#New International Thrash Metal Video
desperadosofficial · 1 year
what music/games do you all listen to
Doc here. The rest of the crew is out on operations and Carl is in surgery for the fifth time this year, so I'll answer you. Sorry 'bout the delay.
Mistral likes Arch Enemy a lot. I didn't really take her for a death metal gal, but hey, what do I know. She listens to a lot of New Wave, too. She LOVES Blondie and got me and the guys (except Sundowner) into Joy Division. Mistral also listens to a lot of film scores to wind down, especially Gladiator and Blade Runner.
As for games, I know she's a big fan of older action games, the older Resident Evils, Quake and Doom and whatnot. Talks a lot of shit in fps forums.
Monsoon is...something. Handing him the aux when we go out is like a game of auditory Russian roulette. He could put on some Ros Sereysothea from when he was a kid. He could play nothing but Die Antwoord. He could play 70's Queen. He could play incoherent electronic sounds until you scream at him.
He's the biggest gamer out of all of us, his favorites are DMC and Bayonetta. He's competing in the Wii Taser Boxing tournament with Sundowner and I now, and if he wins, we'll be hearing about it for the next six months.
Sundowner is a simple man. He likes rock, country, and that's about it. We have a lot of the same taste in country artists, we grew up on Cash, Nelson, Jennings, and, as much as he'll deny it, he'd take a bullet for Dolly Parton. Sadly, with the exception of Lynyrd Skynyrd and Motörhead, his taste in rock is a bag of hot shit. Once I tried to tell him Five Finger Death Punch is for angry alcoholics with erectile dysfunction and he just yelled "HELL YEAH BROTHER" and cranked it louder.
He isn't really a video game guy. The only video game he plays is Wii Sports, and he only plays it because I challenged him.
Sam, interestingly enough, likes grunge and 80's rock. Some of his favorite bands are Van Halen, Foo Fighters, and Iron Maiden. He can sing almost every Black Sabbath song in Portuguese. He's been trying to learn Eruption on guitar. Once we were out drinking and he somehow managed to play it flawlessly on some kid's ukulele. I guess beer gives him guitarist powers. Oh, and he loves Shakira. No matter where he is, if you put her on, he will drop everything and get up to dance. Flawlessly.
Sam's our second biggest gamer. He's a fighting game guy. I still can't beat him at Mortal Kombat or Guilty Gear. He could probably thrash me with his eyes shut, too. Maybe I'm too old for this shit.
Intern Carl probably listens to Imagine Dragons or some dumb shit like that. Probably plays Tetris on his stupid little phone.
I listen to a lot of country, I also had a buddy back at ArmsTech who got me into industrial music. We used to swap cassettes while we worked, I'd listen to his mix while he'd listen to my Merle tape. I hope he's doing well.
I haven't gamed much. I remember liking Half Life a lot when I was younger. Had a coworker who's last name was Freeman, so I used to mess with him, talking to him in an awful G-Man impression...miss that guy.
That should answer your question. Sorry again about the wait; Desperados stay pretty busy.
- 🩹
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bulletholemagazine · 1 year
The jist of these types of posts is I'll be sending older bands I've discovered recently. Enjoy!
1. Stampin' Ground
Stampin' Ground were a UK band. Not that you'd tell, this sounds like Slayer on amphetamines and NYHC combined. I don't remember exactly how I found them, but I know it was this song and I know I was going monkey over it. It's so absurdly fast and the breakdown hits perfectly. Thrash wasn't dead in the 90's apparently, metalheads just don't know where to look. Their first three albums (one in 1998, one in 2000, and one in 2003 which I'll talk about in a bit) are very straightforward crossover thrash + earth crisis kind of moshy hardcore parts (all tuned to an e flat because of course it is) and their last album gets a bit bouncier and more hxc-leaning. At the time the new wave of american metal was getting its kickstart and I imagine the band was having some internal problems, so they split up after that and haven't done anything since. Now, the 2003 is interesting, since it's a split with the fucking NORTHSIDE KINGS of all bands. Y'know, the band whose singer is famous for punching Glenn Danzig? And the band with song titles such as "Giving emo kids something to really cry about" and "Fuck The Middle East"? Admittedly not a good look for them, but they're brits so I don't even know if they had any idea of what they were getting themselves into with this. Alas, they made some good music and dipped. Next.
2. Concealment
I found these guys through Starkweather's Spotify page. They had a split together and it interested me enough to see who these guys are. And GODDAYUMMMMM THIS SHIT IS GOOD!!!!!! Techdeathy mathcore that hits extremely hard and doesn't spare a single chug or dissonant chord. Their material's just been uploaded to Spotify 3 years ago, their first release was in 2007 and their second album dropped in 2010. The band is still active apparently, as their neat lil facebook page would suggest. Wonder if they'll ever put out anything else. Also, apparently they were (or still are, idk) signed to Total Dissonance Worship, which when I found that out it instantly clicked. If you aren't familiar, that label has put out stuff like Ion Dissonance and Plebeian Grandstand (Thinking of making a video on my YT about them, maybe for Trustkill as well). I think you could make a solid case for this being early deathcore considering that.
3. Left To Vanish
FUCK DOES THIS GO. Left To Vanish are a Philadelphia metalcore/deathcore band that started alllll the way back in 2001 IN HIGHSCHOOL, and as far as I can find their earliest release was in 2005, back during the days of logos-in-impact-font-core. Very ahead of their time, kind of in the same vain as A Life Once Lost in that regard. They then were making music until 2009, but broke up only to reunite in 2016, which makes them the only band still putting out stuff actively. Their latest EP is extremely good(they have a song with jesse leach on it!!!), they've sort of moved on from this firstwavey sound into something more contemporary and it's pretty amazing how well they've managed to adjust, considering a lot of the old school deathcore bands couldn't. Go show the guys some love and listen to their stuff, they absolutely deserve it. If you like Animosity and early Suicide Silence their 2007/2008 era stuff perfectly fits in that style of deathcore.
