#Nicole Silverio
gettothestabbing · 9 months
Gay’s resignation makes her tenure the shortest in the Ivy League university’s history, according to The Harvard Crimson. She only served as the president for six months and two days.
“Will admissions offers be rescinded or any disciplinary action be taken against students or applicants who say ‘From the river to the sea’ or ‘intifada’ advocating for the murder of Jews?” Stefanik asked during a Dec. 5 hearing. “As I have said, that type of hateful, reckless, offensive speech is personally abhorrent to me,” Gay said in response. “What action will be taken?” Stefanik questioned, to which Gay said actions would not be taken against students’ free speech. She later clarified that students calling for violence against Jewish students “will be held to account” in a Dec. 6 statement, which caused major backlash from the public.
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medium-observation · 3 months
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Frozen - First US National Tour
April 14, 2024 (Matinée) - Medium Observation
Natalie Goodin (u/s Elsa), Lauren Nicole Chapman (Anna), Savannah Lumar (Young Elsa), Emma Origenes (Young Anna), Jeremy Davis (Olaf), Dan Plehal (Sven), Daniel Switzer (s/w Oaken/Ensemble), Evan Duff (Weselton), Brian Martin (Pabbie), Renée Reid (Bulda), Natalie Wisdom (s/w Head Handmaiden), Sammy Schechter (s/w Bishop), Kate Bailey (Ensemble), Kristen Smith Davis (Ensemble), Leigh-Ann Esty (Ensemble), Michael Everett (Ensemble), Jason Goldston (Ensemble), Sarah Dearstyne (s/w Ensemble), Zach Hess (Ensemble), Adrianna Rose Lyons (Ensemble), Alexander Mendoza (Ensemble), Kyle Lamar Mitchell (Ensemble), Katie Mariko Murray (Ensemble), Nick Silverio (Ensemble), Peli Naomi Woods (Ensemble)
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Natalie's Elsa Debut. Incredible video of this incredible cast. some washout and shakiness, and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: July 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/J55tdr219n
Video is $20
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In the Heights - Cleveland Playhouse
June 7, 2024 - Medium Observation
Joseph Morales (Usnavi), Addie Morales (Nina), Chibueze Ihuoma (Benny), Kalyn West (Vanessa), Trinidad Snider (Abuela Claudia), Rudy Martinez (Kevin), Michelle Aravena (Camila), Shadia Fairuz (Daniela), Kirsten Angelina Henry (Carla), Gabriel Subervi (Sonny), Courtland Davis (Graffiti Pete), Kevin Solis (Piragua Guy), Amy Romero (s/w Ensemble)
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Excellent capture of this incredible production. some washout and shakiness, and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: January 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/11270N1L8A
Video is $20
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Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
June 15, 2024 - Medium Observation
Kristina Leopold (Catherine of Aragon), Cassie Silva (Anne Boleyn), Kelly Denice Taylor (Jane Seymour), Danielle Mendoza (Anna of Cleves), Alize Cruz (Katherine Howard), Adriana Scalice (Catherine Parr)
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Near perfect capture of this incredible 2.0 Boleyn Cast! lots of latecomers at this theater so you will see some people walk in and out of frame at times. some washout and shakiness, and readjusting throughout.
NFT Date: July 1st, 2025
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Screenshots: https://www.flickr.com/gp/196227588@N02/E3iE5F81Xh
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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deblala · 6 days
MSNBC analyst says migrants cannot be stealing pets because Ohio is an 'open carry' state * WorldNetDaily * by Nicole Silverio, Daily Caller News Foundation
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usafirstpatriot · 2 years
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oldguardaudio · 3 years
Terry McAuliffe: I Don’t Think Parents Should Be Telling Schools What They Should Teach
McAuliffe vetoed a law that would have allowed parents to block their children's exposure to sexually explicit books in schools. Such as illustrations of oral sex and masturbation and Evision’s allegedly shows graphic descriptions of a man having sex with children.
  Terry McAuliffe: ‘I Don’t Think Parents Should Be Telling Schools What They Should Teach’
September 28, 202111:59 PM ET
    Democratic Virginia Gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said parents should not have authority over what schools teach their children during a debate Tuesday evening.
McAuliffe was challenged on his change in stance, as he previously advocated for protection for transgender students and now supports allowing local school districts to make independent decisions about controversial issues. His opponent, Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin, argued during the debate that local school districts should include parents in decisions regarding the educational content taught to their children.
