cheellart · 1 year
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JÖLDIR, the silvered shade Fanart of the game Century: Age of Ashes. I used to play this game a lot and he was one of my favorite nightsnagger dragons.
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rwuffles · 5 months
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☕️ ❛ transnightsnagger / transspecies nightsnagger! ⚣
pt: transnightsnagger/transspecies nightsnagger. end pt.
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︵︵﹒definition | a flag for when one is a transnightsnagger / transspecies nightsnagger! this is a nonhuman / otherkin term — NOT a rad//queer term.
pt: definition, a flag for when one is a transnightsnagger/transspecies nightsnagger! this is a nonhuman/otherkin term—not a rad//queer term. end pt.
☕️ ❛ tags! ⚣ @kagamine-twinz @kiruliom @pawteen @transspeciesculture
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soulhunterrr · 2 years
Since I'm talking about achievements in Century Age of Ashes
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Here are my most recent ones, now that I know how to fly, kind of, it's more like a freestyle kind of situation... But hey, it works 😂😂
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I'm especially proud of this one because I love how the Drakepiercer thingy works (and also I thought it's Darkpiercer till I got the achievement but ANYWAYS)
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thunderboltfire · 5 months
I had a need to destress at the end of the week, so I've decided to see whether or not I still can fly a dragon in Century: Age of Ashes. And because of the new season the matchmaking put me with newbies, so at least I've managed to feel good about my skills XD
Anyway, it's still a fun game! The monetisation is pretty obnoxious, but it's F2P so It could be expected. The thing I really love in this game are the dragon animations and how organic the flight simulation is. I've also managed to get a few pretty dragons two years ago, before they've introduced the battle pass. Hence, a pretty dragons tax:
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When it comes to playing Marauder, my dragon of choice is Valkür Ridges, followed closely by Smoldering Sands, which was the first dragon I've hatched from an egg.
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I have a very limited choice of Ironwings, their drops don't like me too much XD but I was able to get the gamer dragon Rayless Depths. Its colors clash terribly with base Windguard skin, but I like its bioluminescent markings and sleek, dark coloring.
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I play as Phantom only if I must, but surprisingly I have a few Nightsnaggers too. Their design is a little pointy for my taste, but out of all I have I think I like the Manorc'h Pasturages the best. Its butterfly-like pattern on its wings is pretty compelling and matches the muted body color nicely.
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I think I've only played the Stormraiser one or two times, but I happened to have a battlepass when the class was first introduced, so I've collected a few extra dragons. The Stonesnouts' design is IMO the most ostentatiously based on HTTYD (the whole game has a very evident footprint in the very concept of it and in the gear aestetics), and my fave from my nesting ground would probably be Radkron the Thunderborn.
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teecupangel · 1 year
AC Dragon Riders AU
So @saberamane was interested in the Dragon Rider AU I had after playing Century: Age of Ashes for a bit so here we go.
Let’s set up the stage for now. (and we are playing hella loose with Century: Age of Ashes lore in this one. No, seriously, I might be keeping the names of the dragons but I’m playing loose with their ‘personalities’ and the colors are purely cosmetic unless there’s something more noted about it)
In this AU, humanity learned to ride dragons and developed their traditions and way of living with their existence in mind. Society is composed of ‘clans’ of varying sizes with their own alliances and grievances. And all these clans are forever locked in a spiral of peace and war among themselves. It is inevitable that this perpetual cycle of war will continue until the last dragon rider’s ashes fell from the sky.
Dragon riders are usually composed of four people as any larger would make it easier for others to see them approach. There have been cases of smaller number of dragon rider groups in history but they are uncommon and most happened because of tragedy and are not done by choice.
Dragons themselves have different species with each having their own variety depending on their parents and where they have been raised. Some dragon riders bear the banner of researchers, aiming to categorize and observe new varieties, with their ultimate goal being to be able to find an undiscovered species.
For now, the known dragon species are as followed:
Nightsnagger - mostly known for their lithe build and their ability to shroud themselves and their rider in a ball of light that reflects everything around them, making them invisible for a short period of time, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for their speed and stealth. Other than spewing fireballs, they can shoot out mines that can stick to walls and other dragons and will explode from the slight change of air. This mine can be changed to explode after a certain amount of time (blast) or to explode in a line that pierces everything in its path.
