#New X-Men 139
themyscrian · 4 months
idk i think people who get mad at Jean for attacking Emma when she found out that her and Scott had been having a psychic affair need to remember that Emma was the one who enabled mastermind to project his illusions into Jean's brain and psychosexually torture her and manipulate her into becoming the Red Queen, and later Dark Phoenix as a direct result.
like, yes, that wasn't Emma directly but i dont think that sort of thing would leave you feeling particularly charitable when you hear that Emma Frost has been telepathically fucking around in your husband's mind right after he's just shaken off being possessed.
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bratshaws · 1 year
through the hourglass 151. brb x oc
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a/n: I think these two just help me when i have shit days...because today was kinda rough lol (reblogs and comments are super encouraged <3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: JUST FLUFF!!!
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
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@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
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Rooster checked his phone a few times as he was on his break, nothing new from Bea with the exception she was out with her mother and Nicole. She appeared relaxed in her messages so it was very possible that Claudia had no idea of what was going on yet, which was good…because across from him, neither did Mav.
His uncle shakes the ketchup packet a bit before ripping it open and just smearing it on top of the slice of pizza. Rooster looked downright disgusted and had no qualms in hiding how much, especially his nostrils were curled up in horror. Maverick looked up at his nephew and laughed, ‘Don’t clock it till you try it.”
“Oh,I’m clocking it.” he says,  “That’s horrendous. Thank God Bea isn’t here to see that, her Italian ancestors would drag you to the grave.”
Pete chuckles while wiping his hands and mouth with a napkin, tossing the used ball to the side and leaning back on his seat to smile at Rooster, “I’ll live I think, how’s she by the way?”
“She’s good.” he says as he places the phone aside and takes a bite of his burger, waiting until he swallowed to continue speaking, “She’s out with her mom and Nikki, doing chores and such.”
“And how’s Nikki?”
“She’s great.” he says fondly, grabbing his phone to open the gallery until he found what he was looking for, “She had a lot of fun back in Virginia,” the picture he shows Mav is one of Nikki on Beatrice’s arms, her tiny arm stretched to grab a few snowflakes while her mother just smiled towards Bradley with her cheeks flushed red. 
Maverick just grins, taking another bite of that abomination before speaking again, “I’m glad you guys had fun. Bea getting used to the cold now?”
“A little.” Bradley chuckles, “She is a San Diego girl through and through, she won’t get used to the cold that easily.” he had to admit that it was much better than the first time, she wasn’t shaking every now and again whenever they walked out on the street.
He wondered if the pregnancy had something to do with that.
“I know I hated it.” Mav says, “When I went to visit you guys, whew, what a nightmare. A cold,painful nightmare…when we fell down,back during the mission, do you know how much I hated lying down on the snow?”
“We were being stealthy.”
“Yes and I hated it. One more reason to get the hell out of that place.” both men laughed at that, before Maverick licked his lips and looked to the side with a subtle shake of his head. He sighs, crossing his arms as he looked over at Rooster,”You know something I just,” he gestures to his head, “Couldn’t stop thinking about?”
“The fact Nikki is six months old already.” he corrects himself, “Wait, seven, she just turned seven. Soon enough she’ll be having her one year birthday.”
“And I’ll be forty.”
“You make it sound like it’s the end of the world or something,Rooster.”
“I just want to have joints when she gets older,I want to be able to play with her after all.”
Maverick hums with a chuckle, shaking his head again and sipping on his soda. He could see there was something different about Rooster, something more than the obvious fact he’ll reach forty - but to him he still looked like he was in his twenties, maybe because his brain wasn’t used on seeing older Brad yet - that made him smile every now and again. He also noticed how the other pilots looked over at him, punched his shoulder or even hugged him.
So he had to think, what exactly happened in Virginia for this sudden secretive celebration? Because those kids could play it off like he’s too old to notice certain things but he’s not that old. He wouldn’t be where he was if he wasn’t sharp eyed enough to see it.
He looks back to where he last saw Rooster talking to Phoenix and Payback, then turns his eyes back to his nephew, “So,did the kids have a good time in Virginia? I know Fanboy kept complaining about the cold and everything.”
“Of course he will.” Rooster licks his thumb clean of any sauce, then shrugs, “He’s a little baby. Can’t handle a bit of cold. I mean,come on.”
“Bea couldn’t either. Do you call her a baby too?”
“Sometimes but I call it with love.” he smiles, “Because she’s my wife.”
Maverick narrowed his eyes, “And…” he shrugs while pursing his lips, “Anything else happened there?” Rooster slows his chewing to give his uncle a confused look, arching his brow as Pete just stares at him, “I don’t know, they seemed really happy to talk to you.”
Quick slap the most neutral look on your face or else he’ll know.
Rooster continues chewing, using the excuse that he took too big of a bite to answer him, slowly making sure he could come up with something that could cut Mav’s curiosity short. Fuck, he sometimes wished his godfather wasn’t so sharp eyed because of course he knew something was off. “Just had fun, we drank and played games. We decided to do that since there’s a huge chance of deployment this month.” he is proud of how easily those words came out and how he didn’t choke on his own spit - also he avoided Mav’s eyes by fixing the wrapper on his burger instead.
“Ah,huh. Well…that’s all?”
“Yeah that’s all.”
“What? What’s with the ‘hmms?”
“It just…something feels different.” Jesus not again, “While I do understand celebrating with your team before you guys leave the country again, I just think it’s funny how they kept hugging and clapping you on the back,Rooster.”
“They are just happy we had booze there.” he adds quickly, shoving what was left of his lunch into his mouth, “That’s all that was Mav.” he couldn’t keep those thoughts inside Pete’s head, he had to use a diversion “Oh, by the way, how was your New Year’s? I know you spent with Penny and Amelia.”
“Not gonna lie,Rooster. I’m still getting used to the whole,” he moves his hand in a circle, “Family time,I spent a long time just not celebrating anything and I’m glad to have Penny,I truly am. She’s…amazing.” Bradley smirks over his uncle’s words, he had never seen Pete like that and he liked that he found someone who truly cared about him, genuinely.
He takes the final sip of his soda and leans back on his chair, “So…what are the plans then?”
“Plans?” his nephew taps his own wedding band with that boyish smirk and Pete laughed, shaking his head, “Oh no, no, no, we talked about that already. We decided that we won’t think about that for five years. If we are still interested in each other by then…well…maybe so.”
“But you’d ring her up.”
“Of course I would.” he smiles, bashfully, “But not now,Rooster.”
Bradley was more than happy to see his uncle actually enjoying his life. He was a bachelor for…a long time, he couldn’t say when he saw Pete with a woman for longer than a few months. His mom used to say that he had this…fling, with a blonde girl when he was really young but they never worked out. 
He knew his parents would probably make fun of Mav just like he was. Because he cared, obviously.
He looks down at his phone just in time to see a message from Beatrice.
He tried not to panic, because she rarely did that, but he played it off with a smile, “Sorry Mav,I-”
“Beatrice,I know,I know Romeo.” he flaps his hand at Rooster, “Go on, tell her hi for me, will ya?”
“Sure thing.”
Rooster pushes himself away from the table, already finding Bea’s contact and bringing it to his ear, double checking if he was far away enough. It doesn’t take too long for her to answer and he waits to hear her voice to check how she was feeling. “Roos?” okay, she sounded fine so far, so he just relaxed a little bit.
He plays with his wedding band as he holds the phone between his cheek and shoulder, “Hi,gorgeous. How’s the day going?”
“Um…good!I uh,I had to get home early.”
He stops playing with his ring to frown at nothing, holding the phone instead, “Everything okay?”
“I felt really sick at the um, seafood aisle.” she whispers and he can hear her pouring something in a glass, “I had to hold it in the best I could so I didn’t throw up everywhere, it’d be awful…and my mom would be suspicious.”
“Did you manage to get home safely?”
“Yeah,I called for Shells.I told my mom they needed help at the bar and she came to my rescue. She didn’t mind since she was just buying minimal stuff, yknow…but ugh, it’s really bad.”
“Are you still feeling sick?”
She groans, her feet slapping on the floor as she walks away and Nicole’s babbling gets louder, “A little. I kinda want to lie down and don’t move…Roos what if I can’t go to work? Penny will be suspicious,I never get sick!”
“Well, you did hurt your ankle-”
“Yeah but that wasn’t caused by–” she pauses “I mean f-fair.But…I…I feel so blegh,I feel like my stomach weighs a hundred pounds and at the same time I want to eat fried ravioli??? Nikki’s was never like this??”