Thanks for reading!!! That'll probably do it for the zine posts this month, unless something else really interesting comes out while march still isn't over. I might still do another new releases post for other smaller bands (and for the 2 people reading this). Besides that, I'm still working on music and I'm trying to find time to record videos for the YT channel. Stay tuned :3
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Perchance to Meet pt 6.
Hi fam!
Sorry this took awhile to come out! This took lots of more of my time to come up with and I wanted it to be what I had envisioned so it took longer!
Pairing: Aizawa Shouta x fem!reader
Warnings: slight abuse, mentions of abuse, some angst and some fluff?
I think this will have one more part but yeah we’re getting near the end! 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 7)
The pride Aizawa has for his students is off the charts as he sits with some of them. He, along with some other well-known heroes have been called in for an extensive mission. Sir Nighteye and his assistant and sidekick Bubble Girl go over the mission.
He takes in the details about Overhaul, or also known as Chisaki Kai and logs it into his memory. He also takes in how his students are handling the grueling information, most notably being careful of his common problem child who ran into the little girl they’re planning on saving as well. He watches the videos of the surveillance done on the men that Overhaul keeps company. Watching for patterns, where they go, what they do etc. However, a particular picture and set of videos cause his heart to skip a beat.
There is Overhaul, at two places he knows all too well.
If Aizawa is panicked he doesn’t show it. But he’s internally trying to find the connection as to why he would visit the places (Y/n) works. It could all be a pure coincidence and that’s what he’s hoping for. There’s no way she would associate herself with someone like that willingly. If she was that kind of person, he would have detected it on her and not gotten himself involved with her. But what if he’s wrong? He has been wrong before, but he knows he isn’t wrong about this.
The meeting ends with final words and plans on what to do. There are some who are unsure of the plan, especially if it involves children aiding them but he knows better. The plan seems entirely logical so long as everything accordingly and everyone brings their A game.
Aizawa prepares to leave the meeting room when he is stopped by a gloved hand. “Sir Nighteye needs to see you briefly, can you hang back?” Aizawa shrugs his shoulders at Bubble Girl and goes back to his seat. He sees Mirai set up another slide show and begins to wonder what this is about and why only he was held back.
“Eraserhead, we’ve done some other research and recon and would like to inform you of another side mission along with the main task at hand.”
He sees Shouta nod and he urges Bubble Girl to show him the video.
“We found this video the other day. The date shows this happened a couple weeks ago. There used to not be a camera here but because of an incident involving an employee, the establishment added it.”
When the video starts, all he sees is Overhaul, his minions, and what seems to be a client buying his product. He starts to take in the background and notices he’s been there many times before. He keeps his stoic face as the video fast forwards to more action. Something happens and part of the camera is covered in blood, obstructing the view partially. Then he sees the door of the building open up
And there she is.
The expression on her face is one he’d hoped he’d never have to see. She’s terrified, flabbergasted, and now covered in blood. He can’t hear anything but now he sees that all eyes are on her. He can see (Y/n) attempting to bargain with who he assumes is Chisaki, and then for him the unthinkable happens.
Her body goes limp as she’s being apprehended and taken away.
Aizawa isn’t one to lose his cool, but that made him jump out of his seat. The two heroes in front of him glance at each other and stop the video. They give him a couple minutes to truly digest what he saw.
“We know that you had a special connection to (Y/f/n). Overhaul not only has a child, but an innocent civilian that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clearly, stopping Overhaul and saving the child are most important, but this young woman has been considered missing.” Sir Nighteye pauses and then continues.
“We had to keep quiet about all aspects of this mission and keep this info from the public in order for the plan to work and succeed. I’m sure you understand.” He practically answers Aizawa’s unasked emotional question.
Aizawa sighs deeply, “I get it. What does this have to do with me?”
“You might be the only one who can rescue her. There’s already a lot on this mission that we don’t want to overwhelm anyone, but since it’s you we know you can handle it. Besides, she knows you.”
He can’t get the sight of (Y/n) being hurt and taken out of his head. This is what he wanted to avoid by being with her but apparently not. No matter what he does or tries people he cares about will be in danger because of him. So, logically, what should he do with his emotions and the woman that has invaded every fiber of his being?
He contemplates his next move as he steps out to see his students.
The sound of a metal door clicking closed rouses her from her sleep. Her eyes are slow to adjust to the dim lights that barely reflect off of the cold tile floors beneath her. The four walls around her are plain, nothing on them except for the 28,643 spots that litter them. (Y/n) tugs at her arm and remembers that her arms are chained to a nearby wall. The chains are long enough for her to move with limited mobility but not enough for her to reach the door.
Her eyes and nose lead her to an object on the ground by the door. It looks like her morning meal as she crawls over to the bowl, plate, and cup. She’s starting to regret telling him what her favorite go to breakfast was because this was all she’s had for… Shit how long has she been here? A week? Two weeks?
Her first couple of days she resisted eating anything that was given to her as a form of protest. That earned her Overhaul using his quirk on her, whimpers and yells emitting from her throat at the pain until he put her back to normal. The next time she disobeyed him, he took it out on Eri. The way the “no” escaped her lips, dry from lack of use and childlike in her fear, he knew her soft spot.
Which is why she’s eating now. (Y/n) must be close to to Eri’s room or something because she hears her screams almost as if they’re right in the room with her. It rattles her to the bone, hearing such an innocent girl screaming, yelling, and thrashing in pain. It made her sick. How could that man, no monster, do this? She can’t believe she fell for his act, those eyes and that voice that could persuade anyone got to her. The feel of bile fills her throat the more she thinks about him, Eri, and where she is.
