#Noah Al Shaghnobi
northgazaupdates · 4 months
4 June 2024
Civil Defense rescuer Noah (Nooh) Al-Shaghnobi provides an update on the situation around the University College of Applied Science in Gaza City
After besieging the area for over a week with ground troops and tanks, systematically bombing and bulldozing homes and businesses in the university’s vicinity, the occupation has mostly withdrawn from the neighborhood. In their wake they leave utter devastation, and the streets are lined with the dozens of decomposing bodies of martyrs.
While surveying the area, Noah and other locals came under renewed attack by occupation snipers and/or quadcopters, which attacked all civilians in sight. The scene is absolutely horrific.
WARNING: the footage is extremely graphic and disturbing. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
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northgazaupdates2 · 5 months
Our sources
Below are sources we use for this page. This list is not comprehensive but it is constantly evolving, so check back often. We encourage all our followers and everyone who sees our content to follow and support these individuals and their accounts. They are located in north Gaza and going to great and dangerous lengths to get the truth out.
Links will be added ASAP
Hossam Shabat (Twitter, Instagram, Telegram)
Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar (Twitter, Instagram)
Ibram “Hema” Al-Khalili (Instagram)
Anas Al-Sharif (Twitter, Instagram; Telegram)
Saed Al-Zaneen (Instagram, Telegram)
Mahmoud Abusalama (Instagram)
Nooh/Noah Al-Shaghnobi (Instagram)
Abdullah Al-Majdalawi (Instagram)
Mohammed Saeed (Instagram)
Mohammed Ahmed (Instagram)
Moataz Abu Sakran (Instagram, Tumblr)
Malak Abu Hussein (Instagram)
Hassan Al-Moghani (Instagram)
Fadi Al-Whidi (Instagram)
Abood Abo Salama (Instagram)
Dawoud Abo Alkas (Instagram)
Eshak Daour (Instagram)
Islam Bader (Instagram)
Ahmed Hamdan (Instagram)
Ismail Al-Ghoul (Instagram, Telegram)
Mahmoud Shalha (Instagram)
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northgazaupdates · 3 months
17 June 2024
Civil Defense rescuer Noah/Nooh Al-Shaghnobi reports the bombing by the IOF of the Al-Muqat family home in Sheikh Radwan, Gaza City, north Gaza. 12 people were injured and an elderly man and a child were martyred. The home was completely destroyed.
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northgazaupdates · 8 months
Civil Defense rescuer Nooh Al-Shaghnobi is trying to raise funds to evacuate his family from north Gaza. The situation is extremely dangerous, and due to the danger of his work, he is concerned that if anything happens to him, he will no longer be able to provide for his elderly parents. Please consider donating, or share the link.
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
Gaza civil defense attack, part 1
Part a, b, 2, 3, 4, 5
A version of this video with English description and subtitles has been uploaded here
I’ve started this post a few times, but I can’t find the right words to describe what has happened, so I’ll be as brief and frank as possible. Recently, the IOF bombed a civil defense station in northern Gaza. Located at the station were rescue and recovery specialists, ambulance workers, firemen, and medical staff, among others. Most of them were torn to pieces by the bomb. Their colleagues are struggling to identify the bodies of the people with whom they’ve spent the last three months constantly saving people’s lives. Civil defense rescuer Nooh Al-Shaghnobi weeps as he explains the situation in a series of videos recorded immediately after the bombing. Tumblr only allows me to upload one video at a time, so I will upload the other videos in separate posts labeled “gaza civil defense attack part (x)” and try to embed links to each in every post.
Nooh’s caption:
Let the world see how we are being targeted, we are the civilians
Who could imagine that I was there with them just a minute ago
And in one second they turned into pieces even some of them disappeared and we couldn't find any of them
My friends, my beloved ones See you soon in heaven inshallah
Instagram user ala__mani graciously provides a full English transcription in the comments. It will be reposted below:
For those wondering what Noah is saying in the video, "10 of our team members (civil defence and paramedics) are turned into pieces. As you can see, the phone is fully covered with their blood, as I left it here. Yesterday, four of our men were injured. They can't stop targeting us.” Then, in the video, Noah is speaking with his friend, asking about their teammates Abu Omar and Abu Mahmoud if they are still alive, but sadly, they can't identify which one is alive and which one was turned into pieces as they already found some human part somewhere.
Source: Nooh Al-Shaghnobi on Instagram
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northgazaupdates · 9 months
Gaza civil defense attack, part 5
Parts a, b, 1, 2, 3, 4
Nooh revists the destroyed station during the day time and assesses the extensive damage. Several ambulances and at least one fire truck are destroyed, as is most of the facility. Thank you to Instagram user ala__mani for providing an English translation in the comments section, reposted below:
Translation for what Noah is saying: They attacked this civil defence base. Here, in this place 9 of our men were martyrs, 3 of Haifa were from the hospital, and the others were from the civil defence team. As you can see, they targeteo several ambulance cars. We were in this place.
This was our base.
Source: Nooh Al-Shaghnobi on Instagram
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