Rooster smiles, looking over his shoulder back to where Mav was and seeing his uncle was busy with his phone as well, so he whispered back to Beatrice, “Baby you have…two little beans inside of you.” he says, “I think it’ll be confusing even if it’s still early.”
“I guess so…ugh,Roos. I am okay though,I have some water and I might watch The Nanny while I’m still able to keep whatever is inside of me….inside of me.”
“I know,baby.”
“I’ll be fine…it’s just intense right now.”
“I know. If you want I can call Penny and say you aren’t feeling good. She’ll understand.” she makes a sad little noise and he laughs, “You know that she will, she is a mom. She knows that sometimes…you just don’t feel good.” not because Penny was ever pregnant with twins - that he knows of - but she knew how life was when you had kids.
Beatrice takes a while to reply, eventually doing so with a soft sigh and followed by a sweet and soft ‘fine’ as she gets comfortable. Fran Drescher’s unique laugh echoing in the background and the adorable sound of Nicole laughing along was almost too much for him to bear, “...do you want me to call Penny?”
“Hmmm…No…I’ll wait a few more minutes, if I don’t feel good in um,one hour,I’ll call her.”
“Okay,” he looks down at his watch, “Gorgeous,I gotta go…see you soon,okay?”
“Okay,Roos.I love you.”
“And I love you.” he smirks, “See you in a few.”
He gets home only to find the house weirdly silent, the dogs weren’t there to greet him and every light was off. He stood by the door, keys in one hand and the fried raviolis in the other, furrowing his brows as he slowly closes it once he steps inside.
The keys tinkle as he hangs them and he keeps on stepping forward, “Bea?” he calls, placing the fried good on the kitchen table and looking around one more time. “Baby?” he tries to not panic, he genuinely does, once he goes up the stairs to their bedroom.
He checks Nicole’s room only to see that the baby isn’t there and neither are the dogs. He inhales shakily, speeding his step towards the partially open door. He slowly pries it open, it squeaks vagarously almost in complaint as the room slowly comes into view.
Rooster closes his eyes and lets out a heavy sigh in relief when he sees Beatrice with Nicole on her chest, both of them on the bed and the dogs sleeping around it. “Oh,thank God.” he whispers and it’s enough for Eleanor to lift her head and perk her pointy ears up.
She’s the first one to stand, slowly trotting towards him with her curly tail wagging as she greets him. “Hey girl.” he whispers, “You guys are taking care of my angels? Hm?’ he scratches her under the chin to look around the room.
Something smells…fresh, like minty fresh.
He turns his head towards the bathroom where he could see the cleaning products still inside and then ‘ah’ in recognition. He makes his way to the bed, smiling as he watches Beatrice and Nicole sleep so soundly, feeling almost bad when the mattress creaks under his weight, “Shit.”
Beatrice’s brows furrow but her eyes remain closed, “Roos?”
“It’s me,gorgeous.”
“...I…” she furrows her brows, bringing Nicole closer to her chest, “I fell asleep with Nikki.”
“I can see it.” he settles down on the edge of the bed, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear and smiling when she just closes her eyes again and nuzzles his palm, “Are you feeling better?”
“I threw up.” she mutters with her eyes closed but arching her eyebrows, pointing to the bathroom, “Then I cleaned the toilet and the cleaning supplies made me sick again, so I washed my hands and grabbed Nikki and we lied here…and now…you are here too and I…feel bleh.”
“Did you call Penny?”
She peeks one eye open, he could see she was hesitant in doing so, “....I don’t…maybe I’ll feel better in a few minutes.”
“Baby you have to work in one hour and a half.” he counters, “Are you sure?”
Was she?
Beatrice meets those warm brown eyes and sighs, offering her palm to him, “Gimme my phone?” he does immediately, grabbing a slowly waking Nicole from her chest so she could sit on the bed while rubbing her forehead. She looks back at him as he nuzzles Nicole, the little baby finally waking up and immediately smiling at Rooster, who in turn smiles right back.
Beatrice waits for a few seconds, then blinks when the phone picks up, “Penny speaking.”
“Penny!Hi,it’s Bea,um,I know it’s…a bit soon but I was wondering if I could have the night off tonight? I’m not feeling the greatest.”
“The night off?” Penny takes a while to reply, “...Bea,I…well, I don’t know if that will be possible because Jessie asked to take the night off too.”
“Family member passed away, I didn’t ask too much, the girl is young and she doesn’t need the pressure.” and Beatrice wanted to shrink into a hole because she couldn’t compare her issues with Jessie’s right now “...what are you feeling?”
‘Just…a stomach bug, some nausea.” she meets Rooster’s eyes, her husband just keeps a neutral façade for now, “Been having issues the whole day.”
“...listen, if you can come tonight I can set you up with some meds. I really need you Bea. Shells thinks the new guys are coming here, from the other bar.”
“What? Why?”
“Scope the territory, pretty much…listen, if you need to go home earlier, if you feel really bad, you can go…but I really need the help. I truly do.”
Beatrice sighed, clenching her eyes as she gritted her teeth, she would never leave Penny like that if she needed the help, “I…fine.Okay,yeah,I’ll go.”
“Good,see you in a bit then? And Bea…thank you.”
“You are- yeah, no worries Penny. S-See you.” she hangs up the call and hits the back of her head against the headboard, looking back at Rooster who doesn’t look pleased by the outcome, “She needs me tonight. A relative of Jessie passed, she had to take the night off. But she said if I feel too bad I can leave early.”
Rooster clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth before kissing Nicole, “Well,” he begins, “Let’s hope you get better by then.”
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esmecuckoo · 8 months
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Young Emma Frost from New X-Men #139, and Skyler Samuels as Esme Frost in The Gifted.
Perfect casting is perfect
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askaniritual · 10 months
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night shift - lucy dacus // new x-men (2001) #139
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ambafaerie · 4 months
New X Men Issue #138 - 139
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mattholicguilt · 2 years
Timeline of Scott and Jean’s Marriage Falling Apart (part 1)
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(New X-Men #131)
I’ve been rereading New X-Men and I really want to dig into all the stuff that went down between Scott and Jean (and why they SHOULD have gotten a divorce). I feel like everyone has a tendency to just blame the affair with Emma but there was so much shit going on before that. Let’s take a look. 
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The Search for Cyclops #4. Jean saves Scott from possession by Apocalypse, and Ozymandias seems to foreshadow that Scott will not fully recover from the trauma of possession. Ozymandias is correct.
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Uncanny X-Men #393. Logan asks Scott how he’s doing since the possession stuff and Scott lashes out at him for invading his privacy. On the Scott-and-Jean front, it’s mentioned that they no longer have their psychic rapport but that Scott knows his wife well enough to know her plans. 
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Uncanny X-Men #394. There’s trouble in paradise and Logan can tell. He brings it up to Jean. 
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“Everything’s fine,” she lied. (Logan also kisses Jean in this issue because he thinks they’re about to die. Stop doing that, Logan. Jesus.) 
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New X-Men #114. Once again Logan decides that Scott and Jean’s increasingly strained relationship is his business. (This is OUR failing marriage.) 
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(Hank also notices that all is not well in the Summers-Grey marriage.)
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New X-Men #116. Scott takes marriage advice from some bugs. 
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We finally get some more context on what exactly is going on with Scott and Jean. They haven’t had sex in five months (probably not since before Scott’s possession by Apocalypse.) Scott is cold and distant, according to Jean. Scott is traumatized and all Jean wants to do is help him, but she can’t. (Sidenote: Jeannie baby you ALSO don’t know what it’s like to be POSSESSED by an evil spirit. Grant Morrison I am sending you a copy of Fantastic Four #286.)
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New X-Men #117. Jean is lonely so she seeks out Logan, who explains that Scott and Jean are perfect for each other. Then Jean kisses him and he’s like, “You and me are never gonna happen.” (For some reason I remembered this kiss happening AFTER Scott and Emma first hook up, but look at that! Jean’s infidelity came first.)
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New X-Men Annual. Emma taunts Scott about the fact that he and his wife aren’t having sex. 
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New X-Men #139. (Flashback)
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Emma propositions Scott and he turns her down. 
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New X-Men #118. Jean asks Scott if he messed around with Emma during the annual. This is building up to be a really terrible cocktail of trust issues and intimacy issues. Like I think Jean’s paranoid (and projecting, considering she had just tracked Logan into the woods to kiss him) but also she’s not entirely WRONG because Scott IS having/going to have an affair with Emma. 
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New X-Men #120. Somehow, the Phoenix returned. Possibly to salvage Jean and Scott’s marriage because, as we know, the Phoenix Force looooooves Scott. 
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New X-Men #121. Same energy as the “Love you, wife” panel from Uncanny 394.
