#Niagara Garment
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annethmaria9 · 2 years ago
Perusahaan garmen menerima pemesanan pakaian dalam skala besar dari pihak pemesan (ritel pakaian, brand fashion, dan lain-lain). Sehingga perusahaan membutuhkan penjahit terampil, cepat dan akurat. Karena mereka akan menjahit banyak pakaian dan harus rapi atau sesuai desain yang telah ditetapkan. Di sisi lain, pekerjaan mereka didukung dengan mesin jahit teknologi terkini. Agar hasil jahitan berkualitas. Selanjutnya, pakaian didistribusikan kepada pihak pemesan.
Produk garmen menjual pakaian dalam skala besar. Baik besar produksi, tenaga kerja dan sumber daya manusia. Biasanya bisnis garmen disebut juga pabrik tekstil. Seperti pabrik pada umumnya, bisnis garmen memiliki sistem manajemen profesional dengan peraturan berdasarkan Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan.
Salah satu rekomendasi saya untuk mencari Garment tekstil adalah di Niagara Garment. Karena di Niagara Garment kita bisa membeli dan custom baju dengan harga murah dengan beragam warna dan ukuran sesuai request. Harga produk- produk yang dijual oleh Niagara Garment mulai dari Rp 49.900,00 ribu saja per pieces.
Anda bisa mendapatkan harga lebih murah untuk per satuan jika Anda langsung memesan dalam jumlah yang banyak. Anda bisa custom sablon atau gambar dan warna pada kaos polos untuk seragam perusahaan, seragam sekolah, dan cocok untuk dipakai sehari-hari. Dengan tenaga kerja lokal, bahan baku lokal dan pengalaman lebih dari 30 tahun, hasil Niagara Garment dijamin berkualitas ekspor.
Kenyaman antara Anda dengan kami akan selalu menjadi prioritas kami, kami selalu menjaga keterbukaan serta kenyamanan Anda menggunakan jasa kami. Kualitas merupakan prioritas kami. Kami menggunakan staff terbaik di bagian Quality Control, kami melakukan 3 kali pengecekan kualitas yakni sebelum pemotongan, sebelum masuk jahit serta sebelum packing agar memastikan hanya produk berkualitas lah yang akan diberikan hingga ke tangan Anda.
Niagara Garment selalu konsisten dalam segala hal yang kami kerjakan dan hasilkan. Kami percaya bahwa dengan kejujuran dan transparansi, kami dapat membentuk hubungan kerja sama yang erat baik secara internal dan eksternal seperti dengan para supplier, brand owners dan buyers.
Niagara Garment memiliki sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan kredibel sehingga kami dapat menghasilkan produk- produk yang sesuai dan dapat bersaing di market. Kami percaya bahwa produk-produk kami merupakan produk yang berbeda dengan produk lain dan kami akan selalu mempertahankan kualitas terbaik dengan komitmen dan juga melalui inovasi dan kreatifitas yang berkesinambungan. Kami dapat menghasilkan produk- produk sesuai dengan keinginan pelanggan dan kami membuktikannya dengan hasil bukan hanya dari kata- kata.
Demi tercapainya kepuasan pelanggan, kami selalu memastikan agar pengiriman barang dilakukan dengan tepat pada waktunya. Produk-produk yang kami hasilkan merupakan produk-produk yang berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang bersaing. Kami juga dapat menjamin bahwa produk-produk yang dihasilkan selalu aman dan nyaman untuk digunakan. Niagara Garment dapat fleksibel untuk memenuhi keinginan para pelanggan yang bervariasi dan kami selalu memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik kepada pelanggan kami.
Anda dapat memesan baju- baju Niagara Garment melalui website resmi Niagara Garment, Tokopedia, Shopee dan untuk Anda yang ingin melihat langsung kondisi kain yang dipakai, Anda bisa datang ke tempat konveksi kami yang terletak di Jalan Karang Asem XV, no. 54N, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia.
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postcard-from-the-past · 10 months ago
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The Niagara falls and Canadian garments
French vintage postcard
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theanonymousninja247 · 5 months ago
Pretty Random Turtle Thunks: Baby Clothes
Scenario: You’ve just handed said Rise Aged Up Turtle a tiny baby outfit. Whether your child, a niece, nephew, sibling or just some infant you saved from the streets, just know there is now an itty bitty baby human within your general vicinity you are now taking care of
*Rating: Milk🥛(aka for anybody)*
Raph🧸❤️: Tears. Just. So. Many. Tears. Makes Niagara Falls look like a trickle. This man is literally loosing it, hand over mouth can’t stop staring at the ridiculously tiny piece of fabric in his hand. It’s barely the size of his fingers.
…Sweet Pizza Supreme in the Sky…
ItS BaReLy ThE sIzE oF hIs FinGeRs.
You find him hunkered down in his room immediately after the news, surrounded by the remains of over a dozen, half started knitting projects, tears still on his face as he tries to fathom the very idea that something can be that small.
He’s been trying to knit the perfect baby blanket, but his anxieties start to take over every time he starts over. He worries the material is gonna itch the baby’s skin. Is the baby gonna suffocate if the stitches are too tight? Will the baby drown in fabric if he makes it too big? Will the baby get too cold if it isn’t big enough? etc etc etc…
You’re gonna have to talk him down a little bit because he’s gonna work himself into a frenzy getting ready for the baby.
Donnie🤔🟪: Just looks at said article of clothing. Looks back up at you, face slightly pinching in confusion, then back at the outfit. Cue a slow curious thumbing of the fabric. Slow blink. Body suddenly freezes. Eyes comically begin to grow wide. (Give him a second, give him a second; he’s computing) Before his head suddenly snaps back up to stare at you and then almost frantically back down at the garment as the realization hits. There’s no outwardly facial reaction, but the tell tale sign is that his hand fumbles for his goggles as suddenly he’s going full inspection mode.
You are more or less not surprised when the article is met with immediate disdain.
Cue Donnie spending hours researching the best materials for baby clothes. They’re going to be 100% organic and made of the softest and most sterile fabrics he can find. And if he can’t find any brands that suit his high class fancy, well he’ll just design a machine to do the job himself. He’s not the founder of Genius Tech for nothing.
