#No icon for Varon
hottataru · 2 years
💬 - for my muse to directly say a secret or confession (For Hottataru and Varon!)
Torn from his teeth, Varon speaks with a distinct sneer on his lips-
"People disgust me. There are few who are capable of meeting my standards, and even fewer who have personalities pleasurable enough to keep near. And yet, despite this, I find my halls bereft- my mansion empty, and every step I take within it my footsteps echo and leave me with nothing but my own thoughts. I should find peace with this, peace in the silence- the lack of chatty, unnecessary voices to draw me from my work is a boon. And, still, it is a curse all the same.
"To most, I am nothing but a resource- and I should be happy with that. No, I am happy with that. Indispensable. Irreplaceable. My tomes, my knowledge, my wealth- all of it is something that people find they can't function without. And yet, the quiet hours, between projects, between studies- my mind drifts. Like grains of sand, people pass through my fingers- some stick, but at the slightest flick of moisture or wind they'll be carried away. They take with them what they need, and leave me on me in these hallowed halls. A temple of my own making, to be prayed at and abandoned once my sinners have confessed.
"The ticking of my clock in the silence of my study is a metronome, every note leading closer to the end of my life. Music to tell me that my time is short, and that in these empty halls I will rot, with not a single other soul to hear it as I draw my final breath-
"And it terrifies me."
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"I left without saying goodbye. And every day, every moment I breathe, I-... Gods, I regret it. I'll never have another chance to say it. I'll never be able to see their faces again. I knew they wanted to see me still- despite not getting to see me for years, even while I was in the Buduga... My sister would visit, bringing me gifts and telling me their thoughts and feelings.
"The last thing I received was a blanket from my mother, a little over a week before I left the Steppes. It was my lifeline. It was the last tether of my past I held onto, as I drifted about Garlemald's territories without much else. And I lost it. I'll... I'll never get it back.
"But with it being gone, I'm untethered from my past. All of it's just a memory. All of it is behind me. It's gone, and even though my sister still lives- I... I can't-
"I can't find it in myself to truly call her family any longer. Despite how we have blood between us. So much has happened, and I'm trying- I'm trying so bloody hard- but it's a hole in me. No matter how much I try to fill it just fucking can't. She deserves better, but life has ripped us apart and there is no way to truly mend the chasm between us.
"And it really just makes me realize-
"Should a single thing change right now, I will be untethered again. I feel no attachment to the land I live on, to the cultures that have welcomed me. To the history I've forged with my own two hands for the peoples here."
Hottataru grits his teeth, staring at the earth like it could hold him down if he willed it hard enough.
"It scares me so bad. The thought of being... homeless. Of not having a single love in my heart any more, and drifting around aimlessly. I-I can't do it again. I can't. I've found something to keep me held down but what if....
"What if."
He almost ran away once before. What would it take for him to leave this time?
[[A track for Varon's thoughts:]]
[[A track for Hots' thoughts:]]
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randomrichards · 3 months
Honourable Mentions:
This one’s only an hour long but it delivers a powerful and frustrating documentary of a man trying to create homes for the unhoused.
Carpenter Khaleel Seivwright devotes his time to making small mobile shacks for the unhoused to live in, but he’s constantly undermined by Toronto city council that couldn’t care less about providing affordable housing.
It is maddening portrayal of shallow politicians that punishes those who try to help while offering no real solutions. There’s also hope in seeing a man go out of his way to help those in need.
Real-life non-fiction author Isabel Wilkerson (Anjanae Ellis-Taylor) examines how social hierarchies are enforced in Origin, a compelling biopic about the making of Wilkerson’s acclaimed book Caste.
Drawing from the tragic killing of Trayvon Martin, both Wilkerson and writer/director Ava DuVernay introduces us to a series of real-life stories of oppression and defiance to showcase how systems are used to oppress marginalized groups. Among these stories are a German (Finn Wittrock) who refused to salute Hitler after falling for a Jewish girl, revelation of how America’s Jim Crow Laws inspired the holocaust and Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (Gaurav J. Pathania) who defied his status as an “untouchable to draft India’s constitution. There are many uncomfortable scenes of innocent people being denied their basic humanity, especially one where a black boy is denied the use of the same pool as his teammates.
Origin is also a love story of Isabel grieving the loss of her husband (Jon Bernthal playing against type) as she continues her project. Bernthal shows his sweeter, sensitive side through flashbacks scenes with Ellis-Taylor. Ellis-Taylor also breaks your heart as Isabel mourns her loss.
This film a compelling drama that calls for recognizing other people’s humanity.
Robot Dreams is one film nominated last year for Best Animated Feature hardly anyone got a chance to see. Now that it was release in select theatres, audience can see a beautiful tale of loneliness, friendship and drifting apart.
Based on the graphic novel by Sara Varon, Robot Dreams takes us into a 1980s New York full of anthropomorphic animals. A lonely Dog builds a robot friend, and they form a quick bond. It cultivates in an iconic early scene where they roller skate to the tune of Earth Wind and Fire’s “September”.
Writer/Director Pablo Berger makes us happy to see Robot and Dog together without one line of dialogue. It makes it more heartbreaking when Robot is left immobile and stranded on a closed beach and Dog is forced to wait half a year. Robot is left to dream about returning home to his only friend.
Writer/Director Pablo Berger proves himself a Master of Visual storytelling, getting a lot across without a single line of dialogue. It helps he has some top-notch animators communicate character’s thoughts and feelings through facial expressions. That animation also makes the background environment look beautiful, even though it’s portraying a grainy side of New York.
Berger balances style and substance for a visually pleasing but heartbreaking journey.
There are so many elements of this film that shouldn’t work. The film is a series of segments with very little connection between them. The special effects are extremely unconvincing with fake looking set pieces and awkward physics. All the animals are people in mascot costumes. These should be a put off for the average moviegoer. And yet director Mike Cheslik makes all those work to his advantage with Hundreds of Beavers, a cartoonish tribute to silent films and Looney Tunes.
