#Nex logs
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justdrawlynn11 · 9 days ago
Nex Log Entry: #196
Į’m şørřý
[a small crashing sound can be heard, along side the hectic sounds of someone pressing buttons]
[The sound of panicked banging on glass can be heard. The sounds of an overly muffled fight are present, it wasn’t a verbal fight.] [The sound of Sun yelling is faint, his blood curling screaming as parts were thrown at the walls.. his parts]
[Sun can no longer heard. A large, muffled thunk can be heard.]
[The sound of a door going up can be heard. Followed by a voice, Eclipse] “I got what I wanted.. Goodbye Nexus.”
[The sound of a teleportation spell occurred. Followed by a thud] “ȚĦĄŤ- oh no… oh nonono Sun- Sun please answer me! Anything- a word, a nod, ANYTHING PLEASE!-”
“Please no- please don’t go- please! P-please..! please.. I’m sorry!”
[His voice was shaken and breaking]
“I can- I can fix it I- I-”
[A set of doors can heard being opened and closed] “Nexus..? I saw you in a rush to get down here and I wanted to check.. what happened- w-WHAT HAPPENED?!?”
“EARTH- Call Solar, or Moon, or Monty I DON’T CARE JUST PLEASE CALL FOR HELP… he’s not- not responding please no no no-”
“S-Sun? Wh- Nexus what- is he going to be-?”
“I don’t know Earth! Just please call for- for some help!”
“I-I- I’ll go call for someone-!”
[The doors open and close again, Earth hurriedly rushing as the sound of phone ringing can be heard fading as the doors close]
“I-I’ll see what I can do until they get here-”
[The sound of slight metal movement can be heard]
“oh no… nononononøňōñœ…”
[The sound of something being laid to the floor is heard, followed by shuffled movements]
“There’s nothing left… he’s gone… he isn’t- there isn’t anything we could- he’s really just… but he can’t be…. I don’t know wh.. what I’ll do if… I… Í…”
[Nexus can be heard chocking on his words, crying can be heard in the direction of his voice..]
“Į’m şørřý… Ī’m šö.. şǒ śōřrÿ Șůň… Ǐ łővė ŷøų śö mūçħ bûbå… ı’m śørřŷ î’m şǒřry ĩ’m…”
[quiet sobbing can be heard from Nexus’s direction.. he can’t speak right now]
[5-10 minutes pass. Nexus’s crying and heavy sobs become quieter] [The sound of set of doors swings open is heard again, along with the sound of hurried running]
“Monty’s on his way. What happened where’s Su-”
[The steps take a pause, then quickly pause back up again]
[Hurried movements can be heard]
“Oh nononø- we- I can fix it I just need to-”
[The sound of slight metal movement can be heard again]
“There’s no use… Eclipse ripped it all out…”
“Nonono.. Sun… Şūň….”
“Į’m ğøǐňġ țõ šħřëåď Ẽçłīpśė āpâřț ļîmb bÿ ľǐmb føř ďöiňğ tħış.”
[The sound of crying can be heard from the direction of Moon’s voice. His sobs growing heavier with each and every deep breath.] “sun…”
[End of recording]
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nappingpaperclip · 1 year ago
I’m really really sick and tired of seeing children being brutally killed. The trans panic about “making bathrooms ‘safer’ for cis people” has just made going to the bathroom, existing in public, and existing at all incredibly dangerous for trans people and especially trans people of color
The world feels so relentlessly cruel right now and every day I wake up I bare witness to more and more innocent people being murdered, violently and without justice
Why do people only start caring once we have been killed?
Rest in Power Nex 💔 I wish you could have grown up and gotten to experience the community and support you deserved. We will never forget you.
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nex-eats-eyes · 8 days ago
If you had 1 billion dollars would you buy a giant pretzel or a car
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hunger--endured · 6 months ago
There might still be one. 👀
Wait there was a Sister. Here ???
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itgetsbetter · 8 months ago
Queer Week of Rest, who's joining?!
(ᴗ˳ᴗ) zzZZZ
So Pride can be energizing, but it’s also a protest - and sometimes, even the most tireless activists experience burnout.
As a primarily digital-based org, we're logging off this week.
By logging off, we’re setting the standard for a Queer Week of Rest, with plenty of time to recharge, show ourselves some love and care, and come back reenergized to stand up for LGBTQ+ youth throughout the rest of 2024 - and we encourage y'all to take a device break, too! 
In the meantime, some resources you can access and reblog while we’re away:
💜 Our Get Help Page: Our database of over 1,000 LGBTQ+ orgs, hotlines, and resources you can filter by issue and location.
💜 imi: imi guide is a free, online mental health tool made for and with LGBTQ+ youth with guides on stress, stigma, gender, and queerness, including interactive activities like a new name try-on!
💜 Digital Pride on Twitch: Watch what you missed during Digital Pride as our community built an entire Pride Village in Minecraft! You can explore the open server for yourself, too: with the Java edition of Minecraft and your install set to 1.20.6, add the server pridevillage.carpercreations.dev
💜 TikTok and Youtube: Watch the new Youth Voices Roundtable on Youtube to hear from LGBTQ+ youth as they talk about Nex Benedict, how they can be better supported at school at home, and what Pride means to them. And watch tons of stories, experience, and advice on our TikTok!
See you again on July 8th, and we can’t wait!
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hannahbarberra162 · 8 months ago
hOrnithology for Beginners
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On Ao3
Next chapter
I know I said it was a one shot but I lied. I think it will be 4 chapters.
Marco X Reader, no use of "y/n." Fluffy fun.
