#No wonder Megatron likes her XD
valentine--heart · 1 year
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Hazformers Theory: Lockdown Wouldn't Be Able To Hide From Niffty
[Note: please make sure to watch Hazbin Hotel Season 1 episodes first before reading this. and Hazformers AU is thanks to blitzy-blitzwing. also reading this post is optional.]
even if they haven't really spoken to each other, and Lockdown and the other Decepticons probably don't know how crazy Niffty can be...
and if Blitzwing had been around her the most than them, he might be use to her, and doesn't mind her craziness.
he might also know about her interest in bad boys, and how she can be with them, so she might try to take some of Lockdown's fur as a souvenir, like how she did with Valentino, and I'm wondering if Valentino could have a type of semi split personality, though I guess it could be my imagination...
Lockdown could become Niffty's target of bad boy interest, and who she could see as even bigger bad boy than him would be Shockwave, who if she tries to get close to, it would be Blitzwing's turn to be Helicopter Dad to her just like how Angel was before.
Niffty was of course a bit drunk and trying to take cleaning supplies that didn't belong to her, and Angel got on to her for it, and to calm her down he had her play with the kitty, which happen to be Husk.
so we have the Helicopter Dad Angel and Tired Dad Husk who he has to let Niffty pull on his ears and wings so she can keep happy.
Angel just seem like he was being like a Helicopter Dad to Niffty, it was really sweet, so it be interesting if Niffty did try to get close to Shockwave, Blitzwing stops her because he knows it be dangerous.
of course if Shockwave did fall for Niffty, if not right away but slowly and without fully realizing it...
the songs that would match such a ship between them would be
"She's Crazy But She's Mine" by Alex Sparrow, and the song "Crazy Chicks" by Ken Ashcorp...
I'm still gonna OTP ship Megatron x Carmilla Carmine, and when I'm able to I will add their ship into one of the stories I'm working on, but is at the moment on hiatus.
but yeah even if Shockwave did fall for Niffty, he could start with growing fond for her.
I can't help but think she might be able to keep up with Blurr in running, I mean she can run really fast when she wants to, so picture her hugging him when she catches up to him, because he is very soft. XD
but even if Shockwave doesn't really fall for Niffty, he could possibly in theory grow fond of her.
and find it entertaining to see Lockdown trying to evade Niffty, who is somehow able to find him no matter where he tries to hide to get away from her.
it could be possible that Ratchet and Prowl would be amused by Lockdown being chased by Niffty.
it could be seen as karma for the times he went after others for a bounty and took their parts for his upgrade.
and ya know, even if Primus loves all the Cybertronians that are like his children, don't mean he is a perfect parent, and he could be a Gray-Parent. I mean there is that whole Autobots having more planets than Decepticons and I had talked about the numbers before, and it just proves that the caste system on Cybertron in the TFA Timeline is a bit corrupted.
for all we know, Lockdown could of became the way he is because of the corruption on Cybertron.
even if those on Optimus's Team believe that the Decepticons were always cold energoned beings, they would have to face the truth that isn't 100% true...because at least they, the Decepticons don't take over already organic worlds that already had organic life on it, though they, Optimus's Team, might not know about that corrupted side of Cybertron because they aren't on the same rank as Ultra Magnus, who I still believe is really Megazarak.
I think I still like TFP Magnus better, he might still be a bossy dad, but he could truly be a Ultra Magnus, and not a Magnus who was once known as Megazarak.
you can't fool me, I know your really Megazarak "Magnus"...
anyway, I think that if Lockdown and Niffty were like in a type of Semi-Ship, Lockdown would be trying his best to get away from Niffty who has fallen for him because he is a "bad boy"...
it could be possible that even if he got lucky in being able to hide from her and get away from her for a little while even for a day, she would end up finding him eventually, and that would be interesting.
well he would know how it would feel being the one hunted down like a bounty and I guess that could be what makes it funny.
I think when I'm able to, I will do another ship drawing of Megamilla (Megatron x Carmilla's ship name...) and well, I would talk about more about the crazy idea about Niffty becoming Lockdown's stalker...
but I'm feeling a bit tired, and I'm going to go lay down for a little...maybe for a few hours.
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Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen
I haven’t seen this one a long time, but I remember it better than the first one
Optimus is back in the intro 
“Our worlds have met before.” Not haunting at all
That title was quick and smooth!
“Suck my popsicle!” Hahah nice
“His here. I smell him.” I wonder how that works
OH THAT IS A BIG ONE Lol the twins really are brothers
“Man I’m good.” Yes you are Irionhide
“Pull over!” …. Lol Optimus thank you for keeping your sense of humor
“You’ll learn that in college too.” Sir what else did you learn? 
Wow… They really made her sit like that to paint the bike. Taking points from that
Love how they show the symbols being planted into Sam’s brain. That is really cool
Oh great, the blender is alive. Just what we need! Wait… did they just-? They did! Omg the adult jokes in this movie XD
And they just fixed the yard too! Poor Bee just wanting to help
“I want a pool and hot tube! I’m going to skinny dip and you can’t say shit!” Starting to think someone was a bit wild back in her day lol
“You are an autobot! You shouldn't be living in my dad’s garage. You are suffocating.”  Awww Sam
….. Huh okay not expectating Sam to touch Bee’s chin to make him look at him
Sam you aren’t normal and never will be
No idea if Bee is being dramatic or he really is crying. Either way I’m glad it was added to the movie
“I love you, Bee.” and he loves you too Bee
Wow Sam you can tell Bumblebee you love him but not your girlfriend? 
Wheelie :3 
DUDE!! Soundwave’s design is so cool! A one of a kind big time
As a sibling I have heard and said “It’s meant to hurt!” after causing harm to sibling
It’s actually nice that they added the coffins being taken off the plane to show that death is still a huge threat in this movie
As Optimus transforms the music is not holy but more upbeat like a hero kind of deal. Very fitting 
“God made us in his image. Who made him?” Good and fair question. Humans always think they are so amazing till we meet something greater then ourselves
“Don’t tempt me.” Yeah I got mad for you buddy. Don’t disrespect the people that fight for you
I love Optimus looking down at him and saying, “Easy.” He knows he was getting angry. Optimus knows his comrades, even his human ones
“What if we leave, then you are wrong.” THE SOUNDTRACK! That fits so well with his low key warning
“That’s a good question” Awww he's such a cutie!
Sam meeting his new human bestie :D 
“What size shoe you have?” Haha Sam the Sass Queen is back lol
I love how Optimus main goal is to keep earth safe. He doesn’t want to watch it be ruined like his own home was. Sam just wants to be normal. He doesn’t want this. While they are talking, soft music is playing. Showing the burden both carry and what awaits them. 
MEGATRON LIVES AGAIN Okay this is really cool. We see Megatron put Starscream in his place. Then we see him showing respect to The Fallen. Going as far as calling him master. The Fallen even calls him “my disciple”
I wonder how The Fallen knew that Sam has the knowledge now
Man the CGI in this movie is so good
Poor Sam. He has all that knowledge in his head and his mind can’t handle it
“You're such a little girl!” “I’m not talking to you for ten seconds.” Yeah I wouldn’t either. Good on you Sam. 
What I love about Megatron is that his voice is creepy and yet gentle
Sorry I had to skip the worm part. That was just gross. That lost points for me lol
The slow down for the bullet is so good
The chanting as the cons chase Optimus and Sam is so good
Why did Sam jump over the log like that? 
“I’ll take you all on!” and cue the uplifting music
That head rip is sooo good
“Sam! Where are you?!” You can hear the fear in his voice. All he knows is Sam has already been taken or worse
“Sam, run. Run..” Even in his last moments Optimus is worried about Sam
Man… I can’t even imagine the guilt Sam must be feeling at that moment…
Sam watching the news with such pain on his face…. He just wanted to be normal
I love the twins so much lol
I hate that guy
Yes please give Sam a hug. Sam this isn’t your fault. This will never be your fault
“Don’t tell my mother.” Said every child in history
Ha! Wheelie is the best again. Wait, is that even his name? 
I love how no one bothered to check if the old fart was a con or a bot lol
I love the sound Jetfire makes as he wakes up. His such as old fart, I love him
HA! Leo pushing Wheelie away while they are hiding 
Grumpy old man on the run! “It’s a choice. It’s an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life full of hate.” Old man spiting knowledge 
“His faithful, Sam.” Girl I love you but what happened wasn’t Sam’s fault
Wheelie stop humping her you horn dog
“I have my own issues! It started with my mother!” Me too buddy
“Do you know what he transformed into?!” “No!”
Haha I love this movie so much
Haha everyone is going flying. Well done Jetfire
“Only a Prime can defeat The Fallen.”
“Optimus Prime?”
“So, you’ve met a Prime?”
I’m not crying! I have sand in my eyes! 
Man Jetfire’s excitement about hearing a Prime was on Earth is so sweet. He sounds really young with how excited he is. 
Grandpa pointing out the obvious 
“Scared? Scared of your ugly face!” “I’m ugly? Well, we’re twins, you stupid genius!” Perfect sibling insults
Bumblebee is “I don’t care who started it! I’m finishing it!” Big brother at work lol
Oh god the siblings fighting was useful for once
Ohhh that soft haunting sound… Music is stunning as always
It gets louder once the matrix is seen
Sam not giving up is so.. Man… Once he believes in something, he will not back down from it
BAD BOYS ARE HERE Go Jetfire! He still got it! “I’m too old for this crap.” Me everyday 
The balls that started it all
Oh no! Sam! The soft music, the faded voices, everything slowed down… Then you hear his parents' cries. All they know is that their son is hurt. They don’t know he's gone. 
Then there is Bumblebee. They let us see his pain. They let us hear it too. 
The Primes coming to Sam is awesome. They let him know why he is there. Answering his question. Low key telling him his prime. “The Leadership of the Matrix isn’t found. It is earned.”
Aw he finally tells her that he loves her
Of course he came back for you Optimus! You died saving him!.... They died saving each other… 
Jetfire’s joy at seeing Optimus makes me smile again 
Damn The Fallen is powerful
Oh Jetfire… No! Your death will not go in vain!
Optimus can fly now. This is going to be fun~ “Die like your brother!” “They are your brothers too!”
