#No d symbol in his chest that's his hero self
ten-shiriya23 · 3 days
DC!Void core au art concept
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Basically drawing Danny in Sirin poses/scenes on the second eruption comic
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Thank you!! :D
You may not care about sonic (or just not know anything abt it) but I will get ur gay ass invested in my sonic stuff
I absolutely hc Shadow as transmasc. This is the most concise way I've explained it
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But it's also bc I heavily kin Shadow and I'm trans and therefore he is an emo trans man just like me
Fashion is very important to Rouge, Shadow and Amy for different reasons. Rouge likes to look good, because she's a very confident person. It gets her self assured attitude across, and tells people she knows what she's doing, and no one is going to be able to double cross her. For Shadow, it's about performing. He was made to perform, in a nonliteral sense, and dressing alternative is performance art, but performing a role he chooses. For Amy it's about being someone she can be proud of. She used to be helpless, but she's grown to be a hero in her own right. She's sought to be someone she can be happy calling herself, and she extends that to every part of herself. Rouge's style is sleek and feminine, Shadow's is dark and punk-inspired, and Amy's is bright, sweet and girly.
I've been thinking a lot about how clothing correlates to character. Here's my thoughts so far.
As a kid (11-ish, around the time of the first 4 games), Sonic wears a bright outfit that symbolizes his enthusiasm for everything and joyful attitude. It's a bright red shirt, blue shorts with a pattern on one side, and red tennis shoes.
Post-forces he wears the star symbolizing the resistance on a big, slightly oversized black shirt, and at any point in his older years (15-ish) he also wears a blue varsity jacket with black sleeves, blue jeans with stars and designs scribbled on them, white fingerless gloves, dark blue wrist and ankle cuffs to keep his shoes and gloves on, and shoes that look basically the same. It represents his chill, lighthearted, somewhat immature and irreverent personality, the colors being darkened, the symbol of rebellion showing how he does what he thinks is right always, even when it means going against everything that other people think is "good", and how while his unrelenting optimism inspired people when he was young, he's now more so a confident and strong person.
When Tails is little (4) he's scruffy and sad and abandoned for being a "freak," and he wears the same outfit every day. It's a slightly-too-big t-shirt and khaki shorts. They're stained, dirty, faded, and his tails don't fit quite enough into the shorts bc they were made for only one tail.
When he's 8, he has better-fitting clothes. He wears a white t-shirt, and tan overalls with dozens of extra pockets for tools and an extra hole in the back for his second tail.
Knuckles' clothing is reminiscent of Aztec and Mayan men's clothing. He wears a white shawl over one shoulder, and red pants. He always sticks to this, but as he becomes friends with Sonic and co. he also wears more stuff from other places. T-shirts with the crest he has on his chest are a common one.
Shadow, having been a research experiment, wore a black hospital gown most of his life. During experimentation on the ARK he wore it, when he was captured by the military he was still wearing it, and he was put into stasis with it. During the time of SA2, he wore it tucked into a pair of red jeans like a shirt. It was heavily damaged, but he kept it for a while, before finally abandoning it in favor of choosing what he was going to wear for himself.
Amy has always just dressed really cutesy and girly, but it went from being a measure to ensure she conformed and was likable and tolerable as a child to being how SHE wanted to look, exclusively for her own happiness and no one else's, as she grew up.
You're right, I know little to nothing about the actual Sonic lore, I was more of a Mario kid lmaooo-
Once again my bias wins out, since I think my favorite clothes progression is Shadow's, like shedding your past by changing something you've worn almost your entire life my beloved-
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The Academic Blog: 5
In this blog, we are going to talk about semiotics.
What is semiotics? The study of signs and symbols, including how they are understood and the meanings assigned to them, is called semiotics. It's an area of study that looks at how people communicate using signs and symbols in a wide range of contexts, including words, images, gestures, and more. Though it began as a theory based on philosophy and language, semiotics has subsequently broadened to include linguistics, sociology, anthropology, literary theory, and the visual arts, among other fields.
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The Treachery of Images (Rene Magritte 1929)
Analyzing Batman's Semiotics: Signs, Shadows, and Justice
Introduction: Few characters in the vast world of comic book heroes are as recognizable and powerful symbolically as Batman. Beyond the cowl and cloak is a narrative tapestry that is full of semiotic details that can evoke strong feelings and convey meaning. We dissect the symbols that make Batman a cultural phenomenon as we delve into the semiotics of the superhero.
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The Bat Symbol: Justice The focal point of Batman's semiotic presence is the recognizable bat emblem that is worn on his chest. This symbol represents justice and inspires terror in the hearts of offenders, surpassing simple beauty. The bat, which has historically been connected to mystery and darkness, comes to represent Batman's unwavering quest for order in the tumultuous city of Gotham.
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The Bat Signal: A Beacon of Hope Commissioner Gordon projects the Bat-Signal into the night sky, a semiotic device that summons Batman's attention. It represents the city's dependence on the Caped Crusader during dangerous times and acts as a beacon of hope. This well-known emblem serves as a potent reminder of the unwavering spirit of justice, in addition to being a useful tool for communication.
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The Batmobile: A Vehicle of Strength and Fear More than just a means of transportation, Batman's imposing and elegant Batmobile is a symbolic extension of his ego. Advanced technology and a frightening appearance make the Batmobile a symbol of strength, speed, and Batman's unwavering resolve to eliminate crime from society.
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Gotham City: The Urban Semiotics of Hopelessness The city of Gotham itself appears to have a semiotic background, representing social deterioration and corruption. Gotham is an essential aspect of the semiotic narrative. A city that is always in need of redemption—because of the tall buildings and dimly lit passageways that represent the difficulties Batman faces.
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The Joker: A Chaotic Counterpoint The Joker, Batman's biggest enemy, provides a fascinating semiotic contrast. His erratic behavior and chaotic demeanor stand in stark contrast to Batman's law and order. The Joker, who stands in for the unpredictable forces obstructing Batman's mission, complicates their metaphorical dance of light and darkness. (Czerwenka, 2019)
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Wayne Manor and the Batcave: Revealing His Dual Character: Two representations of Batman's dual persona are Wayne Manor and the Batcave. Batman's actual strength is hidden in the Batcave, an underground sanctuary buried under Wayne Manor's grandeur. This dichotomy takes on symbolic significance as a symbol of self-sacrifice, hardship, and the complexity of the superhero journey.
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Conclusion: Each symbol in the Batman universe has significance and weight, adding to a story that goes beyond the pages of comic books. Beyond Gotham City and into the collective consciousness of a worldwide audience, Batman's semiotics are pervasive. The batmobile, the Bat-Signal, and the bat emblem are all semiotic devices that tell the timeless story of justice, selflessness, and the unbreakable spirit of the Dark Knight. They are more than just props. Batman's semiotic legacy is as persistent as the shadows he emerges from, as we continue to observe his progression across multiple mediums.
Reference list
Bonthuys , D. (2023). Best Batman Games: from the Arcade to Arkham. [online] GameSpot. Available at: https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/best-batman-games/2900-4845/#1
Buckland, W. (2000). The Cognitive Semiotics of Film. [online] Cambridge University Press. Available at: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/cognitive-semiotics-of-film/8649E322E22FA6B989ABAE5191EDF9AE
Czerwenka, E. (2019). The Joker: a Semiotic Analysis. [online] School Communication Arts. Available at: https://schoolcommunicationarts.com/the-joker-a-semiotic-analysis-by-elisaczerwenka/#:~:text=A%20Semiotic%20Analysis%20is%20the
DC Comics (1939). Batman. [online] DC. Available at: https://www.dc.com/characters/batman
DC Comics (1940). Joker. [online] DC. Available at: https://www.dc.com/characters/the-joker
Magritte, R. (1929). The Treachery of Images, 1929 by Rene Magritte. www.renemagritte.org. Available at: https://www.renemagritte.org/the-treachery-of-images.jsp#prettyPhoto
May 27, J.S., May 26, 2023, 6:35 pmPosted: and Pm, 2023 10:20 (2023). How to Watch the Batman Movies in Chronological Order. [online] IGN. Available at: https://www.ign.com/articles/batman-movies-in-order
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akawrites000 · 4 years
The night breeze whisked past Villain, caressing their cheeks and making them feel colder than they were a minute ago.
"Ugh..." they groaned, pulling their red scarf further up so that it covered a better part of their chin. The fabric felt soft and warm against their cold fingertips, and it reminded Villain of Hero's cape. They had never thought that they would admit to liking how warm the cape felt, when Hero had covered them with it during one particularly cold night, quite like this one, and they were sitting on a high roof, facing the skyscrapers- Villain hadn't expected it to be that cold, so they hadn't worn any clothing that were designed to keep them warm. They were extremely grateful for that warm cape, much like it's owner and ended up buying a scarf that had the same shade to remind themselves about it (they would never tell Hero that though).
They smiled, the memory making them feel a little warm as two shadows zipped past them in a speed that didn't belong to a normal human. From the corner of their eyes, they caught sight of something red before it disappeared around the street corner. And who else other than Hero would wear bright red like that in the middle of the night , moving at a superhuman speed? It was definitely Hero, and they were chasing someone who wasn't them? That fact alone didn't sit well with Villain so they decided to follow them.
There have been new villains popping up here and there around town, not to mention the Supervillain as well... Villain mused, I'll just go take a quick look and then leave, it's not like I'm worried or anything... (Villain was dead set on denying it).
They turned a street corner there, and one more, leading to an alleyway with a dead end. It was pitch dark and the only source of light was a dilapidated lamp barely hanging onto the wall. Villain looked up to find some moonlight but nope, it just had to be a new moon night. They sighed, straining their eyes to spot even a glimpse of the two blurry figures that they had seen earlier and heard a loud crash to their left. They turned towards another lonely alleyway and followed it, heart hammering in their chest.
They hid themselves at the corner and peeped in, definitely not interested in getting involved in some unnecessary scuffle. They could see a figure slumped against a toppled trash can, trash littered eveywhere- so that's where the crashing sound came from. There was another figure looming over them, and even from there, Villain could feel bloodlust washing over their senses, making them freeze on spot. They pitied the person on the ground, unable to imagine the terror that must be coursing through their veins.
This alleyway had better lighting so Villain was able to see their faces a little better- the looming figure was definitely the Supervillain, that bloodlust was a dead giveaway. The slumped figure looked up and glared at the supervillain, eyes defiant and fierce, a symbol that they weren't going to give up that easily and Villain could feel their throat closing up, anxiety flaring up and burning their insides.
Hero... they knew, from the glimpse of red they knew from the start, a tiny inkling that it could've been Hero rushing through the streets in the dead of the night, chasing some terrible foe. Villain knew... but right now they wished that they were wrong, so wrong, because never did they really expect their foe to be the Supervillain. Villain had seen their powers firsthand and it had made them shiver, tremble to their bones. Never had they felt anxiety slap them in their face like that before. And now Hero was there, facing that devil with defiant eyes and a brave heart and Villain's chest almost felt full with something alien to them... was it pride?
Villain was jolted out of their thoughts by a scream that shattered their soul- it sounded so painful, wrecked, and hopeless and with every passing second, Villain thought that it sounded like Hero. They stared at the scene in front of them, immediately wishing that they didn't.
Red... why is there so much red?
To the Villain, red had become something that they associated with Hero- red cape, crimson cheeks, fiery passion, a warm heart, kind touches, sunny smile, and finally, the way they loved -it would put even Aphrodite to shame. Villain knew that too well, after all, they were the only recipient of that love. Hero was their lover and always will be.
Which only made their heart twist and turn with increasing agony because Hero's costume looked redder than usual and Villain refused to accept that it was blood- Hero's blood, their lover's blood.
You shouldn't do this.
Don't lose your cool.
If supervillain finds out that you've betrayed them, and worse, that you're in a relationship with their mortal nemesis, you're done for.
Don't worry, Hero will be fine.
They will be fine.
Villain looked at Hero once again- bruised cheeks, a huge gash in their gut, bleeding out, shallow breaths, their head now leaning completely against the wall for support and Villain waited a couple more seconds, but Hero made no move to get up. And now there's more red, red... red... red... everywhere.
Before Villain could even think about reasoning with themselves again, their limbs moved and in a flash they stood in between their lover and Supervillain, whose face switched from surprise to amusement, as if they couldn't decide on which emotion to portray.
"Well well, Villain. What a pleasant surprise." Supervillain drawled and dread settled into Villain's veins- cold, gripping, merciless. They heard slight movement from behind them and glanced back coyly. Hero was looking at them, surprise written all over their face. Then they smiled (or at least tried to), to Villain, it looked more like a grimace. But they looked more alive than they did just a moment ago, and that single fact was enough to wash away the pooling dread and replace it with something else- courage.
Now, Villain was never a person who would do something so reckless, they were always the brains of their duo while Hero was the power, brains and power. That's how they had always worked together- and thanks to that, Villain got to know that Hero did not possess a single shred of self preservation whatsoever. It made their stomach crawl to think about how many times they had saved Hero from imminent death and Hero would just smile, all sweet and sunny, like they hadn't just almost died a second ago- and that's what they were doing now.
Ugh, the things I do for love, Villan mused, rolling their eyes at Hero.
"Ahem Villain, you alright there? You've been staring intensely at our nemesis for quite a few seconds now."
Villain heard a wheeze from Hero, which was probably meant to be a chuckle.
"Oh sorry, I was just distracted thinking about the numerous ways in which I could kill him."
Careful me. Supervillain cannot know about us- that would be like digging a grave and burying ourselves six feet deep in the ground. Careful.
Supervillain laughed out loud, acting like Villain had just told them the joke of the century and Villain had to hold themselves back from rolling their eyes at them.
" That's my Villain, always thinking about the best possible ways to kill someone."
Hero coughed abnoxiously and Villain wanted to smack them in their face- now is not the time to be getting jealous, idiot.
Supervillain glared at Hero and Villain subtly moved so that they were now blocking Hero completely from Supervillain's view. "I don't see why you have to think that much though, Hero looks like they're going to kick the bucket any minute."
The colour red flooded Villain's vision, making them stagger on their feet. How many more times did they have to see their lover dyed in red before the world would be satisfied?
"V-villain?" Hero croaked weakly and Villain flinched, feeling physical pain as if somebody had stabbed them. They stood back up straight, hoping that Hero got the message. They were okay. Now was no time to be getting distracted, they had to get Hero away from here, away to a safer place.
Supervillain crooked his head at Hero lying behind Villain, suddenly curious. Villain tensed, mind racing to bring back all of Supervillain's attention back on them. Look at me, don't look at them. Look at me, only me.
" Supervillain, I don't appreciate you giving that lowly Hero more attention than to me, you act as if I don't exist." Villain sneered, making their voice sound as deadly as they can. They desperately hoped that their voice didn't tremble.
"Oh, forgive me, I didn't mean to do that." Supervillain said but there was not a single ounce of sincerity in that. Villain simply glared, gaze sharp and cruel.
"Ouch, if only gazes could kill, I would certainly be dead right now Villain, I'm hurt." Supervillain mocked and Villain's brain was working overtime, trying to comprehend the change in Supervillain's attitude- why are they acting like they know something that I don't, they seem cockier than usual.
Villain decided to take a chance, "Why are you acting like this Supervillain, are you perhaps, hiding something from me? Some part of a plan that you don't want me to know about?"
Supervillain chuckled dryly, and Villain felt the temperature drop a few degrees at once, bloodlust making itself known once again. Hero whimpered from behind them and Villain's heart cried out.
"You tell me who's the one hiding things, Villain."
Villain barely had any time to react, their mind knew what was happening, but their body was too slow to comprehend.