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New X-Men #122. The girls are fightingggg. Scott’s concerned about the Phoenix returning (as am I, but my concerns are rooted in the fact that Grant Morrison forgot about the Phoenix retcon.) I wonder if Jean’s desire for psychic and physical intimacy/closeness is somewhat being fulfilled by the Phoenix at this point? Her husband won’t touch her, but the Phoenix wants to be fully entwined with her. 
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New X-Men #125. Cassandra Nova digs around in Scott’s head and says that Jean expects him to be so much better than he is. Scott powers through. 
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New X-Men #126. They love each other so much. 
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Cassandra Nova messes with Scott’s brain again. Did the bugs tell Scott he’s going to sleep with Emma? Also: interesting here that Scott might be afraid he’ll let Jean down as an X-Man, or as a husband, or both. 
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“Well! Now that Cassandra Nova’s dealt with! Back to the matter at hand: we still can’t be intimate with each other and we need so much goddamn therapy.” 
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Cyclops #3. Scott tells some Savage Land cavepeople about his marriage difficulties. (Choosing to interpret “leader” as in Scott being leader of the X-Men, a team Jean is on, and not that Scott is somehow the leader of their relationship.)
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New X-Men #128. For some reason, Scott thinks that bringing his marital problems to Emma is a productive idea. He also makes two really annoying references to wanting Phoenix and being unsatisfied with “just Jean.” (They’re not. the same. person.) 
But I do think what Scott says some very illuminating stuff here about “faking teenage unconditional love in the face of unstoppable chaos and change” and “I’m not who I was and I can’t tell her who I am... in case she hates what I’ve become.” 
It’s easy for Scott and Jean to be Scott&Jean when everything’s going to hell and the X-Men are getting thrown into high-stakes mission after high-stakes mission. But it’s hard to find a balance when things are relatively quiet. (🎶 But at least the war is over...)
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New X-Men #131. First of all, I love how much Emma looks like Generation X-era Emma here. The little glasses, the big fur robe. Second of all, it’s been interesting to see how much Hank, Logan and Emma all become involved in Scott and Jean’s marital problems. 
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For example, here’s Logan pointing out that Scott and Jean need to communicate better. 
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Scotty you’re a master strategist. WHAT was the plan here? Emma is not a therapist. Of any sort. 
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She’s definitely not a qualified sex therapist. Also I agree that yeah, Scott’s possession trauma seems to be affecting him in much the way a sexual trauma would. So he should see an actual, licensed therapist. Who isn’t trying to mindfuck him and actual-fuck him for a laugh. 
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This is actually so disappointing because I want them to be having these messy, invasive conversations about JEAN. But they’re just talking about the Phoenix. 
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Once again Scott expresses that he doesn’t want to hurt Jean, and he feels that telling her the truth about his feelings will hurt her. 
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[Narrator voice] They were in fact having some kind of weird affair. 
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New X-Men #134. Hank is very concerned about Scott being unfaithful. It’s almost as if he cares more about preserving Scott and Jean’s marriage than Scott and Jean do. 
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New X-Men #138. Scott says that Apocalypse’s possession made him feel like his life and his marriage were small and boring. 
(I’m gonna post this now before Tumblr can eat it again. More to come.) 
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docpiplup · 11 months
Now that Hallowen is near, I have decided to share an interesting book I have been reading in these weeks, its title is Toledo: La Ciudad de los Muertos (Toledo: The City of the Dead), writen by Ventura Leblic García. The topic is to divulge about the stories and death rites of people of the several cultures and religions which have inhabitated the city throughout history. I'll be sharing scans of the pages of the book through posts here on Tumblr if anyone it's curious about the topic. Here's the first set:
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Toledo: The City of the Dead
Ventura Leblic García
Covarrubias Editions
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Toledo is a city that the living and the dead share. It is a great historical necropolis. But do we really know our "neighbors"? Do we know where they "live"? Do we know the cultural and social environment in which their lives were spent? Do we know the culture of death in the different civilizations that inhabited the crag of Toledo? Carpetans, Romans, Visigoths, Muslims, Jews, Christians... their rites around death, beliefs, customs, the evolution of cemetery spaces... It is time to know what history has left us, trying to unravel the truth in the uncertainty of a tomb.
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Toledo: The City of the Dead
Ventura Leblic García
Covarrubias Editions 2013
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Introduction. Page 9
Chapter I. Funerary practices in ancient times. Page 12
The indigenous people. Page 14
Chapter II. The cemetery spaces outside the walls of Toledo. Page 19
Roman cemeteries. Page 19
The early Christian cemetery. Page 24
Visigoth times. Page 31
Toledo's maqbara. The Muslim cemetery. Page 38
Toledo's Mozarabic cemeteries. Page 47
The Jewish cemetery. Page 50
Chapter III. The interior of churches as cementary spaces. Page 63
Chapter IV. Parish cemeteries. Page 70
Chapter V. The cemetery and the municipal cemetery. Page 103
Chapter VI. Royal burials in Toledo. Page 112
The New Kings Chapel. Page 136
New chapel. Page 139
Royal funerals in Toledo. Page 144
Chapter VII. Tombs of royal lineage in Toledo. Page 149
Chapter VIII. Other tombs in Toledo of people who made history. Page 170
The tomb of Doménikos Theotokópoulos "El Greco". Page 178
A frustrated pantheon of illustrious men. Page 182
Don Álvaro de Luna and Doña Juana de Pimentel. Page 188
An empty tomb for four hundred years. Page 191
The tomb of Cardinal Mendoza. Page 194
Francisco de Pisa. Page 196
The flying priest. Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão. Page 197
Chapter IX. The Cistercian monastery of Monte Sión. A case of pantheon foundation. Page 201
The graves. Page 204
Chapter X. Bodies of saints and blesseds venerated in Toledo. Page 215
Chapter XI. Those who did not return. Page 232
Saint Ildefonso of Toledo. Page 232
Grave of Alfonso VI, king of Castile. Page 237
Alfonso X the Wise. Page 239
Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros. Page 240
Queen Joanna I of Castile. Page 242
Alfonso III de Fonseca, archbishop of Toledo. Page 243
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Juan de Padilla. Page 244
Francisco de Rojas. Page 248
Cardinal Lorenzana. Page 249
Bibliography. Page 251
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cyclist-of-guilt · 2 years
thanks for tagging me @citruscloudsandmoon!!
1. Three Ships?
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Perfect hero x villain ship imo. I love them too much to even try to say something comprehensive about that just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Also I just finised ep 7 so I want to say BATTLER YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKERRRRRR
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Just 2 hot idiots having fun committing crimes together forever<3 (senpai is good man who does what he promises unlike SOME men)
I'm trying my best at rehabilitation but I guess they go at that spot until I find new object of brainrot
2. First ship?
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Reason 139 why I grew up to be so bitter
3. Last song?
According to YT it's hit road to dreamland. I guess reliving trauma
4. Last movie?
5. Currently reading?
Bunch of self-help "I found out I have ADHD now what??" books and stuff for reaserch for personal projects
6. Currently watching?
orginal trigun with @gooberinomcgee
7. Currently consuming?
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8. Currently craving?
Świętego spokoju
Nothing really
9. Tagging now; @gooberinomcgee and anyone who wants to do this.
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evita-shelby · 2 years
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I love all of your work. I keep trying to imagine dad tommy from fic where his little girl comes home declaring she's got a boyfriend, and him panicking because she's like 6 and he can't scare the little boy without having his wife (the reader) chewing his head for it.
Omg thank you 😊
Okay for context, Florence was born in 1929 and is reader and Tommy’s youngest child (and his favorite of all four).
And i felt the prompt went better by being from Tommy's pov to focus more on Tommy and Florence’s relationship.
Other shelby children: Charlie and Gabriel (the Shelby Boys) and Diane (Diane Elizabeth)
Six years old
Gif by @samcoving
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"Who's your new friend, Flora?" Tommy asked his youngest as he kissed the top of her head and then took his place at the head of the dinner table.
Frankly, Tommy thought it wholly unnecessary that they were using the large dining room they use to host gatherings instead of the more private family dining room.
But Florence Eleanor Shelby had demanded a dinner party for tonight, so he dressed for dinner and promised his wife not to overreact when he learned why.
A promise his wife had bet three shillings he'd break before the first course.
"My boyfriend." She beamed at him.
It took everything in him not to spit the water he had been drinking. He was going to need a drink, but Y/N had a strict don't drink in front of the children or I'll have your guts for garters, or so help me God, Thomas Michael Shelby policy.
"Hello, sir, I'm Andrew Roberts, pleasure to meet you." The little boy said courteously and waited until Tommy acknowledged him to resume eating.
