#Nicole was closer to her mom
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micechicken · 2 years ago
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Nicole's older sister and mother of Rosie, Marilyn.
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solarismoons · 2 months ago
Astronomy (Prologue)
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‘It’s astronomy, we’re two worlds apart’
Wally Clark x fem!reader
Summary: After suffering a near-fatal fall off the school roof, you started seeing things that weren’t actually there. Or- people who weren’t actually there.
Warnings: mentions of suicide, addiction, drugs, lots of angst.
next chap.
Your legs dangled off the roof, the moon's dim light illuminating the grass below. Tears filled your waterline and your eyebrows pulled together. Silent sobs filled the night air, getting lost in the whispers of the wind.
There was no sugarcoating it, no easy way to say it–Your life fucking sucked. Drugged out Dad, your Mom out of the picture, the whole nine yards. If your life were a shitty low-budget movie, you and Nicole would’ve laughed at the lazy plot of it all.
The poison of her name ran through your veins and tore a hole through your heart. You’d grown up with her, she was there through your worst moments, and you were there for hers. But when you hit middle school, it wasn’t you and her against the world. It was always Maddie.
Maddie. Maddie. Maddie.
You truly had nothing against her. You had nothing against her, or Simon, or even Xavier of all fucking people. But everything in the past few years was always about her. The two of you were simply friends by extension. Two separate people pushed into the same friend group. But still, it seemed like the whole world revolved around her.
Nicole always had an obsession with Maddie. What she ate, what she wore, how she decorated her locker…Down to how she fucking spoke. Nicole copied every. Single. Part of her. You never knew if she wanted her, or if she wanted to be her. Whatever it was, it drew you two apart. You slowly started losing your best friend.
The pain and loneliness was beginning to be too much. You felt so suffocatingly alone, the only person you could confide in being lost in a la-la land of infatuation.
So, you found yourself on top of the school roof at 2 in the morning. It wasn’t high enough to die. Maybe high enough to make you hurt. High enough so someone would actually care for you. The thought of jumping crossed your mind- just for a split second. It was a fleeting thought, soaring quickly through your head like a turbojet.
Tears began to spill harder, gushing out of your eyes like a fountain. Your sobs became louder. You grounded the meat of your palms into your eyes, desperate to stop the tsunami from streaming down your face.
Behind you, words faded in and out of the breeze, and heavy whispers echoed across the silent roof.
“Is… she…”
“I….do- know…”
It was bits and pieces of phrases you shouldn’t have been hearing. Phrases that broke through the barrier of life and death itself. You didn’t know it at the time, though. Still, you whipped your head around, your lip quivering just slightly. Shadows faded in and out across the roof, the air seemingly moving in the wrong direction.
Your sobbing quickly died down, and you squinted, your head beginning to swim with confusion. The shadows shifted in and out of reality, almost. You would not have noticed them if you hadn’t been looking so meticulously.
The phantom-like whispers snuck closer as if reaching out for you. Your heart began to pick up speed, beating against your chest painfully. Breath hitching in your throat, you hastily stood up. Palms slick with sweat, goosebumps bursting across your skin, legs trembling, you yelled out, begging them to stop.
You couldn’t comprehend the gravity of your situation, couldn’t comprehend what the hell you were seeing. You took a step back, your heel hooking on the lip of the roof. Gravity took control, yanking you down over the edge.
The last thing you saw was a large hand stretching out towards you.
Wally loomed over you, his head tilted. Eyebrows knitted together with concern, he glanced over to Rhonda and Charley, who seemed oddly standoffish.
“Is… Is she okay?” He questioned.
Rhonda rolled her cherry lollipop against her cheek, “I don’t know Moose, maybe she’s just sleeping?”
Wally narrowed his eyes at her. Why couldn't she understand the urgency of the situation? Here was a girl, lying half-dead on school property with a puddle of blood pooling beneath her head.
“What if she dies?” Wally slid his hands into his pockets, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth. His teeth sunk into the plush skin.
Charley frowned, wringing his hands together. “I mean… We can’t really do anything, Wally,” He reasoned. Wally knew he was right. If you died, you died. He couldn’t stop it. But it didn’t stop him from feeling any less awful. He felt… Drawn to you–in some incomprehensible way.
The group whipped their heads back down to you when you stirred. A soft groan escaped your lips. They watched with bated breath as you brought a shaky hand to the back of your head. You pulled your fingers back to your eye line, your pupils dilating at the smear of crimson.
The back of your skull throbbed with a searing, blinding pain that drew out another groan. You scrunched your eyelids together, fuzzy dots crowding your vision. At the same time, Wally crouched down next to you, fingers sprawled out on the soft grass.
Soft earth rustled beneath the soles of Rhonda’s boots as she turned on her heel. Charley glanced at you, then at Wally, then back at Rhonda. Confliction flashed across his soft features. As bad as he felt, there was nothing he could physically do.
“We should probably go,” Charley grumbled.
Still, Wally looked back down at you. He brought his fingers a feather’s touch away from your jaw before drawing them back. As much as he wanted to reach out to you, to help you, he couldn’t. He sat back on his haunches and took one last look at your pretty face.
Charley and Rhonda were halfway across the field when your eyes slowly cracked open. Wally’s eyes widened as you looked at him. Your eyes didn’t look through him. They looked at him. Your gaze pierced through the noise of the wind around you. It locked onto him with an intensity that sent a shiver down his spine. It wasn’t possible. You were living. Breathing. Your soul was still tied to the land of the living. You still had a fucking pulse, a heartbeat.
“What the fuck…” He whispered.
You don’t remember what happened next. Only that you scrambled up, despite the agony in your head and the strain in your bones, and found yourself at home just minutes later, shoes caked in mud.
You don’t know what the fuck you thought you saw. It was a hallucination. Your brain had conjured his image up, projected him in front of you. You fell off the roof, for fucks sake.
Still, your eyes glided over to a picture on the wall of your living room. In it, stood your dad and his high school best friend--Who died 40 years ago.
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thelostconsultant · 7 months ago
Take what you want
pairing: Oscar Piastri x reader
summary: Oscar shows up to surprise you, then drags you into a relationship that's everything but healthy.
warnings: dark!Oscar, toxic relationship
note: This is probably my last F1 fic, so this is my baby. Be gentle with it, please.
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Since Nicole and your mom had been best friends since childhood, she was almost like your aunt, just as your mother was in the same position for her children. This meant barbeque parties on the weekends, big, chaotic Christmas and New Year celebrations, and other freetime activities that lately involved watch parties when Oscar’s race took place at a reasonable time. It was fun, really, like having a big extended family you could always rely on. 
You and Oscar were close in age, and while you were closer friends with his sister, Hattie, the two of you also got along pretty well. He tried to keep in touch despite his chaotic schedule, keeping up a channel for the both of you to vent, because you had both promised to keep whatever you discussed between yourselves. There were things he needed to discuss with someone, sometimes specifically with a woman, and he couldn’t trust his sisters to keep it to themselves. And if one of his sisters told the others, his mom would find out in less than five minutes too. 
Earlier this year he had broken up with his girlfriend, a girl whose existence was kept a secret even in front of his family despite the relationship lasting for a few months, and it hit him really hard when she announced that she was breaking things off. It took long hours of conversations over the phone, and a bunch of messages to help him move on. But then he got better, and he disappeared as the season continued, and you didn’t really notice, because you were just about to finish your studies at university. 
These days you just sent each other memes every now and then, only exchanging a few sentences before disappearing from each other’s lives again. So, when the idea for a graduation party came up, you didn’t even think about inviting him. He lived on the other side of the world, so even if he wasn’t racing that weekend, there was no way he would come. Knowing he thought you weren’t good enough friends anymore for you to consider inviting him felt like a stab in the heart. You should have sent him a message at least, just out of courtesy. 
Today you were planning to avert your thoughts from the conversation that had been plaguing your days, hoping that focusing on something else could make you feel free again. You still had a few weeks until you started your first full time job, so you wanted to enjoy your free time, so when your mom mentioned some new, fancy restaurant that she wanted to try out and secretly reserved a table to months ago, you couldn’t say no. Your dad didn’t like these places, but you did, so you put on an elegant black jumpsuit and did your hair and makeup with an excited smile on your face. 
Even though you offered to pick her up in your old home, she chose to meet you at the restaurant since she had to take care of something first and there was a chance she would be late. Wouldn’t want to lose our table, she said. So, you went there telling the host her name when he asked you if you had a reservation for the evening. There was a strange gleam in his eyes when he heard the name, but it disappeared as quickly as it showed up, that’s why you weren’t really sure if it was really there in the first place. He took you to your table, but when he pointed at the one, you saw someone already sitting there, a man whose face you couldn’t see. 
Hesitantly, but you walked over to the empty chair across from him, your heart pounding in your chest. But when you saw his face, your breath caught in your throat. “Oscar? What–?” you asked, so confused that you weren’t even sure what to ask. 
He flashed a small smile at you, then stood up and rushed over to help you with your chair. While your eyes followed his every move as you waited for an explanation, he remained silent even after taking his seat again. It was only after a waiter came over and poured you both a glass of wine before taking your orders that he leaned back in his chair and truly looked at you. “It didn’t feel good when you said you couldn’t count on me. We had a break at the time, I could have flown here,” he said with his usual flat tone, although you could see the emotions in his eyes. 
After all those years, you knew it meant he was hurt, and it made you feel like shit. “It would have been a waste of time to fly here for one night,” you said quietly as you reached for your glass. 
He leaned forward and rested his forearm on the middle of the table, his palm open as an invitation for you to take his hand. For a few seconds your gaze shifted back and forth between his hand and his face, but then you decided not to play along. There was a voice in the back of your mind telling you not to fall for this trap–because you had a feeling it was some sort of a trap. It was just so strange that he hadn’t contacted you or asked about you for weeks, and then all of a sudden he just showed up here. Maybe your mothers conspired again. 
With a sigh, Oscar pulled back his hand and wrapped his fingers around his glass instead. “I don’t understand you,” he noted, and his eyes never left your face as he spoke. “I thought we were friends, yet you didn’t tell me about your graduation party and apparently you seriously think I wouldn’t want to be here to celebrate with you.”
“Your life is so different now, attending some stupid party back home is probably not all that exciting,” you finally admitted after a break, immediately feeling guilty when you noticed his reaction. It was barely there, but you knew how to see and decode even the smallest changes in his expression. “Look, this place is really nice, and I'm glad to see you, but why are we here?” you asked him cautiously.
He took a deep breath as he finally tore his gaze away from you. “I just wanted to see you. When Hattie told me how awesome your party was, I felt left out, and then I realized I didn't even think of asking you how things went at university, even though I knew this was your last semester,” he confessed with a heavy sigh. 
“It's okay, you have more important things to think about,” you assured him, even though you did feel a little bad when he forgot to ask about your life when you talked. 
Oscar looked back at you, meeting your gaze again. There was something, maybe guilt that poisoned his usually calm eyes. “Is that really where we got to over the last few years? I don't want you to think you're not important, and I don't want to be an outsider when it comes to your life.”
You wanted to be the smart one, you wanted to be better than this, but the thought that had been on your mind for a long time now inevitably slipped out. This was the sour truth, the only thing that kept returning to you every time you happened to talk.
“I'm the outsider when it comes to your life, Oscar, and I'll always be. Maybe you'll know about what's going on with me, but you barely tell me anything important, and I highly doubt this will change in the future. Your secret girlfriend was pretty much the only thing you told me honestly, everything else was just some sort of inconvenience that bothered you,” you blurted out.
A grimace was the only reaction while he listened to you, and maybe, if you weren't imagining things, his hands gripped the glass a little tighter now. That was something you didn't like about Oscar, the way he could keep his cool even when normal people would be already making a scene. But here he was, sitting there in silence as he carefully tasted your words.
The waiter returned with your orders, and his eyes moved back and forth between you for a second, probably sensing the tension between the two of you. He placed the plates in front of you with an apologetic smile, then scurried away, giving you some privacy. The moment you were left alone, your friend leaned forward and licked his lips as his eyes burned a hole into your head.
“My mum mentioned that you're going to start your new job in a few weeks,” he began, waiting for you to confirm it, which you did with a nod. “Tell them you're not going. Tell them you can't go, then come to Monaco with me. You’re right, maybe I did keep you away from my life lately, so let me change that.”
Your first reaction was to laugh and shake your head as you reached for your glass and took a sip of your wine. With his usual poker face, Oscar slightly raised an eyebrow, as if asking what was so funny about this. What? Well, the whole thing, you didn’t even understand how he could think it could work. “I have absolutely no idea how you came up with this, but as nice as it sounds, my answer is no. I want that job, and when I hinted at not being such good friends anymore, I meant more phone calls and messages, not trips together,” you explained.
A long sigh left him as he shook his head. “Why do you have to be so stubborn? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to push you away, let me fix it,” he tried.
Looking down at your delicious-looking meal, you had to realize that you weren’t even hungry anymore. What would be the point in forcing food down your throat when you wanted to throw up? So, you pushed your chair back and stood up, not missing the questioning look he sent your way as you grabbed your bag. “I have a feeling we would spend the rest of the evening arguing, and I don’t feel like doing that, because I still consider you a friend, so thank you for everything, but I’ll just go home now. Have a nice evening.”
When you tried to walk past him, he reached out and caught your wrist to stop you. “Don’t do this,” he said calmly, but you pulled your arm out of his grasp. When he realized you were serious about leaving, he let out a groan, then stood up and let his lips crash into yours in a kiss that knocked every coherent thought out of your head. He only pulled away long enough to breathe, resting his forehead against yours as his eyes were locked with yours. “I wanted to wait with this, but you didn’t leave me a choice,” he informed you, the hint of a smile visible on his lips.
The fact Oscar, the very guy who’s been incredibly secretive when it came to his private life, kissed you in front of all these people truly confused you. And he kissed you. He had never shown any sign of seeing you as something other than a friend he grew up with. Yet here you were, his palm resting on your cheek, thumb gently rubbing your soft skin as he waited for your reaction. But you were still speechless, you had no idea what to say. Not until you suddenly remembered an important little detail.
“I’m just about to go on a first date with this really nice guy I met a few days ago, I can’t do this to him,” you told him softly, your fingers curling around his hand to pull it away from your face.
He scoffed, looking anything but pleased with your reaction. “You haven’t even been on a first date with him. Come on, let tonight be our first date. I just don’t want you to say no, then realize you should have agreed when it’s too late.”
Gulping, you thought about his words. And if it didn’t work? If you went on a date, and it would be disastrous, and the two of you couldn’t even talk to each other anymore? “I’d rather keep you as a friend and not risk losing what we have,” you told him after some thinking.
Long seconds passed with his eyes fixed on you, the fact the gears were rapidly turning in his head as he thought being quite obvious. Shaking his head in the end, he picked up his phone and took your hand, dragging you with him as he quickly paid for the untouched dinner then headed to the exit. Your mind was full of question marks, you had absolutely no idea what he was planning, but you didn’t want to make a scene. You were taken to a car that parked nearby, and he opened the door for you so you could get in, but you hesitated.
“Come on, get in,” he said, his voice stern and making it sound like an order. You had never heard him speak to you like that, and it made you worried that maybe there was a side of him that you never had the chance to meet. And if he was like that, you didn’t even want to meet him. You’d rather keep the sweet guy imagine in your head. “Please, just get in. I’ll take you home,” he tried again, his voice hitting a gentler tone this time.
“You know, tonight was actually pretty good for something,” you began, earning a surprised look from him. “You changed, Oscar, and I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, after all it’s only natural for our personalities to change over time, but I don’t really recognize you anymore.”
When you pried his hand off you, he looked at you with the same emotionless face, and this time even his eyes remained neutral. You had absolutely no idea what was going through his head, but then he shut the door he had been leaning on, then walked to the other side of the car. “Yeah, well, you changed too,” he told you before getting in and starting the engine and driving off.
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Following the disastrous dinner attempt you sent your mother a message to tell her you would jump in the next day to discuss a few things. All she wrote back was Oscar’s name with a question mark, and you sent her an angry emoji in response. You were a little mad at your mother for not giving you the heads up, for putting you into the position of meeting him in a restaurant full of people after all that time, but deep down you knew she meant well. Right now, you just wanted to tell her how badly things went and ask her not to do this again in the future.
The two of you were sitting in the dining room, drinking coffee and eating some cookies she made that morning, and you didn’t even know where to begin. But then you let out a sigh and said, “It wasn’t fun, mom. I was expecting to see you, and then he was there, and our conversations had been really awkward lately, so yeah, you can imagine how happy that chat was.”
She reached out to wrap his fingers around your forearm in a supportive way. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. When he called me and said he was here, and that he wanted to surprise you, I thought you would be glad to see him. What happened between you? You used to be such good friends,” she asked, sincerely confused.
Without going into details and accidentally spilling something you weren’t supposed to talk about, you tried to explain her how you both changed over the years, and how you were sure his life was now so much different than yours that maybe meeting him like once a year at a family event was more than enough. It hurt you, sure, because you still cared about him, but maybe going no contact would be the best decision to make at this point.