“In regard to our kids in schools, we are called for everyone to love everyone,” Youngkin said. “And I agree with your conclusion, Terry [McAuliffe], that we should let local school districts actually make these decisions. But we must ask them to include concepts of safety and privacy and respect in the discussion and we must ask that they include parents in the dialogue.”
“I’m not gonna let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions,” McAuliffe replied. “I stopped the bill that I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” He explained that he supports parents having the right to veto books rather than make decisions for the schools on which books are placed in school libraries.
        McAuliffe vetoed a bill, known as the “Beloved” bill in 2016 that would have allowed parents to block their childrens’ exposure to sexually explicit books in schools, the Washington Post previously reported. The legislation would have required teachers to inform parents of any “sexually explicit material” being presented in the classroom and give them the option to have their child opt out of the lesson. (RELATED: As Virginia Governor Race Draws To A Close, McAuliffe Will Not Name One Abortion Restriction He Supports) 
Youngkin criticized McAuliffe’s veto of the bill during his time as governor, arguing that “parents should be in charge of their kid’s education.” The Republican candidate mentioned parents’ uproar this past week over Fairfax County High School allegedly presenting “sexually explicit” material in the library without parental consent.
The school system removed the books “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe and “Lawn Boy” by Jonathon Evison from the high school library Friday, according to WTOP News. Kobabe’s book reportedly contains illustrations of oral sex and masturbation and Evision’s allegedly shows graphic descriptions of a man having sex with children.
The school board held a meeting Thursday evening during which parents challenged school administrators regarding their children’s accessibility to the books, according to the outlet.
    Tags : education gubernatorial race sexually explicit book terry mcauliffe
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politicalbombshow · 3 years
Capitol Police Officers File Lawsuit Against Trump for Injuries From the Capitol Riot
Capitol Police Officers File Lawsuit Against Trump for Injuries From the Capitol Riot
Nicole Silverio Two police officers filed a lawsuit against former President Donald Trump Tuesday for injuries sustained during the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, according to court documents. Capitol Police Officers James Blassingame and Sidney Hemby allege in the suit that Trump incited a mob to storm the Capitol building which resulted in physical and emotional injuries. The officers are requesting…
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padremax · 4 years
El Padre Max Güerere celebró la misa de hoy por las siguientes intenciones:
~ En Acción de Gracias a Dios, nuestro Padre, por la intercesión:
- del Sagrado corazón de Jesús por una intención especial de la Familia Tulli Durán.
- de la Virgen Desatanudos por las intenciones de Rosa Janeth, Víctor Hugo, Mario Andrés Durán.
- de Santa Rita de Cassia, por la Salud y pronta recuperación de Santiago.
- Por el 53º Aniversario sacerdotal del Padre José Ángel Severeyn F.
- por el 17º cumpleaños de Nicole Cristina.
- Por las intenciones de: la familia González Parra, la familia Parra Díaz.
~ Pedimos por la salud de:
• enfermos del Covid-19 y por los que trabajan por su sanación.
• por los que laboran en el Hospital Coromoto.
• Padre Danilo Calderón, Padre Silverio Osorio, Padre Alberto Gutierrez, Hno. Thomas Smith.
• Cristina Montero, Gabriela Aparicio, Joancy del Valle Vasquez Acosta, César Lugo Villasmil y José Alejandro Delgado Rodríguez.
~ Por los bienhechores de nuestra Parroquia, del Seminario, de la Fundación Cura de Ars y Fundación Comedor Santa Ana.
~ Por el descanso eterno de:
+ Miguel José Gómez Rebolledo (1er Mes).
+ Constante Gomez.
+ Francisco Alejandro Noriega Romero (8º Aniversario).
+ Jesús Alfredo “Chucho”Acevedo Rincón.
+ Freddy Manuel Lindarte Carrasquero (3/9).
+ Joao Valentín Freitas Barreto (4/9).
+ Elizabeth Gonzalez (5/9).
+ Santiago Reyes (6/9).
+ Tito Villalobos (9/9).
+ Orlando Guariato (9/9).
+ Angel Plaza (9/9).
+ Vasco Pereira de Jesus (5/30).
+ Joao Valentín Freitas Barreto.
+ Antonio José Cordero Ball (26/30).
+ Constantino Jesús de Freitas (26/30).