Summary: You spend your days waitressing, using all your free time working to become an ornithologist and hunting poachers. You meet and befriend a rare mythical bird, with clear intelligence and astounding beauty. At the same time, an annoying group of pirates are docked at the island. One of them with a stupid haircut keeps trying to charm you, but you hate pirates and especially this one. He’s persistent - can’t he just leave you alone so you can hang out with your new Phoenix friend?
Marco isn’t sure what to do - you love him in his phoenix form, but you hate him in his human form. It's a tough spot for birds and bird watchers alike.
I think that it could reasonably be assumed that the mythical Zoans are not the only of their kinds. They are the just only humans who can turn into mythical creatures. Rob Lucci is not the only leopard, Jack isn’t the only mammoth, Yamato isn't the only kitsune, etc. For the purposes of this story, there are more than one of each mythical creature, but only one Devil Fruit user who can turn into one. So reader isn't totally off that it is a phoenix, she just doesn't know it's The Phoenix.
You tightened your apron ties and scanned the patrons coming in for the lunch rush. Looked like the usual groups - some tourists, some bird watchers, some locals. You didn’t see any obvious waterfoul - your punny code word for pirates. One of the reasons you kept this shitty job was that it gave you a good peek into everyone coming and going on the island. Your island was famous for its stunning bird migrations. It was the southernmost island before the longest landless stretch of sea in the Grand Line. Flocks of birds would often rest at the island in preparation for the long journey to the next set of islands. It was also a wonderful location to try to spot rare and mythical birds. You’d seen a few and captured their essences in your sketchbook. 
Unfortunately, waterfoul weren’t interested in capturing images. They wanted to catch and kill rare birds for easy money. Poaching was a huge problem on the island, one that you frequently fought against. It was your personal crusade to try and stop as many poachers as possible. You’d caught some others - a few Marines, some local boys - but the primary offenders were almost always waterfoul. You carefully watched when crews came to the port, listening for signs that they were going to look for avian treasures. It usually took a week for log poses to set, so you had a good chance of seeing anyone suspicious. You didn’t care to keep track of any specific crew or pirates - they were all the same. Same arrogance, same swaggering attitude, same cocky assurance that they could do anything they wanted to with no repercussions. You hadn’t met any halfway decent pirates, and you didn’t think you ever would. 
Satisfied that you wouldn’t have to worry as much today, you began your shift. It was grinding your soul to shreds being inside and talking to customers when you could be spending it outdoors, watching and drawing birds. But you needed to make money to afford art supplies, new ornithology books, and poison for your dart tips. So inside you stayed, taking orders from idiots who didn’t know if the mashed potatoes were mashed or fried. After a grueling shift, you were finally able to leave. You chucked your apron into the dirty bin and left immediately, turning down your coworkers requests to hang out as a group after the shift ended.
“C’mon, you never hang out with me. Let’s go grab a drink,” Etta said, giving you puppy dog eyes. Etta was your work BFF, and your only real friend on the island. 
“I can’t, I’m going to try to catch -”
“The next bird migration, I know. But there’s always a bird migration on this island, that’s the deal here. You can see one tomorrow, the next day, next month, next year even! But there’s only one 2 berri marg night per week…besides I heard there are some hot new pirates in town.” She waggled her eyebrows at you, while you pretended to barf. 
“You know how I feel about pirates. But I do wanna hang out. How about this? Tomorrow after our shift I’ll buy you a margarita, even if it costs more than 2 berri.” You really did like Etta so you compromised - one night out would be OK, you probably wouldn’t miss much. She stuck her tongue out at you.
“Fine, but you can’t flake out. If you do, I’m leaving you to do side prep all by yourself. Think of all those lemons you’d have to cut.” She rolled her eyes, but it was a plan. You were truly excited - she was the first friend you’d made since you were a child. People often told you that you were “intimidating,” or “prickly,” or “difficult,” which was all just code for “bitchy.” You didn’t care - you wanted to be yourself, not try to dull your edges for people who wouldn’t like you either way. So you were happy to be friends with Etta, who liked you despite your “poor attitude” (as your boss called it). 
You changed out of your work clothes and into your hiking gear, taking your day pack with you. This is what  you liked most - going into the wild to watch for birds, especially legendary ones. You walked down to the forest edge and started on a well trodden path. It didn’t take you long before you had diverged from the path and were going rogue. You’d never see anything really good on the tourist paths - people were too loud and startled the birds away. Besides, you’d been on the island a long time now and you knew the best places to wait and watch. 
You picked your way through the dense forest towards the hidden waterfall. It was your slice of heaven on earth. It was secluded enough that you’d never seen anyone else there. The area surrounding the waterfall was more open than the forest floor, making it easy for camping overnight. The water was always cool and clear, wonderful for swimming on a hot day. The waterfall wasn’t terribly large or loud, bringing a pleasant sound of rushing water. There was an alcove behind the waterfall, large enough for three or so people. Leafy trees lined the banks of the river the waterfall fell into, bringing shade on hot days. It was your happy place, where you retreated both physically and mentally when stressed. Today was no exception.
You reached your destination and put your pack down on a familiar flat rock under the shade of a tree. You took out your pencil, sketchbook, and binoculars and started your stake out. You were already mentally tallying the different bird cries you heard. So far, nothing out of the ordinary, just local birds trilling. You also delighted in the ordinary - you enjoyed seeing the same species day after day, learning more about their habits and manner of living. You were sketching a local starling that was imitating the sounds of transponder snails - pretty well, actually - when all of a sudden, your ears perked up when you heard alarm calls. It wasn’t a call for mobbing - when smaller birds would form a group to ward off a predatory bird. These were definitely alarm calls - short, high pitched, loud cries to warn their flocks that a predator was near. 
