#Ninja Golf
hardcoregamer · 3 months
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10 Hidden Gems On Antstream Arcade
But much like with any streaming service, sometimes the best parts are the oddities that lie deep within it, like insane beat-'em-ups where you massacre poachers that turn out to be aliens or point-and-click adventure games based on Ed Wood films. Both of those are on Antstream Arcade, but so are these games, which are some notable hidden gems in one way or another (at least according to this writer's tastes), and so, if you have Antstream Arcade, you should definitely check them out.
Go see!
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g4zdtechtv · 10 months
G4EVER PRESENTS: Freeplay Review - Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration (Multiplatform)
Along came Atari.
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camarilla-arts · 4 months
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I finally have a colored ref for Shadow Jones in TMNT? she quickly became one of my favorite allies as was drafting the plot early on and i am so excited to get past the prologue so I can start writing her proper. Its so hard to pick any singular mask for a vigilante who's whole goal is to figure it out as she goes, so various points of the comic she will be wearing different masks, all refs to other versions of Casey Jones (and one of splinters) masks I've liked from various iterations.
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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I'll still go for Casey Jones even if Lori loud is better at Golf than the Vigilante...
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pocoslip · 9 months
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I heard there is a New Horror Game about Golf and now I wanna see Casey Jones Panicking and Screaming when Golfing for his Life
(i still wish casey jones wears his green shoes in tmnt shredder's revenge instead of a brown one from "corporate raiders from dimension x")
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kyle-stranger · 1 year
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Like Ninjas in the dark we were playing
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Angel's favorite sport (or sport equipment)?
I wanted to make a doodle for this for funsies but couldn't sorry :c
But Angel's favorite sport in my AU is Hockey just like her Uncle's, though she's also super into WWE she likes the theatrics even though she understands it's fake. Her favorite sport to play/equipment she uses is Baseball (bat).
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steve-smackdown · 1 year
Bracket 4, Round 1
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April 2023: This Weekend’s Walks
Seen while walking: 
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Turtles on a train: 
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My collection of dog frisbees & golf balls that I’ve collected from around the wasteland on my walks. I put them in this central location for anyone to pick up & use: 
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munohlow · 1 year
American Ninja Warrior is corny as hell sometimes but they don’t have a problem putting people of all ages and genders to compete against each other. You’ll never see an article about gender advantage controversy in American Ninja Warrior
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francebaby · 2 years
i was watching vinny vinesnauce play old ps2 games the other day and imagine his and chat's collective surprise when the aqua team hunger force game was actually a golf/fighting game based off ninja golf for the atari HFHGHFH
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evilminji · 8 months
You know how in Naruto, Sealing is a Finicky Art?
It's like computer coding, calligraphy, and symbolism had a super-powered/reality bending baby. You gotta think in VERY ADHD twirls and swirls too be any good at it. Which is why the Uzumaki rocked it so hard. But I digress.
Is Complexe AF.
Bends Reality and is EASY to fuck up.
Wanna bet? The BEST way to learn/use it? Is to copy already functioning examples? But Oh! How do you KNOW they are functioning? Safe? Well OBVIOUSLY, your Skilled At Seals teacher looks at it first! THEN gives it too you!
Using random seals you find in the dirt is how you get splattered across three different countryside in peices, after all. Possibly take out a nearly Town or two while your at it. No One Is THAT Dumb... RIGHT?
Enter Stage Right o/~☆ Humanity, Everybody! *polite, if strained, golf clapping*
Especially Ninja!
Ninja who, after fuckin MURDERING A WHOLE ASS VILLAGE OF SEALING MASTERS, decided to pick through the rubble! Because THAT is gonna work out GREAT! After all... it's not like you just KILLED the fuckers who could tell you what IS and IS NOT functional!
Was that once the "hazardous advanced class' sealing failures" bin? Or was it the "super awesome candy and rainbows" stash!? You don't know. NO ONE DOES NOW. You fuckin KILLED THE PEOPLE WHO DID.
They had their own REGIONAL Sealing Script.
You know, the one they taught to THEIR STUDENTS. Not outsiders. The students you KILLED, you absolute fuck nuggets. But hey! The threat of the Super Scary Sealing Masters is no more! Good job. You've successfully burned down the library. It can't hurt you ever again.
But NOW? You have piles upon piles of GIBBERISH.
You can only VAGUELY tell the novice seals from the master's. And even then? Do you have any idea what most of them DO? Nope. And after a certain point in training? The shaky, uncertain hand writing becomes smooth enough, that it all blends together in "Seals".
Now... what is the SMART thing to do?