Set in a winter wonderland of fur traders and gold prospectors, we follow Jean Kayak (Ryland Brickson Cole Tews), an alcoholic Applejack farmer who finds himself out of the job thanks to beavers. Now he finds himself trying to survive in the wilderness with many disastrous results. But he learns to survive with the guidance of a veteran fur trader (Wes Tank) and an Indigenous trapper (Luis Rico). But to earn the hand of a Furrier (Olivia Graves), he must get hundreds of furs for her merchant father (Doug Mancheski). This leads him to a one-man war with the titular beavers.
Cheslick delivers one side-splitting scene after another of Kayak’s disastrous attempts to trap prey, which often leaves him falling through rabbit holes. The fake looking special effects only add to the cartoonish tone, especially in one scene involving him in a log rolling war against a beaver. He also makes jokes that couldn’t get away with in the silent era including a reoccurring gag with trappers using very cartoon looking poo as beaver bait or Jean trying to trap rabbits with a female snow bunny only for it to be revealed the rabbits are gay.
The film doesn’t flow as much without a clear plot and the jokes don’t always knock it out of the park. But for most part, Hundreds of Beavers is a laugh riot.
It’s a shame George Miller’s prequel Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga bombed at the box office because it has the kind of grand set pieces and thrilling car chases that deserve to be seen in a theatre. this compelling post-apocalyptic flick about the titular warrior (Alyla Browne as a child, Anya Taylor-Joy as an adult) seeking vengeance on the chaotic Dr. Dementus (Chris Hemsworth) compliments its predecessor Mad Max: Fury Road with the mind-blowing action scenes, creative visuals and social commentary that made the earlier film such a modern classic.
Both Furiosa and Fury Road should be uses as examples on how tell story through action scenes. Except for the franchises’ trademark opening and closing voice over monologues, Miller avoids exposition in favour of using the extended action scenes to reveal character, show the world’s rules and further the plot. This demonstrates a lot of trust in the audience to figure out the world through image alone, especially when he has only one short scene to show us the green world Furiosa grew up in. Then again, he’s such a master filmmaker that he can reveal so much information just from a single shot.
It’s worth noting that Furiosa’s more story oriented than Fury Road, focusing on the tragedy of the life Furiosa’s lost, especially her mother. Also, you must admire Miller for daring to spend an hour on Furiosa as a child. Of course, it helps that he has Hemsworth having a blast hamming up every scene.
It doesn’t quite reach the level of Fury Road and the CGI isn’t quite as convincing as the original movie. But Miller still delivers an exciting thrill ride worthy of the iconic franchise.
Frustrated with his work not getting published, surly literary professor Thelonius “Monk” Ellison (Jeffery Wright) decides to make a racially stereotypical “memoir” under the guise of gangster “Stagg R. Lee” in the scathing satire American Fiction.
Cord Jefferson deserves his Oscar win for his screenplay. From the opening scene of Monk arguing with a white student over him writing the N-word on a whiteboard (referring to the title of a short story), He delivers an amusing commentary about modern racism. At the film’s core, Jefferson goes after the media representation that puts Black America in a box of Black Oppression Porn under the guise of “being real.” While Monk can’t get his books on Greek mythology published but much to his chagrin, author Sinatrara Golden (Issa Rae) writes a bestselling novel “We’s Lives in Da Ghetto” full of racially stereotypical dialogue. Monk’s publishing agent sums it up when he states “White people think they want the truth, but they don’t. They want to be absolved.” In one funny scene, he berates a bookstore for putting his book in “African American Studies” when it’s about Greek Mythology (“The blackest thing in this book is the ink”)
American Fiction is also dramedy about Monk being forced to return to his family home and confront his complicated relationship with his family when his sister (Tracee Ellis Ross) passes away and he’s forced to care for their mother (Leslie Uggams). It’s here that he’s reconciles with his chaotic brother Clifford (scene-stealing Sterling K. Brown) and finds love with a new resident Coraline (Erika Alexander). Jefferson proves just as effective with family dramedy as he is with satire, balancing the comedic moments of Clifford berating a local for interrupting his sister’s memorial with the heavy moments of their mother’s struggles with Alzheimer’s.
Jefferson also deserves kudos for creating complex characters. While his frustrations with the popularity of oppression porn is understandable, Monk often comes off as a judgmental snob. He remains likeable thanks to Wright’s charismatic performance. Clifford seems high on life (and cocaine), but he hides the hurt of his mother not accepting his homosexuality. Brown gets to shine in a monologue about Clifford’s dad not knowing his true self.
Jefferson is a filmmaker worth looking into.
Luca Guadagnino brings us another entry to a unique subgenre of erotic films about a love triangle between two male best friends and a woman. This time, it’s between three up and coming tennis players.
The film starts years later with former tennis star Tashi (Zendaya) serving as coach for her husband Art (Mike Faist) who’s struggling to break out of a losing streak. Meanwhile, their ex-friend Patrick (Josh O’Connor) is sleeping in his van while awaiting the upcoming tournament. It’s this tournament that this trio is forced to confront their relationships.
Through flashbacks, Guadagnino and writer Justin Kuritzkes reveal how they got here her from being a trio of promising players. They introduce little details like a scar on Tashi’s knee and a tennis pose Art and Patrick use to indicate who had sex with Tashi. From these details, Guadagnion and Kuritzkes reminds us of the curveballs life can throw at us and how the characters adapt to them (or don’t).
Zendaya, Faist and O’Connor have excellent chemistry, seductively bouncing off each other. They also masterfully handle the complicated turns their characters take in reconciling their feelings for each other.
Challengers delivers a sensual character study of three athletes with feelings for each other.
Civil War follows disillusioned photojournalist Lee (Kirsten Dunst) as she joins 2 journalists (Wagner Moura and Stephen McKinley-Henderson) and an enthusiastic young up and coming photographer (Cailee Spaeny) on a road trip across the United States as a rebel militia battles the president of the United States.
Writer/Director Alex Garland keeps the audience hooked from beginning to end as he puts our heroes in one dangerous scenario after another from a sniper battle at a Santa Village to the climactic battle at the White House. The most iconic is an intense standoff with the scene stealing Jesse Plemons as a sociopathic militia.