Ironwing - the easiest dragon to tame for they are known to be compassionate to humans who treat them well and care for other dragons regardless of whether they are the same species or not, they are sturdy and able to heal faster than other species as well as the ability to ‘know’ if one of their dragon comrades is in trouble even if they are far away.
Bloodchasers - The most aggressive dragon species known right now. Their bulky frame makes them powerful enough to destroy fortified walls by just slamming into them and they have an insatiable desire to take down their prey, making them a formidable opponent in the sky. Their feathers can be used as projectiles that freeze as it travels at high speed.
Stonesnout - The preferred dragons of riders born and raised up north in the cold with an affinity to lightning and a large body that can take a beating if necessary.
Vinedrake - A dragon species seemingly more seen in the deepest parts of the forest, what they lack in brute strength, they make up for what appears to be some kind of secretion that can momentarily boost their capabilities or weaken other dragons.
The Hidden Ones:
A large clan composed of smaller sects that have different skills and missions. Supposedly, they were the descendants of the first dragon tamers, the Medjays, and their clan leader only goes by the title ‘Mentor’.
The Successors
4 dragon riders that are considered to be one of the best teams of the Hidden Ones. All of their dragons are Nightsnaggers and they are known for taking down other dragons unaware by shrouding themselves in the Nightsnaggers’ shroud. Their name comes from the rumor that they are the top candidates to be the next mentor of the Hidden Ones. They are also called the ‘White Death” for their dragons are all of lighter shade.
Altaïr: Born and raised by a sect of the Hidden Ones that raise soldiers from a very young age, he’s quite arrogant and can be quite rude, mostly reined in by his team. It’s not common knowledge but he actually has a scholarly mind and would spend his free time reading books. He left his sect due to a disagreement with the current sect leader, although the reason for their disagreement is a mystery. It is only by the grace of the mentor that he is not hunted down by his old sect.
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Tafaha: A white Nightsnagger born and bred by Altaïr’s sect to be faster than any other Nightsnagger. She was given to Altaïr as an egg when he was a child and he raised her himself, supposedly one of her sires was the dragon of Altaïr’s father who perished together with Altaïr’s father when he had been 11. She’s obedient and quiet and she likes to curl around her rider whenever he’s reading. She also curls to make herself smaller whenever she’s sleeping.
Ezio: The second son of a prominent family known for being both capable dragon riders and leaders. With his older brother being trained to be their father’s successor, Ezio decided to be a dragon rider to impress a woman he had fallen in love with. Tragedy struck their family and his father and brother were thrown in jail while he barely escaped thanks to his dragon flying him and his mother, sister, and younger brother away as they were chased by dragon riders under the control of a rival family from the same sect. His father and brother were rescued by the Hidden Ones and he joined them to be a better dragon rider. He’s the de-facto leader and spokesperson of their group.
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Belladonna: A dragon bred to be a 'soldier' dragon and sturdier than normal Nightsnagger because of it. Quite a spoiled dragon even though Ezio tried to raise her properly, she got a lot of pets and treats from Ezio’s younger siblings growing up. She’ll do what needs to be done when in the air but, during downtime, she demands to be petted and be told she did a good job. Ezio is weak to her demands and he likes to call her his ‘little princess’. Her wings are tattered in some places, a reminder of the pain she suffered while flying away from dragon riders pursuing them all the while carrying more load than she should.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: He was not born into the Hidden Ones but he had sought them out with his dragon when he was a teenager, asking to be trained by them so he may protect his village. By the time his training was complete, he returned to an empty clearing and all he knows is that his entire village had left. He agreed to join the team to find his village and find out what happened. He had grown close to the three and usually had to be the one physically stopping Altaïr and Ezio before things got too heated and spiteful words could be said.
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Karòn:ia: The oldest of the four dragons and supposedly older than Ratonhnhaké:ton himself. Sometimes, he calls her ‘my second mother’ and they believe she was actually his mother’s dragon. She tends to be the one to keep the other dragons from being too rowdy (mostly Belladonna and Minnie).