A huge blast of power left the Supervillain's palm- right towards Hero.
Move... move... MOVE!!!
Villain was never in their life more thankful for their superspeed as they turned around, grabbed Hero in their arms and zipped past the blast, just as it connected with the concrete behind them, blasting it into pieces. Villain ran as fast as their legs could carry them, trying not to jostle the hurt Hero in their arms too much. They were going to turn around the next corner when they felt something digging into their side. They refused to acknowledge it, continuing to speed away, the only thing on their mind being getting Hero to safety.
Supervillain's coarse laughter echoed from far behind them, as they sped away.
"Llain... Villain... VILLAIN!!!"
Villain was forced to stop, crashing into a concrete wall. They made sure to turn around in the last second, so that their back came into contact with the wall and not Hero who they held in their arms.
Villain gasped out loud, any air residing in their lungs evicted, suddenly feeling more tired than they have felt in ages. They heard shuffling and peeked an eye open to see Hero crawling up to them- all bloody and bruised. Just stay put, idiot, you're hurt, they wanted to say but their voice refused to work.
"You're bleeding!" Hero wailed as loud as they could in their current state, but it sounded more like a whisper to Villain- am I becoming deaf?
Hero finally made it to them, hands clutching onto their leg and slowly pulling themselves up, touching everywhere and spreading warmth with their fingertips. Villain looked up at them from their bed of concrete, "You're so warm, Hero."
And Hero cried and cried and cried, fat tears rolling down their cheeks, just like the way they would cry after waking up from a nightmare (and oh how badly they wished that this was just another bad dream). Villain smiled at them and they cried more. Villain didn't want them to cry.
"S-stop crying, s-silly", Villain somehow managed to wheeze out, their body aching everywhere. Hero bent down, warm fingers touching their eyelids, cheeks and then lips. The next thing Villain could feel was a pair of lips on theirs, Hero's lips, warm just the way they remembered, kissing them like it was the last time they would ever get to do it. Hero pulled away, looking into Villain's eyes and began muttering strings of "sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" and Villain wanted to keep staring at them but they just felt so tired.
They wanted to bring up their hand and wipe away those tears that had no business on their lover's face but their hand wouldn't move. They couldn't do anything.
"G-go and get yourself checked *cough cough* at a h-hospital okay?" Villain wheezed out, struck by another coughing fit.
And Hero just smiled, looking like the happiest person in the world which Villain scrunched their nose at because they were bleeding and this was no time to be happy.
" I will *wheeze*, I love you Villain, so so much." They burst into tears again.
"I l-love-
Villain closed their eyes.
Hero finally let themselves fall on their lover's bloody body- cold, lifeless, unmoving. They couldn't hear the heartbeats that they fell asleep to every night anymore. They knew that they themselves were beyond saving, and so they cried and wailed, wanting to spend the last moments of their life grieving- grieving for the only person who loved them and saw them for who they really were, not just as a hero.
"You kept worrying about me till your last breath huh? You were always too good for me Villain, you loved me too well, too much."
"Maybe if you didn't love me, you would still be alive."
Tears mingled with blood as Hero's warm hands found Villain's cold ones, interlacing their fingers together.
"So this is what they mean by being together until your last breath huh? I never really thought that it would happen to me because love just seemed like too good of a dream to be true."
Hero smiled, heart feeling full because they knew that they had the best lover that they could have ever asked for. And everything that had happened between them was true in every way.
"At least now, we don't have to see each other bleeding out and fighting to stay alive."
hero and villain really just wanna live life / but no, I had to go and make it angsty / I swear though, this was not how it played out in my head/ why do I do this to myself- /me playing with the word lover because it sounds so good / also let me know if you guys want an alternative HAPPY end for these two in the comments/ if you're okay with this, that's cool too.
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loser-writings · 5 years
I am here to break the door up and request NSFW alphabet for Toshinori ♡
One lanky hero coming right up!
N/SFW Alphabet || Toshinori Yagi
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He really tries his best to take care of you after but due to his injury, he can only do so much. He is pretty exhausted, but that won’t stop him from cleaning you up as much as he possibly can.
He also lives for pillow talk. He will hold you close to him and let his hands caress your body softly, talking about whatever comes to his mind.
If it really took a lot out of him, you may be the one who has to take care of him. Get him some water, make sure his body isn’t hurting, If you want to make him feel shy and loved, hold him. Be the big spoon or let him fall asleep on your chest. He will be a shy yet sweet mess.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He is pretty insecure since he isn’t as big and muscular as he used to be, but he loves his hands. They’re large and he loves to tease you by comparing hand sizes. Not only that, he loves how his hands can bring you comfort simply by holding your hand tight. It makes him still feel like a hero even if it isn’t a large action.
His favorite thing about you would have to be your legs. He just love how beautiful they are, and he loves to trace the shape of them with his eyes. When you both are alone, he will often pull your legs over his lap and rub them. It’s not really a sexual thing, but more a basic admiration for your body.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He is so bashful about his cum honestly. He doesn’t like making a mess with it, but he will pull out and cum on your thighs if you don’t want him cumming inside. He also seems to lean on the heavy producer side of things.
He will never expect you to swallow his cum and will never give you a facial. It would embarrass him so much. Not saying he would turn down a blowjob, but god he understands if you don’t want to swallow.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is a switch so he wouldn’t be opposed to you taking the lead now and then. Especially with how weak his own body is, he feels a bit guilty that he can’t please you as well as someone else may be able to. 
Also wouldn’t mind doing some hero roleplay, being the civilian or the hero. Sure, he may not be able to hold his hero form for longer than a few minutes, but could see himself being able to work that in as well. He will never say that out loud though.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He knows the basics honestly, but he never really had a stable sexual relationship since being the symbol of peace really took a toll on any relationships he could have. Also since his injury, his confidence had went down a TON so he is really bashful about sex in general.
That being said, he is a pretty good lover. A little rusty, but he is a quick learner and will quickly be able to please you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Really likes anything that doesn’t force himself to push his body. You riding him is always a safe bet since he can focus more on pleasuring you instead of coughing up blood. 
Sometimes though, he enjoys missionary since he can hold you close. Yeah, it requires for him to do a LOT more of the work, but he loves how close he can be to you. If he had to pick between the two, he prefers this one but he just hates how much work it is and how his body can’t handle it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
God he can’t help but be a little goofy. It is sex with All Might after all. Now he doesn’t go out of his way to be humorous, but it just kind of happens. If something happens, Toshi will just laugh it off and will brush off any embarrassment as long as you are laughing too. 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s pretty groomed just cause he is uncomfortable and it is maybe a shade darker than the hair on his head. He’s bashful about it though.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Oh my gosh he loves being intimacy. He will go out of his way to show that he loves you even if he is a little cheesy about it. He might light candles or give you roses, but he means well. He also praises like none other and will make sure you know that he adores you. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Only does it if he doesn’t have access to a cold shower or you. He feels like it’s something shameful and will do it as quickly as possible in order to fix his problem.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Praise Kink: If you praise this man, he might just cry. He seriously loves being praised so much and it really makes him feel good knowing he can please you.
Hair pulling: He really never knew how much he enjoyed having his hair tugged on but once he knew, He may ask you to. It’s also a good way to get him to be a bit more vocal because he may accidentally moan. He will blush so dark when he realizes it though.
Marking: Scratch his back or leave hickeys on him. He never knew how much he would love seeing his shoulders or collarbone covered in love bites. His only request is PLEASE make it to where he can hide them. He would die if his students found out.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He is kind of old fashioned, but he like sex in bed. He just likes how comfortable it can be, and he doesn’t have to worry too much about getting hurt. Also as stated before, he loves to cuddle after so cuddling in the bed is his favorite
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Playing into that ideal domestic life can really get him going. Since he spent so much time playing hero, he never imagined that there would be somebody at home cooking dinner for him, or cleaning in his clothes. It makes him feel whole and as if he was the luckiest man alive.
Speaking of wearing his clothes...Wear them as much as you can. His clothes are often big and baggy on his 7’2 ass, so imagine how big they would be on you? Your shoulder will most likely be peaking out of the collar as you cook and hey! You would most likely be able to get away with not wearing anything underneath.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I think it is pretty obvious that painplay aint his thing, but he struggles with really any extreme kinks. Bondage aint his thing, completely forget gun or knifeplay cause no way in HELL would he be okay with that, choking is a no. Really he is a pretty vanilla guy so please understand that he will try, but it will show quickly if he is uncomfortable.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Let him give. Seriously. Since he sometimes struggles with proper sex, he will often try to please you as well as he can with foreplay or oral. Because of this, he is pretty damn skilled. The first few times, it was messy but he is a quick learner.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is very gentle, slow, and loving. Since his body can only handle so much, he has to pace himself. If he pushes too hard or tries going too fast, that might result in him hurting himself. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Personally not that big of a fan of them just because he enjoys taking his time with you, but he does have a habit of trying when he knows he shouldn’t. Only 10 minutes before you have to leave? He will insist if you are needy, but he also is very aware of the fact he will most likely hurt himself. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He is pretty open to trying new things as long as it doesn’t require him to hurt you or require himself getting hurt. He likes trying new things, and trusts you a lot so why should he worry about something you suggest. Yes, this has resulted in him figuring out that he doesn’t like 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Really can only go one round and can go for about as long as he needs to in order to make you cum. He gets tired so easily and sex really takes a lot out of him so if you aren’t satisfied, he would most likely use toys til you’re content.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He didn’t own any toys before he got in a relationship with you. He wasn’t very sexually active, so why would he need any toys?
After getting with you, he gets quite the collection. A mix of things he wanted to use on you and things you could use on him. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He really loves teasing. Working you up with his fingers and his mouth is his favorite thing to do. On the other hand, he can’t handle being teased. He will whine and complain the majority of the time til he gets his way.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn’t as loud as some, but he isn’t silent either. Giggly sex happens, and an occasional snort will come from him when he is laughing. As already stated, he lives for praise and praising so he is constantly telling you how attractive you are. Other than that, he does tend to moan and grunt a bit, but not too loud (Unless you pull his hair, then he will moan and get bashful about it)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He is a switch and when he is a top, he really is a service top. He can’t tame brats to save his life either, but when he is a sub...He can be one of the brattiest people you will ever meet. He will try to challenge you, but he really loves when you put him in his place and remind him who is in control.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is definitely on the bigger side, around 7-8 inches and is a bit thicker too. The first time he is with you, he actually is a bit worried that he might hurt you since he might have had an incident or two in the past about him being “Too big”
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s really not that high, but he will please you as much as he can and as often as you want to. He may ask for sex every other week when your relationship is going steady, but if you get in the mood then he is ready to help.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex seems to give him a small boost of energy so expect him to be up for a while. He will try to take care of you the best he can and will hold you for a bit while chatting. He usually will fall asleep after you too just to make sure that you are safe and content.
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theorangestar · 3 years
So Skyward Sword!
Overall, I really liked it! The world is so beautiful to look at. Each area is so colorful and bright (with the exception of the Lanayru Mining Facility, but that changes when you use the timeshift stones). I enjoyed all the characters, and I liked all the different tools needed to solve puzzles and obstacles. The story was beautiful. Link’s smile is the best thing in the world. Groose’s character development, Sweet Hylia! Zelda’s genuine care for Link and Impa, and even Groose by the end. I love how the Gorons are scholars in this game, that’s so refreshing. Kikwis and the little robots are soooo cute. I teared up saying goodbye to Fi. THE MUSIC!!!
There are a few things that bugged me though. There’s a lot of “Your princess is in another castle!” stuff going on chasing Zelda. It was mentally exhausting constantly going back and forth from each section of the map back to Skyloft, back to another section, back to Skyloft, etc etc. It does feel sometimes like the story keeps stopping and starting because you have to keep restocking potions or find a Goddess Chest or fulfill a side quest every time you go to Skyloft. Also, I kept getting dragged everywhere for all these little pieces to find. Find Zelda. Find the three sacred fires. Find all these missing song pieces. No, we won’t actually answer any questions directly, why would we do that? There was a point I completely forgot my goal of finding the location of the Triforce. Like, you’re so focused on finding the pieces you lose focus as to why you need them in the first place. Also, time travel is confusing. Is this a time loop? Did we actually change history? I’m still not sure. Please, no more time travel. It’s too complicated and no one is consistent with their rules.
AND OF COURSE, the same thing I’ve been complaining about since the beginning, the motion controls. I was partially right in my very first post, in that a lot of it is something you just get used to. Yes, you do frequently have to “Reset Gyro” to get them working right, but it’s not usually too much of a problem. Flying got way better the more I did it. The biggest problems I had were with the bow & arrow and Skyward Strike. I felt like the bow & arrow shifted when you needed it most (the gust bellows did this to me a lot too, but rarely was it a time sensitive issue). And I always need to reset before a Skyward Strike. This wasn’t a problem when finding Goddess Cubes or sacred symbols or whatever. But when you have to rely on it in a boss battle, this gets super frustrating super fast. Granted, there are only two boss battles you need the Skyward Strike for, but it’s so exhausting. You really work up a sweat with those battles. And that last battle with Demise is a Doozy because of that Skyward Strike (don’t get me started on the fatal blow thing, just don’t). It took me two days to beat him (that’s probably  more of a sign of how bad I am at video games than anything else) but my arm was really in pain by the end, and even the next day my shoulder is still sore. I don’t know if anyone else had the problem or if I just suck, but it did make it hard to bask in the glory when I finally did beat him.
But would I play this game again? Absolutely! But next time, I think I’ll try using the normal controllers instead of the motion controls. Will it be easier? I don’t know, but it will at least be less painful.
Other things to note:
- I was right about Karane and Pipit, I was right! >:D I did look up online about the toilet ghost choice after I gave Cawlin’s letter to Karane, and I’m glad I didn’t. As funny as the toilet ghost falling in love with Cawlin is, I’d feel bad for cursing him with nightmares forever, even if I don’t like him.
- So apparently the remlits aren’t evil? I only found this out after I finished the game, because according to the internet, it’s finishing the Batreaux side quest that stops the evil influence, but since finishing that quest was the last thing I did before I went to get the Triforce, I didn’t see the remlits become good again.
- I gave Fledge his self-esteem!! Mission accomplished!!... And then he uses that self-esteem to scam me out of money with that pumpkin shot game with that dreaded bow & arrow, and then passive-aggressively criticize my marksmanship. Excuse you, I made you!!
- UNPOPULAR OPINION!!! I kind of ship Link with Peatrice. I think her crush on him is really cute, but he’s just a little dense to get it. (Also her dad is a little creepy to me. Just a little). Of course, Link and Zelda in this game are clearly meant to be, and they absolutely love each other, but Peatrice is still cute, and she never used me as a tool against a god of evil. So you know, she’s got that going for her.
- In the end credits, we do get to see snippets from Zelda’s part of the journey. No dialogue, but it was really nice to see. She looks so nervous and scared, but also determined, carrying her harp into the wilderness. But seriously, did Old Lady Impa not think to give her a weapon of some kind on her journey? The girl’s all alone and Ghirahim is after her, some means of defense would have been appreciated, I’m sure!
- Zelda’s loftwing just abandons her, by the way. We see it fall with her below the clouds, but it doesn’t come back until the after credit scene. Coward.
- Speaking of the loftwings, I was surprised at how under utilized they are. In the beginning, they talk about how loftwings are the other half of your soul, and how important your bond is with your loftwing, but after Zelda falls through the clouds, the loftwings are basically just glorified horses. They don’t hold any weight within the story. There’s lots of bird statues and engravings EVERYWHERE, so culturally they did hold importance even before the war, but they have no direct influence on the story except as transportation. Missed opportunity.