Before your mother could say anything, you heard your dad move behind you in the kitchen. “So much for your plans,” he told your mom with a short laugh as he picked out a bottle of beer from the fridge. You saw your mother shoot a pointed look at him, to which he responded with a shrug. “I’m just saying.”
And with that, he returned to the living room to watch some match, leaving you alone again. You raised an eyebrow in question, now pretty interested in what kind of plan he was talking about. She tried to keep silent and change the topic, but you warned her not to do that, so she took a deep breath and began to explain it. “When we found out I’m pregnant with a girl, Nicole and I began to talk about how nice it would be if you and Oscar got together one day, and when we saw how well you got along, it became kind of an inside joke. It was just a thought, a fantasy, not some super-secret plan,” she said.
It was… Well, it wasn’t shocking. You had always felt like they were trying to make sure the two of you could spend a lot of time together, Nicole even took you on one or two trips when she went to visit Oscar in England, but you always thought they were doing this because your relationship with his sisters was happening naturally, while the two of you sometimes needed a little nudge.
Since you didn’t feel like talking about this anymore, the two of you began to discuss the plans for your father’s upcoming birthday party. You didn’t want something extravagant, just a casual barbeque party with family, and friends, and maybe a few of his work friends, after all he had been clear about his wish for something that let him wear shorts and his favorite t-shirt with a pair of thongs. Maybe it could take place in the evening, so he could go on a fishing trip the day before and only get home early afternoon on his birthday. 
You both heard the doorbell ring, but your dad told you he would see who it is, so you continued your conversation, believing the guest was one of your father’s friends anyway. You couldn’t be more wrong, because he walked into the kitchen and cleared his throat to get your attention, announcing your guest who happened to be none other than Oscar. He flashed a small smile at your mother as he walked over to give her a hug, then he turned to you with a more serious look.
“The plane if waiting for us,” he stated.
Your parents exchanged a confused look, then your mother looked back and forth between the two of you. You had no idea what he was talking about either, so you watched him a raised eyebrow. “Us?” you asked, to which he responded with a nod. Suddenly you remembered the night before, his idea to make you fly to Monaco with him and spend some time with him. “I already told you, I’m not going anywhere,” you told him.
But Oscar seemed completely unimpressed by your resistance. “Can we talk somewhere private?”
You looked out the window, thinking about suggesting the backyard, but something told you your parents would be listening closely. And you weren’t even sure if you wanted to talk to him, but then you saw a fleeting expression on his face that was begging you to agree. “All right,” you said with a sigh, then signaled him to follow you.
The two of you went upstairs to your room, and once you closed the door, Oscar took a deep breath. “I’m only asking for a few months from your life. Just until the end of the season,” he said, his voice completely flat and steady.
“Which is in December, if I remember correctly. That’s pretty far away.”
He reached out to swipe a stray lock of hair out of your face. “Come on, what’s keeping you here? I’m offering you the chance to travel around the world and attend the races with me.” It sounded nice and all, but you didn’t want to leave, not now. “Your job, right?” he asked, apparently knowing perfectly well what was going through your mind. “Well, your boss is apparently a huge F1 fan, and he could be consoled with some signed merch. He even said they’ll try to find you a position when you return. So yeah, you’re free now.”
There were so many emotions running through you that you didn’t even know how to react at first, but then you decided to slap him hard. He put a hand on his cheek, and you didn’t miss the hint of a smile on his face as he watched you. A shiver ran down your spine at the sight. When did he become like this? The guy standing in front of you, with all the manipulations and plans he was ready to force on you, didn’t remind you of the kind person you used to know.
It was him who broke the heavy silence. “Come on, don’t make a scene. Just get in the car so we can go to your place where you pack a suitcase before we finally go to the airport,” he told you, his voice carrying the kind of authority that almost made you do as he said. But he noticed that you were still not willing to agree to the trip, so he cupped your face and leaned down to kiss you, this time being surprisingly gentle. “Just be a good girl for me, okay?” he whispered against your lips.
This was becoming too much for you, and your emotions were running high, causing you to start sobbing with tears running down your cheeks. He wiped them away with his thumbs, even flashing a sweet smile at you. “Why are you doing this?” you asked quietly.
Oscar placed a soft kiss on your forehead before answering. “Because I love you, baby, and I only want the best for you,” he said, somehow making you believe that everything he said was true.
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About a month later, you were getting more and more used to your new, temporary lifestyle, even if sometimes it felt like living in a golden cage. Because Oscar wanted to control almost every aspect of your life. He took you shopping so you would wear clothes he approved of, he asked you to join him when he had to do his regular workouts, he picked out what to eat, and you didn’t really have a say when he met his friends from F1 either.
“Their girlfriends will be there, you will have company, baby,” he always said, successfully convincing you to go with him.
Even if you managed to get lost in conversations and start to feel good in your new friend circle, you could always feel his eyes on you, especially when you left the group to bring yourself another drink. Sometimes when a guy decided to try and pick you up, he showed up and pulled you into a messy kiss without a warning to send a message to whoever tried to make a move on you. Every time you asked him why he didn’t trust you, he said he just felt like kissing you, making it seem like it wasn’t related to the guy. But you noticed the pattern. He was possessive, and he didn’t like the idea of your attention ever turning to another man.
There were moments when you couldn’t take it anymore, when you locked yourself in the bathroom and cried for a while, hoping he wouldn’t be looking for you until you pulled yourself together. Moments like this you knew leaving him was the right thing to do, but there were two obstacles.
One, the flight ticket back to Australia was quite pricey, and even though you had savings to use, some money was still missing. Of course, you could have asked your mom to send you the missing amount, but then she would ask why when Oscar was paying for everything, and maybe she would tell Nicole that something was wrong, who would immediately try to contact his son to scold him, and so he would know you’re planning to do something he wouldn’t like.
Two, he always managed to shift your focus back on him. “I love you so much, you know that? It would break me if you ever left me,” he said every time he could sense something was off about you. And you, being the idiot you were, believed him and even felt bad for him. How could you leave when he loved you so much? It would have been cruel; he didn’t deserve to be left heartbroken. Sure, he was a little controlling sometimes, but maybe he was like that because he couldn’t control everything on the track, and he was frustrated when a race didn’t end the way he wanted.
For some reason his fans loved you. All they saw were the photos he carefully chose every time he shared them, and all they heard were short mentions of you in interviews or videos his team posted. And these were all sweet and cute, giving people the illusion that this was the perfect relationship. There were no signs of your struggles, no one knew what you had to go through next to him. Because every time you went somewhere public, you put on your brightest smile and acted like you were madly in love with him.
Even when you weren’t.
“Why aren’t you sleeping, hm?” he asked you softly when you rested your chin on his chest and looked at him.
His hand was drawing circles into your back to soothe you, but it wasn’t enough to calm your racing thoughts. You let out a troubled sigh and thought about how to say what you wanted to get off your chest for days now. It was the weekend of the US GP, but even though the end of the season was close, you didn’t feel like sticking around any longer. You’d been gathering your confidence and strength to tell him what was on your mind, you were getting yourself ready to tell him it was over, that you wanted absolutely nothing from him, but you just never knew how to say it.
In the end, after a minute or two of complete silence, you finally got yourself to speak up. “I want to go home. To Australia, not to Monaco, before you say,” you clarified.
Oscar drew in a sharp breath, his eyes fixed on you the whole time. “What’s back home that you miss so much? But fine, I guess we can travel there after the Brazilian GP,” he said, making it sound like he was doing a huge favor.
“Why do I have a feeling that you simply don’t want to understand what I’m saying? I want to go home. Alone. For good. I hope I don’t need to literally spell it out for you,” you said as you sat up, unable to keep the venom dripping from your voice.
He watched you in silence for a while, his eyes giving away that he was displeased with your sudden resistance, but you couldn’t care less. You finally had the strength to speak up, you weren’t about to let this chance slip away. So, you just sat there and waited, hoping he would yield and let you go, even if you had your doubts about the chances of this result.
Just as expected, he also sat up and curled his fingers around your throat, his thumb putting some pressure on your windpipe. He didn’t want to hurt you, he just wanted to make it clear he could hurt you if you gave him a reason for that. “I thought you were my good girl,” he began, his voice quiet but threatening. “And now this is what I have to hear? That you want to leave me? I give you everything you want, baby, why would you leave? Come on, you’re smarter than this.”
Your heart was about to jump out from your ribcage as you listened to him, which made it impossible to speak up without your voice breaking. He was trying to manipulate you again, using the delicately balanced mixture of a love confession and a threat to convince you to stay with him. Every time he sensed you wanted to leave, he pulled this sickeningly sweet voice, using it as if it was a siren’s song to keep you chained to him.
“Let’s just go back to sleep. You’re tired, I’m sure you will see clearer in the morning,” he said as he placed a kiss on your lips, then pulled you back with him as he lied down again.
This was the moment you knew there was no escape, and he wouldn’t let you leave even after the end of the season as you had agreed in the beginning. You couldn’t stop the sobs that wanted to emerge, and soon you heard Oscar’s attempt to soothe you, talking to you quietly and softly as if you were an upset child. “I love you,” and “It would break me if you left,” and “We are so perfect together.” It was truly sickening, but a very, very tiny part of you still wanted to believe him.
Maybe this time things will be better.
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aceyalonso · 10 months ago
i - you are beautiful, melbourne
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chapter summary : your mother meets her high school best friend and decides to join their family for dinner, you seem to be getting with her daughters. can't say the same with her son though.
alternative summary : oscar just ignores y/n cause she's a stranger
warnings : none (i think)
word count : 958
a/n : barely any oscar in this one (the song is just for the vibes tbh)
song : lost - frank ocean
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The sun was setting over the Melbourne skyline, casting a warm glow across the city. y/n walked through the park, she and her brother walking before their parents. Suddenly, her mom called out, "Is that… Nicole?"
Looking up from her brother to see what had grasped her mother's attention, y/n realized a family of six walking closer to them. As they drew closer, y/n noticed the older woman's smile get larger. Y/n and her brother pause, with an almost identical face of confusion painting their faces. Y/n looks over to her father who is equally as confused, he shrugs as if telling them "I don't know them too"
She tilts her head to get a better glimpse of the family. Y/n feels a tug on her sleeve, kneeling to her brother's height before he whispers in her ear. "Y/n… is she mama's friend?" She smiles, "I think so Gabby, you want to say hi?" Gabriel lets out a deep breath, before nodding hesitantly.
Y/n and her brother walked up to the other family, closely followed by their father standing beside her mother. The families stopped in front of each other, and with a smile that spanned from ear to ear, Y/n's mother greeted the other woman first. "Nicole! I can't believe we bumped into you like this! It's been too long!"
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As my mother hugs Nicole, I feel a pang of nervousness as she pulls me and my brother closer to her. As my gaze drifts towards her children, I observe their awkwardness and whispers. "They're just as confused as I am," I think to myself.
My mother puts her arm around me, drawing us closer. "These are my kids," she says with a smile, the introduction making us seem even more out of place. "This is y/n, and this little one right here is Gabriel." Gabriel meekly mumbles "Hello" and I smile, greeting her. "It's nice to meet you, Auntie Nicole."
Nicole pulls me into a tight hug "It's nice to meet you too, dear." She smiles, pulling away and putting her attention towards my mom. "This is my eldest and only boy, Oscar," she says looking at him. "I think he's around your age, y/n!" she adds. I only smile and nod in response, looking over to Oscar. His face remains stoic and unamused. "wow, not even a hi?" I say in under my breath
Shortly after Nicole introduces all her children Gabriel tugs on my sleeve, "I'm hungry..." he says loud enough for me, my mom, and Nicole to hear. "We were just about to grab dinner, do you guys want to tag along? Your little one seems to be hungry, y/m/n." Nicole says with a bright smile on her face
I see Mom look over to Dad as if asking for approval. Dad nods and Mom agrees enthusiastically, "Yeah sure, we'd love to Nicole!" Nicole only smiles interlocking her arms with my mother. My parents walked ahead with Nicole, deeply engaged in conversation. My brother and I silently followed, with Oscar Edie, May, and Hattie behind us. There was an aura of discomfort and awkwardness surrounding us. I focus on the pavement, trying to avoid eye contact with any of Auntie Nicole's children.
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The two families were seated at a large table in a bustling restaurant, the noise of conversation, playful banter, and clinking silverware filling the air. Y/n sat beside her brother, her gaze occasionally shifting to Oscar who was seated between his mother and his sister Edie. The adults were engaged in their conversation, leaving the children to make small talk with each other.
Y/n glances over to May who is sitting to her left. Feeling the to need break the awkward silence, Y/n clears her throat and asks, "So... do you guys come here often?"
May looks up, surprised by the question. "No, not really," she replies "but mom really loves this place. She says the food is really good."
Y/n looks around the restaurant, taking in the decor and atmosphere "This is my first time here," she admits. May turns her head, facing Y/n, curiosity flickering in her eyes. "Oh really? What did you order then?" May suddenly asks. "Oh uh.." Y/n mumbles, grabbing the menu. "This one... the Farfalle with pesto sauce."
As if on queue, the food arrives. The waiter places Y/n's plate of pasta in front of her. She whispers a quiet "thank you" before placing a table napkin on her lap. Y/n takes a bite of her pasta, savoring the taste "Oh wow. This is really good," she says in between bites. May nods in agreement, taking a sip of iced tea. "Yeah, I think that's one of their specialties here!"
The two girls continued to chat, discussing everything and anything that came to mind. Despite the initial awkwardness, Y/n found herself enjoying May's company and the conversation felt comfortable and natural. It's safe to say that by the end of the night, she gained a new friend.
As May and Y/n continued chatting and enjoying their food, the parents' conversation in the background suddenly caught their attention. Y/n overhears her mom talking to Nicole about their plans for the summer.
Y/n's mother explains, " I want you and your entire family to spend the summer with us- In Italy. We have plenty of room for everyone, and I think it'll be a great chance for the kids to get along" Nicole nods eagerly, "Sounds great, doesn't it Tim?" Nicole asks her husband. He nods, taking a bite out of his steak.
"Count us in," Nicole says with a smile. Y/n's mom beams with joy, relieved and excited that Nicole has agreed. "That's fantastic! I'll take care of all the expenses. Think of it as a treat for me not reaching out in the past." Nicole nods, still smiling from ear to ear. "We can't wait."
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yn.jpg 📍Melbourne, Australia
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liked by may.piastri, sienna_cresenzo, and 1,437 others yn.jpg you are beautiful, melbourne. (i made a new friend?!) tagged may.piastri
may.piastri i'm so sad we didn't meet sooner :( ↳ yn.jpg me too may :( but dw we'll still see each other this summer!!! ↳ may.piastri can't wait to visit italy for the first time liked by yn.jpg
username81 cuties! 💗
sienna_cresenzo pls tell me you're going to italy this summer🥲 miss you so much girl liked by yn.jpg ↳ yn.jpg ofc i will!! i miss you too 🫶
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dearstvckyx · 3 months ago
Another Piastri? - OP81 (ft. JB9 + Piastri Family + Lily Zneimer)
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summary: Mia distances herself from her family, leaving them worried, but Joe reassures them she’s okay. After secretly welcoming their son, Joe calls her family to Cincinnati, claiming Mia needs support. When they arrive, they’re shocked to meet baby Sebastian Oscar Burrow. Oscar gets emotional holding his namesake nephew, and the family shares a heartfelt reunion. Surrounded by love, Mia feels complete, beginning her new chapter as a mother.
pairings: older sister! oc! Mia Piastri x younger brother! Oscar Piastri / wife! Mia Piastri x husband! Joe burrow / oc! Mia Piastri x Piastri Family / newborn! Sebastian Burrow x everyone
.  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   .
The months after the wedding had been strange, a mixture of joy and distance. Mia had slowly withdrawn from everyone—ignoring texts, dodging calls, and disappearing from social media. Her family had noticed, of course. Hattie and Edie texted constantly, trying to reach her. Her parents, Chris and Nicole, called Joe frequently, worried about why their usually bubbly daughter had gone so quiet.
But every time they asked Joe, his response was always the same.
“She’s okay,” he’d say in that calm, steady voice. “She just needs some space right now. Trust me, I’ve got her.”
And for a while, they trusted him. But as the weeks turned into months, the worry deepened. Even Oscar, who was usually too busy with racing, noticed. He called Joe more often, subtly pressing for answers.
“Is she really okay, Joe? She hasn’t answered me in weeks,” Oscar said during one call, his voice strained.
“She’s fine, man. I promise. Just… focus on your season, alright?”
Oscar wasn’t convinced, but he had no choice but to leave it alone.
What no one knew was that Mia and Joe had been keeping a secret. The pregnancy was something they wanted to savor privately, away from the noise of life and the whirlwind of her brother’s F1 career. Mia wanted the moment to be just theirs—for now.
.  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   .
It was late one quiet evening in Cincinnati when it finally happened.
Mia had been restless all day, pacing their home with one hand on her belly. When the contractions started, Joe jumped into action, calm and collected as always. Hours later, they were in the hospital, and Mia was cradling a tiny, pink-cheeked baby boy in her arms.
“He’s perfect,” she whispered, her voice trembling as tears slipped down her face.
