#No don’t look at my crossover fics (posting them soon I promise)
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kindlythevoid · 1 year ago
Well, I’m usually super supportive of whatever fandom I’m in. Like I’ll go all in, little to no shame, if it’s my problem it’s yours now, too. But the moment I get back into Supernatural I just. Ultimate Cringe Moment. I sit there staring at the screen and feel tears streaming down my face. Why am I writing these silly little stories for these silly little guys? I wasn’t even invested in Supernatural ten years ago and suddenly I am transported to those vibes as soon as the first word is typed out by my silly little hands. How dare I write Supernatural fan fiction in the Year of Our Lord 2023? Sam? Dean? Cas? Why can’t I be obsessed with a respectable fandom like Merlin or Pacific Rim or even Violet Evergarden? Yet here I am, gripped by my 96th fic idea for these idiot brothers and their idiot angel and their idiot son that I Must write out Immediately. Disgusting. I finish a 60k crossover fic and Perish.
#I feel like it’s important to note that I love this show so so much#I love it like Star Wars fans love Star wars#What tumblr user was it who said:#You may not love Star Wars unless you hate it and you may not hate Star Wars unless you love it#Because that is my feelings towards supernatural#I am in many niche and cringe fandoms but nothing#Nothing#nothing is as cringe for me as supernatural is#No don’t look at my ocs (they aren't finished)#No don’t look at my crossover fics (posting them soon I promise)#Pay no attention to my bookmarks yes they’re public spn recommendations yes you are supposed to ignore them (read them read them pls)#I will defend these characters and I will reblog their fanart (not right now but there's a queue)#But the moment anyone looks upon it and realizes I am in fact a spn fan I die a little (i have a BOARD and i have a FOLDER and a PLAYLI-)#Yes I recommend the show no I will not explain why (or?? no actually probably not)#There is only pain and suffering and half-finished hunger games crossovers (I won't explain. Only read and write and suffer.)#I am Forever Angry#supernatural#just yelling into the void#also I forgot to mention that I AM in all of the aforementioned fandoms#Just not obsessed w them at the moment and that is the real tragedy#not me (crying) desperately trying to divide my fixation time between lotr criminal minds and spn in that order#also this will be the only spn thing for rn because I refuse to indulge it on tumblr until i finish my lotr re-read#Edit: it’s really ironic I mention Merlin considering right after this I found out it was the 15th anniversary and so posted a bunch for it
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corduroyserpent · 4 days ago
20 questions for fic writers!
thanks for the tag @peerlessbellbird 💕
how many works do you have on ao3?
i have 100!!!!!! sorry for all of the exclamation points but i just think that's neat hehe
what's your total ao3 word count?
512,747 (it's including my soon to be released big bang fic in the count)
what are your top five fics by kudos?
When I Was Older | tgcf | hualian, fengqing, junmei | 4,393 kudos
there's a CHILD in my shrine?? WTF!! | tgcf | hualian | 4,087 kudos
i shine only with the light you gave me | svsss | tianlang-jun & zhuzhi-lang, bingqiu, tianxi | 2,783 kudos
resilient flower; ascending flame (and other things that can survive burning) | tgcf | wulian | 2,524 kudos
Out of Your Mind | svsss | moshang | 2,352 kudos
what fandoms do you write for?
i write for svsss almost exclusively these days, though i do have some nu carnival and murderbot wips that will hopefully break free from my docs. sometimes i dip back into writing for tgcf but unless it's junmei, i don't post it
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i love responding to comments! sometimes i get overwhelmed and can only answer a certain number of them at a time but i respond to all of them. my favorite part of fandom is interacting with fellow fans of the same media and comments scratch that itch for me
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i generally write happy endings so i'm not sure 🤔 maybe Caught which features a luo binghe who has fallen to the dark side of the force
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
tough to pick just one! let's go with How to Catch a Mer-Snake (No Net Required!) because it makes my heart feel fuzzy 🥰
do you get hate on fics?
i have in the past.
do you write smut?
yup! it's fun hehe
do you write crossovers?
sure do! mostly wen ning/zhuzhi-lang (coldhands)
have you ever had a fic stolen?
uhhh i sure hope not 😬
have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah it's so cool!! 3/5 of my most kudos'd fics have been translated along with a few others
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
not a singular fic but i've co-written a couple of series with cringewerewolf where we go back and forth telling parts of a larger story
what's your all time favourite ship?
doubt this comes as a surprise but it's the gen ship of tianlang-jun & zhuzhi-lang. if i have to pick a romantic pairing then zosan
what's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a tgcf locked tomb au and it's so fun to work on but it's also like, a total mess and it's really just an interesting thing for me to poke at every so often
what are your writing strengths?
dialogue, emotions
what are your writing weaknesses?
description. let's all just imagine what the room looks like okay 🙈
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it's not something i'd do unless i was fluent in that language but other than that, i don't have an opinion. if it works, it works
first fandom you wrote for?
omg it was a pjo self-insert fic and i was 11
favourite fic you've ever written?
genuinely so fond of you kiss your snake with that mouth? (zhushen, pwp) because it's soooo silly and fun and there's THIS interaction ⬇️ which has tickled me since i wrote it
Shen Qingqiu decides to be blunt. “Those won’t fit.” “Oh, don’t worry. This one will prepare you appropriately. Junshang has shown me many questionable books over the years that mention such things with um…varying levels of detail.” “Please don’t bring up your uncle while we’re naked.” “Master Shen, you know I can’t make that promise.”
tagging: @luukeskywalker @naamah-beherit @livingmeatloaf (if you want to! no pressure 💕) and also i'm tagging YOU, yes the person reading this hello~ consider yourself tagged if you so desire
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years ago
If you're feeling it, Day 5 prompts but for your favorite personal OC/self-insert? :)
Okay, but please excuse me everyone for taking a break from the actual writing I’m trying to do to answer this (the ideas are so there, but it’s tweaking them into proper words)! I promise I will have fic/requests being posted soon (hopefully quite a bit put up tomorrow and Wednesday– just as a head’s up, I’m not going to be on the blog at all Thursday and Friday because I have some real life stuff that needs to be taken care of, but will be back hopefully on Saturday to resume my regular writing and answering messages and PLEASE KEEP SENDING IN ALL THE REQUESTS because they are the best part of my day and I get so excited with each new one sent in and there is no such thing as spamming me with asks or asking too much). But like, I never actually spend too much time talking about my own OC’s or the writing I do just for me because this blog is focused more on ya’ll, and I love that, but it’s also kind of exciting to dive into this topic. I didn’t quite use a prompt and just fucking rambled and hope that’s still okay! Because this will be a hella long post, I’m going to use a read more, especially since this definitely will not interest everyone! For those who do read it…I’m kind of curious on who will pick up on what and who will pop in to my ask box or messages or replies to lovingly call me out!! I look forward to it, actually!
Okay, so I’m going to set the stage here because this is a little convoluted and complicated because the one I imagine the most, the one I drabble for the most and daydream about and have the most fun with is an absolutely gigantic crossover/AU!
There’s a land called The Ever Young, where all the characters from all my fandoms reside. The Ever Young is broken, stuck with time permanently stopped and nobody new can be born and death has no hold. It’s separated into different warring factions between and within the different claimed lands or regions, with each fandom kind of being its own region. Every region blames the others for the magic on the land and each believes that, by winning control and eradicating or subjugating the others, they can force time to restart. Also, with it being an obviously magical world, there are different fantasy species, and everyone has some sort of magical ability, though, with the world the way it is, the abilities don’t work right. There are kickbacks to using them…they cost you your life-force, your ‘youness’ and when you use up all the power you have, you’re gone. Your body remains, but it’s for all extents and purposes just a shell and nobody knows quite what happens to the people’s minds and souls.
There’s a Record-Keeper for each land, one canon character from each fandom, who not only keeps the record of the life of these different regions but have some precognitive abilities that they can use to try to forewarn their own regions of coming events. They’re identified by the pocket-watches they all woke up one day with. Each pocket watch has a crystal heart in it that gives the holder their abilities and all the Record-Keepers do occasionally meet up and are the only true neutral parties in The Ever Young.
On top of all this going on…there’s a legend, a story that by now everyone is convinced is just a fairy tale for children, of The Thirteen. The legend states that The Ever Young was first created by a witch of great power who could create something from nothing, who could bring life and prosperity as well as death and darkness, all in perfect harmony. And at one point, The Ever Young flourished and all was peaceful and idyllic. But then sorrow came…it’s said that something caused the Witch such great sorrow that her heart literally broke, shattered into thirteen shards that flew far and wide across the land she’d cherished so deeply and that she retreated far from the world, never to be seen again. To get back to the days of peace and happiness, these shards must be found by those to whom they call, The Thirteen Heroes who have the power to set the universe right again and heal the Witch’s heart and mind. Only then, the legend says, will time start to flow, and life begin to start anew.
So, obviously, aside from the wide, wide variety of canon characters, it’s obvious my OC’s, not all of whom I have, are the Thirteen, plus one oddball so I’ll start going into them now that the scene is all set.
First up, there’s Tea! Branded ‘The Shadow Warrior’, beautiful and fierce, this woman has a fearsome reputation. Often seen with The Kokuyo Gang, her name is whispered along. Powerful, strong, but also just and kind, Tea is also fair, never hurting those who don’t deserve it or who leave her no choice. She’s someone you want at your back; a trustworthy companion and just as fierce in friendship and love as she is on the battlefield. Her natural ability is that of being able to transform herself into a shadow, able to remain unseen and seemingly disappear and reappear at will. However, she also finds the seventh shard, resembling a smooth piece of turquoise glass in the shape of a serpent that she wears as an amulet. This shard not only makes her one of the legendary Thirteen, but gives her an additional ability, where she can control others through the force of her voice, at the cost of losing her voice for a full sunset afterward. My personal face-claim for her is Teresa from Claymore, if anyone is curious.
Next up is Mari! Most often seen beside the Cavallone family’s boss, she comes across as alluring, mysterious and quiet, but this woman is incredibly sweet, kind and has a huge heart. She wants nothing more than a quiet life, with those she loves safe and sound, but with war raging around her, it’s not quite that easy. But she works for it, quietly slipping through the different regions, playing diplomat and trying to foster peace wherever she can. Once you know her, she has this incredibly fun, playful side and her smile disarms all but the most hard-hearted. Her natural powers help her in her diplomatic missions, as she has the ability to judge others true natures and desires correctly. However, she also finds the sixth shard, a smooth piece of green glass in the shape of a heart, which she fashioned into a hair barrette that she wears, which gives her the power to manipulate the emotions of those around her, at the cost of leaving her feeling hollow, lazy, and pessimistic until the next sunrise. My personal faceclaim for her, if anyone is wondering, is Chiyuki from Death Parade!