You were excited, this was great news for you. Hearing these calls meant that something big was coming your way. It might be a more common predator, but maybe not. You’d seen a lightning Secretary bird once that caused the exact same alarm cries. You’d barely caught sight of it before it was gone. Another time, the cries alerted you to an ice Roc perched in a tree a little farther down the river. You’d carefully stalked the bird and were able to get a few sketches of it done before it flew away. Those were the rarest ones you’d ever seen, and you were hoping for another. 
Straining your ears listening to the bird cries, you grabbed your sketchbook and followed them towards the source. You crept along as quickly as you could deeper in the forest, silently walking on the sides of your feet. The cries weren’t quieting down, meaning the predator was still in the area. Scanning, you inhaled a gasp as you saw the apex predator at hand. Perched on a branch overlooking the river was a phoenix. A blue fire phoenix, with dark blue almost purple accent markings that made it look like it was wearing glasses. You could barely remember to breathe in its presence.
You stood there agog with your mouth open until the bird moved slightly to shift its feathers. You opened your sketchbook and drew quick sketches of it before you missed your chance. You jotted notes of the colors, wanting to remember exactly what it looked like. Seeing the phoenix was like seeing a god in the flesh. It was a blur of blue flames, ending with wisps of yellow. The movment of its body was like watching the waterfall, endless and yet each moment fleeting at the same time. You could scarcely believe that you were able to see one, much less sketch it. You must have been making too much noise because it looked straight at you despite your hiding spot in the brush.
You weren’t worried about it hurting or killing you - that would be an honor. Well, not really, but you typically found predatory birds disinterested in humans. You kept on sketching even though your hands were shaking. The bird cocked its head to the side and continued to watch you. It almost felt…awkward, like you had intruded on a private moment. After a minute or so it seemed to have gathered whatever information it wanted and flew away. Even watching it leave was magnificent, tail feathers like a chain of golden coins dancing in the wind. When it finally left your sight, you exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding. That was almost orgasmic for you. You rushed to pack up your things so you could go home and sketch with detail and notations before you forgot anything.
On your way back, the only thing on your mind was the phoenix. You thought about its elegance, its restrained power, its understated intelligence. It was the most striking bird you’d ever seen out of the thousands you’d cataloged. You thought more about its coloring, trying to think of the exact shades of blue and yellow you’d use to describe it. But now that you thought about it, seeing a blue fire phoenix was peculiar. Everything you’d heard about phoenixes depicted them as yellow bodied with red accents. But not much was known about any legendary bird so perhaps this one was rarer or maybe hadn’t been discovered yet. It had some kind of marking on its chest - but unfortunately where you were standing obscured your ability to see the marks directly. The glasses markings were a little funny - almost like a spectacled owl. It did give the phoenix a distinctive and distinguished look, like a scholar or a doctor. You were practically skipping with delight towards your home, thinking of all the little details you wanted to remember.
The next day, you went to work with a smile on your face. Not even the sight of waterfoul in your section could dull your mood today. You’d spent hours sketching and coloring drawings of the phoenix you’d seen, writing every possible memory you had down to preserve it forever. Etta wasn’t in yet - she was starting a shift staggered an hour after yours- but you’d have to tell her about it when you saw her again. Smiling, you walked to the table of waterfoul getting your pad out to take their order. As you got to the table, your smile dropped and your bitch face turned on. You set it to extra sour just for your own fun. 
You looked at the assembled men - you saw two stupid hairstyles, two stupid hats, and one well...there was nothing stupid looking about the last man. He was absolutely gorgeous with black glossy hair set in a classic style and incredible geisha style makeup. Whatever, even if he was good looking he was still a pirate. The man with the stupidest hairstyle smiled warmly at you, like he knew you. You dropped your neutral face into a frown.
“What do you want?” you said in a flat tone.
“Aren’t you supposed to greet customers with a friendly welcome?” said stupid hairstyle two with a smirk. You wanted to dump a cup of water on his pompadour. Or maybe soup.
“Of course! Whatever would you like today, my fair patrons?” you replied in an overly sweet and simpering voice. You even curtsied at the end to hammer the point home. The point being - fuck off. As soon as the words left your lips, you went back to frowning. Pineapple Hair looked at you curiously.
Cowboy hat laughed and said “I’ll start with three steaks, rare. And a beer.” Pineapple Hair, Pompadour, Twirly Mustache and Glamor Man also placed their orders. When they were done, you turned on your heel and went to put in their orders. You attended your other tables and customers, servicing them all while thinking about your phoenix. 
After a while, you saw Etta enter through the staff door. Before she could get to the floor you quickly pulled her to the kitchen. You both spoke excitedly at the same time.
“Guess what - “
“Guess what - “
“You go first,” Etta said, listening intently.
“I saw a legendary bird last night! It was everything I could have ever dreamed of! It was absolutely incredible…I can’t wait to show you the sketches.” Etta was one of the only people you showed your drawings to. You loved the art of drawing but felt self conscious about your ability.
“That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you,” Etta’s eyes lit up. She always liked when you shared your ornithology information with her and dutifully listened to some of your ramblings..
“What’s your news?” Maybe 2 berri margs were available again tonight?
“So I went out to the bar last night and met someone for a little fun. They’re in town until their log pose resets. I was talking to them for a while and mentioned that you are a real bird expert, not like the shitty tour guides who don’t know anything.” You narrowed your eyes. This wasn’t heading in a direction you liked.
“He’s actually interested in beetles, not birds. But I said that beetles are an important part of several bird’s diets,” she said, hedging around something.
“That’s true, you’ve been listening to my rants,” you said, still on guard. There was something she wasn’t saying and you had a feeling you weren’t going to like it. 
“So I might have volunteered you to come on a double date with him and his friend birdwatching and looking for beetles,” she said in a rush while starting to steeple her hands in a begging motion.
“What aren’t you telling me? There’s more to it than that.” you asked suspiciously. 