Joe leaned over, pressing a kiss to her temple. “He is.”
For a moment, it felt like the world had stopped. It was just the three of them—peaceful, complete. But as Mia looked down at their son, her heart ached. She’d pulled away from her family for months, and now, in this moment, all she wanted was for them to be here.
Joe noticed the hesitation in her eyes and gently took her hand.
“I’ll call them,” he said softly.
Mia blinked up at him. “But we wanted to keep this just us—”
“I know,” Joe interrupted, smiling. “But they’re your family. They’ll want to be here. Let me take care of it.”
.  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   .
By morning, Chris, her mom, her sisters, and Oscar were all on their way to Cincinnati. Joe had called them late the night before, spinning a carefully crafted story.
“She’s in the hospital,” he’d said. “She’s fine, but she’ll feel more comfortable if you’re here.”
No one had questioned him. They booked flights immediately, arriving at the hospital the next morning with a mix of worry and relief. Oscar even brought Lily, who was Mia’s closer person outside their family.
When they stepped into the hospital room, the last thing they expected was the sight before them.
Mia was sitting up in bed, her hair a mess and her cheeks flushed, but she was smiling brighter than they’d seen in months. In her arms, wrapped in a soft blanket, was a tiny baby.
The room fell silent.
“Surprise,” Mia said softly, her voice trembling with emotion. “I wanted you all to meet him.”
Her father, Chris, took a shaky step forward, his face a mixture of shock and disbelief. “Him?” he asked, his voice cracking.
Mia nodded, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Your grandson.” She spoke, looking between both of her parents.
For a moment, no one moved. Then the room erupted in emotion. Hattie and Edie burst into tears, rushing to Mia’s side. Chris and her mom followed, their hands shaking as they gently touched the baby’s tiny fingers.
Oscar, however, stood frozen in the doorway, his wide eyes fixed on the little bundle in Mia’s arms.
“Are you just going to stand there, Ozzie Bear?” Mia teased, her voice soft and affectionate. “Come meet your nephew.”
Oscar blinked, snapping out of his daze. Slowly, he stepped forward, Lily nudging him gently from behind. When he reached Mia’s bedside, she carefully handed the baby to him.
Oscar’s hands shook as he cradled his nephew, his lips parting in awe. The baby squirmed slightly, letting out a tiny sigh.
“Oscar,” Mia said, her voice breaking. “Meet Sebastian Oscar Burrow.”
Oscar’s head shot up, his teary eyes locking with hers. “You… you named him after me?”
Mia nodded, her own tears falling freely now. “Of course I did. You’re my baby brother, and you mean the world to me. It just felt right.”
Oscar let out a shaky laugh, his tears falling faster now. “Mia…” he whispered, his voice cracking as he looked back down at Sebastian. “Thank you. He’s… he’s perfect.”
Lily, standing beside him, leaned over to stroke the baby’s cheek, her own eyes misty. “He really is,” she whispered.
Chris, standing off to the side, chuckled through his tears. “Looks like we’ve got another Piastri crybaby in the family.”
The room erupted in laughter, the tension melting away as joy filled the air.
.  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   .
The rest of the day passed in a blur of happy tears and quiet moments. Everyone took turns holding Sebastian, marveling at his tiny fingers and soft little nose. Joe stood by Mia’s side the whole time, his hand never leaving hers.
As the sun set, Mia watched Oscar sitting in the corner of the room, cradling Sebastian with a tenderness she hadn’t seen before. Lily sat beside him, her head resting on his shoulder as she smiled down at the baby.
Mia’s heart swelled. For months, she had felt disconnected, lost in her own world. But now, surrounded by her family and her son, she felt whole again.
Looking up at Joe, she smiled through her tears. “We did good, didn’t we?”
Joe leaned down, kissing her softly. “Yeah, we did.”
And as Sebastian let out a tiny yawn, his family gathered around him, Mia knew this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
.  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   . ⁺   .  ⁺   .
Read Part One Here
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leonkennedybreedingkink · 7 months ago
real dad!leon x fem reader
warnings: father-daughter incest. could perhaps be read as a sequel for too close for comfort. daddy kink. also more nicole dollanganger, this is a little more directly inspired by uncle. pussy smacking, d/s dynamics, established relationship. title taken from spoiled and rotten by darling violetta.
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Summer is blisteringly hot. It’s been nothing but eighties and nineties and humidity. It doesn’t even have the decency to cool the hell down at night. Your box fan doesn’t do much for you, the only air conditioner is in the living room.
Which is why you’re awake, staring at the ceiling with a gnawing in your lower stomach.
You get up, clad in dad’s old t-shirt and ruffle socks, and pad down to dad’s room.
The door creaks when it opens, there’s no reprieve from the heat in his room or the hallway.
You slip silently into his room and crawl into bed with him. “Daddy?”
Leon’s up in a moment, strong arms wrapping around you. Government training left its mark all these years later. “What is it, baby?”
“Can’t sleep.” You nuzzle his neck, leaving a kiss over his pulse.
He laughs, voice ragged from sleep, and your stomach flutters as one of his arms unwinds from you and dives into your panties. “Yeah? Think I know why, baby. Want me to make it better?”
You nod, lifting your leg up a little more for him.
Quickly, he withdraws his hand and smacks your pussy hard enough to make you jolt and cry out.
“What do we say?” No change in his inflection, but that’s your daddy.
“Thank you, daddy.” You mumble, rewarded with a kiss to your jaw and his hand gently petting over your stinging clit.
“My poor baby.” Leon coos, nudging your nose with his and leaving a kiss near your mouth as he slowly fumbles with your clit. “Your fingers not doing it for you anymore?”
You shake your head. “No, daddy.” They haven’t since he got inside you that first time, bending you over the kitchen counter while dinner burned on the stove.
Yeah, it was real fun trying to shut up the fire alarm whilst you both were naked from the waist down. Doing the dishes was awful, but that’s his job.
You stiffen up when he pushes two fingers in, no burning stretch because he got you used to three in no time.
When you moan, Dad rewards you with the heel of his palm grinding against your clit. “That’s my sweet girl.” He rests his forehead against yours, then kisses you as you get close, feeding off your moans and the way your walls squeeze his fingers.
Leon withdraws his fingers and gently wipes his hand on your tummy, patting your mound gently and grinning when you giggle. “Is that better?” He wraps an arm around your waist and tugs you over, head in your neck.
“Mhm…” you nod lazily, already nodding off.
One orgasm plus dad’s weight on you equals a good ten hours of sleep.
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You shift a little as you stand in front of your mom’s grave, feeling sort of ashamed in some odd way. Would mom be horrified if she was alive? If she knew her husband and kid were doing it on the daily?
Then again, you kinda ceded the kid label the second you let dad get inside you. Maybe that’s why you’re so interested in Twin Peaks, Laura Palmer was her dad’s own daughter-wife.
You lean into dad’s side unconsciously, staring at the headstone and sweating through your t-shirt in the fucking sun.
Later, as you’re cooking for the two of you, dad’s hands slip beneath your shirt, resting on your waist. “You’ve been all weird today, baby.” He sets his chin on top of your head and comes a little closer, fingers drumming on your sides.
He’s like a cat, Leon is. Never shows up when you’re actively showing attention to him and is bothered by it at best, only to turn around and come begging for it when you inevitably fuck off. You’d think he’d sleep at your feet if he could.
You sigh, stirring the noodles around the pan. “It’s complicated.”
Leon sighs too, dropping his head to ghost his mouth over your cheekbone. “So? Talk about it with me. I’ll uncomplicate it for you.”
You stir a little more, staring down at the pan and slowly sweating through your previously clean shirt. You should’ve just thrown this shit in the crockpot and called it a day. “Feel like I’m disrespecting her. Mom.”
His hands freeze; called it.
“Why?” He asks slowly, like he’s trying to interrogate you. Kinda reminds you of when he’d run a full investigation of why there were no leftover pizza slices left. If there are none left and only two people in the house, no dog, then how many graves are you spitting on?
You scoff, trying to pull away, but Leon’s got you cornered against the stove. “Come on, baby.” He goads, wrapping big fucking arms around your middle and pulling you in. “Why?”
You’d look at him as if he grew two heads if you could. “Because she’s my mom. Cause she’s your wife. You fucked her before me.”
He snorts in your ear, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Is that jealousy I hear, baby?”
You growl in annoyance, turning off the heat. “Don’t ‘baby’ me.”
Dad smiles against your face. “You sound just like your mother.” Of course this motherfucker isn’t bothered by it. “Just like her too.” He pats your ass. “In some ways, at least.” A wet kiss on your neck.
You make an unhappy noise, aiming an elbow at his ribs. “Focus, dad, Jesus fucking Christ. You can’t just fuck me every time we have a disagreement.” It’s not really a disagreement, he thinks you’re all in your head again. Got that from mom too.
Dad freezes, then withdraws, turning you to face him with the hands on your sides. “I’m sorry. Promise I’ll be serious.” Leon takes a hand and kisses it, keeping a hold of it like a bridge between you.
You huff, only slightly mollified by him. “You don’t feel… you’re not bothered by it?”
Leon’s eyes study you for a while, brows slowly furrowing. “I love you. Lots and lots, baby. What—“ he holds your hand a little tighter. “what we have, what we do, is only a natural extension of that.”
When you’re silent again, he reels you in, his fish on a line and hook in your cheek. “The royals did that, didn’t they?”
“Yeah, and Prince Phillip was a ghastly looking beast.” You mutter, pressing your ear to his heart. Dad snorts above you.
Hear that? That beats for you. Used to beat for mom, but he got a new one just for his precious girl.
“And Nicholas the second’s son had that blood disorder because of it.” That’s probably not true, but also could be true, who knows.
Divine punishment, like in a One Hundred Years of Solitude when that kid was born with the pig tail after generations of inbreeding. The entire settlement in Venezuela got wiped from the face of the earth for that. Rocks fall, everyone dies.
Lot’s daughters raped him. His wife got turned into a pillar of salt because she looked back after they fled Sodom and the girls never got any comeuppance.
He smooths a palm over your head. “Honey, Alexandra also had the same problem. So did at least two of the daughters.”
“But we don’t know.” You look up at him and frown.
Dad pouts down at you too before kissing you. “Your mom is always in my heart.” He says once he’s pulled away, wiping a bit of his spit from the corner of your mouth. “And so are you. She’d want me to be happy.”
You hold back a snarky comment, only giving him a look. Leon shrugs and straightens up. “Is that all it was, babydoll?”
You nod after a moment and he pats you on the ass again. “Better?”
You suppose so, you’re not really sure.
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You feel a little like everyone knows when they look at you. Like Girl, Interrupted when Angelina Jolie looks at Brittany Murphy’s character and tells her everyone knows her dad rapes her, but what they—we—all missed is that she likes it.
Liked. Likes. Same difference, honestly. All that matters is that she—you—liked what her dad did to her. Rape.
God, what if his coworkers found out? Incest is a felony in most states. You and him go in the clinker, and everyone knows what happens in prison showers.
There are some things better kept between family.
Your dad loves you, you know he does. You love him too, even if everyone else is weirded out about it. He needed a relic of mom’s around, and what are you if not that?
Cum is thicker than water, in that sense.
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its-all-papaya · 8 months ago
okay for the prompt ask game: landoscar, the most cliche thing: only one bed, and getting together - go!
only one bedddd MY LOVE. I ADORE making the boys CUDDLE.
tell me what you wish I'd write
I will set the scene: Lando and Oscar are in their second year as teammates, now, and they’re proper friends, right? Much closer than they were the year before. Time to…. meet the family?
snippet enclosed at the end under the break just fyi :,)
Meddling Nicole. We know now that she will canon throw her son under the bus and expose him for a little laugh. She also knows that Oscar has been maybe a little obsessed with Lando for years, and getting to know him as a teammate has not dulled Lando’s shine for Oscar at all. He’s actually worse. Tries to be really lowkey about it, not bringing up Lando too often, only mentioning him when he feels it’s relevant, but Nicole can tell by the change in his voice when he talks about Lando, the way he edges Lando into conversations he doesn’t really NEED to be in. Anyway. A few weeks ahead of the Australian GP she’s on a call with Oscar and is like “You should bring Lando round when he’s here, honey. Have him stay a night, we’d love to meet him properly.” And Oscar is like… oh. uh. Yeah. Sure.
In what world is Lando going to say no to Oscar on that when Oscar’s got his soft Lando Smile on and he’s like “just for a night, my mom really wants you to”?
The day after the race perhaps? Because Lando podiums and Carlos wins so they go out and Lando is perhaps a little hungover and cranky when he arrives, but immediately goes soft for Oscar. He’s headachy and tired and reaches for Osc as soon as he’s in the doorway, wrapping his free arm around Oscar’s back and resting in the hug for a long, long second. They’re speaking in soft little private voices to one another and giggling and Oscar is smiling his hopeless, besotted smile, and Lando’s eyes are sparkling even through the hangover exhaustion. And then “Lando, so glad you could make it!” and they spring apart and Lando rubs at his cheek with his palm and Oscar rolls his eyes at his mum and gives Lando a little squeeze around the wrist as apology.
“Let me take your bags, Oscar can show you around a bit and you can get some lunch in you.”
They’d hang out all day, maybe with Oscar’s sisters (who love Lando obviously bc they can all team up on Oscar together), perhaps kicking around outside or whatever.
Dinner has Meet the Family (tm) vibes where Oscar’s parents are quizzing Lando about his own family and racing and how Oscar is at work. And maybe there’s some food Lando doesn’t eat and he feels really bad and is stressed but Oscar is like “you don’t have to eat that. Mum, I told you Lando doesn’t eat seafood.” Very Romantic. Very Domestic.
Afterwards, they all convene in the living room to play a game or something and Lando doesn’t understand the rules and doesn’t have the attention span to learn so he’s like “I’ll just be on a team with Oscar.” Except he’s really just leaning into Oscar’s side, looking at the cards but mostly just Oscar’s hands, and watching Oscar play. Eventually he kind of catches the gist and makes a suggestion about something right at Oscar’s ear, lips brushing skin, and the move… works? And Oscar is like “thanks, mate” all soft and Lando is like “I’d say we make pretty good teammates, yeah? someone should hire us that way” and yawns and smirks at the way it makes everyone giggle.
Eventually Lando starts nodding off against Osc’s shoulder, everyone’s talking and laughter warm around him. After it sticks, Lando’s cheek smushed against Oscar’s bicep, Oscar’s hand curled around Lando’s knee, Nicole goes “you should take that one to bed, honey, he looks exhausted.” And Oscar is like… simply why would you phrase it like that? but “okay, is he staying in the guest room?” and Nicole is like “oh! did I not tell you? we’ve got your grandmother there. huh. could have sworn I told you this. I figured Lando could just bunk with you, hope that’s alright!” and Oscar is like... well. I’m not going to make him sleep on the COUCH 24 hours after a race.
So he wakes Lando up sooooo gently and Lando blinks soft and sleepy and a little frowny because he was cozy there, actually. And everyone else feels like they’re intruding, as is prone to happen around Lando and Oscar.
Oscar apologetic explaining the situation, but Lando just shrugs and stretches and follows him up the stairs, because it won’t be the first time he’s fallen asleep in the same bed as a teammate, probably.
Oscar’s childhood bedroom hasn’t changed much since he left for boarding school, and Lando perks up once they get there so he can poke fun of Oscar about the posters and the knickknacks on his desk. And Oscar’s blushy and laughing and a little defensive, but mostly just fond fond fond having Lando in this part of his life.
They brush their teeth side by side, elbows knocking, and it’s… so domestic. Overwhelming. Oscar is scared of how easily they move around each other, Lando’s hand on the small of his back as he sneaks by to grab his face wash from the bedroom where he’d forgotten it, Oscar handing over a towel to dry Lando’s face before Lando can even ask.
Oscar’s stressed that it’s going to be awkward when it comes time to actually get in bed, but Lando just tucks himself in against the wall and curls up on Oscar’s pillow. Oscar dilly dallies a bit, but Lando huffs and pats the bed and goes “Oscar,” drawing out the last syllable, “turn off the light and come to bed, I’m tired.”
Which. Does THINGS to Oscar. But Lando asked nicely, so he flips the switch and crawls in next to Lando.
They don’t touch at first. And Oscar’s bed is only a full, so it’s like… intentional. And that lasts a few minutes. But Lando whines and pats at Oscar’s side until Oscar says “what“ and Lando’s eyes are big and soft even in the dark and he says “‘m not very comfy” with a small little smile and Oscar is… only a man. So he lifts his arm up and lets Lando crawl happily under and settle against his chest with a contented sigh. And from there it’s easy to pet Lando’s hair and let Lando practically purr into his chest about it. SOFT. CUDDLY.
Lando falls asleep almost immediately because he’s still recovering from the night before. Oscar watches his eyelashes flutter prettily and toys with his curls and strokes the side of his cheek and just. Yearns. Because Lando fits so easily here in Oscar’s life. Everything felt so natural and right. Feels even more right now, with Lando in his bed, in his arms. So Oscar presses a little self-indulgent kiss to Lando’s forehead. Except the skin wrinkles beneath his lips and Lando’s fingers flex where they’re tucked against Oscar’s waist. Lando’s eyes crack open and he looks. so! soft! but Oscar’s heart is racing because he just really, really thought Lando was fast asleep.