Next up is Marta! A dreamer, she sees all the potential in what the world could be. Sweet, kind, and encouraging, with eyes you get lost in and a face as expressive as her boss's is neutral, she’s fiercely loyal to those she loves and cares about and the sort of friend that keeps everyone happy and together. With her tireless creativity and curiousity, she seeks to create a better world and works alongside Hibari’s group to explore all the secrets of The Ever Young, slipping quietly in and out of the various regions, accompanied either by Hibari himself or Kusakabe, trying to find ways to leave the world a better place for her family and friends. Though she prefers not to be in the midst of battle, she’s more than able to hold her own, with the help of her magical paints and paintbrush, which she can use to imbue life into anything she paints temporarily – at least long enough to allow her or others to escape risky situations. The holder of the ninth shard, a violet piece of glass in the shape of a bird, which she wears as a brooch, she also has the ability to heal others, at the cost of having to feel all the pain of the injuries herself. For those curious, the face claim I have for her is Michiko Malandro.
Up next is Dell! A charming rogue blessed with the gift of shapeshifting, they breeze in and out of the regions, trying to prevent out and outright war from breaking out wherever they can, working with god only knows who (and they prefer it that way, thank you very much). Though their silver tongue and fearlessness may leave you with the impression of a trickster or someone only out for themselves, Dell is actually ride or die for those they care about. They take care of those that matter to them and everything they do is to ensure the safety of their loved ones. However, very few are lucky enough to see that soft, sweet side of theirs, often getting either that charisma and fake niceness or the sharp tongue that Dell possesses. Another thing they possess? The second shard, a red piece of smooth glass in the shape of a house, that allows them the ability to manipulate nature itself, at the cost of the use of their limbs until the sun sets next. For those curious, I picture Akito Sohma for Dell!
Then there’s Amber! The very definition of big-titty goblin girlfriend, Amber has a huge personality and, while she can be a (very bitey) handful, she’s friendly and charming and makes friends wherever she goes. Often found with Hiruma, who is holding secrets of his own, Amber is social, sarcastic, and the life of the party. But all that charm and charisma? It’s the sweet front to the spice and steel she hides from most people. With her own moral compass, she’s a force of chaotic good aiming to end the war in The Ever Young, viva revolution style, come hell or high water. A living lie detector, she’s also the holder of the fourth shard, an smooth orange piece of glass that she wears as a pendant, that allows her to make herself absolutely irresistible to anyone she touches, to the point that the person would abandon all reason and do anything to make her happy. However, she can’t just turn it off at will and the person remains obsessive, at times murderously so, until they see the moon.
Next up is Nina! Don’t let the cute face and tiny size fool you…not only is this girl unafraid of a battlefield, but she actually finds them exhilarating! Blessed with super strength, her heart is always in the right place, whether it be squishing a friend in a hug that might make a few bones pop or throwing a tree at someone threatening the piece of her region, she lives honestly and does her best to keep things safe, both for those she loves and all those friends she hasn’t met yet. Disarmingly sweet, sincere, and small, she is another renowned warrior who simply wants to be fighting only for fun, instead of to prevent outright war from disrupting lives. She found the first shard, a smooth piece of black glass in the shape of a square that she wears as a tie clip, which gives her the ability to freeze time temporarily, with the drawback of erasing her memories of everything that happens during that time. For anyone curious, the face claim in my head for her is Azusa Nakano!
Then there’s Brooklyn! She’s almost always found with the boys of HOMRA, where her water manipulation powers can cool the hotter heads around her. Though quiet and often overshadowed by the louder, brasher personalities around her, she’s friendly, smart, and cute, the quintessential good girl to the bad guy. But when you get to know her, she’s got street smarts and a surprisingly naughty side to her that keeps you guessing. And, though the idea of war terrifies her, because she can’t stand the thought of another of HOMRA’s boys just never coming home again, she is more than capable of defending her found family, with a temper that is slow to ignite but deadly when needed. The holder of the third shard, a smooth piece of light pink glass that literally gives her the powers of Cupid at the result of losing the memories of one of her loved ones, she’s bound and determined to bring about that peace that her family deserves, no matter what. For those interested, I see her face claim as Lenalee Lee!
Moving on to Lou, a reformed pickpocket who now runs an orphanage on the border of the regions between those with the K Project characters and those with the KHR characters. Changeable….literally, given that their natural ability makes them change between male and female from night to day, they’re a bit of a trickster but one with a huge heart and a desire to keep any children from a dark past like the one they had to go through. To protect the children of The Ever Young, they’re more than willing to stand on the battlefield. I’m still kind of getting this OC down, as they’re a relatively new one, but they’re the holder of the fifth shard, a smooth yellow piece of glass that they carry in their pocket and which gives them the ability to make someone psychically live through their worst nightmare, at the cost of them going temporarily blind until the code-word is said…though don’t they wish they knew what that code word was. For those interested, it's the Kagamine twins (Vocaloids) that I picture as face claims!
Then there’s Whisper! A mute, selectively so, who wanders throughout the regions. Rumors say that she can get you anything you want though and her ability to slip through the cracks and remain unnoticed because of her disability means she deals in the all too dangerous area of information brokerage. Always moving under the cover of darkness, Whisper (who looks like Taiga Aisaka to me) manages to stay one step ahead of a past that she’s trying desperately to escape from. She doesn’t care much for the war, or what happens – she’s trying to get through each day and find a safe place to land, which isn’t easy when you’re literally seeing inside people’s minds whenever you touch them. She finds the eighth shard, a smooth indigo piece of glass shaped like a person, which heightens her own psychic abilities to include telekinesis and telepathy, but at the cost of her health deteriorating.
Last and least, the one OC who stands in a class of their own, wandering in and out of everyone’s stories in the background, yet always appearing where she needs to be, when she needs to be. An amnesiac who calls herself simply Mirror, she exists outside the factions, with ties to no one. She fears people a little and is terribly shy and socially awkward, until it comes time to explain the things she knows….and oh, the things she knows. While who she is remains a complete mystery, even to herself, she sees all – all that was, all that is, and all that could be, fragments of multiple possible ever-shifting universes that hold her at their whims and mercies as she frantically tries to stop every worst case scenario from happening.
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nowplayingblog · 4 years ago
Sweater Weather, by @lumosinlove
... and other related works.
Short(er) Remus Rights. One of the big things I dislike about a lot of people within any fandom is how much they can sometimes gatekeep different interpretations of characters. Remus and Sirius get a lot of this - there are interpretations of their characters that the majority of the fandom has decided to agree on, and anything outside of that is somehow wrong. For me, Remus is the hardest, because my interpretation is at times the exact opposite of what the fandom seems to have agreed on. I won't go into too much detail here, but one of my points is that I imagine Remus as shorter and smaller than Sirius. A lot of people will come for your next if you don't think that Remus is like seven feet tall or something ridiculous. Overall, Hazel's Remus has always lined up a lot with my interpretation of him. It's just nice to see Remus written and described in a way that I also imagine him in my head. (I may make another post explaining myself more in depth on this one...)
Use of French, and Hockey Accuracy. When reading Sweater Weather, I would be constantly translating the French that is used by multiple characters in the story, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the use of the language seemed to be a lot more accurate and genuine than a simple google translate plug (which... No hate, I've been there.) It made me wonder if Hazel actually knows French? At least a little? Also the descriptions of Hockey both on and off the ice feel really real and accurate, especially after I finished the story and started to look more into Hockey (because I'm probably on my way to becoming a Hockey fan now) and was ecstatic to find a lot of the things being discussed in the story also being discussed in real hockey clips and videos. This is most likely due to Hazel being a Hockey fan and actually understanding the sport instead of just fudging it. (Which again, I would be guilty of.)
Healthy Polyamorous Relationship(s). I have very rarely read anything with a polyamorous relationship. Period. But when I do I have that awful monogomous-normative voice in the back of my head that tells me which two are "actually in love" and which one is "the third wheel" and I definitely don't have that awful voice regarding the real life polyamorous relationships I've seen. Hazel does a wonderful job at developing every interpersonal relationship with O'Knutzy as well as how they all work together. (And O'Darwin is new to me, but I already love it so, so much)
Varying Relationship Lengths. There are relationships of varying shapes and sizes. Some take years to say "I love you" while others are engaged less than two years after getting together. I think it's easy to forget nowadays that you don't need to be dating for years before getting married and starting a family - and it doesn't need to be in that order.
That Hurt/Comfort tho. Hurt/Comfort is may favorite genre perhaps ever. And in Hockey there is a lot of hurt, so it makes sense to be followed up by a lot of comfort. It's perfect. *chef's kiss*
Feeling Things With The Characters. In almost every scene I could feel how each character felt and kind of get a sense of what's going on in their heads. There were times in these works where I could really feel that longing or loneliness or pain or sadness. I don't get to feel that intensely that often when reading fanfiction, and these fics make me feel all the things.
These are just a few of the broader themes I enjoyed while reading Sweater Weather.
The All Stars Game (AKA all of Chapter 15) I loved this chapter, because it captures the entire arc of the pain Remus and Sirius feel after being outed, the steps they take to actually talk about it and talk to eachother again and get through it together, to once again being on the same page, and rooting for and protecting eachother more fiercely than ever. I loved the team members coming over to be with Remus and watch the game, I loved Remus's past coming to light, I loved Sirius punching Greyback in the face, Regulus being rescued. I even loved hearing the terrible things the press had to say, because I love that kind of drama it gets me so worked up (... In works of fiction. In real life that stuff would make me very, very angry.)
Remus Talking to Logan (Chapter 13) I love this scene because it really shows basically every side of the O'Knutzy drama, and because I could really feel Logan's pain and panic in this scene. I loved how soft and kind Remus was in trying to talk to Logan about it, at the same time trying to keep him calm. I loved Finn walking in and seeing that Logan was hurting and immediately wanting to fix it, nearly ready to fight Remus, who was getting in his way. And I love the final part, where Remus suggests Logan tell 'them' he loves them, all the while promising himself he would tell Sirius the same thing. I think this scene is the perfect crossover point between Coast to Coast and Sweater Weather, and progresses both storylines flawlessly.
Family Skate (Chapter 12) I think it's hat I liked most about this scene was the Team learning not only that Remus used to play, but just how good he was, and still is. I loved how shocked they are, and the foreshadowing when Arthur asks Remus if he has any tapes. I really like the somber tone around Remus's injury, and how tragic it is, and the team can really understand that. It also sets the time for just how much this injury is affecting Remus even to this day. Aside from all that serious stuff, seeing the Team with little kids is also super cute. And James finding out about the necklace.
The Game Against Vegas (Chapter 16) I liked this scene a lot because you can really feel how much the team wants to avenge Remus. I liked the tense interactions between Remus and Greyback, especially the part where Remus said "you're not my teammate". One of my favorite moments is at the end of this chapter when Remus is spiraling in a gas station parking lot, and all of his old superstitions are coming back to him. The Angst Levels are astronomical.
Leo and Finn Like Eachother (Coast to Coast, Chapter 4) I honestly loved this scene so much, the emotional roller coaster Leo went through, the hesitance surrounding the whole "all three of us" question. The pain Leo feels when he thinks the kiss was only out of confusion, and that Finn only loved Logan. The relief he feels when Finn says he likes him. It's just a master piece. (Honorable mention for when all three of them get together in the next chapter: it was such a close tie.)