“Uhm. Well, the thing is. They’re pirates -”
“Etta! Oh my god. I knew it was something -”
“No, no listen! Listen. They seem actually nice and reasonable. The one I met yesterday, Ace, was so sweet and hot! I really like him.”
“Ohmyfuckinggod. Pirates? Etta they’ll probably kill us and take our stuff if we go to the woods with them. Or worse.”
“No! They’re like, high ranking pirates, so you know they have to be good.”
“That is not at all what that means.” You crossed your arms, and waved at the little window in the kitchen door that looked into the dining room.
“Look, there’s shitty pirates out there right now. They’ve already annoyed me and it’s only been like half an hour. Think about what a few hours would do to me.” Etta looked out the window. 
“Oh, actually he’s right there! Isn’t he hot?” Etta ducked down so he couldn’t see her.
“Who? Which one?” You really hoped it was Glamor Man, but he didn’t seem outdoorsy. You looked at the table where Cowboy Hat was asleep face down in his food. Could you drown in peas? 
“The one wearing the cowboy hat, that’s Ace. Isn’t he just so fine?” Of course that was the one she liked. He was something alright. Etta was practically drooling. Ace was too. 
“Etta, as my only friend, I have to tell you-”
“Please please please please please please -”
“I really don’t think this is a good idea and I really don’t want to go on a double date with -”
“Please please please please please - I’ll take your shift tomorrow so you have two days off in a row! It’s the weekend too! Just come out with me tomorrow with these guys, please!”
You sighed. You didn’t want Etta to get herself killed, and two days off was very appealing during busy season. You could go camping overnight and see if the phoenix ever returned. 
“Fine. But we’re going on the popular trails and I will absolutely not be kissing any pirate. And you have to roll my silverware tonight.” You barely even cared who you were set up with so you didn't bother to ask. You'd find out tomorrow anyway.
“Thank you thank you thank you!!” Etta squealed and hugged you tightly. You gave a small smile, knowing you’d made your friend happy. And looking for beetles did actually sound like fun. Who knew pirates liked bugs?
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gooperts-gunk · 4 months ago
notes of when m!lilith talks about or mentions bad to anyone... because im bbh lore hungy
while touring the new members around, they have a small laugh over patches asking willow, a ghost, if they (they as in patches) have a soul. after mentioning willow's other guardian might know the answer better, she says "their um... my co-guardian, is sort of... a grim reaper-esque kind of person? i don't delve too deep into it, that's- that's his personal business, im just a witch, i just go about my life... i think that's why we found willow so easily, because that's part of his specialty is finding wayward souls."
when doing a tour of lilith's house... "i used to have a restroom, but then uhh willow's guardian demon, kind of came in and took everything from it, so it's his room now... if you just ever see..." lilith disconnects mid-warning but continues when she comes back "a creature that has glowing eyes, and a scythe, and his name is badboyhalo, do yourself a favor, walk away, because he'll rob you of everything you have, like my bathroom.
patches asks "what if i want to help rob", lilith says "um... then you can sign a contract with him, because he does loves contracts, but i'll have to warn you! uh... it lasts eternally! so..." when patches says "i could have a soul, only temporarily" lilith says "oh... well... that is a question you'll have to ask him! im just a witch, i don't know how the soul networking... uh... operates..."
she shows off the birth certificate and someone notices a coffee stain on it, and lilith says "oh yeah! there's a coffee stain, that must've been him, he really likes coffee."
lilith talks about rurus' bunny form and mentions the culprit of why they're a bunny, "think of a demi-human? but a demi-human who instead of, exists as part human part bunny? can either be human or bunny, but they're trapped in a bunny form, because a... soul-reaping man who might be a sort of trickster, COUGH, DEMON, COUGH, might have made a contract and they got stuck the way they are and i've been working for a few decades to figure that out!"
lilith and willow go see nex, and nex asks if lilith liked the new room for her demon, "ohhh yeah, he's gonna love it, he's gonna log on, and be like 'AHA! this is MY house now!'"
lilith's comments on the room nex made for bad, "if ANY room on mythcraft could have the vibe of that man, it is THIS room." "it's very like... that weird grungy rustic that he enjoys?" "maybe we'll see him again soon. maybe he'll get excited to see willow again."
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souliebird · 25 days ago
I'm so sorry that the appreciation for your stories isn't reaching you as it should. I'm just now beginning to understand better ways to support my favorite writers, but now I know reblogs and genuine comments are my best bet at telling y'all how much I love your stories 💗
So (and I'm sorry if this is too long lol), I'll tell you some of my fav things about ATIMY! I'd love for you to continue the story, but as a writer, I understand the need to pause and re-think if its really what you want —specially when one feels like you do rn 🫂
1. I absolutely, and I cannot describe this enough, the background and personality of Reader. She's raw, and I honestly think that's the best word I can describe this story with. It's my favourite thing about it too! Reader is so incredibly emotional to read, her anxiousness is palpable and it's strangely soothing to go through. I see pieces of myself reflected in her, but its written so smoothly and realistically, as one would talk to themselves, that the anxiety portrayed by her ends up soothing mine in a way lmao
2. I cannot stress this enough too, but MINNIE!! That bundle of joy was something I didn't know I needed, but I craved ever since I discovered. The idea of Matt being a father is so surprising, and new, and exciting! I remember reading chapters where both Foggy and Matt pondered over the idea —they were so right to think it'd lead Matt to better. You found a way of making a plot device —the classic tough man protecting himself more finally, because of his girls — so pure and wholesome in Minnie, and I love her character so much I now see her in everuy bubbly toddler on the market 💞
3. And most of all, and because I've never written an ask before so idk how long this can be —the clear thought and love to the plit you've poured into it. I'm tired of people writing Matt or any character purely because he's...idk, hot? I've never found such a complex and beautiful story about him like yours. It nexes romance, but also the giddiness of bonding with your child, AND it's written through various POV's that connect MANY arcs to the story? This is a GEM, and I find myself expecting far more than just Reader's and Matt's interactions. I'm excited reading Minnie's chapter, or where the Sokovian Accords arc is going to lead us to. Orrr, the risks of Minnie and her powers, already different from Matt's 👀
You may've noticed by now English isn't my first language haha. I'm sorry if I didn't get to explain myself clearly. But the point is, I'm sorry for not showing the love more, in name of everyone.
