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vamptranny ¡ 1 month ago
the trump administration is already slowly taking away our rights, no longer legally recognizing us and only seeing two genders in america — male and female — and passports no longer taking new gender maker changes or x gender markers. this is just the start of it most likely
they've erased mentions of LGBTQ on government websites and removed pages related to honoring nex benedict and matthew shepard, like they never existed. we know they existed though and we need to keep both nex benedict and matthew shepard's names alive and remember what horrible violence and hate crime took them away from us.
this is not to scare anyone. this is to inform the masses on what our government is doing. censorship is actively happening around us. do you know the world is protesting for us? no? the united states have already started their censorship, their propaganda for this administration. do not let them censor us and hide us from the truth. speak up, learn, adapt, and inform others.
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itgetsbetter ¡ 1 year ago
Some proof that there ARE elected officials out there, like Vice Mayor Sean Cummings in Oklahoma, who are standing up for LGBTQ+ youth like Nex Benedict and calling out the fact that our words and rhetoric DO matter.
[Context: In this video, Sean Cummings is seen speaking to Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters referring to the death of student Nex Benedict].
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our-queer-experience ¡ 1 year ago
nex benedict, a 16 year old indigenous nonbinary student in oklahoma, was beaten to death by three of their female classmates in the same district libs of tiktok has been targeting. not only is this heartbreaking for us to hear about, but i can’t even begin to imagine what this must be like for the family.
too many trans children have died and too few people are talking about this
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xx-invadr-ellie-xx ¡ 1 year ago
Absolutely evil beyond words. When asked about the murder of Nex Benedict here is how the state's senator responds, calling them filth that needs to be kept out of the state, while audience member's cheer.
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These monsters not only don't care that a child was murdered because of their hatred, they outright celebrate it. Christian's are soulless monsters, when are we gonna get the chance to vote to strip their right to exist away from them, like they do to us? Why do we allow these hate filled cultists to have power in the government and spread their murderous hatred.
This is why the school never called an ambulance for Nex instead just suspending them, this is why the coroner and police are currently trying to cover up the murder, because the whole goddamn system is working exactly as they intended, accomplishing their goals of murdering us and getting away with it.
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viro-lil-goat ¡ 1 year ago
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I really hope this reaches more people, I'm only reposting this information from Instagram, the least that I can do. (Update: I changed their upbringing as it appears to have been listed wrong) Wiki page
When I just saw this information I couldn't stop crying thinking about it, and now my heart aches. They were the same age as me, I know for a fact like any other teen they dreamt of their future, who they would want to become, what to achieve, create, wondering if they meet those in the future they can call friends, wondeting if it'll get better when they grow up, maybe wished to leave that terrible place or maybe wanted to stay. How could anyone let this happen, why were they discharged from hospital so easily? And the school, we all know why. I hate to think about how, even with all the progress made, these things still happen.
"murdered schoolgirl Brianna Ghey on February 16, 2023. Candlelit vigils are being held across the UK this week for Brianna Ghey, 16, who was stabbed at Linear Park in Culcheth, Cheshire last Saturday. Brianna was a transgender girl and police are now investigating her killing as a hate crime. A boy and girl, both 15, have been charged with her murder"
An article that explains trans hate crime murders as on 2023
I hate everyone who have ever committed such vile hate crimes, I wish them in prison and hell. But i would never go down to their level. But I also blame the government, the school, and even those bigoted online accounts that teach their followers hate. In this case LibsOfTikTok, who targeted the teacher of this school, who supports lgbtq+, so they had to leave their position. It must have been the push for this to happen. I think their tiktok account has been thankfully deleten. But i have no idea about Twitter or any other. Please check and mass report them if it still exists. (Link to Instagram reel that this information is from)
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phosphorusab ¡ 1 year ago
I cannot fucking believe that there are people “no angel-ing” Nex Benedict because they poured water on these random girls who had been harassing them (and had been harassing them prior, despite not knowing them). If it had been their cishet kids who were being bullied, they wouldn’t have a problem if their kids poured water on someone. And now there’s psychos saying Nex deserved to get beaten for responding to being antagonized.