All in all, Sweater Weather is such a good read, and I love that I'm still immersed even after I've read the fic so many times. I'm going to keep following Vaincre, and I have a lot of ficlets planned out for this universe, coming soon.
Lots of love and praise to Hazel, who wrote not only such a good story, but wonderful characters (both Harry Potter, and original) as well.
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garbria · 3 years ago
Tagged by @whostarlockeda03, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
43, as of right now. Which is insane, considering I only started posting in October. XD
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
55,495! O.O Again, that’s insane.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
So, the only fandom I’ve really wrote for is FFXV. I have some old things I wrote years ago, that either never saw the light of day, or were only posted to old accounts. If we’re counting those, maybe 3? Most of the stuff I wrote in the past was original, I haven’t wrote a lot of fic, just been an avid reader.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
In first place with 60 kudos, Something Lonesome About You, which I find funny because it was like the fifth or sixth fic I’d written in years, and it’s just Cor freaking out about social interaction, but it’s consistently been my most popular fic. I do love socially awkward Cor, and I guess I’m not the only one. XD
Second place is All On The Line, with 51 kudos. That makes sense because it’s my first multichapter fic, and therefore the longest thing I’ve written. I will update it soon, promise!
Third place is Hope Is The Thing With Feathers, with 48 kudos. Again, makes sense because it’s the first in my Phoenix Rising series. I will update this one, too! 
Fourth place is Rise From The Ashes, with 47 kudos. The second one posted in my Phoenix Rising series.
Finally, fifth place is 3am, with 38 kudos. It was like the fourth fic I wrote for whumptober, and it’s just Cor patching Nyx up, but I’m glad people liked it.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I respond to every comment I receive, even if it takes me a while. I believe if someone is going to take time out of their day to comment, I want to thank them. Not that I ever really know what to say. But I try!
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hm, I would say either Hope is The Thing With Feathers or Truth Shall Set You Free. They both have dark endings, but I did add author’s notes making things better. I’m too much of a lover of happy endings to leave things bad for good.
7) Do you ever write crossovers? 
I have not, but I’m open to it. In fact, I have an Assassin’s Creed/FFXV au I’ve been kicking around for a while that I really want to get around to writing.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Not yet, fingers crossed.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
I have not, yet. I don’t know if I’d ever be able to do it, but you never know. I certainly read enough of it. XD
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Again, not yet. Fingers crossed.
11) Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Sort of! My wonderful beta and enabler @whumpwriterforlife has contributed a few choice passages to some of my fics, most notably A Bee-tiful Day(To Bee or Not To Bee Sting).
12) What’s your all-time favorite ship? 
To no one’s surprise, CorNyx! My FFXV OTP. Though I also enjoy Promptis, DrauCor, and DrauNyx.
Honestly, I have at least one OTP for every fandom I’m in, it’s just that FFXV has taken over my life lately. But I haven’t forgotten about my other fandoms!
13) What was the first fandom you wrote for? 
Ah, are we talking first posted fic, or first ever fic? I wrote some super cringey self inserts for FFVII when it first came out(baby’s first fandom!), but they never got posted online. This was the late 90s, and I hadn’t yet discovered online fic archives. Yes, I am a fandom old. XD
First posted fic was for Kyou Kara Maoh!, an obscure anime that I was obsessed with. I’m pretty sure it’s been lost to the dark hole of LJ. Probably for the best.
14) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Ah, I have to pick just one? I actually like most of the ones I’ve written. I’m going to pick Learn Me Right, for the soft CorNyx fluff.
I’m also super proud and happy about how my Phoenix Rising au is turning out! I’m looking forward to finishing the next part.
No pressure tags: @whumpwriterforlife, @starjunco
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mrsalwayswrite · 4 years ago
Say You’ll Stay- Chapter 1
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Fury/ Band of Brothers Crossover Fic
Summary: Don "Wardaddy" Collier just wanted his crew to make it through the war. He carried no expectations for himself. But as each day passed, he worried he would be unable to keep his promise. When fate (or more accurately- Boyd Swan) places a woman in his path with a soft touch and softer heart...perhaps he has more of a motivation to see the end of the war after all.
Hey so I’m back with this series! I posted the first chapter awhile ago and then realized I did not have my plot and characters as “polished” as I wanted. So if you read the first chapter already, I would recommend rereading it. 
The first chapter is shorter compared to the others so to make up for it, I will also be posting the next chapter! Two in one! 
Our beloved Easy Company will come into play in a couple chapters. Patience, my friends. I have a plan...
Warnings: Swearing, some mentions of wounds/blood
Tag List: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​ @god-of-dramatic-death-scenes​ @alwaysindecemberfeels​ 
Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
Sweat dripped down the back of his neck. Dirt and grime covered his skin and clothing. The sound of the Sherman's tracks rolling over the muddy ground encompassed them. Patches of ice and snow still lined the feeble road. He stared ahead blindly, trusting Gordo to get them to the camp safely. The looks on those around him mirrored his own feelings. Everyone was exhausted. Everyone wanted real food. Everyone was tired of watching allies killed by fucking Tigers. 
 Everyone was sick of this shit. 
 They approached the camp. The cesspool that it looked like from far away became even more evident the closer they got. Half-demolished buildings with a dusting of snow were the only standing structures left of what used to be a quaint little town. Soldiers in grubby gear, rifle over their shoulders, ran around. From far away the sounds of artillery fire echoed. Don wondered who was dying now. 
"Boyd." He looked over at his gunner. "When we get parked, you go find an aid station. Get that hand looked at."
 "Yes, sir." The gunner held his injured hand against his chest, wrapped in a makeshift bandage. 
 After getting directions from a lieutenant, they found the tank squad on the other side of the town. Seeing the three other tanks gave the staff sergeant some hope. 
 "Boyd, medic. Gordo, fill 'er up. Grady, check that suspension. I don't like the way it sounds. Norman, find us some ammunition and where the hot chow is." Don barked out orders as everyone jumped off the tank. Replies of "yes, sir" made him nod, silently proud of his crew, before stalking towards where he assumed HQ was. 
 Soon enough he found the building, soldiers scurrying in and out, making the place look like an overturned ant hill. The glass on the store-front was still intact surprisingly, but the door was busted down leaving a gaping hole to walk through. Sliding past a private who looked barely eighteen coming out, he entered the HQ to see a table set out in the middle with maps laid out, paper weights and bullets strewn about. 
 "Who you?" 
 The gravelly voice made him turn to his right, eyeing up the man sitting on a wingback chair. "Staff Sergeant Don Collier, commander of Fury, 66th Armored Regiment, 2nd Armored Division."
 The man exhaled, smoke slipping between his thin lips, cigarette hanging precariously. "Ah, Wardaddy, eh? Right, come on." He stood up and waved Don over to the table. "Captain Evans. What's your status?"
 Don eyed the man, he seemed far too relaxed for being in a war zone. Then again, his greying hair and beard and those sharp eyes made him briefly wonder if this Captain Evans had been in the Great War. Maybe this was easier compared to trenches? Either way, it was nice to see someone in charge for once that looked like they were actually old enough to shave. Fuck knew too many kids were running around with rifles now, having just gotten out of bootcamp. Don wanted nothing to do with them. 
 "We secured the town here," he pointed at the map, "left 86th Infantry to hold. Then my guys and two other tanks were sent here."
 Captain Evans stared at the maps, mind clearly seeing how best to utilize them. "You and two tanks, eh?"
 "Yeah. Ran into a tiger though. Now it's just my guys."
 His bushy eyebrows shot up, even those around the table quieted down with the news. "Just you?" At Don's nod, the Captain tapped his fist on the table. "Damn those tigers. Alright, good to have you here, Don. We're waiting on some intel before sending you out. You and your guys get some chow and rest. Come back and see me in the morning."
 "Yes, sir." Don nodded and walked out of the building, relieved they were not being sent out right away. 
 As he walked down the filthy, cobbled street, he could feel the shakes beginning in his hands. Quickly, he stepped onto a side street, hoping no one would notice him. Leaning back against the brick wall of the building, he shoved his hands in his jacket pockets before anyone could see them shaking. Memories of the fight from yesterday replayed in his mind without permission. The tiger easily destroyed the rest of his platoon. In a matter of minutes, him and his crew were alone. Ten men. They had lost ten men. Good men...well mostly good. There was that one asshole in Edward's squad no one would miss.
 War took the best and worst; death it’s equally possessive lover.  
 Hands slightly fumbling, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. The lighter took a few clicks before catching. With the inhale, the nicotine and smoke settled in his lungs beautifully. He closed his eyes, letting the cigarette help calm his nerves and try to erase the memories of his platoon. They were dead now. It did no good to dwell on it. 
 After several minutes his hands finally stilled. Running a hand through his hair, he pushed off the building and headed out to find his crew. He glanced around wondering the likelihood of finding a roof and real beds for his guys tonight. They deserved it. Especially after all this shit. His own back cried out for a reprieve from sleeping on the hard ground. 
 Yeah, he would figure out something. Even if he had to toss some goddamn young Privates out into the stained snow. 
 "Nurse Cooper! You can handle this!" 
 She pushed the flyaway strands of auburn hair out of her face as she walked past the injured, following the voice of Doctor Erickson. The cries, screams and whimpers of the injured and dying no longer affected her. Or at least that was what she told herself. At least this field hospital had separate areas based on severity and a roof over the top.
 She had worked in far worse conditions before. 
 She nodded to the tall, blond doctor who barely gave her a passing glance as he shoved past her, away from injuries he deemed lesser than what he should be focusing his attention on. 
 A man sat on the edge of a cot, cradling his hand in his lap, which was wrapped up like a mummy. He was not screaming or swearing, so she took that as a good sign. His eyes were closed, lips moving silently like he was praying, a thick mustache twitching with every movement. He looked like he could only be a couple years older than her own twenty-three years.
 "What's your name, soldier?" She stood in front of him, wiping her hands on the stained apron she wore over her equally stained dress. Once they had both been white; now, the apron and dress were a patchwork of stains from blood, dirt and other questionable fluids she chose not to think of. 
 He looked up, his brown eyes meeting her blue in surprise. "Boyd Swan, ma'am. Those in my crew call me Bible though. " 
 "Well, Boyd, mind if I take a look at your hand?" She perched on a stool as he offered up his hand. Quickly, she unwrapped it to see the damage with a gentle but methodical touch. A long laceration bled across the palm and past the wrist, thankfully not deep. Honestly, looking it over, it was kind of a miracle it was not worse. 
 "Well, you're lucky, Boyd. Any deeper and you might have lost use of your hand. You might have some nerve damage; I do not think immobility is a concern at this point. I think we can get away without stitches if you can promise me you'll keep your hand bandaged and try not to use it."
 "It's not luck, He's looking out for me and my crew." He pointed a finger on his other hand skyward. 