+ María Dos Santos Gouveia de Freitas (26/30).
+ Rigumberto Urdaneta (26/30).
+ Rigoberto Urdaneta Romero (26/30).
+ José Joaquín Urdaneta Fernández (26/30).
+ Julio Arraga Zuleta.
+ Nora Montiel de Russo.
+ Giuseppe Russo Graziano.
+ Alexis Raúl Bracho Martínez.
+ Hérmilo Paez Ávila.
+ Carlos Alberto Ortiz Ochoa.
+ Gregorio de la Rivera.
+ Alexandra del Pilar Yánez Quintero.
+ Chichi Quintero.
+ Javier Antonio Barrueta.
+ Bernardo Larreal Herrera.
+ Nelson Enrique Sthormes.
+ Luís Marín.
+ Jorge Romero Martínez.
+ Julián Guanipa.
+ Marisela Machado de Hernández.
+ Sili Hernández Belloso.
+Animas del purgatorio más necesitadas.
Para anotar intención de misa, escribe por whatsapp o SMS al +58-424-6293617‬. Para transferir ofrenda voluntaria a la cuenta de Max Güerere, C.I. 10.918.893, BOD # 0116-0103-1500-2623-9345.
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myusualluck · 5 years
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20 Giugno, 2019.
5.640.000 x1€ sui 5 Numeri “ALL IN ONE”.
Vieni, #Silverio
My Magic Invest:
🎥 Moulin Rouge - Trailer
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culturizando · 7 years
#UnDíaComoHoy: 20 de junio en la historia
El 20 de junio es el día 171 del año en el calendario gregoriano. Quedan 194 días para finalizar el año. El día de hoy te traemos una lista de sucesos que ocurrieron un día como hoy 20 de junio.
-Hoy se conmemora el Día mundial del refugiado. En un mundo donde la violencia obliga a miles de familias a abandonar sus hogares para salvar sus vidas, es el momento de demostrar que todos estamos con los refugiados #ConLosRefugiados.
El organismo de las Naciones Unidas para los refugiados lanzó la campaña #ConLosRefugiados para pedir a los gobiernos que colaboraran y cumplieran con su deber en relación a los millones de personas que se encuentran en esta situación.
En el Día Mundial del Refugiado, que se celebra cada 20 de junio, conmemoramos su fuerza, valor y perseverancia. Esta celebración nos brinda la oportunidad de mostrar nuestro apoyo a las familias que se han visto obligadas a huir.
-Hoy en Argentina se celebra el Día Nacional de la Bandera en conmemoración a la muerte de su creador Manuel Belgrano. En la ciudad de Buenos Aires (actual Argentina) asolada por la guerra civil, fallece de hidropesía y en la pobreza extrema Manuel Belgrano, creador de la bandera nacional Argentina y uno de los más notables economistas, además de precursor del periodismo nacional e impulsor de la educación popular, la industria nacional y la justicia social.
-536: en Roma, Silverio es elegido papa católico.
-1867: se realiza el primer partido de fútbol en Argentina.
-1909: nace Errol Flyn, actor australiano-estadounidense, conocido por sus personajes de galán, aventurero temerario y héroe romántico.
-1928: en España, se funda el club de fútbol Real Valladolid.
-1942: nace Brian Wilson, reconocido cantante estadounidense, miembro del grupo Beach Boys.
-1949: nace Lionel Richie, reconocido cantante, compositor, productor y actor estadounidense.
-1952: nace John Goodman, actor estadounidense, es conocido por participar en films como Roseanne, Argo, The Big Lebowski, Monsters Inc.; entre muchas otras.
-1955: ocurre el eclipse solar más largo del que se tenga registro, superó los 7 minutos de duración, un tiempo inusualmente largo para un eclipse, por ello está registrado como el más largo, pues ningún otro fenómeno de esta naturaleza ha logrado este record de tiempo. Según los expertos no habrá otro de estas características hasta el 25 de junio de 2150.
-1967: nace Nicole Kidman, actriz australiana -nacida en Hawaii de padres australianos- Es conocida por participar en producciones como The Others, Moulin Rouge, Eyes Wide Shut, To Die For, Eyes Wide Shut, entre muchas otras.
-1968: nace Robert Rodriguez, productor, guionista y director de cine estadounidense de origen mexicano. Ha participado en películas como Machete, From Dusk Till Dawn, Sin City, Grindhouse, entre muchas otras.