Garland makes the bold move of not revealing what caused the war in the first place. You can figure it out through the subtle hints including the President being on his 4th term the fact Texas and California have seceded from the country. This choice works to put the audience in the perspective of a photojournalist, who are expected to be an inactive witness so they can present events factually. But the film shows how challenging that is when it involves witnessing horrifying moments of a man being set on fire and putting their lives in danger. You see this in Dunst’s performance, who conveys her character’s exhausted weariness through her face.
Alex Garland gives us an action-packed thriller cultivating with an exciting shootout.
It’s one hell of challenge to create an engaging film with no conflict. That’s what makes Wim Wenders’ Perfect Days such a miracle. The beloved director defies basic film convention to create a meditative look in the life of Hirayama (Koji Yakusho), a custodian who cleans publish washroom in Tokyo.
Perfect Days has no true storyline. The closest thing to a plot happens when Hirayama’s niece shows up out of nowhere to stay with him but that happens way late in the film and gets resolved quickly. For the most part, Wenders focuses on the Hirayama’s routine days both at work and his personal life. It sounds like a boring movie, but Wenders uses those routines to create a sense of rhythm. It’s strange how reassuring to see Hirayama drinking a can of coffee every morning, sitting at a park bench for lunch and listen to his cassettes. That makes the breaks from routines more engaging, especially when Hirayama plays tic tac toe with a stranger.
At the core is Hirayama’s appreciation of the little things in life. You can appreciate how director of photography Franz Lustig makes Tokyo look so beautiful, even while Hirayama is cleaning toilets. Lustig also gets to shine in the brief black and white dreams that concludes each day. Wenders creates a meditative flick that makes you investigate the beauty within your everyday life.
Vietnamese filmmaker Anh Hung Tran puts the viewer under a culinary spell in his French romance The Taste of Things. He adapts Marcel Rouff’s novel “La Vie Et La Passion De Bodin-Bouffant” about a beloved gourmet chef (Benoit Magimel) who decides to cook a special meal for his home cook (Juliette Binoche) when she falls ill. Tran and his director of photography Jonathan Ricquebourg leave audiences’ ravenous with long, beautiful scenes of cooking a variety of exquisite dishes. It’s best to eat before you watch.
The Taste of Things could also be regarded as a celebration of veteran French actors Magimel and Binoche who both delivered dignified yet loving chemistry, making us feel the unrequited love these two have for each other. It’s made more fascinating when it’s revealed he’s been proposing to her for 20 years to no avail. So, the climatic works both as an expression of his love and a show of appreciation for all she has done for her. There’s also a bit of tragedy given that she might not have much time left. You want them to get together.
It’s a perfect film for date night.
Denis Villeneuve creates one of those rare sequels that stands as a masterpiece that compliments the first film (and in some opinions, surpasses the original). It maintains the mind-blowing visuals, Game of thrones-like political intrigue and excellent performances that made its predecessor a hit.
The sequel has hero Paul Atredies (Timothee Chalamet) assimilating himself into the Fremen tribes to bring down the ruthless Baron Harkonnen (Stellan Skarskgard) and the emperor (Christopher Walken) while his mother Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) works behind the scenes to convince the tribesmen that her son is the prophesized messiah.
Dune: Part 2 puts the audience under its spell with Greg Fraser’s mind-blowing cinematography making the desert and the emperor’s kingdom dazzlingly real. They get to shine in the scenes in the Harroken kingdom, a cold world where the outside drains the world of all colour.
The film introduces us to new characters including The Emperor and his strategic daughter Princess Irulan (Florence Pugh). But it’s Austin Butler who stands out as the Baron’s sociopathic nephew Feyd-Rautha. Butler oozes menace with his cold stare, hairless figure, and raspy voice, especially when he mutilates a mistress just to test his knives.
What truly makes both Frank Herbert’s book and Villeneuve’s adaptations so special is how they deconstruct both the Chosen One archetype and white savior storyline. Throughout the film, Lady Jessica manipulates the Fremen people into thinking her son’s a prophet, a role Paul doesn’t want. Meanwhile, Chani (Zendaya) remains skeptical of the prophesy and calls out her father (Javier Bardem) for blindly believing it. Apparently, Herbert takes this deconstruction a step further in Dune: Messiah which will conclude the trilogy.
Villeneuve again proves himself truly cinematic storyteller with a uniquely epic style that elevates complex stories.
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granvarones · 3 months
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“Today is a day to feel empowered. We have the power to know our status and do something about it. If the results are negative, we can find ways to stay negative. If they are positive, we can get to undetectable. The power is within us.”
- Milani
Stop HIV Together Ambassador
Milani is an Afro-Latinx, GNC, drag queen performer, activist, gran varones fellow and the Lead Navigator for Essential Support Services at CALOR, an affiliation of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. Named one of the “POZ 100” in POZ magazine, she has worked in HIV prevention since 2008. She is a Community Ambassador for CDC’s “Let’s Stop HIV Together” Program & a Community Advisory Board member at Getting To Zero Illinois (GTZ-IL) with AIDS Foundation Chicago. She is a cast member of the film “HIV & The Journey Towards Zero” part 2 & part 3 by Tessa Films & the Chicago Department of Public Health. Milani is part of the vogue ballroom scene and the former mother of the Iconic House of Ninja. As a pageant queen and former National Diosa Latina USA Plus 2023, Milani has been able to use beauty pageants & ballroom as a platform to expand her work in HIV prevention.
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sweet-layy · 3 years
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-made by me ⌫ inspired by: @vcult <3
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maxwellatoms · 3 years
A while back, I had a funny Evil Con Carne episode idea called "Hector 3:16".
After another failure, Hector is down in the dumps. But after seeing a televangelist preacher on TV while channel surfing, Hector decides to make up a fake religion centered around Boskov, to convince people he is destined to rule the world (or to donate money so he can finance his next evil scheme/upgrades to Bunny Island)! At first it's going great, & people are buying into it! Of course, then God catches wind and comes down to Earth so he can beat Hector's nonexistent ass; Major Dr. Ghastly probably makes Hector a power suit to fight God, but knowing how the show usually goes, Hector gets the crap kicked out of him, and the suit gets wrecked through pure dumb luck (or Skarr messing with it so he could hijack the religion).