Because in the pantomime that is life, his little girl attached herself to the son of Billy Kimber’s accountant.
Can't scare the boy, can't be rude or else Roberts will see it as a provocation, so he acts like this is just another friend his favorite child has brought over.
"I'm gonna marry him, daddy." Six-year old Florence tells him and you make it worse by indulging her in this fantasy.
The last thing he wants is for one of his children to marry young like his parents and the John did.
"But the girl is six," his wife’s says, "you're worrying for nothing."
"You're wrong, love," he tells her later once the dinner is over.
Six turns to eleven and she and Andrew remain thick as thieves.
She was bold, bolder than her best friend, the Princess Margaret, and Andy Roberts is shy and cautious like Tommy can assume his father was.
Calls him her boyfriend still, and he reminds Y/N that its way past being a phase.
"They're children, Tom" she shakes her head even as she does some last minutes things on the children's matching costumes.
Eleven turns to sixteen and Andrew nervously asks him for permission to ask Florence to a dance.
He has a shotgun on his lap when he gives the teenage boy his answer.
Florence locks herself in her room in tears and his wife shakes her head. "There's no harm in a dance. If you don't let her go, she'll just escape through the window and steal the car again."
So he listens to his wife and the next morning he apologized to his daughter and made her promise she wouldn't do anything stupid.
Sixteen turns to twenty three and they've been featured in everything from Tabloids to Time Magazine as the United Kingdom's entrepreneurial power couple.
Florence had invited them to a dinner party at her place in Mayfair. She had news and she had made him swear on the lives of his five grandchildren (by his three older children) not to overreact.
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419 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
As Many Types of Love as There are Hearts
Reader Insert Masterlist
Accepting requests for Tommy, Arthur, John, Finn and even Luca Changretta
Title taken from a quote in Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Taglist: @joossieisdabomb @johnathancanines @peakyblindas @kissmyquill @zablife @whitejuliana1204 @theshelbyclan @atalkingthinker @thegreatdragonfruta @star017 @darlingangel-17 @kathrinemelissa @i-will-find-an-untaken-url @moondigger @babystargaze @dragons-are-my-favorite @llamamama2k19
Gif by @blankkstuff
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428 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Can I request a tommy shelby x wife!reader where tommy has a business associate at the house and they learn that tommy may have the power in the rest of Birmingham but at Arrow House Mrs. Shelby is in charge and both the business associate and her husband are trying to be serious and intimidating but she's just bringing them tea and biscuits because 'no you cannot have whiskey, there are young children in this household' and the guy looks at tommy like 'what' and he like has this look on his face like 'don’t look at me, she's in charge here'
Tea and Biscuits
The children are my oc shelby children my oc Eva has with Tommy.
Gif by @sophieshelby
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Usually Tommy made sure all business meetings took place when the children weren’t home.
That you had forgotten your husband was going to have a meeting today with Churchill was a fluke.
You usually check his planner and make sure he never finds out you lied and told the school headmaster that the children had come down with something and needed a four day weekend. This time you had completely forgotten as you planned an impromptu trip to London to surprise your husband.
Had a house there now, with how often Tommy is here and how big your family has gotten it made sense to have a lovely townhouse near Downing Street instead of a suite at a hotel.
The house came with an office for your husband and four bedrooms for the children so Charlie doesn’t fight with Gabe nor Diane fight with Florence.
“Flor, sweetheart, why don’t you go upstairs.” You tell your youngest child, Florence, a girl of four.
“But I want to play in daddy’s office, mummy.” She whined and you know that won’t be the end of it.
“You can come later when daddy is done with his meeting, love.” Tommy assures her before handing her off to you.
When your daughter’s bedroom door slams with just a hint of displeasure, you turn to him. “She’s plotting something, make sure not to drink, I caught her trying to pour some of your whiskey on a glass and pretend she was you. Last thing we want is for Florence to really get sick.”
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441 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Fics wth dad Tommy are my weakness Can i have one with him fathering his boys across the years, sometimes he does well, other times not so much. But his wife is always there to make sure that her boys are good to each other and take care of one another because that's how a shelby family work.
The Shelby Boys
Gif by @perioddramasource
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Charlie is three when he draws on the pristine ivory walls of Arrow House.
Tommy crouched down beside him and remembered he couldn’t be too harsh on a boy of three. He wouldn’t raise his children like his parents raised him. Besides, his wife would murder him if he ever raised a hand against Charlie and his unborn sister.
“What did we say about drawing on the walls, Charlie?” he asked the boy who concentrates on his stick figure portrait as if he were Michelangelo and this was his Sistine chapel.
“Not to.” The boy said stopped his drawing. “I’m sorry, daddy.”
“Oh no, boy, the one you’re going to have to apologize to is Frances ---and Sandra and Molly--- who have to erase your masterpiece of the walls.” Tommy ruffled his hair.
“What’s that?” the boy asks confused.
“Let’s get you cleaned up and then we can go downstairs to the room where your mum keeps all the paintings, so I can show you.”
“No.” Tommy shook his finger at three-year-old Gabriel who promptly ignores him.
“What did we say about the N word?” his wife asks condescendingly. She mocks him because little Gabe has learned to tune out the word no.
Charlie and Diane had been angels compared to Gabriel Thomas Shelby.
Polly had been right to give the boy his name.
“We don’t draw on the walls, Gabe.” Tommy tried again.
“Why?” the toddler whined, stamping his little feet.
Thomas swore that was his son’s favorite word.
“Because Aunt Polly will be disappointed in you.” He tells his little boy. Polly was the closest thing they had to a grandmother, neither he nor his wife had a living mother to dote on their children, so it fell on Polly to fill the role.
“’m sorry.” His little boy pouted sadly and looked at the floor. Couldn’t say it properly yet, and that was probably what made it so easy for Gabe to be forgiven so easily.
Charles Henry Shelby is ten when he says the unimaginable.
“I hate you!” Charlie yells and slams the door.
“Charles Henry, you open this door right now—” he begins, but his wife stops him.
“If you yell at him, it will make it worse.” She says like a sage.
A sage holding their two-year-old girl on her hip and making sure the six- and five-year-old go straight into the kitchen for snacks.
His wife was born to be a mother he thinks.
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455 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If you’re still taking requests could you do a tommy shelby x reader where the reader has a reputation of being sweet and kind and she helps everyone and tommy is super protective of her and (while he knows she a sweetheart) is sort of unaware of this reputation she has and 1: Some young kid approaches her in the garrison all nervous because she’s sitting with the Shelby clan but he really needs to return this vase that the reader gave his mom flowers in or 2: these tough guys approach reader (with tommy present) and at first Tommy’s on edge only to find out they’re super friendly with his girl because ‘hey, it’s y/n, who took care of my grandma when she was ill’
The Meek Shall Inherit the World
I saw your request and went yes to both choices lol
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They made the unlikeliest of couples, (Y/N) was a gentle soul and meek as a lamb while Thomas Shelby, was Thomas Shelby.
Even Grace had backed off when she realized you, the person who once helped her clean her rented room, were engaged to the man she had developed an infatuation for.
When the Lees planned their attack, they hadn’t expected for the two of you to be making out in the kitchen like horny teenagers.
It was the unlikeliest of stick ups, but you knew them and they knew you.
Something that left Tommy with enough time to plan a peaceful resolution with the Lees.
You knew Johnny Dogs had a little girl of three with a troublesome rash that worried his wife, you knew that Esme Lee’s brother had been grateful when you brought his sister home after she ran away into the woods when everyone came home from France except for her intended, you knew the little boy the used to get into the shop had a granny who loved daisies and you knew whatever they were planning to do to your fiancé and his family would not happen on your watch.
“I don’t know much about these things, but I think this is a sign that there’s a rational way to go about this.” You said standing between your soon to be husband and the men here to kill him.
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543 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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phoenixwrites · 2 years
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I posted 2,805 times in 2022
That's 1,109 more posts than 2021!
619 posts created (22%)
2,186 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,392 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#hellcheer - 192 posts
#eddissy - 168 posts
#phoenix personal - 143 posts
#stranger things analyses - 46 posts
#stranger things - 23 posts
#phoenix watches stranger things - 21 posts
#eddie munson - 18 posts
#inuyasha - 17 posts
#evil cbs - 14 posts
#bookwyrmpendragon - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#honestly i hadn't connected the two cases except as two things that made me deeply uncomfortable with how they were portrayed on social med
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dating in New York absolutely sucks. I have been stood up twice at restaurants, bars, and coffeeshops, there is low effort and energy on the man's part, and it's just been horrendous for the past year.