Curse your hubris and the atrocities your fear allowed you to commit, obviously. But BEYOND that, Don't Touch Them. But we're Ninja. So WE are all suicidal idiots. The less smart but still Reasonably Precautionary thing to do? Study the amateur Seals. Learn Sealing from other masters.
Crack the Regional Script and slowly, painstakingly, work through each seal as we sort out what is and isn't safe. What can be salvaged. What can be used and how.
A process that will likely take years if not decades.
But of course, that's not GOOD ENOUGH for certain grabby handed, power hungry, short sighted, fuck weasels! No, no. It much EASIER to just throw human life into the blender until profit pops out! Completely IGNORING, of course, that SOME of these?
Could very well be the "Too Dangerous To Ever Use/Will Destroy Us All/Take Them All With Us" type of Seals that Kage usually LOCK UP. The kind you CAN'T destroy once you've made them, because the fall out would be WORSE. And?
Even if you are a murderous, middle management, go nowhere in your life, BASTARD of a ninja? Sometimes you can look down at the massive, intricately detailed, killer off nation's before you. Something that was WRAPPED in locks upon locks upon chains upon seals. And KNOW in your selfish, survival at all costs little heart... You DO NOT want anyone to fuck with this.
You CAN NOT let anyone fuck with this.
NO ONE can be allowed to touch it.
You may fear S Class Kage and Missing Nin and what all else they may do to you. But THIS? Your eyes can't even properly FOCUS on it. It's like a tunnel that's lined with poetry, stretching all the way to the Earth's core. It's perfectly flat. It moves, a gentle rotation. But is that just your eyes, tricking you?
So much ink, it swallows the scroll, and this is when it's COMPRESSED.
How many nations?
How many NATIONS must this monstrosity span, when free?
It must have taken a Master decades, if not their entire life, to complete. Possibly a family, several generations. But... but gods it is a work of MADNESS. No wonder it was sealed. It speak, you... you THINK... of Death...
Of it's KING.
Something BEYOND the Shinigami. BEYOND Death and the Purelands.
Who the FUCK would try to summon something beyond GODS? Did they think they could control it? Chain it like the bijuu? You're so cold inside. Because you KNOW. You fucking KNOW, the ambitions and arrogance of those above you.
They'll think they can.
They won't listen.
You... you have to take this and RUN. You stand no chance. But no chance is better then oblivion. Anything is better then standing by and watching it happen.
You obviously don't make it. You never expected too. But at least... at least you won't have to watch whatever THAT is... arrive... fuck...
At least you TRIED.
And? Because leaf Ninja, specifically certain teams, have the MOST Shit luck imaginable? They arrive, having crossed paths with several other teams, on the way back home (yay! Warm food and real beds!) Just in time to see a desperate looking ninja from one of the small villages get fuckin pincushioned. Drop what is VERY clearly an Uzushio Scroll of considerable size and SEVERE SSS+ DO Not EVER Touch Grade Type Markings, and then some joining from that same village go to grab it.
Notice them.
You know... the multiple LEAF NINJA. Who TOO THIS DAY, wear the UZU swirl on their uniforms as a mourning tribute to the DEAR AND PRECIOUS ALLIES they could not save. The Uzushio Allies. Those ones. The ones that were, in fact, from Uzushio.
By the WAY! How DID you get that Scroll? Doesn't seem like something our dear friends would just HAND over, now does it? You didn't happen to LOOT THEIR FUCKIN GRAVES did you? Cause we sure would be MAD about that!
Real Mad.
Dude obviously panics. Because that? That is a VERY pissed off bunch of Ninja, many in the bingo book, one of whom is Very Clearly throwing off BIJUU CHAKRA. And just said "my family's" Ha ha... Oh Shit that's an Uzumaki.
So he decides to USE THE SEAL.
What does it do?
He doesn't know! But it's probably SOMETHING big and impressive, right?
Yes. :) Yes it Does.
The SKY cracks. Like a pane of glass, struck by a hammer. Spiderwebbing as far as the eye can see above them, all from one central point, directly above the seal. The cracks there are concentrated. A point of impact. And through the cracks... something GREEN shines.
Brighter then the daylight around it, yet darker in color then the blue of the sky. Lazily whisping out like escaping mist. Time seems slow as their eyes all whip up wards. Even with senses beyond the normal human base, it is... inconceivable. SOMETHING winds back. They can not see it.
But they can feel it.
Like changing pressure as a storm rolls in.
Green overtakes the blue. The sky a Kaleidescape of shards, held together by stubbornness alone. Reflecting a calm day that seems IMPOSSIBLE in the face of what's occurring. There should be wind. Great pressure changes in the face of so much FORCE, but the trees are eerily still.. utterly silent..