Alternatively titled: "The Father, The Son and the Holy Bear", or "Our Boskov, Who Art in Heaven". Cartoon Network would've probably thrown a fit if you pitched this, but [adult swim]? They would've welcomed it with open arms, most likely.
Lol. This is pretty rad.
I was just talking to Brett Varon, who did a good number of iconic B&M boards. We recently worked together on "The Patrick Star Show" (and we're still video conferencing over a glass of whiskey now and then). I was telling him how I had a short list of "forbidden TV cartoon topics" that I wanted to cover on Billy & Mandy when I pitched it. One was the idea of cults, which finally manifested in "The Secret Snake Club". Another was autocannibalism, which became "Chocolate Sailor". Nihilism became "A Dumb Wish". I wish I could remember them all!
Then there were some things like farts which were mainstays of preteen comedy in my youth, but that seemed to have become unthinkable horrors to the people of the early 21st century. That one became "Duck!". I was a bit of a contrarian in those days, and if standards gave me a note I didn't like, I'd endeavor to find a way to commit the crime with their permission. That's part of the game to me. I've got to keep myself interested somehow. ;)
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tavoit · 2 years
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British designer John Bates (dba Jean Varon), the man responsible for Emma Peel's iconic look in The Avengers.
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labrysicon · 3 years
Solo hago personajes ficticios y famosas lesbianas,también se admiten headcanons
NO hago icons con varones,personas o personajes que no sea lesbiana,sino de otra orientación sexual. Por ejemplo: luz noceda de the owl house es canónicamente bisexual y seria una falta de respeto si hiciera un icon de ella con la bandera lesbica, por más que ella sea un personaje ficticio,ya que representa a la gente bi. Lo mismo sería con otros personajes o personas que ya se sabe que son de otras orientaciones sexuales confirmadas.
Los iconos pueden ser con o sin el triángulo de fondo que aparece en la bandera labrys.
I do icons with fictional characters,famous lesbians and i accept headcanons.
I dont do icons with men,people or a character who is canonically another sexuality. For example,Luz from the owl house is bisexual and i would not do an icon with a lesbian flag with her.
The icons can be with or without the triangle in the background and the "ask" button only appears at the website form,instead on mobile on tumblr. I don't know why 🤷‍♀️
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shanascarlett · 4 years
Songs from Transformers playlist
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AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Art of Dying - Die Trying
Extreme Music - Skin Em Up
Glitch Mob - Better Hide, better run
Glitch Mob - Animus Vox
Hollywood Undead - How We Roll
ill Factor - Champion Sound
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
Imagine Dragons - Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Imagine Dragons - I’m So Sorry
Imagine Dragons - Warriors
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Lemaitre - Day Two
Linkin Park - Final Masquerade
Linkin Park - A line in the sand
Linkin Park - Lost in the Echo
Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Linkin Park - Shadow of the Day
Linkin Park - What I’ve Done
Linkin Park - The Little Things Give You Away
Linkin Park - Iridescent
Ryan Star - Brand New Day
Skillet - Feel Invincible
two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
USS - Who's With Me
Fall Out Boy  The Last of the Real Ones
Linkin Park ft. Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes
One Republic - Counting Stars
USS - Work Shoes
Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
Worlds Collide - Extended Orchestra Mix (ft. Nicki Taylor)
Youngblood Hawke - Pressure
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Optimus Prime
As Lions - World on Fire
Fired Earth Music - Aphelion
Hammock - Numinous
Hollywood Undead - Take Me Home
Immediate Music - Rising Empire
Immediate Music - WIth Great Power
Linkin Park - I’ll be gone
Linkin Park - Powerless
Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest
Poets of the Fall - No End, No Beginning
Red - House of Glass 
Tribal Society  – Kings
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Arcade Fire - Rococo
Avicii - Wake me Up
Imagine Dragons - It’s Time
Imagine Dragons - Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Robot Boy
Swedish House Mafia - Don’t you worry child
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
Sideburns VS Matisyahu - Let Go (Fight Like A Warrior)
TobyMac - Ignition
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Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime
Fitz & The Tantrums - HandClap
Hollywood Undead - Live Fast Die Young
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Bassnectar - Into the Sun
Saint Mesa - Lion
Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
Thousand Foot Krutch - Untraveled Road
two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
You Me At Six - Fast Foward
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
One Republic - Counting Stars
TobyMac - Ignition
Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
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Flume - Greatest View
Icon For Hire - Too Loud
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Papa Roach - Maniac
Ill Factor - Champion Sound
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Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Road Untraveled
Linkin Park - Blackout
Sidewalks And Skeletons - Morphine
Meg Myers - Make A Shadow
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
Paramore - Ignorance (Animated ver)
Icon For Hire - Iodine
Icon For Hire - The Grey
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Imagine Dragons - Gold
Woodkid feat. Max Richter - The golden age - embers
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Icon For Hire - Pulse
Icon For Hire - Demons
Icon For Hire - Make A Move
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Linkin Park - Crawling
Linkin Park - Waiting For The End
Klangkarussell - Sternenkinder
Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
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TobyMac - Ignition
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Papa Roach - Maniac
TobyMac - Ignition
Vincent Steele, Michael Woodenbridge & Nine One One - Rise UP
Icon For Hire - Hope of Morning
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Dpen and Nick Varon - Grasshopper
Within Temptation - Running Up That Hill
Within Temptation - Mercy Mirror
Tommee Profitt - Enchantment (feat. HEAVYOCITY)
Tommee Profitt - This Ship Is Going Down (feat. Xeah)
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Mistress of Flame
Within Temptation - Mercy Mirror