This small infant will be associated with HIM of all people and a such deserves nothing but the highest quality. The best of the best for the best. Obviously.
Your child will be the most finely dressed child of the century after being in the hands of Donnie for more than 5 seconds. There will be a fashion show. Period. Being a baby never looked this good. 
Leo✨💠: Realization that slowly unfurls like a blossom in the morning sun. This turtles face is so bright with excitement when it finally clicks that he literally becomes the sun for like solid minute it’s just that big. However that smile immediately folds into that signature cat smirk that warns of nothing but impending deviousness.
Your child is in trouble, for it now lies in the hands of an evil mastermind, hell bent on causing tomfoolery that will last through out the generations to follow.
He’s always wanted to leave a legacy, and he will seize this moment and milk for all its worth. 
All the dad jokes. All of the horrible groan-inducing, eye-rolling, awful puns. All the stupid slapstick, low brow kind of humor are now practically plastered to your child’s clothing. He thinks he’s the funniest person alive and will do everything his power to infect said child with the same vein of humor.
Also, be warned of leaving your child alone with this man, because if left to his devices for too long, you will receive an unfathomable amount of memes and edited baby photos of your child and Leo in hilarious re-enactments scenes.  
Mikey🎨🧡: Pretty sure a missile just went off Because the squeal of excitement that erupted from this turtle was the only warning you got, before you were all but tackled in a hug like a rugby player, pretty much burst not only the sound barrier but your ear drums as well.
There! Is! So! Much! Excitement!
It. Can. Not. Be. CoNtAiNeD!!!!
It’s literally oozing out of him and man practically reverts into a child himself as the foundation of curiosity is exploded, and you are all but drowned in a relentlessly loving sea of questions. He wants to know EVERYTHING. All the time! Because he just - he just -he just can’t wait! All this time to prepare for another little bundle of joy!  It jumpstarts his creative spark in a way you have NEVER seen before. He now spends his time religiously spent in three locations: locked in close and glued to your hip, a culinary cabaret in which you are very much the honored guest who just has to taste test his newest recipe (your taste buds have never been this happy) or in his art studio working on just one more thing for the baby.
He’s designed his own baby clothes, painted more than enough scenes for multiple nurseries to be completely filled, and even written a couple of his own baby adventure comic books that he is just dying to read the awaited little one.
He’s beyond ecstatic at the thought that there’s now something tinier than him that he can help take care of and love. 
Bottom line: Both you and your baby are about to be welcomed into the arms of the most excited and loving family you will ever have the privilege of knowing. Just…good luck trying to get their arms off of you. Because they will never and I mean EVER let either one of you go. That is both their threat and their promise!
Shout out to the besties who proofread @anobodyinabog and @saspas-corner 🧡
As well as the ever incredible @avery73 (hope it’s ok to tag you in this, but I just realized that I lowkey based my turtle thunks after reading yours, and I wanted to give you the credit. Thought you might enjoy?)
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manwalksintobar · 1 year ago
Victims of the Latest Dance Craze // Cornelius Eady
The streamers choking the main arteries Of downtown. The brass band led by a child From the home for the handicapped. The old men Showing their hair (what’s left of it), The buttons of their shirts Popping in time To the salsa flooding out Of their portable headphones,
And mothers letting their babies Be held by strangers. And the bus drivers Taping over their fare boxes And willing to give directions.
Is there any reason to mention All the drinks are on the house? Thick, adolescent boys Dismantle their BB guns. Here is the world (what’s left of it), In brilliant motion, The oil slick at the curb Danced into a thousand Splintered steps. The bag ladies toss off their Garments To reveal wings.
“This dance you do,” drawls the cop, “What do you call it?” We call it scalding the air. We call it dying with your Shoes on.
And across the street The bodies of tramps Stumble In a sober language.
And across the street Shy young girls step behind Their nameless boyfriends, Twirling their skirts.
And under an archway A delivery boy discovers His body has learned to speak, And what does this street look like If not a runway, A polished wood floor?
From the air, Insects drawn by the sweat Alight, when possible, On the blur Of torsos. It is the ride Of their tiny lives. The wind that burns their wings, The heaving, oblivious flesh, Mountains stuffed with panic, An ocean That can’t make up its mind. They drop away With the scorched taste Of vertigo.
And under a swinging light bulb Some children Invent a game With the shadow the bulb makes, And the beat of their hearts. They call it dust in the mouth. They call it horse with no rider. They call it school with empty books.
In the next room Their mother throws her dress away to chance. It drops to the floor Like a brush sighs across a drum head, And when she takes her lover, What are they thinking of If not a ballroom filled with mirrors, A world where no one has the right To stumble?
In a parking lot An old man says this: “I am a ghost dance. I remember the way my hair felt, Damp with sweat and wind.
When the wind kisses the leaves, I am dancing. When the subway hits the third rail, I am dancing. When the barrel goes over Niagara Falls, I am dancing. Music rings my bones like metal.
O, Jazz has come from heaven,” he says, And at the z he jumps, arcing his back like a heron’s neck, And stands suddenly revealed As a balance demon, A home for Stetson hats.
We have all caught the itch: The neon artist Wiring up his legs, The tourist couple Recording the twist on their Instamatic camera, And in a factory, A janitor asks his broom For a waltz, And he grasps it like a woman He’d have to live another Life to meet, And he spins around the dust bin And machines and thinks: Is everybody happy? And he spins out the side door, Avoiding the cracks in the sidewalk, Grinning as if he’d just received The deepest kiss in the world.