(Y/n) can’t help the tears that fall freely down her face as she thinks of Eri. But also of Aizawa. Fuck, she wishes he was here assuring her that everything would be fine. He’d save her from here, they’d apologize for all the words and nasty feelings shared and then live happily ever after the end.  But she knew better than to think like that. All that did was earn her talks with Overhaul. Sometimes he wouldn’t lay a hand on her but if she was acting out he’d just grab her jaw aggressively, playing with her inevitable death, but always repeating the same things:
“You shouldn’t have been there, Angel”
“Well I did want you to myself eventually but I’m sad it had to be this way”
“Eri would be very upset if you didn’t eat, she hates hearing you cry”
“This is all your fault you know”
Yesterday’s was a new and longer one
“No one will come save you, you quirk can’t save you. You’re such an admirable person that I wanted to love but with your insistence that some hero, someone with a quirk unfit for this world will come to you, you are just like them. Disposable.”
The bruises on her jaw had just healed from the last time but they can match the ones that fade and return on her wrists and anywhere some random hooligan had dared touched her.
(Y/n) finishes her food and pushes the empty dishes toward the door. Usually they’re picked up immediately, followed by pairs of feet walking outside. However, this morning is different. No one comes to pick up her dishes and there’s no one walking outside her door.
What the hell is going on?
Her confusion deepens as her door is swung open forcefully, knocking the plates over making a loud sound. She defensively puts up her hands to block out the person and the light emanating from behind them. When nothing happens, she moves her hands and sees another person she’s come to hate strongly. The white haired man in front of her says nothing as he walks up to her, noticing her body flinching upon their close proximity. Most of his body is covered in a long white jacket and there’s another plague mask hanging out of a pocket. She can feel his breath on her cheek as he unlocks her chains, toying with her emotional state.
Once the cuffs fall freely to the floor, he grabs her wrist and commands, “Come with me.”
It was hard for him to believe what he was seeing in front of him but he pounced into action. Aizawa immediately sees Overhaul takes his quirk. Upon entering the strange cave, he sees the girl in question being protected and shielded by two of some of the best students he’s ever seen. Before he’s able to do more damage and prevent Overhaul from using his quirk further, he’s abruptly taken away from the fight from one of his lackeys, his right-hand man if he is correct.
He lands in an unfamiliar room and is on high alert but thrown off from being attacked. Eraserhead quickly does surveillance but is cut short by an attack from behind. He feels his body slowing and only slightly panics. Then he hears a voice above him begin to talk and mumble to himself about Overhaul and their plan. With his face and body connected to the floor he’s rendered immobile. For the most part he tunes out the figure looming over him until particular words catch his ears.
“I do want to kill you, but it would be better with an audience don’t you think?”
A strong hand grips Aizawa’s hair and force his eyes up and ahead. It takes a while for his eyes to adjust to the room. In front of him is a chair; how long had that been there? What’s more important is who’s sitting in the chair.
It takes more strength than he would like to admit when he sees (Y/n)’s limp. She’s breathing, barely but breathing. He can’t fully investigate the state of her body but he can tell that they had gotten to her. Fuck, he wants to reach out and pull her close but there’s a number of factors preventing him from doing so; other than being held down against his will.
“It’s pitiful really, to see you with such a unique quirk reduced to this. I can feel how much this hurts you to see her but I’ll end that soon.”
The blade that was meant for the black haired man never came, as the door behind them is burst open and Chronostasis is apprehended. Aizawa reclaims mobility in his body and pushed himself off the ground to see an injured Suneater holding onto an unconscious Lemillion. Relief floods his body as the police capture the Shie Hassaki aide and exhales deeply. He turns on his heel quickly to find (Y/n) and get her the help she needs.
“Eraserhead, who is that?”
He approaches her body and kneels down. “Hey, (Y/n) can you hear me?” He lightly taps her cheek and sees remnants of bruising. He lowers his voice so no one else can hear, “Kitten please wake up.” He continues to trace his fore finger and thumb along her cheek to rouse her.
His heart drops when he notices her lips move. “Ung, Sho-“
“Sh sh sh,” he coos, “don’t talk. I’m going to pick you up okay?” Aizawa carefully checks for any restraints and seeing that there are none, picks her up bridal style and begins to take you toward the police.
Now that they are in the light, tears threaten to build behind his eyes upon really seeing her. Discolored skin around her wrists, neck, jaw, and ankles lets him know that she was held here for too long and was possibly, no for sure hurt and abused. Aizawa does his best to keep her body still while rushing toward the surface where he knows she can get help. He feels her cold finger touch his neck making him stop. “We have to keep moving, kitten.”
“Where’s Eri… He was, he was hurting her. Please we have to…”
His almond eyes soften. Even though she’s hurting and in pain, probably closer to death than she’d ever been before her heart still goes out to others. Aizawa isn’t entirely sure of her whereabouts but he needs to keep pressing on. “She’s safe. She’s being rescued just like you are right now.”
(Y/n) nods and then rests her head to his chest clinging on to the familiar amidst the strange. The police and a couple other heroes are all heading toward the top of the building to meet up with the rest of the teams involved. Aizawa holds her tightly against his chest, relishing in this feeling that he knows won’t last forever.
Upon reaching the morning light and bumbling sounds of sirens and commotion, Aizawa treks toward an open ambulance. He drops her off with a medic and hurriedly asks them to look over (Y/n). He hesitantly walks away but turns to see your face, an all too familiar look of knowing that he never wants to see. Her eyes are telling him to go because it’s his job and his job comes first. He’s gonna come back he promises, once he finds Eri.
When (Y/n) wakes again, she finds herself surrounded by bright white and beeps. It doesn’t take as long for her to come to her senses. There’s a drip inserted into her arm and exhales. She notices the wraps and bandages around her previously open wounds and bruises. They are still sensitive to the touch as a reminder that everything that happened had actually occurred. She’s lucky to see clock and calendar near her bed.
