#No the only things I'm still at odds in terms of the FF style is the less dynamic lighting compared to the earlier seasons
tmntkiseki · 8 months
Do we have anyone else who does largely prefer the Fast Forward style to the original 2003 style or is that just me?
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petals42 · 7 years
this is the same anon who asked about the turning tides commission. And I just wanted to say first thank you for answering my question. Now then, how is commissioning someone for fanfiction illegal? I've never heard of this before, ever. Is it because of the country you are in? I'm a writer myself and back in the day when I didn't have college taking up my time, I actually did take commissions for fanfics. Of course I did points on DA not money but still. Is it because of copyright?
No problem-
So, I do not know the technical information (like specific law number shenanigans) for why making money from FF is illegal, but I think that it once upon a time, fanfiction itself was quite illegal due to copyright laws. Back in the day, when I was 12 and writing on FF.net, it was common practice to put a Disclaimer announcing to the world that you were not making any money off this work. That practice has fallen out of style on tumblr and AO3 and just in general, but I believe the theory still holds up. The characters that you are writing about are someone else’s intellectual property and so while you are allowed to play with them (I believe in FF history, JKRowling’s acceptance of FF did a lot of good for fanfic in general), you are not allowed to make money off the practice.
Of course, fanfiction now is such a big thing that the odds of actually getting in trouble for doing things like commissions or patreons or what have you is incredibly low. Plus, I would venture a guess that fanfic actually helps increase the popularity of the original thing (I’m only into TW bc I heard the ff was good, ect.) so basically companies/authors are getting more and more okay with it. Still, if a large number of fanfic writers started asking for money, I think the general theory is that companies and authors would get involved. So commissions and money-shenanigans can’t become a widespread thing bc we are trying to keep FF under the radar. Well, not under the radar- but we don’t want people aware of a larger market where people are profiting from writing about their characters. 
(In terms of fanart, I believe someone once told me that the reason commissions for fanart is fine is because people are drawing the likeness of the actor rather than the character; or, in the case of a novel, creating a likeness so there’s no copyright problems? I am not an expert in this though.)
TBH, I am not 100% sure of anything in this post. This is just my understanding. If anyone has more specific information about this issue, please let me know!
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