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tanleecanthrope · 2 months ago
🦊 POV:
Pt. 3
you felt your lover go limp against your shoulder and stilled your bouncing. listening to her choked sobs and ragged breathing seemed to snap you out of your head. you cradled her with one arm, planting a kiss to her sticky temple. 'shhh shhh, i've got you.' you stroke her tear stained cheek and angle her to look at you. she sniffed, avoiding eye contact. 'c'mon bunny, i know i tease to much.' you confess, rubbing circles on her back. slowly her eyes flicked over to meet your soft gaze. 'there's my girl.' her nose crinkled lightly at your praise and you couldn't help pulling her into a heated kiss. you were soft and firm, gentle but warm enough that she knew you didn't intend to pull away. you felt her relax in your arms, lips parting against yours, taking advantage of her waiting mouth, you curled your tongue forward to stroke your lovers inner lip. she moaned lewdly, grinding down onto your lap. you felt a pang of arousal. pulling away with a grin, 'you wanna try something baby?' you husked at her, close enough to taste each others breath. she squirmed against you 'mhm.' you chuckled. this was almost too easy, you made a mental note to tease her about it later. shifting slightly you pulled a small bottle from your side pocket. you unscrewed it, smiling, you'd had poppers at parties before, but hadn't yet had the chance to take them alone. "breathe in." you directed, holding the vial below her nose. eyes snapping open, she groaned as the chemicals hit. you took a sharp inhale yourself and watched her form blur for a few seconds. you grinned giddily, handing the bottle to her, 'again baby, then stopper it.' she took it with shaking hands, breathing in once more, fumbling with the lid. unbeknownst to her you had slid your hand beneath her skirt and were waiting for her hips to fall downwards again. watching her place the bottle down on the couch, her movements further exposing her pale ass. you groaned and cupped your hand into the heat radiating onto your palm. she almost screamed. you clamped your other hand over her mouth. 'jesus christ baby shhhh.' 'you don't want the whole club to know what a messy whore you are for me, do you?' she breathed raggedly through your hand, frantically shaking her head. holy shit... it was like niagara falls. you hadn't even touched her bare pussy yet, but the moisture seeped through the thin lace and coated your fingers in a sticky sheen. you groaned, pushing her underwear to the side and sliding your fingers through the slick, ignoring wanton moans muffled behind your hands. her folds felt like velvet under your fingers, you dragged a digit upward to circle the bundle of nerves, toying with it gently, making her jump. 'now baby. stay quiet or i'll stop.' she gulped. you entered her quickly, two digits, knuckle deep. you hissed as she bit into your shoulder with a pitiful whine. 'gentle baby. gentle.' you warned, pumping your fingers to drill it into her slutty mind. '-msorry' she softly gasped, grinding herself down to meet your thrusts. she was tight, but pooling wetness had your fingers sliding through her like butter. 'you wanna grind dumb bunny?' you taunted her, retracting your fingers. she whined desperately at the loss of contact. you pushed her down your thighs. 'take off your underwear. it's too wet for you to keep on anyway.' she blushed, complying and dropping the garment to her ankles. 'now give them to me, and kneel.' your eyes flared dangerously. she dropped immediately, knees slamming into the tiles. you smiled. she looked so cute with bruised knees. you kicked her legs further apart, watching her eyebrows knit together in confusion as she sank lower to the floor. you caught her with the top of your platform boot, toe pushing into her core. 'o-oh' you watched her face contort as you slid the cool leather over her bare pussy. 'there, you wanted to grind, now grind.' she didn't hesitate, committed to chasing her high. you watched her whimper pathetically against your boot. 'mummy needs some help princess, can you do that for me?'
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eddystshirts · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: USA Niagara Falls T Shirt Vintage 90s Medium M White Graphic Tee.
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The Evolution of Fashion in Film: (Marilyn Monroe, 1926-1962)
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Marilyn Monroe was a model, actor, and singer. She became one of the most iconic and enduring symbols of beauty, glamour, and sexuality of the 20th century. Her childhood was tumultuous, spent moving between orphanages and foster homes.
Soon after, her beauty and charisma earned her a role in her breakout 1953 film, "Niagara." Successive hits in the 1950s and 1960s included "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," "How to Marry a Millionaire," "Some Like It Hot," and "The Seven Year Itch." She became famous for her comedic timing, sultry voice, and captivating presence on screen.
Marilyn became one of the biggest fashion influences of the 20th century. Her most iconic look is her famous Subway grate photoshoot, in which she's pictured struggling to keep her dress down as a gust of air blows it up from below.
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Her hourglass figure and silhouette became instantly recognizable and gave rise to the figure-hugging garment. Marilyn wore dresses with fitted bodices and full skirts that accentuated her curves, inspiring women to embrace their natural shape. She also wore bold colors, shapes, and prints, giving her an appearance of confidence and playfulness. Her sweater girl style, in which she wore tight sweaters that accentuated her figure, emphasized femininity and sensuality while maintaining an air of innocence. Also iconic is her performance of the song, "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend," in which she wore a lot of glamorous jewelry. That, along with her token red lipstick and winged eyeliner, became her staple.
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Her playfulness and unabashed sexuality set the tone for the latter half of the 20th century. It emboldened women everywhere, forever changing the relationship between people and clothes. Marilyn was part of a movement that promoted clothing as a tool for the expression of the natural body. Her unstated philosophy, perhaps, was that clothing should not conceal; it should reveal.
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bendito001 · 1 year ago
Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie: Where Team Spirit Meets Comfort
1. Introduction
In the heart of western New York, where the roar of Niagara Falls meets the echoes of gridiron battles, one team stands out in the NFL – the Buffalo Bills. For passionate Bills fans, game day is a sacred ritual, and the Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie has become an essential part of that ritual. More than just a garment, this hoodie is a symbol of unwavering loyalty and a tangible connection to the team's journey on and off the field.
2. Comfort in Every Thread
What sets the Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie apart is its commitment to comfort without compromising on style. Crafted from high-quality materials, the hoodie feels like a warm embrace on chilly Buffalo evenings. The softness of the fabric makes it not only a practical choice for those unpredictable game day weather changes but also a cozy companion for cheering on the Bills from the comfort of your home.
3. Sideline Style, Fan Flair
Emblazoned with the official team logo and colors, the Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie brings the excitement of the sideline to fans. Whether you're in the stands at Highmark Stadium or catching the game at your favorite sports bar, this hoodie is a declaration of your allegiance to the Bills. It's not just a piece of fan apparel; it's a statement that you're part of the Bills Mafia, a community known for its passionate support.
4. Technical Excellence
Designed with the modern fan in mind, the Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie often incorporates cutting-edge sports technology. From moisture-wicking fabrics to strategic ventilation, these hoodies are built to keep you comfortable during the highs and lows of every game. It's a marriage of practicality and team pride, ensuring that fans can focus on the action without sacrificing style.
5. Beyond Game Day
While the Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie is undeniably a game day essential, its versatility extends beyond the sidelines. With its sleek design and comfortable fit, this hoodie seamlessly transitions into everyday wear. It's a piece of clothing that allows fans to carry the spirit of the Bills with them, no matter where life takes them.