Two weeks.
Two whole weeks she was gone. Did anyone notice? How was her shop? Oh God what about Eri? What about the little girl she yearned to see again but couldn’t what happened-
“You’re awake.”
Aizawa stands in the doorway of her room with a small grin. He’s not entirely sure what to do. Is he allowed to rush to you and comfort you? He came out relatively unscathed, but has to deal with a student and a colleague who lost a mentor and friend. That was harsh losing the one who told him about (Y/n)’s whereabouts in the first place.
Her voice is still hoarse from lack of use and malnutrition. “How’s Eri?”
“She’s having fevers from over using her quirk but she’s stable. I’ll be staying by her side to monitor her with my quirk.”
“I see.”
Silence falls between the former couple as they both struggle to find words to say. He knows he needs to go check on Eri but he knows he’s needed and wanted here. He slowly walks in and shuts the door behind him. The look on her face is one of shock, probably because she didn’t expect the work driven man to stay with her, a mere civilian.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said.” Aizawa takes a chair and goes up to her bed to be closer, his eyes never leaving hers. “I wanted to protect you from this. I didn’t want you hurt because of me.” He pauses to collect his next words.
“(Y/n), I,” he looks up to meet her gaze, “I love you. So much so that it scared me. But what scared me most these last couple of months was not knowing how you were, or where you were. And when I found out that you were taken, I couldn’t show it but I was frightened.”
He squeezes her hand that snuck its way into hers. “No please, let me finish. I’ve lost someone close to me before and I didn’t want to feel that again. My job, my students, they are my life. Then you showed up and changed everything. I was happy and content for once but once the threat of villains increased I figured it was better to have you alive and hate me, than be dead because you loved me.
“I couldn’t do that to someone I care about.” All the emotions Aizawa had held in for too long come flowing out. Small and few tears fall down his face as he buries his head into (Y/n)’s bed. “I didn’t want to say what I said that day, but I wanted to protect you and myself,” his confession comes out muffled from his face being buried in the sheets. He feels a dry hand caress his cheek and he meets her gaze.
“Shota,” she cries, tears falling freely. “I missed you so much.” She coughs as her crying causes her to hiccup. “I wanted to be mad but I couldn’t. I wanted to hate you but I couldn’t. And I wanted-mmph!”
Aizawa interrupts her wailing by placing his lips on hers carefully. He holds her face in his hands and wipes her tears gently with is thumb. The simple gesture sends butterflies to her stomach that she hasn’t felt in too long as they separate.
“God Kitten I missed you.” He brings her in for another kiss, this one stronger and more intentional than before. The kiss was filled with unspoken apologies, whispers of love, and admittance of wrongdoing. The hero was careful with (Y/n) as he pulled her toward him, to hold onto her a little tighter. A cough breaks the spell cast on the two rekindled lovers. Aizawa does his best to hide his annoyance and the awful timing at whomever was at the door. It amused (Y/n) to see that he hadn’t changed too much.
“Um, Sen-I mean Eraserhead? They need you to see Eri-chan. Should I leave or-?”
“No Midoriya, it’s fine,” he scoffs out. “Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right there okay?”
The young up and coming hero was clearly flustered at the scene in front of him and from his teacher calling him by his real name. “Yes sir! But shouldn’t we be using our hero names?”
“We’re safe here. Also, this is long overdue but this is (Y/f/n)
“My girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?!” The green haired teen kindly meets her and bows to the both of them as he takes his leave. He turns around to view the couple one more time. He notes that he’s never seen his teacher look at anyone so softly, well maybe with Eri-chan but…
“Geez, why do I always have to be the first one to know crazy news?”
Taglist!: @kiribaku-queen @cupcake-rogue @shinsouskitten @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus @susceptible-but-siriusexual 
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ofpackandpride · 4 years
Bad Behavior
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Requested by: @aflamboyanceofgays
Pairing: Scott McCall x Male Reader x Derek Hale
Notes: Canon divergent post season 6b content
Warnings: Smut, Handcuffs, Overstimulation, Forced Orgasm.
To put things simply, you were being a brat. You were pushing buttons and testing limits, Scott and Derek were getting sick of it real quick too.
Scott was busy with school and training the newer members of the pack, so whenever you would try to do anything it would just get a smile and a “Sorry, Y/N, I’m busy right now.” or a “Sorry, Y/N, but i’m too tired.” If Scott was on the couch working on something on his laptop, you would lean against him or rest your head on his lap.
 At first Scott thought this was cute, he would adjust his laptop so you could comfortably nap, his opinion quickly changed when you would mouth at him through his pants. “Y/N, Stop it.” Scott said sternly, you give a little whine and stop mouthing at him, only to start again a few minutes later. “Y/N!” You pause when he yells your name. You huff and stop, waiting for Scott to get absorbed in his work before you start again. Hearing a growl, you see red eyes staring back down at you. “I need to finish this, it’s important.” 
You get up with a huff and an irritated ‘whatever’. Going upstairs to the room you shared with Derek and Scott, you make it a show to stomp going up the stairs and slam the door loudly.
You smirk to yourself as you look at the video you just took of you stroking yourself off while in one of Derek shirts, knowing that as you send the video to Derek that he was with Peter settling things down so the preserve would be Hale property once again.
Not even a minute later you get a call from Derek.
“Y/N, What the fuck was that?” Derek growls at you through the speaker “What? I thought you’d like it.” You say innocently, as if you left a box of chocolates and didn’t just send him a video of you jerking off in his shirt.
You hear Derek sigh through the phone, placing that smirk back on your face “Don’t do it again.” Derek tells you threateningly before hanging up.
You wait for a few minutes before you send a picture of you with your face buried in his pillow and a hand on your cock with the caption ‘Smells like you’
Your phone rings a minute later with the caller idea “Der❤️” and you answer with a grin “What’s up?”