Lando doesn’t look mad, but he doesn’t really look anything discernible at all in the dim light filtering through Oscar's window. Mostly he just looks sleepy. From a distance, Oscar hears the familiar sound of the air-con kicking on.
“‘s nice,” Lando says after too long, eyes fluttering back closed. There's a little smile turning the corners of his lips up and his nose twitches a little where it's rested above the collar of Oscar's loose pajama shirt. He doesn't normally wear one, but he'd figured, given the circumstances, that it would be best to.
Emboldened again, Oscar places another light kiss, just to the left of the first. Lando's smile grows with it, and he turns his face into Oscar's chest, like he's bashful about it. Oscar wonders, if he turned his bedside lamp on, whether Lando's cheeks would be pink with his attention.
"Keep going," Lando says. Mostly breath, eyes still shut.
"Yeah?" Oscar's not sure what they're doing, where they're going with it, but it's been 18 months and he hasn't learned how to say no to Lando yet, so he puts his lips next to Lando's eyebrow, on the bridge of his nose. He pauses after that, and when he breathes in, he swears he can taste his own toothpaste on Lando's exhale.
"Os-car," Lando sing-songs. Oscar doesn't think it's fair, how Lando gets to hide behind his eyelids while they do this. Whatever it is.
"Lando," he gives Lando a scratch between the shoulder blades, "look at me."
It's bolder than he normally is, bolder than he feels, still, but it gets Lando to crack his eyes open. Lando's still smiling, but it's a little tighter again.
Oscar's heart is beating hard. He remembers suddenly, absurdly out of place, that he'd lost his virginity in this bed. He thinks that was easier.
"Are we doing this?"
Lando's fingers twitch at his side. Oscar can't tell whether they're curling into his side or into Lando's own palm.
"I mean," he's at least properly awake again, "yeah. If you want to. I want to."
Oscar's pulse hasn't slowed down. It feels like a final flying lap, one shot to get everything just right.
"I want to," Oscar confirms, "But not just to do it."
"Like how?" Lando says. He props himself up on his arm so he's looking down at Oscar. Oscar's hand falls to the small of his back. Keeping him close.
"Like not just to kiss, or whatever. Like I want to because I like you. And you're important to me. So I don't want to make things weird if it's not like that for you."
Something changes in Lando's gaze, and Oscar thinks it should probably be a look he hasn't seen before, but instead it's familiar, the way it settles over both of them.
"Os-car," Lando says in that same tone from before, "I'm in your fucking twin bed. Your sisters added me to a group chat while you were at the bathroom this afternoon. I learned a card game for you." He lifts his free hand to run a thumb under Oscar's eye, "It's weirder that I've done all that before we got here."
Oscar thinks that's a yes, but he has to be sure, so he catches Lando's fingers in his hand and brushes his lips over them.
"So?" Oscar says.
"So," says Lando, "your mum is going to be so happy when you tell her."
Like qualifying on pole. Like coming home. Lando kisses him.
And then every member of Oscar's family teases them endlessly and it's sooooo fluffy and cute and domestic xoxo the end
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mythicalmaven · 8 months ago
Beyond Boundaries - Oscar Piastri (PART EIGHT)
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let's go chapter 8! :) Can't wait to start on chapter 9!
↳pairing: oscar piastri x female!norris!reader ↳word count: 4.6K ↳chapters in this series: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, ↳chapter warnings: friends to lovers, mutual pining, brothers teammate trope, bestfriend!reader, fluff, smut, NSFW, 18+ content (mdni!), fingering, masturbation, mutual masturbation, kissing, touching, sexual tension, talking about feelings,
↳series summary: Since Oscar joined McLaren as your brother’s teammate, you two have quickly become best friends. Recently promoted to be Oscar’s physiotherapist, you both relish the opportunity to spend more time together. However, as the new role brings you closer, you both realize you might be feeling more a little more for each other than just friendship
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It had been about an hour since your moment, and you were currently fast asleep in Oscar's arms. You head was laying on his chest and he was gently tracing circles on your upper arm with his left hand, while he used the other to scroll through his phone.
He heard a soft knock on the door, before he heard his mom call out "Osc, darling, it's just me"
He looked down at the two of you, contemplating wether or not it would be smart to let anyone find them like this, cuddled up in his bed. But after all, it was just his mom and both you and Oscar were dressed decent enough again, to not catch any eyes.
"Yeah come in" he replied, making sure to keep his voice low, so he wouldn't wake you up.
His mom opened the door, greeted with the sight of her son, looking as content as possible. She smiled at him and leaned against the doorframe "Wanted to ask if the both of you wanted to come down to eat some breakfast together, but I think I know the answer already"
Oscar smiled at her, putting his phone down next to himself "I'm sorry you had to walk in on this. She was just sleeping so peacefully and I didn't wanna wake her up"
Nicole smiled again at them "You look happy, Osc. Don't waste the opportunity just because you guys are afraid of the consequences. It might be worth it"
A sigh left the younger Australians lips, looking down at you, curled up in his arms "Trust me, If it was on me, I would have taken the risk a while ago"
Nicole send Oscar a sympathetic smile "I'll make some breakfast for you and bring it upstairs"
"Thanks mom"
—————⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺—————
A few hours had passed, currently midday, when you made your way back towards Oscar's bedroom, about to take a shower. You had spend the morning with Oscar's sister Mae, playing board games with her.
As you opened the door, you were greeted by the sight of the Australian driver lying belly down on his bed, scrolling through his phone. You walked over to his bed, standing beside him. A cough left your lips softly to alert him to your arrival, causing Oscar to immediately switch positions, now lying on his back, looking up at you.
"Hi," he murmured, a small blush immediately making its way to his cheeks again. It was endearing how easily he got flustered.
Ever since the two of you had spent the night in his hotel room, Oscar found it impossible to look at you without feeling butterflies erupt in his stomach, constantly replaying what you had done together. It felt forbidden, yet so good.
Oscar looked you up and down, checking you out rather obviously. You were wearing a pair of shorts and a black cropped top, which wasn’t anything special, yet to Oscar, you looked stunning.
"You like what you see?" you sassed at him, a cheeky smile on your face, expecting to make Oscar flustered by catching him staring. But he did the last thing you expected.
He grabbed your arm with his hand and pulled you down onto him, before flipping you around and hovering above you. The sudden movement made your heart race, and the playful glint in his eyes told you he was in a teasing mood.
Oscar rested his forehead against yours, his breath warm on your skin. "And what if I do?" he whispered, his voice low and teasing. "Were you planning on doing anything about that?"
You gulped, the proximity and intensity of his gaze making your pulse quicken. Trying to maintain your composure, you shot back, "Maybe I'll just have to make you stop staring."
He smirked, his eyes never leaving yours. "Good luck with that," he murmured. His hands began to roam over your body, sending shivers down your spine. He squeezed your hip, causing you to gasp softly, and then moved his hand to your ass, giving it a playful squeeze.
Oscar's other hand raked through your hair, the gentle touch contrasting with the growing tension between you. You felt his breath on your lips, so close yet so far. Just when you thought he would kiss you, he pulled away slightly, a teasing glint in his eye.
"What are you doing?" you asked, your voice a mix of frustration and desire.
He grinned mischievously. "If I'm not allowed to stare, then you don't get a kiss," he teased, his tone playful but charged with sexual tension.
You rolled your eyes, feeling a mix of amusement and annoyance. "That's not fair," you pouted.
Oscar leaned in again, his lips hovering just a breath away from yours. "Life's not fair," he whispered before pulling back once more, leaving you on edge.
"You're such a tease," you muttered, half-joking, half-frustrated.
He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "And you love it," he replied, his hand caressing your cheek.
The playful banter and the undeniable chemistry between you both made the moment electric. You knew you were in for a wild ride with Oscar, and despite the tension, you couldn’t help but feel thrilled by his playful antics.
Oscar chuckled and slowly pulled away, offering you his hand to help you get up. You accepted it, and he effortlessly pulled you to your feet.
"Thanks," you said, brushing off your shorts. "I actually came here to take a shower. Is that okay with you?"
Oscar gave you a look of mock indignation. “You don’t have to ask things like that. Everything you do is okay with me.”
You smiled, a little shy but also playful. "I just felt like I had to ask."
Oscar smirked, "Well, for the record, you never have to ask for permission to use my shower. Or anything else."
You rolled your eyes again, but a smile played at your lips. "Noted. Now, if you'll excuse me."
A little time passed as you grabbed your things and headed into the bathroom. You stepped under the warm spray of the shower, sighing in relief. But as the water cascaded over you, you realized you had forgotten your shampoo and shower gel on the desk.
"Oscar!" you called out, your voice carrying through the slightly ajar bathroom door.
Oscar walked over, standing just outside the door. "Yeah? Need something?"
You saw his silhouette through the crack in the door, the tension between you rising again. He quickly looked away, respecting your privacy even as his mind raced with thoughts. "Did you forget something?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
"My shampoo and shower gel," you replied. "They're on the desk. Can you hand them to me?"
Oscar grabbed the items and brought them to the door. He pushed it open slightly, walking towards the shower cubicle, his eyes glued to the ground. "Here," he said, his voice a bit nervous.
You laughed softly at his bashfulness. "Oscar, you've already seen me naked. There's nothing you haven't seen before."
He swallowed hard, still looking at the ground. "I just didn't want to intrude if you didn't want me to."
You smiled, feeling a mix of affection and mischief. "I honestly don't mind. In fact, you can take a little peek, if you want"
He hesitated, his heart pounding. "Are you sure?"
You nodded, teasingly running your hands over your wet body. "Absolutely. Come on, Oscar. It's not like you haven't seen me before."
Slowly, he lifted his gaze, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of you. The water glistened on your skin, making you look even more stunning. He was starstruck, unable to tear his eyes away.
You decided to put on a show for him, pouring the shower gel into your hands and lathering it up. You spread it over your body, your movements slow and deliberate, making sure he could see every detail. Oscar's breath hitched, his eyes darkening with desire as he watched you.
You moved your hands to your breasts, caressing them sensually as you spread the soap. Oscar leaned back against the wall, his breathing becoming more labored. When you turned around to soap up your back, you took the chance to let your hands glide over your ass as well, to which he couldn't help but let out a low groan, his eyes glued to you.
Turning back to face him, you rinsed off the soap, the water cascading over your body. You looked at Oscar, your eyes locking onto his. His arousal was evident, a noticeable bulge forming in his shorts. You smirked, enjoying the effect you had on him.
You moved your hands lower, starting to touch yourself more intimately. Your fingers found your clit, and you began to rub it, throwing your head back a little and moaning softly as you did. Oscar's eyes widened, his breath coming in short gasps.
"You can touch yourself if you want," you said, your voice husky with desire.
He hesitated for a moment, but then his hand moved to his crotch, palming himself through his shorts. He let out a low moan, his hips thrusting slightly into his hand.
You continued to pleasure yourself, your moans growing louder. Oscar's hand slipped into his shorts, stroking himself more urgently. He was mesmerized by the sight of you, his eyes never leaving your body.
The tension built between you, the air thick with desire. Your movements became more frantic, your moans louder. Oscar's breathing was ragged, his strokes quickening as he watched you.
Finally, you both reached the edge. With a final, shared look of intense desire, you both came, your cries mingling in the steamy bathroom.
You looked at each other, a chuckle escaping your lips as you both came down from the high.
You glanced at Oscar, noting the mess he'd made in his shorts. "Maybe you should join me in the shower," you teased. "Since you, you know, made a little bit of a mess"
He grinned, still a bit breathless. "Maybe I should." He practically ripped off his clothes, stepping into the shower with you.
Without wasting a moment, he pinned you against the wall, his lips crashing onto yours in a passionate kiss. The water drenched both of you, adding to the sensuality of the moment. Your bodies pressed together, the heat between you intensifying as you lost yourselves in each other.
Oscar moved his hands down to the back of your thighs to lift you up in his arms, and pinned you back against the wall. You slotted your legs around his waist and draped your arms around his neck, slotting your lips back together.
Oscar moved his hands down to the back of your thighs, lifting you up effortlessly. He pinned you against the wall, your legs wrapping around his waist as you draped your arms around his neck. Your lips found each other again, and the kiss was even more passionate and heated than before. His tongue explored your mouth, and you responded by biting his lower lip gently, eliciting a deep groan from him.
You tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling on it slightly, which seemed to drive him wild. Oscar squeezed your thighs, holding you firmly as the kiss intensified, both of you lost in the heat of the moment.
Eventually, you both pulled away, panting slightly, eyes locked. "That was amazing," you whispered, your voice filled with genuine awe.
"Yeah, it really was," Oscar agreed, his forehead resting against yours as you both caught your breath.
The intensity slowly ebbed away, replaced by a tender, intimate atmosphere. You spent the rest of the shower together in a romantic way, taking the time to wash each other with gentle, loving gestures. Oscar carefully spread the shampoo through your hair, his fingers massaging your scalp in soothing circles. The sensation was calming, making you close your eyes and lean into his touch.
Once your hair was rinsed and clean, you both stood under the warm spray of the shower, hugging each other tightly. The water cascaded over you, washing away the remnants of your passionate encounter. It was a moment of pure closeness, just the two of you holding each other, no words needed.
In that embrace, you felt a deep connection, a bond that went beyond the physical. The worries and complications of your situation seemed to fade away, leaving only the feeling of being completely together, if only for this moment.
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Later that day, you were relaxing on one of the loungers in the garden of Oscar's childhood home. Oscar had gone inside to due some chores for his mom while she and his dad were away picking up groceries. This meant you had a little time for yourself, which turned out to be perfect timing as Lily and Kelly both had asked you to FaceTime you in a group call once you had the chance. So you took the chance and pressed the call button.
"Y/n Norris!" Lily immediately started once they picked up. "Spill the beans!"
You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly what they were hinting at. "What are you talking about?" you teased back at them.
A loud laugh left Kelly's lips as she heard your fake innocence. "Girl, don't act like you don't know."
"Yeah! What she says! First of all, you're an idiot for snogging with him in public, but that's beside the point," you heard Lily say. "JUST GIVE US THE TEA! You two finally snogged and you didn't even tell us!"
"Well, it wasn't supposed to happen, though."
Another chuckle was heard from the other side of the line while Lily rolled her eyes at you.
Kelly was the one to speak up this time, a smirk across her face. "It wasn't supposed to happen? Keep lying to yourself, girl."
"Yeah, fine, I could have made the decision to not do it. But I was drunk, and then I apparently don't really have a sense of reasoning."
Lily smiled at you, a little cheekily. "But, spill the tea. First of all, is he a good kisser?"
You sighed, rolling your eyes again, not surprised by their curiosity. "Definitely" you said, chuckling a little at the wide eyes you got from the girls. "But we might have gone back to his hotel room afterward. We didn't sleep together, though. We just messed around a bit" you said, explaining broadly what happened between the two of you, obviously leaving out the too intimate details.
Lily wiggled her eyebrows at you knowingly "Was it good?"
"God, yes. I think 'good' might be an understatement. Honestly, might be the best I've had" you gushed cheerfully.
Kelly laughed at you and rolled her eyes a little "It's always the quiet ones that have hidden talents" she quipped, another chuckle leaving the brunettes lips.
"For real" you laughed "Can assure you that we legit had the best sex, I've ever had" you exclaimed, unaware of the slip up you just had.
Lily then looked at you questioningly "I thought you just said you didn't have sex"
"Oh" you muttered, realizing you just misspoke "Well, we didn't in his hotel room" you said, clenching your teeth together.
Kelly and Lily both giggled at you, finding it incredibly entertaining that you misspoke, but also got curious about what actually happened "But, that kinda means that you guys hooked up twice in I would say, less than 48 hours?"
"Ehm.. three times actually" you uttered, covering your eyes with your free hand "Four if you include just making out as well"
"Oh. My. God. Norris" Kelly snickered "You honestly keep surprising me every single day"
"I can't help it okay, it just happened"
"Well, you technically could help it, you just didn't want to" Lily deadpanned, a laugh immediately replacing the fake seriousness, before adding "So the conclusion is; you guys are in love with each other, but refuse to get together because of certain reasons, yet you can't keep your hands to yourself"
"Yeah, you could say it like that"
The conversation continued like that for a while, until you noticed that Kelly's mood shifted a little, getting a bit more serious. "Are you planning on sticking with your decision of you two not getting together, by the way?" she asked, a sigh escaping her. "Because, you know, I'm all for having a bit of fun together without strings attached. But as far as I know, Oscar is madly in love with you. Wouldn't it be a bit sad to lead him on like that? Don't you think he'll might get the wrong impression if you start hooking up more often?"
You felt your heart break a little at the thought, not wanting to hurt him in any way, but you still had to make up your mind about it. You let out a soft sigh, spilling your honesty to the girls. "To be honest, I really don't know. Up until yesterday, even though I've been in love with him for a while now, I was still convinced that I had to stick to it, but things kinda changed this morning after we had sex and now I'm not so sure."