6. Conclusion
The Buffalo Bills Sideline Hoodie is more than just fan merchandise; it's a connection point between a team and its devoted supporters. As you slip into this hoodie, you're not just dressing for the game—you're gearing up for a shared experience with the Bills community. From the thrilling victories to the enduring camaraderie, this hoodie is a symbol of the highs and lows that make being a Bills fan an unforgettable journey. So, zip up, embrace the comfort, and let your Bills pride shine through every thread.
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kikis-writing-world · 4 years ago
Whiskey Straight - The Briefcase (Prologue)
Jack Daniels x F!Reader
You don’t know when it happened, but your life had grown dull. Your husband, Jack Daniels, was often busy with work: as a high ranking executive at Statesman Distillery, he needed to put in long hours at the office and travel across the globe to represent the business. Your own boring office job and empty house had you yearning for something. When a strange man barges into your life claiming to be a spy, you’re thrust into the world of secret agents and international terrorism… a world you soon learn your husband is very familiar with as Special Agent Whiskey.
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Bit of a slow start, but every story has to start somewhere. This part hurt to write. Establishing a less than stellar relationship with Jack? No thanks. but it’s all for the service of the story. Plus like... that’s life. That’s marriage, right? Things get stale, shit happens.
Series Masterlist  -  Prologue  -  One  -  Two  -  Three  -  Four  -  Five  -  Six  -  Seven
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gif not mine. Lost the source, sorry! If it’s yours, let me know.
You were pushing your food around your plate absentmindedly, trying not to listen to Jack’s phone call in the other room. It was an absolute pet peeve of yours when he took calls during dinner but you knew your husband was an important man. Running the entire North East division of Statesman Distilleries came with more responsibilities than you could even list off. On top of managing the actual business, there were appearances to be made, meetings and expos to attend, schmoozing to be done. He didn’t just work 9 to 5, he worked all the time.
Even without listening, you knew that your weekend plans were likely about to be cancelled. Before the phone rang, you had been excitedly sharing ideas about things to do this weekend. The two of you were going to leave the city behind for some much needed alone time. No phones, no work, just the two of you reconnecting. It was planned spontaneity. You had planned the time, but nothing else. No rooms were booked, no route planned. The two of you were going to hit the road and have an adventure. When the two of you had started dating your relationship was full of adventures, planned and otherwise. Taking off to Niagara Falls for a weekend. A full day of driving just to see the changing autumn leaves. Lately he’d been too busy with work for anything like that.
You heard the conversation winding down, Jack bidding farewell to the person on the line before the phone was hung-up. You took a bit of the food in front of you, ignoring how it had grown cold while he was out of the room.
Jack’s hand grazed along your shoulders as he passed you before lowering himself into his seat with a sigh. You knew that sigh. After 6 years of marriage, you were able to read Jack like an open book. That was the sigh he made when he was about to break some bad news. You had a feeling you knew what the bad news would be, but you played along regardless.
“What was that?” You asked as he picked up his cutlery.
“Ambrose. You remember Ambrose from the Kentucky office, right?” Jack asked, cutting into his steak like the piece of meat hadn’t just sat there forgotten for the past minutes.
You nodded, taking a sip of water. You had met the man a few times, most notably at your wedding. If you hadn’t been properly introduced, you might have thought Ambrose was an older uncle of Jack’s. The charming older man reminded you a lot of Jack and you remember thinking that Ambrose was probably a decent representation of what your new husband might be like as he aged. Despite the years that Ambrose had over Jack, the older man still had a mischievous sparkle present in his eye. The sparkle was never more present when his patented lopsided grin came out.
“Of course. Is everything okay?”
“There’s a big to-do happenin’ in Georgia this weekend and their rep got sick. Food poisonin’ or something. He was askin’ if I could come down to replace him.”
You didn’t have to ask if he had agreed to go. That damned sigh had already given him away. You took another sip of your water, pushing back the sting of dejection. He hadn’t even asked you if you minded cancelling your plans. You wondered if he’d even put up any fight on the phone or if he’d asked if there was anyone else available to take over instead. You tried not to take it personally. Of course they wanted Jack there.
“When are you leaving?”
He was silent for a moment as he chewed his food, his Southern manners barring him from talking with a mouth full of food. “Tomorrow mornin’. Gotta meet with the team to get up to speed before meetin’ with any investors.”
You nodded, staring down at your half-eaten plate that no longer held your interest. “I’ll pack your bag for you tonight before bed.”
“You don’t have to do that, darlin’. I can pack my own bag.”
“I don’t mind.” You shrugged. That was true. You wished you didn’t have to do it quite so often, but packing for him made you feel more connected to him while he was gone. It also felt like you were helping him juggle the responsibilities of his job, taking something off his already over-full plate.
“Thank you, darlin’.” He dropped his knife so he could take your hand in his, giving it a squeeze. “You’re too good to me.”
“Yeah, don’t you forget it.” You teased.
“Never.” He winked, sliding his hand back so he could finish his meal.
That wink used to make your heart flutter. The first time he’d ever winked at you, it sent your stomach in knots for days afterwards whenever you thought about it. Lately, it barely stirred anything within you. You hated that your marriage had become this. You still loved the man to pieces, but the spark of your relationship had faded. The excitement of your relationship was long gone. This weekend was supposed to be an attempt to rekindle a bit of the excitement. Now though, you were thankful that you weren’t going to have to spend time on the phone trying to get any deposits back.
You packed his bag for him that night, making sure his jackets were neatly pressed and hung in their garment bags to stay wrinkle free. You packed a few options for ties, including two of his bolo ties, as well as his jeans and a pair of slacks in case he really wanted to go all out. His toiletries, socks, underwear and his spare pair of glasses. The glasses were added to the packing list after he had broken his while in Switzerland, leaving him with a headache for a week after returning from all the eye-strain.
“Thank you.” He hummed, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he picked up the bag, carrying it to the front door for the morning. Pecks to the cheek, chaste kisses to your lips, a squeeze of your hand. That’s what the marriage had become. Aside from during sex, you couldn’t think of the last time Jack had really kissed you. Swept you off your feet and kissed your breathless as you clung to him, the way he would when you two had first started dating and could barely keep your hands off each other.