So, following the advice of an absolute icon of a TikToker, I decided to raise my standards and demand reservations at a restaurant 24 hours in advance, I will not be having sex with them in lieu of a committed relationship, the men will be paying for all dates (but Phoenix! this isn't feminist! until the wage gap is solved men pay for dinner end of story), and for them to either pick me up or send me an Uber. Put all of these directives in my profile.
The craziest thing?
My Uber will be here at 6.
45 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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It's a more common ship than you might think, Dustin.
49 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Me: All right, let's see what this Euphoria show is about.
Euphoria: This is Kat. She's online a lot.
Me: Right on.
Euphoria: She loves the Luke x Lorelai ship! And a couple of other subpar ships from other shows I don't watch.
Me: Nice.
Euphoria: She writes fanfic.
Me: A relatable character.
Euphoria: Here she is writing a Captain Swan fic--
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51 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
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God, this makes the funeral scene all the more infuriating--Chrissy's main abuser talking about her in this horribly patronizing, preachy way.
Jason nodding along with her cements his shittiness more to me.
107 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I have a lot of feelings about Wayne Munson and how he had zero doubt in his mind, from the very beginning, that Eddie had nothing to do with Chrissy's murder.
And how he probably reiterated over and over again to the cops and Hawkins Post how it wasn't Eddie and they just steamrolled him, because he's a dumb Hoosier hick in a trailer park, what does he know? Can't trust trailer trash.
And now he has nothing left but to sit and smoke and worry if his boy's okay or if this horrible monster that killed that sweet cheerleader was after him too.
259 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
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ohmyoverland · 2 years
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I posted 35,254 times in 2022
713 posts created (2%)
34,541 posts reblogged (98%)
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I tagged 9,583 of my posts in 2022
#star trek - 1,264 posts
#queue - 681 posts
#art - 539 posts
#dracula daily - 497 posts
#ds9 - 404 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 344 posts
#ofmd - 219 posts
#goncharov - 219 posts
#words - 197 posts
#unreality - 190 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#constant internal monologue of ‘you don’t need this you don’t need this the need to own this is internalized over consumerism you don’t n-‘
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
dni if you were honest, never cheated, asked men to reveal the crimes of other men, have never been an accessory to murder, if you can’t live with it, if you would never do it again, if Garak was wrong about everything, or if a guilty conscience is too big a price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant
510 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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686 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
An Introduction to Irish
Modern Irish, also known as Gaeilge (in Irish) or Irish Gaelic (in countries like the USA where Irish is uncommon), is spoken by over a million people in and out of Ireland today as a first or second language. It is recognized as the official language of the Republic of Ireland, taught in schools, used in Irish broadcasting and news reporting, and spoken in everyday social situations. It can also be a lot of fun to learn! (x)
Here are some basic phrases in Irish* 
*There are three major dialects in Irish– Munster, Connacht, and Ulster. This post will be using the Munster dialect, as that is the one my teacher uses and I am more familiar with. Other dialects may vary in spelling, pronunciation, or use different phrases.
Dia dhuit       Hello
Dia dhaoibh      Hello (Plural form)
Dia is Muire dhuit      Hello (Reply)
Dia is Muire dhaoibh   Hello (Reply, plural)
These two phrases literally mean “God to you” and “God and Mary to you” respectively, but they are used as greetings in all contexts, religious and nonreligious.  You can also use “heileo” (hello), which tends to be more informal.
Conas atá tú?         How are you?
Conas atá sibh?     How are you? (Plural)
Tá mé go maith, agus tú féin?     I am well / I am good, and yourself? 
Tá mé go dona.     I am not good
Slán            Goodbye
Oíche Mhaith        Good night
Más é do thoil é / Le do thoil        Please
Go raibh maith agat / agaibh        Thank you / Thank you (Plural)        
Tá fáilte romhat     You are welcome.
Tá brón orm          I am sorry.
Gabh mo leithscéal        Excuse me
In Irish, there is no single word for “no”. Instead, to say no to a question, you rephrase the statement to be negative. For example:
Aon scéal?        Any Story? / What’s up?
Níl aon scéal agam.     I have no story.
There are also a few Irish phrases that are commonly recognized outside Irish-speaking circles, such as: 
Sláinte         Cheers (Literally, “health”)
Fáilte            Welcome
Céad Míle Fáilte    Hundred Thousand Welcomes
Éire go Brách        Ireland to the end of time / Ireland forever
Póg mo thóin         Kiss my ass
For help pronouncing Irish, there are many resources online where you can find text-to-speech audio, IPA notation, and recordings of real speakers. Here are a few:
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876 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
pretty iconic of the umbrella academy to retroactively change all of the credits in the earlier seasons to use Elliott’s correct name
1,131 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
forever obsessed with how Star Trek only ever trends on unhinged holidays like Lizard Sex Day, Lantern Ghost Sex Day, and Slutty Diplomatic Ambassador Day
1,541 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
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enigmaticxbee · 2 years
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I posted 2,181 times in 2022
That's 445 more posts than 2021!
95 posts created (4%)
2,086 posts reblogged (96%)
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I tagged 1,899 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#xf fanart - 734 posts
#i’m not going to ask queue if you just said what i think queue just said because i know it’s what queue just said - 378 posts
#xf rewatch - 195 posts
#txf - 69 posts
#revival - 55 posts
#the x files - 49 posts
#msr - 48 posts
#❤️ - 47 posts
#🥺 - 43 posts
#xf meta - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#interesting i’ve never thought that much about mulder’s relationship to religion but his animosity when he’s open to so much else must come
My Top Posts in 2022:
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122 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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Revival Rewatch - Fic Recs
Need something to read to pass the time waiting for date night to start while your (past - present? - future) partner tears his (your?) Unremarkable House apart in search of a lost Twilight Zone episode that he’s sure is somewhere in this pile of old vhs tapes? I don’t read a lot of revival fics but here are a few I can recommend:
Revival Smut:
Subterranean Pool by @somekindofseizure - Office sex, season 7 vs season 10, NSFW, so good.
Gravity by @ms-starlight71 - Sex in the Unremarkable House, NSFW.
Birthday Girl by @storybycorey - It’s her birthday, you know. Fifty-four years old and tucked into the back of a shiny yellow St. Louis cab, wearing a dress probably better suited to a thirty year old, with its slit up the side and its deep V of a neckline, but she looks so damn good in it, she doesn’t care. NSFW, so hot.
Just One by @observeroftheuniverse - Plus One sex scene, what we all needed, NSFW.
Familiar by @phillippadgettwrites - Plus One sex scene, NSFW.
Revival Fix-its:
Untitled by @myassbrokethefall - rewrite of the Plus One conversation in bed so that it actually makes sense.
End of Story by @cecilysass - Plus One conversation in bed fix-it.
Transitive Property of Equality by flicked_switch - fills in the gaps of their relationship over the course of season 11, canon-compliant, NSFW.
Of Monsters and Men, and a Woman by @snickerl - the confrontation with CSM they deserved.
After She Left by @agoodwoman - Over the course of the season 10 timeline, Mulder and Scully have to heal, forgive and learn to trust again as they decide what the future holds for their relationship before it's too late. NSFW. I’ve been trying to find a fic I remember with similar themes to this, where they work through their issues after the breakup in the season 10 era - it was a casefile (like this fic has between season 10 episodes) but I remember couples therapy being a big part of the other fic - if you know what that other fic might be please let me know!
Post Revival:
Times Colliding by @gaycrouton - 2018 and 1998 Mulders switch places, WIP but I just love this concept so much. NSFW.
Reprise by akaJake - Thirty years after Eugene Victor Tooms was mangled to death inside a moving escalator, several murder victims are discovered with their livers missing, ripped from their bodies without the aid of cutting tools. There are no identifiable points of entry at any of the crime scenes. Could Tooms be back?
Straight Out of the 3-Pack by DanaScullyMakesMeFeelAutopsyTurvey - Following the events of My Struggle 4, Scully finds a token from their shared past, inspiring a revelation and a sensual reimagining. NSFW.
It’s Après Ski, Scully by @agirlcallednarelle - Mulder takes Scully skiing for New Year's in 2018 to help them both move on from the events of the year. Some angst, some fluff, some closure. This is what I want for them post-revival.
The Rains of Bimini by @slippinmickeys - How could he have known, when she walked into his office with her bad suit and her earnest smile, that she would be the last person he would ever love? You don’t always realize the momentous things as they’re happening, and so he’d needled her a little; without any thought to his lost sister, he’d used his snottiest big brother voice and accused her of spying. Her. His last, best love. Set far in the future, it’s just lovely.