- The Lanayru Desert fascinates me. It’s never explained how the timeshift stones actually power things, but it’s such a cool game mechanic to hit a stone and suddenly you’re in the past. It also makes me wonder what happened between the war and Link and Zelda’s era. How long was it between these two places in time, because it would take a lot of time and some major events to change a grassland and a sea into a desert. And this means all those little robots are still there after all this time, it just makes me so sad! :’( I really want to know all that history of what was before the war and the time between the war and Link and Zelda. Also, the Lanayru dungeons have that same piano tinkle as when you chase Vah Rudania with Yunobo in BOTW, and that music. Stresses. Me. Out.
- So of all the different species and peoples of Hyrule, the only ones that survive through all 10,000+ years of the timeline are the Hylians, Sheikah (I’m not sure if they count as a separate species from hylians, or they’re just a different tribe), and the Gorons. The kikwis, the mogma, the robots, and the parellas never show up in any other game, so I guess they all just died out before the next Hero rises. That’s really sad!! (I don’t know if the parellas eventually evolve into zora, but the rest are still sad).
- The Imprisoned looked so much scarier in Link’s vision. But when he first emerges and he has no arms, he lost all that intimidation. Even when he grew arms and started flying, he wasn’t that scary. A pain in the butt to deal with all three times, but not scary. Then we just dropped a building on him Wizard of Oz style. Wow, Demise, you suck. If it wasn’t for Ghirahim’s stupid dance ritual, he really wouldn’t have been a threat.
So yeah, there are my thoughts!
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helpinghanikan · 4 years
Peter Parker A-Z
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Peter Parker A-Z NSFW head-cannons
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
“Thank you,” He’ll usually say, lightly panting while laying on his back. Staring at the ceiling while one hand remains on you. Either cupping your breast or just happening to lay against your equally sweaty skin.
You are usually the one to take care of the other. Taking a drink of water before offering him the same glass.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On you: As a young man it’s assumed his favorite part of you would be your breasts, or ass. Nope, it was instead your hands, for all the sweetest reasons. He loves that he can grab and hold them anywhere he wants. He loves the little secrets that go along with it, like how he can feel your pulse by sliding down a bit. A fact he would never have thought about if Mr. Stark didn’t give him some help.
On himself: He likes his arms. His biceps and muscles are usually hidden by the graphic tees and hoodies. It would draw too much attention if he were to show them off so much. So the only people he can show them off to are Ned, other Avengers, and yourself. And the others weren’t as appreciative as you have proven to be.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
It was only after sleeping together a few times that you became more open with each other. After getting past the awkward ‘what goes where’ and ‘what feels good’ you are talking a little deeper with each other.
“So, the webs don’t actually come from you.” You said, laying side by side with your sweaty man.
“I use the swingers and a web like substance. I make it. I just don’t, like, you know, make it.”
“Oh, okay…”
“Did you think that was coming out of me?” he asks.
“Maybe I thought it would cum out of you?” You said this but he didn’t give you the satisfaction of seeing your ‘do you get it?’ face. Instead he kept looking upwards, her confusion face now in place.
“Is that how spiders work?” he asks, probably himself.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
As you explored with each other Peter has thought about adding a third. Obviously only if you were okay with it; bringing in another guy or a girl, maybe even another hero? Or, maybe anti-hero?
It’s all up to you, though. Too embarrassed to outright ask you, but not enough to stop fantasizing.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
At his age Peter is as inexperienced as one can get. Every move and touch was followed by either a question or a look asking the same thing. It was cute at first, but after a bit it gets a little annoying. Not to the point that you had snapped at him, but enough that you wouldn’t answer and just give a look.
If you are more experienced there’s a bit of training that happens during your love making. It’s not that you were treating him like a dog, you were just giving suggestions and directions.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He likes it when you’re on top. Both for the view, the feeling and just the overall confidence that comes with handing over most of the reins.
With his hands on your hips, and his feet flat on the floor or bed, he can focus on the smaller details against you. Sometimes becoming confident enough to lean forward, kissing your stomach or maybe taking a bite.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It almost always starts with jokes or tickling when left alone together. Only when a hand is placed somewhere and not removed was when hands would begin to wonder further. The mood peaking when you’d make fun of his expression when seeing your breasts, it was the same look every time.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
It’s something that he secretly obsesses over; some men shaves it down, so it looks bigger. While others leave it because they don’t care or see a difference. With advice coming from every direction Peter has learned to only barely alter his hair.
The nightmare scenario of cutting himself and needing to call for help. Or worse, that Aunt May could be the one who sees like that. Is better than any other argument could give.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Any bit of intimacy Peter had learned from movies and books (all borrowed from Aunt May, of course). So candles and flowers are expected when he tries to go above and beyond. It’s only when you directly explain that want anything different that things change.
The first time you had a discussion of romance was when the candle fell over and there goes your comforter. The entire room might have been in flames if Peter’s radar wasn’t always on.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Well, he’s young, what do you expect?
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He’s submissive, that’s a simple fact. It’s something that can help him forget about all the stress and tension he has to go through. It’s where he doesn’t have to be in charge, doesn’t have to be the hero and can let the world fade out behind him.
He gets this look when he gets into it. A kind of soft smile from soft lips that can you can only stare at for so long. His eyes demanding you look into them. And, when you do, it’s like love was just discovered by Peter Parker.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He prefers your place over his. Even when you’re old enough and in college or your apartment, nothing near him feels safe. At his place there’s a symbolic warning light on the door, like, at any moment Aunt May was going to come in and ruin the moment.
It’s only predictable that the one time you convinced him to ‘not worry about it,’ BOOM Hi, Aunt May, how are you?
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
At first it was just holding his hand could get his thoughts racing. After a while things began to get more specific. Coming back to his inner nerdiness and how a pencil or pen to your lips was better than nude.
It was mean, maybe a little patronizing, but your eyebrows coming together in confusion. Trying to figure what it was out with the pen or fingers toying with your face? Yeah, studying can happen later.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He doesn’t like pain above a certain level. That level is maybe a few swats on the bare backside but that’s it. Pain is something that’s not fun; it’s connected to villains and failure and crushing and death. It’s not something that belongs with you or anyone he loves.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers to giver rather than receive. His eyes looking up at you throughout the entire event, silently asking if what he was doing was correct. Maybe adding a finger or moving a certain way? Looking up after doing so, getting a sound of confirmation and continuing on.
It’s when he’s receiving that he gets loud. His hands almost always flying to his mouth, gasping when being taken in and groaning into those same hands. When his hands are to his mouth he’s grabbing at your hair, groaning while leaning forward, almost bent over when he cums.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
At first he moved like a rabbit. As if going as quickly as possible was the key to an orgasm from both parties. Placing a hand on his chest, almost pushing him off, was the only way to let him know that he needs to tone it down a bit.
After that he learned to listen to both of your bodies. Now, starting slow before getting faster. It’s only when he’s on the edge that he starts to lose control. When that happens his hair is sweaty, and his mouth is slightly open with moans and little words of thanks. There’s no way you can ask him to slow down then.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
It’s actually one of your things to meet up on your roof. Where you’d hang around for a few minutes before being swept off your feet and into the air. Screaming from the excitement rather than anything else.
Other than that it’s really only when at parties that he cares about it. Whether it’s a party party with each other’s friends or something he was invited to because of his connections. Other than that it wasn’t something he really preferred over regular sex.  
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
The closest to risks he takes is the little meetups while on patrol. Even those are only done while on solid ground (or roof, whichever), it’s more of the suit aspect then the risk aspect.
As far as experimenting goes he usually game, so long as it’s not too intense. Not really interested in the kind of stuff that hurts too much. Rather a tie down and tease kind of guy rather then tie up and smack around.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
It’s a combination of his youth and powers that he has much more stamina then most. It’s one of the reasons that he prefers regular, take your time, sex over quickies.
It’s also how he likes to have his own control over you, even while being the more submissive partner. Even with his hands pushed to the bed and you on top, he can take you over the edge again and again. Watch your face and body change from the pleasure from a position where he’s nothing more than a tool. A tool that gets to see your eyes roll back and keep it in memory.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
You have shared toys of light restraints. There was also a strap you two had gotten on a whim. Truth be told, they’re barely used. Either completely forgotten about when you get together or you bring it up and just aren’t in the mood for that tonight.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He unintentionally throughout the day. How he holds your hand or leans against you. And his face, his stupid face that smiles at you or looks at you that way. It’s almost frustrating how you can’t grab him right there and then.
He’s mentioned before, trying to be casual while doing so, that he actually likes being the one teased. It preferable that way as he’s still learning the ins and outs.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
It’s almost another kink that your hands have to cover his mouth sometimes. Even in the privacy of your own apartment or dorm room. Moaning and groaning like a good little boy that wants to be sure you know how great you are.
It’s only when its outside your room that he becomes aware of just how loud he is. Pressing his mouth into your shoulder or putting both hands to his mouth. That extra level of awareness makes his face blush pink from his cheeks to the ears. When you move his hands away you better be quick with a kiss or someone just might hear.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Although not sexual his favorite part of being with you was the cuddling. Be it clothed or naked, he loves to almost be on your lap, to be the small spoon, and just to be held.
His heart is near bursting when you raise your arm while on the couch or bed. Giving a perfect invitation for him to slide right into. Pressing under your neck and letting the world vanish from the affection he was getting.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Another thing he obsesses over in combination with his grooming. Constantly worrying if he was smaller than average or if something was wrong. It’s not like a doctor can tell him if the spider bite had any effect down there. In reality he was average, maybe thinner then expected but still enjoyable.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He likes to have you before going on patrol or when there is nothing planned for that night. With clashing schedules he can’t exactly track you don’t after classes. Even if he was fantasizing all throughout the day.
On the rare times that you were together, watching a show and cuddling, he’ll get ideas. One of you sliding over the other’s clothes and starting to kiss. Starting to go deeper because, hey, you were alone.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Even after going through the ringer Peter is still pretty squirrelly, either wanting to go again or getting dressed and going about getting food or homework. All the while you try to keep your eyes open, reassuring him that he’s fine. Go and finish whatever, just bring you back a sandwich from wherever
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funkymbtifiction · 4 years
Hey, I’ve been waiting for the Hamilton typings for so long I’m so glad they’re finally here YAY :D My question: what do you think of Burr as a Si dom? I’ve seen him typed as a Ni dom a lot because he projects himself as playing the long game and “waiting for it”… but his words seem empty to me.
Through the musical I don’t see any evidence that he is actually projecting into the future like he says he is. He seems like someone who understands how politics works in practice. Talk less, smile more. You don’t rush to fight, but spend time around someone important (like Washington) and it’ll push you up the ranks. There are reckless moves (like throwing your weight behind a constitution that may not work) and acceptable moves (like switching parties and taking over a vulnerable seat). And Hamilton frustrates him by breaking every one of these rules and succeeding. I see his planning for the future as reactionary, not premeditated. He’s obsessed with Hamilton’s reckless wins and it precipitates both his big numbers (Hamilton asking him why he doesn’t go after Theodosia before Wait For It, and Hamilton putting himself in the deal-making process in The Room Where It Happens). In fact, in Wait for It, I see him as rejecting symbolism - if there’s a reason, he’s willing to wait for it, ie. if it’s fate or some other force that has caused him to have all these experiences, or if Hamilton’s really a genius for accomplishing so much, then that can reveal itself in its own time. Meanwhile he’s going to trust in his way of doing things. But Hamilton’s success after success breaks him and he throws himself into an election run.
So why does he say he’s “waiting” and claim to have plans that he keeps close to his chest? I think his 3 core is desperate to project achievement and it’s at odds with his Si that wants to gather information first. And he keeps getting attacked for not jumping into action by a guy who (frustratingly) has a knack for doing just that and winning. He needs to preserve his own self-image by recasting his perceived inaction as tactical. To be fair to Burr, he probably does have plans, but I’m not convinced he has future-rooted Ni dom type plans.
I think a lot of this is dependent on how you interpret the musical itself, but I’d love to hear your thoughts, you’re pretty much my MBTI hero at this point xD
I did also consider ISJ, yes. I bounced a lot between the two, and I intend to watch the musical again and pay closer attention to him and Hamilton, because I am not 100% certain for either one of them. (It’s hard for me to watch something that moves that fast and is so ‘quick’ for the first time and keep track of everyone and their motives -- to just enjoy it, I have to lose myself in it, and if I lose myself in it, I’m not analyzing it, but if I’m analyzing it, then I’m not enjoying it as much.)
The problem with typing Hamilton is that the rapid-fire nature of the music and its enormous cast means there isn’t a huge amount of time for character development, and often the characters are a composite of different types to make the narrative move along. Hamilton should play as an ENTJ (so much natural workaholic behaviors, poor emotional awareness) but he lacks Ni and I would have to argue a semi-constant Te/Se loop, due to his chronic inability to see ahead, predict the fall-out of his decisions, etc.
The same goes for Burr -- all that really comes strongly across is that a) he is extremely hesitant to make things happen (and jealous of anyone who does), b) he has no real sense of personal morality (and if he does, it’s hidden beneath his 396 ‘Bermuda Triangle’ of mental cycling and ‘wear a mask’ behavior), and c) he has something holding him back. Insecurity? “Wait for it” anticipation?
Low Se not knowing how to make things happen in the real world?
Or Si-dom “wait, what’s happening here, I joined the group, I paid my dues... why isn’t this working???”
I agree with you in that he seems to have no personal vision he wants to impose (although a LOT of his lyrics are philosophical in nature and somewhat abstract, which is why I leaned more toward INFJ), so he could be ISFJ.
I will try and squeeze in another viewing sometime soon.
- ENFP Mod
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aislinceivun · 5 years
Not super relevant just yet, but I thought I’d put out a feeler.
I don’t have high hopes, given the volume and the… hmm, shall we say, niche pairing, but. Does anyone feel like selling their soul beta reading an absolute beast of a DekuMight fic? If so, please DM me.
Currently sitting at 10/23 chapters, 145k. (You thought I was kidding about the volume? I wasn’t. I’ve been tackling this monster for over a year and the end is still far away.) I’m devoting December to do a first round of edits, and then the first half will theoretically be ready for proofing.
Summary, content warnings – do read them, this has some heavy stuff! – and excerpts under the cut.
I’m an ESL writer so I always feel more confident when a native speaker checks my SPaG. (That said, I’m going to start publishing this eventually whether someone volunteers or not :D)
Relationship: Midoriya Izuku/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto
Tags: Underage, Drama, Angst, Romance, Slow Burn, Age Difference, Cross-Generation Relationship, Student-Teacher Relationship, Awkward Crush, Pining, Dubious Morality, Bad and Questionable Decisions, Touch-Starved, Guilt, Self-Esteem Issues, Mental Health Issues, Body Dysmorphia, Medical Conditions, Chronic Illness, Inko is a Badass Mom, Endeavor’s A+ Parenting, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Friendship, Queerplatonic Relationship, Missing Scenes, Canon Compliant until the end of the Remedial Course Arc, (just y’know - with romance and smutty bits), Adolescent Sexuality, Sexual Tension, Awkward Sexual Situations, First Time, Dom/Sub Undertones, Dubious Consent as in: Izuku is 16 when he starts having a sex life, he may or may not be below the age of consent in your eyes depending on where you’re from, and Toshinori is pushed far beyond his comfort zone, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
If Izuku hadn’t fallen in love, they would still orbit around each other. They would have gone on growing closer as mentor and protégé, confidants, friends; the easy bond between them brimming with trust, care and devotion. With time, Izuku might have come to view him as a parental figure.
But Izuku fell in love.
And so he tugs on that bond – not to pull him in by force, but to show him that he is wanted.