Totally not giving me headcanon ideas
The soundtrack once again being soooo good! Megatron calling out for Starscarem after losing half of his face is interesting
“Give me your face!” and “I rise. You fall.” Are cold af lines and I love them so much
The fight is a bit short but I don’t mind. It’s gore fixes it for me
“Cowards do survive.” That is true. Sometimes in order to win, you must survive first
Yes! Thank you for letting the parents hug Sam. They watched him die and come back! Like man! They need therapy after that
Optimus and Sam standing next to each other is so cute! Dad and son vibes lol
Yay! Sam gets to go to college!
I will rank this movie as 9.5/10
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mgarmagedon · 5 months
Tak widziałem XD Tu jest pełna wersja na youtubie:
I wybacz, że tak późno odpowiadam, ale czekałem, żeby zaktualizowali ich stronę na dubbingopedii żebym mógł upewnić się kto ma jaki głos :V (i mean znam te głosy, ale mam słabą pamięć do imion i nazwisk, dlatego mówię np aktor Optimusa z rida15 albo aktorka Arcee. Oprócz Dariusza Odiji i Jarosława Boberka, ja ich rozpoznan i nazwę o 3 w nocy po wybudzeniu XD)
Ale po tygodniu nadal nic nie ma so YEAHHHH---- I mean ostatnio nawet ta zajebana strona mi się otworzyć nie chce więcej zajebiście. 🤡🤡🤡
Moja szczera opinia dubbing jest meh, mogło być lepiej, ale też jakoś źle nie jest. Najbardziej mnie gryzie głos Megatrona, który brzmi znacznie za staro, a on jest młodym dorosłym XDDD
Oś czuję, że Bee będzie mnie bardzo bardzo wkurwiać po za długim słuchaniu, bo ja jestem w chuj na to wyczulony.
A Elita jest meh, like cieszę się, że nie jebneli znowu Anny Szymańskiej, bo jak ja oglądałem Earth Spark po polsku u Pyczka, myślałem, że siedzę na krześle elektrycznym i za każdym razem jak Nightshade albo Elita się odzywali czułem się jakbym kurwa umierał. I ja tutaj nie chce urazić pani Szymańskiej, uważam, że jest cudowną aktorką! Ale jako Strongarm XDDD i do tej jednej baby z Cyberpunka, etc. ale błagam uratuj ją ktoś z Earth Spark!!! Tak samo z Barwińskim, boże on jest cudownym aktorem, uwielbiam jego głos ALE NIECH KTOŚ GO URATUJE Z TEGO ZAJBANEGO GÓWNA.
Poza tym tak mnie wkurwia to, że lektor czyta te zajebane napisy. Jakby one są już kurwa po polsku TO NIECH KURWA NIE WYDAJĄ KASY NA ZASRANEGO KURWA LEKTORA.
Yeah I saw it XD
And forgive me for replying so late, but I was waiting for ppl to update their TF one website on Dubbingopedia so I could make sure who has which voice :V (I mean, I know those voices, but I have a weak memory for names and surnames, so I say for example the actor of Optimus from RID15 or the actress of Arcee. Except for Dariusz Odija and Jarosław Boberek, I recognize them and name them at 3 in the morning after waking up XD)
But after a week, still nothing, so YEAHHHH---- I mean, lately even this damn website doesn't want to open anymore, it's awesome. 🤡🤡🤡
My honest opinion on the dubbing is meh, it could be better, but it's not that bad either. What bothers me the most is Megatron's voice, which sounds way too old, and he's supposed to be a young adult XDDD
I feel like Bee is going to annoy me a lot after listening to him for too long, because I'm really sensitive to that kind of thing.
And Elita is just meh, like I'm glad they didn't cast Anna Szymańska again, because when I watched Earth Spark dubbed on Pyczek website, I felt like I was sitting on an electric chair, and every time Nightshade or Elita spoke, I felt like I was damn dying. And I don't want to offend Mrs. Szymańska here, I think she's a wonderful actress! But as Strongarm XDDD and for that one lady from Cyberpunk, etc. but please, someone save her from Earth Spark!!! The same with Barwiński, dear God, he's a wonderful actor, I love his voice BUT SOMEONE SAVE HIM FROM THIS DAMN CRAP.
Besides, what really pisses me off is that the lektor reads those damn subtitles. They're already in Polish!!!
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melishade · 2 years
So there have been some questions asked in the comment section of Attack on Prime and I’ve given my responses to them in detail because I like to explain my writing process. So I’m going to post the questions and answers here so you guys can get a little more context, and hopefully prompt more questions to be asked. The link for Attack on Prime is on my blog, and enjoy:
(Oh and spoilers for Attack on Titan in general)
Ultra Battle 99:  I am wondering why Annie hates Reiner and wants to kill him, is it because she blames him for not saving Bertholdt or simply continuing a pointless mission?
melishade: A few reasons. One: Annie has stated in the manga that she has thought about killing Reiner and says it directly to his face, and really, who could blame her? He forced her to continue a mission that she didn't want to do. She thought going back after losing Marcel was the better option, and she was right, considering the outcome. He also forced her to take Marco's 3D gear off and leave him to die because Reiner didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. She went on the undercover missions while Reiner and Bertholdt slept soundly. She was the one who had to pursue Eren while Reiner and Bertholdt played hero. She was the one who had to crystalize herself for four years to prevent their secrets from being discovered.Also, Annie is going through a lot in the Attack on Prime storyline. In AOT, Annie is in a state of limbo for four years where no one can really touch her. In my story, Annie:
-gets her arm disintegrated by Optimus Prime, even if he didn't know that would happen. -gets kidnapped by the Walled government and experimented on with energon. -gets thrown around like a rag doll when fighting against Megatron, who threatens to kill the one thing she's truly fighting for, which is her father -gets experimented on again in Marley, and she's been stuck underground dealing with the abuse from the Marleyan scientists.
All of this would not have happened if Reiner had listened to her. If Reiner turned back when she said, they may have lived. If Reiner turned back, she wouldn't have had to kill Marco. The Flying Titan wouldn't have beaten her to the ground if Reiner had just waited for him to leave Shinganshina. Bertholdt would still be alive. She would not have been tortured and experimented on by both enemy and ally. Her father's life would not hang in the balance. 
And yes, Annie is not innocent. She's killed and slaughtered without a care in the world, but it is human nature to find someone else to blame for our own faults because it is easier. And with the continued experimentation Annie goes through as of right now doesn't give her mental stability. Annie blames Reiner for everything he forced her to do. Annie blames Reiner for the torment she goes through now. Annie hates Reiner because he's selfish and stupid. But her hate of Reiner will come back to bite her.
Question 2:
KryptoKnight_Rao:  However what prompted me to comment was what's going on between Megatron and Willy? Did I see a hint of romance or was that just brotherly affection? Either way I'm here for it XD  
melishade: I'm actually glad someone asked about this. For Megatron, for the time being, Willy is a means to an end. Willy is literally the only thing protecting him from prison or interrogation, and if he didn't save Willy's life, Megatron wouldn't have been able to move about freely. Also, learning about Willy, getting to know him, could lead to him knowing the identity of the War Hammer Titan an any other perceived weaknesses. So Megatron will, at the very least, feign a weird sense of friendship if it means gaining his trust. However, some of the responses that Willy has given him throws him off, and the acts of kindness Willy gives doesn't sit well with Megatron. That's because he's not used to it. He's always used to people trying to kill him or be afraid of him. He knows if Willy knew who he was, he would run. So he tries not to think to hard on Willy's acts of kindness. He knows what would happen if the truth was revealed.
Meanwhile Willy, is both grateful and fascinated by Megatron, or Matthew in this case. Grateful because Megatron saved his life and his family, and fascinated because of how different Megatron acts from everyone else he's met. He's so used to people respecting him, treating him with dignity, and worshiping the ground he walks because of his name and title. But he knows without that, he would just be treated like filth. Just like every other Eldian devil on this world. Willy doesn't have the luxury of being treated like a normal person.
But Megatron shows up and is not walking on eggshells around him or trying to be respectful. He's actively calling Willy out for his hypocrisy, and Willy is happy. Because someone is treating him like a normal human being. Not a god or a devil. And Willy's fascinated with that because he wants to know how someone could even think like that in a world that hates Eldians. How can someone be kind to Eldians and say they and the Marleyans are no different? Because that mentality has been heavily indoctrinated in this world. Oddly enough, Willy sees Megatron as a genuine friend.
Question 3:
Useful: Megatron could in theory destroy Marley and be done with it. But after infiltrating Marley and learning the discrimination Eldians receive is Megatron lowkey counting Eldians as....allies to Optimus and the island? Because it makes sense. Megatron started a revolution for bad reasons but can he rectify it and start something for good. Honestly Megs should just begin transporting Eldians to the island from Marley. Eldians learning that they can live life normally would be -french kiss- and start some crazy shit.
melishade: Well...in theory. But it's too risky for Megatron to try any of that at the moment.
Before I hop into that though, I wanted to explain even though Megatron eventually became corrupt, he actually did start the revolution with good intentions. Violence has just been so ingrained in his nature that it's hard to separate from that, and he depends more on it as the war goes on, which ultimately leads to said corruption. The explanation we get from Ratchet about Optimus and Megatron's beginning are quite biased since Ratchet has been known to very specifically hate Megatron throughout TFP, and I'd recommend taking a look at Transformers Exodus for more context towards Megatron. I think there's a pdf of it online somewhere.
But it regards to Megatron helping out the Eldians in Marley, it's still to risky to try that for three reasons.
One: he doesn't have the resources to transport them in masse. He'd only be able to take one person at a time, and even if he did, Marley would immediately start an investigation into the Eldians and that could lead him to getting outed. If he had resources like a ship or a spacebridge, this wouldn't be a problem.
Two: the Eldians in Marley are too ingrained in the brainwashing and it's the world against the island. The Eldians in Marley have been dead set on killing everyone on Paradis to make amends for something they had no hand in. Sure, we've seen Eldians and Marleyans be proven wrong in the show, but Eldians in Marley are not going to listen to Megatron when they don't feel the want or need to leave. Also, even if the Eldians in Marley saw the truth, it's still the world against Paradis. It's the world against the island. Paradis is still behind in technology while other countries have weapons that can decommission the Armored Titan. They would not take that kind of risk, especially someone like Reiner who's lived among the Eldians for about five years. The safest option for the Eldians is Marley.