128 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
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S10 Rewatch - MSR
I’m not even sure where to start here because all of the writers except CC seemed to pretty much ignore the break up, and CC had no interest in really exploring why they broke up or what it would mean to start working together again post break up. I certainly would have been on board with the show exploring the fissures in their relationship - if it actually wanted to take seriously their personal and shared traumas and how terrible they’ve historically been at communicating. (Although I don’t think they would have even needed to break up if that was the aim - people can be in a relationship and have issues and work through those issues you know! Might actually be interesting to watch!)
But all we get is one line by a random character about how Scully left because of Mulder’s endogenous depression?? Bullshit. And once they start working together again they’re fine. If there was supposed to be some kind of arc this season where they come back to each other (without working through any of the issues that tore them apart apparently) then I guess it all happened when Scully agreed to go back the X-Files in the first episode? Because literally nothing in the rest of the season would have to be different if they had never broken up… Does the Mulder who shows up - to sit with her at her mother’s hospital bed and hold her as she cries and go back to work with her even though it’s a terrible fucking idea and sit and listen as she grieves the answers she’ll never get about her mother and her son - seem like a man dealing with his ex who he still works with or like a man showing up for and supporting the most important person in his life, the love of his life, no matter how complicated the current status of their relationship?
So what was the fucking point of the break up this season? To get back to that Schrodinger’s box place the original series lingered in for far too long where they both were and were not in a relationship as long as the show didn’t directly acknowledge it? Because that ship fucking sailed a long time ago and if CC really wanted to capture the old magic he would have put Mulder and Scully on screen together for more than two minutes.
145 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
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158 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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169 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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therasslingrob · 1 month
How about a list chronicling all the flicks that I have seen in the cinemas? To start, most of my theatrical viewings have been in one of two cinemas, others have been frequented. The two theaters in question were the Regal Cinemas in Vestal, New York and Crown City Cinemas in Cortland, New York.
#1) Armageddon
#2) Paulie
#3) I'll Be Home for Christmas
#4) Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
#5) X-Men
#6) Pearl Harbor
#7) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
#8) Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
#9) Men in Black II
#10) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
#11) X2: X-Men United
#12) Finding Nemo (2x)
#13) Seabiscuit
#14) Freaky Friday (2003)
#15) Radio
#16) Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
#17) Miracle
#18) Hidalgo
#19) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
#20) Spider-Man 2
#21) I, Robot
#22) Collateral
#23) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
#24) Christmas with the Kranks
#25) The Boogeyman (2005)
#26) Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
#27) War of the Worlds (2005)
#28) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
#29) Walk the Line
#30) Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
#31) King Kong (2005)
#32) United 93
#33) The DaVinci Code
#34) X-Men 3: The Last Stand
#35) Cars
#36) Flags of Our Fathers
#37) Eragon
#38) Spider-Man 3
#39) Transformers
#40) Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
#41) I Am Legend
#42) Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
#43) The Express
#44) High School Musical 3: Senior Year
#45) Push
#46) Race to Witch Mountain
#47) X-Men Origins: Wolverine
#48) Angels and Demons
#49) Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
#50) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
#51) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
#52) Avatar
#53) Twilight: New Moon
#54) Iron Man 2
#55) The Karate Kid (2010)
#56) Twilight: Eclipse
#57) Inception
#58) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1
#59) Soul Surfer
#60) Thor
#61) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
#62) Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 2
#63) Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows
#64) Safe House
#65) 21 Jump Street
#66) Marvel's The Avengers
#67) Men in Black³
#68) Rock of Ages
#69) That's My Boy
#70) The Amazing Spider-Man
#71) The Dark Knight Rises
#72) The Watch
#73) The Campaign
#74) The Expendables 2
#75) Hit and Run
#76) Trouble with the Curve
#77) Looper
#78) Taken 2
#79) Argo
#80) Here Comes the Boom
#81) 007: Skyfall
#82) Flight
#83) Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part II
#84) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
#85) Jack Reacher
#86) Django Unchained
#87) Fast Six
#88) The Hangover, Part III
#89) Now You See Me
#90) The Purge
#91) That's My Boys
#92) Man of Steel
#93) Grown Ups 2
#94) RED 2
#95) The Wolverine
#96) 2 Guns
#97) Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Sea of Monsters
#98) Kick-Ass 2
#99) Getaway
#100) Prisoners
#101) Captain Phillips
#102) Carrie (2013)
#103) Delivery Man
#104) The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug
#105) Lone Survivor
#106) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
#107) Amazing Spider-Man 2
#108) Godzilla (2014)
#109) X-Men: Days of Future Past
#110) Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 1
#111) Ant-Man
#112) Star Wars: The Force Awakens
#113) Captain America: Civil War
#114) X-Men: Apocalypse
#115) Independence Day: Resurgence
#116) The Magnificent Seven (2016)
#117) Logan
#118) Beauty and the Beast (2017)
#119) Guardians of the 7, Volume 2
#120) Wonder Woman
#121) Spider-Man: Homecoming
#122) Justice League (2017)
#123) Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
#124) Avengers: Infinity War
#125) Tag
#126) Ant-Man and the Wasp
#127) Captain Marvel
#128) Avengers: Endgame
#129) Men in Black: International
#130) Toy Story 4
#131) Spider-Man: Far From Home
#132) Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
#133) Jumanji: The Next Level
#134) Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
#135) Spider-Man: No Way Home
#136) The Batnan
#137) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
#138) Jurassic World: Dominion
#139) Thor: Love and Thunder
#140) Avatar: The Way of Water
#141) Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
#142) Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3
#143) The Marvels
#144) Deadpool and Wolverine
0 notes
lyndaday · 5 months
Title Issue No. Comments Continuity Placement Notes
Captain America 164
Marvel Premiere 15
Marvel Premiere 16
Marvel Premiere 17
Marvel Premiere 18
Marvel Premiere 19
The Incredible Hulk 180
The Incredible Hulk 181
The Incredible Hulk 182
Marvel Premiere 20
Marvel Premiere 21
Marvel Premiere 22
Giant Size X-Men 1
X-Men 94
X-Men 95
Captain America 189
Captain America 190
Marvel Premiere 23
Marvel Premiere 24
Marvel Premiere 25
Iron Fist 1
Iron Fist 2
Iron Fist 3
Iron Fist 4
Iron Fist 5
Iron Fist 6
Iron Fist 7
The Amazing Spider-Man 161
The Amazing Spider-Man 162
Iron Fist 8
Iron Fist 9
Iron Fist 10
X-Men 96
X-Men 97
X-Men 98
X-Men 99
X-Men 100
X-Men 101
X-Men 102
X-Men 103
Iron Fist 11
Iron Fist 12
X-Men 104
X-Men 105
X-Men 106
X-Men 107
X-Men 108