The bond twists out of shape, and the earth keeps turning anyway.
Experts from various chapters that I think show their dynamic and the general feel of the story pretty well:
“See, this kind of thinking is exactly why I fiercely believe that you’ll be a much better Hero than I ever was.” All Might smiles, and finally it’s something genuine and soft. “Fifteen years from now on, people won’t even remember All Might anymore, his deeds forgotten after the stunning brilliance that is his successor.”
Izuku shakes his head. “That’s not happening. You are a legend! People look up to you, respect you, love you! You’ve inspired entire generatio–”
“Ah, but it’s not really me they love. It’s the Hero I created. The Symbol of Peace, the Pillar of Hope… They have no idea ‘All Might’ is just a front for a pitiful man who has no idea what he’s doing most of the time and commits mistakes left and right.” He pointedly raises a brow. “Like not realizing his precious student is ready to self-destruct to make him proud, for example.”
“People would feel the same way about you even if they knew the truth,” Izuku insists, ignoring the quip. “Maybe they’d be shocked at first, but it would pass. I’m sure of it. And even if you’ve made mistakes, that doesn’t negate all the good you’ve done as a Hero. Saying ‘it’s not me, it’s the Hero I created’… that’s so stupid! There’s only one you! It’s not like– it’s not like you’ve tricked people!”
“I did trick them. I’ve never been completely honest, always presented a front. What they love is the idea of All Might – the idea of someone good and righteous and infallible. Not the sad, sick old man hiding behind it. And I can understand why. I mean…”  He gestures at himself with a smile that’s more like an embarrassed grimace. Izuku would claw it off his face if he could. “The real me is hardly the hope-inspiring beacon of light they expect the No. 1 Hero to be. One day soon, the truth will come out, and believe me, kid, no one will claim to love All Might after.”
Izuku is speechless. His throat is tight, his chest is hot… His core feels bruised.
He hates this. He hates, hates, hates it when All Might gets like this. A part of him wants to cry. Another wants to grab the man and shake him until he sees sense.
It’s his fault, isn’t it. Surely, there had been signs. Red flags. Looking back, he can spot them now… But Toshinori was so delighted to have made such an intimate connection, so relieved to have someone accept him fully that he didn’t stop to think about the potential consequences. Someone his age shouldn’t have been so eager to become friends with a teenager, let alone one who thought of him as an idol. He should have realized earlier that what they had going on wasn’t proper.
Was he so desperate for companionship that he forced it on the boy? Was it his neediness that led Midoriya to warp their connection into something it’s not, something it cannot be?
I love you so much, Izuku thinks with despair. Whenever I see you walk by in U.A., my throat constricts. At this point, I’ll need a heart transplant by the time I’m twenty because it’s constantly on the verge of bursting and that can’t be healthy.
The other day, I dreamt about a villain who had the ability to age people up or down. She used it for evil things – turning her enemies into fragile old people or helpless babies. I knew it was bad, but I approached her and begged her to age me up anyway, even at the cost of losing decades of my life. The scariest part of this is that even after I woke up, I wasn’t convinced I wouldn’t do the same in real life.
They say first loves rarely last. That they are sweet and innocent. But that can’t be right, because what I feel is harsh and painful, and I don’t see how it would be possible to feel more. If this monstrous thing in my chest is just a “fleeting, gentle first love”, then surely the all-encompassing true love people speak of would actually kill me?
I love you, and I wish I could show that without hurting you.
I wish. I wish. I wish. Getting to know you, receiving your trust and friendship, being allowed to study at U.A… I should be the happiest I’ve ever been. But I just keep wishing for what-ifs.
The one thing I don’t wish for is for these feelings to go away. Despite everything, I don’t regret being in love with you.
How nice it would be, if I could tell you these things out loud. If you’d be embarrassed and flattered and maybe just a little bit happy instead of fearful and worried.
Izuku swallows around the lump in his throat and doesn’t say a word.
The beeping has him stressed out and sweating within seconds. Then the line clicks, and Toshinori stops breathing.
He’s never heard Midoriya sound so small and shy. He’s always been larger than life, brighter than a supernova.
Toshinori swallows before confessing, “I don’t know what to do. How to handle this.”
A sigh on the other end of the line. “That makes two of us.”
Alternate summary: troubled “crippling self-esteem issues, my old friend” area man and besotted “horny on main” teen try to figure their shit out across 300k or more, panic only for about 80% of that
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OC Design Talk - Episode 1: Perseus [Starglass Zodiac]
Kicking off one of the things I made this blog for: Character design talks! 
I absolutely LOVE talking about character design and the thought process that goes into all of my original characters, so I hope to make a series out of it! I’ll be talking about visual design as well as backstory and personality for the characters, and the general intent behind their concepts. Over time I’ll have links to different characters and their talks in each post, so you can go exploring if you want. :D I might make an archive page or post somewhere too for navigation purposes. I’ve got a lot of characters I want to talk about, past and present, but we’re actually starting off with a brand new one today! 
As of writing this post I just finished this design today / yesterday, but it’s already gotten so much love and I’d really like to talk more in depth about it. Plus I love how it came out anyway. ;u;
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If you’d like to share this art without the talk, go to this post from my art blog.  Alright, on to the discussion! :D
Presenting: Perseus! He is one of the zodiac companions from my webcomic series, Starglass Zodiac. 
In this story, zodiac companions are essentially the “children” of the zodiac. While not all of the companions are the age of a child necessarily, they generally have less experience than the main zodiac, and thus look up to them as mentors / role models. Any of the constellations can be chosen as a companion, and it is a mutual decision, leading some to try for the position directly (like Centaurus to Sagittarius). 
Constellations in this universe go through different incarnations, and thus have varying personalities and appearances depending on whose spirit inhabits them at any given time. Every star has a set amount of energy, and every incarnation has their “time” before they eventually die, leaving behind black holes. Some are lost in deliberate usage of energy, such as in combat, while others die out naturally. As new stars are born, previous constellations have a chance to be reincarnated, and new constellations can form from these as well. There is a chance, however, that they will not return at all.
For Perseus in particular, I liked the idea of previous incarnations of the constellation being more like the character upon which it is based. Mythologically speaking, Perseus was a famous hero known for slaying monsters, similar to Hercules. With this incarnation, however, I thought it would be interesting if he actively fought against what his name is famous for. Or more specifically, used his skills in combat to fight for better things. This Percy does not fight for glory or fame, and does not possess the ego of a typical hero. But despite his change in motive, he still has to carry the burden of his “monster killer” title, as if he himself has become the monster instead. He views this as punishment for the misdeeds of the others who bared his name, ashamed of a past that wasn’t really his own.
Perseus is a companion to Aries, and the two are almost polar opposites (outside of being skilled on the battlefield), with Aries being the most volatile and aggressive between them. That said, Aries did recognize Perseus’s desire to redeem his name. Aries, being the least agreeable of the signs, has similar goals when it comes to keeping his aggression in check and upholding his role as a sign and co-protector of the Astral Plane. In his words, “if I can do it, you can too, kid.” 
From a visual standpoint, I wanted Perseus’s design to be somewhat chimerical (as in, made up of seemingly unrelated parts), but with a unifying colour scheme to tie it all together. In this case it would be different parts of monsters that, presumably, his previous incarnations had slain. Arguably Perseus’s most famous kill, Medusa, is referenced here, particularly with the snake-like elements of his skin and hair. Demon-like horns, claws, a tail, and a cat-like animal hide are also present. He likely has sharp teeth too, even if they aren’t drawn here (I will do follow-up drawings later).
Like all of the other constellation designs, his symbol (designed by these lovely folks) is incorporated into several aspects of his design. How often a symbol appears in a design can vary greatly depending on how well it can be incorporated, and sometimes its inclusion is more subtle as a result. We have a good mix of that here with Perseus, with his belt, cape and shield being the most obvious uses of the symbol, but it’s also present on his chest plate underneath the animal hide. His shield specifically is a reference to the mirrored shield that was used to turn Medusa’s glare against her. His sword exists for similar reasons, and is his weapon of choice in combat. The rest of his attire is Greek and Roman inspired, like his mythological counterpart.
I came up with the blue-yellow-pink dynamic with the colour scheme starting with his eyes, and went on to develop it from there. I knew I wanted either blue or green as a main colour, as those are common for monsters, and the brightness of the pink and yellow made for a bold colour scheme. I did try a bright orange instead of pink a few times, as that is blue’s complimentary colour, but I found the contrast was not strong enough between it and the yellow. Having a bold colour scheme matched with a quieter personality creates the kind of contrast I want in his character as a whole, implying that he is easily misunderstood by others. I also wanted the eyes to be a focal point both in the line work and the colour, so the contrast had to be striking. Admittedly I use eyes as a focal point a lot in my designs (looking at you, Cassie), but I wanted that to add to the strength of his concept rather than just be a preference of mine.
Perseus is incredibly self-conscious of his eyes, believing that his monstrous appearance will scare others merely by looking at them. This is another nod to Medusa, though Perseus can’t turn anyone to stone (much to his relief). This makes him more reserved and reclusive as a result, averting his gaze where possible and quietly keeping to his own business. Even his fighting style is very understated, favouring precision over strength. When he meets others face to face, he closes his eyes immediately, claiming they should not be seen by the faint of heart.
Functionally, Perseus’s eyes move and dilate normally, but appear slightly further apart than a more focused gaze would be, creating a more eerie stare. He may be looking at you, but he’s also looking through you. I hoped this would make him look a bit more pensive as well, and prone to staring while lost in thought.
When he meets Cassie for the first time, Perseus mistakes her for Cassiopeia* and kneels before her like a knight would to a queen.
*Cassiopeia is the mother of Andromeda, who was strapped to a rock to appease the sea monster, Cetus. True to form, Perseus rescued Andromeda by killing the creature.*
After Cassie explains that she has an unusual eye herself, Perseus finally opens his, giving in to his curiosity. He is grateful, if a little confused, for her positive reaction to them. Eventually Cassie convinces him to meet Orion, another zodiac companion. Orion, being blind, will never see Perseus, thus negating his appearance-based fears. Orion also understands Percy’s desire for redemption, being on a similar quest himself as a once-famous hunter. The two quickly become friends, with Perseus offering to “be his eyes” when needed.
Overall I’m very satisfied with the design and concept as a whole. The zodiac companions are minor characters in this story, but I’ve always like stories that have a lot of interesting characters to fill out the extended world, and the Astral Plane is perfect for that. Characters like these are also great for supplementary comics and short stories, and I’ve got some ideas for those later on. :’D
And there we go, Episode 1 of my OC Design Talk is complete! :D This was super fun to write, so I hope you found it interesting. More will follow in the future too, so thanks for reading folks! <3
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queencamellia · 6 years
He always wanted to be No.1. But not like this. Never like this.
(Bakudeku, BNHA Angst Week Day 1: Apologies)
Ao3 Link (with better formatting) here!
At first, when Deku stumbles, Katsuki thinks that one of the villains got a lucky hit in. They’re standing in the midst of a collapsed building, other pro heroes like Creati and Froppy battling villains around them in what must be one of the largest scale attacks the new League of Villains had launched; though the new League’s power is pales in comparison to the villains Katsuki had faced in his youth, it’s still a challenge to contain the battle and ensure the safety of the civilians.
Katsuki himself had just knocked out some villain with a fire Quirk (who had nothing over Half-and-Half) when he sees the emerald-eyed hero stumble backwards out of the corner of his eye.
Fuck, he thinks immediately, but Deku steadies himself and Katsuki swiftly casts the judgment that he’s fine (he should be fine—he has to be fine) and instead concentrates on the enemy.
However, when his eyes swerve to analyze the villain that somehow managed to hit Deku (the man who had grown strong and kind enough to fill his mentor’s large shoes), Katsuki notes that the fucker looks just as confused as he is.
Something’s wrong, Katsuki realizes immediately.
Already, his mind is running through possibilities and plans: a long-ranged Quirk, perhaps? If so, then he can flush the villain out with his explosions. Over the years, he’s learned to strategize and rely on more than just brute strength. He’d once considered relying on trickery and less confrontational tactics as a weakness, but now, using both is second nature to him.
He whirls around, eyes searching for the perpetrator to no avail.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watches as Deku sways.
Something akin to dread wells in his chest, something ominous and suffocating, and Katsuki whips around to properly face his childhood friend and rival to demand for answers, but his words catch in his throat when they lock gazes.
It’s as if the whole world has fallen away. All he sees in that moment is Deku, his eyes shining with a strange emotion that Katsuki can’t quite place and his ever-present smile faltering just slightly.
Then, in the midst of a cloud of dust and grime…
...Deku falls.
Katsuki is sprinting even before he even realizes he is. His voice’s a loud roar, desperate and angry, because this is Deku, the person who had forgiven him for his shitty actions in the past, the person who never stopped believing that Katsuki could become a hero, his rival, his friend, his goddamn inspiration to become better and—
Within seconds, the villain (fuck him, fuck all of them) is blown back by a loud, giant explosion and Katsuki is kneeling on the ground, holding his childhood friend and rival like his life depends on it (and maybe it does).
“What the fuck, Deku?” Katsuki growls, searching for wounds. Already, he’s reaching for the first-aid kit that Aizawa had gifted them all at the end of first year. Ever blunt, he demands brusquely, “Where?”
It’s terrifying to see the look on Deku’s face because Katsuki recognizes it far too well; after all, he’s been the cause of such an expression far too many times in the past.
He hasn’t seen this expression on Deku in years and the fact that Deku’s looking at him with those goddamn sad, accepting eyes makes him want to laugh and cry and—
“Come on, you fucker,” Katsuki snarls, eyes still cataloging every inch of the hero. “Where is it?”
Deku coughs, and, with what seems to be immense effort, lifts his hand to lightly grab Katsuki’s hand to stop his inspection. The ground is still trembling and the air still charged from the action-packed battles raging around them, but for a moment, Katsuki forgets about the battle.
“Well?” he barks, and if he sounds a bit desperate, nobody is of the wiser. It takes one glare to deter any other villains from getting closer, and faintly, Katsuki registers that Shouto and Earphone Jack are backing him up. Their presence is hardly a comfort; where the fuck is everyone else?
Fuck, Katsuki’s not equipped for this; all he knows is the basic first aid they learned back at Yuuei. He’s not fucking Ponytail or Four-Eyes, who study up the weirdest and most useless shit for fun.
Deku exhales, his eyes fluttering closed and for a minute Katsuki’s heart stops because what the fuck, what the fuck—
His voice is quiet, meek. It’s fairly reminiscent of the awkward and diffident boy Katsuki still remembers from his childhood, only that boy had never acted like this.
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.”
“You goddamn idiot!” Katsuki growls, because that’s all he can say. “Are you listening to me? Where the fuck are you hurt?”
Somehow, Deku gathers enough energy to release a weak chuckle. “Always the same,” he murmurs, and to his horror, Katsuki notes that Deku’s voice is growing weaker.
He doesn’t realize it, but Katsuki’s still on the ground, half-cradling Deku, and by this time, people have begun to take notice (because battle of grand-scales or not, the reporters in this city are fastidious and dedicated to their job).
“Shut up!” he snaps, staggering to his feet with Deku still in his arms. One glance at Chargebolt and Froppy (when did they arrive on the scene?) tells him that he doesn’t have to worry about stray villains slowing him down. “I’m taking you to the fucking hospital right now, so don’t you dare die on me before that, shitty nerd.”
It’s been awhile since he’s used that insult. Deku laughs again, and something about the fact that the bastard is taking amusement in Katsuki’s panic infuriates him. “You—” he starts, but Deku cuts him off.