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Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
You Me At Six - Fast Foward
The Prodigy - Wild Frontier
TobyMac - Ignition
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Linkin Park - Roads Untraveled
TobyMac - Ignition
Dirty Palm - Oblivion
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Papa Roach - Maniac
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Foster The People - Helena Beat
Foster The People - Houdini
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Dirty Palm - Oblivion
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two door cinema club - Undercover Martyn
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Foo FIghters - Rope
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Alpha Trion
Ryan Star - Brand New Day
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Deuce - I Came To Party
Hollywood Undead - Apologize
Hollywood Undead - Lights Out
Hollywood Undead - Tendencies
Hollywood Undead - Lump Your Head
Hollywood Undead - Le Deux
Hollywood Undead - War Child
Hollywood Undead - Comin In Hot
Hollywood Undead - Dead Bite
Hollywood Undead - We Are
Imagine Dragons - Who We Are
Julien-K - This Machine
Linkin Park - Plc.4 Mie Haed
Linkin Park - When They Come For Me
Powerman 5000 - How to be a human
Red - Outside
Within Temptation - Tell Me Why
Front Line Assembly - Sturm (Seekers Theme)
Clarx - H.E.Y. (Seekers Theme)
Within Temptation - Mad World
Powerman 5000 - Invade, Destroy, Repeat
Powerman 5000 - We Want It All
grandson - Blood Water
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Adelitas Way - Sick
Hollywood Undead - Dove and Grenade
Imagine Dragons - Monster
In This Moment - Adrenalize
Nine Ich Nails - Meet Your Master
Nostalghia - Homeostasis
Red - Damage
Warmer - in my head its like hell
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Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
Hollywood Undead - Levitate
Inner Party System - Don’t Stop
Missio - Twisted
Bring Me The Horizon - nihilist blues ft. Grimes
3OH!3 - Anything I Want
Machinae Supremacy - Gimme More
PhemieC – Ugly Story
USS - This Is The Best
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Current Value - Dark Rain
Dead Fetus - Mind of God
King Plague - Ave Plague
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Angelsplit - 100%
Family Force - Chainsaw
Franz Ferdinand - Evil Eye
Ken Ashcorp - Absolute
Prodigy - Destroy
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55 Escape - Addiction
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Sayonara Maxwell - Decay Queen
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Imagine Dragons - Demons
Three Days Grace - I Am Machine
Three Days Grace - Just Like You
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Actual Phantom - 7 Nation of Army
Barns Courtney - Champion
Beastie Boys - Sabotage
Blue Stahli - You’ll get what’s coming
Bring Me The Horizon - Mantra
Celdweller - Own Little World
Celdweller - IRIA
Celdweller - Shapeshifter
DVBBS & Borgeous - Tsunami
Hollywood Undead - Pray
Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry
Inner Party System - Don’t Stop
Kings & Creatures (Wolfpack) - Hunted
Linkin Park - Wastelands
Linkin Park - With you
Linkin Park - Points of Authority
Linkin Park - Burn it Down
Linkin Park - Lies Greed Misery
Linkin Park - Pts. Of. Athrty
Linkin Park - P5hng Me A_wy
Linkin Park - Rnw@y
Linkin Park - By_Myslf
Linkin Park - Kyur4 Th Ich
Otep - Lie
Red - Falling Sky 
Red - Death of Me (Guillotine Remix)
The Used - Revolution
USS - Yin Yang
Within Temptation - Endless War
Fall Out Boy – Light Em Up
Hollywood Undead - Already Dead
Within Temptation - Holy Ground
Imagine Dragons - Believer
Within Temptation - In Vain
Within Temptation - Raise Your Banner
Within Temptation - Reckoning
Tommee Profitt - In The End
Julien-K - Technical Difficulties
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Calm time
Arcade Fire - Suburbs
Arcade Fire - Rococo
Dirty South - Unknown
Ellie Goulding - Your Song
Everything Everything - Blast Doors
Florence And The Machine - Hurricane Drunk
IAMX - Alive in New Light
Imagine Dragons - Tokyo
Imagine Dragons - Working Man
Imagine Dragons - Radioactive (Synchronice Remix)
Imagine Dragons - Fall
The Kills - Sour Cherry
Lemaitre - Day Two
Ludovico Einaudi - Life
Raign - Empire of our own
Battle Tapes - Feel The Same
Ki:Theory - Kitty Hawk (Break Science Remix)
Leon Else - Tomorrow Land (All Fall Down)
Tom Day - Who We Want To Be
Fall Out Boy - Centuries (Gazzo Remix)
Fever Ray – If I Had A Heart
Glitch Mob - Fortune Days
Panic! At The Disco - Vegas Lights
Rabbit Junk - Bubble
Ruelle  - Take It All
Ruelle - Until We Go Down
USS - Work Shoes
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As Lions - World on Fire
Bastille - Pompeii
Imagine Dragons - Nothing Left to Say
Linkin Park - P5hng Me A_wy
Linkin Park - Fallout
Perfume Genius - Longpig
Confidential Music – Albatross
Ruelle - Until We Go Down
Woodkid feat. Max Richter - The golden age - embers
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Dead Can Dance - Black Sun
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Optimus x Elita
Avril Lavigne feat. Nickelback - Let Me Go
Linkin Park - Jornada Del Muerto
Adam Lambert - Evil In The Night Lyrics (Transformers Animated Ver)
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Hot Rod x Arcee
Of Monsters And Men - Wolves without teeth
Goo Goo Dolls - Before It's Too Late
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Starscream x Windblade
Twenty One Pilots - Doubt
Bring Me The Horizon - in the dark
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damoncogeme · 4 years
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tiene de icon a un varon y d header men are the enemy por eso las r*ds son boludas
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tasksweekly · 4 years
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In celebration of May being Asian American Heritage Month, there’s a masterlist below compiled of over 160+ Tatar faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.orgto pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Bibigul Tulegenova (1929) Tatar / Unknown - opera singer, actress and teacher.
Sofia Gubaidulina (1931) Volga Tatar / Russian - composer. 
Kadriye Nurmambet (1933) Crimean Tatar - singer. 
Nesrin Sipahi (1934) Crimean Tatar - singer.
Era Ziganshina (1944) Tatar - actress. 
Selda Bağcan (1948) Crimean Tatar / Turkish - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and music producer.
Rosa Syabitova (1962) Tatar - TV personality. 
Iraida Yusupova (1962) Tatar / Russian - composer. 
Aydan Şener (1963) Tatar - actress, former model, Miss Turkey 1981 and a beauty contestant in Miss World 1981.
Renata Litvinova (1967) Volga Tatar / Russian - actress, director, and screenwriter.
Nailea Norvind (1970) Tatar, Dutch, Russian / Norwegian, Swedish, French, German - actress. 