Three: Who the hell is going to want to accept help from and trust Megatron? First of all, Megatron is a titan, and titans are vehemently hated throughout the world. And second, he's the Flying Titan. The one who ripped out the heart of the Armored Titan, defeated the Colossal and Female Titan with ease, and captured the Jaws Titan. His bipedal mode looks like the devil, which isn't wrong since he got possessed by Unicron. The Eldians would be scared to accept any help from that if they were able to get past one and two. They'd be scared shitless.
Megatron's goal right now is reconnaissance. No more, no less. Get the information useful for the island without getting caught. Megatron can't count on any of them as being allies to Optimus Prime. Hell, Megatron doesn't even trust Zeke. He's not going to take this risk unless there is a reward.
Again, I don’t mind answering questions that help explain my thought process in writing this story. So ask away.
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mocacheezy · 3 years
I was able to get an old portable dvd player (thank you parents of the past, it is much appreciated in the year of '21, and thank you sister for keeping it somewhere we could find it) and after buying the cable and charging it, I started watching that Transformers dvd I got some time ago.
Turns out its TF Generations, so we're watching "through the cube" which alright, nice to get the nostalgia going for the parents, while also getting the attention of the kids with the constant rotating scene from scene. Kind of annoying for me but hey, that's just my attention problems.
It has two episodes: More Than Meets the Eye, Part 3 and Auto Berserk and here's my thoughts on the dubbing:
I actually missed dubbing from my childhood, and the fact Soundwave, Spike, Red Alert and Mirage have female VAs brings me intense amounts of joy. I didn't even know I will be so happy to hear this old, somewhat crappy dubbing. I missed it and didn't even know it.
The crowd cheers are pathetic just as I remember them XD
"Ti ne bi mogel voditi androidov na piknik." alright, alright, nice change of a joke that doesn't translate, but that means Megatron (and other Cons probably) discriminate against androids.
The "Transform and roll out! " sounds... strange. Then again it is a dub and I didn't watch this as a kid XD
The way slovene is spoken has me smile and cringe because it sounds so formal but it actually isn't. It might also be the way language evolved. It could also be my lack of watching dubs for a long long time.
Za slovenski folk: "Spremenite se, pa pojdimo!". Ta "Pa pojdimo" me ubije. Uporabili so ga samo enkrat, "Spremenite se" pa je prisoten pri skoraj vsakem transformiranju, ampak tisti resni glas s takim stavkom XD
In total I think there are 3 guys and 1 girl dubbing this. I guess this is similar to what we have today, with the difference the old folks DON'T try to change their pitch... I think. Multiple characters have the same VA amd you can clearly tell it's the same one. (I also think there might be two girls in the new dub group, but I'm not sure).
I wonder why, aside from musicians and comedians, we don't have more voice actors??? Or trained voice actors?
I have no place to really talk, because giving voice to characters is an art, and not everyone can be Frank Welker. So unless I myself go into the dub buisness, I am keeping my mouth shut and congratulating the dubbers.
10 for the effort and execution
(even if the older gen knew how to make falling on the ground sound more realistic. Yes I am still not over Cyberverse Windblade being yeeted across the desert and her screaming and grunting so softlya when she bounces off the floor. But as I said, being a VA is tough work and my nostalgia might also be affecting my viewing of the newer stuff)
So to wrap up the dub experience:
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and down here are some of my thought process while watching the two episodes:
who was going to tell me that G1 Prime has a blue underside of his crotch plate? How come I never saw that anywhere?? This has so much potential and jokes about interface difficulties, if I don't find at least one joke in a crackfic about it I will be disapointed.
I love Optimus' head shape and finials, he looks adorable.
I'll watch G1 eventually, but if Spike really does write in his diary about how Optimus would make a good president I am high fiving the lil bastard.
You know you are in too deep when you see a 2D warlord and can't stop smiling. Bitch, I don't even fully know you but BY FUCK do I love the design and mannerisms!!! OG Megatron, 10/10, and I may be biased because childhood dubbing, but they picked a good VA for him.
Great VA choice for Starscream too! And he is very pretty as well, damn, I can see why people love G1 even without nostalgia!
Ravage, what can I say. Good casette. (Also love how he doesn't speak to the Autobots, but comms Megatron)
SPEAKING OF TALKING: Skywarp requesting permission to teleport and his interaction with Megs made me smile so much LOOK AT HIM, LOOK AT OUR TELEPORTING BOY!!! He shoots for shit, is awful at it, but look at him go!
Unicron singularity might be the answer to why Ironhide and Bluestreak can fly, but I'm not sure.
In any case I love how Optimus speaks to Ironhide, it's great. Heck, the Autobots dynamic and interactions are great. I can see why people say Optimus is a dad, or why they talk about how the Autobots are like a family.
Also we see slow motion of how OP transforms and I adore it!
And how he acts too! He is stubborn and it takes multiple attempts to persuade him from sacrificing himself/trying to do his duty as a leader when it's too dangerous. He listens to his friends and soldiers, but isn't hapoy about it. He acknowledges the risk.
Back to blue underside crotch however: IT'S JUST A BLUE LIL SQUARE UNDER ALL THAT WHITE! WHAT PURPOSE DOES IT SERVE ASIDE FROM BEING PRIME'S LIL GARAGE??? COME ON! COME ON!! A blue trussy, I mean tfp had a bikini situation going on, but G1 Prime has just a tiny rectangle/square! I don't even know the shape but it's BLUE ON WHITE CAN IT STAND OUT EVEN MORE??? (And here I thought the Megatron toy and the trigger crotch were bad XD)
Seeing Starscream manipulate Red Alert had me smiling. Look at this tri colori squeak toy jet. Being his eviiil self.
Seeing how Megatron interacts with his other Cons is just hilarious. He is a TERRIBLE boss if you make a misstep. So mean! ...Then again, he is bent on destroying the autobots if he can't get to Cybertron first, so *shrugs* the guy can be a lil frustrated I suppose. He does pick on Screamer alot however, and the dynamic of these two has me understand MegaStar much better.
They are a bickering old couple that joke about how they'll kill eachother, but never go fully through with it. Must be true love~
All in all, glad I got that dvd. Megatron has screen time in it, the animation is ridiculously pretty in that old show way and even if the episodes were probably selected at random for the dvd it was interesting to watch.
I love it. Can't wait to watch G1 when my brain allows it, and I will forever wonder if actual G1 was also dubbed fully.
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pipermca · 5 years
Demon Lover
Ok ok ok ok I know if I don’t dump this somewhere it’s going to fester and bother me and interfere with the other stuff I’m working on so here: FIC BUNNY I AM RELEASING INTO THE WILD if you write it please let me know so I can read it.
Anyway. This is related to @doomspoon888‘s post/ask reply about Cyberverse season 2 and episode 8 and Starscream’s children and ghost writing and... You know how your brain takes a bunch of unrelated things and gloms them all together and makes connections that no sane person would ever make? Let’s just say that this post blessed me with such a connection.
All right. Let’s get down to business. First I need to talk about demon lovers. ...Then I’ll talk about Starscream and Megatron. 😈
Incubi and Succubi
From Wikipedia: an incubus is a demon in a male form, while a succubus is a demon in a female form. I’m sure everyone’s quite aware of how these demons seek out sex with humans and impregnate women with a child. (This was an explanation for how an otherwise chaste nun might suddenly “fall pregnant.”)
What I didn’t know until I was attacked by this bunny was that since demons aren’t supposed to have souls, a male demon can’t impregate a woman on its own. (Because, ya know, only men can pass on souls cue the eye rolling.) So the theory was that a succubus would have sex with a man, transfer the sperm to an incubus, and the incubus would have sex with a woman and impregnate her with the sperm. (The child was sometimes called a cambion, and exhibited symptoms of its demonic origin such as being very heavy, unable to be drowned, or malformed in some way... Or was occasionally perfect but in an unnatural way.)
But another theory was that incubi and succubi were actually the same demon. 
Plot Bunny
And here is what my muse handed me when I gave it all of those data points I just explained. Either enjoy this half outline/half fic, or feel free to expand on it yourself, or run away screaming.
I just needed to get it out of my head! XD
Setting: G1ish, prewar maybe. Before Megatron met Starscream, anyway.
Warnings: Dub-con to enthusiastic con, sleep paralysis, demonic sex, mech preg 
Plot: Megatron is a high-value gladiator, and his handlers frequently purchase buymechs for his use. Megatron doesn’t really want them, though. Usually he just ignores them and waits for them to leave. No matter how many times he insists he doesn’t want them, he will still return to his rooms after a match to find some shiny racer or aerial draped over his berth.
It’s a bother, really.
One night he returns to his rooms and there’s no one there. It’s a relief, really, because he was tired and wanted to recharge right away without having to wait for the buymech to leave. He falls asleep, but wakes a few hours later to find himself unable to move... And there’s a mech on top of him, grinding against him. All he can see is a wing at first, and then the mech’s face... It’s a Seeker, his optics glowing an unnaturally bright red, and his mouth is turned up in an impish grin... 
Primus, he’s gorgeous.
Megatron’s battle systems are trying to come online (he’s still freaked out that he can’t move and is getting molested by this strange mech) but nothing works, and the other mech’s motions finally build up enough charge so that his modesty panels slide aside on their own and his spike pressurizes, and suddenly the strange mech is on him, riding him like a wild zap pony, and it’s the best fucking sex he’s has in a while, and it’s not long before he overloads and slides into reboot.
When he wakes up, he’s alone.
He chews out his handler for sending a buymech into his rooms while he’s asleep, but his handler insists that he did nothing of the sort. He even shows Megatron the security tapes that show no one entering his rooms after Megatron goes in. There was also no evidence on him that he’d interfaced with anyone...
Maybe it was a dream.
Except a few nights later it happens again. Megatron wakes up to find the same mech on top of him, and his body remembers what it did before and it’s just a few minutes before the mech is riding him again, moaning and touching Megatron in just the right places and waggling his wings in the most alluring way, and Megatron overloads again.
Megatron manages to stay online this time, and the Seeker slides off of his spike with a low groan. His wings flutter as he reaches down at brushes his fingers against Megatron’s valve - oh hey, when did that panel open? - and Megatron can feel that he’s slick already...
And then the mech slides into him and starts pounding away. [yada yada, fill in sex details here]
Right when the Seeker overloads inside him, he leans forward and kisses Megatron in the most passionate way he’s ever been kissed. Megatron has his second overload of the night and that one sends him into reboot.
He wakes up alone again.
There’s no signs of interfacing, though. No paint transfers, no transfluid stains on the sheets, nothing in his valve...