You knew the blame didn’t sit solely on his shoulders. You weren’t sure what was stopping you from grabbing him and kissing him senseless instead of waiting for him to initiate. Maybe the fear of being rejected. The fear that this was more than a rough patch bred from familiarity, and that it meant something worse had taken root in your relationship.
“Do you want me to drive you to the airport in the morning?” You offered when he returned to the bedroom, the two of you getting ready for bed.
“Colt is pickin’ me up.” He told you as he shucked his clothes from the day.
Colt was Jack’s business partner. His second in command. Wherever Jack went, Colt went, so it was not surprising that he would be joining him in Kentucky. The young man was sweet, but definitely wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. You wondered sometimes how he climbed the corporate ladder to where he was now, let alone the possibility that sometime in the future he would take over for Jack - assuming your husband ever retired.
“At least wake me to say goodbye.” You instructed.
“You sure, darlin’? It’ll be early.” He warned.
“I’m sure.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek as he laid out his clothes for the morning. “And call me when you land.”
“Always do.” He grins at you over his shoulder.
You climbed into bed, curling on your side as you waited for Jack to finish with his own nightly routine. He turned off the light before you felt the bed dip behind you. Silence passed in the darkness for a moment before Jack’s arm was wrapped around your waist, pulling you tightly against him.
“I’m sorry ‘bout this weekend, sugar.” He whispered in the darkness. “I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
You felt something akin to relief as he nuzzled into your hair. There were definitely issues the two of you needed to tackle, but the love was still there. You wrapped your arm around his, hugging it to your chest.
“I know.” You whispered back.
“Love you.” He murmured.
“Love you too.”
Jack woke you the next morning, a few moments to cuddle and a groggy kiss goodbye before you fell back asleep. As promised, the call came in a few hours later that he had landed safely in Kentucky. Colt shouted his own greeting, and a promise to keep Jack out of trouble. You chuckled, knowing it was more likely to be Jack keeping Colt out of trouble. Before he hung up, Jack promised to keep in touch if he could, but he would be busy most of the weekend. You were used to that.
He did try to call when he was gone, you knew that, but often he just couldn’t make it to a phone. When he wasn’t in formal meetings, he still had to make appearances and schmooze. The moments he wasn’t working, he was preparing for whatever was to come next or getting some much needed rest. It was the song and dance of business.
You knew he was busy but it reinforced the loneliness that had creeped into your marriage, so slowly it wasn’t noticeable until it felt like it was drowning you. The house was quiet all weekend and by Sunday it was driving you crazy. You grabbed a book and decided to go out for lunch. You hoped being around people, the sounds of chattering, of cutlery and dinnerware around you would ease the loneliness from your mind, not make it worse.
You ordered before opening up your book, letting the noises of the other diners fade into the background as you let yourself become immersed in the story of the dashing knight and his attempts to woo the beautiful princess. Jack would tease you for reading romance novels, but with the lack of wooing going on lately in your real life, it was a welcome reprieve.
“Excuse me, do you mind if I sit with you?” An anxious voice right above you startled you out of the book. The man was sitting across from you before you had a chance to answer.
You blinked at him, staring blankly in shock. He had wavy, dirty blond hair that ended just above his chin. He was wearing a light brown suit, the cream coloured button-up underneath had the top few buttons undone, showing his collarbone and chest. His wide, blue eyes were glancing nervously around the restaurant. Your brow quirked in confusion before you too glanced around, looking for whatever he was worried about. When you didn’t see anything, you turned back to him.
“Uh, I’m flattered, but I’m mar-”
He pushed something under the table until it bumped into your leg. You looked down, seeing a black briefcase resting against your leg.
“This is a matter of national security.” He whispered, leaning in over the table to avoid being heard.
“Excuse me?” You scoffed. Was this some kind of pick-up line? You’d been out of the dating game for years but you couldn’t imagine this was working.
“I can’t have them catch me with this.” He nodded downward towards the table. You assumed he meant the briefcase. “I need you to hang onto it for me.”
“Shh!” He shushed you, looking around nervously once more. He barely held back a gasp as two men in suits walked past your table. You glanced between him and the men, staying quiet. You were too in shock of what was happening to do much else.
He watched until the men were out of sight before reaching across the table and taking your hand in his own. He gave it a squeeze before letting go, a moment before you were poised to pull it out of his grip.
“Thank you. I’ll be in touch.” He vowed before standing.
“Wait, what do you mean?” You asked, but he ignored you as he sped towards the exit. You watched in disbelief, mouth agape as he disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared. The briefcase still leaning against your leg was the only evidence that you hadn’t imagined him.
By the time your food came, you weren’t even hungry. Your stomach was in knots as you tried to process what happened. You asked for the food to go, barely having the wherewithal to mumble that something had come up.
You eyed the briefcase under the table as you waited for your doggy bag. What the hell were you supposed to do with it? He told you to keep it and he’d be in touch. Did he even know how to get in touch with you?
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you paid your bill and left with the briefcase.
It made you nervous as it sat in the passenger seat next to you for the drive home. You knew it was ridiculous but you almost felt like it was watching you. The latch was locked so you had no idea what was inside of it. You almost wanted to shake it, like a child trying to figure out what was inside a wrapped present, but had no idea if that would harm anything inside… or if anything inside would in turn harm you.
Your food was dropped on the counter, a complete afterthought as you set the briefcase down on the kitchen table. You crossed your arms, staring at it as you tried to figure out what to do. It felt like you were waiting for it to come alive and give you the answer. Hesitantly, you took it in both hands and gave it a slight shake. If anything, it was like a forceful glide across the tabletop. Nothing made any kind of noticeable noise, but you could feel the heft of it’s contents shifting as it moved.
No, you thought to yourself. You were going to leave it alone.
You marched into the living room, turning the TV on and flipping the channels for something interesting to watch. Being a Sunday afternoon, there wasn’t much to hold your attention and you caught yourself looking back towards the kitchen every few minutes.