You created the reason I started logging on tumblr every day to check for updates. We love this story, and I just hope we can help you make you fall in love with it again too ❤️‍🩹
Apologies that it took a few days to get to this, I'm not in a good headspace rn.
I don't plan to stop writing, even if my only motivation is to prove to myself I can finish this story.
Thank you for all the kind words. I'm glad people can relate to Reader. I feel like I get mixed reactions sometimes, so I'm glad my over thinking everything isn't a hinder to the story.
I'm glad ppl like Minnie. I know ppl do not like kid fics and don't like original kids much, so I'm glad the feedback for her is so positive.
I have a lot of controversial opinions about how ppl write Matt, so thank you for thinking I write him well. Thank you for sharing you enjoy all my plots and care about the Sokovia stuff.
I've put a lot of research and hours into making sure everything lines up correctly and I hope I do it justice.
Again thank you for sending this. I've reread it multiple times, trying to tell myself you aren't just saying nice things bc I complained. I'm amazed I haven't gone and deleted all my posts talking about my insecurities bc I have severe anxiety and would rather pretend I don't exist and isolate myself than bother anyone.
I 10000% believe I annoy ppl when I mention feeling self doubt or disappoint in feedback bc my fics are generally well received. I do get comments and kudos and likes when others don't, so I feel like a horrible person whose bragging if I mention a dip in feedback, bc I'm getting it in the first place. Like shut up, Soulie, and be grateful ppl are even reading your slop.
Anyways, thank you. The words help.
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doggojin · 2 months ago
Hi I want you to know every time I log into this app I am blessed with your comics. I am gently holding Nex and yelling at Arthur. Your relaxed style has also encouraged me to try and be more casual and do more sketches and just try to have more fun (not everything needs to be a polished painting etc etc) with my drifter. I might even attempt to do a comic myself (scary)(unknown territory). <3
So very touched to read this!
It's been (and still is) my hardest struggle to let go and not worry too much about perfection in my art and this project 100% helps me with it, it's freeing and amazing.
I wish you the best of luck and hope you'll have fun doodling away! I liked to draw with only a regular pen and no sketches underneath to help getting rid of the worry of fucking up. Because you WILL and it's not the end of the world! <3
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justdrawlynn11 · 9 days ago
BBS Au Concept I’ve been planning on doing for a little bit now-
It’s called the Nex Logs.
Basically BBS! Nexus created personal report logs for things like his own little inventions and ideas and stuff. But my primary focus is on the Logs recording things that are glimpses into events of the characters lives, whether on purpose or not. I already have one ready right now for posting, but this is the context on what the Nex Logs ARE. Sometimes it’s a direct glimpse into what Nexus might be feeling about a certain situation.
They are (written, not actual audio to us) audio logs, any description is primarily based off of what audio the recording does pick up, so some visual details will be lost until I either write the scene as not a log or I just draw out the scene at a later date.
“This text will typically convey characters talking, the context clues for who’s talking is via color coating.”
[This is for any non dialogue]
The first log I’ll be posting is Nex Log Entry: #196, as the this entry is an important event and my first (and currently only) example of utilizing it for an overly important event.
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xenodile · 9 months ago
Goddess of Victory: Nikke - Story Recap
Chapter 6: Pilgrim - Part 1
Ludmilla's fears the the rest of the research base was compromised by the Rapture's take over proves unfounded, and the main facility remains intact. As Counters and Unlimited approach the door, they find it is still locked. The security system is still up and running, and it needs a keycard to get in. Unfortunately, Ludmilla doesn't have one, as she neglected to take one when the automated weapons were compromised.
Neon volunteers to blow the door open, but Ludmilla advises against it, as not even Neon's superior firepower is getting through a reinforced 40cm bulkhead. Neon laments that she thought she had reached the pinnacle of firepower, when the Commander speaks up that they have a keycard.
Anis almost speaks up, but the Commander takes a breath and steels their resolve. Then they begin to dance, Mustang's theme song ringing in their ears.
Neon sheepishly asks if she's odd for feeling embarrassed, finding Tetra Line's crowning achievement much less impressive when her CO is the one doing the odd dance.
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Alice, on the other hand, is thrilled. She assumes Rabbity is doing a victory dance, thanking the Goddess of Victory for their success, and eagerly invites Ludmilla to join in. Soon the three of them are dancing in sync, as Ludmilla compliments the Commander's moves.
As the dance party draws to a close, the keycard is glowing. Truly incredibly technology. The Commander morosely states that they can go in now, and Rapi thanks them for their brave sacrifice.
Inside the facility proper, Ludmilla breathes a sigh of relief that the interior seems untouched since Unlimited was forced out. She directs Counters to a specific terminal, saying she'll tell them which directory to search. Anis asks why she doesn't just do it herself, and asks if the computer is booby trapped.
Ludmilla walks over and places a hand on an idle monitor. Within seconds of her hand touching it, the small terminal begins to smoke and its screen burns out. Anis comments that Ludmilla had a legendary weapon too, as she shrugs and says that for some unknown reason, any electronic device she touches gets fried. Alice helpfully adds that she physically operates everything in Ludmilla's stead.