Nothing dares bring attention to itself.
Some distant part of their minds try to gather the thought that... that it could be an illusion. They... they should check. But they can FEEL it. Like a weight draped gently but without mercy upon their shoulders. It did not slam. But... but they can not move. Can barely breathe. It is beyond killing intent.
It is simply...
At last, the sky gives way. A fist, the size of towers punching through. It... it is almost elegant. A ring, almost in the shinigami's visage, wraps itself in a howling and snarled menace, around a great shining finger. A glove protects almost delicate looking, claw tipped fingers. The fist pulls back. Shard of sky falling, Floating, suspended in their moment of destruction, a glittering frame for the gapping wound that has overtaken everything.
Death has Green Eyes.
A crown of ice and starlight, pulled straight from the coldest north, hair that drifts like the drowned. His skin is that of a corpse. His breath a coldness that seems to suck all warmth from the world. There is no rage, no great irritation, his face merely twisted in slight annoyance. Mild displeasure.
And yet it feels like their greatest sin.
They are ants. Less then ants. He... He LOOMS so TALL. The Green BURNS into their eyes, into their veins, chokes their lungs. The silence stretches. Those great eyes, the eyes of a GOD, move from them. To the man with the Seal.
He dies instantly.
They... they need to... to...
Naruto wanders over and picks up the scroll, completely ignore the Giant Sky God Of Death and how all his friends are frozen in primordial fear. He roughly shakes the dirt off the delicate old relic, then squint at it. Figures he's holding it upside-down. Flipping it, he squints harder. Tilts his head and hums.
He holds his hand up, turning to look at the terrifying Deity From Beyond Comprehension.
"It's me! I'm the Uzumaki! But, uh, I didn't actually summon you? Our stuff got stolen. Which really sucks!" He looks down again, brings the paper nearly to his nose trying to make out some thing. "Uuuuuh, huh. Got it! Can you get smaller? I don't got any BBQ or anything ON me right now, but Choji's Family makes REALLY good food! We can go out to eat? Ooh ooh! Maybe RAMEN! You like Ramen, right?!"
"Yep, Definitely one of Shouta's."
Rumbles The Actual Fucking King Of Death, shaking the trees and ground under your feet. As you probably stare at your fellow Leaf Nin like WTF.
"Sure, man. Give me a second."
And suddenly? He's leaning forward. Shrinking and twisting in ways that are painful to look at. The sky is... is not healing, so much as UNcracking. Rewinding itself to a pristine state. Until only a large, floating, armored God in black and white floats above you. Glowing.
One that... that is apparently FRIENDS with the Uzumaki Clan.
Because of course he is.
Naruto's introducing his Toads. And teammates. You almost feel bad for Hatake. But like? Better you then me, buddy. THEN? Death? Decides? For some inconceivable reason. "You know what? Im'ma just turn into a human WITH NO CHAKRA NETWORK. Reeeeeally freak out the locals."
And now Leaf is INCHARGE of entertaining A GOD until he decides to leave.
Or (presumably) Else.
And!! Because life loves to kick ninjas IN THE BALLS (for their stupid, STUPID life choices, YOU FUCKERS) it just HAD to be the One God? That can SEE DEAD PEOPLE. Because it's not like ninjas have Death Related Traumas or anything!
*internal ninja screaming*
Feed the guy some BBQ! Stat! Please Akimichi! Save us!
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @nerdpoe @mutable-manifestation
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knightscanfeeltoo · 11 months
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Lori Loud just playing Golf with Casey Jones...
(i know casey jones doesn't have a golf club in the 1987 tmnt cartoon but he did use them in shredder's revenge...)
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pocoslip · 5 months
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I'm Sad that Casey Jones 1987 never use Golf Clubs in the Show Cause I wanna have Business CJ play Golf when Working
(At least when Casey Jones is in a Good Mood, has Free Time and Doesn't feel like Breaking Anything for Once Plus Twitter F*cking Sucks Sh*t)
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n64retro · 6 months
Main titles released for Nintendo 64, by year*: 1996: Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Killer Instinct Gold, Pilotwings 64, Cruis 'n USA. 1997: GoldenEye 007, Star Fox 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Mischief Makers, Doom 64, Duke Nukem 64, Bomberman 64, Blast Corps. 1998: Banjo-Kazooie, F-Zero X, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, 1080 Snowboarding, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mortal Kombat 4, Yoshi's Story. 1999: Pokémon Snap, Resident Evil 2, Super Smash Bros., Quake II, Donkey Kong 64, Jet For Gemini, Harvest Moon 64, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Castlevania Legacy of Darkness, Shadowman, Beetle Adventure Racing, Star Wars: Episode I Racer, Mario Golf, International Superstar Soccer 2000, NBA Courtside 2. 2000: Banjo-Tooie, Excitebike 64, Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, Mario Tennis, Ridge Racer 64, Sin and Punishment, Indiana Jones and The Infernal Machine, Perfect Dark, Ogre Battle 64, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, 007 The World is not Enough, Mega Man 64, WWF No Mercy, Mario Party 2. 2001: Paper Mario, Pokémon Stadium 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Animal Forest, Mario Party 3, Madden NFL 2002, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. 2002: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. *the date for the titles in this poll matches the North American release.