One of the movie channels was airing the original Jurassic Park, and you figured it was good enough. You went into the kitchen with the full intention of grabbing the food you had yet to eat for lunch, but that damn briefcase…
You opened the junk drawer, digging through the mess of odds and ends until you found a paperclip. You sat at the table, unwinding the paperclip until it was as straight as you could manage. You pressed the wire into the keyhole of the latch, pushing and prodding. It clicked open after a moment, making you jump. Despite being home alone, you stopped and looked around to make sure you weren't being caught.
You took a deep breath, scooting backwards just in case, and opened the lid. Nothing happened. No alarm, no puff of smoke, no weird security measure of any kind. You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but nothing wasn’t it.
The briefcase was filled with various papers. Maps of European countries. Foreign money. Paperwork in a language you didn’t know. A passport, the picture matching the man who had dropped the briefcase with you. John Smith. That was just about the vaguest name you could imagine.
Under all of the paperwork was a gun. You jumped when you saw the shining metal, dropping all the papers back in the briefcase and closing it. Once again, you found yourself looking around to make sure you were alone. You’d never seen a gun in real life, let alone been in possession of one.
You knew you couldn’t keep this in the house. How were you supposed to explain this to Jack? You ran back out to your car, placing it in your trunk under some blankets you kept for emergencies. You closed the trunk and leaned against it, breathing deeply to calm yourself.
Now what?
Tagging: @wickedfrsgrl​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @driedgreentomatoes​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @sheerfreesia007​ @and-claudia​ @weirdowithnobeardo​
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annethmaria9 · 2 years ago
Ingin tampil bergaya tanpa menguras kantong? Niagara Garment solusinya! 🎉
Kami menyediakan pakaian berkualitas dengan harga terjangkau, sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Dari busana sehari-hari hingga busana acara khusus, kami punya semua yang Anda inginkan! 💼👔
Keunggulan Niagara Garment: 👉 Kualitas kain terbaik, nyaman dipakai seharian. 👉 Desain trendy yang selalu up-to-date dengan mode terkini. 👉 Pengerjaan rapi dan detail oleh tenaga ahli konveksi kami. 👉 Pilihan beragam warna dan ukuran sesuai preferensi Anda. 👉 Harga terbaik di Surabaya, tidak perlu khawatirkan anggaran.
Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk tampil percaya diri dengan gaya yang unik dan mengagumkan! 💃🕺
Kunjungi toko kami di Jl. Karang Asem Gg. XV No.54 N, Ploso, Kec. Tambaksari, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60133 atau kunjungi situs web kami di Niagara Garment sekarang! ✨
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k00265856 · 3 years ago
Environmental impact
What is the impact of polyester and elastane fibres on the environment in its production process?
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Factories producing polyester without waste water treatment systems can release potentially dangerous substances including antimony, cobalt, manganese salts, sodium bromide and titanium dioxide into the environment. It is an oil-based plastic and does not biodegrade like natural fibres. To avoid clothes ending up on landfills, we can recycle them, reuse the fabric and rework the fibres to create different garments.
What happened to “the Mexican Niagara”?
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El Salto waterfalls, formerly known as “The Mexican Niagara,” where local newlyweds and overseas couples would travel to see the magnificent cascades. In the 1960s, however, industrial corridors began forming in the area and manufacturers began using the river as their personal dump. The principal factories and industries working there are fabric manufacturers, they manufacture principally polyester fibres and its derivatives.
The pollution levels have soared to such a height that the Santiago River, which starts in Lake Chapala and runs for about 562 kilometers (350 miles) to cover six states until emptying into the Pacific Ocean, is now the most polluted in Mexico, and one of the most contaminated in Latin America.
According to a Greenpeace study, among the toxic substances found in the river are arsenic, onifenol, octifenol, chloroform, benzenes, and cyanide. These compouds, when in high concentrations, can have dangerous impact on aquatic life and humans. Many of these chemicals are carcinogenic and can cause hormonal disruptions, fetal malformations, and damage to the male and female reproductive systems.
In 2008, 8-year-old Miguel Ángel López Rocha died 19 days after falling into the river. While being treated in a coma, the level of arsenic found in his body was 51 micrograms, while the maximum toxicity level is about 12 micrograms.
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marryat92 · 5 years ago
Sometimes I think of Frederick Marryat as being the most famous writer that no one has ever heard of.
His idioms have entered the English language: “It’s just six of one and half-a-dozen of the other” (from The Pirate) and “like a bull in a chinashop” (from Jacob Faithful). But almost no one knows his name.
An incident from Marryat’s Diary in America has made it to popular myth status, although the source is largely unknown: the idea that Victorians put clothing on furniture for modesty’s sake, and would be scandalized by bare legs on furniture as if they were unclothed female legs. I witnessed this in real time when a Facebook page I follow shared pictures of what looks like furniture in dresses and flowing gowns:
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There’s a story behind these myths, and it has everything to do with Captain Marryat.
After some general remarks in Diary in America on the prudishness of Americans, who object to nude classical statues and will use an “absurd substitute” for an indelicate word, Marryat tells the tale of a young lady he has befriended on his travels in America, and her opinions on modesty and proper language.
When at Niagara Falls I was escorting a young lady with whom I was on friendly terms. She had been standing on a piece of rock, the better to view the scene, when she slipped down, and was evidently hurt by the fall: she had, in fact, grazed her shin. As she limped a little in walking home, I said, “Did you hurt your leg much?” She turned from me, evidently much shocked, or much offended,—and not being aware that I had committed any very heinous offence, I begged to know what was the reason of her displeasure. After some hesitation, she said that as she knew me well, she would tell me that the word leg was never mentioned before ladies. I apologised for my want of refinement, which was attributable to having been accustomed only to English society; and added, that as such articles must occasionally be referred to, even in the most polite circles in America, perhaps she would inform me by what name I might mention them without shocking the company. Her reply was, that the word limb was used; “nay,” continued she, “I am not so particular as some people are, for I know those who always say limb of a table, or limb of a piano-forte.”
There the conversation dropped; but a few months afterwards I was obliged to acknowledge that the young lady was correct when she asserted that some people were more particular than even she was.
I was requested by a lady to escort her to a seminary for young ladies, and on being ushered into the reception-room, conceive my astonishment at beholding a square piano-forte with four limbs. However, that the ladies who visited their daughters might feel in its full force the extreme delicacy of the mistress of the establishment, and her care to preserve in their utmost purity the ideas of the young ladies under her charge, she had dressed all these four limbs in modest little trousers, with frills at the bottom of them!