Rapi sits at the console, and Ludmilla gives her the password, "WonderLand", to log in. She directs Rapi to a file directory, then to a specific file. Rapi misclicks and accidentally opens retro PC game called Digital Cop, before quickly closing it and getting the right file. She has to input another password, this time "SuperUltraNikke", and opens an image, which Ludmilla directs her to bring up on a larger screen.
The picture is a map of the entire arctic region, marking every location and date where the Pilgrims have been sighted. Ludmilla admits she's only ever seen them from a distance, and never actually interacted with any of them. Rapi notices that the dates indicate the Pilgrims seem to be moving on some kind of regular patrol route through the region, and Ludmilla adds that they seem to be looking for something, and if the pattern holds, one should be passing by very soon. The particular individual scheduled to arrive is a Pilgrim that Ludmilla has given the codename "Snow White".
Rapi determines they have enough information to act on, and recommends to the Commander that the squad rest before setting out. Ludmilla leads them to the dorms.
Ludmilla welcomes Counters to make themselves at home, but the Commander stops and asks Ludmilla why she's been tracking the Pilgrims. Ludmilla raises an eyebrow and asks if they really want to know, then says she has two reason. The first, she'd rather not say. The second, she just feels like she should. When the Commander continues to ask why, she simply states that she won't tell them until she gets to know them better.
Ludmilla then calls Alice over and instructs her to keep the Commander warm while they rest. Alice obediently sits next to the Commander, and they're immediately hit by a wave of warmth radiating off of Alice and growing drowsy. Rapi asks if Alice is wearing some manner of thermal suit, and Ludmilla says it's just the opposite. Alice runs abnormally hot, and her bodysuit helps keep her cool. Ludmilla then tells the Commander they won't do anyone any good if they run themselves ragged, so Alice will help them get some restful sleep. The exhaustion of the day's effort washes over the Commander and they quickly fall asleep, as Alice cuddles up to their side and wishes them a good night.
The Commander wakes up the following morning feeling refreshed, and Rapi recommends they set out without delay. Anis asks if she's been able to contact the Ark at all, and Rapi says no, which is odd given that Shifty had told them the Alva Particles in the region were very sparse. Ludmilla says that kind of thing just happens now and then this far north, perhaps because of some natural phenomenon, or monster beneath the ice. Anis laughs at that.
Just then Alice jumps up and exclaims that she and Ludmilla need to check on the "sleeping princesses". Ludmilla gently tries to tell Alice that now is not the time, but Alice is insistent, as it's been a long time since she last saw them, and they may have woken up since then. Ludmilla is unable to resist, and she leaves with Alice, while Counters and the Commander follow along, curious as to what Alice is talking about.
Alice leads everyone to another room of the facility that is full of storage capsules. Rapi asks what they're for, and Alice happily says she'll introduce everyone to Princess Blue Hair.
With the press of a button, one of the capsules opens, revealing a fatally damaged Nikke in suspended animation, part of her skull missing to reveal a gaping cavity where her brain should be.
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Alice goes to another capsule and introduces Princess Yellow Eyes. Inside is another Nikke, completely missing her body from the waist down, and likewise sporting a hollowed out skull.
Alice speaks affectionately of the so called sleeping princesses, how they have milk and cookies together, and one day, the princesses will be woken up, and all of them will go to Elysium together. Ludmilla seizes the opportunity and tells Alice to fetch her a glass of milk, since she was getting thirsty. Alice bounds off with a smile on her face.
Rapi asks if these are the Nikkes that Ludmilla's squad have "rescued", and Anis comments that they're all dead, wondering why Ludmilla would bother collecting the bodies. Ludmilla stubbornly says they aren't dead, to which Anis retorts that they're all clearly missing their brains.
Ludmilla takes a moment to collect herself before she explains. She tells Anis that she's been helping Nikkes for a very long time, and the most common thing she comes across in her efforts is Nikkes missing their brains. If a Nikke's brain die, she can never be rebuilt or revived. So, out of fear and desperation, lost Nikkes will extract their own brains and hide them, hoping against hope someone will find and save them.
That is what Unlimited does.
Rapi asks if they've ever succeeded in finding the missing brains, and Ludmilla says they have. They've saved dozens of Nikkes in this way. It's never a clean process, as separating the brain from the body while the Nikke is still conscious can obviously have disastrous results. Mind and body desync, amnesia, nervous breakdowns...but they all lived, and that is enough for Ludmilla to continue her work. Neon quietly comments that Ludmilla must have been through a lot, but all she says is that it's worth it.
She admits that she didn't intend to show Counters all of this, as seeing the worst case scenario is sure to make anyone anxious about the future, and apologizes for showing them something so frightening. Rapi tells her there's nothing to apologize for, and she respects Ludmilla's work, as do Anis and Neon. Ludmilla thanks them, but adds on that as long as they know the truth, there's something else worth mentioning.
It's getting harder and harder to find lost Nikkes in need of rescue over the past few years. Rapi asks if she has any guesses why, but Ludmilla has no idea. The actual survival rate reported from the Ark aren't changing, it's as if Nikkes that go missing during operations just never make their way north.
Just then, Alice returns in a tizzy, woefully telling Ludmilla that they're all out of milk. Ludmilla just asks if the leftover milk on Alice's lip has anything to do with it.
Rested and ready, Counters prepares to depart from the research base. Ludmilla and Alice must stay behind. The facility is their home, and their responsibility is to rescue lost Nikkes. They must remain at their post, so that any Nikke heading north has hope. And they must attend to the sleeping princesses as well.
Anis smiles and admits she had the wrong idea of Ludmilla, she's a good egg. Ludmilla says she just knows the difference between what she wants to do, and what she must do. She then turns to Alice, and explains that Rabbity and their companions have to continue on their own adventure from now on, and asks if Alice is okay with that. Alice beams and says she'll wait as long as needed for them to return and defeat the Queen of Hearts. Ludmilla turns back to Counters and says she hopes that they'll meet again, as she wishes to see how their story ends. The Commander nods in agreement.