Lily shook her head at you, a small grin on her face. "And if I interpreted you correctly, it didn't feel like 'casual hookup sex', or did it?"
You remained silent for a while, thinking about what to say next. "Not really, no," you spoke, the words leaving your mouth hesitantly. "We might have accidentally said 'I love you' to each other at the end."
"Y/n, we really love you and we stand by you most of the time, but I think I can speak for the both of us if I say that you really have to talk to Oscar about this. And then I mean, explicitly," Kelly said, gaining an agreeing nod from Lily.
"I think you should, yes," Lily added, the grin on her face turning into a more caring look. "You really should make up your mind about what you want because it's not fair to either of you, honey."
"Like, don't get me wrong, friends with benefits can work if there are no feelings involved. But you are in love with each other, one of you is bound to get hurt if you keep this going."
You nodded, agreeing with the both of them, unable to really use your words for a reply. Stuck in a war with yourself on how to tackle this dilemma.
"We obviously can't decide what decision to make; you have to do that yourself. But I do think that you at least should talk to Oscar today. He deserves the clarity as well, you know?"
"How can I give him that if I don't even know myself?"
"I think that just talking about it with him might give you the clarity that you need."
"Maybe you're right."
—————⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ ⋆⁺—————
At about three o' clock in the afternoon, Oscar's family and you had gathered around the garden table, some snacks and drinks on it. Oscar's dad had picked up Oscar's grandparents, who were staying over for a few days. They were honestly such a cute couple and it was evident how good their bond with Oscar and their other grandkids were, it was honestly delightful to see. It made you warm and funny, thinking about the bond Lando and you shared with your grandparents as well.
You had been talking about basically everything and nothing. Sharing some stories of Oscar when he was younger, as well as about how you gained your interest in your job field. It had led you guys to the current subject of discussion, your current position as Oscar's physio/trainer.
"So, darling, how long have you been Oscar's physio for?" his grandfather asked you.
"Well, I worked as a medical assistant at McLaren for about a year before this, so I already worked alongside him every now and then already. But I only started working as his personal physio since the start of this season" you explained, looking over at Oscar for a second, before redirecting your gaze towards his grandfather "And since the GP here in Melbourne, I also took over the role of his previous trainer, Kim. He was able to get a different position that fitted better with his personal life, so I got offered to take up that role as well, which I gladly accepted"
Chris laughed at his son "Don't be too soft on him tho! He could use a little bit of strictness" he joked "Otherwise he'll get lazy, won't you Oscar?"
Oscar rolled his eyes at his dad and send you a smile, delighted that his grandparents seemed to enjoy your company very well "She's doing a good job" he complimented you "I'm glad she got it. How awesome is it to be able to work so much with your best friend"
"Oh" Oscars grandmother chuckled "Sorry, darling. I thought the lovely girl was your girlfriend."
Oscar turned beet red "N-No! She's not my girlfriend, Nan."
His grandmother looked at you and then back at her grandson "Your eyes say something different, darling. You look at her as if you want to marry her"
"Mom, don't tease the boy" Nicole told her mom, trying to keep her in check a little "They just have a very close friendship"
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The sun was setting over the ocean, casting a warm golden hue across the beach. The waves lapped gently at the shore, a soothing backdrop to the weighty conversation you knew you needed to have. As you walked beside Oscar, the sand soft beneath your feet, you felt the tension between you, an unspoken understanding that this was a pivotal moment. When you reached a small, secluded ledge overlooking the sea, you both sat down, the air thick with anticipation.
Oscar turned to you, his eyes reflecting the colors of the sunset. "We need to talk about us," you said, breaking the silence. Your voice was steady, but your heart raced. "I think it's time we figure out what's really going on between us. We deserve clarity, both of us."
He nodded, looking down at his hands. "I agree. It's been... confusing. But amazing," he added, glancing at you with a small, sad smile, before speaking up again "We need to make a decision. A firm one. If we decide not to date, we can't keep being intimate. I don't want anyone to get hurt."
You sighed, feeling the weight of your words. "Yeah. We need to be honest with each other."
Oscar reached out and took your hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "So, let's weigh it all out. The pros and cons."
You smiled faintly. "Okay. Pros first."
He thought for a moment, then started, "Well, we're obviously attracted to each other. And we care about each other. I love spending time with you, whether it's working out, watching movies, or just talking. And... I'm in love with you, but you knew that already" he said, his voice breaking. "I love how you challenge me, how you're always there with a smile after a tough day, how you get my stupid jokes. I love how we can talk for hours about everything and nothing"
Oscar took a deep breath, his voice a little unsteady due to the amount of emotions he was feeling at the moment "I love how it feels when I'm with you, like this morning, when we were together... it was perfect. It meant everything to me."
A tear rolled down his cheek, and he wiped it away quickly, but not before you saw it. "I'm in love with you too," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "But... the cons."
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. "There's the fact that you're my client. My job is to keep you in peak physical condition, and dating could complicate that. There's also Lando. He's my brother, and you're his teammate. If things went south between us... it could get messy."
Oscar looked down, his expression pained and his eyes watery "I know. I think about that too. But what if it doesn't go wrong? What if we make it work?"
You shook your head slightly, feeling the familiar fear creeping in. "It's just... it's a lot of pressure. What if we hurt each other? What if we can't keep it professional? What if it's wrong?"
Oscar's eyes were misty, and he swallowed hard, another tear slipping down his cheek. "I'm afraid too. But the idea of not being with you... that scares me more." He reached up and gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear you hadn't realized had fallen. "Does this feel wrong?" he whispered, leaning in to kiss you softly, full of love and tenderness.
The kiss melted your fears away, if only for a moment. It felt right, in the best way possible, but the anxiety lingered. You pulled back slightly, resting your forehead against his. "It feels perfect," you admitted, your voice trembling. "But that doesn't make it any less scary."
Oscar nodded, his hand still on your cheek, tears still flowing. "I know. But maybe we can take it slow. No labels, no pressure. Just... see where it goes. Keep it a secret, if that helps."
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of doubt, but all you saw was sincerity and hope. "Taking it slow... I think I can do that. But we need to be careful. We need to communicate, be honest with each other."
"Absolutely," he agreed, his voice thick with emotion. "We'll make sure we're both on the same page, every step of the way."
You took a deep breath, feeling a sense of cautious optimism. "Okay. Let's give it a shot. But remember, no labels yet. And we keep it between us."
Oscar smiled, his relief palpable, though his eyes were still glistening with unshed tears. "Deal." He leaned in and kissed you again, this time with more certainty, sealing the promise you had just made to each other.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, you both sat there, hand in hand, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. The future was uncertain, but for the first time, you both felt ready to face it together.
After a few moments of quiet, you felt Oscar shift beside you, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. "About this 'taking it slow' thing," he began cautiously, "what does that mean for... intimacy? Like, when we're alone, can I kiss you or hug you whenever I feel like it? Or does 'taking it slow' mean to you, that we avoid that as well?"
You chuckled softly, shaking your head. "Of course, you can. I love it when you kiss me, or hug me. It makes me feel loved"
Oscar smiled, a bit of the tension easing from his face. "Good. Because I really enjoy it too."
Feeling a mix of shyness and cheekiness, you added, "And just to clarify; for me, 'taking it slow' only applies to us not having a label and not telling anyone yet. It doesn't apply to... you know, the more intimate stuff. Like what we did this morning or in your hotel room."
Oscar's eyes widened slightly, a small smile spreading across his face. "So, you're okay with...?"
You nodded, your cheeks flushing. "Yes, I'm totally fine with it. I actually want that. Just because we're taking it slow in terms of labels and keeping it a secret, doesn't mean we can't enjoy being close to each other."
Oscar let out a relieved laugh, pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm so glad to hear that. Because honestly, I don't think I could keep my hands off you."
You laughed, hugging him back tightly. "Good. Because I don't want you to."
As the stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, you both sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling a new sense of hope and possibility for what lay ahead.
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mossyeyeballs · 6 months ago
CW: mentiones of SA, drugs, suicide, and self harm
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In my rewrite, Nicole and her family were always rocky. Her mom and dad always fought over this and that, and eventually divorced when she turned 11. Wanting Nicole to grow up at least a little less miserable, they her parents decided to stay in the same house together regardless of who they were seeing. This obviously caused her mental health to worsen. Seeing her parents didn’t love eachother and often fought under the same roof, she spent a lot of time in her room making friends with people online. It would turn out One of the people she met online went to her middle school, and even shared a class with her. Nicole and this girl became really close, and even started hanging out in person. Unfortunately, at age 13, the girl she became friends with left Nicole alone with her boyfriend, and the night ended in Nicole getting sexually assaulted. Needless to say Nicole cut her off and stopped attending school, and as a result became even more disclosed from her family. So, Nicole turned to drugs and self harm to ease her mental pain. This pain unfortunately did lead to her finding it difficult to empathize with people, and as a result she became shallow with how she treated people. by the age of 15, Nicole’s mom had forced her to volunteer herself into an NA group counseling community, where Nicole meter friend Jecka. After a bit of chatting, they found out they go to the same highschool, and the two started getting closer. Due to recent events, Nicole found it a bit hard to get close to Jecka, but after she offered to pay for Nicole’s self defense classes, Nicole opened her trust circle. As of age 16, Nicole graduated her counseling group and began attending highschool like normal. While the counseling did help with her drug habits and overall manners, she still does find it a bit hard to understand emotions. But this in no way shapes her entire character, it’s simply a brush stoke of the entire picture. With the help of Jecka, and the confidence from taking self defense, Nicole found the experience a bit easier to navigate. Though, highschool, is highschool, so it’s still hard. She’s now 17, a junior. Healing is a journey filled with bumps and cracks, so of course there’s moments where Nicole finds herself slipping back into that state of needing addiction, but Jecka taught her that candy can help smooth those cravings, so Nicole carries around a shit ton of candy in her bag.
I know a few people may not like the fact that I took away the humor and edginess of the game, but in all honesty that was the point. I wanted the rewrite to feel genuine, and not like a mockery of people with mental struggles. I wanted the rewrite to feel relatable and comforting rather than a joke. So yes, Nicole is struggling, but that’s okay. Healing takes time, and my rewrite is about the time it takes to heal and how hard it can be with that PTSD. if this were to be a story, it’d be more about the aspects and difficulties that come with this trauma and the healing along with it rather than “a hot anime girl who rejects everyone cause she’s a sociopath.”
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lillypad910 · 5 months ago
So I just read your fic with Big Dick!Billy and I were wondering if you could do something like this with reader being a Cheerleader and a Queen Bee (pretty much like Regina George) and he just put her in her place in public… >///<
Queen Bee
Pairing: King Billy! Billy Hargrove x Queen Bee! f! Reader
Warning: references sex (oral specifically), but doesn't have any smut. Sexual tension is STRONG; very much enemies with benefits vibe. Reader is dating Tommy (helped with the Regina vibe, ok).
Summary: You're the Queen Bee of Hawkins and everyone loves you, except one certain King of the school, Billy Hargrove.
A/n: You didn't specify if you wanted smut or not so I didn't write it for it, HOWEVER, I'm open to writing it if you want me to, Anon! So please let me know!!
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You are the Queen of Hawkins High, from your attitude to the way you dress. Every girl wants to be you, every boy wants to fuck you. You are everything.
You smile wide as you finish out the routine, raising your pompoms up into the air for the final pose. You have been practicing all morning with the rest of the girls, well, almost. Nicole hasn't shown up, and practice is already ending.
"Alright! Good job, everyone! You've all done amazing!" Coach Lively smiles at all of you. "You are dismissed for the day, enjoy your weekend!" The lot of you step away, but you stay put, requiring Tina and Carol to come to you.
"Oh! Bev!" You turn to your fellow cheerleader, her red hair tied in a high pony, "that skirt is so cute! Where did you get it? I might have to ask Coach about getting them for the Spring Uniforms!" You smile at her.
Beverly's cheeks go red, the corners of her lips pull up into a smile. "Oh! Thank you! I actually got it from my mom's closet..." She gives a small twirl, which your posy giggle at.
"Ooh, vintage! Love it!" You watch her walk away and turn to the two girls behind you, "That skirt is so ugly. Why would her mom own that?" They snicker.
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You step out of Tommy's passenger seat, him following shortly after you, throwing his arm around your waist. Carol steps up beside you, glancing away at the show of affection as her recent ex-boyfriend clings to you like a lost puppy. You all step into the house party, Tina walking up to you and smiling.
"Tommy, could you go get us a drink?" You turn to your boyfriend, hoping to make the boy feel useful.
"Of course!" He gets everyone's drink orders before going to walk off, but someone stops him.
Billy Hargrove blocks his path, making the poor guy knock right into him.
"Sorry, Billy." Tommy recoils a bit before glancing back at you. You try desperately not to roll your eyes.
"Tommy, Baby..." You bat your eyelashes at him, "Our drinks?" Carol glances at him then you, before looking away again, obviously uncomfortable with the name calling but too scared to say anything.
"On it!" Tommy perks up, but Billy once again steps in his way. This time you don't bother hiding your eyeroll.
"Ugh, Billy, let him pass. Jesus, you're such a nuisance." Your comment makes Tina giggle. "Don't you torture him enough with your stench during practice?"
"Do you always have to be such a bitch?" He counters.
"I just speak truth."
"Truth? While fucking your friend's ex-boyfriend? Please, you're just a whore who doesn't know how to behave." Billy steps closer to you, getting too close for your comfort. His comment get's the attention of some people nearby.
"Excuse you?" You scoff. No one had ever talked to you like that, and they weren't gonna start now.
"You heard me, Bitch. You bite the hand that feeds you enough times it's gonna bite back." He looks you up and down, looking at every curve of your body.
The things he could teach you...
"All high and mighty for a dick with legs." You snicker, "What? Nicole didn't give good enough head today?" You notice the girl behind him look at you, the fear in her eyes fuels you.
"You know, from what I hear, Nicole isn't the only one on her knees regularly... Even the good old King Steve," He lifts his arms, getting the attention of even more on-lookers, "used to shove his cock down your throat. So why don't you get down there and show me just what a good whore you are."
You glare at him, your blood practically boiling. "You're an ass, Billy."
"And you're just a good lay, Queen Bee."
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years ago
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[ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 ] | [ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ] | [ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ]
The sun is annoying, and the world can survive without vegetables.
This is the conclusion you’ve drawn after waking up to warm, yellow rays that shine directly onto your closed eyes. You blink groggily, rubbing your tired eyes with a free hand while the other brushes your teeth. 
“Honey, you’re gonna be late!” 
You mumble out an incoherent reply to your mom from the bathroom, quickly tossing on a thin cardigan after rinsing your mouth to rid the intense menthol sting that lingers on your lips. Entering the kitchen once done, however, provides you with a delicious reminder of how amazing of a cook your mom is. 
You grab a fork, devouring the scrambled eggs on toast. Sriracha stains the plate as a result of your messy eating habits, placing the now-empty plate in the basin with a satisfied hum. “Thanks, Mama!” You grab your school bag and rush to the door. You pause at the small alcove before the door, stepping down and slipping on your shoes. 
“Bye, Mama! See you later!” You call out before shutting the door behind you. The walk to school is as usual, with loud car horns being beeped as people rush to work while you stroll past graffiti-filled walls on the side of buildings. The street outside your school is already crowded with various cliques chatting away, and you enthusiastically greet some of them with nods and half-smiles as you enter through the main gate.
You polish off your taco, throwing away your napkin after using it to wipe your lips of any grease stuck on them. You look up at the sound of your name being called, grinning once you see a short brunette walking down the hallway. “Morning,” You greet Nicole cheerfully, opening your locker and pulling out the textbooks and notebooks you need for the day.
“What’s with you today?” 
You hum at her question, glancing at her with a quick shrug as she scrolls through Instagram. Nicole’s the first friend you made here in Brooklyn High School after transferring here four months ago. She had been the first to approach you, asking to borrow a pencil after she forgot to bring hers to class. 
Like any other teenager being forced to move cities to somewhere completely new, you stick to her like glue after that, eventually infiltrating your way into her friend group. 
“You know me, studious and independent’s the vibe I got goin’ on,” You grin at Nicole, draping an arm around her shoulder and giving her an affectionate squeeze. She looks up from her phone with a frown, using her finger to push up her glasses which had slid down slightly from their usual perch on her nose.
“Don’t be so uptight,” You chuckle, nudging her side. She sighs, rolling her eyes in amusement instead. You’re interrupted from your conversation on where to hang out this weekend at your name being yelled out from a distance away. 
“Eyyyy, que pasa!” You laugh at Michael’s greeting as he comes up to you with an outstretched fist, bumping it gently after removing your arm from where it was resting around Nicole’s shoulders. “Have you studied for the quiz today?” He asks, slinging a casual arm around your shoulders while you walk down the hall with Nicole beside you. 
You hum with a quick shrug. “Think so?”
“Man, you gotta get your head down from the clouds, bro.” He chuckles, trying to move sneakily to stand beside Nicole, who simply holds up her hand, stopping him from coming any closer with a glare. He retracts the arm he’s about to sling around her shoulders with a sheepish grin, holding it up in surrender.
