock songs than punk rock/britpop/indie songs. They were 14 and performed at school.
At his txf audition he sang Hey there Delilah by plain white Ts and Elvis ain't dead by Scouting for girls which is, according to wikipedia lol, emo-pop and pop rock. It's all very much in the pop genre to me.
I also didn’t say "bloody realism" i said "broody realism". Both the Gal*agher brothers seems like miserable people to me. They write about their working class experience and yeah, maybe it's got an "hey, things are shit, but pull yourself together" vibe about it.
I'm not saying Louis doesn’t enjoy these bands at all, he probably does. What i'm saying is that he's grossly exaggerating and emphasising how much he was into them as a kid. There is no reference of him being into them pre 2020, no posters on bedroom walls in old pics, no band t-shirts, and no trying to emulate them in any way (clothes or style) and no mention of them until now when he's trying to break into the indie scene and revive the britpop era. Louis wasn't an indie kid who found meaning at 14 in songs like Stop Crying Your Heart Out. He listened to the Fray, the Script and Nickleback and liked a variety of top 40 songs. But that's not very cool to say when you're trying to come off as indie and appeal to men who's music taste is pretentious, now is it... hence this rewriting of history were currently exposed to.
Wouldn't it be great if Louis actually owned the fact that he was the biggest S club 7 fan as a kid and that he listens to ABBA? He can do that while also appricate britpop music, alt rock and indie music. That would be genuine and that would be the truth.
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your-absent-father · 2 years
~The Unknowns~
Character introduction
Okay, I haven't written anything about my band in a week because I'm at my parents at the moment. So, I want to introduce them to you. (Also I have finally learned how to do the show more thing lol)
Read the the story synopsis and introduction here
Tw: mention of drug use, mention of child abuse
Unknowns name came from a idea from Baz that it would become ironic after they would become famous. That saying itself would become ironic after the band quit because if covid.
The first picture is how the oerson looked line durong the band time, second after. Baz has one because they haven't changed at all. Elena has one because... well she wasn't in the band.
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Baz Jones
Age: 22
Pronouns: they/them
Sexuality: lesbian
Relationship status: in a relationship with Caro for 7 years
Role in the band: singer
Sign: Leo
Spotify top 5
1. David Bowie
2. Prince
3. Fleetwood mac
4. Abba
5. Queen
Baz comes from a rich family bot doesn't want to admit it. Their parents are succeful lawyers and their grandfather was a bassist for a locally famous rockstar. Baz has idolized his grandfather ever since they were little. After his passing, Baz wanted to make their grandfather proud.
Unknowns was their child, a band they could make them famous. After covid forced Unknowns to break up, they didn't know what tp do. Only thing they wanted to do ia to be a rockstar. So, they were locked inside their home for two years, living off their parents money, hoping some form of miracle would happen to get the band back together. Instead they got a wedding invitation to their best friends wedding.
Fun facts
-they have a guitarr that they nicknamed Bowie
-Their biggest idol is David Bowie and their Grandpa
-they won a song writing competition when they were 12
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Caroline "Caro" Edwards
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: in relationship with Baz (7 years)
Role in the band: bassist
Astrological sign: Scorpio
Spotify top 5
1. Palaye Royale
2. The Runaways
3. Bikini kill
4. Stevie Nicks
5. Rolling Quartz
Caro's life has been rough to say the least. Most of her family are in jail or selling drugs at this moment. Caro was forced on that crowd too, until one night, after her biological left her in a freezing cold after getting too high, Aiden Edwards, upper classmate from her school, found her almost passed out. Caro became Edwards that day after Aiden's family adopted her.
After Covid hit, Caro didn't want to look from the side when everything was going to shit. So, while her partner was depressed, Caro organized protests, charity galas, or anything that could help people, leaving behind her dream of becoming a musician with her partner.
Fun facts
-she has a purple bass nicknamed Prince
-Her birth family's last name was Engelmann
-she has four biological brothers and two biological sisters but she doesn't concider them family.