The Commander takes one step away when Ludmilla stops them, having one last word of advice. She tells them that encountering something unfamiliar, or meeting someone strange, can be overwhelming, like two worlds colliding. They may seem alien and unknowable, and with that may come a fear of the unknown. But no matter how afraid they are, no matter how insurmountable the differences between them may seem, they must not destroy each other. The Commander must learn to appreciate the worlds of others, even if that means giving up a piece of their own, and they must never destroy someone else's world, for every one is precious, every one is someone's home.
Ludmilla asks them if they understand what she's trying to say, and the Commander nods, saying they'll take her words to heart. With that, Ludmilla and Alice bid them farewell.
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nex-eats-eyes · 9 days ago
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novinitumd · 1 year ago
Crelog #1
(for optimal viewing, please use a computer and blog address ^^)
First Novinitum D crelog! (creator log, i know very creative). These are basically like devlogs but for my specevo and worldbuilding projects. Entries where it's me updating yall on the behind-the-scenes stuff and also asking for feedback on occasion, maybe even a poll, we'll see.
In this entry I'll be discussing the progress I've made on the first taxon of the project, the infamous fish I've been spamming on my socials for the past week (it finally has a name!). And I'll also be discussing my process on the map and fleshing out the geological past and future of Novinitum D.
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sneak peak into what this crelog features
[#1] -> Next crelog [#2] 🗒️Crelogs🗒️
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Operculaurisichthys pelagicus, the type species of Operculaurisichthys (yes that's the name people, write it down write it down!!!)
Enter Operculaurisichthys, the 'eared operculum fish'. This entire project only exists because one night I sat down, drew a made up fish (this one) and thought to myself "what if I started a seed world with this fish?". Now this figure is actually slightly innaccurate now but not noticably so to most people so I think it's fine using it in a crelog, updated figures will be used in its dedicated taxon article anyways.
I wanted to talk about it because 1. it's awesome, and 2. phylogeny.
As many of you know, I created this fish without any intention of clade in mind, that said however, I very much had pachycormids on my mind at the time because they sparked my fish anatomy hyperfixition (fish people will know why I've shot myself in the foot doing that). This means that I unknowingly made its anatomy nearly identical to a generalised pachycormid as pointed out by Sky Jung in a VC (check him out on twitter: @HBivittatus and insta: @teleostei_art). Jumping off of that observation, I created a modified phylogenetic character matrix based on the first matrix in Cooper et al., (2022) in Mesquite.
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A little look into the character matrix within Mesquite, 130 characters and 30 taxa in this one
I'll go more in detail in its dedicated taxon article about what exactly was modified in some sort of phylogeny section probably.
After sorting out all the characters for the Operculaurisichthys spp. (yes there are multiple species, more about that in a future crelog probably) I imported the .nex file into TNT which I used to create the majority rule consensus tree you see below.
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Everything before Euthynotus spp. is part of the outgroup, so I wouldnt pay them much attention, as you can see, this majority rule consensus tree is the result of 24 most parsimonious trees
The inclusion of Operculaurisichthys didn't break Pachycormidae to my surprise, which is incredibly impressive for a fish that was made with no clade in mind. As you can see its firmly nested within Hypsocorminae in a polytomy with Simocormus and the more derived hypsocormines, which I find incredibly interesting for the afformentioned reason.
Anyways that's all I'm gonna talk about regarding Operculaurisichthys, so if you just came for that now's your chance to leave. Onto GPlates stuff and plate tectonics!!!
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A sneak peak at the GPlates project file, just the sea side tho can't give everything away too early can I now ;P
What is GPlates? I think their website puts it best "GPlates is a plate tectonics program (where you can) manipulate reconstructions of geological and paleogeographic features through geological time." What I'm doing is simulating the plate tectonics through geological time to give my world a realistic look and assure I can keep that same realistic look throughout the course of the project.
I'm using the GPlates portion of Artifexian's worldbuilding series (link to the playlist here) mixed with referencing Worldbuilding Pasta's blog (link to their blog here) which the GPlates portion of Artifexian's worldbuilding series derives from. Artefixian simplifies a lot of stuff to suit his workflow - which is valid - while Worldbuilding Pasta's original method is closer to the level I like, so I cross reference a lot of stuff.
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One of the many island arcs on the planet
However one thing I do which is different to both is create the continental shelf portion of my island arcs every 50 million year timestep. This sounds stupid and tedious, but makes sense when you take into account the fact that I'll be making multiple of these maps every 50 Million year timestep or so (still deciding on that). So having that reference and being able to simulate the building of terrain over time is incredibly useful.
Ontop of this I'm also adding an accurate amount of terrain using the equation: (island arc length * age of island arc in MY) / 2 (which is taken from this Artifexian video). This is an incredibly tedious process but imo worth it in the end.
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Earlier version of the above island arc showing that it's all one connected element, please understand how tedious this is lmao
So yeah! That's pretty much all I'm willing to reveal right now, hope this gives yall an idea what you're in for and also a look at my creative process (aka my flavour of autism). There will definitely be more crelogs in the future, and more frequently as I continue to make more progress in developing the major parts of the world.
For the first time, thanks for reading!