Desmond: No one really knows where he comes from. He was definitely born as a Hidden One, that’s for sure, but they’re not sure which sect he came from. He actually started as more like a tagalong to take care of the dragons until the egg he had (which he kept a secret from everyone for some reason) hatched. He’s the most inexperienced of the three but not really. It’s like he was trained to be a dragon rider but he’s a bit rusty for some reason. Altaïr seems to have an idea of who he is which Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton believe means that Desmond is from one of the old sects of the Hidden Ones but not the same sect as Altaïr. Usually called ‘our little fledgling’ by Ezio and sometimes called ‘young lord’ by Altaïr when he gets annoyed. He’s pretty much the peacekeeper of the group and tends to have the final say, mostly because the other three can’t say no to him.
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Minnie: A dragon raised by Desmond and the others. He’s the youngest and very, very excitable. He's a male dragon but he's apparently named after Desmond’s mother… or Desmond was joking, they’re not really sure. He’s still growing and has a problem focusing at times but he and Desmond are so attuned to one another that he knows what Desmond wants even without Desmond saying anything. Loves, absolutely LOVES, to leave mines all over whenever they’re skirmishing with other dragons. Good news is that the other dragons have learned how much he loves mines and is able to evade them easily… Or use them to cause a chain explosion to their advantage.
This was getting long so I’ll just write the teams and their dragon species. If you guys want to know about them in this AU, let me know and I’ll make a separate post or something:
Other Hidden One Teams:
The Rooks:
Arno (leader): Ironwing
Evie: Nightsnagger
Jacob: Bloodchaser
Jayadeep: Ironwing
The Messengers (of the Mentors):
Bayek: Nightsnagger
Amunet: Nightsnagger
Hepzefa: Ironwing
Khemu: Bloodchaser (used to be his father’s)
Unnamed Teams (I haven’t thought of a name)
Team 1:
Aguilar: Nightsnagger
Shao Jun: Nightsnagger
Nikolai: Bloodchaser
Arbaaz: Bloodchaser
Team 2:
Roshan: Nightsnagger
Fuladh: Nightsnagger
Hytham: Nightsnagger
Altaïr’s Previous Team:
Malik: Nightsnagger
Kadar (Altaïr’s current replacement): Nightsnagger
Adha: Ironwing
Abbas: Bloodchaser
Other Clans:
The Raven Clan (clan leader is Sigurd):
Eivor: Stonesnout
Randvi: Stonesnout
Petra: Bloodchaser
Valka: Stonesnout
Mercenary Group:
Kassandra: Vinedrake (Adestria)
Alexios: Vinedrake
Brasidas: Bloodchaser
Layla: Ironwing
Dragon Pirates:
Edward: Bloodchaser
Adéwale: Ironwing
Mary: Nightsnagger
Anne: Ironwing
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Being able ride any dragon you want regardless of class is cool though having my Windguard on a Nightsnagger or a Stonesnout is a little wierd atm.
Artifact is... different. You have to grab the artifact, charge it & then take it to the enemy base or destroy it if you the defender. It kinda feels a bit like domination. The crystals are mainly in the caves, so there was a lot of flying in circles which was a little dizzying. The new map is all mountains & ice & is absolutely gorgeous.
I'm not sure the game need poses or celebrations but it does give you a chance to show of your gear & dragon skins.
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dustandthings · 2 years
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Here is my nightsnagger collection so far for my main class, phantom.
Skins from top to bottom:
-Thistle swamp (starter skin)
-Misty temple
-Golden marshes
-Barren bluffs
-Manorc'h pasturages
-Forgotten bog
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catfang12 · 2 years
My Century age of ashes Nightsnagger skins part 2 of 2
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zanidragon-art · 3 years
Sketchbook upload!
Baldura Gate 3 barbarian Mayhem, monstrous vampires, Ao-d'ta my yautja, some marauderer and phantom art from Century Age of Ashes, and of course the nargacuga of monster hunter.
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dukeofqueers · 3 years
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maybe i’ve played Century: Age of Ashes a bit too much, maybe i have a Phantom and dragon ocs, MAYBE i love them too much.
The reason this even happened is because, from my friends’ claims, i’m a tryhard who plays super aggressively. since i passed the +700 kills even though i usually hate pvp i can’t say they’re wrong.
