#Nightmuse has random musings on stuff
musanocturnis · 1 year
Zoro is like, he was cast in a different movie, but walked onto the wrong set and started playing his role and nobody realised.
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musanocturnis · 1 year
One of the things I love about fanfiction that we don't really get to see in profic is when new writers start out clunky in the early chapters of a story, then as the story progresses the writing gets more and more fluent. It's kind of an honor to be along for the ride.
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musanocturnis · 1 year
If the world crashed right now, and had to be reloaded; where's your nearest save point? Where do you respawn?
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musanocturnis · 1 year
I assume the day Luffy🌞 stops smiling, is going to be a very, very bad day?
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musanocturnis · 1 year
Y'know what? This whole "Some day I'm gonna get into One Piece, Some day I'm gonna check it out, Some day I'm gonna figure out what it's about" thing,
that I never did?
A+ decision, going in unspoiled: ✅✅✅✅✅
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musanocturnis · 1 year
i am not a complex woman; i get two moody stabby swordy bois in one evening, i am quite content
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musanocturnis · 11 months
I'm two books into inCryptid, and I want so badly for someone to take the Aeslin mice to a craft store.
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musanocturnis · 1 year
ever thought about how cool handwriting realy is? like im taking this stick full of shit and i'm smearing it onto this flat sheet of tree beten into submission and the squiggles MEAN suff liek i can write a shopping list or a manifresasbto on all the way things suck or tells omeone i love them and the squiggles MEAN stuff theyre nto just little drawings (bit i love little drawings)
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musanocturnis · 11 months
Once upon a time I had a hair color best described as "starfleet medical blue" and I have no idea how to get it again, and I'm kinda sad about it's unobtainability.
I can get blue, I can get green. But *this* specific flavor was entirely by chance.
(if you ever want to dye your hair fun colors? this is the kind of happy coincidences that happen. a skilled hairdresser can get you close to what you want, but exact results are not a thing you can request; it's an art, not a science)
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musanocturnis · 1 year
So in like. A decade of using Ao3 it never occurred to me to use site bookmarks because I used the browser ones. Which I can't find, and don't know what happened to. Am starting to get a little nervous.
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musanocturnis · 1 year
the curse of loving a fandom that had its golden age before ao3
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musanocturnis · 1 year
right, so, One Piece done
bandaid and ducttape around my heart
spirit in a bucket
courage in the form of liquid
it's past 02:00 which means Wheel of Time season 2 is out, lets go
(what a time to be a nerd)
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musanocturnis · 1 year
finished One Piece
am a puddle of feelings on the floor
please mop me up
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musanocturnis · 1 year
Friends, I need to crowdsource some opinions from yas
I’ve moved to my own place, while technically not first time in my life I’m living by myself, this is the first time I’ve been able to make choices about stuff like furniture and decorations and just the way I want to plan out my home, what I have, where it goes, what performs what function. It’s a lotta choices LOL, every time I turn around there’s an empty space.
I want a space to read. Historically I have used computer chair and bed, and for sleep hygiene purposes I need to convert the bed into “the place where I close my eyes and try to sleep”, while the computer chair is very ergonomic but not the kind of... rest and relax and dream away to another place that I associate with reading.
But I’ve never had my own reading space. I don’t know how to go about making one. I try couches and chairs and all they tell me is they’re soft but I keep feeling like I’m... not resting, just occupying it, like I’ve been permitted to sit but not invited to, if you know? Plus I am short and can never have both feet and back comfortable simultaneously, just keep feeling like a kid in a grown up seat.
What do I look for, for making a me-space for reading? I got lotsa physical space to work with, it’s all about the feel.
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musanocturnis · 2 years
i had a fun thought I wanted to share with tumblr, but i forgot what it was :(
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musanocturnis · 2 years
On the one hand, I’m moping because a fanfic that was gonna update hasn’t updated (yet).
On the other hand, I’M ACTUALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO STUFF AGAIN 😁😁😁😁. Mental health recovery indicated. 
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