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
abl aci acr age aid aki ala all als alt ami ana ann ant ape arc are arm ato aun aur aut avi awa axi bab bac bai bak bal ban bar bas bat bea bec bee bel ben bes bet bia bik bil bin bir bit ble blo blu boa bod boi bol bom bon boo bor bos bot bou bow bra bre bro buc bul bum bur bus but buz caf cag cak cal cam can cap car cas cav cel cen cha che chi cho cit cla cli clu coa coc cod coi cok col com con coo cop cor cos cou cov cra cre cro cub cul cur cut dal dam dar das dat daw day dea deb dec dee del dem den des dia dic die dir dis div doc doe dol dom don doo dos dov dow dra dre dro dru dua duc duf duk dul dum dus dut eac ear eas eat ech edg edi els env epi eur eve evi exa exi exp eye fac fad fai fak fal fam far fas fat fea fee fel fil fin fir fis fiv fla fle fli flo flu foa foi fol fon foo for fou fre fro fuc fue ful fun fur fus gai gal gam gan gat gav gaz gea gen gif gil gir giv gla gle glo glu goa goe gol gon goo gor gow gra gre gri gro gul gur hai hal han har hat hau hav haw hea hee hei hel her hid hig hik hil hin hir hol hom hoo hop hor hos hou hug hul hun hur hyp ico ide idl ido inc inf int iri iro isl ite jac jai jak jan jav jaz jea jee jil joe joh joi jok jos jum jun jur jus kee kem ken kep kha kic kil kin kir kis kit kne kni kno koh kyl lac lad lai lak lam lan las lat lav law laz lea lef len les lev lie lif lik lil lim lin lio lis liv loa loc lof log lon loo lor los lou lov luc lum lun lur lus mad mai mak mal mam man mar mas mat may maz mea mee meg mel mem men mer mes mic mik mil min mis moc mod mol mon moo mor mos mov muc mus myt nai nam nav nea nec nee nes new nex nic nin nod non noo nor nos not nov nud nut oat obe odd odo oka onc onl ont ope ora ott our ova ove pac pag pai pal pap par pas pat pea pec pee pes pic pie pik pil pin pip pit pla ple plo plu poe pol pon poo pop por pos pou pra pre pro pul pum pun pur pus qui rac rag rai ram ran rap rar ras rat rav rea ree rel ren res ric rid rin rio rip ris rit roa roc rod rol roo rop ros rub rud rui rul rus rut sac saf sag sai sak sal sam san sav sca sco sea see sel sem sen sep sex sha she shi sho shu sic sid sig sil sin sit siz ski sla sli slo sna sno soa sod sof soi sol som son soo sor sou spa spi spo spu sta ste sti sto suc sui sun sur swa swi tac tai tak tal tan tap tas tax tea tec tee tel ten ter tes tex tha the thi tho thu tic tid tie til tim tin tir tob tol tom ton too top tor tos tou tow tra tre tri tro tru tub tuc tun tur twi typ ugl uni upo urg use vai var vas vei ver ves vet vic vie vin vis voi vot wad wag wai wak wal wan war was wat wav way wea wee wel wen wer wes wha whe whi who wid wif wil win wip wir wis wit wok wol woo wor wra yan yar yea you yua zer zin zon zoo
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zebee-nyx · 1 year ago
CalmWriMo Day 1!
Waywards Progress:
So! Made some progress in a few areas. Still working out some bits of the outline, would like it to be more solid by the end of the week at the latest. I believe I have most of it tentatively set, except for the conclusion (O.o). Which is certainly an important part, so will be continuing that more tmr. Most of the time was spent on me going back and fleshing out the main characters to really understand what they want and fear and whatnot which should help out quite a bit later when writing them and hopefully make them more well rounded in general (^v^)b. Also spent a little bit of the time dashing out some worldbuilding stuff that I had logged in my brain but needed to be plopped in a document somewhere cause I'm prone to occasionally loosing my brain keys to the memory door (x.x).
2 hour writing goal: ✅
Blurb for the blurg: [see below]
Self Care:
Food: ✅ [had me some tofu and pasta (^v^)]
Hydration: ✅
Sleep: [tbd, but feeling good about it (‘^.^)]
Reading: ❌ [unfortunately missed this bit today (0+0)]
Worldbuilding blurb: Augs
What are augs?
Aug(s) is short for augmentation(s)! Broadly they are any alteration to one’s body that generally includes: cyberware, cosmetic surgeries, and altered genetics [more on this tmr (o.o)].
Cyberware is by far the most common type of aug in Neocago as just about everyone has at least a little bit of metal in them in one way or another. Everyone (with few exceptions) in the city has a Bio-ID chip that is installed in the palm of their hand (or relevant appendage). This aug is used fairly universally for things such as identification, banking, tracking, clocking into work, signing contracts, and recording medical information. This aug has been made such an essential part of life in the city that it is installed for free courtesy of the friendly neighborhood NEX Conglomerate! It is usually installed when someone comes of age an appropriate to join the workforce around the ripe old age of 10! Exciting!
Most people have some model of a cybercomputer. A cybercomputer is more or less what it says on the tin, which is to say it’s a computer attached to one’s brain. This aug is a necessity for life in the city. In function it acts as the “translator” between the human brain and the digital world. This allows the auged individual to operate other installed cyberware, jack into computers, access the dream-net as well as having net-dreams, and it even serves as a phone for communication around the city. While there are all sorts of fancy accessories for any niche, there are a couple that come standard with cybercomputers of every model. The first is a JC (jack cable), which is a retractable spool of cable in one’s head that can be used to connect the cybercomputer directly to any external port. The second is at least one “slot”. A slot is a port is intended to be used to directly insert datadrives which can be used to transfer information and programs. Some cybercomputers are designed with additional slots for more versatility, however this comes with the trade off of increased chances of cognitive overload if over used.
[Thanks for reading (^.^). Foodstuff below btw \/ Anyways and always hope you are having a lovely day, peace (^v^)b]
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5ithis · 1 year ago
holds nex in the palms of my hands but also i need to just log back into my multi muse so i can give everyone love and redo it eventually
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