-1971: en México se estrena el programa El Chavo Del 8, se emitió por más de nueve años en toda hispanoamérica, Brasil y los Estados Unidos, protagonizada por el reconocido actor y comediante mexicano Roberto Gómez Bolaños, mejor conocido como Chespirito. Hoy en día se siguen encontrando rasgos del Chavo en toda latinoamérica y se ha convertido en un representante cultural mexicano en todo el mundo, parecido a lo que es Mario Moreno ¨Cantinflas¨ y el Santo.
-1977: en Estados Unidos, se construye el gran oleoducto de Alaska, que atraviesa el estado de Alaska de sur a norte.
-1975: llegó a los cines la película de Steven Spielberg “Jaws”, conocida en Latinoamérica como “Tiburón”. El film está basado en la novela homónima del autor Peter Benchley, quien también se encargó del guion junto con Carl Gottlieb. La música de “Tiburón”, ganadora del Óscar a Mejor Banda Sonora, fue compuesta por John Williams. Las inolvidables y aterradoras dos notas de la canción principal fueron interpretadas en la tuba por el músico Tommy Johnson. La historia tiene lugar en una playa de Amity Island, donde el policía Martin Brody (interpretado por Roy Scheider) se entera de que una joven murió en el mar, probablemente a causa del ataque de un tiburón. Las autoridades del pueblo deciden ocultar este hecho por la amenaza que significaría para la actividad turística. Pero otro ataque lleva a Martin Brody a buscar la ayuda de un biólogo marino (Richard Dreyfuss) y un cazador de tiburones (Robert Shaw) para intentar atrapar a esta letal bestia, que resulta ser un enorme tiburón blanco. El film de Spielberg fue un éxito de taquilla, llegó a recaudar 260 millones de dólares en Estados Unidos y un total de 450 millones de dólares en todo el mundo.
-1990: en Europa se propone una nueva unidad monetaria (el ECU) para la Comunidad Europea.
-2003: un terremoto de 7,5 grados sacude al centro norte de Chile, justo antes del alba.
-2007: en Argentina, el equipo de fútbol Boca Juniors obtiene su sexta Copa Libertadores de América al vencer al club brasileño Grêmio FBPA por marcador de 2-0 en el Estadio Olímpico Monumental de Porto Alegre,
La entrada #UnDíaComoHoy: 20 de junio en la historia aparece primero en culturizando.com | Alimenta tu Mente.
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medium-observation · 10 months
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Boop! The Musical - Chicago Tryout
December 3, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Jasmine Rogers (Betty Boop), Faith Prince (Valentina), Ainsley Anthony Melham (Dwayne), Erich Bergen (Raymond), Stephen DeRosa (Grampy), Angelica Hale (Trisha), Phillip Huber (Pudgy), Anastacia McCleskey (Carol), Lawrence Alexander (Ensemble), Colin Bradbury (Ensemble), Tristen Buettel (Ensemble), Joshua Michael Burrage (Ensemble), Gabi Campo (Ensemble), Daniel Castiglione (Ensemble), Rebecca Corrigan (Ensemble), Josh Drake (Ensemble), RJ Higton (Ensemble), Nina Lafarga (Ensemble), Morgan McGhee (Ensemble), Aubie Merrylees (Ensemble), Ryah Nixon (Ensemble), Christian Probst (Ensemble), Ricky Schroeder (Ensemble), Gabriella Sorrentino (Ensemble), Brooke Taylor (Ensemble)
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Notes: Nice video from the second week of previews and Version 3.0. Some scenes are majorly wideshot due to the nature of the show, along with usher activity. Some washout can be seen at times but it's not too bad.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB5Cro
Video is $20
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Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
November 19, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Cassie Silva (s/b Catherine of Aragon), Zan Berube (Anne Boleyn), Aryn Bohannon (s/b Jane Seymour), Terica Marie (Anna of Cleves), Taylor Pearlstein (s/b Katherine Howard), Courtney Mack (t/r Catherine Parr)
Excellent video of a fantastic group of alternates and Courtney's unexpected final performance as Parr!