Derek doesn’t waste any time. “Cut it out, or else”
“Or else what?” You sass back, smiling at the growl through the phone.
“You’ll regret not listening the first time.” Derek threatens before hanging up.
You assume he either turned his phone off or silenced it since he didn’t reply to your next picture after that.
If you were right, this was going to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
It was a pack meeting issued by Scott to be in the loft. You made sure to arrive as close to the time before it started as possible, Theo in tow behind you as you tugged him by his hand. Theo happily being an accomplice in your petty schemes.
“Sorry I’m cutting it so close, I wanted to see the Dread Doctors layer so he was showing me around.” You explain to the pack, letting go of Theo’s hand and gesturing to him. “We sorted through some of the stuff they had there and I think we narrowed down what I am. Either way, what’s up with the meeting?”
Scott sighs and rubs his temple when you finish, Derek glaring at you from his position by the window. Liam looks between the three of you, sensing the irritation from his Alpha and Senior. “Argent is taking all of the new hunters here that want to help protect people.” Scott explains, writing on a crime board Stiles bought as a type of planner for use during pack meets
“Like Nolan” Liam jumps in on behalf of his lacrosse co-captain. Eyes following you as you saunter towards Peter, who is lazily sat on the couch.
“Yeah, and the other students who want to help now that they know about the supernatural.” Scott continues, glancing over to you when you lay down on the couch with your head in Peter’s lap, internalizing his growl as Peter’s hand brushes through your hair. “Argent is planning on giving them proper training and having them adhere to the code. We talked it over and decided that while Argent will ultimately have the say with what goes on, Nolan will be the leader of the Hunters here in Beacon Hills” 
“So Nolan is like his apprentice?” Liam asks, him and Hayden scooting over so Theo can sit next to them.
“Yes, Argent also has worked to make it officially known in the world of the supernatural that Beacon Hills is under the protection of Hunters and McCall Pack, taking in supernaturals and offering protection.” Scott explains, making an effort to not look at you.
You sigh and nuzzle into Peter’s leg, feeling Derek burning holes in your head with his glare. “As nice as all of this sounds, we need more than just saying that we’re here.” You say, finally forcing Scott to look at you. 
You continue on now that you have everyone’s attention “I think that we should split up our work while nothings going on. We can have the more studious of us do research and work on creating counter measures to types of supernaturals or counters to poisons that hunters use in case someone does get injured we can treat them.” Pausing to change positions as Peter rubs his thumb on your neck, massaging tight muscles. “Then on the contrary, we are going to need to have some of us available to train those we bring in who need it. I’d say that would be best left to Derek, Parrish, Argent, and the Yukimura’s now that Kira’s finished her training.”
Lydia hums from her spot next to Stiles. “You put a lot of thought into this.” she comments. “What about you, What are you going to do?” 
You smile and roll over to your back, closing your eyes and giving a pleasured sigh when Peter idly massages your temples. “I was thinking that Me, Theo, and Peter could fix up the operating theater and set it up as a sort of base, setting it up so if any of us would need urgent medical attention we can go there instead of the hospital. Then Me, Theo, Corey, and Hayden can work on setting it up since we are all familiar with down there, this way we have something better than the clinic to go to. No offense”
Scott waves a dismissive hand, showing he wasn’t bothered by what you said. “That actually sounds really good, we can get started on that soon. Now for the next part of the meeting” Scott continues as you drift off to Peter petting you.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is that you aren’t on the couch or on Peter anymore, but rather in your and Derek’s bed. The second is that Derek and Scott are making out next to you.
You go to roll over and stop at the sudden resistance on your wrists and clank of metal, looking up you notice that you are handcuffed to the headboard and a quick glance down to reveal you are only in your boxers. You give an experimental tug and frown when they don’t break, looking over at your boyfriends when you fail to break the cuffs.
You see Derek open an eye and glance at you before closing it again and continuing to make out with Scott.
You let out a little whimper at the way they moan into each others kiss, realizing that no matter how much you keep trying to break the cuffs, nothing happens. “Guys? Can you let me out?” You watch as Scott leans back, sitting up from Derek and taking his shirt off and diving straight back against Derek’s lips.
“C’mon guys, please? This isn’t cool!” You whine, growing hard at the show they are putting on but not being able to do anything about it. “Scott?…Derek?” You ask, whimpering when Derek starts tugging off Scott’s pants all while ignoring you.
Scott pulls back from Derek, kicking his pants off and moaning when Derek grabs his erect length and begins stroking it slowly. “Yeah. Does that feel good, Scott?”  You let out a frustrated cry, increasing your efforts against the handcuffs. Derek looks over at you as Scott tilts his head up, eyes closed as Derek pleasures him. 
“So fucking good” Comes Scott’s breathless reply as he lazily fucks into Derek’s hand, causing you to whine and hump the air in needy desperation.
“Please guys! Fuck, please let me out, need you both so bad right now.” You moan out, hoping to entice them into letting you free. 
You let out a frustrated sob when they continue to ignore you, tears begin pooling in your eyes as you thrash around in your restraints, hoping to appeal to one of them to let you free.
Continuing your begging, you try a multitude of different approaches. All yielding the same result of being ignored, all until you go lax in your restraints. Quietly sniffling as tears slowly roll down your cheek.
“Are you ready to be good?” You snap to Derek’s gaze as he asks the question, nodding rapidly as smooths back your hair. “Do you know why we did this?” You give an ashamed nod at that, looking to the side to avoid the disappointed looks you are receiving.
Scott sighs and moves so he’s sitting on your lap practically, gently tilting your head with a hand under your chin. “Y/N, look at me.” You whine and keep staring to the side, now wanting to face your Alpha. “Y/N. Now.” Comes Scott’s stern command, pulling your focus to his ruby red eyes. “Tell me, do you know why you are going to be punished?”