 "Yes, He certainly was. Let me grab some new bandages." She grabbed some cleaning solution and bandages for the man. The sooner she finished with him, the less likely there would be concern for infection. If she guessed, it would appear the injury happened at the earliest maybe yesterday. More than enough time for it to become infected. Though her training had taught her to ask and determine when the injury occurred, lately she found herself hating that question. It always led into a story and hearing even more of the horrors these men faced. Her mind had enough memories of blood and guts to fuel nightmares for a hundred years. If she could refrain from hearing others’ memories, she found herself choosing too.
 The other reason she wanted to finish with him soon was to open up the bed he currently sat on, in case a worse injury came in. Luckily there had not been a large-scale fight in a week so they only had trickles of men coming in instead of waves of dying men. 
 "You a religious woman?" 
 She looked up from cleaning his hand to meet his earnest eyes. "I guess. I don't pray like I used to."
 He hummed. "I can respect that. I suspect you've seen plenty of death."
 Not wanting to remember all the faces of young men she had slaved over, only for them to die under her care, she changed the subject. "Why do they call you Bible?"
 "I'm always reading the Bible... I reckon that's where it started. I stopped trying to convert those heathens in my tank. I pray for their souls though. Always will." His voice trailed off quietly, but the fondness in it was unmistakable. 
 "You're a good man, Boyd."
 He nervously chuckled, looking away for a moment with the sound of his foot tapping repeatedly on the ground. "No, I'm just doing the Lord's work. That's all."
 "Well, I'm done." Smiling at him, she pushed back slightly. It was nice to have a patient not screaming at her or leering. There were too many of those men as of late. "Do you know your orders yet?"
 "No, ma'am. We just rolled in an hour ago."
 "Alright, if you're still here tomorrow I'd like to take a look at your hand again in the morning."
 "I can do that." 
 "Good. Go rest up now, find some food. You earned it." She stood up, holding the soiled cloths, ready to move on to the next patient or task. 
 "I will.” He rose along with her, clearly understanding the dismissal. "Oh ma'am, what's your name?" 
 For a moment she hesitated to share her name. Normally she preferred the men to call her Nurse Cooper. From past experience, if she told them her name, they seemed to think she was interested in them. Yet with this man, she found herself wanting to share her name. He was kind and respectful. There were no gut feelings scaring her away from him. "Anna. I'm Anna Cooper."
 "Pleasure to meet you, Anna Cooper. You need anything, you let me know, right?"
 She was unsure how he could help her. Depending on his orders she might never see him again, but she nodded to humor him. "Sure. It was lovely to meet you too, Boyd."
 With a parting smile from both, she hurried to the back of the building where they kept the large tub for boiling cloths. She grimaced when she noticed how low the water was. That meant she would have to go to the river soon. A shiver shot through her at the anticipated cold awaiting her outside. Thankfully most of the snow had melted already but winter’s chill still clung possessively to the air. Plus, it did not help how easily cold sunk into her bones. Back home her family would tease her about that fact. Here, on the edge of the front lines, it only made her life more difficult.
 Before Doctor Erickson found a reason to yell at her, she headed back out to assist in whatever way possible. Her conversing with Boyd was her first positive interaction in a few days besides with the few others nurses stationed at the field hospital. She hoped he was not sent away too soon. 
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fortysevenswrites · 4 years ago
Okay. 9 books, 9 fics. You're welcome.
1. Kastle/The West Wing Crossover Every time I watch TWW, I think about Karen and Donna Moss being friends, and once I thought of a fic where during the early seasons of TWW, the President and staff go to New York and Karen is moderating one of the series of town halls they're there for (specifically one where Josh Lyman is speaking). And of course that one, because reasons I had not yet come up with, gets attacked by The Hand, and Karen, Donna and Josh (who gets injured, because Josh ALWAYS gets injured) get rescued by Frank and it basically ends with the President demanding to meet Frank to thank him for saving Josh's life and everyone is like, "Mr. President do you not understand that Frank Castle is technically a MURDERER and the Secret Service will n e v e r let you in the same room with him and it's bad enough that you're currently on the same ISLAND?" So, yeah.
Here's something I wrote for it:
“Josh, did you hear?”
“I have impeccable hearing, Donna,” Josh says without looking up from the memo in his hand. “What is it that I am supposed to have heard?”
“Carol told me that she heard from Lindsay in credentialing that Karen Page has been assigned to cover the President’s town halls in New York for the New York Bulletin!”
He waits for her to keep going, but she doesn’t so, he looks up and sees her waiting expectantly, “And?”
“Karen Page? What It Means To Be A Hero Karen Page. She’s connected to half the vigilante-superheroes in Lower Manhattan. She was held hostage by ninjas. She interviewed Tony Stark about the Sokovia Accords. Last year, The Punisher himself may or may not have held her hostage after saving her from that terrorist Lewis Wilson.”
“And, would it be inappropriate, as a member of the White House Staff, to ask her for her autograph?”
Kastle: The Big Indulgence
This is one of the first long fics I came up with for Kastle (and come hell or high water I WILL write it one day). Basically, it puts the NMCU actually IN the MCU. Post TPS1, Sarah tracks Karen down and they become friends, and at the same time, Frank becomes friends with Bucky Barnes (yes Emily, I know he's not your fav) by way of Curtis' group (Curt, of course, regrets ever letting them interact ever). Karen gets nominated for an award for her journalism work by the Maria Stark Foundation, where she meets Pepper, Natasha, and Darcy, and befriends them as well. Everything comes to a head and Karen and Frank reunite after the discovery that Sarah Lieberman is related to one of Bucky's surviving family members (the Liebermans are Jewish, Bucky's family is Jewish, it works!). Then, things related to Billy and Hydra happen, there's an incident where a few people disappear into an alternate universe for...an... amount of time, the Avengers meet the X-Men to help get them back, and Frank may or may not be a little psychic. Someone ends up coming from that alternate universe who doesn't belong here, but it's okay because she's [redacted] and also Leo's [redacted].
Leo-Centric, Kastle
Leo gets an internship as Darcy Lewis' assistant (well, technically she's working for Jane Foster, but it's basically working for Darcy), where she meets Karen, matchmakes her with Frank, and also gets a girlfriend. I think the summary says it best:
Summer 2021.
In which Leo Lieberman gets the internship of a lifetime—working for Jane!Freaking!Foster’s soon-to-be former personal assistant, Darcy Lewis—both comes out of the closet AND gets the girl, and helps her long-lost murder-uncle finally reconcile with the ace reporter of his dreams.
If Frank was actually bulletproof, it would totally be just like Superman and Lois Lane.
5 Times Seth Tells Kate He Loves Her
A five-times fic where Seth is just ass over tea kettle in love with Kate, and makes sure she knows it and doesn't care what other people (read: Richie and Scott) think about it. The first one takes place the night they get back from Matanzas, and I just love the little bit I've written so far. I know 2 that I'm going to write so far, so...3 to go.
Kate Meets Vanessa Post S3
So I started writing this around Valentine's Day this year, and I might keep it as a Valentine's Day fic no matter what, but basically, in a grand universal coincidence, Vanessa strolls into Jed's just because she's stopping for lunch on her way to...somewhere. She meets Kate, who is covering the bar for Kalinda and Greer (a culebra OC that I will one day actually formally introduce in my fics, I promise), who are downstairs "checking on inventory" read: screwing in a maintenance closet because it's Valentine's Day, and then Seth comes out and there's a little, very awkward reunion, and basically Vanessa is the MOST amused, Seth is the MOST uncomfortable and Kate's just like...okay? And? Also, Seth is still bitter about Vanessa taking the tire iron to his car back in early S1.
The SK/Detroit 187 Fusion
Seth is a detective in Houston PD, who comes into the office one day to discover they...hired an intern? Said intern is Kate Fuller, a grad student at the University of Houston, who is working on her master's thesis by studying something related to crime (duh). Seth thinks she's a Disney princess in human form and they're very antagonistic with one another, but also he likes her way more than he thinks he should (but feels a LOT better about it when he finds out she's 23, not like...barely legal to drink or anything. Angst happens when a gang (Malvado's, but Carlos' branch of it) attacks Kate's family and kills her parents, and Seth takes her to Eddie and Richie for protection while he and his partner, Ximena, and the rest of the department solve the case and put Carlos' crew away.
SK Post 2x02 AU
After Kate and Seth part ways in 2x02, Kate goes back to Bethel, but Scott isn't there (so Jessica lives). She ends up in Houston for two years, working at a gym and keeping her to the ground looking for word about her brother, until one night, she's attacked by a bunch of Culebras, and is saved by Seth, Richie, and Kisa. She finds out that Carlos and Malvado are after her because she's the key to the way to the Blood Well, and Carlos and Malvado's henchwoman, the one and only Sonja, draws them all back to Bethel by putting Jessica in danger, and...it's all going to come to a head in some way that involves them saving Jessica from Sonja and killing Malvado and stopping the events of S3 from ever having to happen.
SK Season 1 AU
I don't know if i'm ever going to go anywhere with this, but I had this thought of...what is Carlos as Kyle wasn't a dick to Kate, and he took her to Mexico instead of Kate going back with Jacob and Scott. She ends up at the Twister before Seth and Richie do, and spends time with Kisa before she goes out to perform, and somehow it ends up with Kate going through the labyrinth with the brothers? I don't know. Something like that.
The FDTD/The Punisher Crossover That Starts Off In New York
So this is one of 2 crossovers I have for SK-meets-Kastle, but I love it. This is post 2x02, and Kate ends up in New York after not being able to find Scott back in Bethel. She ends up going to work as NM&P's assistant, and befriends Karen. To get to know one another better, Karen takes Kate to Josie's, where Kate discovers that Josie is a culebra, and Josie promises to keep Kate's secret. One day, this...guy shows up at the office, asking to talk to Karen, and Karen kicks Kate out of the office while they talk, and when she comes back, the guy is gone and Karen doesn't want to talk about it. (It's Frank, of course it's Frank). Also featuring one day where Frank is on the roof, Matt gets wind of it and goes up there to confront him about seeing Karen again and comes back with a black eye, and Kate is V confused whereas Karen is 10000000% pissed off at them both. Not long after, Kate and Karen are out one night, and they're attacked by a bunch of culebras. Frank helps intervene while Kate really is the one to save the day...and then she has to explain culebras to them. Of course, Karen saw aliens fall out of a portal above Stark Tower, so...snake vampires? Whatever. Kate calls Freddie to figure out why she was attacked and it turns out Carlos and Malvado are after her (and, later found out Karen too). Kate, Karen and Frank end up in Texas and things all come to a head at the blood well, as it does, and while Carlos shoots Kate in front of Seth, Richie, and Scott (which, BAD IDEA), Kate falls into the blood well, and when she's pulled out, she's healed. But...she also has something inside her that wants to destroy the world, and everyone has to race against time to figure out how to get Amaru out of Kate before she takes over completely and destroys them all. They figure out a way, but it has an...interesting side effect for Kate and Seth. Also, this is the one where Maggie takes one look at Freddie and Ximena and shrugs and says, "You know what? Porque no los dos?"