-she is a secret kpop fan (I will tell her biases if anyone asks)
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Noelle "Noel" Adams
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Relationship status: engaged
Role in the band: Guitarist
MBTI: doesn't beliave in that shit (but ENFJ)
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Spotify top 5
1. Arctic Monkeys
2. Måneskin
3. Paramore
4. My chemical Romance
5. Killers
When Noel was in high school, she was the coolest person at least Baz had ever met. Noel smoked, got detension and cpuld play the most sickest guitarr riff they had ever heard. Noel and Baz were the chaos duo who wanted to become the next Paul Mccartney and John Lennon. It never became true.
After Noel got into a university and the Unknowns broke up, Noel didn't know what to do. Thankfully, she met Lee Chan, a palentheology student living in her campus. Soon enough, Noel was in love. Without a second thought, she got engaged even tough she wowed to never get married when she was in high school. Love can make you do weird things.
Fun facts:
-if you get the joke about her future husband, ily
-She is also a painter
-she is majoring in music production, minoring in computer science
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Ivy Vance
Age: 21
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: omnisexual
Relationship status: single
Role in the band: drummer
Astrological sign: Libra
Spotify top 5
1. Neighbourhood
2. Mother mother
3. Lana Del Rey
4. Lorde
5. Mitski
Ivy had a very sheltered home life. Her parents were extreamly religious and taught Ivy to do the same. After leaving home, Ivy had a hard time getting to know people. Thankfully, she found friends in upper classmated from her highschool who made her join their band.
After band broke up and she had to go to a lockdown, Ivy didn't know what to do. She speant most of her day online in different forums. Soon enough she was wrapped up in conspirasy theories and couldn't leave home.
Fun facts:
-not really anything for her yet
-she loves podcasts
-she is a film nerd
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Aiden Edwards
Age: 25
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: asexual
Relationship status: dating Elena (for 1 year)
Role in the band: Manager, heneral helping hand
Astrological sign: Libra
Spotify top 5
1. Florenca and the machine
2. Charli XCX
3. Shawn Mendes
4. Taylor Swift
5. Celine Dion
If Aiden's honest, he has never been into music. He just got roped into her sister's dream, which is how he mostly does things. They do everything together, which sometimes gets difficult, espcially when Aiden meets a girl he really likes.
Every since Aiden started talking about Elena, Caro has been on edge. Aiden knows it's because of Caro's past, but it doesn't make Aiden's feelings less valid.
Fun facts:
-Caro roasts his music taste so much
-all of his siblings are adopted
-is in school to become a teacher
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Elena Thompson
Age: 24
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual
Relationship status: dating Aiden (for 1 year)
Astrological sign: Pisces
Spotify top 5
1. Taylor Swift
2. BTS
3. Doja Cat
4. Ive
5. Ariana Grande
Elena is an absolute sunshine. She loves to wear colorful dresses, flowers and everything nice. She tries to be positive, even tough it's hard sometimes. She feels pain every time someone hates her.
Elena met Aiden on Tinder. He tolder her first thing about Caro and her situation. She tries her best to get Caro to like her but it feels impossible when Caro is the most stubborn person you ever meet. Elena still tries, how long as it takes.
Fun facts:
-she is a trans woman
-She is a huge kpop fan (i have biases to her. I'll tell them if someone asks)
-she is a good dancer
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russell-crowe · 8 years
How was meeting noel? And touching him?
I’ve actually met him multiple times. First of all: I’m super shy around him. I was talkative and goofy with Bono and Edge, but for some reason Noel has a kind of authority over him that intimidates me and makes me unable to talk. So the first time I met him was in Brussels (17/04/16) and people had already called me unlucky because I managed to not meet Noel a single time at the 4 gigs before, which is apparently a rarity. I’ve now realized it’s actually pretty easy to meet him, so yeah.. they were right about how unlucky I was... Just shitty venues. He was SUPER grumpy in Brussels bc he had an encounter with his stalker in the hotel, but he still got out of the car on a fucking ramp to the underground parking garage, which is... not something he had to do y’know? So I easily forgive him for that. He acted a bit like a cashier, no personal contact, just signing everything and grumbling a bit when someone really demanded any interaction. He left about 3/4 into the line and tossed the marker over his shoulder, and when I looked at him walking away I was like.... holy shit that was noel.