...A dream. Yeah, definitely a dream.
This goes on and on, for weeks. It’s the same thing every night: Megatron wakes to find the Seeker on top of him. He always takes Megatron’s spike first, and then spikes Megatron in turn. It’s always in that order. There is never any sign of the strange mech in the morning, but...
A dream? Megatron decides he needs to find out.
Finally, one night, Megatron tries to stay awake. He puts himself in an attentive but meditative state (which is part of his gladiator training) - it slows his ventilations and mimics recharge - and about an hour later he senses movement in his room.
Megatron’s hand darts out, and he grabs the Seeker by the wrist before it can immobilize him.
“Who are you?” Megatron growls.
The Seeker smiles at him like he always did, and leans forward to kiss him. Megatron can feel his systems seizing, sliding into the paralysis that he’s always in when he wakes. As their lips part, the Seeker says,��“My name is Starscream.” His voice sounds like glass scraping on concrete, and Megatron is sure that no mortal mech has ever sounded like that.
He wakes up alone again.
The next time Megatron has his maintenance check, the doctor frowns at something in the readings he’s getting. “I don’t understand this. Your inhibitor is still activated, and you shouldn’t...”
“Spit it out,” growls Megatron.
“You’re sparked,” says the doctor, turning the monitor around. It shows a clear image of Megatron’s spark with another circling it.
No wonder he’d been feeling tired.
Megatron keeps fighting until the swelling in his abdomen becomes too obvious, and the referees pull him from the ring. It’s irritating but... Megatron is more angry/worried/sad that his mystery lover has vanished. The sparkling is obviously his, but searches of records for a Seeker named ‘Starscream’ turn up nothing. 
It’s infuriating.
When the sparkling finally emerges, it’s grey and silver and blue and red, and has little wings and unnaturally red optics. When it cries, its voice sounds like glass scraping on concrete. And the sparkling is the most wonderful, adorable, precious thing that Megatron has ever seen.
But the strangest thing is after its emergence, Megatron’s handler insists on having the sparkling’s CNA tested. He’s positive that Megatron got knocked up by one of the other gladiators (since all buymechs have working inhibitors by law), and he wants to go after that other mech’s handler for his monetary losses while Megatron was sidelined.
However, when the results of the test come back, it’s the strangest thing... The little winged sparkling’s CNA is identical to Megatron’s.
That night, in his bed at the medical centre, Megatron drifts into a light recharge while feeding the little mech... But he opens his optics again when he feels a weight on the bed.
Starscream is sitting beside him, smiling at the sparkling in his arms.
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avidrawsthings · 5 years
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Did ya’ll know I’m also a big Transformers fan? XD I’ve had this gal in my head ever since 2010-2011, around the time Transformers Prime aired. I’ve never drawn mechs until now so this is her first official depiction! :D Majority of her background and personality have remained the same these past 6 years.
Her name’s Prisma
Is an Arachnicon, and has a spider-like mode along with a vehicle mode.
She’s a scientist and inventor. She secretly experimented on Energon (their fuel source) in order to discover what else it could provide, and created new forms of it as a result. She used some of it on herself to test it out and gained several abilities. 
She intended to have these new types of energon made available to the populace, but never got the chance.
Even though I gave her a blue color scheme, her natural colors would instead be iridescent white. Her colors changing based on her emotions was something I did for fun, and decided to keep it in. Her colors change while in robot mode, and remain her natural color while in vehicle mode.
Haven’t given her an alt-mode yet as I still haven’t decided between a land vehicle or a flier, but I am leaning more toward a type of car now.
She never saw a single day of the Autobot-Decepticon war and wasn’t aware even in the present day, as she was put into stasis (deep hibernation) by another friend who knew war was inevitable (said friend could see the future). Prisma was in stasis for millions of years on Earth until she was woken up in the present.
Knew both Optimus and Megatron long before the war, and upon seeing them again in the present, wonders why they look rather tired. From her perspective, she only saw them a few days ago.
She’s essentially a civilian as a result and this is her main reasoning for not joining the Autobot or Decepticon side, as she doesn’t feel worthy enough to wear their symbol. She also feels she’d only be in the way.
LOVES Earth culture and adjusted to the planet itself rather well. She immediately got hooked on everything magic related, especially witchy things. Proudly identifies as a Ravenclaw.
My main exposure was always the cartoons, as I’ve only recently learned of the comics a few months ago. 
Now as this was my first attempt, there are still things that have to be fixed up and changed (like her feet I believe), but honestly I’m so proud of myself for getting out of my comfort zone regarding mechas, and also for how well my gal turned out. ;__; <3
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cao-the-dreamer · 6 years
I’m nasty but it’s your fault,,,could you possible do NSFW headcanon for our girl Esther?
Well isn’t someone thirsty XD
I swear this is the last time I do that I’m too embarrassed now 😅
✿ - Sex headcanon
Once Megatron and Esther are more comfortable with each other’s body, they try several things… and Esther finds out she loves eating her partner out. The fact that Cybertronians have spike and valve is something she finds wonderful, since you can’t judge someone for what they got between their legs, contrary to humans.
Esther lavishes her partner’s valve with heartful care and adores listening to his gasps and moans. She never gets bored, it sounds like music to her, beautiful and intoxicating. She is extremely soft and gentle though, she doesn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable. But she feels extremely proud when she manages to make him beg for more, his frame shaking with the force of the overload. Don’t think she will stop there though, they have only just begun.
(On my god I can’t believe I wrote that, now I will gently burn in hell while hiding my shameful face, bye.)
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hgfstreamchats · 7 years
Are You Afraid of the Dark?
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room.
Smokey: awoojit Highglossfinish: A Smokescreen. Highglossfinish: Is the screen showing up? Everything kosher? Smokey: Nothing here yet Smokey: woojit woojit be a werewolf for halloween please Smokey: there it is! I see a boat Knock Out: *Shed Knock Out: Perfect! Knock Out: No. Werewolves sheld. Smokey: but I need an excuse to call you awoojit Knock Out: Hmm...are there any dander-free werewolves ou there? Smokey: You could be the first! Smokey: Maybe hairless werewolves wouldn't have dandruff Knock Out: In that case, we'll see. Smokey: hey woojit I found a vidoe Smokey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtCQo5oDCIA Knock Out: Just for that, I'm not dressing up as a werewolf.
Smokey: wait no i'm sorry Smokey: :( woojit please i love youuuu I'll dress up as anything Knock Out: Your bargaining abilities are shaky. Smokey: I can steal megatron's eyebrows and wear 'em Smokey: I'll talk like the kids in these videos Knock Out: ...Alright, now I'm listening. Smokey: I'll cover Megatron's eyebrows in glitter Knock Out: Deal. Knock Out: Deal. Smokey: Nice. Smokey: .... Though it might have to be after halloween with all the stuff going on on cybertron Knock Out: Dear Unicron, that's almost better. jpeg: yo, what up? Knock Out: Hello there! Smokey: Thanksgiving sparkletron jpeg: thanks for setting this up! Smokey: HEY FILE TYPE HUMAN Smokey: oh no not tickling Smokey: "lameball" Knock Out: The language! jpeg: m'lad, jpeg: i need to remember that one Pheonix: hi! jpeg: heyo! Pheonix: Happy Halloween! Knock Out: Pheonix human! Happy Halloween! Smokey: is he gonna go offline Knock Out: Yes. Pheonix: Why Thank you! Hope the family is well Knock Out: Exceedingly well! Smokey: ...... Smokey: I'm not liking where this is going Pheonix: Good! Impact is such a sweetheart. Pheonix: Oh! I remember this episode Pheonix: I used to watch this show every week! Knock Out: I can see why! Knock Out: "Beaned." caffienatedconfetti: how are the canadian children Pheonix: stupid Pheonix: so so stupid Smokey: the clown hasa  phone? caffienatedconfetti: what did they do this tim Pheonix: stole evil clown nose caffienatedconfetti: ooooh the clown Pheonix: yep caffienatedconfetti: this is caffienatedconfetti: um Pheonix: finger bones Pheonix: yum caffienatedconfetti: finally some sense caffienatedconfetti: give the murderous clown back his nose Pheonix: i swear returning things to their proper owners is have the plot in these shows caffienatedconfetti: how caffienatedconfetti: how did an underage child get cigars Pheonix: how did he get cigars caffienatedconfetti: jinx Pheonix: lol Pheonix: XD Knock Out: Stole them from someone else. Knock Out: "It's the most fun in the ***!" Pheonix: man imagine that in your closet Thebes: Hello! I hear there is halloween here Knock Out: Bah. Human datanet, let me say ***! Knock Out: There is indeed! Pheonix: much spook caffienatedconfetti: very scare Pheonix: did me a fright Pheonix: :) Smokey: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Pheonix: ooo Thebes: I wonder what they did with that clown-thing after they finished shooting Pheonix: try the dollhouse one caffienatedconfetti: probs burned it Pheonix: that one gave me nightmares as a kid caffienatedconfetti: like it deserved Pheonix: yes Knock Out: We'll watch the dollhouse one after this one. Pheonix: :o caffienatedconfetti: mmmmmm caffienatedconfetti: dollhouse Pheonix: yay caffienatedconfetti: i don't really get scared unless its a jumpscare Thebes: really? I love a good paranoia fit myself Thebes: just the thought that, of course no one would know if something really could happen or not, it wouldn't leave survivors Thebes: just mysterious circumstances Knock Out: Changes like "don't sexually harass the humans giving you your story trial." caffienatedconfetti: oh my god i know this one caffienatedconfetti: this one is scary Pheonix: yis Pheonix: its so good Pheonix: if impact is watching, she needs to look away caffienatedconfetti: pee yoo exactly Pheonix: bye Pheonix: :) Pheonix: too late caffienatedconfetti: lol whut Pheonix: god. i remember coveralls agooddistraction: are humans scared of science Pheonix: 90's fashion horrors agooddistraction: wow Knock Out: Well, science *is* rather creepy. agooddistraction: ?? caffienatedconfetti: "cauculate the volume of the school" Pheonix: why would their still be water? Knock Out: Did they leave the dead child in there too? Pheonix: possibly Pheonix: XD