So yeah, there you go!
(Also, I thought about also including the Amaru isn't evil, she's just cranky and wants to go home, S3 AU, but we just talked about it yesterday, so I figured it doesn't count hahaaha.)
send me a book emoji of any kind and i will tell you about a fic idea i have
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daredevilexchange · 4 years ago
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What’s your fannish ID? cello_shots EDIT now ArcSodium
What types of fanworks do you create? I write fics!  My favorite part about writing fanfiction is the ability to put beloved characters into alternate universes or into situations that never showed up in canon.  Figuring out what they might do in such circumstances is a fascinating way to study a character.  All the while, I get to connect with fellow fans as well as hone my writing skills. And crossovers!  I love crossovers!  I'm currently working on a Supernatural/Daredevil one.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you’re not creating? I love reading fanfiction and I really love fan art as well.  Seeing how another person pictures a character and/or how the person depicts the character in their artistic style is such a treat.
What do you like in particular about this fandom? I'm actually pretty new to this fandom!  There's just something about Matt and Frank's personality dynamics that makes them fascinating when they interact.  I'll never say no to some nice brooding darkness.   Additionally, there have been some a-friggin-dorable fluff pieces that turn me into a total sap.
Do you like participating in fan events? I haven't yet, but I would like to... but I can also be a slow writer at times, so I'm hesitant to join stuff like that.  Perhaps when I get my current unfinished stories finished, I'll give it a go!
What about your creating process? Oo, good question.  Well, I'm usually covered in cats.  I'm naturally a night owl, but I have a day job that I have to get up early for--boo!--so staying up late is out.  For now, I write when I am able. When I really get into a story, I research.  I'm a librarian, so that might have something to do with it.  Finding little nuggets of information that I can slip into my stories makes them feel that much more vibrant to me, and I hope that comes across to my readers as well. In short, my steps are research, outline plot, write when I can (while covered in cats).
Do you interact a lot with other fans? I love interacting with people who have common interests!  In fact, I have some long-term friendships with people I have met in real life who I originally met online in one forum or another.  Others I haven't met yet and likely never will, but we have been long-distance friends for years.
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post? The one I'd really like to showcase is still in the middle of being written, and I promised myself (for the sake of my readers), I won't post stories anymore until they've been finished.  (That being said, be on the lookout for the piece called "A Stirring of Souls," which I hope to start posting soon!)
Do you have other fandoms you’d like to talk about? Lord of the Rings is a longtime fandom of mine.  Also Supernatural, The Flash, and some of the Defenders as well. 
Is there anything else you want to tell us about yourself? I'm a librarian and an aspiring novelist.  I live with my husband and our 6 cats, 2 goats, and a small flock of chickens (mostly roosters... don't ask).
Where can your fanworks be found?  https://archiveofourown.org/users/cello_shots EDIT: Now https://archiveofourown.org/users/ArcSodium !
Thank you, cello_shots ! EDIT: now ArcSodium!
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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owlswing · 3 years ago
Fanfic Writers 20 Questions!
Tagged by @belleyells! Thank you! I know I’ve been dropping off the face of the earth lately... ^.^’
1) How many works do you have on AO3? Uhh... 7 works!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count? Oh, gosh. Math, why!?... Okay, I think it’s ~534,610
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? I am not listing every single series I have in RoW, but I’ll list my favorites and ones I’ve written fic for individually: Httyd, RotG, Tangled, Brave, Trollhunters, Voltron, and I also used to have some fics for a couple anime and for the Legend of Zelda, but they have been lost to the void.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? Well, I only have 7 on Ao3 X’D, let’s see...
Rise of Wizardry
War of Destiny
Tangled in Witchcraft & Sea of Treasures are tied!
Lights in Darkness
Dragons in Shadows
Now I feel bad for School of Bravery! That one was really fun to write. But I’m also proud of all of them, so <3
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to. I’ve been less vocal on both FF and Ao3 because I’m busy and stressed a lot of the time, but I used to answer every single comment. Don’t know if I’ll ever go back to that, but I am trying to be more attentive and if someone poses a legit question that I can answer without spoilers than I try to always reply :)
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? ...Umm, out of what I have on Ao3? Probably Dragons in Shadows. Problem is I only have RoW up on Ao3, and as of right now I don’t think that’s going to change. Fandoms/antis and whatnot are scaring me away from posting writing tbh... I’ve got enough stress in my life y’all.
7) Do you write crossovers? As of right now? Exclusively *fingerguns* ;)
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic? I... Yeah, I think I’ve had some hate here and there, but it was all super minor stuff. Like trolls saying “this sucks” and nothing else. I once had someone get angry that I wasn’t writing the story the way they wanted it, but that’s about it.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I’ve never tried... I don’t think I’m going to... But maybe one day?...
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don’t think so? I have the one series in a very small fandom, I think it’d be pretty hard to miss. But if anyone ever happens to notice, hit me up please!
11) Have you ever had a fic translated? I have not. No one has ever approached me, but if someone asked I would say yes, so long as they gave credit :)
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, I have not. I think it’d be a fun experience tho!
13) What’s your all-time favourite ship? Ahh... Okay, mm, I don’t think I have one? I only have a couple ships that I’m really into and I don’t talk about them with people because they’re normally rare-pairs or disliked... Anyways, within the context of my writing, I’ll say Jim Lake/Emma Frost. Those two make me happy and they’re pretty cute together.
14) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? At the rate I’m going? RoW as a series. I’m DYING. Writers block, stress, moving. It’s awful, but I’m trying really hard guys, don’t give up on me! I’ve got nearly three chapters stock piled! I promise Imma start posting again soon!
15) What are your writing strengths? I’ve been told I’m very good at writing descriptions and fight scenes.
16) What are your writing weaknesses? Everything.
Okay, fine. Hmm, I guess there are times when I really struggle with dialogue. Making it sound natural and in character... and Show Don’t Tell is a rule that I am breaking constantly. I overwrite so much.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language? I always get uncomfortable trying to write in a foreign language because I feel bad about butchering it. I would love to be able to write in other languages, but it’s impossible to know if it’s right/good: does it sound natural? is this something people say? Is google translate correct because I went back and forth a couple times and got something completely different???
Long story short, if I have someone who is well-versed in the language to help me out, I will gladly put it in my story, but I, personally, have the language ability of a parrot: Cheap imitation. I barely know what sounds human in English.
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? Honestly? Pretty sure it was Digimon way back in the day...
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Dudes, this question is so hard because all of the RoW is a set. One without the other just isn’t right, so it’s really hard to pick a favorite. I’m really proud of all of them and I’ve been working on them for so long I can see how I’ve grown and I’m just... Even the first few books I can still look back on them without cringing because I honestly feel I did well with them (even if there are some things I would change now that I’m older and more experienced). This series is just close to my heart and I love them all. I suppose... School of Bravery was the most fun. Lots of joking around and fun plots points to play with. Dragons In Shadows was definitely the most dramatic and FEELING one, and I thrived with that. I think out of all of them War of Destiny is the biggest, most ambitious one out of all of them and it’s the conclusion so there’s a lot on it but I feel like I can handle it because of how far I’ve come in my writing. I don’t know guys. This whole series is just really close to my heart and each book, for me, represents a step in my growth as a writer...
That got real sentimental real quick... ANYWAYS!
20) Who do you tag?
I don’t have anyone in mind, but if you see this and wanna do it, please do! This was really fun and a good time of reflection during a pretty crazy time, so I’m really glad I got to do this :)
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calaisreno · 4 years ago
Author Interview Tag
I was tagged by @therealsaintscully and @totallysilvergirl. Thank you!
Name: calais_reno on AO3
Fandoms: BBC Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle, a couple of Good Omens crossovers
Where you post: All my posted work is on AO3.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Concurrence, a time-travel story I wrote soon after joining AO3. Second place in kudos: Wooing Sherlock Holmes.
Favorite story you've written so far: Hard to say. I have to love a story in order to write it, but some stick with me longer. Long fic: Concurrence, because of the meeting of ACD Watson and BBC Holmes. Short story: Random Strangers because of where I was able to take the original idea. Series: Fin de Siècle because it was an old idea, encompassing an entire arc of ACD Holmes/Watson, and I will never tire of writing ACD. 
Fic you were nervous to post: all of them. As I'm writing, I'm thinking people are going to love it; when I get ready to post, I'm thinking everyone will be disappointed. It took me weeks to post my first story; after that it got easier. I worry about funny stories, in case I'm the only one that finds them funny; those are the only time I've used a beta. I've posted a couple of MCD stories; those always make me worry. I hate ruining anyone's day by killing their favorite character, so I usually avoid that. 
How you choose your titles: I favor one-word titles, but sometimes use quotes, either from ACD or others.
Do you outline: with some longer chapter stories that are plot-heavy, I do, but I've never got it fully planned down to the tiniest details. I prefer to have a general idea of the whole story, outlining each chapter as I write. I don't outline short stories but do jot down a kind of summary of the idea.
Complete: 90 stories, all Johnlock, a little over half BBC Sherlock, the rest ACD Holmes/Watson. Homing in on 1 million words posted! (and about a billion written, never to see the light of day.)
In Progress: A lot, ranging from stories I love but will never post, to stories that are in various stages of being written. I'm currently writing/posting an ACD series, Conductor of Light, which will eventually have about ten stories.
Coming Soon/ Not Yet Started: Three main WIPs and a lot of smaller ideas. One is an AU in an historical setting. Another is a Series 3/Series 4 fixit. The third one is a S1 rom-com I started writing to save my sanity. 
Do you accept prompts: I never have been offered any, but I am not opposed. I sometimes use random word prompts to look for inspiration. I can’t promise anything, but why not?
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: One of my WIPs is an idea I've been working on for two years, kind of strange and difficult to tag in any meaningful way. It's an AU, sort of a history/science fiction blend, dealing with language, gender identity, and collective memory. Johnlock, of course. I'm also nervous about posting it because it's hard to classify and I'm not sure who will want to read it. But I very much want to write it and share it, so it will eventually appear.
Upcoming story you are most excited about: I follow a lot of great writers and am always excited whenever I see an email announcing a new chapter. I haven't had a lot of reading time this fall, so my MFL contains many stories now. It's overwhelming how much talent there is in this fandom; I never get tired of seeing the ideas people come up with. 
Tagging: I think @totallysilvergirl has tagged everyone I know, but here are a few I haven't seen: @shiplocks-of-love, @thetimemoves, @mydogwatson, @finamour, @notjustamumj, @scrub456 . There are so many impressive writers here I’d love to know more about. 
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shadowthorne · 4 years ago
Fic Writer Questions
I was tagged by @cherry-toxic ; Thank you!! 😘
How many works do you have on AO3?