“Why am I even going to be punished! I didn’t do anything!” You lie, knowing you fucked up when Scott gives you his ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ look. Turning out of Scott’s hand.  You face Derek and try to appeal to him “Seriously! I didn’t-”
You are cut off by an irritated and growly Derek. “You can either own up to your behavior and accept your punishment now and have the chance to cum by the end of the night, or, you can keep pretending you didn’t do anything and get the cage put on for two weeks.” 
Scott and Derek were good about the punishment fitting the crime and rewarding good behavior. You have only been bad enough to be put in the cage for three days, and that was when you took Derek’s Camaro without permission and ended up scratching it. 
“What!? That’s not fair! I didn’t even do anything!” You argue, struggling under Scott desperate to escape punishment.
Derek sighs and gets up from the bed as you writhe under Scott, heading to the closet and turning to you with the cage in hand as you struggle even harder at the sight of it. “I’m sorry that I was being a brat! I’m sorry that I teased you and sent Derek those texts! I’m sorry that I used Peter and Theo to make you jealous, just please don’t let Derek put me in the cage!” You beg in desperate panic. Tears running down your face as you go limp under Scott, all fight leaving you as you beg pitifully. 
“Well you owned up to it, but not when we asked so you’ll still need to be punished.” Derek says, smiling with the cage still in hand before putting it back, calming you down slightly. “Since he was so desperate for an orgasm, how about one for each thing he’s done? What do you say Scott?”
Smiling at the suggestion, Scott hums before replying. “Let’s see, one for each time I told him to stop teasing me yesterday. So that’s three.” Scott lists off, stroking you as he speaks. Smirking at the moans as he toys with you, reveling in your gasps and whimpers.
“One for each text text he sent me, so there’s three more.” Derek adds in.
“Then I think one for Theo and Peter. Are we missing any?” Scott asks as you shake your head frantically, Derek making a contemplative noise.
“No, I think that’s it.” Derek confirms as he shucks off his pants. Making his way to the bed and rummaging in the nightstand next to you and pulling out a blindfold and securing it on you before getting lube from the nightstand, squirting some from the bottle onto his fingers and climbing onto the bed next to you. “You were being such a bad boy, is this what you wanted?”
You were about to reply, ending up biting your lip and bucking your hips in an attempt to chase and flee from the pleasure that Scott’s hand was giving you as it circled your tip.
Scott started sucking hickeys onto your neck, loving the way he could feel you whimper and whine as he worked bruises on your throat. Growling when you moan loudly from Derek’s lubed finger easing into your hole. “Working us up knowing we couldn’t do anything about it, how does it feel not being able to do anything?” Scott asks, sliding a hand into your hair and tugging at the strands, exposing your neck so he can mark more of you.
You whine at the question, efforts against the handcuffs reignited as you oh so desperately wish to touch either of them as Derek slides in a second finger, crying out when the cuffs don’t budge at your renewed tugging while Scott slides down to work at your nipples. “Fuck, more.” You demand, whining when Derek pauses his movements. 
“More?” Derek asks, watching as you nod quickly and try to push against his fingers. “Beg for it” Derek tells you, looking at Scott who seems to like the idea since he holds your hips in place and stops mouthing at your chest.
“Please, Please don’t stop.” You whine, giving a frustrated cry when neither move.
Scott moves his head to the crook of your neck, hand sliding underneath you to tease your hole alongside Derek’s fingers. “You can do better than that, right Y/N? Beg for me” Scott growls, voice lowering as he moves closer to his shift.
“Please, Alpha. Please make me feel good, I need you to feel good. Need you in me, can’t cum without you. Please please please. Please fuck me, Alpha.” You beg, eyes closing as you fall into a chant of pleases, Scott smirking as he and Derek trade places.
“That’s better. Does my needy little boy need his big, strong Alpha’s cock inside him?” Scott teases as he eases three fingers inside of you, thanks to Derek already loosening you a little, pleased when you give a sultry moan and respond with a breathless “Yes, Alpha. Please, Alpha” as Scott grins at Derek.
Derek gives a little growl, irritated how you are begging for Scott only, not giving any warning as he moves between your legs and takes you inside his mouth. Looking at Scott with a would be smirk at the loud moan you give when you hit the back of Derek’s throat, holding your hips in place as he brings you closer to your first of many promised orgasms.
Scott flashes ruby red eyes to Derek, moving underneath you as he finishes working you open for his cock. “Want your Alpha to fill you up? Hmm baby boy?” You nod, moaning as you feel his thick cock against your tight hole, words betraying you as Derek flicks his tongue over your slit.
Scott wasted no time after that, burying himself in you in one quick thrust. 
You cry out at the sudden full feeling as he hits your prostate and pushes you further into Derek’s mouth with his thrust, rim tightening around Scott as you start cumming into Derek’s mouth. 
Scott doesn’t bother waiting, thrusting up into you repeatedly as Derek continues sucking you off. Over-stimulation causing you to thrust your hips to escape yet also chase the too intense feeling, cumming for the second time as Scott fucks into you roughly and Derek taking you into his throat.
When you stop releasing your seed into Derek’s mouth, he pulls off with a loud pop. “Two down, Six to go.” Is all he says, moving up on the bed and rubbing his cock against your lips. You obediently open your mouth for him, gag reflex fucked out of you so long ago you don’t even gag when he pushes your head down his length, his cock hitting the back of your throat as he relentlessly fucks your face. “Such a good slut for me.” Derek praises, causing you to moan around his length.
Scott increases the pace and roughness of his thrusts. Biting on your shoulder and reaching a hand around you, stroking your already sensitive member in time with his brutal thrusts. Gaining a sadistic satisfaction at the way you whimper and whine, toes curling into the sheets as he fucks into you. 
Derek’s breathing quickens as you cum again, pleasured screams and moans reverberating through his length. Derek cumming with a moan, effectively silencing you as you work to swallow his seed, tears flowing down your cheeks as you try to keep up with the pleasure.