Pheonix: okay- she is reminding me of a female starscream Thebes: HE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE BURIED AT SEA. THIS JUST CUTS OUT THE MIDDLEMAN. agooddistraction: what caffienatedconfetti: spooky pool Knock Out: Janitor Gaseous likes to watch people swim. Pheonix: seriously female starscream in a fleshy body Pheonix: creeper caffienatedconfetti: it's dat boi Knock Out: Here he comes. agooddistraction: intense Pheonix: there was a ladder right next to them? Knock Out: Ew. agooddistraction: uhhh Knock Out: Is this a metaphor for something that's wrong? Thebes: This seems like a terrible idea Pheonix: wait so he can swim already? caffienatedconfetti: peice of *** caffienatedconfetti: whoops sorry Knock Out: Remember, children: all your fears are justified. agooddistraction: hahahaah what???? agooddistraction: what is it even like being human Pheonix: awww, her girlfriend is jealous agooddistraction: no dont look Knock Out: Life seems terrifying when you need to constantly breathe. Pheonix: it can be caffienatedconfetti: look man we didn't ask to breathe agooddistraction: yeah what's up with breathing agooddistraction: wtf Pheonix: but on the plus side we get to smell things Pheonix: like baking cookies Knock Out: So can we. Pheonix: flowers caffienatedconfetti: yeah but it feels nice when you fill your lungs Pheonix: true Knock Out: It also feels nice to go underwater and not die. Pheonix: why doesn't it tip the boat caffienatedconfetti: it just did Pheonix: lol agooddistraction: hey it's the guy Pheonix: called it Thebes: Man, this one made me so paranoid of water as a kid Knock Out: It's reading the chat. Pheonix: hi creeper guy caffienatedconfetti: we can go underwater just not for long Knock Out: Sweaty Charlie put his fingers in those drinks. Pheonix: dear god. Pheonix: the real horror Smokey: I poofed for a klik, what happened? Pheonix: trapped in high school for 60 years Smokey: WHEEWHEEE agooddistraction: hey Smokey: wheewhee hey hey hey Pheonix: hi smokey agooddistraction: how's it goin Smokey: Hey Pheonix! Pheonix: damn it, stop moving dead people Smokey: Wheewheee it's been weird on my cybertron it's been stinky what've you been up to agooddistraction: stinky? caffienatedconfetti: also we like breathing Smokey: stinky caffienatedconfetti: even though it's slowly setting us on fire from the inside out Smokey: cybertron smells terrible agooddistraction: just the usual. plants and building Smokey: you guys gotta stop breathing Knock Out: That'll make the pool less dangerous. agooddistraction: ahh what is it Smokey: the shape of the water Pheonix: hi dead guy caffienatedconfetti: OH MY GOD agooddistraction: eeeeahjudksa caffienatedconfetti: that didn't work Thebes: THIS IS MORE GRAPHIC THAN I REMEMBER Knock Out: Not Stinky Charlie! agooddistraction: what the frag caffienatedconfetti: its coming through the drain Pheonix: why the frag is that by the pool caffienatedconfetti: i have no idea agooddistraction: yolo human agooddistraction: primus this is intense Pheonix: well shes had a good run caffienatedconfetti: SWIM YUOU FOOL Jalaperilo: Hello! I am here for a bit! agooddistraction: goooo Pheonix: ladder right behind her Knock Out: Jalaperilo human! Just in time for this! Jalaperilo: what is it??? caffienatedconfetti: horror movie children are stupid agooddistraction: go go go go agooddistraction: how to kill a ghost caffienatedconfetti: uuguguuguhgh Knock Out: Sticky Charlie finally found peace. Pheonix: maybe he can leave teh school now caffienatedconfetti: TuT caffienatedconfetti: more fun things to do caffienatedconfetti: hhmmhmmmmmm Pheonix: wink wonk agooddistraction: wait what is that Pheonix: fire powder Knock Out: Good call. Jalaperilo: he just ate sand Knock Out: You don't want this boy within sniffing distance every night. Pheonix: makes it flare and sparkle Jalaperilo: dont make friends with kids that eat sand or grass or glue Pheonix: good rule Pheonix: aww, baby tucker caffienatedconfetti: ooooooh *** no i hate dolls ugh Thebes: No one thinks that about dolls. No one has ever thought that about dolls. Pheonix: until now Thebes: apparently Thebes: do not trust your parents, child, they are crafing an edifice of lies Knock Out: Why would you even ask someone that? Pheonix: you know? agooddistraction: do humans like ***? Pheonix: not usually caffienatedconfetti: naw caffienatedconfetti: makes me sick caffienatedconfetti: i  mean some people are into it but that's gross tbh caffienatedconfetti: oooooh *** no mi;'m out Jalaperilo: just wait till your older kid and youll experience true fear: that you are responsible for yourself caffienatedconfetti: yes dont tell the child about the important thing Jalaperilo: yeah lets whisper loudly 5 feet from the kid Smokey: they have discord in the dollhouse Jalaperilo: the house is in the little house Jalaperilo: like a tesseract caffienatedconfetti: or a turducken agooddistraction: nice smashing kid Jalaperilo: should have done what i did at 13 and just punch the back door window pane cause the door was locked Smokey: kid's gonna get stuck aren't they caffienatedconfetti: huh. minotaur maze strategy Pheonix: yup Jalaperilo: parents were not happy at the broken pane or my blood everywhere agooddistraction: ouch Smokey: if you eat the fake food, do you get stuck in there forever Jalaperilo: haha caffienatedconfetti: probs caffienatedconfetti: sttupid Jalaperilo: go to the attic of the dollhouse caffienatedconfetti: shiiiit Jalaperilo: called it Knock Out: Gah! Jalaperilo: *** Smokey: hhhhhh Smokey: woojit agooddistraction: *** Knock Out: Hmm? Pheonix: that part freaked me out so bad as a kid Smokey: scary agooddistraction: frag Jalaperilo: but if they leave like that, wont her hand be severed? Pheonix: but she wont be a doll Pheonix: doll or life without a hand caffienatedconfetti: LIFE YOU FOOL Pheonix: i mean UM got that cool hook Jalaperilo: what an awful dress Pheonix: fashion horror part 2 Jalaperilo: that the real horror Smokey: imagine having to live the rest of your life in that dress Smokey: also as a doll Knock Out: Ahhh! Pheonix: the horror caffienatedconfetti: ew Thebes: Hell. It leads to hell. It has always lead to hell. Smokey: oh primus i'd leave forever if that happened agooddistraction: gotta run. night Pheonix: night wheeljack Pheonix: very true Knock Out: Good night, Wheeljack. Pheonix: happy halloween Jalaperilo: night wheeljack! Knock Out: Ugh. Pheonix: oooh this is a good episode too! imsweetlyeclectic: So i finally got the chat to work~ caffienatedconfetti: m tirewd caffienatedconfetti: im  going to bed Pheonix: night imsweetlyeclectic: what did i miss? Knock Out: Goodnight, not-so-caffeinated-human. Pheonix: wj just left Pheonix: mostly heckling of 90s fashion Jalaperilo: bye coffinated caffee Knock Out: Fun fact: that's one of the humans from Firefly. imsweetlyeclectic: i have the fact i can't change my name on here... Pheonix: yes it is Jalaperilo: i watched 1 episode of firefly Jalaperilo: gotta admit, never saw the appeal Jalaperilo: i cant imagine why your parents would want you gone imsweetlyeclectic: and my internet is being wonky.... Jalaperilo: oyu lost your purple imsweetlyeclectic: what are the people doing on the screen? Pheonix: hiking? imsweetlyeclectic: i got the chat, and the sound, but no pictures... Jalaperilo: nothing interesting Jalaperilo: some girl is a dick to another girl and now she's lost in the woods Pheonix: and the woods are changing imsweetlyeclectic: oh, that could go so worng in so many ways... Pheonix: the watcher Pheonix: this episode is another one that scared me as a kid Pheonix: I always played in the woods Pheonix: oh look a horses head imsweetlyeclectic: and i lost sound TT-TT Pheonix: technically three something died imsweetlyeclectic: holy frag, the sudden scream out of nowhere scared the ever living daylights out of me. i might have to cut out of the stream.... it's being too glitchy. Pheonix: aww. happy halloween Knock Out: Is it glitching for anyone else? Pheonix: it was earlier Knock Out: Happy Halloween, eclectic human! Until the next time! Pheonix: but its fine now Jalaperilo: mines been fine Smokey: thats just mean Pheonix: aww they are so cute Pheonix: little white mice Knock Out: With their terrifying nibbling. Jalaperilo: its freaky when characters have your name lol Pheonix: wiat Pheonix: are you a sarah too? Pheonix: :o Pheonix: yay same name! Jalaperilo: slightly different. its pronounced that way but im a SAra Pheonix: close enough Pheonix: :D Jalaperilo: *sara high five* Pheonix: *high five!* Pheonix: look at that car Jalaperilo: to say these are spooky stories, they al have happy endings Knock Out: I'm looking, I'm looking! Knock Out: Some of them don't. Pheonix: ooh do you hace old man cochran? Pheonix: or pinball wizard Pheonix: those have less happy endings Knock Out: I have both! Jalaperilo: also, on an unrelated note, i watched thor:ragnarok earlier and i am in love with cate blanchett lol Pheonix: :o Pheonix: im seeing it this weekend Jalaperilo: i wont spoil it, but blanchett as hela is amazing and funny and terrifying and beautiful Pheonix: :) nice Pheonix: old school gameboy Jalaperilo: not what i was expecting Pheonix: he should have listened Pheonix: don't touch the pinball game Thebes: and now to see how everything is going to go wrong Jalaperilo: kids those days Jalaperilo: remeber the inball game on windows 95 Jalaperilo: space 3d? Pheonix: space cadet 3d Pheonix: good memories Jalaperilo: now its purble place Knock Out: On the plus side, he's got lots of quarters to eat. Pheonix: yum Jalaperilo: our money is slowly turning to plastic over here Jalaperilo: i feel like the old notes could have been eated thenightetc: So what'd I miss? thenightetc: Haunted pinball? Pheonix: kid was told not to touch pinball game Pheonix: he did Pheonix: now trapped in the mall thenightetc: Yikes, I guess now we see why Thebes: Yeah, the victims on this show do not make good choices Jalaperilo: oh wow. i think i had a hairband like that Pheonix: they do not thenightetc: A pinball witch? Knock Out: Whoever played the witch is clearly enjoying herself. Pheonix: yis Pheonix: oh yes Jalaperilo: but do any of them play a mean pin ball? Pheonix: the kid used to thenightetc: ...You sure you want to do that Thebes: KID WHY Pheonix: king of the mall thenightetc: Seems like the kind of thing that might get you, I don't know, trapped in the game forever Pheonix: awww game over Pheonix: restart! thenightetc: It's clearly too big for his head Pheonix: I think BD would approve of the smashing Pheonix: and possibly Impact would as well Knock Out: Breakdown would have kept the mace. Pheonix: He is smart like that Pheonix: but his hammer is better than the mace Jalaperilo: breakdown is smart cookies though Pheonix: he is Pheonix: so smart and awesome Pheonix: KO is a lucky mech thenightetc: Hahahahha Knock Out: And just to shake things up... Jalaperilo: ?? Jalaperilo: jabony? Jalaperilo: what is this? Thebes: Why do I remember these lyrics Pheonix: salute your shorts Knock Out: A must for a 90s horror night. Knock Out: Or so I've been told. Pheonix: just thinking the same Thebes: it IS very aggressively 90's Pheonix: mmmm licorice Jalaperilo: urgh. licquoris Pheonix: :) more for me thenightetc: Ewwww, don't hold it by the rubber part Pheonix: so gross thenightetc: wash your hands you filthy children thenightetc: ...Okay, that's also gross.  