“Anyway,” He brushes off her clear rejection, focusing back on you, “I’m planning a hangout with a few friends to celebrate the end of exam season. You in?” You immediately nod with a wide grin, already excited at the thought of goofing around with your friends. 
“Of course, you’re invited too. Maybe we can have our own little hangout-” 
“I’d rather stab my right arm.” Nicole cuts him off with an angelic smile, though her venom-filled words elicit an amused laugh from Michael. “Ah, how I love that icy nature of yours,” He sighs with a shake of his head.
“Who’s coming?’ You ask absentmindedly, adjusting the two notebooks in your arms. 
“Jeremy, Ally, Geoff, Tiff, Miles…”
“Miles? As in, Miles Morales?” Nicole finally speaks, eyes wide in surprise.
“Who’s that?” You don’t recognise the name. The rest you’re familiar with, though. They’re all in Brooklyn High, just in different classes. You’d seen them in passing around the school, and they recognised you in turn as one of Michael’s friends. 
“Right, you don’t know him. He transferred a while before you joined. He’s in Brooklyn Visions now. Here,” Nicole holds up her phone to your face, and you squint at the picture on her screen. Huh. He’s kinda cute, you suppose.
“Cool. Guess we’ll meet during the hangout then.” You sit down at your desk, Michael sitting at the desk beside you while she takes her seat in front of you.
“Wait, how do you know Miles?” Nicole rolls her eyes as she turns around in her chair, placing her elbow on your desk as she leans on her palm. 
“He helped me out a couple of times.” She answers simply. Michael frowns slightly. “Were you two….?”
“Why? Are you going to be devastated if I say yes?” Nicole smirks. “Unfortunately, it’s actually because our moms knew each other.” She sighs, holding up her free hand to observe her nails.
Before Michael can respond, the bell rings to signal the start of classes. They pass by in a flash, and all too soon, you’re outside the door to the art classroom. You’re hesitant to enter, eyeing the doorknob as if it’d burn you as soon as you touch it. 
“Well? Will you stay outside collecting dust, or will you enter?” You flinch at the sudden voice, looking up to see Miss Dawson looking at you with an expectant gaze. Her arms are crossed, waiting for you to go inside. 
“Y-yeah, I was just about to, but then I realised I forgot my…. brushes?” 
“You stored them in my desk drawer last week because they were too heavy to carry home with you.” 
Damn it. You purse your lips, huffing at your forgetfulness. “Fine,” You mutter, grabbing the doorknob and turning it, walking to your usual corner of the room. You pull out your sketchbook and pencil case, leaning back in your chair and waiting for Miss Dawson to start her lesson.
“Today, I’ll be assigning you a task for your end-of-year exams. I know some of you are interested in building up your portfolio to apply for the Brooklyn Academy of Fine Arts or maybe even to other schools in different states.” You perk up slightly at the mention of art school, placing your hands on your sketchbook. Miss Dawson speaks slowly yet surely, looking at each student with pure conviction. When her gaze lands on you, you’re a hundred percent sure she can see every thought that crosses your mind, each doubt that lingers in your heart. 
“Your topic is, Your Favourite Scenery.”
Murmurs spread through the class, everyone looking at each other with worry. You bite your bottom lip, chewing on it in thought as you furrow your brows. Sure, the topic might seem simple enough on the surface, but the fact that it’s so broad is exactly what unnerves you.
Having a chosen topic is good as a guideline, even more so when you know precisely what your favourite scenery is. With the addition of inspiration and motivation, it’d be a breeze to complete.
The problem is, you have none of the above.
You’re not sure what scenery you enjoy, much less have a favourite. Sure, sunsets are pretty, and skyscrapers are cool, but not much really struck you as deeply. You’re made aware of Miss Dawson gesturing for you to come over to her desk, hesitantly standing up and walking there while everyone else is discussing among themselves about the topic given.
You part your lips to greet her, only to be cut off when she holds out her hand expectantly. You huff, handing her your sketchbook. She flips through the pages, frowning slightly when she sees the random doodles and mindless sketches until she stops on a specific one.
She hums, taking in whatever’s on the page. You can’t remember what you’ve drawn, but you’re more than reluctant to admit how much of a slump you’ve been in lately. It’s not like you can come into class, declaring your lack of talent whilst waving your hands in the air.
You focus on Miss Dawson's makeshift jar of pencils on her desk, recalling someone else gifting it to her for Teacher’s Day. The blunt nibs are a testament to how much she uses them, a bedazzled one drawing your attention. You pick it up, observing the tiny sequins firmly glued to the wood with a fascinated gaze. 
You flinch when Miss Dawson suddenly clears her throat, automatically moving your hands behind your back and focusing your attention back on her. “So, I assume you had an encounter with our city’s local hero?”
“How’d you know?” You ask, eyes wide in surprise. 
She simply turns the sketchbook around to face you, the sketch you’d made last night of Spiderman clear as day. Your cheeks warm, the drawing having slipped your mind. “Looking through your sketchbook, it’s obvious that you’ve been in a slump, honey. But this sketch…This is really good, maybe even one of the better ones you’ve done.”
“Thank you?” You’re not sure if she just complimented or insulted you. 
“Seeing him must have helped your inspiration somewhat, didn’t it?”
“I guess so. I dunno, it’s not like a switch I can turn on and off anytime I want.”
“Well, you’ll have to learn how to keep it on. And for this assignment in particular, I want you to focus not just on your favourite scenery. I want you to focus on what exactly makes it your favourite.” Miss Dawson hands the sketchbook back to you with a knowing smile, and you take it from her unsurely.
“Right…” You return to your desk with one dismissive wave from her hand, sitting back down with a defeated groan. You prop your chin onto your hand, staring at the sketch blankly.
An art slump is the worst. Besides, it’s just a drawing of Spiderman; although it is admittedly some of your best work, it’s not like you can just channel that again at the snap of your fingers.
You need inspiration. You need motivation. You need….a muse, which can only mean one thing.
You’re gonna attempt to find Spiderman.
Attempt #1: Have a friendly run-in!
“This is such a bad idea; why am I even trying to find a superhero? I’m literally just going to ask him to be my muse and he’s gonna say no, which is gonna be so embarrassing and I’ll never be able to show my face around here again and what if next time I’m being robbed he turns away because it’s me??”
“Okay, calm down. He’s not going to turn away because he rejected you, or he wouldn’t be a superhero. Also, you’re literally being paranoid because I’m not there with you.” 
You frown, pulling your phone away from your ear to check if it really is Nicole you’re calling. “That’s not true.”
“I know when you’re lying.”
“Okay, maybe I’m being slightly paranoid, but for good reason! Why can’t you just come with me? You’re good at getting people to do what you want.” 
Nicole’s soft chuckle somewhat relieves you, knowing she took it as a compliment. “I’d come over, but I have to help plan the outing with the group, remember? And I’m not the one with a ride to an Art Academy on the line - you are.”
“Wait, outing?”
“Yeah, remember this morning? You’ll meet Miles then; I think you’d get along. Anyway, you’ll do fine. Michael told me Spidey swings by the hotdog cart every Tuesday, so I guess it’s reliable information.” Nicole reassures you, though her last few emotions are filled with a tinge of doubt. She pulls the phone away to mumble something to someone, and you’re sure it’s an insult based on the irritated bite in her voice when she returns to the phone.
“Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow then…” You say reluctantly, unwilling to hang up the phone.
“Yeah, bye.”
The monotonous dial tone greets your ears after Nicole’s curt goodbye. You shut off your phone, flipping your sketchbook to an empty page with a sigh. You rifle through your pencil case, picking up the sequined pencil you’d accidentally taken from Miss Dawson and tapping it against the blank paper.
Draw your favourite scenery.
You look around, taking in the vibrant green trees and serene lake, the joyful laughter of children and parents filling the air. It’s peaceful. Dogs wander around, some leashed and some set loose. One approaches you, but you wave it away, flinching when it gets too close for comfort. It’s no longer peaceful.
“You can go away now…” You mumble, poking its side to hopefully urge it to move away from you. Your legs automatically move up to the bench, drawing your knees close to your chest. “Shoo, bad dog! Where’s your owner?” You glance up to check if their owner is nearby, only for your bedazzled pencil to be snatched out of your hands.
“Hey!” You exclaim angrily, reaching out to grab it from the dog’s mouth. You hesitate when you see the dog drool dripping onto the end of the pencil, eyeing it with a shudder. You take a moment to steel yourself, grabbing the slimy end with as much force as possible, trying to yank it free from its mouth. 
“Let go of my stuff! That’s not yours! I have to return it to Miss Dawson, you stupid dog!” Your grip slips, and you land on the ground with a yelp, wincing when your knee gets scraped by the coarse dirt through your ripped jeans. 
“Give it back!” You demand, lurching yourself forward and grabbing the pencil again. However, the dog growls playfully, thinking of it as nothing more than a game for entertainment. “This is why,” You grunt between shallow breaths, “I prefer cats!”
Your sketchbook had fallen beside you, the beautiful cover now stained with dirt. You narrow your eyes into a glare, scowling at the dog. “Let go!” 
It finally does, maybe because it sensed that you wouldn’t be playing with it. You fall back once more, your back hitting the ground harshly. The breath is instantly knocked out of your chest, and you inhale deeply, trying to force more air back into your lungs with a choked gasp. 
You sit back up, holding the pencil up victoriously until you remember that there’s dog drool all over your hand. You groan in disgust, searching for a tissue to wipe it off. Wait. Your sketchbook is missing. 
You look around frantically, only to see the exact same dog from earlier now burying a half-open sketchbook into the dirt. Your sketchbook. A strangled yell rips itself from your throat, practically throwing yourself at it with a glare that could rival even Karen herself. You push the dog away, scrabbling at the dirt to uncover your almost completely buried sketchbook. 
“Bye, Spiderman!” Your head instantly turns at the sentence, spotting the familiar black silhouette nodding his thanks to the hotdog cart owner, his hotdog securely held in his hand. He flicks his free hand and shoots a web onto the side of a building, beginning to leave.
“Wait! I have a ques-” 
He swings off into the distance, already blocks away in the span of a few seconds without hearing your cry. Your arm falls to your side, collapsing back onto the ground to catch your breath while your sketchbook lies buried in the dirt. 
Damn it.
Attempt #2: Get Mugged!
“God, I hope this works,” You mumble. The streets around you are dimly lit, and you’re armed with nothing more than your bulky pencil case and a whistle, both stored in the deep pockets of your hoodie. The handbag containing your wallet and phone bumps against your waist, the strap loosely slung across your shoulder.
You’re the perfect walking target to be mugged.
Granted, this is probably one of the worst ideas you’ve had in the history of bad ideas. The chilly Brooklyn night breeze tickles your ears with an icy breath, and your body gives an involuntary shiver. You scan the empty streets hopefully. When was Spiderman – or better yet, a robber, going to show up?
Whether it was desperation or pure adrenaline driving you forward at this point, you couldn’t tell.
But you’re here, and you’re determined to see things through.
Minutes pass of you wandering the dark streets like a fool, and you’re just about to head back home when you sense that something’s off. Your steps slow, and you hear someone else’s shoes scuffle a short distance behind you. 
You start to speed up, fingers gripping the heavy pencil case in your pocket. You’d been hit by it before by accident and did not get away unscathed by any means. Your heartbeat quicks its pace in your chest, sensing them get closer with each step. 
There he is.
You finally spot Spiderman chilling on the roof of a nearby apartment building, breaking into a run. The mugger behind you grunts in surprise, and you hear him start to run as well. Your breaths are short and ragged, and you finally reach just below the building. 
“Stop right there, missy!” Looking up from where you’ve bent over to catch your breath, you see the sharp knife blade held up at you. The robber is slouching, just as out of breath as you are. However, he straightens his back and flashes you a yellow-toothed smirk from under his cap, and you shudder at the bits of dirt clearly seen in his beard. 
You hold your arms up in surrender, risking a quick glance up, only for Spiderman to jump down and land smoothly right in front of you. “Hey man, didn’t your mother ever tell you not to play around with sharp objects?” He tuts, shaking his head as he uses his web shooter to tug the knife away from the robber.
The knife lands in his hands with ease, the robber immediately turning to flee. “I don’t like doing this bit, but you leave me no choice!” Spiderman does a quick frontflip and lands before the robber, grabbing his shoulder and tilting his head. “You should’ve known better,” You hear him scold, and spot a light blue electric current flowing from his fingers to the robber, knocking him unconscious. 
Spiderman lets go, taking a surprised step back as the robber falls to the floor, unconscious. He winces, dusting off his hands and walking toward you. “You shouldn’t come out here during the night,” He chides playfully, grabbing the knife that had fallen to the floor when he caught the mugger. “You’d be in a lot of trouble if I wasn’t here.”
“Yeah, thank you. Actually, I wanted to ask-”
“Whoop.” He cuts you off, glancing at his watch, “I’d love to stay and chat, but duty calls! You’re gonna want to take a right down here, another left, and then one more right and you’ll be at the main street. Stay safe!” He gestures down to a more brightly lit street, patting your back before shooting his web shooter at a nearby building.
“Wait- Ugh,” You groan in defeat, watching him swing off again without hearing your question. Your arm is outstretched, fingers barely brushing against his arm before he leaves. 
Attempt #3: If he doesn’t stop and listen to the goddamn question, you’re going to lose it.
“Calm down, pinto.”
“I spilt pinto beans on myself, one time, people. One. Time.” You frown, crossing your arms. Nicole smirks, shrugging nonchalantly in response. 
“Yeah, yeah. Michael told me that he saw your Spidey boy swing around the taco truck down the street a couple times every Thursday, so we should keep a lookout. Don’t want your sketchbook taken away from you again, do we?” 
“How does Michael even know all this?” You mumble. 
“Look, we don’t ask him questions, and he doesn’t ask us any. It’s a two-way street, pinto. Use those brains of yours.” You shove Nicole lightly with a roll of your eyes. Falling back, she leans against a wall, immediately pulling out her phone and scrolling through it. 
God, she has a serious internet addiction. You choose to scan the crowd instead, your gaze sweeping over the kids from the Brooklyn Visions Academy filling the street, having just gotten out of their clubs. You look somewhat out of place with your own uniform, shuffling your feet slightly when they glance over with confused gazes. 
You raise your brows in response to a few of them, and they leave with a haughty scoff. You roll your eyes. Stuck up snobs, the lot of them. Hopefully, the information Michael provided is accurate, though you’re sure you’ll never know where he gets it from. 
“Hey, is the bowling alley chill with you for the hangout? Miles sucks at bowling, so we can team up to obliterate the boys.” 
“Sure,” You reply absentmindedly, only to pause and turn to face her. “Is he not free to meet up before, though? I’d like to get to know him first, so it won’t be as awkward.” 
“Nah,” Nicole frowns at her screen, “He’s busy on all the days I suggested. Something about homework and stuff. Maybe he’s turned into one of the snobs.” She puts her phone away with a snort. “Also, there’s your Spidey-guy.”
“What?” True enough, he’s at the taco truck right now, ordering a taco and waiting patiently. Spiderman has to have lunch breaks too, you suppose. You watch him tap his fingers against the metal table, bobbing his head along to a beat playing in his mind.
You grit your teeth, grab your bag and keep your now clean sketchbook, having wiped off all the dirt with a cloth and the best surface cleaner you own back home. Your eyes shine with a determined glint, practically marching through the crowd to him.
“Hey!” You stumble back, looking down at the bright yellow mustard on your pristine white shirt. “Are you kidding me?” You growl in frustration, looking up to see a girl dressed in the Brooklyn Visions uniform holding up her ruined basket of fries, the small toppled tub now on its side and most of the sauce on you.
“Watch where you’re going!” She huffs, looking at you with pure disdain. 
“Watch where I’m going? Watch where you’re going!” 
Oh God, please let him still be there-
Spiderman is holding his taco now, trying to slip away through the crowd. Your eyes narrow into a glare, pushing past the girl with a muttered apology, running as fast as possible to catch up to the superhero.
You spot him jogging into an alleyway, following suit. You stop, however, when you see that it’s empty. “What?” You mumble, looking around frantically for him. You hear a loud coo, looking up to see the very hero you’re looking for crawling along the wall of the Academy dorms. 
“Wha-?” Now you’re baffled. You watch him reach a specific window, using an arm to open it and enter before sliding it shut behind him. Three floors up and the last one down the hall. Got it. You run to the entrance, only to be stopped by a security guard.
“Woah, woah, woah. Only students of Brooklyn Visions Academy are allowed inside.” He chuckles, holding a hand in front of you to stop you from entering. 
“No, you don’t understand! I need to talk to someone inside.” You try to plead, but he merely raises his brows. 
“Okay, what’s their name?”
“W-well. You see, here’s the thing.” You laugh nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. 
“Mmhm. Come back when you have their name, and I’ll call them down for you, okay?” He dismisses you, using his hands to turn your shoulders around. He pats your back slightly, sending you on your way.
You frown, brows furrowing in thought for a way to get in. Maybe Nicole would have an idea. She’s eerily good at stuff like this. Your feet pound against the pavement in a steady rhythm as you run back to where you had left her waiting.