Scott groans as you tighten around him, chasing his own orgasm before finally stilling as he begins to fill you with his own seed as he watches you and Derek come undone in front of him.
The room is filled with pants as you all come from down from your orgasms. Derek groaning when he pulls out of your mouth, loving the way you come off with a pop and gasp for air.
You are limp on top of Scott, being held up by him and the restraints, body feeling like jelly as you come down from your fourth orgasm of the night.
“Halfway there, Y/N. Think you can tough this out?” Scott asks as Derek exits the room to bring water, knowing that Scott is going to be worrying over you and will send him to get water if he doesn’t do it now.
You give a grunt in reply, opening your mouth when you feel something press against it. “Drink” Derek commands, tilting the bottle so you can get some water without drinking too much at once. “Better?” You nod and take a second to catch your breath.
“More?” You ask, greedily drinking what Derek tilts to you from the bottle, Whining when Derek moves the bottle away.
“Ready to continue, Y/N?” Scott asks, still inside of you.
You nod and feel Derek climb back on the bed, settling between your and Scott’s legs. You gasp when Derek lifts your legs over his shoulders, moaning when he eases two lubed fingers in you alongside Scott’s length. “Think you can take both of us?” Derek asks, rubbing circles on your hip as your hole stretches for him.
You nod, rocking your hips in encouragement before Scott lifts your ass higher to give Derek easier access to your hole. You moan when you feel him line up to Scott, tip sliding in you alongside Scott’s length.
You try to reach for Derek, groaning when you remember the cuffs are there and preventing you from pulling Derek down to you. Derek seems to get what you want and leans down over you, pressing his hairy chest against you and connecting his mouth to yours as he pushes into you.
You cum with a cry against Derek’s mouth when Derek spearheads your prostate with his cock, shaking in orgasmic bliss as Scott trails one hand down your side and jerks you through your orgasm as you barely cum at all.
“Three more.” Scott says, encouraging you with soft kisses to your shoulder as he holds you in place, allowing Derek to ram into you roughly and repeatedly. 
Derek keeps his brutal pace for what seemed like hours as Scott began thrusting in rhythm to Derek, the two groaning and panting above and below you as they wreck you.
You are a moaning mess as they pound into you, abused cock angry and red trapped between your and Derek’s stomachs. You cry out when he wraps a hand around your length, thumbing your cock head as you cry against him in overstimulated pleasure pain, one little spurt being dragged from you as you are forced through another orgasm.
You feel your rim tightly hug the two cocks filling you up impossibly full as you cum, coaxing your boyfriends into their own orgasms as they shoot inside of you together.
They keep you trapped between them in their stilled forms as they right their high. Your breath catches in your throat as Derek pulls out of you first, feeling some cum dribble out of you when Scott follows shortly after.
You feel Scott sliding out from under you as the two move around on the bed. Moaning when you feel a pair of hands glide over your chest and stomach, smearing the cum into your skin. 
“Such a good boy, taking us so well. We wouldn’t want this to go waste, would we?” You hear Scott asks from your left, assuming he’s the one rubbing your front from the angle of the hands mapping your body.
You hear Derek hum from the opposite side of you. Feeling the telltale signs of an orgasm in the form of heat in your stomach coiling when a large plug is pushed into you and pressing against your bruised prostate. “I think that’ll help keep him from wasting any of our cum.” Derek says, pushing the buttplug in and out of you, fucking you into a dry orgasm with the toy.
Scott chuckles from next to you as you writhe in your restraints. “He can’t even cum anymore.”
Derek lays next to you on the bed, teeth grazing the where Scott marked earlier. “He still has one more orgasm to go.” Derek says, causing you to whine. 
You whimper when you feel his move away, not knowing what to expect, a broken cry leaving you when you feel a mouth take your length inside of it.
“That feel good? Give Scott one more orgasm and your punishment is over.” Derek encourages, stroking a hand up and down your chest soothingly as Scott works you into his throat. It feels like an eternity, Derek praising and encouraging you while you sob from the painful pleasure Scott is putting you through. Mouth open in a silent scream as you reach your final orgasm, cumming dry before going limp against Derek as Scott removes your cuffs and untying the blindfold that covers your eyes and peeling it away.
“You alright, Y/N?” Derek asks, rubbing your arms to get the circulation going as you lean into him. You hum in reply, slipping into sleep against him.
Derek sits you up and shakes you awake, holding you against his chest as he repeats his question, getting a quiet “m’good”  in reply.
You open your eyes when Derek presses the half empty water bottle against your lips, smoothing your hair back as you drink.
You don’t last much longer, barely catching Scott yelling “Bath is ready!” from the other room as Derek lifts you up, falling asleep before Derek even it makes it across the room. Scott smiles as he watches you being carried in. “Guess we tired him out…How long till he does something like this again you think?” Scott asks as he helps place you into the bath.
Smiling as Scott begins washing you off, he replies on while he changes the defiled bed sheets “Knowing him? Probably not too long”  Comes Derek’s amused reply from the bedroom “But then again, I wouldn’t have it any other way”
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m3t4ln3rd · 3 years
Alien Weaponry announce new album Tangaroa; premiere video for title track
Alien Weaponry announce new album Tangaroa; premiere video for title track
Photo by: Piotr Kwasnik Official press release: The wait is over – international metal stars Alien Weaponry have returned with a vengeance, announcing the release of their fervid upcoming sophomore release, Tangaroa, out September 17, 2021 via Napalm Records! Since releasing their acclaimed debut Tū (2018), the New Zealanders’ kinetic presence and sound – combining elements of thrash and…
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sinceileftyoublog · 4 years
Voivod Interview: Locked Down and Loaded
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While the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 lockdowns forced many musicians on national and international tours to scramble home, others were in the middle of a creative process. Fortunately for legendary Canadian metal band Voivod, going virtual didn’t stop them. They’re no strangers to projects that have dragged out; for instance, a film about the band that started with director Sam Dunn (of Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey fame) before guitarist Denis "Piggy" D'Amour died from colon cancer in 2005, is in the process of being finished by Death By Metal director Felipe Belalcazar. This time, instead of totally switching gears, the band chose a multi-pronged approach. They continued to write their follow-up to The Wake virtually, doing demos with Logic Pro, live streamed a show, and released The End of Dormancy, an EP consisting of a reworked version of The Wake track of the same name as well as a couple live performances from last year’s Montreal International Jazz Festival. And on November 27th, Voivod drops The Lost Machine (Century Media), a full live album recorded in Québec City during last year’s tour, along with videos of performances directed by Belalcazar.