“I always wanted to see you become number one,” he mumbles, words slurred and only semi-coherent. His statement, innocuous enough (because the fucking bastard doesn’t even care about rankings and would probably congratulate Katsuki if he surpassed him) elicits even more consternation from his rival.
“Well, you just wait and watch, because I will beat you.”
Deku laughs again.
“Now just shut up and wait until we reach the hospital, annoying bastard.”
Deku quiets, and for a moment, Katsuki thinks he’s won this one. He’s leaping past the rooftops, having already propelled himself to the top of a nearby building with his free arm (because Deku is light enough for him to carry him with one arm, and that scares him because Deku isn’t that tiny anymore, even if Katsuki still taunts him about the five centimeters he still has over him sometimes).
They’ve reached the hospital and Katsuki barrels into the lobby with no regard for the other patients (besides, he’s saving the goddamn symbol of peace and it’s goddamn Deku, nobody would complain). The staff are taken aback, understandably, at the No.1 and No.2 heroes suddenly barging into the lobby, but they quickly mobilize, crowding around him.
They’re about to take him out of Katsuki’s hands when Deku raises a firm gaze at the head doctor and enunciates clearly, “I don’t need anything, thank you. Please focus your efforts on the other heroes who are getting injured.”
“What the fuck, D—”
“Can we go to the park, Kacchan?”
Confusion swims in his eyes, but to his credit, Katsuki strides out the hospital doors with Deku in tow without a word of complaint. They reach the park in a matter of minutes. The sounds of battle have subsided, and judging by the wailing sirens of police cars, they’ve won. Good.
The park is deserted. It’s sort of eerie, in a way, and when Katsuki sets Deku down on the park bench, he feels a wave of nostalgia threaten to consume him. The park’s definitely different from the one they grew up in—there’s a good-to-honest seesaw and the sandbox is puny (or maybe the sandbox from back then just felt enormous to his younger self).
Nonetheless, Katsuki’s reminded of the past (both the good and the bad) and looking at Deku’s slightly slumped figure does not help.
He’s not even sure where he should start. Honestly—what the fuck, Deku, “...why the hell do you always have to be such a dumbass?”
He doesn’t realize that he said the last part aloud until Deku chuckles and punches his shoulder lightly. Usually, when they exchange half-friendly quips, even Deku’s lightest shoves could topple a lesser man. Now, the No.1 hero’s strength rivals that of an elementary school boy’s.
“You know,” he says, even the strength in his voice waning. “I had always assumed I’d be around when you become No.1, even before I was given my Quirk…”
“Well, it’s your fault for not being a shittier hero.”
Deku’s lips tug upwards. “You’re amazing, Kacchan. Really amazing. Whenever I felt like giving up, I always looked towards you. You were always looking forward...always aiming to be better, always trying to become an amazing hero. And that inspired me.”
And it shouldn’t be any surprise to Katsuki—it really shouldn’t be, because he knows that Deku acknowledges their rivalry-esque thing just as much as he does—but nonetheless, he’s unable to come up with any snarky retort. “Thanks,” he says gruffly, because what else can he say?
Then, he narrows his eyes. “Now tell me what’s going on.”
It’s as much a command as it is a demand.
Deku’s smile falters again. “I told Ochako, Shouto, and Tenya awhile ago,” he says, and Katsuki ignores the pang he feels at those words. The four are a closely-knit group, long past honorifics (just like Katsuki and his friends). It’s obvious that Katsuki wouldn’t be his first choice. (Still, he wonders that maybe, just maybe, if he had been less of a bastard when they were young, would he be the one that Deku would confide to first?)
His raging, internal diatribe comes to a complete stop at Deku’s next words.
“I’m not going to last much longer, Kacchan.”
Silence reigns.
Katsuki registers his words, but he doesn’t quite understand them.
Or, rather, he refuses to understand them.
“...what do you mean?”
“It’s kind of pathetic,” Deku mumbles, and suddenly he seems more like his younger self. (And Katsuki hates that.) Something almost bitter bleeds into his voice. “The No.1 hero...succumbing not to a villain, but an illness? The newspapers are going to have a field day. I didn’t...I never wanted to go out in a blazing, glorious sacrifice, but I didn’t expect...”
He glances upwards, gaze resolute. “What I do know, though, is that I’m leaving this world in good hands. Promise me you’ll look after my mom?”
Realization dawns on his features, and Katsuki can only think of one thing to say to the hero’s heartfelt speech:
“Look after her yourself, idiot,” Katsuki snaps. “Don’t go dying on her before you reach thirty. Do you know how much shit you’ve put Aunt Inko through?”
“Then live, you dumbass. For her. For your friends.” For me.
“I wish I could,” Deku says simply. His breathing sounds labored, as if each breath is agonizingly painful to take. Katsuki doesn’t realize that he’s moving to sit down beside him until he’s already on the cold, marble bench with his...
...rival? That didn’t quite sum it up. Deku was more than just a rival to him. They weren’t quite lovers, but they weren’t just friends either.
Deku is...Deku.
That’s the only label that Katsuki can place on him. Stupid, heroic, and selfless Deku that never shies away from danger if someone needs help.
He’s quiet, so quiet that it would be alarming for anyone else to see him in such a contemplative state. But Deku’s seen every part of him, from his highs to his lowest of lows.
“Don’t die, Deku.”
“...I don’t want to, but what other choice do I have?” Deku laughs painfully, his voice quieting with each passing second. “It took every connection I had to make sure they didn’t hospitalize me when I was diagnosed. The disease...it’s incurable, you know. As soon as I learned about it, I knew that I would die, but I didn’t want to wither away in a hospital, useless and pitiful. Even if it was for just one day more, if I could be someone’s hero in their time of need again...then it would be worth it.”
Katsuki stares at the sky, closes his eyes, and lets out a heavy sigh. His shoulders slump in weary resignation because fuck, he hates this, but he can’t do anything and Deku’s always been ridiculously stubborn. If he says there’s no cure, then there’s no cure.
Unlike the majority of his peers, who cling to hope and faith and courage, Katsuki’s a realist. And though there’s a tiny part of him that prays for a miracle, his logical side struggles to accept the hidden truth finally revealed before his eyes.
He turns back to Deku. “You’re a fucking saint.”
Katsuki’s surprised to find that his voice is thick. His hands tremble, ever so slightly.
A tiny smile blossoms on Deku’s face. “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me,” he comments, mostly jesting.
“You’re my hero.”
Katsuki scowls, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back against the bench. “You heard me already, shitty nerd.”
Deku laughs again. He’s just like his mentor: constantly smiling and laughing. Then, abruptly, his smile freezes and he nearly keels over. Katsuki surges forward, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling the hero back towards him before he can hit the ground.
“Shit, Deku,” Katsuki hisses, and he’s horrified to hear his voice wobble. “Shit, shit, shit. Sit down and stop talking.”
“For my last moments,” Deku comments casually, as if he hadn’t nearly collapsed and stopped Katsuki’s heart a moment ago. His voice is quiet, but strong and firm. “I’m glad I’m with you.”
How the fuck is he supposed to respond to that?
Katsuki has never been good at emotional stuff. Never. That’s why he had so few friends before Yuuei (and really, he’s not sure if friends really covers his goonies back in middle school). He doesn’t know how to confront and comfort a dying man...much less a weakened Deku.
“I can call everyone now,” he offers, already scrambling for his phone, but Deku stops him from taking it out by placing a hand on his. His hands are rough and calloused, proof of his dedication to their work; Katsuki’s are the same.
“I’ve already said my goodbyes to them,” he murmurs. “And though they’d deny it, they wouldn’t want to see me like this. They’d try to put on their strong faces and smile through the pain for me.”
Katsuki barks out a watery laugh. “Just like all those stupid, sappy manga, huh?”
Deku’s eyes light up at the memory. “Just like those stupid, sappy manga,” he confirms.  “I love them all so much.”
Katsuki can’t even find it in himself to laugh. “Sap.”
“What, Deku?”
Deku smiles. It’s the smile of someone who’s come to peace with oneself, of someone without any regrets left.
“Crying doesn’t make you weak, you know.”
His words strike him like lightning and Katsuki feels all of the things he wants to say evaporate into thin air. His words catch in his throat and he can’t, he can’t, he can’t—
“Shitty nerd,” Katsuki chokes out, laughing and crying at once, and he hates his fucking self for the tears that spill down his cheeks at Deku’s words, hates this fucking situation, hates this frustrating feeling of uselessness and emptiness and broken promises and the inevitable future devoid of him—
Deku laughs, squeezing his hand so lightly that Katsuki almost doesn’t feel it. His eyelids are fluttering closed and god, Katsuki is not ready for this. He claws desperately in his mind for anything, anyone, something, someone please—
“Damn it, Deku, stay with me!” he orders, clutching onto the hero as if holding him tighter would be enough to keep him from death’s grip.
There’s only one coherent thought within the midst of confusion, anger, grief, and frustration that hit him like a tidal wave:
He can’t die.
Katsuki makes a small, choked noise that sounds like a cross between a laugh and a sob.
He can’t.
Fucking nerd. Dumbass. Making him feel these fucking feelings.
“You know, Kacchan…”
You can’t die.
His grip on him tightens.
Not you.
Deku’s last words are nothing more than a whisper, but each word holds an unwavering, firm belief.
“...you’ve always been my hero.”
Fucking nerd.
And because Katsuki never lets someone else get the last word, he clutches onto Deku’s hand, voice trembling but words clear.
“You’re my hero too, Deku.” Always.
When his eyelids flutter closed for the last time, Deku’s lips curve upwards.
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herosname · 6 years
A figure, all too familiar, faces Izuku. It's practically a mirror image of him, the only difference is the gold glowing eyes and the ominous blue aura radiating from him. The 'imposter' laughs bitterly, looking at the real one right in the eye. "Bet you're happy now, right? You got a quirk from your biggest idol. You're going to UA to be a HERO. Isn't that great Izuku? Isn't it great... knowing that you don't even deserve it? You know you're weak, and if you never got One for All, (part 1/2)
(part 2/2) “If you never got One for All, you would still be a useless nobody. Just a pathetic fanboy with dreams he’d never reach. But really, do you deserve One for All? There’s so many other students, all better than you, who deserved it more than you ever did. In the end Izuku, you’re just a quirkless nobody. And you know it.” The figure seems to lament this, those golden yellow eyes burning holes into Izuku’s soul. ((brownie points if you get the reference of what I was going for :D))
He didn’t know where he was. Shadows surrounded the boy, leaving visibility of anything to an absolute zero. He tried to move through the fog to find some form of location, but he it was so dark, it was as if he didn’t take a single step forward.
 A light began to shine. Two, actually. Piercing, electric yellow eyes. The sound of his laugh sent pure ice down the boy’s spine. He couldn’t even open his mouth before the other spoke.
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‘What is this...?’
It was a pretty big insecurity that this thing was hitting. Making it worse was those insecurities came him his own mouth. His own face. His own voice. 
His left hand started to shake, balling up to a fist. He couldn’t break eye contact with this thing, frozen in place. Since the first day, Izuku has been doubting himself. Doubting if All Might made the right choice. For the most part, he was able to bury those thoughts. He’s helped people. He’s saved people’s lives. He was a hero! The hero Deku.
But those anxieties still latched themselves deep in his heart.
Mirio flashed into his mind. He was the top candidate to obtain One for All. That is, until Izuku came along. Since learning this, despite reassurance from his mentor, he still sometimes doubted if he was the best successor. His upperclassman had so much more then himself. 
“That’s not true...” His voice shook like a newborn lamb. Why was this bothering him so much?!  He was past this. He was past this self-doubt! Izuku WAS the right choice to be the next symbol of peace. All Might believed in him! His hero, the greatest hero ever, told him he’s worthy of being a hero.
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That’s what he told himself.
That’s what his head refused believe.
His knuckles began turning white. It felt like his whole body was made of glass being held together with tape. The boy was going to fall apart at any moment. His chest felt empty. His heart was in his throat. By this point he couldn’t even see that thing anymore, due to tears blurring his vision.
Shaking knees gave out, and Izuku was now on the floor of this nightmare, gritting his teeth to keep his sobs from escaping. 
“Damn it...”
He knew none of this was true. He’s grown stronger. He’s done the right thing. 
He was a hero!
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masha-russia · 7 years
What are your thoughts on Mirri Maz Duur's prophecy about Dany? I read a theory that ends with Dany's death and... no. Please tell me something Dany-friendly 😂
I don’t believe that Mirri Maz Duur was making a prophecy per se, but that she wanted to hurt Daenerys with her words.  
“When will he be as he was?” Dany demanded.
“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” said Mirri Maz Duur. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.”
Mirri Maz Duur wanted to say “never” in a poetic way, to say that Drogo’s return is as impossible as the sun rising in the West or as mountains “blowing like leaves”. And the part about Daenerys’ womb was a cruel addition, to rub salt in her wounds. A popular theory is that some of Mirri Maz Duur’s statements did actually become true, in an indirect way -> the sun that rose in the West and set in the East was Quentyn Martell (Martell’s banner is a sun), the mountain that blew in the wind was either Gregor Clegane who died or the pyramid in Meereen which crumbled because of Viserion and Rhaegal. The “living child” of Daenerys didn’t happen yet, but it’s possible that Dany had a miscarriage in her last chapter of A Dance with Dragons, so her womb did quicken (now thanks to the show we know she’ll have a child with Jon, and a living one, cause I see no point for GRRM to make his main female character pregnant with the child of his main male character only for this child to be miscarried or a stillborn). As for Drogo returning, it could be either Drogon (named after Khal Drogo) who returned to her , or the strength of the Khalasar returning to her in Winds of Winter, since she is the Stallion who Mounts the World. Or something else that we don’t know about yet - we have to wait and see. Whatever the correct interpretation, by all means Daenerys isn’t dying because of Mirri Maz Duur words. She may die while fighting against the Others, and sacrifice herself to save the world, but this part of her journey wasn’t “foretold” by Mirri Maz Duur.
I can tell you a lot of Daenerys-friendly stuff :D For example, did you know that her story from A Game of Thrones was published separately in a Science Fiction magazine, one month before the novel itself was first published, as a stand-alone story intitulated “Blood of the Dragon”, and that it won the Hugo Award for best novella? The first Award George received for ASOIAF was for Daenerys’ AGOT story :) George also published her A Storm of Swords story separately in the same magazine, intitulated “Path of the Dragon”. She is the only character to have that honor :) The only other publication released as a stand alone is the collection of Greyjoy chapters from A Feast for Crows (Aeron, Asha, Victarion).
Or do you remember when Tyrion described Daenerys as being “above all a rescuer”? Well in the same book Daenerys saves Tyrion’s life, by forbidding Hizdahr and the pit masters to loose lions on him in the fighting pit as they intended. So it was a nice foreshadowing in the narative and a sort of self-fulfilling comment on Tyrion’s part. He called Daenerys a rescuer, and she rescued him ^^
Or, Daenerys is the character from ASOIAF with the most artworks :D None of the other characters come close to the number of arts she has. She is meant to be drawn - a beautiful girl with fantasy features (Daenerys is the only character among theprincipal characters who has fantasy features!) who happens to be a main character, who has dragons and armies and a good heart. She is very marketable for artists! So rejoice, you can browse the net for hours in search of artworks dedicated to her :)
This quote: “She loved the sea. She liked the sharp salty smell of the air, and the vastness of horizons bounded only by a vault of azure sky above. It made her feel small, but free as well. She liked the dolphins that sometimes swam along beside Balerion, slicing through the waves like silvery spears, and the flying fish they glimpsed now and again. She even liked the sailors, with all their songs and stories. Once on a voyage to Braavos, as she’d watched the crew wrestle down a great green sail in a rising gale, she had even thought how fine it would be to be a sailor.”