“Nic!” You call out, panting heavily once you reach the girl who’s still in the same position as when you left. “I need help; I gotta sneak into the dorms of the snob school.” You say through your gulps for air, your lungs screaming for more oxygen.
“You need to sneak in?” She asks, looking up from her phone with raised brows.
“Yeah. I can’t explain right now, but I really need your help.” You confirm breathlessly.
She mulls over your plea for a moment before shrugging, moving away from the wall and pocketing her phone. She stretches her arm above her head momentarily. “Stay here.” She orders before stepping out of the alleyway and out of your sight. 
You wait, albeit impatiently, tapping your foot as urgency consumes you. Nicole soon returns with the Academy’s blazer in her hands, tossing it at you with a grin. “Got it for free; you can keep it. I gotta go for a study session. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Yeah, thanks, Nic.” She never fails to impress you every time. You thank her quickly before returning to the dorm entrance, wearing the blazer on the way. You halt once you reach it, keeping your head down and fastening the buttons securely, hiding the bright yellow stain on your shirt. 
God, it’s probably going to get onto the blazer too, you wince. Spotting a group of girls walking into the entrance, you jog over and stick close to them, walking past the security guard from earlier. 
Once you’re inside, your tense shoulders sag with relief, a massive weight being lifted off your chest. The atrium is pretty cool, but you don’t have time to admire any architecture right now. You glance at the two winding staircases, signs directing the students to the boys' or girls' side.
You recall the window being on the right side of the building, walking up the respective staircase. Luckily, not many students are around. Most of them have gone out. 
Third floor, last room down the hall.
You take the lift up, exchanging an awkward smile with another girl who’s clearly sneaking in as well. She gets off at the second floor, and you spam the button to close the lift doors. As soon as they close, you practically collapse against the wall with a long, drawn-out sigh of relief.
The lift doors open to the third floor. You peek your head out, looking around. Good, there’s no one.
Stepping out of the lift, you pause. Do you go right, left, or straight? From what you recall of the exterior structure, you’re pretty sure it’s the hall on your left. Steeling your resolve, you walk down the carpeted floor, your footsteps muffled. 
There it is, the room at the end of the hallway. You raise your hand, knocking on the hard wood once, twice, three times.
Silence is all that greets you.
“Is anyone there?” You call out softly. When no one responds, you grip the doorknob just to check. To your surprise, however, the door swings open with a single push, revealing the room inside. 
It wasn’t locked.
“Pardon my intrusion….” 
You step over a pile of clothes on the floor, your nose scrunching at the smell. Deodorant and musk fill the air. A picture frame sits on a desk to your left, with a photo of a short boy.
That can’t be him; his stature is too different.
Another picture sits on a small nightstand, and you pick it up to see a familiar face. The boy in the picture with his family is tall, with chocolate brown eyes and raven-black hair. You frown, tilting your head. Where had you seen him before…?
A soft thud draws your attention. Something had fallen to the floor from where it was squashed between the bedframe of the bunk bed and another piece of furniture. You bend down, picking it up. 
Spiderman’s mask hangs loosely in your grasp.
You look multiple times from the mask and the poorly-hidden suit to the picture, finally connecting the dots. You pull out your phone, hurriedly texting the one person who could confirm your surefire theory.
yo, Nic. send me the picture of the guy - Miles, i think? - Read, 2pm
Sure ig. dont go stalking him tho - Nicole, 2pm.
The strong vibration of your phone alerts you to a new text. You look down, thankful for Nicole’s fast reply. Opening the text, an image of the ever-so-elusive Miles Morales fills your screen. 
Oh my god.
Your eyes widen, your suspicions confirmed.
It can't be.
But it's the only explanation that makes sense. 
Miles Morales is Spiderman. Spiderman is Miles Morales.
You hide the mask back where it's dropped out of its hiding place, swallowing thickly when you hear the lift ding, making your swift exit.
Rushing down the hall, the last thing you expect is to bump against the very boy you’ve been looking for. You don’t dare risk a glance, recognising him just by his shoes alone. Ignoring his apology, you run off, making your exit.
Once you exit the dorm entrance, most of the tension leaves your body. Making your way back home, your mind reels from the discovery.
Miles Morales is Spiderman.
While you slip away from his notice, Miles spots something in his peripheral vision. His suit had fallen slightly out of his hiding place. Thinking nothing of it, he goes to stuff it back in when he sees a small spot of yellow on the side of his mask.
He brings the mask up to his nose and takes a sniff. His brows furrow at the familiar scent.
He wipes it off with a shrug.
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kwamiwayzz · 2 months ago
Convenient Contract
Sometimes when I think about Jecka and Nicole both moving away from their hometown, and towards LA, they think their lives would somewhat automatically be better now that they’re away from all the stuff that held them down.
For Jecka, she no longer has to face the looming threat of getting beaten by her dad every other day. She’s out of that house, out of Virginia. She’s graduated high school, and far away from the shallow social circles that she forced herself to be in to avoid being alone. The only friends she considers are real enough to her are Nicole and (probably) Emily. College is the next step now, Jecka just needs to focus on securing a good future for herself. And she can do it without her family’s financial help. They just saw her as nothing but an asset, anyway. Something to prop up their image of the wealthy, white, suburban family that happens to donate to charity from time to time. But she doesn’t want that. She fucking hated it. She has no idea what she’ll be doing in college, or what career she’ll be going for. But at least she’s far away from the things that suffocated her.
For Nicole, she’s not living with her mom and brother anymore. That’s already a major upgrade. There’s also the bonus that she can live rent free with Jecka as she’s going to school in LA. Jecka was just meant to be a temporary person. A friendship of convenience for her to last through high school, After that, the contract was over. Or at least it was supposed to be over after graduation. Nicole was surprised to hear of Jecka’s request to come with her. She thought she was high when she came up to her that day, asking if she would want to live with her in a brand new state, free of charge. But in way, this is probably just an extension of that friendship of convenience contract. Jecka doesn't want to be alone, and who else would be a better option to come with her, than her proclaimed best friend?
Once Jecka graduates college, she won’t need Nicole around anymore. That’s what Nicole keeps telling herself. It’s why she’s never sober when they happen to have nights where they’re spilling their guts out about their respective traumas. She doesn’t even know how it gets to that point, where they’re actually being…vulnerable about themselves to each other. Where they’re pouring out each other’s hearts or whatever other cliche statement there is to describe that experience.
During one of those nights, Jecka finds out the full story of Nicole’s dad. How he blamed her for his suicide. How she was the first to find him when she tried to seek refuge at his house. Pieces would start to fall into place for Jecka, and fully made her understand why Nicole is the way she is. She knows it’s not healthy, but in Jecka’s mind, sometimes all she can think about is how she can save Nicole. Or at least try to make her not want to off herself again.
Oh yeah. Jecka forgot to mention to Nicole that she was the first to find her trying to hang herself in her room on that one day. It doesn’t matter. Because it slips out during one of their drunk nights that she still deals with the nightmares of finding her hanging when it’s too late.
Nicole doesn’t really know what to say to that. She barely remembers much of what happened, and the events that led up to, the day she actually wanted to join wherever her dad is. Most of that memory feels like a hazy dream locked within the confines of her fucked up brain. But now it’s out in the open. Jecka was there when she tried to end it all.
At least one person cared. One person cared…
Nicole doesn’t know how to process that. So she just brushes it off with more quips and jokes, in typical Nicole fashion. Jecka just expects that. She knows Nicole won’t bear her heart out like that overnight. At least, not when she’s sober.
The years continue to pass, and the two get closer. Nicole still tries to tell herself this friendship is just for convenience. Once Jecka has her bearings from college, she’ll toss her out, and Nicole will be left to fend for herself in a state she barely knows much of.
But everything in between seems to paint a different picture of this friendship of convenience.
Sometimes, when Jecka comes back from a long day of classes, she’ll find Nicole in the bathroom, razor blade in hand, ready to make more lines that will break skin. Nicole expects to get a scolding from her. She’s heard it all before. The fake cries of sympathy from her mom. The pitied looks from her classmates whenever they see her scars. Jecka always knew they were there, but she never actually saw her doing the act itself in real time. But instead of getting a scolding, Jecka just sits with her, and lets her do her thing. Once Nicole finishes, Jecka gets the bandages and antiseptic to help clean up the cuts and wrap them.
"Wow, maybe going for med school will be pretty useful after all," Nicole laughs.
Jecka just smiles as she continues to wrap the gauze around Nicole’s arm. It ends up becoming a routine at some point--either finding her in the bathroom bleeding all over the floor, or knocked out on the bed with pills strewn across the sheets. She tries to steer her away from all that. Outsiders think she should just leave Nicole behind.
Dump the deadweight and focus on yourself!
You don't owe anyone anything!
But Jecka doesn't want to listen to them. She knows it's a load of bullshit. But she knows she doesn't want that because it's what Nicole would want. And this is one thing from her best friend Jecka would actively go against.
More years pass and Jecka has graduated college, graduated med school. The blonde bitch actually did it and became a doctor. But Nicole is still around. Still living with Jecka. Still living rent free. She hasn't stopped thinking about the inevitable day where they'll have to part ways and end their contract.
"If I wanted to kick you out, I would've done it awhile ago," Jecka once told her. This was only a few days ago, yet it replays like a broken record in Nicole's brain. Jecka says one thing, but her brain says another.
Jecka might've graduated college and has a fancy doctor job, but wait until she finds a rich husband. Then that'll be the day she slowly fades from Jecka's life. That's how it always was. That's how it always is. Her mom already proved it to her time and time again.
Nicoleism. She tries to remind herself. Keep using Jecka as long as possible until the day comes. Don't share anything. Don't get attached. Don't let her seep into parts of your life.
But Nicole already knows it's too late. It's already long been too late when Jecka told her how she spilled her whole emo backstory like some tragic emo video-game/TV character.
So when Jecka is out, Nicole thinks of one thing she can do to "fix" this problem. Just make one cut, and it's all over. Nicole won't have to worry anymore about the inevitable. And Jecka? Jecka can be free from the dead weight.
When Nicole wakes up, she's in the hospital. Jecka is there, face down, with her usual smooth hair looking like a rat's nest. She's upset, furious even, but most of all, glad that her friend is still alive. Nicole doesn't know what to say. All she knows is that she fucked up in trying to off herself...again.
"You're an actual dumbass, you know that?" Jecka tells her as she tries to hold more tears from streaming.
Jecka cares, she always has. Nicole knows this. She always has. But no matter what, it won't stop the looming dread in the back of her mind from eating her alive. Trauma is a bitch. And it turns out, leaving the place and people that caused it in the first place doesn't mean it goes away. It doesn't go away no matter how much Nicole stops thinking about it.
Drugs don't make trauma disappear, it just puts a blanket over it, ready to be pulled away the moment the Percs, Vicodin, whatever, stop doing their magic.
This is a contract. The friendship is a contract. It's all Nicole knows. She hates that she thinks this way, but she'll destroy it first before everything good about it gets pulled away from her.
Jecka won't let her.
If Nicole sees their friendship as a convenience, then fine. Let her.
"Let's get married," Jecka brings up one day.
Nicole doesn't oppose. Gay marriage had been legal in America for a few years by now. And thank goodness. Finding a man that won't subject either of them to domestic violence would've been hell.
They go on a random Tuesday morning. The papers get signed, and they find the process surprisingly easy.
"So, will you change my contact name from 'hawt bitch' to 'hawt wife' then?" Nicole teases.
Jecka just laughs. Everything between them is still normal. There's no ceremony, no formal announcement to their friends, and no rings. Just each other. It's all they need.
If Nicole saw everything between them as a friendship of convenience, then why not turn it into a marriage of convenience? She knows it's not healthy. She knows Nicole is fucked up to even consider marrying someone like her. But then again, isn't Jecka the same? It's why they're together in the first place.
If turning an imaginary contract between them into an official one enough to keep Nicole alive for as long as she can, then so be it.
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solarismoons · 2 months ago
Yuri and Charley were SO funny. Charley was NOT thinking of pottery in that scene.
I did NOT expect to see Wally crying… His hellscape made me so sad. He still thinks his mom is disappointed in him 🙁.
Xavier and Simon doing that trust exercise made me laugh my ass off omg. I love their friendship, they’re so fucking funny together.
I also love how Nicole and Claire are getting closer! I usually don’t ship outside of cannon, but I definitely see them together.
Charley’s hellscape was just as horrifying. I KNEW they watched him die and didn’t do anything. ALSO, Mr. Martin get the FUCK out of there. I hate that bitch.
I feel so bad for Claire. No one in this show can be happy. I love Simon comforting her. Ugh, i love him so much.
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crowsofdarkness · 2 months ago
Time: Chapter Four
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-gif not mine. credit to owner.-
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Content Warnings: fluff, angst, language, violence, and mentions of death.
Summary: Your relationship with Bucky could withstand anything, even time itself.
Authors Note: This series will have twenty one chapters, some of which will be short and quick, and takes place throughout the forties. I did my best to line up the days along with Captain America: The First Avenger. Tags are open if anyone is interested!
Tags: @that-blonde-girl @bookofriverr @starfly-nicole @ell0ra-br3kk3r @baw1066
Time Masterlist
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December 25, 1941
Snow fell around the two of us, bringing a smile to my face, and I linked fingers with Bucky as we continued our walk towards his house. 
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I questioned. 
Bucky grazed a kiss over my knuckles. “My ma is going to love you, doll. You have nothing to worry about.” 
His words did nothing to ease the dreaded fear of meeting his mom and sister. Bucky thought it would be a great idea to invite me over for Christmas and for his family to finally meet me. I, however, couldn’t shake the feeling that this was a bad idea. 
We had been dating exclusively the last couple of months, seeing each other almost every other day. After Bucky talked to his mom about me countless times, she wanted to meet me. From what I heard, she is the biggest sweetheart and would do anything for her kids, but that still did nothing to stop my hammering heart. 
A sudden cold breeze blew past us causing Bucky to pull me closer to his warm chest, his typical scent weighing heavily on his suit. 
“Are you going to tell me what my present is?” I asked, looking up to Bucky. 
He shook his head. “Not yet. 
I gave him my best pouty lip which did nothing to phase him. He merely gripped onto my shoulder and turned our bodies down a corner, a lone house coming into view. It wasn’t one of the bigger ones I’ve seen but it also wasn’t small by any means. 
“I don’t know, Bucky,” I said, coming to a stop. 
“Doll,” Bucky started. 
“What if she finds something she doesn’t like about me? What if she thinks I’m not good enough for you?” 
Words kept rambling from my mouth so Bucky pressed his lips to mine, hushing my doubts immediately. 
“She is going to love you, Y/N. Please stop worrying about nothing.” 
His blue eyes pleaded for me to trust his words so with a soft sigh, I nodded and allowed him to link our fingers together, leading me inside. The house was filled with loud voices, laughing and yelling, and my nerves relaxed only briefly. 
“Ma? Rebecca?” 
Bucky walked with me into the kitchen where two women were standing in front of the stove, working hard on dinner. Hearing Bucky's voice, their actions halted and once they saw me holding onto his arm, they broke out in huge smiles. 
His sister, Rebecca, darted around the counter and over towards me, pulling me away from Bucky and into her arms, a bone crushing hug followed. 
“Oh, hi,” I giggled, my own arms wrapping around her. 
“You are way too beautiful to be with my brother,” Rebecca joked with a smirk towards her brother. 
I raised my brow to him. “Hear that, Buck?” 
“Alright, that’s enough,” Bucky gently pulled me away from his sister and led me towards his mom. “Ma, this is Y/N. Doll, this is my mom Winifred.” 
“Nice to meet you, Mrs. Barnes,” I extended my hand towards her. 
She eyed it with an unreadable expression and the nerves wrecked my body once more the longer I stood in front of her, with my hand extended. 
A smile broke out on her tired face before pushing my hand away and pulling me into yet another bone crushing hug. 
“It’s so nice to finally meet you, sweetheart. James has talked about you so much, I was starting to think he was making you up.” 
“I can assure you, Mrs. Barnes, I'm real,” I laughed. 
She waved me off. “Please call me Winnie.” 
I handed my jacket and purse to Bucky before nodding towards the multiple pots and pans that cluttered around the kitchen. 
“Would you like any help?” 
Winnie nodded with a smile. “That would be lovely dear, thank you.” 
For the next while, I helped Winnie and Rebecca prepare Christmas dinner while Bucky sat at the table in the middle of the kitchen, a warm smile spread wide across his face. I would catch his eye every so often and felt the butterflies spring to life when I noticed how lovingly he was watching me. 
The table was filled with a large spread of food and as I was about to mention how much food there was, a knock sounded at the front door. Bucky excused himself for a moment before returning to the kitchen, Steve following in toe. 
“Merry Christmas, Stevie,” I smiled while giving him a hug. 
“Merry christmas, Y/N. I hope you guys don’t mind me crashing,” Steve said. 
Winnie shook her head. “You know you’re always welcome here, Steve.” 
Dinner was an absolute dream, all of us talking and joking about God knows what. It had been so long since I sat down at a family dinner and I hadn’t realized how bad I missed it. My parents died right after I turned eighteen so I had been on my own the last handful of years. That’s what made Steve and I so close and Bucky could also relate, losing his father at a young age. 
