#Nicolas Bedos
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freshmoviequotes · 2 years ago
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Mascarade (2022)
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oscarwetnwilde · 2 years ago
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James Wilby (Thomas) and Yann Lerat (his lover) in Mascarade, 2022. Directed by Nicolas Bedos.
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a-room-of-my-own · 2 years ago
Oh là là mais qui l’eût cru!
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ejcmedia · 3 months ago
Arnaud Duterque, traqueur de décors sur la Côte d'Azur
Arnaud Duterque a travaillé sur une trentaine de films américains et français allant de Love Actually à Le Zèbre en passant par Stillwater et Magic in the Moonlight. Leur point commun ? Ils ont tous été tournés, ou en partie, sur la Côte d’Azur et leurs décors ont été trouvés par ce location manager. Fort de ces 30 ans de carrière, il revient sur la relation entre la Côte d’Azur et les décors de…
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randomrichards · 4 months ago
Sad middle aged man
Re-enacts first meeting with wife
Corp recreates past
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ronnydeschepper · 4 months ago
Vijf jaar geleden: première van "La belle époque" in Cannes
La Belle Époque is een Franse film geschreven en geregisseerd door Nicolas Bedos. Continue reading Vijf jaar geleden: première van “La belle époque” in Cannes
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watchingalotofmovies · 1 year ago
Mr & Mrs Adelman
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Mr & Mrs Adelman    [trailer]
For more than 45 years, Sarah and Victor have been together. How did they do it? Who's really Sarah, this enigmatic woman who's always been on the shadow of her husband?
Especially in the first half a highly enjoyable, fast-paced romantic, comedic drama. In the second half the more dramatic elements dominate, which is not uncommon during a long partnership.
Still, a very good relationship movie, a rarity these days.
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bienvenuechezmoi · 4 months ago
Nicolas Bedos est condamné pour agression sexuelle. Pour les normies connards, Nicolas Bedos est officiellement un agresseur sexuel et pour les autres, bon bah ça change pas grand chose on le savait déjà. Un mardi comme un autre finalement.
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nsfwmiamiart · 5 months ago
Important Update: Here is a list of individuals who are officially designated as "Persona Non Grata" and are therefore prohibited from conducting business on Somali soil. The French government is required to enforce this sanction effectively:
Here is the official list of individuals who are now designated as "Persona Non Grata" on Somali soil:
Mélissa Theuriau
Brad Pitt
Christopher Nolan
Vincent Cassel
Romain Gavras
Mouloud Achour
Philippe Fragione
Gilles Lellouche
Jean Dujardin
Guillaume Canet
Marion Cotillard
Nicolas Bedos
Let me be clear: if I see any of these individuals in Somalia, I will personally ensure their arrest. It has become my life's mission to make sure that none of you will ever profit from Somali business dealings.
You tried to ruin my life, but I survived. Now, I will wait for you in Somalia—and if you dare to step foot on our soil, jail is where you will end up.
Your arrogance and cruel intentions towards me have cost you billions of dollars. With this simple text on my blog, I have effectively emptied your pockets.
The European Police will show no mercy to criminals who conspire with the oppressors. We will ensure that you are blocked from any dealings for the next thirty years, until 2055—if you’re still around by then.
Angelo The Crown Prince and future Sultan. Somali Royal Family
Video title: The end of your clown show:
End of the Card Game HD
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pablolf · 6 months ago
Film Journal
"OSS 117: From Africa with Love" by Nicolas Bedos
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deadlinecom · 1 year ago
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saturdaynightmatinee · 1 year ago
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Título Original: OSS 117: Alerte rouge en Afrique noire
Año: 2021
Duración: 116 min
País: Francia
Dirección: Nicolas Bedos
Guion: Jean-François Halin, Nicolas Bedos. Personaje: Jean Bruce
Música: Anne-Sophie Versnaeyen
Fotografía: Laurent Tangy
Reparto: Jean Dujardin, Pierre Niney, Natacha Lindinger, Fatou N'Diaye, Wladimir Yordanoff, Pol White, Melodie Casta, Ricky Tribord, Hersi Abdirizak, Gilles Cohen
Productora: Coproducción Francia-Bélgica; Blue Sky Films, Mandarin Production
Género: Action; Comedy
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years ago
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Movies I watched this Week #129 (Year 3/Week 25):
A few months ago I discovered the early films of Alice Guy-Blaché, the first ever female filmmaker, and history's first director of narrative cinema. An enormously important figure, who was erased and forgotten until her recent resurgence.
The documentary Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché shows how central she was to the development of all of cinema. A most fascinating and moving detective story laying open the amazing life of this pioneering heroine, who helped define its crafts and systems.
Narrated by (another prodigy) Jodie Foster. Like 'The Méliès Mystery' biography, these two are a must-see for any film lover.
Best film of the week! 10/10.
The short film essay Celebration Sequences gives some excellent examples of “Storytelling's Most Useful Type of Scene”: Weddings, funerals, birthdays, parties, balls (and orgies). Celebrations give a story the chance to gather every important character and let them interact for a while under the auspice of important themes such as love and death.
Because of it, I watched Kurosawa's Hamlet-inspired The bad sleep well. Coppola listed The bad sleep well as one of his favorite films, citing the wedding ceremony of the first thirty minutes "as perfect as any film I've ever seen". He then used it as inspiration for the wedding sequence in The Godfather.
The devil and Miss Jones [Not to be confused with the 1973 'The Devil IN Miss Jones...] was an unusual 1941 Capra'esque comedy, with a pro-labor bent. It dealt with some real labor, wealth inequality and capitalism issues. And, it did not paint them outright as 'communist' agenda!