X-Men 109
Iron Fist 13
Iron Fist 14
Marvel Team-Up Annual 1 w/ the X-Men
Iron Fist 15
Marvel Team-Up 63 w/ Iron Fist
Marvel Team-Up 64 w/ the Daughters of the Dragon
Marvel Team-Up 65 w/ Captain Britain
Marvel Team-Up 66 w/ Captain Britain
Power Man 47
Power Man 48
Power Man 49
X-Men 110
Power Man and Iron Fist 50
Power Man and Iron Fist 51
Power Man and Iron Fist 52
Power Man and Iron Fist 53
Ms. Marvel 15
Ms. Marvel 16
Marvel Team-Up 69 w/ Havok
Marvel Team-Up 70 w/ Thor
X-Men 111
X-Men 112
X-Men 113
X-Men 114
X-Men 115
X-Men 116
X-Men 117
Ms. Marvel 17
Ms. Marvel 18
Power Man and Iron Fist 54
Power Man and Iron Fist 55
X-Men 118
X-Men 119
X-Men 120
X-Men 121
Incredible Hulk Annual 7
Power Man and Iron Fist 56
Power Man and Iron Fist 57
X-Men 122
X-Men 123
X-Men 124
Marvel Team-Up 89 w/ Nightcrawler
X-Men Annual 3
X-Men 125
X-Men 126
X-Men 127
X-Men 128
Power Man and Iron Fist 58
Power Man and Iron Fist 59
Power Man and Iron Fist 60
Power Man and Iron Fist 61
Power Man and Iron Fist 62
X-Men 129
X-Men 130
X-Men 131
X-Men 132
X-Men 133
X-Men 134
X-Men 135
X-Men 136
X-Men 137
X-Men 138
X-Men Annual 4
Marvel Two-in-One 68 w/ Angel
Marvel Team-Up 100 w/ the Fantastic Four
Power Man and Iron Fist 63
Power Man and Iron Fist 64
X-Men 139
X-Men 140
Power Man and Iron Fist 65
Power Man and Iron Fist 66
X-Men 141
X-Men 142
Power Man and Iron Fist 67
Power Man and Iron Fist 68
X-Men 143
X-Men 144
X-Men 145
X-Men 146
X-Men 147
Spider-Woman 37
Spider-Woman 38
X-Men 148
Avengers Annual 10
X-Men 149
X-Men 150
X-Men Annual 5
Power Man and Iron Fist 70
Power Man and Iron Fist 71
Power Man and Iron Fist 72
Power Man and Iron Fist 74
Power Man and Iron Fist 75
Power Man and Iron Fist 76
X-Men 151
X-Men 152
X-Men 153
X-Men 154
X-Men 155
X-Men 156
X-Men 157
X-Men 158
Power Man and Iron Fist 78
X-Men 159
X-Men 160
Power Man and Iron Fist 79
X-Men 161
X-Men 162
X-Men 163
X-Men 164
X-Men 165
Marvel Graphic Novel: The New Mutants
Dazzler 22
Dazzler 23
Dazzler 24
New Mutants 1
New Mutants 2
X-Men 166
New Mutants 3
X-Men 167
Vision and the Scarlet Witch 4
X-Men Annual 6
Dazzler 25
X-Men 168
New Mutants 4
Dazzler 26
Dazzler 27
Dazzler 28
X-Men 169
X-Men 170
X-Men 171
Wolverine 1
Wolverine 2
Wolverine 3
Wolverine 4
Defenders 122
Defenders 123
Defenders 124
Defenders 125
New Mutants 5
New Mutants 6
New Mutants 7
New Mutants 8
New Mutants 9
New Mutants 10
New Mutants 11
New Mutants 12
X-Men 172
X-Men 173
X-Men 174
X-Men 175
Defenders 126
X-Men Annual 7
Defenders 127
Defenders 128
Defenders 129
Defenders 130
X-Men 176
Marvel Team-Up Annual 6 w/ Cloak & Dagger and the New Mutants
X-Men 177
X-Men 178
X-Men 179
New Mutants 13
Magik 1
Magik 2
Magik 3
Magik 4
New Mutants 14
X-Men 180
New Mutants 15
New Mutants 16
X-Men 181
X-Men 182
New Mutants 17
X-Men 183
New Mutants 18
New Mutants 19
New Mutants 20
X-Men 184
Defenders 131
Defenders 132
Defenders 133
New Mutants 21
Defenders 134
Defenders 135
Defenders 136
Defenders 137
Defenders 138
Defenders 139
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 1
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 2
X-Men 185
X-Men 186
X-Men 187
X-Men 188
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 3
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 4
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 5
Kitty Pryde and Wolverine 6
New Mutants Annual 1
New Mutants 22
X-Men 189
X-Men 190
X-Men 191
New Mutants 23
New Mutants 24
New Mutants 25
Beauty and the Beast 1
Beauty and the Beast 2
Beauty and the Beast 3
Beauty and the Beast 4
Iceman 1
Iceman 2
Iceman 3
Iceman 4
Defenders 140
Defenders 141
Defenders 142
X-Men 192
X-Men Annual 8 (takes place before Xavier is attacked at the end of #192)
X-Men/Alpha Flight 1 (takes place before Xavier is attacked at the end of #192)
X-Men/Alpha Flight 2 (takes place before Xavier is attacked at the end of #192)
X-Men 193
X-Men 194
New Mutants 26
New Mutants 27
New Mutants 28
Nightcrawler 1
Nightcrawler 2
Nightcrawler 3
Nightcrawler 4
New Mutants 29
Power Pack 11
Power Pack 12
X-Men 195
Secret Wars II 1
New Mutants 30
New Mutants 31
X-Men 196
Longshot 1
X-Men 197
X-Men 198
New Mutants 32
New Mutants 33
New Mutants 34
X-Men 199
New Mutants Special Edition 1
X-Men Annual 9
X-Men 200
New Mutants 35
X-Men 201
Defenders 143
Defenders 144
Defenders 145
Defenders 146
Defenders 147
Defenders 148
Defenders 149
Defenders 150
Avengers 263
Fantastic Four 286
Defenders 151
Defenders 152
X-Factor 1
Longshot 2
Longshot 3
Longshot 4
Longshot 5
Longshot 6
New Mutants 36
X-Men 202
Power Pack 20
New Mutants 37
X-Men 203
X-Men 204
X-Men 205
New Mutants 38
New Mutants 39
New Mutants 40
New Mutants 41
X-Factor 2
X-Factor 3
X-Men 206
X-Factor 4
New Mutants 42
New Mutants 43
X-Factor Annual 1
New Mutants 44
New Mutants Annual 2
X-Factor 5
X-Factor 6
X-Factor 7
X-Men 207
X-Men 208
X-Men 209
X-Factor 8
X-Men 210
X-Factor 9
X-Men Annual 10
New Mutants 45
X-Men 211
X-Factor 10
New Mutants 46
Thor 373
Power Pack 27
Thor 374
X-Men 212
X-Factor 11
Daredevil 238
X-Men 213
New Mutants 47
New Mutants 48
New Mutants 49
New Mutants 50
X-Men 214
X-Factor 12
X-Men 215
X-Men 216
X-Men 217
X-Men 218
New Mutants 51
Mephisto vs. Fantastic Four
Mephisto vs. X-Factor
Mephisto vs. X-Men
X-Factor 13
X-Factor 14
X-Factor 15
Thor 377
Thor 378
X-Factor 16
New Mutants Annual 3
New Mutants 52
Fallen Angels 1
Fallen Angels 2
Thor 379
Fallen Angels 3
X-Factor 17
Thor 380
Mephisto vs. Avengers
Fallen Angels 4
X-Factor 18
X-Factor Annual 2 (takes place after pg. 6 of #18, before the jump to “the next morning” on pg. 7)
X-Factor 19
X-Factor 20
Fallen Angels 5
Fallen Angels 6
Fallen Angels 7
Fallen Angels 8
X-Men 219
Fantastic Four vs. X-Men 1
Fantastic Four vs. X-Men 2
Fantastic Four vs. X-Men 3
Fantastic Four vs. X-Men 4
X-Men Annual 11
New Mutants 53
New Mutants 54
X-Men 220
X-Men 221
X-Men 222
X-Men 223
New Mutants 55
New Mutants 56
New Mutants 57
X-Men 224
X-Factor 21
X-Factor 22
X-Factor 23
X-Factor 24
X-Factor 25
Power Pack 35
New Mutants 58
X-Men 225
X-Men 226
X-Men 227
New Mutants 59
New Mutants 60
New Mutants 61
X-Factor 26
X-Factor 27
X-Men 228
Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn 1
New Mutants 62
New Mutants 64
New Mutants 65
New Mutants 66
X-Men 229
X-Men 230
X-Factor 28
X-Factor 29
X-Men 231
Marvel Comics Presents 1 *(Wolverine story only)
Marvel Comics Presents 2
Marvel Comics Presents 3
Marvel Comics Presents 4
Marvel Comics Presents 5
Marvel Comics Presents 6
Marvel Comics Presents 7
Marvel Comics Presents 8
Marvel Comics Presents 9
Marvel Comics Presents 10
Wolverine 1
Wolverine 2
Wolverine 3
X-Factor Annual 3
X-Men 232
X-Men 233
X-Men 234
Power Pack 39
Power Pack 40
New Mutants Annual 4
Excalibur 1
Excalibur 2
X-Men Annual 12
Excalibur 3
X-Factor 30
X-Factor 31
X-Factor 32
X-Factor 33
X-Terminators 1
X-Factor 34
X-Terminators 2
X-Men 235
X-Men 236
X-Men 237
X-Men 238
New Mutants 67
New Mutants 68
New Mutants 69
New Mutants 70
X-Men 239
X-Factor 35
Excalibur 4
Excalibur 5
X-Terminators 3
New Mutants 71
X-Factor 36
X-Men 240
X-Men 241
X-Terminators 4
New Mutants 72
New Mutants 73
Excalibur 6
Excalibur 7
X-Factor 37
X-Men 242
X-Factor 38
X-Men 243
X-Factor 39
New Mutants 74
Excalibur 8
New Mutants 75
0 notes
joculatrixster · 2 years
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I posted 7,601 times in 2022
That's 780 more posts than 2021!
581 posts created (8%)
7,020 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,549 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#mod trix - 707 posts
#reblog for l8ter - 552 posts
#loz - 517 posts
#lol - 440 posts
#cookie run - 437 posts
#pokemon - 359 posts
#link - 285 posts
#yup - 217 posts
#zephyr - 178 posts
#cookie run kingdom - 166 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#as long as they respect skintones acting like a black person cant have big eyes or tiny noses is wwell gross! especially in a stylized styl
My Top Posts in 2022:
The current discourse revolving around Affogato Cookie is literally just Aloe Cookie but genderbent.