Bucky’s hand gently rested on my thigh under the table and with the warmth that spread from the tip of my toes to the cheeks of my face, I tried to remain calm as the thought of the present I was giving him tonight came to mind. 
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“Oh goodness, who let me wear heels and walk two blocks home?” I groaned as I stepped through the threshold of my apartment. 
Bucky chuckled before picking me up bridal style and carrying me into my room. He gently laid me on my bed and slowly worked at taking off my shoes. 
“Thank you, Bucky.” 
“Anything for you, doll.” 
With a quick toss of my shoes into my closet, Bucky sat on the bed next to me and traced shapes on my exposed thigh. 
After dinner, we walked Steve home and it took a little convincing of my lips on his to convince Bucky to spend the night. 
“Oh, before I forget,” Bucky leaned his body over mine as he reached for something in his jacket pocket that lay in a mess on the floor. “Merry Christmas, Y/N.” 
With a giddy smile, I propped myself up on my knees and slowly unwrapped the small present. The velvet of the black box tickled my fingers and I took off the tip, a gasp falling from my lips. 
“Bucky,” I breathed. “This is-.” 
Inside the box was a gorgeous gold necklace with a shiny black pendant in the middle. It was a large oval shape and when I flipped it over, the inscription on the back brought tears to my eyes. 
‘All the time in the world isn’t enough with you, doll. I love you. J.B.B.’ 
I had to read the words a few more times for the words to really sink into my brain. 
I love you. 
My eyes snapped from the necklace to Bucky, who was watching me with an intense gaze.
“You love me?” The words came out quiet 
He nodded. “I knew the moment you spilled my coffee on me that I was in love with you.” 
Cupping his cheek with one hand and the other clutching tightly to the necklace, I gave Bucky a quick but firm kiss. 
“I love you too,” I mumbled to them. 
His eyes shone with the love he had just professed while he moved a strand of hair out of my face. 
“With this war going on, I don’t know what the future holds so I didn’t want another day to go by without telling you how I feel,” Bucky professed while helping me put on the necklace. 
The war overseas had been a looming fear in the back of our minds, wondering how it would affect our relationship. Men were either enlisting or getting drafted. The last thing on Bucky’s mind was enlisting, not wanting to leave me behind alone. 
I shook the thoughts of war out of my mind, not wanting to ruin the rest of Christmas with those sad thoughts. Stadling Bucky’s hips, I ran my hands through his hair causing his eyes to flutter shut. 
“Ready for your present now?” I questioned, leaving small love marks over his neck. 
Bucky’s hands gripped my hips tightly as he let out a low hiss. Our hips started to slowly move in sync, grinding over the fabric of our clothes. His hands moved from my hips to my thighs, slowly lifting the bottom of my dress up over my ass. 
“Are you sure about this, doll?” Bucky asked after pulling away from a heated kiss we shared. “I don’t want to pressure you into anything.” 
I lifted his chin with my finger. “I’ve thought about nothing but this for a while now. I want you, Bucky.” 
With my final words, Bucky turned me onto my back causing a playful giggle to fall from my lips. We spent that night together, connected more than ever before and we ignored the worries of the world past the walls of my bedroom even if it would finally catch up to us. 
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devastator1775 · 1 year ago
Experiencing the joy of being new parents, but your baby won't go to sleep
Summary: Uzi and N need sleep, but their baby daughter Nix has different plans. Also found on AO3!
Uzi stirred in her sleep as something was rousing her from her dreams. Uzi groaned as she groggily opened her eyes. Was their daughter crying? She buried her face in her pillow. She’d just done a double shift at the clinic and had been so exhausted when she got home. She had greeted her husband N, hugged their pill baby Nicole and gone straight to bed to recharge. She literally didn’t have enough energy to deal with their newborn right now. She’d happily spend the entire next day with Nicole playing and being a mom after she’d had a full recharge cycle.
“Babe, your daughter is crying…” Uzi muttered in her pillow as she reached out to slap her husband face to wake him up …only to slap a whole lot of matrass and nothing much else. She lifted her face from her pillowy goodness and raised an eyebrow as she saw that N had already left. Without making any noise? She blinked in confusion. “N is quick, but not that quick. And certainly not that quiet…”
With a bit of effort, she pushed herself out of bed, grabbed her dressing gown, putting it on as she walked out the bedroom toward their daughter’s room. She already could see a dim light through the crack of the door. She quietly pushed it open a bit so she could see through it. The sight inside brought a smile to her face.
Sitting on a chair, holding their daughter and smiling brightly, was N. Little Nicole was in his arms, giggling and chirping at her father while he was singing a lullaby at her.
N sang softly as he gently rocked their baby around. “Are you sleeping, are you sleeping My Nicole? My Nicole? Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing.”
“Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong.” Uzi finished softly as she walked into the room.
N looked up with a soft smile. “Oh-oh, mommy is awake. Now we’re both in trouble.” He looked down at his daughter, who giggled, making little chirps as she rocked around.
“Oh, my little angel is never in trouble and neither are you …if you’re gonna be a good boy.” Uzi greeted N with a kiss on the cheek as she sat down on the armrest. “You got here quick…”
N cocked his head with a mildly confused look. “Quick? I’ve been here for …” A timer appeared on his screen, showing [19min23sec]. “-almost 20 minutes.”
A question mark appeared on Uzi’s visor screen, making N chuckle. “Hadn’t she been crying just now?”
“She was earlier. You needed the sleep, so I took care of it. ” N admitted. He looked down at Nicole with a grin. “Just a widdle exhaust buildup that was bothering her, wasn’t it, Nicole?”
Uzi giggled as Nicole replied with chirps and whistles.
“And for the past 20 minutes I’ve been trying to get her back to sleep.” He tickled Nicole’s belly. “But she hasn’t been quite cooperative, haven’t you? No, you’ve been having too much fun laughing at daddy’s face, haven’t you?”
Nicole let out a long chirp, the eyes on her tiny visor showing delight.
“Well, you’ve got a very laughable face, N. But, I could’ve sworn …” Now that Uzi was thinking about it, she hadn’t really heard anything. She’d just …woken up and instantly thought her daughter needed her. “I swear, I heard her crying. I must’ve imagined it.”
“Seems to me that someone’s motherly instincts were ringing.” N said with a grin. “Guess you felt that someone needed her momma. Speaking of which, wanna take a crack at getting her to sleep?”
“Always.” Uzi held out her arms, smiling as N promptly handed over their daughter. “Hi there, little Sparkplug.”
She giggled as Nicole’s eyes became angry and a disapproving buzz emanated from her tiny frame. “Oh, still not liking that nickname, Nicole?”  
“Actually, I’ve been trying out some pet names for her and –“ He leaned in closer to Uzi’s audio receivers and whispered something.
Uzi’s grin grew, giving N a soft look. “N, that’s perfect!” She looked down at her little girl. “Little Nix…”
The pill baby let out a series of delighted chirps and thrills, little hearts flowing on her screen.
“I think she likes it.” N commented. “Hiya, Nix.”
Another series of chirps came from the droneling. Uzi giggled, resting her head on her husband’s shoulder as she gazed lovingly at her little Nix. A flurry of warm feelings fell over her as she looked into her daughter’s eyes. That same warmth she felt whenever N was with her.
She never knew she would ever experience that warmth. When she was young, she was certain she’d go offline alone and unloved …or dismembered by a Murder Drone. Who knew she’d ended up marrying one? Having a child with him? Being happy with them?
Especially after …
Her thoughts drifted to hers and N’s shared past; to the things they’ve gone through. The horrors, the discoveries, the pain ….
“She doesn’t have it, Uzi.”
Uzi let out a soft gasp, roused from her dark thoughts. She looked up at N, who was giving her a stern, but reassuring look. “I didn’t say anything…”
“Your eyes say it all.” N caressed her cheek, grinning as Uzi leaned in closer to his touch. “After …everything, Tessa gave our codes a thorough examination, twice. She didn’t find any trace of Solver strings in our coding. She didn’t find any in Nicole too.”
“I know, I know. It’s just ….” Uzi sighed wistfully, clenching her eyes shut. “I don’t want her to go through the same shi- ….things we went through. I don’t want her to have to deal with eldritch being, evil AI, corporate sects, mutations and powers. I want her to have friends, go to parties, become the very best at school, find someone that will love her. I want us to be her parents that love and adore her.”
“Well, I don’t know if we can do anything about those first things, but …” N cupped Uzi’s cheek and planted a kiss on the other. “That last part she will have for certain.”
“It’s just …” Uzi looked down at Nix, who stared back at her with big eyes. She took a deep breath. “What if we mess up? What if we – I – can’t be the parent she needs us to be? It’s not like we have many good role models to take examples off. I didn’t have a mom and while I know my dad loved me and wanted the best for me, but his sense of duty towards the protection of the colony didn’t leave much sense of duty for raising his daughter. I mean, you know how I was…”
“I believe you called yourself ’an angsty, teenage rebel with crippling daddy issues’?” N replied with a grin, chuckling as Uzi stuck her tongue out at him.
“And you saw how Tessa’s parents treated her.” Uzi continued, her thoughts going back to the memories she had seen of Tessa’s and the Disassembly Drones’ collective past. “They were …awful!”
“So, we have clear examples of how not to raise our child.” N said. He wrapped an arm around Uzi’s shoulders and pulled her against him. “Listen, I get it, Uzi. Never in my wildest dreams I could imagine that I, of all drones, would end up having a family. Sure, we’re new at this. We’re learning. Chances are, we’re gonna mess it up from time to time. But you know why I know you and I can make this work?”
“Because we are the ‘dapper buddies’?” Uzi answered with a smirk.
“Precisely!” N replied with a big grin. His eyes darted down, his wide grin changing to a warm smile. He looked up at Uzi, giving her a reassuring smile. “You know, there’s no doubt in my mind you’re gonna make an amazing mom, Uzi.”
“How can you be sure?”
N’s eyes darted down again and brought his voice down to a whisper. “Because I’ve been trying to get Nix to fall asleep for over 20 minutes and you’ve held her for less than 5.”
Uzi looked down and the sight beholden to her filled her core with warmth and other motherly feelings as she noticed that Nix had fallen asleep in her arms. The little visor showed the message [Sleep Mode. Maximum adorableness enabled.] and little ‘Zzzzz’s drifting up and down her screen.
“Uzi Doorman, you are a natural parent.” N reaffirmed, planting a kiss on his wife’s cheek.
Uzi giggled softly as she hopped of the armchair and walked over to Nix’s charging cradle. She hummed a lullaby as she gently plugged her into the charging port. She planted a gentle kiss on the top of her baby’s head. “Good night, little Sparkplug.”
Her core purred as she watched her N pull Nix’s wolf-adorned blanket over her and kissed her goodnight as well. They tiptoed it out of the baby room and back to their own. The moment the they closed the door behind them, Uzi jumped up in N’s arms, wrapped her legs around his waist and proceeded to passionately kiss him, which the latter eagerly accepted.
“And what did I do to deserve such a sweet treat?” N asked when Uzi finally released her hold on the former’s lips.
“For being an amazing husband and an amazing father.” Uzi giggled as she played with the buttons of N’s PJ vest. “So …you wanna play around with each other for a bit, hmm? Like we used too?”
N grinned and kissed her with the same passion she had shown earlier. “Very tempting, but …I think we better catch up on some sleep. You look like you really need it.”
“Oh, thank Robo-God….” Uzi let out a sigh of visible relief and buried her face in N’s shoulder, making the latter chuckle as he patted her back. “I think sleep deprivation has my reasoning subroutines on the fritz….”
“I’m keeping that offer in my back pocket, though.” N half-joked as he carried his wife to their bed.
“You better…” Uzi mumbled tiredly as she kissed his cheek. “And when we do, it’s gonna be awesome….”
“Undoubtedly, Uzi.” N chuckled, gently placing his wife into the bed and crawling in next to her. He lifted up an arm so Uzi could snuggle up against him. Uzi wrapped one arms over him, resting her head on his chest.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Soon, the two young parents drifted off to sleep.
Until they were woken up a couple of hours later by Nix crying, who felt like she had slept enough.
Oh, the joy of being new parents.
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secretlittlerandezvous · 2 months ago
Thin Ice - Quinton Byfield
Summary: Quinton introduces his girlfriend, Y/n, to his parents, but they disapprove. Years later, Quinton announces his plans to propose, despite their hesitation
Words: 926
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“They’re going to hate me,” Y/n muttered under her breath as she looked around the restaurant expecting to spot Quinton’s parents.
Quinton, who was the calm one in the relationship, reached over to grab her shaking hands to still them. “Stop it. They’re not going to hate you. You’re incredible, Y/n. They just need to see it.”
She gave him a weak smile. “And what if they don’t?”
“Then that’s their problem,” he said firmly. “You’re the person I love. That’s all that matters to me.”
The reassurance helped, but not enough to stop her stomach from twisting as Quinton’s parents arrived. His mom, Nicole, scanned Y/n with sharp eyes. Clinton, his dad, was quieter but just as intimidating, his handshake firm and his expression unreadable.
Y/n stood to greet them, her voice shaking slightly. “It’s so nice to finally meet you both.”
Nicole gave her a faint smile. “Likewise,” she said, though her tone didn’t match her words.
As the evening went on, Y/n could feel the tension building. The conversation felt more like an interrogation with endless questions about Y/n’s job, her upbringing, even her hobbies. Each response was met with a dismissive nod. Clinton chimed in occasionally, but it was clear he was agreeing with his wife.
“So, Y/n,” Nicole said, her voice carefully measured, “what is it you do again?”
“I work for this company, ” Y/n said, her smile faltering slightly under Nicole’s gaze.
“Hmm, so just a regular 9-5,” Nicole replied, taking a sip of her wine. “Quinton mentioned that. But with his schedule and your work, I imagine it’s hard to make time for him.”
“We make it work,” Y/n said quickly, glancing at Quinton, who gave her an encouraging nod.
Nicole’s eyebrow arched slightly. “I see.”
By the time dessert arrived, Y/n was exhausted. She’d done her best to stay polite and engage with them, but their lack of warmth was impossible to ignore. As they said their goodbyes, Nicole’s parting words were a quiet but pointed, “We’ll see you around, I’m sure.”
Y/n climbed into the passenger seat of Quinton’s car, her movements slow and stiff. As he started the engine, she shifted closer to the door, her body angled away from him.
She turned her head toward the window, letting the city lights blur past as her vision clouded with tears. “They hate me,” she whispered.
“Y/n…” Quinton said softly with concern in his voice. “They don’t, they’re just protective. That’s all.” He explained.
She didn’t respond, blinking quickly as the tears spilled down her cheeks. She pressed her lips together, forcing herself to stay quiet. Quinton’s gaze flicked to her briefly, but the way she kept her face turned made it impossible for him to see her expression.
Quinton reached for her thigh, squeezing it slightly. “I love you, Y/n. You’re my girl. Nothing will ever change that. Okay?”
But as the months turned into years, Nicole and Clinton’s attitude toward Y/n barely changed. They were polite but reserved, cold even. No matter how hard she tried, the approval remained out of reach.
Three Years Later
Quinton sat across from his parents in the same restaurant where they’d first met Y/n. The atmosphere was just as tense, though this time, he was the one who felt in control.
“I wanted to talk to you about something important,” he began, his voice calm but firm.
Nicole and Clinton exchanged a glance. “What’s on your mind, son?” Clinton asked.
Quinton took a deep breath, leaning forward slightly. “I’m going to propose to Y/n.”
Nicole’s fork fell onto her plate. “Propose?” she repeated, her voice mix of shock and disbelief. “Quinton, don’t you think you should think this through? Marriage is a big step.”
“I’ve thought about it for years, mom,” he said. “I know what I’m doing.”
“But are you sure she’s the right person for you?” His dad took the charge this time. “You’re still so young, and—”
“Dad,” Quinton interrupted, his voice rising. “I love her. She’s been by my side through everything. She’s the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I need you to finally learn to respect that.”
Clinton shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “We just want what’s best for you, Quinton. You know that.”
“And Y/n is what’s best for me,” he said firmly. “I’ve made my decision.”
Nicole opened her mouth to argue but stopped herself, sighing instead. “If this is what you want...”
“It is,” Quinton said.
A few weeks later, Quinton took Y/n back to where he took her for their first date first - a quiet beach in Malibu. As the sun set over the water, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink, he turned to her with a nervous but excited smile.
“Y/n,” he began, taking her hands in his, “I’ve loved you for so long, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You’ve been my rock, my biggest supporter, and the person who makes me better every day.”
He dropped to one knee, pulling out a small velvet box.
“Will you marry me?”
Y/n’s hands flew to her mouth as tears welled in her eyes. “Yes,” she whispered, nodding as he slipped the ring onto her finger.
Later, as they celebrated with their closest friends, Quinton sent his parents a picture of Y/n’s hand adorned with the engagement ring.
The response came hours later. “Congratulations. We hope you know what you’re doing.”
It wasn’t perfect, but it was a start. And for Quinton and Y/n, that was enough.
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