The 'richest man in the world' goes underground in order to root out 'agitators' and union leaders, who cause trouble at one of his department stores. However, after working as a regular shoe salesman down in the weeds, he learns to sympathize with the cause of his new working class comrades (after falling in love with one of them, of course).
3 by French director Nicolas Bedos:
🍿 Masquerade is a sleek caper, like Jim Thompson's 'The Grifters' but on the glitzy part of the French riviera. A young gigolo specializing in seducing rich, older woman falls for a beautiful young con-artist and together they devise a long-con to bilk high-maintenance diva Isabelle Adjani and wealthy real estate broker François Cluzet. Lots of erotic twists and thrilling turns. 6/10.
🍿 In his previous, genial comedy La Belle Époque, Daniel Auteuil is allowed to participate in an immersive reenactment of any historical period of his choice. After being kicked out by his wife, he decides to re-live a week in 1974 when he met her, the love of his life, at the La Belle Époque café in Lyon. A mix of Fincher's "The Game', with 'The Truman show' but with an imaginative heart. Better than Charlie Kaufman. 9/10.
🍿 OSS 117 was a French series about a fictional secret agent, a-la-James Bond, featured in 11 films and parodies. OSS 117: From Africa with Love is a stupid spoof of the EuroSpy genre of the 60's and 70's. and the third starring comedian Jean Dujardin (from ”The artist”). He plays a self-important idiot, politically-incorrect who can't get it up, more Peter Sellers than Sean Connery. Tintin was much deeper. 2/10.
Because I don’t usually watch such low-brow low-budget trashy sub-genres, I enjoyed the crowd-funded Swiss exploitation Mad Heidi much more that I would under normal circumstances. The absurd story deals with a fascist cheese-based dictator, and a zaftig mountain girl who must escape Stalag-type prison in order to save the motherland and prevent a tainted cheese apocalypse.
As Joe Bob Briggs used to write in his early reviews "Cheese Nazis, cheese zombies, edelweiss throwing stars, and goat cheese hustlers. Mustard covered sausages inserted up the ass. About 10 exploding heads and torsos. Every Swiss cliché in the book, from 'Sounds of Music' and Toblerone to Alp horns, cuckoo clocks, cheese fondue, watches, and pocket knives - dialed up to 11. Women's prison-fu. Gladiator-Fu. Lesbo Fu. One Black Goat Peter. Drive-In Academy Award nominations for Casper Van Dien as the megalomaniacal president of Switzerland. Check it out.” 4/10.
Pierrot le Fou, my 8th New Wave stream of consciousness improvised exploration by JL Godard. Without a screenplay, and Everything Goes attitude, it's one long Pop Art of random allusions, aphorism, literary riddles and intellectual bon mots. Actually, apart from his brilliant debut 'À bout de souffle' (Breathless), I was bored by most of his films.
The Novice, another remarkable first feature by a young female director (Lauren Hadaway, who doesn't even have a Wikipedia page yet). An obsessive freshman joins her university's rowing team and is so driven to compete that she destroys everything in her path, especially herself.
Hadaway's frantic use of film language is thrilling. Also her blending of music by Brenda Lee and Patsy Klein.
As a teenager I admired Knut Hamsun, read and collected all his books. My pride and joy, and the oldest book I owned was the rare Hebrew translation of 'Hunger', published in Poland in 1889. So I stopped everything to watch Jan Troell's lionizing drama Hamsun about his final and dying years.
Hamsun was a towering Norwegian hero who later turned Nazi-sympathizer traitor and supported Hitler & Germany even as it occupied Norway. Max von Sydow plays him as a venerable 'Great Man', complex, selfish, stubborn and conflicted, and Danish diva Ghita Nørby plays his wife, who was even more pro-German than him. 3/10
Another re-watch, Edgar Wright final installment of his Cornetto trilogy, The World’s End. Immature alcoholic Simon Pegg brings his 4 childhood friends back together to recreate the greatest achievement of their youth, a legendary 12-station pub crawl. Massive drinking & mayhem mixed with an alien invasion by blue-blooded androids.
Like the new 'Demon 79' it culminates with an unexpected apocalyptic Götterdämmerung. Yeah, 'The world's end' is not only the name of the last drinking hole. Plus points for the beautiful Rosamund Pike.
With every re-watch of any Edgar Wright movie, I go back to 'Every frame a picture' showing his visual comedy style, or other essays explaining his unique editing techniques.
Instead of watching Jason Reitman's 'Up in the air' for the 5th time, I picked up his Front Runner. A bland 2018 Political drama about the fall from grace of Senator Gary Hart, caught with his fly open aboard a yacht called 'Monkey Business' while running for president.
I saw Gary Hart at a political rah-rah at UCLA the first week I came to the US in 1984. But the film itself added no new wrinkle to the usual cliches of election campaigns, newspaper editorial rooms, media ethics or the hypocrisies of public figures. 3/10.
(My complete movie list is here).
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Regia: Nicolas Bedos
Cu: Pierre Niney, Isabelle Adjani, François Cluzet, Marine Vacth, Emmanuelle Devos
Gen film: Crimă, Dramă
Distribuitor: Cay Films
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lonesomemao · 4 months ago
Nicolas Bedos
Parce que Nicolas Bedos
Fils du Père
Ne défend pas le système
Et c'est pourtant Paris
Qui le sauvera
Et des Pieds Noirs
Lundi 28 octobre 2024
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marieletempsestephemere · 4 months ago
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