Chulpan Khamatova (1975) Volga Tatar - actress. 
Elvira Misbakhova (1975) Volga Tatar - violist and violinist. 
Dinara Sadretdinova (1976) Tatar - actress and TV presenter. 
Zemfira (1976) Volga Tatar, Bashkir - singer. 
Akasya Asıltürkmen (1977) Tatar, Laz - acting coach, film, stage, television and voice actress.
Alsou (1983) Volga Tatar / Bashkir - singer and actress. 
Jamala (1983) Crimean Tatar / Armenian, as well as Ukrainian and Russia - singer, actress and songwriter.
Lyasan Utiasheva (1985) Volga Tatar, Russian, Polish / Bashkir - TV show host, socialite, and former individual rhythmic gymnast.
Irina Shayk (1986) ¼ Volga Tatar, ¾ Russian - model and actress.  
Aida Garifullina (1987) Volga Tatar - soprano.
Dina Garipova (1991) Tatar - singer. 
Evelina Mambetova (1991) Crimean Tatar - model. 
Irina Sharipova (1992) Tatar, Russian, Ukrainian / Uzbek - model and Miss Tatarstan 2010.
Nabiilabee (1993) Tatar, Russian, Algerian, Turkish - youtuber.
Elvira T (1994) Volga Tatar - singer. 
Elmira Abdrazakova (1994) Tatar / Russian - model and Miss Russia 2013.
Aybüke Pusat (1995) Crimean Tatar - actress, ballet dancer, model and Miss Earth Turkey 2014.
Zulya Kamalova (?) Volga Tatar - singer.
F - Athletes:
Rauza Islanova (1948) Tatar - tennis player.
Alfia Nazmutdinova (1949) Siberian Tatar - gymnast. 
Galima Shugurova (1953) Tatar - gymnast. 
Nellie Kim (1957) Tatar / Sakhalin Korean - gymnast. 
Liliya Nurutdinova (1963) Tatar - middle-distance runner. 
Sariya Zakyrova (1964) Tatar - rower. 
Venera Zaripova (1966) Tatar - gymnast. 
Lisa Marie Varon (1971) Tatar, Jewish, Puerto Rican - wrestler and bodybuilder.
Svetlana Ishmouratova (1972) Tatar - biathlete. 
Guzel Manyurova (1975) Tatar - wrestler. 
Amina Zaripova (1976) Tatar - gymnast. 
Gulnara Samitova-Galkina (1978) Tatar, Russian - middle-distance runner. 
Yana Batyrshina (1979) Tatar, Jewish - gymnast. 
Gulfiya Khanafeyeva (1982) Tatar - hammer thrower. 
Dinara Gimatova (1986) Volga Tatar  gymnast. 
Dinara Safina (1986) Tatar - tennis player. 
Aliya Garayeva (1988) Tatar - gymnast.  
Kamilla Gafurzianova (1988) Tatar - fencer. 
Luiza Galiulina (1992) Tatar - gymnast. 
Albina Khabibulina (1992) Tatar - tennis player. 
Ganna Rizatdinova (1993) Kazan Tatar / Unknown - gymnast. 
Aliya Mustafina (1994) Volga Tatar / Russian - gymnast. 
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (1996) Tatar - figure skater. 
Kamilla Gainetdinova (1997) Tatar - ice skater. 
Rozaliya Nasretdinova (1997) Tatar, Russian - swimmer. 
Karina Sabirova (1998) Tatar - handball player.
Cüneyt Arkın (1937) Crimean Tatar, Nogai - actor, director, and producer.
Orhan Gencebay (1944) Crimean Tatar - musician, bağlama virtuoso, composer, singer, arranger, music producer, music director, and actor.
Bari Alibasov (1947) Tatar - producer. 
Igor Yourievitch Bogdanoff (1947) Tatar / Unknown - television presenter and producer.
Grichka Yourievitch Bogdanoff (1947) Tatar / Unknown - television presenter and producer.
Albert Asadullin (1948) Tatar - singer. 
Enver İzmaylov (1955) Crimean Tatar - guitarist. 
Aleksandr Bashirov (1955) Siberian Tatar - actor, director and screenwriter. 
Serdar Ortaç (1970) Tatar - singer, songwriter and composer.
Akhtem Seitablayev (1972) Crimean Tatar - actor, screenwriter, and film director.
Remy Auberjonois (1974) Tatar, Ashkenazi Jewish, Russian, German, Scottish, English, French, Italian [Corsican] / Swiss, French - actor. 
Maxim Mehmet (1975) 1/4 Crimean Tatar, ¾ Unknown - actor. 
Sergey Zhukov (1976) Tatar - singer. 
Cihan Kaan (1976) Crimean Tatar, Turkish - musician, filmmaker and author.
Marat Basharov (1976) Tatar - actor and TV host.
Ilshat Shabaev (1978) Tatar - dancer, singer, and choreographer.
Timati (1983) Volga Tatar / Ashkenazi Jewish - hip hop recording artist, record producer, actor and entrepreneur.
Eldar Djangirov (1987) Volga Tatar, Russian - pianist. 
Eldar Gasimov (1989) Tatar, Azerbaijani - singer.
Kamil Larin (?) Tatar - actor.
M - Athletes:
Shamil Tarpishchev (1948) Tatar - tennis player. 
Atik Ismail (1957) Tatar - footballer. 
Vagiz Khidiyatullin (1959) Tatar - footballer. 
Rustyam Fakhrutdinov (1963) Tatar - footballer. 
Djamolidine Abdoujaparov (1964) Crimean Tatar - sprinter.
Marat Ganeyev (1954) Tatar - cyclist.  
Marat Kabayev (1961) Volga Tatar - footballer. 
Radion Gataullin (1965) Tatar - pole vaulter.. 
Talyat Sheikhametov (1966) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
Kamil Mingazow (1968) Tatar - footballer.
Ravil Sabitov (1968) Tatar - footballer.
Ravil Gusmanov (1972) Tatar - hockey player. 
Erdinci Septar (1973) Crimean Tatar - rugby player.
Ilshat Fayzulin (1973) Tatar - footballer. 