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The next day was in Amsterdam and I knew the venue and that it was basically the easiest opportunity I would possibly ever have to meet Noel... I was with some friends and we were all joking around and then Noel arrived and everyone went quiet. My mate JD was leaning against the wall next to the door and she was completely unaware of why we all went quiet until Noel cleared his throat. (Still makes me laugh, sorry JD). Anyway, he was actually pretty laid back there. I mean, it was quiet as if there was a teacher back in class y’know?? But it wasn’t a bad atmosphere. I gave him a ‘boredom survival kit’ (WHICH IN HINDSIGHT IS SUCH A STUPID THING BUT IT MADE HIM SMILE) and I asked him to sign my flag. Note.. I had only stumbled out something like “I uh, got something for----” SO, when he signed my flag right. I held it out on the wall and I figured he’d take it over with one hand, cos that’s making sense right? But I forgot he’s left-handed!!!! So he couldn’t really get there and instead he had to shuffle real close and I just couldn’t breathe bc he was literally pressing himself against me at one point and i was like...... holy shit. And he smells all comfortable y’know?? Worn leather and warmth = me sold. Also he was really excited about my Bono autograph and he was all like “Is that Bono’s?” and I was like: [numb nodding my head] And I just.. couldn’t say anything but I was so excited so when he turned around I just SQUEAKED. GENUINELY SQUEAKED. AND HE LOOKED UP FROM SIGNING MY FRIEND’S RECORD AND HE LAUGHED AND fdjdjfsf sorry noel.
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The third time was actually really unexpected?? It was in Berlin at a festival and in my head you don’t meet people at festivals. It just doesn’t happen. But then our German friend (saying ‘our’ because my NGHFB buddy and I travelled together) arrived and she was like “So I’ve seen Phil around and he says Noel will be there and there..” So we basically took a position and watched the Berlin wall and the traffic and then we saw his buses arrive and I was like ohMGYODO!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!. And we were the ONLY people there. Only the three of us. So when he got out of the bus he immediately saw us and it was so weird and there were like. people behind us but they were more interested in motorbikes?? Like, it was a bike and music festival but the priority was with the bikes..  SO THEY DIDNT REALIZE IT WAS NOEL!! So I was standing there, once again, awkwardly, and my mates were talking (my friend was like “I just want to shake your hand and say you’re awesome, is that alright?) and I was just.. waiting for my turn.. but then Noel noticed my flag in the middle of his conversation with our German buddy and he was like: “Hold on... Where did you get that?” and my throat didnt work so German buddy said: “It’s homemade.” And he was like: “WOAH!!??” [looks at it] “Can I take a picture?” and we were just standing there like... “sure.” So that’s the story behind this pic:
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And I also got a pic with Noel but I looked SO UGLY in Berlin but I’m gonna share it anyway bc my friends are laughing at how he looks like my SON. (Yes I’ve added a lot of filters to make it doable but jesus what a bad pic.... aaaargh)
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And the fourth time was in London after he invited us to the London gig at Lowlands and when he was standing there it went sort of like this:“Thanks for getting us in!” :D “Cheers mate.”[bit of silence]“Where’s your flag?”“At home.”[pause] “Oh.”“Hey uhm.. so can you sign ‘onwards’?”“What?”“.... Onwards.”[leans closer] “What?”“On-wards.”[Noel’s about to continue this]“I knew you’d make fun of my accent.”[Noel and his bodyguard laugh] “What’s your name?”“G’lies, G-L---”“Nevermind.” [signs it]So yeah. In total I’ve maybe said like..... 10 complete sentences to Noel lol, but he recognizes us by now. Tim (his guitarist) had a couple beers with us after the Berlin gig and he said that we were discussed backstage plenty bc our signs made Noel and the band laugh. :D ALSO I forgot to mention but in Berlin the band literally took the normal exit, right?? And one of my friends was pissed as fuck.... and he hadn’t met Noel yet so he swaggered over, right, and he put his hand on Noel’s shoulder with quite some force and Noel just gave him the most dirty look and i’m cackling we made fun of him on he entire train journey back dhfjdfjdf
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