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Come with me on this journey okay:
-Stay-at-home-wheelchair-Dad Jake Sully babysits literally all children. His own, whatever fosters Norm has at the time, Tonowari’s, and Tsu’sey and Sylwanin’s. He is the babysitting and parenting God. 
-When they’re really rowdy he puts them all on leashes and has them pull him around the street yelling “MUSH, MUSH!”
-Eytukan is retired, so he helps Mo’at run her free clinic. Jake spends like all his free time there, “helping out” with his hoard of children. It’s really just a nice open area for the kids to play in, big fields and equipment in clear view while Jake helps with physical therapy.
-The clinic is where he and Neytiri met, he didn’t have the money for treatment on vet benefits after he was paralyzed in the marines so he ended up at the free clinic. Neytiri volunteers for her mother on the weekends, and she bullied him into enjoying life again. 
-Sylwanin and Jake are pretend frenemies, she pretends to hate him because he stole her little sister AND managed to get married and have kids before her and Tsu’tey who have been dating for like, their entire lives. Jake says it’s because they have yet to be blown up, and he can help her with that. 
-Every time Jake wheels his way in with all the kids Sylwanin goes “Oh, it’s you,” and Jake says “Yeah yeah, just your brother in law, not like I should get any respect around here,” and then he hands her her exact Starbucks order and offers to have Lo’ak throw up on her most hated patient. 
-(when he was little Lo’ak could throw up on command)
-Sylwanin loves all her nieces and nephews equally but she especially enjoys Spider, because before he was adopted he was in the clinic fairly often for suspicious injuries. She hasn’t shaken the urge to watch him like a hawk yet. 
-Eytukan and Jake are Boys in a way that disgusts all the women in their family. They go golfing together, and Eytukan accuses Jake of cheating via proximity to the ground.
-Lo’ak was DETERMINED to golf with them for years and when they actually let him come he cried he got so bored.
-Neteyam would never admit this under pain of death, but he enjoys golfing. 
-Spider, Neteyam, Ao’nung, and Lo’ak are all deeply obsessed with American Ninja Warrior, so Tonowari, Jake, and Tsu’tey built a course for them. They then started to get a little into it and it got serious. To this day out of everyone they know Jake is the only one to have completed the salmon ladder, and then he hauled himself off the mat and back into his chair and Tonowari and Tsu’tey had to reconsider their sexualities. 
-When Kiri, Lo’ak, Neteyam, Spider, and Ao’nung were all babies Jake went to the store with them all strapped to him or in a basket on his wheelchair and someone called the cops cause they thought he stole all those varying ethnicity babies. 
-Jake calls it The Great Baby Heist of 2077 and Tsu’tey always responds to this story by asking what idiot would want that many babies?
-Sometimes Sylwanin gets too friendly with Jake and quickly pretends to get mad at him. 
-Tonowari and Tsu’tey became friends by both being confused as hell by their friend Jake. When they met him he was all depressed and rotting away alone in the free clinic. Now he’s so high energy he raced Lo’ak once and threw himself out of his chair to get extra momentum to beat Lo’ak over the arbitrary finish line. He had a pool installed for Kiri to just float in and stare at the sky. He bakes cookies with Tsireya balanced on his chair between his legs so he can help her crack the eggs. He beat Tsu’tey in a wrestling match in the gym the other day. His enthusiasm for life scares them, they spend a lot of time side eyeing each other behind him. 
-Sylwanin (secretly) likes Jake because he’s a good father and husband to her kids, and he’s funny and a good person, but she likes him even more for the energy he brings out in her husband. Tsu’tey is NOT GOOD at making friends, he’s awkward and he’s a weirdo. But now he plays tennis twice a week with Jake, Norm, and Tonowari and spends like every evening she has to work at the Sully house for dinner. 
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