NFT DATE: December 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3Ye3
Video is $20
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Mrs. Doubtfire - First US National Tour
November 16, 2023 - Medium Observation
Rob McClure (Daniel Hillard), Maggie Lakis (Miranda Hillard), Giselle Gutierrez (Lydia Hillard), Cody Braverman (Christoher Hillard), Emerson Mae Chan (Natalie Hillard), Aaron Kaburick (Frank Hillard), Nik Alexander (Andre Mayem), Romelda Teron Benjamin (Wanda Sellner), Leo Roberts (Stuart Dunmire), David Hibbard (Mr. Jolly/Ensemble), Jodi Kimura (Janet Lundy/Ensemble), Alex Branton (Ensemble), Jonathan Hoover (Ensemble), Sheila Jones (Ensemble), Julia Kavanagh (Ensemble), Marquez Linder (Ensemble), Alex Ringler (Ensemble), Lannie Rubio (Ensemble), Ian Liberto (s/w Ensemble), Lauryn Withnell (Ensemble), Julia Yameen (Ensemble)
Near perfect capture of the tour! Some washout is seen in wideshots due to primary robs doubtfire outfit being so Bright.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3Z7Y
Video is $20
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Frozen - First US National Tour
November 29, 2023 - Medium Observation
Caroline Bowman (Elsa), Lauren Nicole Chapman (Anna), Erin Choi (Young Elsa), Annie Piper Braverman (Young Anna), Jeremy Davis (Olaf), Dominic Dorset (Kristoff), Collin Baja (Sven), Preston Perez (Hans), Jack Brewer (Oaken), Evan Duff (Weselton), Tyler Jimenez (Pabbie), Renée Reid (Bulda), Kyle Lamar Mitchell (King Agnarr), Katie Mariko Murray (Queen Iduna), Natalie Wisdom (s/w Head Handmaiden), Jack Brewer (Bishop), Kate Bailey (Ensemble), Kristen Smith Davis (Ensemble), Jason Goldston (Ensemble), Natalie Goodin (Ensemble), Zach Hess (Ensemble), Adrianna Rose Lyons (Ensemble), Alexander Mendoza (Ensemble), Nick Silverio (Ensemble), Daniel Switzer (Ensemble), Peli Naomi Woods (Ensemble), Michael Allan Haggerty (s/w Ensemble), Jessie Peltier (s/w Ensemble)
Absolutely gorgeous video of this tour! Lots of wideshots and close ups.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB5mqB
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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gettothestabbing · 3 years
Wayne Pacelle, an animal rights activist, introduced a bill titled the Kangaroo Protection Act to Democratic Rep. Salud Carbajal of California that intends to ban international imports of kangaroo skin, The Times reported. However, Australian kangaroo hunter Ian White argued that American critics do not understand how life is in Australia and that they fail to understand the benefits of hunting.
“These critics just don’t understand how life actually works here in the middle of Australia. Kangaroos have been hunted on the continent for thousands of years and there are still more of them than people,” White told the Times. “I don’t like killing things, I only do it if I want to eat the animal or make money.”
Supporters of hunting have argued that hunters are killing the kangaroos in a humane manner since many are killed illegally by farmers for meat or hit by cars. Recurring droughts in the country have caused a large portion of the kangaroo population to decrease or suffer from starvation, according to The New York Times.
“The people far away, they don’t see that. If you have a shooter, you know they’re doing it the right way,” said Australian farmer Megan Nielsen.
The kangaroo population ranged from 23 to 57 million between 2001 and 2011, according to Australia’s Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. ABC News reported that the kangaroo population decreased by 25% due to droughts and wildfires.
In 1971, California banned the import of kangaroo parts and three years later, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service banned Australian industries from shipping three kinds of kangaroos to the nation, The New York Times reported.
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gettothestabbing · 3 years
Excerpts of the play “The Gospel According to Jesus, Queen of Heaven,” written by transgender woman Jo Clifford, will be performed at the EIS’s “School’s Almost Out! Celebrate Pride!” event on June 17, the EIS reported. The EIS, which represents 80% of Scottish educators, said the play will portray Jesus returning to Earth identifying as a woman.
In 2016, the play was performed at the Church of England despite opposition from the bishops. Former Church of England Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir-Ali said the play undermines both the words of the Gospels and Christian teaching.
“It is quite clear from the Gospels that the identity of Jesus is male, his ‘mum’ is Mary and he always refers to God as ‘Father,’ so to suggest otherwise is contrary to Christian teaching.”
Netflix featured a 2019 film portraying Jesus as gay and over a million people signed a petition against the movie.
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usafirstpatriot · 2 years
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