Ruslan Nigmatullin (1974) Tatar - footballer. 
Oleg Saitov (1974) Tatar - boxer. 
Vadim Sharifijanov (1975) Tatar - hockey player.
Ruslan Sydykov (1975) Tatar - footballer.
Ruslan Batyrshin (1975) Tatar - hockey player.
Rustam Valiullin (1976) Tatar - biathlete. 
Enver Ablaev (1977) Crimean Tatar - freestyle skier. 
Ruslan Chagaev (1978) Tatar - boxer. 
Mikhail Koklyaev (1978) Tatar / Russian - strongman competitor, powerlifter and boxer.
Rafał Murawski (1981) Lipka Tatar - footballer. 
Ruslan Valeyev (1981) Tatar - footballer.
Eldar Nizamutdinov (1981) Tatar - footballer.
Evgeny Muratov (1981) Tatar -  hockey player.
Danis Zaripov (1981) Tatar - hockey player.
Ildar Fatchullin (1982) Tatar - skier. 
Marat Izmailov (1982) Tatar - footballer. 
Rustam Khudzhamov (1982) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
Server Djeparov (1982) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
Ruslan Zainullin (1982) Tatar - hockey player.
Renat Mamashev (1983) Tatar - hockey player.
Denis Abdullin (1984) Tatar - hockey player.
Rustem Kalimullin (1984) Tatar - footballer. 
Renat Yanbayev (1984) Volga Tatar / Russian - footballer. 
Grigory Shafigulin (1985) Volga Tatar - hockey player.
Renat Sabitov (1985) Tatar - footballer. 
Marat Anvaryevich Safin (1985) Tatar - footballer. 
Diniyar Bilyaletdinov (1985) Tatar - footballer. 
Ilshat Bilalov (1985) Tatar - hockey player. 
Enver Lisin (1985) Tatar - hockey player. 
Marat Bikmaev (1986) Volga Tatar - footballer. 
Rafael Batyrshin (1986) Tatar - hockey player. 
Rinat Ibragimov (1985) Tatar - hockey player.
Ildar Amirov (1987) Tatar - footballer. 
Ersan İlyasova (1987) Crimean Tatar - basketball player. 
Rinar Valeyev (1987) Tatar - footballer. 
Ildar Hafizov (1988) Tatar - wrestler. 
Inal Aflitulin (1988) Tatar - handball player. 
Pele Koljonen (1988) Tatar - footballer. 
Rafael Akhmetov (1989) Tatar - hockey player. 
Rizvan Ablitarov (1989) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
Artur Yusupov (1989) Volga Tatar - footballer. 
Ilýa Tamurkin (1989) Tatar - footballer. 
Dinar Khafizullin (1989) Volga Tatar - footballer. 
Batyr Akhmedov (1990) Tatar - boxer.
Ruslan Amirov (1990) Tatar - footballer.
Lenur Temirov (1990) Crimean Tatar - wrestler. 
Ilmir Hazetdinov (1991) Tatar - skier. 
Viktor Minibaev (1991) Tatar - diver.
Ansel Galimov (1991) Volga Tatar - hockey player. 
Ruslan Nurudinov (1991) Tatar - weightlifter. 
Ruslan Mingazow (1991) Tatar - footballer. 
Denis Alibec (1991) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
David Belyavskiy (1992) Tatar - gymnast.
Ruslan Zhiganshin (1992) Tatar - ice dancer. 
Stanislav Galiev (1992) Tatar - hockey player. 
Emil Galimov (1992) Tatar - hockey player. 
Ilgizar Safiullin (1992) Tatar - steeplechase runner.
Daler Kuzyayev (1993) Tatar - footballer. 
Redvan Memeshev (1993) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
Ravil Netfullin (1993) Tatar - footballer. 
Albert Yarullin (1993) Tatar - hockey player.
Nail Yakupov (1993) Volga Tatar - hockey player.
Eduard Gimatov (1994) Tatar - hockey player. 
Kamil Mullin (1994) Tatar - footballer. 
Timur Khabibulin (1995) Tatar - tennis player.
Elmir Nabiullin (1995) Volga Tatar - footballer. 
Atila Septar (1996) Tatar - footballer. 
Rifat Zhemaletdinov (1996) Tatar - footballer. 
Timur Zhamaletdinov (1997) Tatar - footballer. 
Akhmed Alibekov (1998) Crimean Tatar - footballer.
Edris Fetisleam (1999) Crimean Tatar - tennis player.
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pirceu-blog · 4 years
How important is quality
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thisdayinmetal · 2 years
This Day in Metal August 5th
This Day in Metal August 5th
Aug 5th 2003 Skid Row released the album “Thickskin” Did you know…It’s their first to feature Sebastian Bach replacement Johnny Solinger and only to feature former Saigon Kick drummer Phil Varone. Aug 5th 2008 Hexen released their debut album “State of Insurgency” Did you know…The album was produced by Dave Swanson (Carnifex, Riot V) and featuring cover art from iconic heavy metal artist Ed…
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granvarones · 4 years
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this past october marked the 35th anniversary of the release of dionne warrick’s charity single “that’s what friends are for.” the one-off collaboration with the equally iconic gladys knight, elton john and stevie wonder, “that’s what friends are for” was released as a charity single in 1985 to support aids research and prevention. originally released as a very schmaltzy love song in 1982, dionne’s cover of “friends” was released just a few weeks after the aids-related death of hollywood legend rock hudson. the song now resonated as a radical message of unconditional love during a time when people living with aids faced intense homophobia and stigma.  
“that what friends are for” topped the billboard hot 100 in janaury 1986 and went on to win best pop performance by a duo or group and song of the year at the 1987 grammy awards. it was this commercial and critical success that the song was touted as the anthem for the fight against aids. and while it’s cultural impact could not be overstated, it was not the first “anthem” of acceptance, love and resistance in the era of aids. there were many songs that soundtracked the aids epidemic before and after “that’s what friends are for.
patti labelle’s 1977 single “you are my friend” and sylvester’s brilliant cover in 1979, had long served as musical forms of solace for black and brown queer and trans folks during the onset of the epidemic – years before it was even given a name. other songs released years before the epidemic also served as anthems of survival. bette midler’s “friends,” a song that garnered her rousing applause when she performed it in bathhouses in the early 1970’s and gloria gaynor’s 1979 #1 hit “i will survive” took on a deeper meaning for gay men during height of the aids epidemic.
i must also mention phyllis hyman’s “old friend,” released in the summer of 1986, while not explicitly about aids, does capture the feeling and hope of reconnecting with long family and friends. a reality experienced by those who face rejection from loved ones after an hiv positive diagnosis.