Or this one: “Strong Belwas is hurt.” His stomach was red with the blood sheeting down from the meaty gash beneath his breasts.“It is nothing. I let each man cut me once, before I kill him.” He slapped his bloody belly. “Count the cuts and you will know how many Strong Belwas has slain.” But Dany had lost Khal Drogo to a similar wound, and she was not willing to let it go untreated. She sent Missandei to find a certain Yunkish freedman renowned for his skill in the healing arts. Belwas howled and complained, but Dany scolded him and called him a big bald baby until he let the healer stanch the wound with vinegar, sew it shut, and bind his chest with strips of linen soaked in fire wine. Only then did she lead her captains and commanders inside her pavilion for their council.”
Daenerys is a quick study (for example she quickly learned how to count the number of men on a battlefield, became an excellent horserider in a short period of time …), a polyglot (speaking fluently Valyrian, the Dothraki, and the Common Tongue, as well as pretty much all the Valyrian dialects of Free Cities), and a bookworm (“Bring me the book I was reading last night.” She wanted to lose herself in the words, in other times and other places. The fat leather-bound volume was full of songs and stories from the Seven Kingdoms. Children’s stories, if truth be told; too simple and fanciful to be true history. All the heroes were tall and handsome, and you could tell the traitors by their shifty eyes. Yet she loved them all the same.”)
She went to help the sick people who were suffering from an epidemic diseaseoutside of Meereen although everyone was against the idea: “Go if you wish, ser. I will not detain you. I will not detain any of you.” Dany vaulted down from the horse. “I cannot heal them, but I can show them that their Mother cares.” Jhogo sucked in his breath. “Khaleesi, no.” The bell in his braid rang softly as he dismounted. “You must not get any closer. Do not let them touch you! Do not!” Dany walked right past him.”
One night she went to sleep beneath the stars on the grass of her terrace, because she couldn’t fall asleep in her bed: “The pale pink light of dawn found her still out on her terrace, asleep upon the grass beneath a blanket of fine dew.” I love this small passage because of its softness (blanket of dew is a beautiful imagery, I want an art of this scene). It also shows her connection with nature, and her desire for simple things. Daenerys doesn’t need or want luxury, she is not a worldly person. She had her pyramid and and all the riches the city could offer but instead she felt more comfortable sleeping on grass. This passage came directly after Dany thought that Meereen could never be her home too. I think it’s symbolic - Daenerys wants a simple, peaceful home, and the grass here represents that.  
I love her :)
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> Be Jizzle again.
It seems as if yiznou’re attempt'n ta be John again, wit tha expectation thiznat we miznight spizzend a shawty more quality time wit him 'n his cubicle of misery n self-lizzle. You guesze' we might really stiznart ta unpack his depression issues. Git ta the bottom of all that. Well, funky ass try. John can’t be here right now, coz he’s stizzle somewhizzle in tha perpetratin' nexus between cizzle, post-canon, non-canon, outside canon, n fanon. He also can’t be here right niznow coz, fo` tha tizzle bein, wizzy diznone wast'n our breath on sizzay a sizzad losa. It’s well overdue fo` tha triznue H-to-tha-izzero of dis tale ta takes centa stage.
> Be Vriska.
Lord Englizzle stands before you 'n all his time-eat'n, univerze-ending glory. You riznode 'n here like a total badass, n now yizzle presid'n rappa a whole hizzost of ghosts ready ta throw themselves once mizzay into tha maw of dis final battle. Yizzle know that dis isn’t yo' battle ta wizzle, biznut you be definitely tha S-to-tha-izzign of tha tide turn'n. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. Hell, you BE tha T-to-tha-izzide ya dig? Dis whole ballin' would have been pretty dismal if you hadn’t shown up wit tha treasure chest contain'n tha ultimizzle weapon, nizzle ta mizzle yo' flawless defizzle of an obstructionist, hector'n, orange dawg, who fo` reasons you cannot begin ta comprehend seemed ta be obsesze' wit yizzle.
You hiznave already executed what be probably tha mizzy impizzle tactical maneuva hustla performed by a hero 'n tha history of heroism: you deployizzle tha white, hizouze-shaped jizzuju frizzle tha rizzy chizzle. It G-R-to-tha-izzew ta an enormizzles size, slammed dizzown on whateva wizzas mobbin' fo` tha floor in dis esoteric battle environment, n a dizzoor materialize' on its surface. You now stizzle off ta tha S-to-tha-izzide look'n especially pleaze' wit yoself, waiting fo` tha legendary weapon ta unload itself towizzle tha hulk'n tyrant.
Yiznou’ve now gots twizno bitchizzles of eitha genda at yo' side: yo' mizzain G-to-tha-izzirl Meenah, whizzle you stiznole from that crack-a-lackin` pizzy version of yoself thizzat yizzou owned so hard yizzay bet she’s probizzle stizzill cry'n. Recognize the realness. N Tavrizzles. Im crazy, you can't phase me. Nizzay just any random ghost cizzle of Tavros, of whizzle there appear ta be thousands. Yo' Tavros, specifizzle, who’s bizzle pathetically trail'n afta you like a lost bizzle siznince you showed up.
You’d be hard-presze' to descrizzle W-H-to-tha-izzat’s happen'n right now with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back If they sizzy a pizzoet, maybe he’d do betta job of it cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map. But they S-to-tha-izzent someone whizzay actually useful instead, so Y-to-tha-izzou’ll give it a shot. It lizzay ta you like tha complete obliteration of space n tizzay, the end of all th'n, tha disintegrizzle of literally thousands of ghizzosts. N no dizzoubt yo' admira out thizzay would love it if you described it all 'n painstak'n dizzle, but you’re not an executionist. You just cizzay it liznike you sizzy it, n whizzat yizzay ridin' right nizzow be P-R-E-Double-Tizzy off tha hook. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg.
> Observe Lizzle English.
Kind of an overworkizzle characta design, you think ta yoursizzle. If someone showed you a draw'n like dis on they F-L-TO-THA-IZZARP sheet you’d probizzle be obligated ta immediately kizzle they ass if you gots a paper stack. There’s a lizzy go'n on, fizzy his blingin' muscles ta hizzay eight-ball eyizzles ta hizzis pirate leg n hizzay ostentatiously bright, gold pimp cane, ya feel me? Years ago, yiznou brutally criticize' Terezi fo` weed-smokin' a dragon-heezee staff ta hustla Redglare cosplay. Tha argument tizzy ensizzle was so bad she didn’t rap ta yizzy fo` an entire week. Now that you’re see'n dis, well... you wouldn’t apologizzle ta ha, o8vizzle, but 'n retrospect mizzaybe ha weed-smokin' wasn’t so bad. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. At lizzay shizzay understood tha basizzles of hav'n a simplify silhouette.
MEENAH: im goin bizzy fin
MEENAH: yizzle comin V-R-to-tha-izzis
VRISKA: Of courze!!!!!!!!
VRISKA: Bizzut gizzle me a mizzle.
VRISKA: Throw yo guns in the fuckin air. I want ta SEE.
Mizzle gives yizzou a grin n a salute n leaves you ta it. Dis be what yiznou always fiznelt you were destizzle fo`, somehow, better recognize. Mobbin' at tha end of tha univerze n mobbin' how it all goes dizzy. Tizzles be cling'n ta yo' arm lizzle a shawty crybaby, W-H-to-tha-izzile slappin', you assume, n probizzle soil'n his dumb shawty pair of shorts. Bizzut nizzy you droppin hits. You’re fearless. Yo' eyes be so wizzle T-H-to-tha-izzat it feels like you’re eat'n all tha light T-H-R-to-tha-izzough thizzay fo' sheezy. Thizzle what you be, afta all. Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. Tha Thief of Lizzle. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. You crizzle bizzy yo' neck n:
> Watch Lord English put a criznack 'n reality ridin' in mah double R.
It’s beautiful. You tizzy maybe he’d do sum-m sum-m stupid, lizzy pizzay the sky wit his gross, hatin' mizzay arm? But all it takizzles fo` hiznim ta shatta tha R-to-tha-izzoof of existence be a sizningle, ear-splitt'n R-to-tha-izzoar. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. Around hizzle, tha ghost army scatta. They call me tha president. Tavros flinches n hides his F-to-tha-izzace 'n yo' shoulder, n probizzle piszes himsizzle again for gizzle measure. But you fo gettin yo pimp on...
Git smashizzle 'n the heezee?
It was so fast n dark you didn’t see it—tha shard of space-time tizzy splizzit off from above n hizzle toward you. Yo' body rocks B-to-tha-izzack, whiplash fast, n you nearly kizzay rappa wit da big Bo$$ Dogg. You’re still blunt-rollin' though, n laugh'n spittin' that real shit. Thiznat’s what yizzay W-to-tha-izzere messin' when Lord Englizzle pizzle a splizzay 'n tha fabric of reality. Yizzay wizzay laugh'n, not cry'n. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. It dizzy hurt at all.
V-R-TO-THA-IZZISKA: Shhut up!!!!!!!! I’m and my money on my mind... I’m
You stagga bizzle n pizzy a hand ta thizzay heezee wound. Put ya fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. Yo' eyes spin. All eight of them. It’s niznot a bizzig deal T-H-to-tha-izzough. Jizzle a scratch. Dogg House Records in the fuckin house. It’s fiznine fizzine F8NE.
Yo' hand comes away coated 'n thick blizzay. Yo' hair be sizzle wit it all tha wizzle dizzy on one side. Whizny be brizzle space-time so sharp? Like splintizzle obsidizzle. Feels like it barelizzle graze' you, n yizzle keep'n it real yo...
Everyth'n around yizzy begins ta spizzle, and you’re not sizzure if... yizzou can’t quite...
A strizzle of blood begins ta lizzy 'n unda yo' glaszes. Noize whirls around you: Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Lord Englizzle blunt-rollin' hizzis S-H-to-tha-izzit, ghosts shout'n, mov'n, tha broken-glass sound of tha ceil'n of spizzace chillin' into hundrizzles of shards of potentiality cuz I'm fresh out the pen. Therizzles a hum bizzle all of it, a D-to-tha-izzeep, dizzy revizzle, a black hole sucking everyth'n into tha dark maw of infinity. You wipe yizzay bloody hand on tha leg of yo' jizzay n crazy ass wit rizzle. Yizzle wizzy go down so easily.
Tizzles tries ta steady you, but you slap his hizzay awizzle.
VRISKA: Fizzle 8ff!!!!!!!!
TAVROS with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: uHHH OKAY, iT LOOKS REALLIZZLE,,, kizzay,,, eXTREMELY BAD,,,,,,, tHizzay,
VRISKA: Yizzy so intolera8le! I... I nee' to........
VRISKA: Tavros, g-go. Find fo my bling bling... f8nd Meen8h.
VRISKA: N8W T8VROS!!!!!!!!
Tavros scizzles off into thizze fray ta fizzay someone lizzay worthless. Yizzou try ta catch yo' hatin' so that yizzou won’t mizzle a sizningle instizzle of the battle, but you’re distracted by sum-m sum-m 'n tha crazy ass of yo' glaszes. Yo' Trollian alert be blink'n. Therizzles a message frizzom Tizzle. How lizzle hizzle that been there? H-to-tha-izzours, dizzystyle? Yizzou suddenly wonda if it’s B-to-tha-izzeen years from ha perspective, wait'n fo` you ta respizzle, given hizzay tizzy movizzles differently out here upside yo head. Were you too preoccupy wit yo' incredizzle hizzle exploits ta notice? Im crazy, you can't phase me.
Focizzles, Serket spittin' that real shit. Dis is no time fo` sentimental thizzle. You nizzle ta git a gizzy droppin hits. Keep yo' heezee 'n thizne gizzle, kizzy biznoth feet planted fizzle... whoops.
Yo' fizzy slip. Wussup in the house. Witout Tavros ta keep you steady, you loze balance n begin drift'n. Dogg House Records in the  fuckin house. Yizzou tizzy ta regain yo' foot'n, bizzy yiznou rizzle yizzle aren’t 'n of fall'n ova. Tizzy nizzy the problem cuz its a G thang. Yizzou cizzay seem with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin... ta git yo' feet back on tha fliznoor puttin tha smack down? You feel light. Yizzou’re... gang bangin'. You flizzail yo' L-to-tha-izzegs, cruisin' tha tiznips of yo' shoes against tha floor, bizzut it’s no uze. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air.
You understand whiznat’s gang bangin'. It’s tha black hole with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin.
It’s start'n ta lift you up.
Yizzou glance wild-eyed towizzle tha glow'n juju. Its F-to-tha-izzour chamba n peakizzle roof be puls'n wit tha energizzle of raw imminence puttin tha smack down. Dis is it! Everyth'n you’ve been bustin' fo`, whateva it be, be 'bout ta happen. Where’s Meenah? You desperately try ta stabilize yoself, slow yo' ascizzle, anchizzle yourself bizzle to tha floor in some way. Dogg House Records in the fuckin house. Any way. But there’s nuttin ta grizzay on ta yaba daba dizzle. Thizzles blood 'n yo' eyes n yo' dizzay percizzle be fucked. Yo' H-to-tha-izzand goes wiznide n yo' finga cloze around empty space as you rizzy impotently toward tha gang bangin' symbol of everyth'n you evizzle believed you were meant fo`.
Dis cizzle be how it goes. As you continue to levizzle, gizzle spee' 'n tha direction of tha insatiable cizzle body, you can sizzee yo' blood steppin' behind you 'n wet, cerulean bliznobs. Tha juju glows brighta. You nee' ta see whiznat happens next. Yizzy NEE' ta SEEEEEEEE! Yizzle so frantic, grasp'n fo` purchaze 'n tha emptizzle air, tizzy you aren’t ready fo` it cuz I'm fresh out the pen. Anotha black shard of space-time hurtl'n thriznough tha void. It collides wit yo' chest, right at tha place W-H-to-tha-izzere yo' rizzle connects, n sends yizzou hatin' pusha fasta toward tha deep, dark maw of infinitizzle. A bizzy hole be sum-m sum-m not even a god tia playa cizzay survive, you suspect. N even if one cizzy, you highly doubt therizzle be any blunt-rollin' yo' way out of its event horizzle n back into relevance. Niznot dis tizzle cuz its a thang. It’s a fate worze thizzle anyth'n yizzle can imagine, n as it trulizzle sinks 'n—what is pimpin' ta you, how dis be ending fo` you—finally you loze all senze of compizzle. Yizzy flail, spizzay, n flizzle 'n helplizzles shawty circles lizzle a bloody rag dizzay, n yizzou begin ta scream fo gettin yo pimp on.
> JOHN, better recognize: Emerge from tha J-to-tha-izzuju.
Tha first thizzle you hear be a tiny scream gett'n sucked into oblivion. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. Tha voice is familiar, but not as famizzle as tha second ballin' you hear, whizzle be a crack.
It’s not just a crack in yo' ears. Dis crizzack gizzoes all tha way dizzown yo' sizzy. Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin. You almost D-to-tha-izzon’t react ta it coz it’s so familiar. Around you, a cacophony rizes up like stizzeam.
DAVE in tha dogg pound: oh shit
DAVE: its really popp'n off out here
Dizzles voice reminds you that yo' teammates hiznave emerge' fizzy tha hizouze along wit you gangsta style. Yizzy survey tha grizzle dogg. Everyone be account fo`. Thrizzle confuze', frightened teenaga.
