lord-kallig · 4 years
Nifthman Fusiliers
Homeworld: Nifthla Regiment Type: Infantry Specialisation: Marksmen
The Nifthman Fusiliers are the primary regiments from the world of Nifthla and its inhabited natural satellites. They have become famous for their disciplined marksmen and infamous for their pride and resolve. 
The Nifthman Fusiliers are raised from the noble classes from Nifthla. Specifically it is customary for the second born child of a family to be trained to become a member of the Fusiliers. A degree of equality is applied to all individuals recruited into the Sentinels and Fusiliers. All distinction present is wholly of one’s own action and little note is given to the prestige of their family. 
The Call of the Colours is the coming of age practice where the passing classes of the Fusiliers are raised into the Sentinel Regiments. These become the new family for the members and deployments are wholly internal for security and policing action for the world. 
The Call of the Aquila is induced by Imperial representatives to compose the regiments. While normally taking a whole Sentinel Regiment some Imperial Regiments can be composed from selected elements of multiple regiments. 
The Fusiliers Regiments are composed along the same lines as the standard Astra Militarum Infantry Regiments. Abhuman auxilia is often looked down upon but proper consideration by the Commissariate Attaches can prevent issues from arising. 
The only notable variation is that veteran regiments attempt to fully mechanise the command elements, due to the value of mobile command and the expanded vox suites. This has sometimes been taken from shattered elements of allied regiments, in which case they would attempt to preserve the original colours in respect of their allies. 
Despite the noble heritage of the formations, the standard uniform of the Fusiliers is a simple set of fatigues which are coloured to fit their deployment. 
Their most distinctive element of their uniform is the fez they wear. For the standard field infantry this matches the rest of their uniform and those for the officers are composed of a white material. 
Unlike other regiments, there is little consideration for the use of armoured plates. This is in part to the perceived inadicuatecies of available flak armour, outside of confined operation areas, but also due to the 
The primary arms for the regiment is the Model 81** Frankish Las Rifle. More comparable to a designated marksman weapon for any other regiment, the M81 brings a greater priority to methodical and focused fire. Automatic fire is available but only in short bursts. 
The Model 10 Long Arm Grenade sees great value for squads. Some units have also organised themselves in such a way that the squad support teams forgo a primary weapon in place of carrying bandoliers of grenades. 
Other support weapons, such as flamers and meltas, also have local variations but are condensed within special weapon units with a disapproval to dispersing the power of the weapons. 
Notable Regiments
2nd and 105th Regiments
Commandeered by Lord Inquisitor Orphillius Caz, the regiments were deployed in support of the Praesidium steel Bloods to relieve loyalist forces which were ambushed by the Chaos Knight House Hak’Nax and traitoris in the 22nd Imperial Annihilation Army. 
Due to the nature of the engagement and allies, the remaining members of the regiments were refined into the 1st Luciferian Stormtroopers Regiment. They have mainly been used in security roles for the Ordo Luciferian but they have seen secondary deployment for the collection of Chaos Artifacts in relation to the Everchosen Title. 
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