— Frederick Marryat, A Diary in America
So there you have it: the original frilly modesty pants for piano legs. This is a nonfiction travelogue, and 1830s American purity culture evidently called for clothing on furniture, at least in a few homes, according to Captain Marryat. It’s also funny that the story has morphed into a roast of “Victorians” in many people’s minds, since it’s mocking Americans specifically. (There was one other person in the comments section directing people to Frederick Marryat — God bless you, rare person who gets the reference and who knows who Marryat is!) 
I remember hearing a garbled version of this story growing up, from my historian mother who loved to make fun of prudes. She repeated that it was Americans who needed modesty garments on inanimate objects, and that foreign observers found this ridiculous; she even included the bit about “limb” being a polite euphemism for leg. But somehow Marryat’s name and role as storyteller was omitted. 
In the screen capture above, it’s amazing that one person, apparently unaware of Frederick Marryat, has echoed his language about trousers on piano legs very closely. The absurdity of this claim is memorable. 
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worldbuildguild · 5 years ago
This may sound dumb but how do you draw inspiration from something than just plain out copy it? Bc i love pink diamonds little clown outfit (i doodle my oc in it all the time) but im trying to be serious abt my oc canon wise and i want it to somewhat look like pinks outfit but not like, copied??? If that makes sense???
This is actually a great question! And something the broader artistic world could probably benefit from asking themselves once in a while. Properly taking inspiration without infringing on someone’s else’s idea or product can be difficult, since we tend to get attached to concepts we like pretty wholesale. There’s no “ right” or “wrong” way to take inspiration ( Only a right or wrong way to dodge copyright infringement ), but let me lay out how we are taught to do it at the design-school I’m at.
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https://art.ku.edu/painting-drawing-facilities-and-equipment , Art students from The University of Kansas working on different iterations of the same source material ( A croquis study ). 
Everything’s copied! 
There’s been a stigma about the notion of taking inspiration for the longest time. And it hasn’t gotten much better with the advent of the internet, where we’ve had quite the debates about whether someone’s “stealing” someone else’s idea. So let’s just get on the same page really quick. 
You can’t really hog an idea to yourself. Sure, people can copyright an iteration of an idea, ( a character design, a logo, a certain piece of art ) but the source of inspiration and the concept of that idea is pretty much public domain so to speak. The original artist didn’t come up with that idea completely on their own idea but was inspired by other sources more or less close to their end product. So we’re shaking the idea that “copying” someone else’s idea is inherently bad. Sure, it is good form to credit your inspirational sources and shed some of the spotlights on the person you got your idea from, but ultimately there’s not really anything -wrong- with “copying”, especially if your work is non-profit.
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Famous Pop artist Andy Warhol worked on top of screen-printed photography, that he lifted/copied off of the movie “Niagara” from 1953.
Finding what appeals
Naturally, when you want to take inspiration from something - you need to find out exactly what it is that appeals to you. This way you weed out all the other stuff that isn’t necessary for satisfying your want for your new iteration, which could otherwise make your design look unoriginal. If you like the hair on a character, just go with the hair, leave the eyes and nose. If you like how a character dresses, then leave out their exact skin tone. Take a moment to pick and chose elements that are absolutely necessary for your own iteration, and be brutally honest with yourself when you do so - simply picking, or not picking things because of whatever reason is just going to have you run in circles.  It sounds obvious but it really isn’t. 
Going to the source
When you’ve identified exactly it is about a concept that you like, and want to re-iterate in your own design, it can be worthwhile going to the sources of which the artist before you were inspired. If you, say, want to iterate on a dress that a character wears for your own design, you can try to research the era and regional belonging of that particular fashion. This can open your eyes to a host of other options within the desired niché of the idea you want to iterate upon. Maybe you’ll find something similar but not the same? At the very least you’ll learn about the garment itself and ways that you could possibly alternate little details in it to make it look more unique. Researching topics of all kinds also build on your visual and referential library - and can improve your concept-variety long term, so perhaps make it a habit always to study the real-world origins of the material you want to iterate. 
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Iteration & iteration & iteration
If there’s one thing my soon-to-be-obtained degree has taught me, it’s that your work is not simply done by the moment you finish drawing the first reference sheet. Designing and iterating takes many many iterations, in more or less polished forms. Some designs never stop taking on new iterations in fact. 
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This illustration’s not -as- non-designer friendly as I would’ve wanted it, but it was the best one I could find at this point in time. This model is the Iterative Design Process model. A model that I’ve been exposed to pretty much non-stop for three years now. 
What it basically says is that you, as a designer goes through the cyclic development of a concept by constantly going back and forth between researching your material, making prototypes, reflecting on the prototype- and then starting all over again. Each of these three-point cycles is called “ iterations”, and they can go on indefinitely until the designer finally decides that they’re satisfied with the final product. 
What this means to you as an artist is that, just like the designer - you can benefit from going through multiple iterations and work-cycles. This is particularly true in terms of making something original from its source material. If you stick your focus on making just one tiny change to the design per iterations, you will gradually move away from the source as you go. It takes time. 
I’m currently working on my own design project, where I am trying to break away from using one of my pre-established characters in a setting he doesn’t belong, and instead draft up a new character that shares some similarities to the former, but can stand on their own as an original character for an original IP. 
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Here, I make use of the three steps above and the iterative process. Most importantly I’m patient with the process. For each iteration I let the idea simmer a bit in my head while I do something else, meaning that I have multiple design-sessions and research-sessions to let everything properly marinate before I make any new iterations. 
I hope this will suffice as a quick introduction to derivative/inspired design thinking. Taking inspiration from something is the literal baseline of art, so getting the method right is really important, really glad we got this question. 
-  mod wackart ( ko-fi ) 
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eddystshirts · 6 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: USA Niagara Falls T Shirt Vintage 90s Medium M Adult White Graphic Tee.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years ago
5k Survey XXIV
1151. What do you think of these diarist names? ToxicToast - I don’t care. Solitary Music: gemini_wish_star: juneberry: 1152. Do you read the Diary Master’s diary? >> I don’t even know which site this survey was made on, so I have no context for this question. 1153. Have you ever made an enemy on OD? >> Oh, word, this was on Open Diary? Holy shit, what a throwback! Anyway, I was on the teen version of this, but never the main one. 1154. Have you ever (or do you know anyone who’s) been deleted from OD? >> --- 1155. Were you ever in the first row of a concert? >> I was in the front row of like 95% of the concerts I’ve been to (not Dream Theater, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Hozier, the last Sevendust show I went to, and most of the smaller shows where the venue’s so small it doesn’t even matter).