26 -which is not nearly all of them
What's your total AO3 wordcount?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
One, officially; Bleach. But I drabbled in some crossovers if that counts? Never posted, but I started a bleach/SNK and a bleach/SPN crossover a looooong time ago.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Changing
Let Me Drown
Unexplored Worlds
Curse of the Siren
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to respond to all of them, but I will admit that occasionally a comment will require just too much brain power for me to handle on a given day, so I keep the email notification and intend to get to it in a day or two, but usually don't...
I want to respond to all comments, though, because someone took the time to read and comment something I created, and I want them to know I appreciate that. So I try to give them at least a short response.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Oh god. A lot of them? That's kinda what I'm known for I think. Let Me Drown is pretty angsty, and ends in angst and tragedy. A Promise to the Stars is pretty angsty too, but maybe leans heavier on the tragedy side than actual angst.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've ever written?
As mentioned above, I started two different crossovers, but never finished either of them and I really doubt I'll go back to them. Why would I write crossovers when I can just write AUs?
Out of the two permanent WIPs though, the bleach/snk one was probably going to be the most wild.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Ahahah yes I sure do, and uh. The smutty kind? All kinds; tender, dirty, angsty, passionate, boring, toys, vanilla, consensual, non-con, detailed, vague, gay, straight. I have no shame.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Kind of. They didn't so much steal a fic, as they tried to claim they were me. It was here on tumblr, years ago. They promptly deleted as soon as they were called out. As far as I know, that's the only time.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! So flattering!! I've had a few translated into a few different languages.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I started one, but my co-author and I never finished it.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
GrimmHichi, hands down. To read (though no one write for it but meeeee) and to write for (but since no one reads it, I rarely write for it, it's a terrible cycle).
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Counterfeit Wings and Heir to the Throne. I really love them both, but I lost steam on them. The second one has a higher chance of being finished out of pure spite for the HichiHime shippers that keep leaving me comments after I made it very clear that it will never be a HichiHime fic... and because I do love my mafia AU lol
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm very good at setting a scene and a tone -I love writing descriptively. And I think I'm good at writing anything gory and/or violent.
What are your writing weakness?
Lately (as in the last several years) it's just been following through and inspiration in general. The desire is there, but I just can't seem to get words onto the page. Writer's block is a cunt.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't have a problem with it, I played with it a bit a long time ago. The tricky part is getting your translations right and not looking like an asshole if you're not a fluent speaker in the second language you're writing your dialogue in, and then also still somehow managing to get what your character is saying across to the readers who probably don't speak that language without just straight up translating for them.
If it's done right, I think it's a really near mechanic. But overall, I don't really care for it.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Bleach, first and only
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
The Dinner With The Family au is very near and dear to my heart, but I also really loved The Undying which got zero attention and made me so sad. I was so proud of that one. A Promise to the Stars is similar; I wrote it as an impromptu nudge from DivineImmortality and I was really proud of the way it came out but the fandom never seemed willing to pay much attention to it. Oh well.
The White Fox is also very dear to me. It's one of the few GrimmHichi fics I let myself write and I really like that story. It's definitely dated at this point, as far as my writing level goes, but it was a fun story.
I wont be tagging anyone directly, but if you see and it and want to participate, consider yourself tagged :)
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the-last-cuddlebender · 4 years ago
Okay, I know the rules of the 🌹 request is to give just a snipet of a WIP, but I’ve come to realize I don’t like cutting up parts of a fic. So you get a whole scene, congrats!
This is from one of the chapters of “But You Called Me Here”. It’s an ATLA/TLOK crossover that should have it’s first chapter posted pretty soon if everything goes according to plan.
This scene is verrrry rough and unpolished because it’s still in progress, but here ya go!
The other airbender tugged harder on Aang’s wrists, but Aang refused to let up his grip on the jaws of the metal dragon. It was cold under his hands and as smooth as a general’s plate-armor, decorated just as lavishly. It growled like a beast hiding in tall grass, its snarl shaking him to the bone. Puffs of smoke billowed out of its wrong end and polluted his lungs with ash and something else unnatural. 
“Tenzin, you’ll get nowhere like that. Don’t you remember when mom—I mean, don’t you remember the vaccination fiasco?”
Tenzin growled his frustrations and turned to the nonbender. Aang, not one to pass up an opportunity, readjusted his grip and pushed against the older monk who was now digging his heels into the ground and pressing them back to back. Aang almost growled, himself. He didn’t have enough room to blast his way out with a gust of airbending, and when he inhaled to blow the stranger off, Tenzin elbowed him in the side —again—and rendered his attempt mute. 
Oh, what he wouldn’t give to have the Avatar State right then. 
“If you have any bright ideas, Bumi, please, feel free.”
Bumi scoffed. “‘Do I have any bright ideas’ he says—Of course, I do! You gotta put your back into it!”
Blinking another bead of sweat out of his eye, Aang peeked over his shoulder. The nonbender charged like a boulder on a mission; Tenzin scooted to the side, giving Bumi just enough room to ram his shoulder into Aang’s back. 
Aang wheezed and bowed further into the metal dragon. His arms shook, but he couldn’t tell if it was from fear or strain at this point. The leather-lined tongue of the beast looked too much like a welcoming seat, but Aang had been to the Spirit World enough times to never trust what wasn’t natural. 
“Oh for the love of—” the older waterbender’s voice was as hard as ice and just as cold, “—Just get in the damn car!”
Her weight added to the human battering ram, and Aang cursed his arms slowly giving in. 
“I am not—I’m not...going!”
There was a brooding sigh and smacked forehead, not for the first time that day, somewhere to Aang’s right—the firebender. “This is ridiculous. We’re wasting time. Chief, can’t you talk some sense into him? 
“Yeah. He always sounded like a reasonable Avatar to me.”
The chief snorted. “‘Reasonable Avatar’ is an oxymoron. And, in my experience, young, stubborn Avatars would sooner argue that the sky is green just because I said it was blue.”
“Full offense, by the way.”
Aang took as much offense as the younger airbender who was dressed like a waterbender. “I am reasonable! You haven’t explained any—Stop that!”
They pressed harder, and Aang clung to the sides of the metal dragon not too unlike Momo clung to the edges of the tub when he refused to bathe. If only Aang had his other elements. Airbending was great at evading and escaping, but a downed airbender was a dead airbender.
And, apparently, very easy to hold down and shove into a metal dragon that smelled like Fire Nation war machines.
The three stupids pulled back, just a bit, to deliver the finishing blow. 
That inch of free space was all Aang needed. He squirmed free, strained the limits of his acrobatics to escape their grabbing hands, and flipped onto the roof of the evil spirit. His heart pounded, and his laugh felt well-deserved as the three crazies flushed crimson and spat words unbefitting a temple.
Aang didn’t get far. He had been the last airbender for so long that he never expected the gust that circled his ankles and flung them backwards, sending him tumbling down the metal dragon’s front. 
The girl airbender with a bun grinned and waved her fingers at his mass of robes and tangled limbs. Betrayal like Aang hadn’t felt since Sokka stole Momo for a week froze him in place. He wanted to laugh and tell her off all at once. She executed the air-bolo flawlessly.
Even Gyatso would have been proud.
“Alright, that’s it!”
A hand like iron yanked him to his feet and carried him like a ragdoll to the metal dragon’s maw. 
The woman with green eyes sat in the front of the beast. She rolled her eyes and did something that made the metal dragon snarl. 
Aang yelped, trembling, and latched his arms and legs around the angry airbender dressed as a waterbender. “Oh, nononononono. No. Not-uh. Nope. No way— ”
His new opponent tugged and yanked him, digging in her nails, but Aang clung all the tighter even as she danced around and growled as loud as the metal dragon. 
“Get off me, you moron! We have to go!”
“Karen, there is no way in heaven, hell, or the Spirit World I am getting in that thing! You can’t make me!”
“It’s Korra!”
“I don’t care!”
The earthbender approached with his arms up in mock surrender. Aang spared him half a glance before Korra grabbed and spun them again. 
“Hey, um, Mister Avatar Aang, sir? Could you pretty please get in the Satomobile? It won’t hurt you, I promise!” 
Aang escaped Korra’s headlock and ducked around to cling to her back. Korra thrashed and turned as red as heated metal, and she gladly rammed him against the beast’s iron hide. She savored his wheeze with a teasing laugh, and Aang hugged around her neck and seriously considered pulling her hair.
The earthbender took a step back. His voice squeaked like a frightened lemur. “Um...Maybe don’t hug Korra like a purple pentapus?...Please?” 
“Purple pentapus?” The older waterbender grinned something evil. “Bolin, you are a genius.”
“I am?”
Bumi eyed her as she strode to the tussling duo. Aang looked up and, for some reason that he couldn’t explain, shrunk back a bit when he met her sharp smirk and scheming eyes. 
Some unseen force compelled him to sit straight and speak clearly when he talked. 
“Um…I...I, um…You’re Kya, right?” 
“Yes. And you are getting in that Satomobile.”
Tenzin sighed and bent his head in prayer. “Kya, please, whatever you do, just don’t hurt him.”
“Hurt him? Perish the thought Tenzin, brother, dear. I would never put a bratty teenage airbender in his place.” 
Tenzin sighed again but with more feeling. 
Kya tickled Aang’s side before he could stop her. He let go, immobilized by peels of uncontrollable laughter, like he really was a purple pentapus. He weakly smacked her hands, trying to catch his breath and control of himself, growing ever more frantic as Korra and Bumi closed in on him. 
They each grabbed one of his arms and threw him—gently—into the metal dragon.
Outside, Jinora felt a pang of pity for her grandfather when the dull click of the safety lock made him scramble like it was a weapon that had been loaded.
“Do you think he’ll try to break the glass?” 
“Hardly. He would have fought with his bending if he knew he was in any real danger.” Lin crossed her arms. “Besides, knowing Asami, she probably reinforces everything on her personal vehicles.”
Bolin nodded. “True, true, true, she is the paranoid one. Besides, he just has his airbending, right? He can’t do much of anything— ”
Mako cleared his throat and gave his brother a meaningful look. 
“What? You know it—Oh…”
Korra held herself a little tighter. She tried to hide how much she shrunk into herself, but Jinora was at her side in an instant, hugging her anyways.
Silence overtook them. They all itched to hug her, too. Jinora held tight enough for all of them.  
Aang fumbled against the glass and searched for a door handle that he didn’t know was there. The wind kicked up inside the van, swirling to life with his panic. Asami glared out the windshield. Her jaw set into a stony scowl that they only saw in glimpses since her hair was blowing like she was standing in the midst of a hurricane.
Korra twirled her wrist. Hot embers caught in her throat when not even a small gust answered her. The wind danced over her palm before jerking away, like it was repulsed, and fleeing away from her. 
Her hand fell into a loose fist. She held Jinora with one arm just as tightly as she did her waist. 
Korra tried to stop herself from seeking the warmth of an inner fire that was no longer there. 
She mumbled to herself, her voice soft and laced with something vulnerable.
“...Yeah. Can’t do much of anything.”