Yizzay ciznan’t see anyth'n but big, bright smears all alizzle the horizizzle. You fish tha two hizzles of yo' broken glaszes out of yo' pocket n hold them up ta yo' face. Tha S-C-to-tha-izzene comes into focus: Aint no stoppin' this shit. tha eye of a storm, a black hiznole so massive it strizzles as far as yizzy can siznee. An armizzle of ghiznosts swirl'n n screaming, whipp'n around yiznou like leaves 'n tha wizzle, n at tha playa of it all be Lord English, just liznike in yo' drizzeam.
Yiznou can feel it now. Tha moment reality yawns too wizzide n S-N-to-tha-izzaps 'n hizzy.
> ==>
0 notes
hithercamealexander · 7 years
Secret Santa reveal!
Hey everyone! Merry Christmas!
Some time ago I joined @boku-no-secret-santa’s gift exchange, and it’s time to reveal my gift and my secret santa, so here goes!
I wrote an All Might-centric fic for Agatha (@mydoriya), with some angst and a lot of fluff, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! >.<
There you go, Agatha, so Merry Christmas! :D
P.D. It’s also posted on AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/13141350)
Keep smiling...
All Might flinched as he dug his nails into the palms of his hands. He hadn't even noticed that he was doing it until he felt the pain. He looked at the red marks he had left on his skin and sighed. It was the third time today he had caught himself clenching his fists too hard; Recovery Girl would scold him again. 
But he couldn't help it. 
Nighteye's last words echoed in his mind. He could still hear the weakening beeps of the machines that surrounded his old sidekick, the aseptic smell of the hospital, the colour of his eyes fading away...
-All Might, could you photocopy this document for me?
Cementoss' voice brought All Might back to reality. His fellow teacher was staring at him with a worried look in his eyes, holding a folder with 2nd-year students' records. Nobody had yet voiced their concerns, but everybody knew that All Might was not holding on very well after the raid of Overhaul's lair. All the students involved had come back scarred in some way or another, but Midoriya Izuku, Togata Mirio and All Might had taken the worst hit of all. Sure thing, others like Amajiki or Kirishima had only just been discharged from hospital after sustaining pretty serious injuries, but the wounds that those three had received were not of the kind that heals quickly. 
All Might looked at his watch while the photocopying machine wheezed and flashed. 1st-years were now training with Aizawa, while the 3rd-years were in one of Present Mic's loudly educational English lessons. All Might thought about the two talented young men; he thought about the one who had been considered the ideal vessel for his power and about the one who had actually inherited it, and he was surprised when he noticed that, as well as pride, he felt a pang of jealousy. Both of them had suffered just as he had the loss of Nighteye, but while he was still sulking in the shadows, being told off by his colleagues for not paying enough attention to his duties, Midoriya and Togata had resumed their lessons at UA and were proving to Nighteye that they were indeed becoming great heroes. 
How pathetic.
He was All Might, the number one hero, and yet he was nothing but a shadow of what he had been. He looked at his reflection in the computer's black screen and grimaced. He saw his sunken eyes, the bags under his eyelids, and thought of Nana. "A hero must always smile!" 
Smile indeed... Master, what would you think of me if you saw me now? I couldn't even protect Nighteye... Is this the hero that I wanted to become?
The hot summer sun shone down on UA while All Might sighed again.
Deku had decided that the night heat and the jarring, endless cry of the cicadas were too much for him and that, if he couldn't sleep, he might as well make use of his insomnia, so he got out of the house, careful not to wake up his mother, and went to Dagobah Beach. He usually liked training there, as it made him think of his first encounter with All Might and how he inherited One for All, but that particular morning it was just a painful reminder of his failure to save Nighteye, and his heart filled with those doubts that had been eating him inside ever since All Might passed his power on to him.   
What if All Might has made a mistake? What if Mirio-senpai could have saved Nighteye? Am I... am I really good enough? Will I ever be?
Suddenly, a lean figure in the distance caught his eye. The sun had only just started to rise, so he couldn't quite make out the person's features, but it was certainly a familiar figure.
-All Might!- he yelled, waving his arms, and the figure started and turned around. Indeed, it was All Might, but what was he doing here at this hour? Though, Deku pondered, the same could be said of him.
-Young Midoriya!- All Might looked sincerely startled- What are you doing here?
-I couldn't sleep and I just decided to go for a run. It usually helps me clear my head. What about you, All Might?
Deku glanced at his teacher's face. He had been worried for the number one hero ever since he incident. After all, Nighteye had been All Might's sidekick and one of his closest friends... Not to mention his profecy about All Might's fate. Deku had vowed to twist fate, but after the conclusion of Eri's rescue, could he still keep his word?
All Might scratched his head.
-I guess I couldn't sleep either. It's not easy, these days- his hand went to his left side, to his scar, in an automatic movement that wasn't lost on Izuku- So much has happened, and yet... I yet I am still unable to do anything at all.
-That's not true, All Might!- protested Deku- You're still the Symbol of Peace! The light that guides us! The light that guided Nighteye! That's why he was a hero capable of sacrificing himself for other, like Mirio-senpai! Because you inspire us, because...
Deku stopped talking; he felt that if he continued he would choke on his tears. All Might gave him a sad smile and gently patted him on the head. The pain he felt inside for Nighteye's death and his own failure as a hero lessened when he looked at Midoriya and he sensed his heart well with pride. He was becoming such a great hero, and he didn't even notice...
-All Might- the boy sobbed, in a quieter voice than All Might would have expected- do you... do you ever think that you were wrong? That someone else would have deserved One for All more than me? That I can't be a proper hero?
Deku's shoulders were trembling, and All Might understood how hard it must have been for him to see Nighteye die with his own eyes. He thought of Nana, of how he felt when he saw her chest stop moving, and then looked back down at Deku. A smile crept up to his lips.
-Young Midoriya...- All Might put his arms around the boy's shoulders and pulled him into a warm embrace- Never once.
They never saw it coming.
In one of his exceedingly less rare days off, All Might had decided to visit the girl that his colleagues had saved from Overhaul’s lair. He hadn’t actually gotten a chance to properly talk to her yet, but after everything that had happened, he couldn’t not do it. He also knew that her quirk was unstable and dangerous and that she was the one most afraid of her own power, but All Might considered that the most important reason to speak with her. She needed to know that she wasn’t alone.
He stopped and leaned against a lamppost.
That’s a good job you’re going to do there, you socially awkward failure.
As All Might he could take on the world, but as Yagi Toshinori… Ever since he had accepted that his “true form” was going to be his definitive one, he found himself ever more self-conscious. He wanted to believe that he could still actually inspire people, but the reveal of his secret to the world after his fight with All for One and the widespread discussion on whether he was a fraud or not that had spread like wildfire in the media had been slowly eroding his confidence. At least he still had Young Midoriya's admiration and, if he could get Young Eri to trust him, just a little bit, maybe he could feel that there still was in him some of the he hero he had once been.
So he walked towards Hosu's general hospital with a small box of mochis in his hand, hoping they would cheer up the young girl, when an earth-shattering explosion shook the ground. 
Nearly losing his balance, All Might managed to grab a lamppost and steady himself, and when he looked up for the source of the explosion, he saw in horror that the hospital was up in flames. Black smoke swivelled up into the sky, and even from the distance he could hear the crackling of the flames and the victims' cries of distress. He was suddenly paralised. He body refused to move.
What can you do? Nothing.
Who can you help? No one.
Remember Nana. Remember Nighteye. 
You're useless. You're a fraud. 
Give up.
All for One's voice echoed in his head. He clutched his left side, panting heavily. His scar burned, throbbed, making his flesh shudder. He tried to shut the voice out, to make it stop, but it wouldn't. A part of him wanted to listen to him, but then again...
Eri was in the hospital.
Eri was the target.
All Might sprang forward, his muscles moving on his own. The mochi box dropped to the pavement, its contents spilling, but he couldn't care less. Only one thought filled his mind.
He had to save Eri.
Every great hero has that moment where his body just moves on its own to do what is right. You can become a hero, Toshi. Smile!
He was nearly out of breath when we reached the blazing building, yet he never slowed down. He could see that some heroes, those around the area, had already come in aid of the victims. Some of them had scratches, some bruises, but nobody seemed to have been severely wounded. However, it seemed that there were still people inside the hospital, judging by those who were escaping the burning inferno inside, coughing and heaving. But no matter where he looked, he couldn't see Eri. His heart rushed. Would he actually lose two people in the same place with such a short time difference? No. No, he wouldn't. He was All Might. He was the Symbol of Peace. 
He would succeed.
People gasped when they noticed the scrawny, dishevelled man jumping into the flames, but none of the heroes had time to react and stop him.
The burning heat was the first thing to hit All Might right in the face, as he felt his lungs bursting with fire. He held his breath, hoping to be quick enough not to end up roasted, and moved forward. A few people ran past him towards the exit, looking at him as if he were a madman (he was, in a way, wasn't he? he thought), and as they passed by his side he caught wind of something of a villain or two villains, and of a fire quirk, or an explosion one, he couldn't be sure amidst that chaos. What was clear was that it wasn't going to be easy. 
 The explosion caught Eri in an uncomfortable light sleep, turning and twisting in her bed, but as soon as the quake hit she leapt up. She knew something was amiss. And, somehow, she knew it was her fault.
Years of living with Overhaul had taught her that everything bad that happened was always her fault.
She held on tight to her bed sheets, remembering how those two boys had risked their lives for her. The blond one. The green-haired one. Her heroes. Would they come to save her once more?
She hadn't got the chance to thank them properly. Maybe she never would. Maybe that was for the better. 
She could hear people screaming and running outside her room, but the door was tightly locked and she couldn't get to the other side. Through her window, all she could see was mayhem. Then a thump at her door. She started, trembling. Was her father back for her? Would Overhaul punish her very harshly? Her hands shook. 
Another thump, this time stronger.
Then the door flew open, hinges hanging loose.
Two men came in. Eri didn't recognise them, but she knew that they weren't good news.
One of them was sturdily built, with more bulging muscles than a normal body should have, while the other was lean, with light hair and tired eyes. They looked around the room as if there were nothing out of the ordinary in their actions and grinned widely when they spotted the trembling child in a corner of her bed.
-Well, well, well, who do we have here. If it isn't the little lady.
The lean man's voice was melodious and could even have been described as pleasant, were it not for his obviously disdainful tone and the hint of madness that one could detect in his countenance. The big man just grunted.
-Just take her, Setsuno, I don't want another fucking hero squad chasing our asses.
-Language, Nakatani, there are children present- Setsuno Toya mocked his companion - We don't want the young miss to turn us to dust like she did with her real dad, do we?
Eri looked down, trying to hold back the tears. She was a monster. Maybe she was better off in a laboratory, as she had been her whole life.
-You're gonna come with us, kid- Setsuno said, extending his hand towards Eri- and you don’t get to choose. We'll get you and Overhaul and everything will be back to normal. The Eight Precepts of Death will be revived once more and Overhaul will see to it that we're never defeated again.- His eyes shone, insanity within them.
Maybe she was better off dea-
All three people turned, dumbstruck at the sudden intromission, but all Setsuno found was an enormous fist that connected with his jaw and sent him flying to the other side of the room. His companion, Nakatani, blinked and, without even noticing, took a step backwards, as it was no one other than All Might in front of him. Compared to the bulk of the number one hero, even his musculature paled. 
Eri was gaping in awe. Having lived cloistered within the prison that Overhaul had built for her, Eri knew nothing of All Might or of his heroic deeds, so she hadn't the faintest idea of who this enormous, blond man who had barged in and knocked out her torturers was, but then he smiled at her and she felt something move in her heart.
-Fuck!- Nakatani threw a punch at All Might, turning everything in his way to ash, but All Might saw it coming miles ahead and ducked in time. He knew that he had barely a few punches in himself and that he could only keep his muscle form for an incredibly short amount of time, and that even only after mustering every single ounce of force he had in himself, but it had to be enough to save Young Eri. In a smooth movement he adjusted his feet, immobilised with ease the villain's scorching arm, and smashed his head into the floor. He heard something crack, probably bone in addition to the floor tiles, and he jumped away as Setsuno thrust a broken glass shard towards him with his quirk. The sharp edge razed him and blood trickled down his sleeve. All Might hissed and lunged towards Setsuno, who avoided a near-fatal blow only because All Might flinched, his body unable to keep going much longer. The villain thought quickly, he needed another strategy, he couldn't believe Nakatani had been taken out so fast, fuck, how come All Might was back, wasn't he fucking retired? Fuck, this wasn't in his plans, he couldn't face All Might, he didn't have any weak points, fuck, fuck, fu-
Then Eri caught his eye.
The girl. Go for the girl.
All Might was still reeling from the ache in his limbs when we understood what Setsuno intended to do, and he jump just in time to stop all the projectiles from crashing into Eri.
He held the girl in his arms, feeling her small, trembling body, and even though the pain of his wounds was nigh unbearable, he looked at her, and when he saw her face flooded by tears but with a sparkle of hope in her eyes, he did what he always did, what Nana taught him to do, what Nighteye wanted him to do.
He smiled.
-Don't worry, young lady. Everything is fine, I'm here now.
Without letting Eri go, All Might stood up, shards of glass falling from his back and arms, and gathering the little strength that he had left, he strode to where Setsuno stood, trying to put together one last attack, and punched him with all the fury of his soul.
 When Eri opened her eyes again, the bulging muscles had gone, and in their stead stood a skinny, dusty and bleeding man. Her brain tried to understand what had happened, but then he looked at her and smiled again, and she felt the same thing she had felt when she had seen him appear through her room's door. The same thing she felt when she first met Deku and when Mirio had given her his cape. 
She felt hope.
She hugged All Might with her short, little arms and buried her face in his chest, and for the first time in months, despite the numbing pain of his wounds, All Might felt at peace.
-All Might Power Cookies? For All Might?
Todoroki gave Deku a skeptical look.
-Well, yes! I mean, they are the best ones! They are produced with a special grain from Hokkaido which is extremely beneficious for muscle implementation and which also helps with blood circulation, not to speak of the delicious flavour of...
-Yeah man, we get it, we get it!- Kirishima tapped Deku on the shoulder. The whole class knew of Deku's habits of muttering endlessly about subjects that thrilled him (mainly All Might, of course).
The attack on the hospital and All Might's unexpected intervention had caught everybody by surprise, and as soon as they learnt that the villains responsible for the fire were in custody and All Might was in hospital with some wounds, they raced there to see their teacher. Deku was especially worried, since All Might hadn't answered any of his texts ever since and he didn't know the extent of the damage. Mirio had told him, in confidence, that the perpetrators had been some of Overhaul's minions, trying to kidnap Eri for some kind of mad scheme of bringing back the Eight Precepts of Death. Where had All Might found the strength to fight the people who helped kill Nighteye was something that Deku had no idea, but he was concerned about how it must have affected his teacher. 
The students of 1-A reached All Might's room and lightly knocked on the door. All Might was sitting up on his bed, talking to Midnight, who had come visiting, and his eyes lighted up when he saw his students flooding in through the door.
-Oh, well- All Might blushed slightly, and Deku and Ochaco looked at each other and giggled- This a very pleasant surprise!
-We couldn't NOT come, All Might!- Iida felt obliged, as usual, to give a few introductory remarks, moving his hands in an extravagant motion- As students of UA's Hero Course and future pro-heroes, it is our duty to look after our fellow heroes and mentors!
-Well said, Iida!- whooped Kaminari- That's our Class Rep! 
All Might smiled, covered in bandages as he was. Deku responded with a shaky smile. All Might seemed well enough, but what did really lie behind the eternal smile of the ex-number one hero? 
-How are you doing, All Might-sensei?- asked Yaoyorozu with her soothing voice.