1156. Did you ever meet a celebrity? Who? >> Assuming musicians don’t count, I’ve met Julianne Moore and I’m pretty sure that’s it. Sometimes when faced with this question I remember the story of when my ex-friend Vlad ran into Laurence Fishburne and asked him for a cigarette and he said no, lmao. 1157. Do you have any autographs? >> No. I used to but I tossed them all eventually because I couldn’t see the point of having them anymore. 1158. Can you visualize whirled peas? >> I don’t know what you’re talking about. 1159. Are there some situations where love just isn’t enough to keep 2 people together? When does that happen? >> There are many situations like that, in my opinion, but I’m not going to write you a list. 1160. Do you have no attention span? >> I have an attention span. 1161. What do you think of these entry titles? me. back. home: Still don’t care. steak and butter: The Smurfs Go Communist:  The controversial Athens: 1162. Have you ever been wrongly accused? >> Plenty of times, in informal settings. 1163. When you wash your hair do you blow dry it or let it dry naturally? >> I just rub my head with a towel a couple of times and then let it go. It dries in minutes. 1164. Where does your family go on vacation? >> --- 1165. Have you ever been to: Newport, Rhode Island? No to all. Dutch Wonderland? Salem, MA?  Niagara Falls?  1166. Have you ever given money to OD cares? >> No. 1167. Have you ever created an OD interest? If yes, what interests did you create? >> No. 1168. What do you think of these entry names? DEAR SOUL FRIEND 57 Loss: I had a good title but i forgot it:  Left Alone: yeah yeah…he kissed her: 1169. If you have aol what is your ‘you’ve got mail’ sound? >> I don’t have AOL. 1170. What will you never have enough of? >> I have no idea. 1171. Who can you only handle in small doses? >> A lot of people. 1172. You are at a magic auction where you can bid on impossible things but you only brought enough money to buy one thing. Out of these..which would you buy?  entrance into whatever afterlife you believe in a guarantee that you will have at least 3 books published in your life a new car, house and boat each year unending creative inspiration ultimate compassion and acceptance of others a trip into outer space perfect health for the rest of your life 1173. In the above question if finding perfect love was a choice would you change your answer? >> I skipped the above question because whatever. I’m definitely not entertaining this nonsense. 1174. What food is so fattening or unhealthy that you would NEVER touch it? >> It’s not a food being fattening or unhealthy that makes me never want to touch it, it’s a food being unappetising to me and my palate. Like fried Oreos. That sounds abhorrent to me and I wouldn’t touch it with someone else’s hand. 1175. Which do you love more, your country or your planet? >> --- 1176. What do you think of: Abba? Don’t care for them. Brian Adams? Don’t know anything about him. No Doubt? I like them. 1177. Are you more logical or emotional? >> I’m not any more of one or the other. 1178. Do you think that tattoos and piercing are overrated? >> No. 1179. What do you think of these diary titles? The Seamless Garment: Your eyes can be so cruel: What was, is no more: shock me sane:  1180. Do you believe that Michael Jackson molests children? >> Well, even if he did, he doesn’t now. Unless he’s a zombie. Getting molested is fucked up as it is, but imagine getting molested by a zombie. Yeesh. 1181. Hypothetically, let’s say that he did molest them. Who would you feel should be held MORE accountable, Michael Jackson or the parents that allowed their children to go to Never Land Ranch unsupervised for sleepovers? >> Obviously Michael Jackson, unless all those parents were like “yes, please make sure you molest my child whilst they’re there”, like, be realistic. 1182. Have you ever been to: Manhattan? Yes. No to the rest. Disney? Paris? Anywhere cooler?  1183. What 3 music videos should everyone download? >> Ha, download. Anyway, I don’t care what everyone else does. 1184. If someone bet you ten dollars that you couldn’t sing the whole Gummy Bears theme song, would you be able to do it and win? >> I don’t even know what that is, so no. 1185. Do you like Bjork? >> Yeah. 1186. How about the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? >> I’m not familiar enough with their music to have an opinion. 1187. What do you think of Moby? >> Eh. 1188. What do you think of Alien Ant Farm? >> I like them, they’re fun. 1189. What do you think of the Flaming Sideburns? >> That’s not a band I’ve heard of. 1190. Do you believe that imps, trolls, giants, dragons, unicorns, etc. were real but became extinct? >> That’s an interesting concept but I don’t think it applies to this reality. 1191. What sucks? >> Vacuum cleaners. 1192. What do you think of these diary titles? Geologist to the Stars: The Hussy Chronicles:  Gravy: Napping in the Broom Closet:  1193. Do you ever think about suicide? >> Sure. 1194. Do you believe that Jesus Christ was a real person? How about Noah? >> I’m pretty sure the last time I answered that question was on this very survey... regarding Noah, yeah, he probably was a dude. Maybe he even did manage to rescue a bunch of animals from being drowned in a flood that no one else knew was coming (a meteorologist before his time??), and then got his own hyperbolic-as-all-hell hero’s tale afterward. 1195. What is one luxury you refuse to live without? >> I’m not sure what, in my life, qualifies as a luxury. 1196. What is one luxury you feel you could live without? >> --- 1197. Do you feel that you are high, medium, or low maintenance in a relationship? >> I am high-maintenance in the sense that I have a laundry list of needs and issue and idiosyncrasies that I’m well aware not everyone would understand, let alone accommodate. Then again, maybe my maintenance level just depends on the person, because I don’t think Sparrow struggles all that much (just like I don’t struggle all that much in dealing with her stuff). 1198. What do you think of these diarist names? N.Y.S:  Collapsibleman: *})|({*: black dove: 1199. Do vegetables taste better from the store or from your garden? >> I don’t have a garden. But I do prefer the taste of fresh, locally grown produce. 1200. How long have you spent on this survey so far? >> I don’t know, I wasn’t keeping track.
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