Putting toothpaste on the floor like that. thenightetc: Somebody's going to step in that. Thebes: the child in the headband speaks the most sense of all of them Pheonix: yes Jalaperilo: time for me to go to bed x x x Jalaperilo: night all! thenightetc: goodnight! Knock Out: Goodnight, jalaperilo human! Jalaperilo: good night knock out cybertronian! Pheonix: night! thenightetc: Uhhhhh thenightetc: ewwwwwww Pheonix: awww Pheonix: poor harry Knock Out: After this, I'm thinking one more to end the night on. Pheonix: kk Pheonix: :) thenightetc: Is this a Ruffles ad Pheonix: maybe Pheonix: suspicious thenightetc: Haha, barely even waited for them to leave Pheonix: jeez Pheonix: donkey lips Pheonix: XD thenightetc: All that screaming says otherwise thenightetc: Who does he think this guy is, he's clearly not a teenager Pheonix: thats the counselor thenightetc: ...So did they just leave the counselor strung up.....welp Pheonix: yep Knock Out: Doesn't that kill humans? thenightetc: Mmmmaybe? Pheonix: is should have Knock Out: Does anyone have any closing Are You Afraid of the Dark recommendations? Pheonix: you pick Pheonix: :) Thebes: You choose good things Pheonix: KO does Pheonix: he has excellent taste after all thenightetc: Is that Harry Potter Knock Out: Oh, you. Knock Out: The old human was Ratchet. Pheonix: haha Pheonix: so grump thenightetc: Ew Pheonix: so gross thenightetc: Ewwwww thenightetc: Does that same old lady come there every night? Knock Out: Apparently? Pheonix: appears so Knock Out: Wipe down everything he touches, kids. Pheonix: don't let him touch anything Thebes: tiny Hagrid is weirding me out thenightetc: So it's cursed, right, like the video in The Ring Pheonix: yep Knock Out: It's probably full of weevils. Have fun with that. thenightetc: Murders other movies thenightetc: by magic~ Pheonix: ohyes Pheonix: oh god it is ratchet thenightetc: ...Isn't that a real movie? Pheonix: nosferatu? Yep Knock Out: Apparently, they liked the disgusting little man's Nosferatu fanfiction. thenightetc: Maybe he just took an existing movie and cursed it? Pheonix: feed it movie people Pheonix: feed it thenightetc: I guess it's out of copyright Knock Out: Cursed it, fed it some people, spliced in nudes of himself. Pheonix: tasteful nudes of course Pheonix: this is a classy film after all Knock Out: There's a lot of "just friends" hand holding in these. Pheonix: yep thenightetc: dude thenightetc: don't try to get out of the deal with the demon wizard guy Knock Out: Oh, he's puffing up. Now you've done it. Pheonix: never a good sign thenightetc: whooooop Knock Out: His name is Count Orlok. Pheonix: nibble nibble Pheonix: dude needs a dentist thenightetc: needed a dentist like eighty years ago Knock Out: Those buck teeth wouldn't pierce a neck cleanly. thenightetc: Well, the wound did look pretty nasty Knock Out: True. Pheonix: true Knock Out: And many, many things to touch. Knock Out: With his sour little touching fingers. Pheonix: with his creepy fingers Pheonix: that are probably sticky Pheonix: great stream KO Knock Out: Why, thank you! Pheonix: thank you for hosting thenightetc: Yes!  Entertainingly cheesy :) Knock Out: Thank you all for coming! Pheonix: Say KO, have you seen Hocus Pocus? Knock Out: I have not. Pheonix: if you get the chance it is awesome! Knock Out: Will do! Pheonix: the little girl makes me think of Impact Pheonix: smol and sassy Pheonix: :) Pheonix: and loves animals Knock Out: Well, I'm sold. Pheonix: and it is delightfully campy Pheonix: XD Pheonix: with sly adult humor slipped in that went over kids heads Pheonix: *to clarify the modern little girl not the old timey little girl Knock Out: If it's got camp, I'm there. Pheonix: if you get the chance you should watch Knock Out: I'll be sure to! Pheonix: Happy Halloween! Pheonix: Hope you, BD and Impact have a ghoulishly good time! Knock Out: Good night, and happy Halloween! Don't let Dr. Vink put his fingers in your dreams! thenightetc: Happy Halloween!  And goodnight Pheonix: lol Pheonix: oh no Pheonix: Im off to watch 'arsenic and old lace' Pheonix: it is halloween tradition Knock Out: Always a classic. Pheonix: yes it is Pheonix: Have a good night Knock Out: You as well! Pheonix: I'm off to panama, to dig a new lock in the canal ;)
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zenxenophilia · 7 years
Part one Breakdown and Knockout become so protective of Jack after the Star scream incident they don't let anyone they don't trust near him, that there practically always with him. Helping him change/eat/putting him down for naps. They basically treat him like a toddler, I mean from a different angle... sorta cute? But Jacks just terrified and scared. What if Sound Wave kind of stepped in trying to 'save' him but being non discreet about it because Jack reminds him of his cassettes. But...
Part two BD/KO parents. Then Sound Wave sees the appeal. He starts missing his cassettes​ more and more and Jack must be so lonely. He kidnaps poor boy Raf who’s scared and really confused. He comforts him and look, Sounders installed this really cool computer system for you so you don’t get bored, he cares! Or see all these movies and games and you’re friend Jacks here to. So happy? Once Raf gets more used to it and calms down after Jack talks to him, it’s actually not that bad. He’s spoiled.
Part three K.O/BD parents. Raf is absolutely spoiled and gets his space so he relatively calms down after all the initial panic but then Sound Wave gets clingy and starts cuddle sessions to. Its okay Raf. It’s okay. He’s not hurting you just stay calm the autobots are coming soon. Then Megatron gets bored and bam I want a human pet to infuriate the autobots with. He kidnaps Miko. And he’s like you’re mine now. Miko doesn’t really freakout shes to mad and goes off on him yelling and screaming
Part Four KO/BD parents. Megatron then falls in love with her fiery spirit and starts dotting on her. She’s gone from pet to loved daughter in like a day.(She has literally everything she could ask for it’s creepy can he read her mind?) Slash monkeys is now a must play in the throne room(surprisingly the only thing keeping her calm) she has a mini training area where he teaches her to fight, a tv/video game counsel with all the best stuff. And he wont cuddle her but he does have her on his lap.
Tumblr media
Yes!  Yes!  Yes!!!  I love this idea!  I was actually thinking earlier how Soundwave would probably like Raf the best as they’re both quiet, loyal, and super good with computers!  XD  And Soundwave being all affectionate and missing his cassettes is just adorable!  
I would have never thought about Megs adopting Miko, but I can kind of see it now??  Like, look at how surprised he was when he found out she had beaten his troops senseless using the Apex Armor!  He’d be so proud of his little gladiator child!!!  ^__^
The two of them would probably be fine with waiting until they were rescued (because, hey look!  Free stuff!  Thanks, robo dads!  XD) but meanwhile poor Jack is being kept like a pet by Knock Out and Breakdown and is honestly wondering if he’s going to make it out in one piece…
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bobgoesw00t · 7 years
bobgoesw00t's opinion on Transformers The Last Knight
*SPOILERS LIE AHEAD. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!* SO, I got back from my local movie theatre where I saw Transformers The Last Knight and in my personal opinion, it was pretty good. Like the last four movies, it had a nice blend of action, comedy and drama right when it was called for. All of the cast did a wonderful job, especially Stanley Tucci (who played Merlin the Wizard who also happened to be a drunkard this time around) and John Turturro (SEYMOUR SIMMONS IS BACK, YAY!!!). The special effects were also fabulous again I think there were less explosions this time around, although I'm not 100% sure. Mind you there were an ass ton of them but it seemed like there were maybe, 10-20 less then in Age of Extinction. One of the big plot twists that I liked (if you've watched of read about Transformers Prime, this isn't THAT big of a surprise by the way) was that Earth is actually the biggest baddie in the whole Transformers Franchise, the giant evil Transformer himself, Unicron. When I heard that line, I started to have a tiny nerdgasm xD. Because of this factor, the villainess for this movie and the sixth one is Quintessa, the creator of the Transformers. No you read that right, she's the villain for this movie AND the next main entry, because even though Bumblebee blasted her at point blank range with his gun, she survived and is plotting to kill Unicron in the next one. Another thing I liked was how at the end, Earth and Cybertron are now neighbors, quite literally to be honest as when it was entering Earth's atmosphere, it basically destroyed most of the moon. What this means basically, is that with the help of the Autobots AND humanity, the Transformers home can be reborn. I really had only one big complaint this time around and it's the following. I wish we had gotten more time with Optimus being ape shit crazy as Nemesis Prime. I LOVED how we got to see that he's not immune to mind control and that if the wrong forces got they're hands on him, he could be as big of a threat as Megatron. I have to say that alot of the new characters they added ended up being one of my favorite parts. Cogman, a human sized Headmaster was faking hilarious and Hot Shot has a gun I WANT IN REAL LIFE (AKA a freaking pistol sized gravity gun. PISTOL SIZED? TALK ABOUT OP). The best of the best has to be for me though, wait for it... MINI DINOBOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAH, THEY WERE SO FUCKING CUTE AND ADORABLE AND KAWAII AND (surprisingly enough) CUDDLY!!!!! I WANT ONE TO CALL MY VERY OWN!!! WHY IS THIS NOT A REAL THING IN OUR WORLD!?!?!?!?!? OH, I forgot to mention Grimlock acting like giant noddy T-rex dog was also a great part. Him eating a car and Cade Yeager yelling at him to spit it out was hilarious IMO. And when he did, it was covered in green alien saliva. OK then, time for me to give my final opinion on the movie. For me, The Last Knight was good, but I actually have to say it wasn't as good as Age of Extinction in the end. I'm pretty sure the main reason for that has to do with Optimus being Nemesis Prime for such a short amount of time in the final version. I personally thought he would be "Evil" for at least a good 20-30 minutes of the film, but it ended up being 5-10 minutes. I don't know if that was the plan from the beginning or they ended up cutting that short during production but I'm pretty disappointed by this. Even if your not a fan of the movies, but a friend is and they want to go see it. I recommend going with them to be honest. The action was awesome and the funny bits were quite hilarious. Durning one of the chase scenes, Cogman did something really funny to the local police that made everyone giggle. I personally can't wait to see what happens next on June 28, 2019.