Some infos under cut:
- my Acolyte is named Eivind (they/it, he/him is also acceptable), and the dragon is Solvej (she/her) - Eivind is nicknamed “The One-Eyed”, for obvious reasons - Eivind is mute since birth, they use sign language with people and special whistles + tongue clicking with Solvej - they’re also undead, since a item’s lore implied that my theory on Acolytes is correct :) - Eivind was disfigured during the attacks on the Circle’s temples - they were a master blacksmith and survived the big of the invasion because they were away from the main action, trying to salvage relics and equipment before fleeing - Solvej was and is always a very affectionate dragon, when she was young she’d just be trailing after Eivind or hitching a ride on their shoulders at all times - Eivind has been taking care of Solvej ever since she hatched and considers her to be their only friend - like a lot of Phantoms, Eivind now mainly looks for relics, and hunts down those who had a hand in the attacks or profited from them - one day a young Windguard (friend’s oc) found and healed Eivind after a fight gone wrong for them and she became their self-proclaimed squire, to their greatest despair - they’re not really trying to get rid of her though. lots of complicated feelings and them playing russian roulette with their moral compass - (it won’t end well. for who? not sure yet) - for flavor, Eivind’s theme song is Invasion by Haken
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rwuffles · 1 day
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pt: transspecies manorc'h pastures nightsnagger. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a flag for when you're a transspecies manorc'h pastures nightsnagger! this is an otherkin / nonhuman term — NOT a rad//queer term.
pt: definition, a flag for when you're a transspecies manorc'h pastures nightsnagger! this is an otherkin/nonhuman term—NOT a rad//queer term. end pt.
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   transspecies + manorc'h pastures + nightsnagger.
TAGS.  @kiruliom @transspeciesculture @seapupz @jigumis @zoeynovie @angeltism @crossstains @chivalrynt @wailingclowns.  ➷
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rwuffles · 2 days
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pt: transspecies omen of the night nightsnagger. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a flag for when you're a transspecies omen of the night nightsnagger! this is a nonhuman / otherkin term — NOT a rad//queer term.
pt: definition, a flag for when you're a transspecies omen of the night nightsnagger! this is a nonhuman/otherkin term—NOT a rad//queer term. end pt.
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   transspecies + omen of the night + nightsnagger.
TAGS.  @kiruliom @transspeciesculture @jigumis @seapupz @zoeynovie @angeltism @crossstains @chivalrynt @wailingclowns.  ➷
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rwuffles · 2 days
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pt: transspecies barren bluffs nightsnagger. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a flag for when you're a transspecies barren bluffs nightsnagger! this is an otherkin / nonhuman term — NOT a rad//queer term.
pt: definition, a flag for when you're a transspecies barren bluffs nightsnagger! this is an otherkin/nonhuman term—NOT a rad//queer term. end pt.
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   transspecies + barren bluffs + nightsnagger.
TAGS.  @kiruliom @transspeciesculture @seapupz @jigumis @zoeynovie @angeltism @crossstains @chivalrynt @wailingclowns.  ➷
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rwuffles · 4 months
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☕️ ❛ puripazephyr! ⚣ pyure-ih-pah-zeff-er
pt: puripazephyr. pyure-ih-pah-zeff-er. end pt.
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︵︵﹒definition | when one's gender is deeply intertwined with the nightsnagger skin , laek-dal , the purifying zephyr. this may be because they are laek-dal , they were laek-dal in a past life , they were / are a dragon that looks like laek-dal , or for whatever reason the user has!
pt: definition, when one's gender is deeply intertwined with the nightsnagger skin, laek-dal, the purifying zephyr(link). this may be because they are laek-dal, they were laek-dal in a past life, they were/are a dragon that looks like laek-dal, or for whatever reason the user has! end pt.
☕️ ❛ tags! ⚣ @pomerie @kagamine-twinz
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rwuffles · 23 hours
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pt: transspecies the order's cunning nightsnagger. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a flag for when you're a transspecies the order's cunning nightsnagger! this is an otherkin / nonhuman term — NOT a rad//queer term.
pt: definition, a flag for when you're a transspecies the order's cunning nightsnagger! this is an otherkin/nonhuman term—NOT a rad//queer term. end pt.
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   transspecies + the order's cunning + nightsnagger.
TAGS.  @kiruliom @transspeciesculture @zoeynovie @jigumis @angeltism @seapupz @crossstains @chivalrynt @wailingclowns.  ➷
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catfang12 · 2 years
My Century age of ashes Nightsnagger skins part 1 of 2
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