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adiwriting · 4 years ago
Flash Fic Prompt: “For your request for prompts, I don’t know if you are interested in doing crossovers but what about Klaine and Malex. In 2020 they would be kinda close in age. As for the prompt, I was thinking of « I didn’t know you guys knew each other ». Their universes are very different so I understand if you are not interested in writing both pairs in the same story so you can just ignore me!”- @youdrathersleepalone
Rules: Write for 30 minutes uninterrupted. At the end of the 30 minutes, post whatever you come up with, unedited.
There is 100% no plot to this, but here! Have a Glee/Roswell crossover. 
Michael pushes his way to the bar and attempts to wave the bartender down. He’s not a fan of this place. He’s not a fan of any of the bars or clubs in NYC. None of them have the small town feel of The Wild Pony and he’s yet to find a bartender as good as DeLuca. But NYC is where they live now and this place let’s Alex play his music, so he guesses it’s not the worst place in the city. 
Alex and he moved out to NYC two years ago when Alex had retired from the Air Force and mentioned wanting a change. He wanted to really try his hand at music and Michael was feeling like he was finally ready to go back to school. Project Shepard was no longer a threat, Mr. Jones had been dealt with, and all of his siblings seemed content in their own lives. Nobody needed him to hold them together anymore, so he could finally focus on himself. 
Himself and Alex. 
They’d talked about Los Angeles, but California was really more Max and Liz’s scene. So Michael had toured campuses in Chicago, Denver, and New York. The deciding factor had been their first night in New York after touring NYU. Alex and he had ended up at this coffee shop that had a guy playing music and he’d actually let Alex come up to sing with him. Michael had seen a light in his eyes that he hadn’t seen since high school and he’d been sold. 
So here he is. In New York. Sharing a tiny studio apartment, paying way too much for his beers and bribing their landlady to let him grow vegetables on the roof because it’s the only bit of “land” they’ll ever get. It’s miserable but it’s somehow the happiest he’s ever been. 
“Hey, science nerd,” somebody practically yells into his ear. When he turns around, he sees Blaine Anderson, the boy he’d met last year while he was getting some volunteer hours in at the local school. 
“Comic nerd,” he says with a laugh.
“Here to crush anyone else’s dreams by pointing out the scientific inaccuracies of their favorite comic books?” he asks, pushing his way to the bar and getting the bartender's attention in no time. 
“How do you do that?” Michael grumbles. The bartenders always act like they can’t see him. Yet another reason to miss DeLuca. She isn’t snobby about her customers. She’ll serve anybody. Including racist Hank. Here, it always feels like he’s being tested for cool points and failing miserably. 
Blaine shrugs and hands Michael a beer. 
“For the record, you can’t be mad at me for teaching your students science. They asked, I gave them the facts,” he says. “It’s not my fault you hung up posters of superheroes that are scientifically impossible.” 
Blaine rolls his eyes but smiles. Michael has always liked him. They run into each other often enough to be friendly, and it’s one of the few people he’s met in this city that isn’t too pretentious. Michael had thought growing up with Max was bad… but this city is the worst. 
“What brings you here?” Blaine asks. 
Michael nods at the stage. “My boyfriend is playing tonight.” 
Blaine gives him a curious look. “Mine, too.” 
Michael does a double take. He could have sworn that Alex said they were the only band playing tonight. They’d been allowed a full set, which was a big deal for them. Except, he’s met everyone in Alex’s band. 
“Who’s your boyfriend?” he asks. 
“Kurt Hummel,” he replies. “Fiance actually.” 
“You’re Kurt’s fiance?” Michael asks, his eyes going wide. “That’s crazy.” 
“Wait a minute… Yeah, no that makes total sense. You’re Alex’s cowboy boyfriend!” 
“I stopped wearing the cowboy hat, people kept giving me shit for it,” he explains. 
“But held onto the belt buckle I see,” Blaine teases. 
“Hey, this city will have to tear this belt buckle from my cold dead hands,” he says. 
“Weird, I don’t seem to have a problem getting the belt off of you,” Alex says, coming up behind him to wrap his arms around him. 
Michael leans into the touch and hums happily as Alex kisses his neck in greeting. “I’m glad you made it,” he whispers so that only Michael can hear him. 
“The subway was a bitch today and my boss was extra salty about me taking off early, but I’m here,” he explains. 
He looks up to see that Kurt and Blaine are in a similar position. 
“I didn’t realize you two knew each other,” Kurt says. 
“Michael volunteered to do some science groups with my kids a few months back. Now we keep running into each other around town,” Blaine explains. 
“So you’re the cute music teacher Michael was talking about, making me jealous,” Alex says with a laugh. 
“Cute, am I?” Blaine teases. 
“I did not use the word cute once,” Michael argues. “I’m pretty sure my exact words were nerdy and annoying, but halfway decent at his job.” 
“A glowing letter of recommendation,” Alex teases. 
“We should get back there to warm up,” Kurt says. 
Alex turns to Michael who gives him a good luck kiss. “I’m glad you won’t have to watch alone.” 
“I’d be fine even if I did,” Michael says. “You know I just like watching you play.” 
Alex’s eyes go to Blaine then back to Michael like he wants to say something. 
“You’re not honestly jealous are you?” Michael scoffs. 
Alex shakes his head. “No, it’s just… it’s nice to see you have friends.” 
“You mean who aren’t my siblings, my ex, or dating my sibling?” he asks. 
“Exactly,” Alex says. “And I love your belt, don’t let anybody tease you about being a cowboy.” 
“Don’t worry, Isobel told me what to do next time somebody gives me shit. Just make a joke about riding their boyfriend,” he says with a smirk. 
Alex lets out a surprised laugh. “Yeah, that’ll probably work. But please don’t. Only person you get to ride is me.” 
“Promise,” he says. “As soon as you’re done kicking ass with your new set, we can go straight home and I can show you just how much you don’t have to worry about me riding anyone else. Ever.” 
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banjjakbanjjak · 4 years ago
Thank you for the tag @amywaterwingsa and @amphipodgirl. I managed to slot in this interview just before Miranda Priestly called me. 
Name: Derek. Or banjjakbanjjak on here and on AO3. And yes that is a reference to Gee by Girls Generation (and no I’m not Korean, just a diehard SONE).
Fandoms: While not my first fandom by any means, the first one I’ve created…stuff for is Carry On. Tangentially related, the fandom name for Girls Generation is SONE, which was used to be clowned on by other fans as Scones.  Simon Snow loves scones and I have come full circle.
Where I post: AO3 only. My art goes on Tumblr though!
Most popular one shot: I write long things mostly, but I do have two one-shots. The smutty Snowbaz one is infinitely more popular than my niche Malcolm x Natasha one, who would’ve thought? Anyway, it’s called An Oral Tradition and it’s a fun time (NSFW).
Most popular multi-chapter: That’d be Lonely in London, a Sleepless in Seattle AU. And honestly, I’m very proud of it – it’s a balm-type escapist fluffy fic that was soothing to write.
Favourite story you’ve written so far: Honestly? Carry On, Inquisitor which was my first fic in the fandom, and first fanfic ever (I pretend I don’t see my old FF.net attempts). Mainly because I had 0 interaction with anyone in the fandom, and I knew going in it’d be a niche crossover. So I had no expectations and didn’t worry about things like kudos or hits. I wrote the fic for me because I wanted the story out there. It’s long, I plotted, revisited a great game (Dragon Age Inquisition) and a great little furlough project. If only I knew it’d become a thing.
That or the title crawl I made for The Rise of Snowalker
Fic you were most nervous to post: That’d be Wayward Prince. Mainly because this is the first WIP whilst being friends who are in the fandom. They’ve all been lovely. It’s just expectations I put on myself? I know how popular the 90s cartoon film is so there was pressure to deliver something that was fundamentally Anastasia, but with enough originality in it to make it work. And also because I underestimated how much Carry On Countdown would suck me in (aka distract me). I vow to finish this fic in 2020.
How do you choose your titles: Given my “talent” lies in twisting stories to make them Snowbaz, most of the heavy lifting is done for me when it comes to titles. I think of themes, or puns or something that can marry the original IP with Snowbaz.
Do you outline? Y E S. To those that don’t, I salute you. Chaos is a ladder, and I’m impressed. I outline specific POVs, dialogue exchanges and even sometimes full blown scenes in chunky bullet points. Handy too when I get lazy and I could just copy and paste it across and Frankenstein it to make it look right.
Complete: (I had to check) 7 completed works. 3 works based on “nerd” properties (Dragon Age and Star Wars), 2 Rom-Coms (When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle) and 2 one-shots!
Coming soon: Snowflake Exchange that I finished today (got it done in three days thanks to outlining) so that’s due to come soon. I promise to you that Anastasia won’t become a vapour-fic. And given I just finished playing Cyberpunk 2077 expect that to come out before the patch the game up properly. 
Prompts: Not really my thing because I like writing what I like, and I feel enough obligation as it is with my self-imposed fics. I say this after doing 10 prompts for Carry On Countdown.
Tagging: @otherworldsivelivedin @anika-222 @palimpsessed @scone-lover @foolofabookwyrm @ninemagicks @hufflepunky @caitybuglove23 @arca9 @xivz @pipsqueakparker
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years ago
The Captain’s Rambling - How TW:OPT was written
Well, today (it's already the 29th of September in my timezone) is a special day and I just uploaded the newest chapter with interesting things going on in there. I did promise that I will tell you how Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure was written, right? Well, gather around children. The captain has a story to tell.
I think it was around March of this year and I think it was the early stage of quarantine in my country. I was like relaxing, watching YouTube while having an online class at the same time (please, don't do this at home). Around that time my autoplay got me some Black Butler amv and being that girl who never watches popular anime, I only have the vaguest idea about Black Butler except everyone seems thirsty over Sebastian. But the concept of master & servant always interests me. So, I tried actively search for some Black Butler AMV until finally, I came across a thumbnail of 'Ciel'. However, I soon found out that it was not a Black Butler AMV, but instead, it was the Twisted Wonderland opening song.
My first thought was: "Oh no. Is Disney making another Kingdom Hearts series?"
After a quick search in Wikipedia, I decided to cruise through Tumblr, seeing some cute stuff, and then, just out of curiosity, I check whether there was any fanfiction of this game. Lo and behold, Archive of Our Own has a section already. So, of course, I wanted to read some fics, because that's apparently my job. While very early there are some Canon Characters/Reader fics, I tend to avoid it for now, I found a fic titled 'Beyond the Looking-Glass' and it's also a crossover with Kingdom Hearts. So, I was like: "Okay. Let's give it a try." A few sentences later I found a familiar name: 'Hikari'. My brain was a bit slow at that time so I scrolled back up and looked at the author and then it suddenly clicked and I got a surprise. Ah... No wonder that name sounded familiar...
Tumblr media
A quick visit back to Tumblr and I found out that, yes, it was the same Hikari KH OC that. Apparently, wingbladeweaver1357 also plays Twisted Wonderland? Okay...
That somehow convinced me to give this game a try.