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reyns456 · 7 years
spoilers if you didn’t saw TF: The Last Knight
Ok I finally saw the last knight (just premiere on my country) and I really liked the movie and the movies are actually getting better and I wonder what they will do for the next one especially because Michael Bay is finally out as the director.
I really liked Izabella she was great and I wanted more of her on the movie, Viviane was also great better that what I thought they were going to do with her. Sir Edmund was wonderful I liked Cade on the last movie and I still like him on this one but what happened to Lennox???
I’m actually surprised that not bot died on this movie (except Canopy poor guy) and cons weren’t so lucky  :/ And both showed up very little :( more transformers less humans!!
And I have a couple of things to say they are probably not in order,:
- I know Izabella is sad that Canopy died but why she keeps saying is the last family she had?? What is Chopper her pet!?!?!? And she doesn’t trait him any good the called him ugly poor bot :/
- And how did she get on the junkyard?? I mean when did she got into whatever bot she was in???
- WHERE THE BABY DINOBOTS COME FROM?!??!?! I WANT EXPLANATIONS I WANT ANSWERS!! There was a Dinobot orgy on that hole???? Who fucked who??
- Anyway I love them they are adorable and I love how they have different eye colors!! but Mark needs to came up with better names not just T
- I love that barricade is back but I want to know how that happened??
- The cons have personalities this time!!! Shame it doesn’t last long :/
- Yes government work with Megatron they guy who tried to murder your worlds it would work out!!
- I can’t believe Hound survived THAT and two cons don’t survive a battle
- Cogman is fun and I want to know how the headmaster thing work!!
- Hot Rod looks better on the movie than on the pics but still fugly and please let him drop the accent next time
- Still too much humans, at least they are fun to watch (most of the time they are some… uncomfortable moments)
- Optimus drops up of nowhere, take the staff and kicks bumblebee ass (Bee fight good)
- Welp looks like Lennox is helping them now it actually came out of nowhere he was following orders for the whole movie and NOW Lennox acts like old Lennox shame it doesn’t last he didn’t trust Prime at the end :/
- I love how Bumblebee voice fixs the mind control it was like “My baby can talk again!! I’m so happy for my son that all evilness is gone now”
- I don’t understand Bee new ability… how… how does work???
- Optimus is back for two minutes and everyone kick his ass wtf?? At least Cade saved him…
- Optimus did you just forget the last two movie?? You meet more people that don’t want you one the planet that people who are ok with you living there!!! Maybe he was referring to Cade but still
- Now everyone is here!!! Except for the DInobots… why didn’t they bring them???
- Final fight and the Decepticons lost Barricade, what with that con and disappearing during the final battle??? Maybe he doesn’t want to die again xD
- Where all those decepticons come from??? Why they always have guys during the fights??
- The combiners in this movie are weird, six tiny guys that turn into a big one and a group of knights that turn into a cool dragon
- Megs has his fusion canon!!!!
- And now is gone, god dammit Prime
- Now megs is gone…
- And Nitro is dead…
- Everything is good now time for Optimus speech
- Ok where is Drift?? They lost Drift now?? Why this movie keep losing characters???
And well a couple of stuff I joke with my sister after the movie:
- We loved the combiners that was made of six others cons but they are all the same so we were saying that maybe they all have their own names but they are not easy to difference so maybe megatron painted numbers on then or something so he can make them apart xD
- My sister said that Barricade wasn’t on the final fight because he can’t fly so he watched from the ground, and we joked that Megatron crashed besides him xD
- We joked a lot over the tf that disappeared because they just dropped out of the movie, I can’t understand wheelie they leave him behind because he is tiny (and annoying) and they can’t bring the baby dinobots but why not the big ones??? I want to see Grimlock fight!!!
- And Drift wasn’t on the last shot Hot Rod replaced him on the team of what???
- I already talked about Barricade but I can’t forget that this guy keep disappearing is like his thing now
- Izabella has teleporting powers is the only way she can show up when the plot needs her
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evilsciencebros · 7 years
Agathrights: This local bug literally lives in a box and Megatron lets it crawl around inside of him to do repairs, News At 10.
evilsciencebros: You made him 10x awesome in ways I never would have expected! I love your fountain of imagination. LMAO *snuggles up inside the warrior poet*
agatharights: I kinda had the vague idea of making him either a true minicon or an uplift a while ago so it was fun to finally flesh that out!Who doesn't want to crawl around inside of megatron. it'd be cozy
evilsciencebros: *huggles the swiss army knife* He's perfect *squishes down into pancake mode*
agatharights: He just squish down.The only problem with being an uplift is that -actual- scraplets will probably follow him if given the chance, because this scraplet is bigger and smarter so clearly it has more food!And i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that a nonsapient swarm of dumb, hungry metallovores makes for poor company, unless you're in an autobot base in which case HEY NEW FRIENDS EAT EVERYTHING
evilsciencebros: The perfect drone army. They're not allowed in the Decepticon base
agatharightsyeah: probably a good idea to not bring those homeThey can't tell the difference between autobots and Decepticons and while Oil Slick is pretty unpalateable to everything (both Junkions and Unicronians refuse to eat him, which is impressive) everybody else...
evilsciencebros: Bless. He probably has a little hidey hole for them, so they don't go wondering off. Either that, or just kills/eats them, like Movie Scalpel did with that creepy worm thing that crawled through Sam's head. LOL. Everything keeps trying to eat Oil Slick and fails miserably XD
agatharights: I'd imagine so. Scalpel can probably eat virtually anything, if given enough time for his teensy tiny mouth, since he's still got a scraplet digestive system.
evilsciencebrosI: eat with his butt
agatharights: They had to remove most of the scraplet mouth/jaws though to make room for an actual brain.
evilsciencebros: Tiny brain. An Archive worth of knowledge. That's an impressive memory chip he's got
agatharights: Excellent quantum linkage with his spark for memory storage. Whatever company made him probably priced him pretty high- he would've been top-tier medical equipment at the time
evilsciencebros: ^w^ He is one of a kind
agatharights: "He is one of a kind" "Because everything else in his production line was disposed of when they became obsolete or were deemed too high-risk." you can even ask Optimus but like "What was Cybertron like?" "It was beautiful, and terrible."
evilsciencebros: it was beautiful...but at the same time, on fire
agatharights: Well, to be fair, on fire was more after Megatron finally started calming down and realized he maaaay have literally killed Primus and was like "Mm. Okay. I'll admit, I got a little out of hand.""Lets...lets just go find a new planet."
evilsciencebros: *sweeps the old planet under the rug.* Don't worry, we can still fix this
agatharights: And then he left Cybertron, a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and somehow by the time he got back Shockwave had made it worse and he was like how did you do this? When I left this was a heap of scrap that was on fire and full of electrical storms? WHY IS IT FULL OF ZOMBIES AND PREDACONS NOW? And Shockwave was like "i thought you were never coming back ever so I panicked"
agatharights: Shockwave is the master of "picked up necromancy as a hobby, made some mistakes"
evilsciencebros: This is what happens when you don't return people's phone calls. they join cults
agatharights: And if there's no cults to join, they make their own, and when you finally show back up they're like heyyyyyy...the good news is, Cybertron's not dead, the bad news is, neither are the Insecticons and now there's so many of them.
evilsciencebros: On the bright side there's a cool spider lady who keeps them in check...when she doesn't wanna eat you herself
agatharights: I dunno about that. Season Three of TF: Matrix is basically slotted to be "Blackarachnia is pissed Megatron ditched her on Cybertron, has been selectively breeding an army of insecticons and predacons to take it out on him" Megatron, and who can blame him, was like "Alright, we need to get everyone we can off the planet before the spacebridges go dark...but do i want to be stuck in a tube floating in space with a bunch of self-replicating cannibals? Do i really?"And then effectively gave the Insecticons/predacons the wrong time/place and took off without them and they've been salty about it for a few centuries
evilsciencebros: Megatron. Can't break up with someone to save his life. Instead changes his phone number and address, and pretends to be shocked when they finally run into each other years later.
agatharights: ...god I'm terrible because the first thing that pops into my head is "Clearly, he learned that from Orion"
agatharights: Since Orion basically ditched Megatron as soon as the Decepticons started getting too hot for him to handle and then Megatron didn't see him again until he was working with Sentinel Prime centuries later.And he was like  " :) This is fine" And promptly murdered them both.
evilsciencebros: Cybertron. Died because of poor communication
agatharights: Pretty much.Which, to be fair, this problem didn't start with Megatron and Orion, this problem probably started the moment Prima was like "Guys, I know the thirteen of us are pretty happy, but what if we made a few billion more people?"
agatharights sent a GIF
evilsciencebros: I don't see any downsides to this.
agatharights: Downsides: Quintessons were like hey, uhhhh looks like you have...a lot of people there. Can we...borrow some??????"no piss off Quintessons"
agatharights: And then Unicron was like HEYYYYY LOOKS LIKE YOU HAVE A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE...CAN I DEVOUR EVERYTHING??? "NO PISS OFF UNICRON" (and then Nova Prime was like "Hey, what if institutionalized racism?" and instead of going "no piss off Nova" people were like "yeah okay" and that's Cybertronian history) The ghost of Solus Prime shaking her head like come on you guys I did not make all this shit that can literally cause miracles just so you could immediately start conquering and murdering things but she was dead so nobody listened to her
evilsciencebros: immortals need hobbies too. The only ones allowed to traumatise their OCs are them.