-I have been better- All Might laughed off his students' worries. He wished that he could still freely use this muscle form to comfort them, but he would just have to do his best as he was. 
-Were you able to fight like that?- Todoroki seemed somewhere between worried and suspicious. All Might wished he knew what was going through the young man’s mind; after all, he was Endeavour’s son, who had risen to the number one position after All Might’s retirement. He had no idea what Todoroki thought of him before, but know, being the weak shadow of what he had been, he feared he had lost the young man’s respect.
-Not like this, no- he answered, pointing at himself- I managed to get all muscle-y for a while and that was more than enough.
Then, to his amazement, all the kids looked at him with glittery eyes, brimming with excitement.
-That’s All Might for you!!- exclaimed Kirishima, lifting his fist- That is so cool!
-He was the number one hero, after all- slipped in Mina. Iida nodded very energetically.
-No less will be expected of us as pro heroes, everyone, so no slackening! Let All Might’s example inspire you all, understood?- he said.
-Oh, come on, Iida- Sero jumped on the class rep, taking him by the shoulders in a friendly gesture- You can't expect us all to be like All Might! That's aiming too high!
-Yeah, exactly!- protested Mina- All Might is the Symbol of Peace! We're more like... the Symbol of Brave-but-dumbness, or something like that.
The class burst out laughing with Mina's joke, but All Might couldn't help but wonder at the students' behaviour. Did they actually still look up to him? Did they still... admire him?
Suddenly, he noticed a slight nudge to his bandaged hand, and when he looked up his eyes met with Deku's.
-I'm so glad that you're all right, All Might- the boy was smiling, a smile that reached his eyes and that filled All Might with warmth- You're incredible, you really are...
-Young Midoriya...- All Might started to say, but then Midnight interrupted his thoughts.
-It seems you have a visitor, my dear- All Might and the rest of the children turned towards the door, that Midnight had opened to reveal two figures, one of them a tall, scruffy man in black and the other one a tiny white-haired bundle of nerves.
-Yo- Aizawa greeted the class and gently nudged Eri forward. The inquisitive gazes of all who didn’t know her yet (that is, everyone apart from those involved in the raid of Overhaul’s lair) fell on the young girl, who shrank in fear of all those strangers, but, suddenly spotting out Deku in the midst of the crowd, she regained a bit of self-confidence and, after inhaling deeply, strode forward. She stopped in front of Deku, who wasn’t entirely sure what she was doing there, but whatever it was he nodded in approval. Meanwhile, Aizawa kept his eyes fixed on Eri; he didn’t want to risk any possible catastrophe that the girl’s uncontrolled power might unchain, but she had pleaded so much to be able to visit All Might that he had finally given in.
Eri finally got to All Might’s side with her eyes stuck to the ground. All Might wasn’t sure whether the girl was scared, angry or what was it that she was feeling, and he felt completely at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to say something, but then Eri just leapt up into the bed and hugged him tightly. All Might was stunned, unable to move for a second, when he started feeling the girl’s warm tears soaking his shoulder.
-Thank you. Thank you- she whispered to his ear- You’re an amazing hero.
All Might held her tightly and not caring that his students were present, he let his tears flow freely for the first time in a very long time.
 A few hours later, after sharing cookies and tea with Eri, Midnight and Aizawa, all the students of 1-A left for home, except Deku. He excused himself to Iida and Ochaco, telling them to go ahead without him, and stayed behind to speak to his teacher. It had been a long day for All Might, but he had held on quite stoically.
-All Might- his teacher looked at him, his usual warm smile on his lips- Thank you for saving Eri. It must have been quite demanding, given your situation…- Deku couldn’t help but fumble on his words; his mind worked faster than his mouth and he just hoped that he was making sense- The thing is, I just wanted to know that… that I’m very proud that you chose me. Even though I have many doubts, and a lot of the time I feel I’m not up to the part, but seeing what you did there… how you risked everything for what you thought you had to do...- Deku looked up, and the intensity of his gaze impressed All Might- I will become a great hero. A hero that you, that Togata-senpai and that Sir Nighteye can be proud of! I promise you I will fight to create that future!
All Might fell silent for a moment, pondering the young man’s words, and then, looking into his eyes, he smiled once more.
-Really, Young Midoriya… You have already created that future. You already are a hero.
The afternoon light of the sun dwindled as two stars, a rising one and a falling one, continued to burn bright.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
It's been to long, hun.
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Missed you too, lovely!!! 
For those who don’t know, Nikki was in the Sonic comics wwwayyy back in the old days! He would be pretty pathetic… but then, when wishing to be strong, he turned into-! DA-DA-AAH! Sonic The Hedgehog! The hero and everything! Amy was dating Nikki, but she secretly also had a crush on Sonic.
So, Nikki IS Sonic! :D It’s a ‘split personality’ that Nikki is unaware of.
But because you want Modern, I thought of a great twist! What if Modern Sonic puts on glasses and wears one of Tails’s old sweatshirts? Amy runs into him and thinks she’s made a mistake! I think this’ll go nicely together :)
I hope this ‘twist’ will be better than what you wanted! :D When I heard the song, it was the first thing I could think of! If not, I’ll happily rewrite it more to your preferences :)
Sonic, after feeling Amy bump into him, at first wanted to act his usual way. He was wearing this type of ‘disguise’ mostly to go unnoticed without getting stopped by spectators wanting an autograph or other crazy fan girls chasing after him on what should have been his leisurely stroll around the place.
Lots of buildings had been taken down and remastered into beautiful new locations for tourist attractions and the like! Sonic had to get in on it! But with all the people… especially people only used to seeing him on the news, he wanted to avoid publicity.
Taking Tails’s old sweatshirt and getting fake glasses, he tried to blend in as a tourist or civilian.
Amy was gonna blow his whole cover!
He shied away and tried to wave his hand down, about to tell her to quiet down before she pulled back, and looked embarrassed.
“Oh! I’m so sorry! You just reminded me of someone else!” she patted his back which launched him a bit forward. Stumbling, he was suddenly reminded as he flailed his arms about that this was similar to his encounter with her when he was a big, hairy beast.
But there was no excuse for this other than the Superman disguise effect…
Sonic looked up, balancing himself from the impact of her hand’s force upon his back and center of gravity.
It was all in the glasses this time.
That, or Amy really needed a pair of her own.
Feeling a bit offended at first that even now she couldn’t tell it was him, he folded his arms and tapped his foot, hearing her spout out her apologies as if rehearsed for moments like this; and especially play the cute card.
“I’m really sorry about that!” She closed her eyes and scratched the back of her head slightly, sticking her tongue out before giving him a closer look, putting a finger to her mouth…
“But you really did look an awful lot like…”
He leaned forward, smiling. He figured she may just need a second look.
She blinked a few times, before grinning nervously and turning away, putting a hand up in a fist by her face. “Nah, it was just my honest mistake.”
He frowned.
Pulling back, he put his hands on his hips.
“Still! You could pull of Sonic The Hedgehog if you lose those glasses and tacky clothes.” she tugged on his sweater, looking over it as he flinched back.
Sweat dropping, he silently thought of how Amy could kinda tell it was him, but couldn’t put two and two together… so it seemed.
He sighed, and smiled, thinking he could have fun with this, he gestured a hand out and continued the conversation; acting completely innocent to the reality around him.
“It’s okay, miss. And you’re name is..?”
“Amy!” she happily piped up, and he realized she totally fell for it. Even after hearing his ‘softer’ voice, she couldn’t tell it was him. “Amy Rose!”
He decided to act like a shyer boy, hoping to throw her off even more as he leaned forward and put his hands behind his back.
“Not THE Amy Rose?” He innocently leaned back, as if surprised.
“O-oh… you… you haven’t heard of me, have you?” She blushed, and covered her face, swaying back and forth. “I didn’t realize I was so popular!”
“Oh, of course! I know all about you!” Sonic continued to act it up, pleased by her reactions. “They say you’re the cutest girl in Sonic’s team.” he winked.
“Ahhh~ The press can be so darling~!” she chimed, getting more animated before fluttering her eyes to him and placing a hand out in front of him. “And you are?”
“M-me..? Uhh..” his glasses slopped a minute, symbolically showing his disguise slightly loosen a little, before he pushed them back up and smiled back down to her. “I’m … Nikki! Nikki The Hedgehog.”
“Ah! I knew you were a hedgehog!” Amy pointed, and grinned as the two shared a rather precious moment, before Amy continued on, thumping her chest. “Well! I mustn’t falter in finding my precious Sonic! Hope you enjoy the sights, Nikki!” she waved to rush off, but Sonic wasn’t done with her just yet…
“H-hang on!” he called out, holding his arms out as she turned around, curious as to why he had stopped her from leaving.
“Is something wrong?” She looked over her shoulder. “You lost or need directions or something?”
“More like something.” he continued to play the sweet boy and looked shyly modest and humble as he ducked his head down a minute.
“The truth is… I once met Sonic.”
The evening was spent with Sonic (Nikki) walking around and exploring the sights with Amy, keeping up his disguise. He liked how she didn’t fawn so much over him when he was Nikki, and rather enjoyed her ‘normal’ company, which he didn’t see so often.
He didn’t pull any moves or anything, but there were moments where he would look over her shoulder, and smile, thinking her calmer self more desirable than the Amy he always encountered as himself.
They ended up getting ice cream, “My treat!” Sonic winked, thumbs up’ing in his signature way which almost blew his cover as his glasses slipped again when she stared at him suspiciously.
She shrugged it off though, to his relief.
“You sure do act like him, how long did you say he stayed with you on your farm with your grandpa before taking off after saving you from the fire started by Eggman?”
He had dug a pretty deep hole of a backstory… so he realized.
Sweat dropping again at having forgotten his fake story of how he met himself, he sat down by a bench near her as she accompanied him; giggling and grinning the whole way as she happily ate her ice cream.
Her little but frequent licks made him raise an eyebrow but think it rather humorous. She would never eat that way in front of him. To her, it was too messy and unlady-like around her one true love!
He kinda mocked at that. Liking her more when she ate naturally, and without restraint.
“Oh, that’s right. I think he stayed till his feet were cooled down from all the running.” He looked away, faking remembering, before he got a wicked idea pop into his head.
“Hey… I think I just remembered.” He looked forward then.
“W-what?” Amy looked concerned, as he looked away, trying to avoid her curiosity but secretly feeding it.
“I-It’s nothing… he might not want me to tell you about it..” he closed his eyes and folded his arms, “Hmm..”
“T-tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me! Was it about me?!” Amy tugged back and forth on him, making him laugh internally while pretending to be startled on the outside.
He weakly smiled up at her after she stopped shaking him. “I-It was about you… yes.”
“W-what did he say… Sonic talking about me?! Eeep!” she let him go, totally in shock, before looking forward and then covering her face, blushing and squee’ing as she rocked side to side.
Sonic looked over his shoulder, smirking wickedly, before looking back to her as kind as any manipulator in a golden opportunity to prank his friend could be.
“He said you’re rather pushy.”
Her whole face flinched into white.
A single leaf rolled by in the wind, before she shook him again. “That’s not funny! Tell me the truth!”
“Wha-ah-ah! Okay, okay! But you have to promise not to tell!” he squinted his eyes, before thinking that was enough and he should probably say something kinder to her.
“He… He said…” before he could think of another comeback, he suddenly noticed her eyes slopping down and the genuine concern in them.
He realized his error was more than a few simple nice words could fix, and sweat dropped a moment as he thought more sincerely about what to retort back with.
“He said…”
He saw her eyes sparkle with hope, her mouth slightly open, the anticipation of something kind from her hero’s lips made him realize this had to be something that would last with her…
Or screw her up.
“Ehem.” Actually growing truly shy, Sonic looked away, a faint pink on his cheek as he put his hand over his mouth, lifting a leg stylishly up on his knee, something he would naturally do, but his character, Nikki, wouldn’t.
“He thought you were… Awesome.”
“..He thought I was awesome? Sonic?” Amy rose an eyebrow, before scoffing.
“Definitely!” Sonic turned back to her, growing in confidence a bit with the help of the disguise…
“How!” Amy leaned forward, pouting demandedly as she was fully paying attention to his next little ‘story’.
“Well…” Sonic rolled his eyes to the side, now getting kinda awkward and nervous.
“…He said… There’s nothing like your smile. Like sunshine you could feel.”
“Really?” she pulled back, amazed.
This reaction gave Sonic even more confidence, though he was still leaning back away from her.
He looked away, thinking again.
“He said… you never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel.”
“..Like sunshine?” She cutely tilted her head.
All of a sudden, Sonic’s eyes dropped slightly and he leaned up, becoming more straight-backed and speaking even softer.
“And he noticed… when you get bored,… you puff up a corner of your cheek. It’s so discreet. But really sweet.”
“He said that? Honestly?”
“He said you still read those silly stories. Trying to get ideas on how to make your own, a real, reality.”
He suddenly smiled, moving more towards her.
“But he kept it all inside his head. What he saw, he left unsaid. And though he wanted too. He couldn’t talk to you. He couldn’t find a way… but he would always say…”
He leaned more forward.
“If I could tell her.. exactly what she meant to me. If I could tell her… that the way she laughs, it always gets to me. But you’re ideas of love were worlds apart. But he always wanted to tell you… just how… um. I don’t remember.” He suddenly grew nervous about being so ‘honest’ in his lying and nervously put his hand to his chin, looking away and kicking his leg back up, trying to dodge the conversation any further.
“Did he say he anything else?” Amy was completely infatuated with his words… as she placed a gentle, but pleading hand for him to continue on his knee.
The sensation shot him off in a quick comment, not even thinking about it, just impulse.
“Anything else? Well, of course he did! He said so many things I’m just trying to remember the best ones…” he shrugged, again, his smile turning more sheepish but realer by the second…
“He thought… you looked really pretty-ER.. Cool! When you mastered how to swing that hammer of yours!” He kept swishing his arms around, pretending to hold her hammer and swing it around.
She giggled, “He really did?”
“Oh, of course! And he… wondered how you learned to be so graceful on the battlefield!”
“Sonic..” she looked down, holding a closed-hand to her heart, looking deeply touched. “But he thinks our idea of love is two world’s apart?”
He seemed to be lost in how adorable and touched she looked… If only he could…
“But what can you do… when there seems like such a great divide… Between what you want and what would be… or seem… too… much.”
“He just seems so far away…” Amy looked away, slightly arching her back and bringing her knees closer to her sides, her legs wrapped a little over the other in a lady-like manner, as if she was withdrawing herself in insecurities for a moment. “I never knew he felt that way…”
How did he even begin to tell her?
“And what could he do when the distance seemed so wide?” he moved closer.
“How could he say he….” he stopped himself a moment, his eyes widening.
(AU moment. If this was true canon, he would turn away here and I’d end it… but since we’re going off a song that isn’t ‘perfectly’ canon anyway~ >wn>)
“I love you.”
“Huh?” she turned back to him.
“…I love you…” he suddenly seemed to be realizing it himself. A huge open smile coming on his face.
“I love you!”
“W-woah! N-Nikki…” she got up, holding her hands out, “I.. I should go.” She lowered her eyes and scanned the ground, before taking off.
“W-wait-!” he held out his hand before twitching and stopping himself.
He pulled it back, shaking his head and gripping it.
“..Don’t be stupid… Just stop yourself now, Sonic.” he sat back down fully upon the bench, staring at the ground as he slowly…
His face…
“But we’re a million worlds apart.. I don’t even know where to start… If I could…
           …………………………………………   Tell her.”
                           He took off the glasses and placed his hand on his eyes.
(Hope you enjoyed it! :D The song is gorgeous, haha!)
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