Reading the fanfic wasn't enough so I watched Ami Yoshiko Twisted Wonderland videos and then Shel_BB's translation to understand the plot so I can follow the fanfic too. Slowly but surely, I started to fell in love with the game.
However, it wasn't enough for me.
So, I was reading the translation for Episode 3 and I reached the part where MC signed the contract with Azul. And I remember thinking: "A very miss opportunity to make it a 'Poor Unfortunate Soul' musical segment." And it gave me an idea: what if I write a songfic just for that scene?
However, there was a problem. Because the MC/Yuu is basically our self-insert, many people, including me, have their own interpretation. So, if I write a (Y/N) fic with my interpretation of the MC/Yuu, it would probably only appeal to a small audience.
So, I decided to make my own MC. And thus, Jonah Argentum was born. But his creation story is a story for another time.
With my MC/OC created, I can actually start writing. However, another problem started. How do I introduce my MC/OC into this songfic? Would the reader able to connect with him in his first debut?
And then, I got a crazy idea. What if I basically adapt the whole game with my MC/OC?
Around that time, the fanfictions weren't as many as now and more of them are Canon Characters/Readers or Original Female Character(s). Nothing wrong with that, but I sort of wish that we have more Original Male Character(s) just for variety. Most of the fanfics that were following the canon plot hadn't even passed the Prologue. So... Why not? I think I'm part of the earliest fic posted in AO3's Twisted Wonderland fandom. I'm not the first one to do this adaptation, but I think I'm the first one with male MC/OC.
After reading some translation and imagining the whole this as an anime, on 15 April 2020, the first two chapters of Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure was posted.
Throughout April, I managed to finish adapting Welcome to the Villains' World, and on May 4th (because Star Wars day) I posted the first chapter of The Crimson Tyrant and I think I was the first one to start with the Heartslabyul adaptation.
On the first update, I decided to make a Tumblr account to write my notes for each chapter, because I have some references and trivia I want to write and I'm afraid that I would be too much if I post it on the note section of AO3. And thus, officially started the Behind the Fic - TW:OPT.
By the time the fic reached 100 kudos, I decided to write something to celebrate. Now that at least I have some readers who are familiar with Jonah, I felt like it would be okay if I write that Poor Unfortunate Soul songfic. It became the first fic in the Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure - Gaiden.
Around June, I suddenly had an idea to maybe branched out to Wattpad, because of course that site has a Twisted Wonderland fandom. And thus, around 6 June 2020, Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure was re-posted on Wattpad.
And in August I found out that FanFiction.net finally has its own page for Twisted Wonderland. So, of course, I wanted to post it there too, because it's basically going back to my roots. I started in FF.net, of course, I would eventually come back to that site. Thus, starting 25 August 2020, Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure is available on FanFiction.net
Do you think I went overboard with the re-post? Probably yes.
The fanfic is still going strong even though the update wasn't as frequent as it usually did once, but even until now I still enjoy writing it. It's strange on itself. I usually got bored by Chapter 10, but with TW:OPT we're only 11 chapters away from hitting the 100th Chapter Mark. Today's chapter is the adaptation of the original idea to make it a songfic, and thus I feel like it would be a perfect time to tell the origin story.
Another thing that today is my birthday, so I decided to give you guys something other than the update.
Thank you so much for those who had been sticking around for this small fic (I guess I can't call it small anymore, huh?) whether you were there since the beginning or finding it through Tumblr or just finding it now. Thank you for giving this fic a chance. I tried my best to reply to all the comments posted there to show that I appreciate the responses, kudos, and bookmarks. Thank you as well for those who had been sticking around Tumblr. I hope you don't mind my notes.
A special thanks to @wingbladeweaver1357​ for being my inspiration to write this fic as well.
Well, then. If you want to ask anything, my DM and Ask Box is always open.
And I guess I should say this...
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andrastes-mercy · 4 years ago
Below is my first multi-chapter fanfiction. This is a crossover fic between Skyrim and Dragon age. It is primarily a Dragon Age fic with elememts and characters from Skyrim. It is also posted on AO3 under the same name.
“There is, they call themselves crows. In Antiva you will seek out an elf by the name Zevran. He is an ex-crow and a skilled assassin. He wishes for their demise and will make a willing alli. Together you will replace the crows as the main assassins guild.”
“Why replace the crows? Why not work with them?” Elodine wondered. It would be easier to take over another guild and work with them.
“The corruption there runs deep. Ask Zevran. Only then you will see the need to end them.”
The listener of the dark brotherhood recieves a task bigger than she could ever imagine. She will travel to Thedas to build a new assassins guild from the ground up with help from none other than the most famous crow, Zevran Arainai.
Assassin's Promise
Chapter 1: Assignment
Deep in a secret cave, on a large bed, Elodine woke up from another nightmare.This dream had not been a particularly bad one since she didn’t wake screaming, but she looked to the other side of the bed for comfort. That’s when she noticed Cicero was out.
‘It must be morning,’ Elodine thought. It’s hard to tell when your home is in a cave. Sometimes she misses waking up to the sun shining through the window. However, this life is better and being an assassin meant she needed to stay hidden with her brethren. She rose from bed and used the chamber pot stashed under her side of the bed, then washed up at the water basin. She slipped on her red and black shrouded armor given to her when she joined the brotherhood, then retrieved Jyggalag’s amulet and her bow, Jyggalag’s fury.
Elodine made her way to the large dining room on the upper level of the sanctuary and noticed her seat vacant at a table with Cicero, Nazir, and Babette. Cicero is the protector of the night mother and protector of  the listener. He wears a jester's outfit with a matching hat. Nazir wears ancient shrouded robes and handles training and assignment distribution to the recruits. Babette may look like a child, but she is a deadly assassin. She is an over a hundred years old vampire after all. Elodine, Cicero, Nazir, and Babette are the only ones left of the original brotherhood when the Falkreath sanctuary had fallen.  
Elodine took her place at the table. “Good morning everyone.”
“You’re late,” Babette stated.
“I’m sorry, but someone who shall not be named, decided not to wake me this morning,” Elodine glared at Cicero.
“You were sleeping peacefully for once. I did not want to ruin it. Plus you’re not that late. Breakfast still has not made its way out of the kitchen yet,” Cicero apologetically said.
“Well now that you’re here, I need you to speak with the night mother. We are low on assignments and some of the recruits are getting antsy.” One can always trust Nazir to begin the day with business.
“What have I told you about bothering me with this before I have my coffee?” Elodine does not like business before coffee. 
“I wouldn’t have to bother you this early if you checked in more often. Some days this is the only time I see you all day.” 
“I am the listener. Which means I am busier than everyone else. Excuse me for being too important to take personal time.”
“Fine, but please speak to her before you go running off for another week without warning.”
“As soon as I eat, Okay?”
“Okay.” Nazir agreed, hoping it wouldn’t backfire. 
The kitchen staff brought out breakfast, which consisted of salmon, buttered toast, scrambled eggs, coffee and fresh squeezed apple juice. 
“Where’s the wine?” Cicero was disappointed his favorite drink was not on the menu.
“After last week's incident, you're not allowed anything alcoholic before noon.” Nazir scolded.
Every one devoured their meals while discussing their plans for the day. 
“I wish to go with you when you speak with the night mother,” Cicero stated while sipping on his share of apple juice. 
“Of course.” Cicero always asks this to give Elodine the choice to refuse. “You do not need to tell me every time you wish to accompany me. I already expect you to follow.”
“I do not wish to assume.”
“Come on, let’s go see what tasks the night mother has for us today.” Elodine grabbed Cicero's hand and they weaved their way through the sanctuary. The night mother’s coffin is placed by the entrance, so everyone can pay their respects before going further into the sanctum. 
“Hopefully I won’t be long.” Elodine opened the coffin and stepped inside. She cast candlelight since she doesn’t take well to being in the dark. It didn’t take long for the mother to start speaking.
“Hello child. It has been a while since you’ve come to see me.” The night mother’s voice boomed, yet her lips did not move.
“I have been travelling with the dragonborn and I returned late yesterday.” Elodine defended. 
“I’m glad you're back. I have here the largest mission any listener has been given. You have proven yourself worthy of such. You will take Cicero and travel to Kilfers Rest. It is hidden behind a waterfall southeast of Markarth, high up in the mountains of the reach. There you will find a device called an eluvian. Cast this spell on the eluvian.” Light surrounded Elodine and she suddenly had knowledge of how to use an eluvian. “Then it will transport you to a new land. Once there you will raise a new branch of the dark brotherhood.”
“What is an eluvian?” Elodine questioned.
“An enchanted mirror that transports someone to all corners of the world. The use of them in Tamriel has dwindled over the past century and longer for other places. Most of them are permanently closed and only a few remain in operation. However, the knowledge of theis use and existence is held by only a few.”
"How will I know if I found it?" 
The night mother described what it looked like in great detail then explained what to do after entering the eluvian and how to open them from the crossroads. She told Elodine which eluvian to use to reach this new land. “That eluvian will lead out to a country called Antiva.” She explained that any operational eluvian can return her to skyrim as long as she uses the same eluvian she used to get to this new land. 
“How do I go about creating an assassins guild? And doesn't this place already have a version of one,” Elodine was starting to doubt her readiness for a mission like this. 
“There is, they call themselves crows. In Antiva you will seek out an elf by the name Zevran. He is an ex-crow and a skilled assassin. He wishes for their demise and will make a willing alli. Together you will replace the crows as the main assassins guild.” 
“Why replace the crows? Why not work with them?” Elodine wondered. It would be easier to take over another guild and work with them. 
“The corruption there runs deep. Ask Zevran. Only then you will see the need to end them.”
“When shall I leave?”
“Day after tomorrow. Prepare and say your goodbyes.”
“Will I be able to return?”
“Eventually, if you wish. You will someday meet a very powerful mage who has the power to send you home after your mission is completed. However, this will be a one time offer.”
“If I leave there will be no listener and what if I don’t return. Who will you speak to?”
“Don’t concern yourself with such things. All will be taken care of. If everything goes well you will not need to return. Thedas will be your new home.”
“I will succeed for the benefit of the brotherhood.” Elodine had no idea how but she was determined to be the best. She started to turn around to leave.
“Wait,” This caused Elodine to freeze and turn back to face the night mother. “Take my left pinky finger and give it to Cicero. It will be your only connection to me while you are in Thedas.” 
Elodine cut off the finger with her small dagger, then left the coffin to find Cicero standing there wide eyed. He ran up to her and gave her a long hug. He stated that she had been in there long enough that Cicero was one moment away from opening the coffin thinking she joined the night mother in eternal rest.
Once Elodine was released from Cicero’s clutches, she explained their mission and handed him the night mother's severed finger. “We should take the rest of the day to wrap up any business we have left uncompleted. I will probably skip lunch so don’t worry. I’ll see you at dinner. Then we will inform the others of our impending departure.”
Elodine walked towards her room wondering how on Nirn she got stuck leading a group of assassins in taking over another continent’s assassins guild. 
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