YUP i said it in my reply to anon its not about HIM specifically its a FANDOM WIDE ISSUE the fact this keeps happening is the issue. as one of the only fandoms w/ MULTIPLE CANON nonbinary and gnc cookies we cant keep forcing gender roles on cookies then acting a fool when they dint align w/ our assumptions this kind of thing is what makes pll not want to explore their genders because then they'll feel like there something else to them like they have to be gay or nonbianry. like i get u guys want to express thise hcs but the problem is i NEVER see ppl say cookies like cheesecake or chocolate bonbon are nonbinary or trans women no its always sour belt or aloe. why does Affogato HAVE to be a trans man or nonbinary but not dark cacao...? think about why u guys chose the LITTERAL man in a dress for ur trans hcs but not the strong heroic kingdom leader. thats fucked up. and trans men can hc whayever the FUCK they want i dont care but cis ppl and other trans ppl are ALSO buying into it and being upset he wasn't a she/her or they/them. thats when i get the issue. because this shit never spreads in the fandom unless a cookie is gnc and yall wanted them to be the opposite gender or nonbinary. if u make trans hcs even subconsciously because u dont like the assigned gender of a character thats. fucked. up.
this is coming from a bitch w/ a mostly trans and nonbinary friend group who loves dresses, skirts, and leggings im very much fem irl but i do not use she/her online. anyone coming across this in the tags pls stop assuming if someone disagrees w/ u they r automatically an enemy to ur cause lmao just tell me if u disagree and we can have a talk about it
36 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
btw if u think kumiho is a slut/whore genuinely i hate u so much if u think its ok to insult her like that i want u hunted for sport
38 notes - Posted February 5, 2022
if ur harassing ppl over info that came in a brand new update ur a bad person i dont care if canonly or heavily implied the dragons r all related the devs JUST dropped this info and ships like Ananas x Pitaya have been around for years. let ppl hae time to see the new info and change their stances on stuff yall r too fucking rude and stupid to understand that sometimes ppl dont play updates or dont have all the info before u run ur mouths istg
46 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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60 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
dear cookie run mutuals! i just got a reply on my post about how Cream Unicorn canonly did kidnap children(not even mentioning modifying 2 adults body w/out their consent) that was condescending and also woobifed cream unicorn cookie. once again fandom ppl assume when i point out the flaws of my favs it means im being malicious and misunderstand canon as if im an idiot newbie who doesnt understand what motivation is so i obviously make posts w/ouit understand that no bc ur fav was sad/lonely they get to do whatever they want
u know what that means?
war. this means war.
im gonna start Cream Unicorn cookie is a bit fucked up propaganda now. join me in my cause of being petty bc someone didnt bother to read my tags on my post for the millionth time!
Cream Unicorn cookie is a faerie who IS fucked up that DOESNT mean they r evil but it does mean they lack general human morales and will do things like *checks notes* kidnap children and keep them bc they r lonely bc they do not understand other ppl may like *check notes* not want to be trapped in a fantasy world forever! wow! look at that a valid interpretation of a character based off canon facts that doesn't woobify my fav or ignore their actions. ik its crazy to see it!
if u wish to see more of this join me in the cause!
63 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 19,423 times in 2022
159 posts created (1%)
19,264 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 309 of my posts in 2022
#lee bodecker x reader - 19 posts
#lee bodecker - 17 posts
#dark fic - 15 posts
#dark!lee bodecker - 13 posts
#the devil all the time - 13 posts
#bun speaks - 12 posts
#bucky barnes - 11 posts
#dark!lee bodecker x reader - 11 posts
#puppy - 10 posts
#ask - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#monster husband who keeps me safe from the world and lets me be a house spouse so i can just play my silly games and write my silly stories
My Top Posts in 2022:
This is the Way
Pairing: Soft!dark!Mandalorian x Reader
Summary: He decides he needs someone else to train and guide The Child; and he's chosen you...
Word Count: 3100~
Warnings: Dark Fic, Non-Con/DubCon, Kidnapping, Hints of Stockholm Syndrome, Daddy Kink
a/n: Happy Valentine's Day, y'all &lt;3
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You were a teacher in The New Republic; helping planets heal that had once been held by imperial rule. Trained to help and care for children; and your kind heart made it even easier. So of course, when you saw a small alien child wandering around by his lonesome following a frog, you didn’t think twice about rushing to help him. Never mind he was green and hairy; he was a child.
“Hey there.” you cooed as you picked him up. “You okay?” He made gurgling noises as he fiddled with a small metal ball in his hand. You looked around but didn’t see anyone who resembled the child in your arms. Night was falling and people were returning to their homes for the evening.
“I hope you’re not all alone out here.” you said, then a gloved hand covered your mouth.
“He’s not.” a modulated voice answered. You felt a sharp pinch to your neck and everything went black.
When you woke up, there was a slight pounding in your head. You opened your eyes and sat up quickly in the small cot you were laying on. You looked around the small room, all the walls were made of metal with only one small window. But you could see you were somewhere out in space.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” you muttered, mind racing and starting to panic. Just before you could fully break down in a panic; the door to the room slid open and there stood a person dressed in full armor made of leather and metal; you couldn’t see their face as it was covered by a helmet. In their hands, they had a tray with some food and a cup on it. They came in and silently sat down on the cot next to you. You were too afraid to speak but the figure spoke for you.
“How’s your head?” The voice…the same voice you heard before you passed out.
“Who…who are you?” He, you were assuming based on the voice, didn’t answer you. Simply handed you the cup of water. But you didn’t want to drink anything this masked assailant gave you.
“It’s not poisoned.” He said. But you still didn’t drink. A few tense moments hung between you too before you blurted out
“Please I don’t know what you want, I’m just a teacher! A nobody! So please, just take me home and I’ll never tell anyone.” you pleaded. But he didn’t respond. He looked at you for a few more moments, before standing up and exiting the room, leaving you alone.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, staring out the window as you move through the stars. But after felt what like an eternity, the armor-clad man returned, this time with the small green alien following behind him in a floating pram.
“You didn’t eat.” He said.
“No, I don’t usually eat or drink things given to me by men in armor who kidnap me for unknown reasons.” The fear had turned to anger…with a little fear still. He sighed through the modulator, then took a piece of the food and squatted down to be eye level with the child.
“Eat this and show her it’s not poisoned.” The baby looked at him for a moment, then took the food and happily gobbled it down. The man turned back to you. “There? See? Not poisoned, now please eat.” You stared at him for a moment, then did as you were told. He watched you as you ate, and it felt unnerving so you tried to talk to him, plead to any moral code he had.
“That armor… I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“It’s beskar. Forged by my people, the Mandalorians.” Your eyes widened.
“Mandalorians? I thought… they had been wiped out.” you said earnestly, not wanting to upset him.
“Almost. I’m one of the remaining few.” Silence fell over the room again. Nothing but the sounds of you chewing, and occasionally the baby would make small noises as he played with his metal ball
“His name is Grogu.” The Mandalorian spoke.
“Grogu. I’ve never seen anyone like him.”
“Neither have I. I’ve seen a lot of different types.” the Mandalorian explained. “And that’s why I need someone very special to help me take care of him.” He brushed a bit of hair back from your face. You choked on the water you’d been sipping
“Wha…what? But I can’t… I don’t…” you started to hyperventilate. Take care of an alien baby, with a man who’d kidnapped you? It was too much and you started to panic again but two strong hands gripped your shoulders
“Relax. Breathe with me. In and out.” You followed as he said, taking deep breaths in and letting them out. The panic subsided, but the fear remained.
“I can’t just…I don’t even know you.” You reasoned.
See the full post
187 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
This is the best 35 seconds of Tom Hiddleston's career and nobody can tell me otherwise
463 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
...One of the stupidest decision ever made by a school board
These are TOTALLY NOT links to read the First and Second Maus books by Art Spiegelman that are totally also NOT mobile friendly.
If you never read the book, it's a powerful and moving read. There is obviously graphic content, but Spiegelman's art style does an amazing and poetic job of showing the horrors of the Holocaust as well as reflecting on his own personal thoughts and feelings.
I definitely DO NOT advise you to click those links and give the books a read.
501 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
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548 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Easter Bunny
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Pairing: Soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Shy!Reader
Summary: Easter Brunch with your folks is always special, but even more so this year...
Word Count: 3400~
Warnings: Dark Fic, Non-Con/DubCon, Degradation, Daddy Kink, mentions of religion
See the full post
553 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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