agatharights: "these are my OCs the entire Cybertronain race. original idea, do not steal." (and then the Quintessons, who created Primus and Unicron, were like WHOA PLAGARISM) Also oh no I realized the saddest thing that could happen to Scalpel
evilsciencebros: !!!!!
agatharights: Scalpel would've been an actual Scraplet, if very briefly (probably plucked right from a natural forge) before he was modified into a, well, a person, rather than a parasite. Which is all well and good, uplifts weren't uncommon for a long time, though they're very rare post-war
agatharights: But if he attacked Buster and Buster panicked there'd be a chance Buster's matrix abilities- including the ability to "repair" virtually anything Cybertronian given enough energy, would kick in- and Scalpel could be reverted into a Scraplet. It briefly happens to Ravage, but Ravage shares a spark with Soundwave- so Soundwave is able to re-activate his uplift status by restoring his spark (and Buster is very sorry like yeah okay the Decepticons have regularly tried to kidnap him as a power source but he didn't mean to hurt anyone!)But Scalpel being turned back into a Scraplet, even if it were temporary, sounds like a nightmare for him. Turned into a literally brainless creature (scraplets have no processors- their actions are directly connected to their spark rather than utilizing a processor)
evilsciencebros: ;-; poor baby
agatharights: He keeps biting Oil Slick and then being surprised and angry when Oil Slick tastes bad but he has no memory at the time. So he keeps trying bc Oil Slick carries him off to try and fix him ;-;
evilsciencebros: <3
agatharights: awwgh that's so sad i'm putting that in the "horrible things to potentially do to characters" folder
evilsciencebros: My boys. Looking out for each other ;3;
evilsciencebrosYou should feel bad! Poor Scalpel, reduced to something less than an animals, and poor Oil Slick trying to care for his little buddy.
agatharights: Someone on the team suggests that they should put Scalpel out of his misery, that they don't want to risk him eating someone and producing more scraplets, and Oil Slick gets so angry about it he has to leave for a lil bit, just to clear his head before he does something stupid like drop a white phosphorous grenade on them)He'd have to get fixed, eventually, but until then Oil Slick can keep him in a box and feed him scraps
evilsciencebros: OMG I hope he gets better one day! Poor Oil Slick trying, and failing, to bring Scalpel back, but unwilling to snuff out his little spark.He will murder that human boy >:/
agatharights: jskdlfaj if he confronted Buster the poor kid would be like ???!!! Because he'd have no idea what he'd done, and once he knew he'd freak out and start bawling because he didn't mean to! He's so sorry! He can fix it- he can, he can try, at least? "I don't want to hurt anyone! Please, just lemme try to fix it..."
evilsciencebros: He is very fortunate that Oil Slick is desperate and revenge can wait.Now stop pouring lubricant out of your optics and do your work weird god magic shit.
agatharights: akfdljsaf poor babies. At least Buster can probably undo it. Might take a bit, though, and a lot of energy. he'd konk right out afterwards, and Scalpel just re-grew an entire brain so he's very tired too.
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deceitfulcharmer · 7 years
solivigante: *realizes that blurr was alive when sari used his body for parts*
deceitfulcharmer: D: you're right
solivigante: and like
solivigante: he wasn't greying or anything
solivigante: and saris seen a dead cybertronian, so she has to have known he was alive
solivigante: and yet
deceitfulcharmer: you can also see his spark when he's a cube
solivigante: mHM
solivigante: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/1e/d4/bc/1ed4bc455da4b77c529e31cbc27d0dcd.jpg
solivigante: LIKE)
solivigante: HES STILL ALIVE
solivigante: TALKING TO HER
deceitfulcharmer: damn it Sari, don't you know it's polite to wait until they're dead before scavenging someone for their parts
vxtum: She gets it from her dad :3c
deceitfulcharmer: I'M
solivigante: blocked
deceitfulcharmer: Megatron is convinced they're a family of uncivilised barbarians now.
vxtum: I enjoy that dark aspect of Isaac, man. That he stripped Megatron of his parts and 'organs' for reverse engineering
solivigante: they certainly dont help their own image
deceitfulcharmer: I also like the fact it's implied that most of his face went into Isaac's robotic experiments
vxtum: /Yes/
solivigante: that's where most of the uh, technology is
vxtum: Fuck's sake, he encounters an /alien/ robot, and what does he do? He starts opening Megatron's body up and exploring, experimenting, excavating.
solivigante: thats the scientist way though
vxtum: yeah, but more along the lines of /Scalpel/ xD
deceitfulcharmer: I have to wonder if he was in pain too, like, parts of his face that should not have been exposed were exposed
vxtum: I really, really want to push this headcanon that while Isaac has morality.. they get /blurred/ a lot when he's presented with the opportunity to learn something new; to create something new.
vxtum: He can easily trip and fall onto the dark side
deceitfulcharmer: yeeeess, and also how was he to know that head he found had been sentient beforehand? as far as he was concerned, it could have simply been a mindless machine
vxtum: And that Sari is possibly the only aspect of his life that keeps him humane
vxtum: Exactly! -grins-
vxtum: Oh man, all the things I'm sure Megatron doesn't want to explore too deep on
vxtum: All the things that /Isaac/ doesn't want him exploring too deeply on xD
vxtum: Fearing he'll be killed in response
deceitfulcharmer: If he ever found video logs of exactly what Isaac had done, though, he would be a whole new level of angry
vxtum: lmao EXACTLY
vxtum: Isaac frantically scrubbing his databases
deceitfulcharmer: I don't even think he knows what he looked like when he was in there
he could see his hand, but I'm not sure he could see a reflection of what was left of his face
vxtum: Worst part is that if he did see his reflection, he'd probably have to figure out how much was damage from his earth entry and impact.. and what was damage from Isaac's scientific cannibalism
vxtum: Fuck. I remembered that we wanted to give him a holoavatar so he could move around and manipulate his surroundings
vxtum: And now I'm remembering some of the fanart I found
deceitfulcharmer: yeees, god, that was the coolest plot idea
solivigante: that would have been cool holy shit
solivigante: just looming over sumdacs shoulder
vxtum: http://reverseengiineer-archived.tumblr.com/post/126500703750/
vxtum: Honestly, it's so.. frightening. That the entire city's technology are pieces from Megatron
solivigante: He's like AM
solivigante: Bits of technology surrounding the planet
deceitfulcharmer: imagine if he was able to gain control over them all, since they're pieces of him
vxtum: YES
vxtum: That's the frightening part about it
vxtum: Like, going TFP Unicron or something
vxtum: just on a smaller scale
deceitfulcharmer: I mean he was already able to project images of himself into TVs and an ATM at one point, so he's no stranger to this kinda stuff. It'd just be on a way larger scale than before
deceitfulcharmer: he has so many cool abilities I never get the chance to use ;-;
vxtum: -grins!- Man, I want him to do this. I want him to be this evil that rigs elections, plants false e-mails, cause mass confusion and restlessness in the cities, and no one can find him ('cause he's just a head hidden in Isaac's lab). Talk to world leaders and shit under his ailas
vxtum: When this gives him the fantastic new war strategy against the Autobots
vxtum: jacking him into the system, like a virus
deceitfulcharmer: Could be like that episode where he took over the factory except worse, so they'd have nowhere to hide
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jade-lop · 8 years
Thoughts on Optimus Prime (the comic):
Optimus’s action and words in this issue terrified me. When Aileron kneeled down to him when they first met, he immediately told her to stand up. He did no such thing here. I began to favour Bayverse!Optimus’s madness to this person. At least, Bayverse!Optimus cared for his family.
Aileron’s concern definitely reflected mine.
When exactly Pyra Magna taught Optimus on how to become a proper Prime?
About that poll to choose for newest Prime, I could not help but feeling that Pyra’s words about replacing Optimus with a new Prime was to set a tone for the upcoming new Prime. (I hoped the new Prime was Arcee.)
I was so glad Zeta was death in the present. His very existence annoyed me.
Poor Cosmos...
I was so really happy that the colour in this issue did not hurt my eyes at all.
Rum-Maj had only just showed up in four issues, but she was much more intimidating than Elita-1 who had been around far longer. (Not that Elita was terrifying in the first place.)
Earth and Cybertron were never fated to sit in the same table and shared their thoughts with each others...
Using religion as a mean to an end truly disgusted me.
Doing things his way without regard to others’ opinions on the matter, was the past/present narratives supposed to tell us the reason why Optimus had so jaded view when it came to religion or to tell us that Optimus was slowly becoming another Zeta?
This issue was so depressing I think I wanted to cry or committed suicide...
 Thoughts on Revolutionaries:
I was so glad that I read OP first, then Revolutionaries. Now, my depression was gone. :)
Universal greeting for the win!
Once again, Action Man proved himself superior. Not only was the main character interesting, Doctor X seemed like one and a kind. This was the first time I read an affable female villain in the role of main antagonist not wearing sexy outfit and flirting with the hero. This was so very refreshing! I loved British!
Loved how Kup channelling Hot Rod. XD
By the way, there was a base on the moon. Optimus and his crew hiding on the moon once, did they not see the base back then?
 Thoughts on Transformers Lost Light:
Glad to know I needed not to wait for March to read the third issue.
Someone, whoever you are, can you please made a gif art of Brainstorm running laps in the room?
Megatron mingled with the crowds. I wondered what will come out of it.
You heard that Brainstorm/Quark shippers? Your OTP was no longer a wishful thinking in the past. Now, go and write some fanfics before James Roberts do something unexpected in the next issue!
Megatron was universally hated, so why the Galactic Council had him along with the entire planet transported somewhere instead of outright blowing him up?
When Rodimus said ‘squeal’, did he mean ‘squealing like a fan girl meeting her idol’ or ‘squealing like a tire’?
Ah, was this the reason why Rung’s chest glowed and he coughed out— Blood? Oil? Energon? I forgot.— was because there were two Rungs existed in the same universe?
Of course Adaptus would be a Cyberutopia.
Nautica, I loved you so much.
I thought Optimus, or maybe someone else said that, due to energy crisis, Caminus could not use space travel. Did Anode leaving Caminus pre-date the energy crisis?
What was the status of the colonies in this parallel universe?
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