“that’s what friends are for” isn’t even the first AIDS charity single. that distinction goes to the openly gay british band coil who released a cover of “tainted love” in early 1985 as a fundraising effort for the terrence higgins trust. coil’s version of “tainted love” was much somber than the more danceable version by soft cell, who took the song #8 on the hot 100 in the summer of 1982, was accompanied by an even more heartbreaking video that was explicitly about aids.
by 1990 several artists recorded and released songs that were explicitly (or somewhat explicitly) about aids or about the immense loss one feels when a loved one dies. these songs included cyndi lauper’s “boy blue,” prince’s “sign o’ the times”, willie colon’s“el gran varon,” boogie down productions’ “jimmy,” and “is anybody out there” by british pop group frankie goes to hollywood. one of the first songs to explicitly mention the word aids was the queen of paradise garage gwen guthrie’s “can’t love you tonight.” released in 1987, a remix of the song was even titled “the surgeon general’s funky 4/4 beat”
then there were songs that were without a doubt in response to the aids hysteria. these songs include janet jackson’s “let’s wait a while” and jermaine stewart’s “we don’t have to take our clothes off.” both songs communicated a message of delaying sex and are low-key about abstinence.
not all songs that soundtracked the aids epidemic were about loss (“jesus to a child”by george michael and “one sweet day” by mariah carey) or cautionary tales (like salt n pepa’s “let’s talk about sex” and tlc’s “waterfalls”). there were songs that served as a kind of restoration on the dance floor. and many of these songs were present during the early years of the epidemic. songs like sylvester’s 1982 club hit “do you wanna funk”and 1983’s “so many men, so little time” by miguel brown were songs that celebrate sexuality during a time when queer communities were beginning to be ravaged by aids. these songs and hundreds of other dance songs provided a safer space to meet, probably one last time, with people who just wanted to dance and enjoy the beat of life.  
(via https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37Kd0rIEOxitkdjScd4f8G?si=Mjf1l1BdTx_aQdPhTlBXiA)
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architectnews · 3 years
Vía 515 Mexico City Building
Vía 515 Mexico City shopping center, hotel, offices Building Development, Migdal Arquitectos Mexican Architecture Photos
Vía 515 Mexico City
1 October 2021
Architects: Migdal Arquitectos
Location: east Mexico City
Photos by Rafael Gamo and Jaime Navarro
Vía 515 Mexico City News
Vía 515 is a mixed-use complex located in Mexico City’s east end, between the airport and downtown. The 106,000 m2 project consists of three buildings: shopping center, hotel, and offices.
The three-story shopping center is located on a main avenue with high vehicle traffic. It is laid out in a “U” shape around a central courtyard with a translucent roof and glass façade that allows natural light.
Above the volume of the shopping center, an eight-story rectangular prism arises in a transverse arrangement to house a 245-room hotel that utilizes part of the roof of the shopping center as a terrace and rooftop garden. The facade of this volume consists of copper-colored aluminum panels. Together, they showcase and reinterpret the topography of the geo-volcanic transverse axis of the Valley of Mexico.
On the other side of the complex, the office building is located. It is a square volume with glass facades and 12 stories. The facilities feature an interior courtyard and upper terraces to harness the space and the entry of natural light.
To unite the dual frontage of the complex on the same block, two side streets were designed inside the complex to form a vehicular and pedestrian circuit. There are two parking levels, and the ground floor has room for 345 bicycles in an area where they are a very common means of transportation.
In terms of the structural design, the foundation is composed of piles and a foundation slab that is two meters thick, allowing it to maintain load-balancing and its own weight on the property. This allows it to avoid differential collapses, since the complex is situated on one of the city’s lacustrine areas.
Vía 515 has become an iconic neighborhood landmark, driving development and growth in Mexico City’s east end.
Vía 515 Mexico City – Building Information
Architecture Firm’s name: Migdal Arquitectos Project Name: Vía 515 Lead Architects: Jaime Varon, Alex Metta y Abraham Metta Design Team: Guillermo Choque, Guillermo Olvera y Christian Rodriguez Area: 15,600 m2 Location: Mexico City Type: Mix-used Date: 2020 Status: Built
Photos: Rafael Gamo / Jaime Navarro
Vía 515 Mexico City images / information received 011021 from Migdal Arquitectos
Location: Mexico City, North America
Mexican Buildings
Contemporary Architecture in Mexico
Mexican Architecture Designs – chronological list
Architecture Tours Mexico by e-architect for groups
Cocoon Hotel, Tulum, Quintana Roo Architects: DNA Barcelona image from architects Cocoon Hotel Building
Foro Boca, Boca Del Rio, Veracruz Design: Rojkind Arquitectos photograph : Jaime Navarro Courtesy of Rojkind Arquitectos Foro Boca Veracruz
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Mar Adentro Hotel, San Jose del Cabo, southern Baja California Sur state Design: Miguel Ángel Aragonés, Taller Aragonés photograph : Joe Fletcher Mar Adentro Hotel in San José del Cabo
Hotel Royalton Riviera Cancun, Cancun, Riviera Maya Design: Zyman & Zyman, Arquitectos image Courtesy architecture office Hotel Royalton Riviera Cancun
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Comments / photos for the Vía 515 Mexico City design by Migdal Arquitectos page welcome
The post Vía 515 Mexico City Building appeared first on e-architect.
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justalay · 3 years
quiero ahre icons de daon mi varon :p
listo :p
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humoronweb · 4 years
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Diana Rigg Poses For Jean Varon And The Avengers Bates designed a collection for the actress Diana Rigg to wear for the role of Emma Peel in the TV action series ‘The Avengers’. It included an iconic black leather catsuit that caused a media sensation.
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