This always happens, a queer person isn’t a ‘perfect victim’, it’s okay for them to die. And even if they were perfect victim, it’s still somehow acceptable. This happens to every marginalized person who snaps one day due to abuse, and gets killed.
And the excuses only get more and more stupid. “Oh they were no angel, they poured water on somebody”. Yeah, after being bullied for a year straight every school day. It’s almost like every human has their limit of fucks to give and shit to take.
I hate all of you ‘no angel’ people even more than I hate people regurgitating misinformation about how Nex died, based off of what the corrupt school and the fucking bastard cops (who are allowed to lie) say. Even the cops suspect foul play. Listen to the 911 call, that’s a head injury. Dozens of people who’ve had experiences with someone getting a head injury and dying later on will tell you that.
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nerdygaymormon ¡ 1 year ago
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anturus ¡ 1 year ago
The media saying Nex died from a “fight,” rather than an attack, and the school saying they died from “underlying health conditions,” is just proof that we can get murdered and then blamed for dying.
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b33viemm ¡ 1 year ago
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edit: ID in alt
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nex-has-gender-envy ¡ 9 months ago
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Pride Month
Pride Month
Pride ? Well yes I'm very proud of myself ! - Vee
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our-trans-punk-experience ¡ 23 days ago
remembering nex benedict, one year on
Jan 11 2008 - Feb 8 2024
(Post was supposed to come out yesterday but got lost in drafts)
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our-queer-experience ¡ 1 year ago
i am once again asking you to support and donate to freedom oaklahoma, a native-based organization for trans and gay rights in the same state nex benedict was murdered.
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a-gay-poptart ¡ 1 year ago
Say their name.
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Nex Benedict was a indigenous trans nonbinary teenager. Their head was beaten against the floor in a bathroom stall. Less than 24 hours later, they died, most likely from undiagnosed head trauma. Conservatives say they want to, "protect the children", where was the protection for Nex? That's the thing. There wasn't any. Nex died. And many more trans, queer, and nonbinary minors will if we don't step up and do something. What happened to Nex has and will happen to queer folk around the globe. Say their name.
Edit: I didn't expect this to get much attention, but thank you everyone. What alot of people, "forget" to mention was that Nex was two spirited, which means they were indigenous. The fact that I wouldn't have heard about this if I didn't have Tumblr is absolutely revolting. News needs to be covering this. But what are Republicans doing? Sucking their thumbs and crying about how, "trans people shouldn't be able to piss". What are Democrats doing? Twiddling their thumbs and groveling to an old geezer that somehow falls up the stairs and supports I$r3@l. It's disgusting and America needs to do better.
Edit 2: Any and all hate/saying that Nex Benedict wasn't murdered (they were) will immediately get deleted, just because you don't like trans people doesn't mean you can be an whiny little bitch. A child was murdered. This has nothing to do with politics, a child was murdered.
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crystalsandbubbletea ¡ 1 year ago
Their name was Nex Benedict.
Nex Benedict, not whatever name the news keeps saying.
Nex used He/Him pronouns according to friends, not whatever the news keeps saying.
Nex was the victim of a hate crime. Nex's death was because of a hate crime. Nex's death was not an accident, it was a hate crime.
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responsiblelemon ¡ 1 year ago
Queer kids deserve to become queer adults. Nex deserved a life full of joy, not a hateful death. Say their name. Their death wasn't just caused by a couple bullies, they were killed by a system that's determined to protect ideology instead of real human lives. Where are all the conservatives who "just want to protect children" now? Don't forget Nex. Don't let anyone forget them.
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memoirs-of-a-trans ¡ 1 year ago
How many more queer kids are gonna die before people give a shit? What are we supposed to do. Nex Benedict did fucking nothing wrong and they had their head bashed against the fucking floor. They just wanted to go home that day.
Kevin Stitt is a fucking murderer.
Chaya Raichik is a fucking murderer.
Ryan Walters is a fucking murderer.
Margaret Coates is a fucking murderer.
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