I spoke with drummer Michel “Away” Langevin (also the artist behind Voivod’s album covers) from his home in Montreal earlier this month about the band’s immediate and long-term future, and he’s excited about it all. So far, they’ve released the live album’s title track and “Iconspiracy” as singles with accompanying videos, with one more on the way. As their world tour from this year and next year has been postponed, they’re planning on doing another live streamed show early next year. Montreal’s been locked down again since October, but lead singer and lyricist Denis “Snake” Bélanger’s been working on his home studio for the band’s rehearsals and recording. (Langevin and bassist Dominic “Rocky” Laroche live downtown, Snake in the North Shore, and guitarist Daniel “Chewy” Mongrain a little bit outside the city.) Like they’ve always done as a band, whether venturing from speed metal to thrash metal to progressive metal or balancing constant changes of plans, Voivod continues to adapt.
Read my interview with Langevin below, edited for length and clarity.
Since I Left You: When had you originally decided to release a live album?
Michel Langevin: We decided actually when the lockdown started in mid-March. At this point, we were writing material [for a new record], and we didn’t have access to the rehearsal space, so we were looking into what we could release. Last year, when touring The Wake, we had recorded this show we thought was really well performed.
SILY: But you didn’t necessarily know when on tour it was gonna be a live album.
ML: We were playing two festivals in Quebec: the Montreal [International] Jazz Festival and the other was the [Festival d'été de Québec]. We asked an engineer who had worked with us to come with his recording gear. The shows were not built thinking about a live album, but we were just on a roll touring nonstop.
SILY: And there’s video of these performances, too.
ML: We documented the Montreal Jazz Fest with multi-camera and a multi-track module. We didn’t think about documenting the Quebec City show officially, but we really liked the performance there.
SILY: The setlist of the live album seems to be pretty consistent with everything from The Wake tour.
ML: Because we toured so much for it, we switched setlists. Sometimes, we had two that would alternate. With almost two years of touring, we changed the setlist a lot. When we played Montreal and Quebec City, it was the last stretch of the long part of the tour for The Wake. We had a bit of a break right after for the summer. With those shows, we were really in shape. The album is super tight.
SILY: The setlist is basically half The Wake.
ML: We played songs from the first 6 albums and songs from Post Society as well as The Wake. Sometimes, we play material from the Eric [Forrest] era from the 90′s and from the Jason Newsted era from the early 2000′s. But it’s mainly 80′s stuff, although now we play stuff from the first 7 albums. 
SILY: I did notice there wasn’t anything from Target Earth, which I love. Is it just because a record like that or some of the later 2000′s records you’ve more recently done big tours around?
ML: It’s just a matter of having too many albums, but I like when we play, let’s say, “Global Warming” from the Jason era back into the setlist. Right now, we try to cover our career as much as we can, but it’s getting more difficult every year. [laughs]
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SILY: What was your inspiration behind the album art for this album?
ML: I tried to do the art listening to the recordings, mixing, and mastering. I was just listening to the music trying to represent a lost machine with a bunch of other lost machines that started following the main guy along the road.
SILY: What else has the band been up to during lockdown? Have you been able to record?
ML: We did an online show that went super well. We were able to gather and jam even with keeping our distances. We’re thinking of doing more, only if we’re able to rehearse. Snake is right now turning his house into a rehearsal studio. Right before the lockdown, we had templates for songs we were working on. We’re writing a new album [virtually]. This summer, we released The End of Dormancy EP with some songs from the Montreal show with videos we had shot November of last year. When the lockdown started, we looked at what we had to work with and went from there. There’s also a book about Voivod in the works. We’re trying to move forward as much as we can.
SILY: Is there anything you’ve been listening to, reading, or watching during lockdown that’s caught your attention?
ML: I’ve been working so much lately that I haven’t gotten to entertain myself a lot. After the release of [The Lost Machine], I really want to take some time to watch Raised By Wolves. I’ve heard a lot about it. I really like Westworld as well, so I want to watch season 3 of that.
SILY: You’re a key part of Voivod’s sci-fi themes. Is that what you tend to absorb in other art?
ML: I really like sci fi movies and series, but I don’t really read fiction that much. I read paranormal magazines.
SILY: Have you enjoyed the process of writing the studio album remotely?
ML: It’s interesting. I don’t have a studio in my apartment, so I have to program the drums. It makes me listen to Rocky and Chewy’s playing very carefully. It makes me catch stuff I wouldn’t catch at the rehearsal space and changes my playing. I can’t wait to get together, but I can tell that the situation will have an impact on the album.
SILY: The themes, too?
ML: I don’t think think [we’re] gonna focus on the pandemic. I think [we’re] gonna focus on other ideas. But the song structures and musical approach, the fact that we’re writing music and putting together the songs in a very different way, the end result will be very different than The Wake. I think it’s exciting, and if anything, with the whole COVID thing, we’re gonna get out of it as a band more organized and structured.
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nuclearblastuk · 5 years
FOREVER STILL - to join LEAVES EYES and SIRENIA on FMV tour 2019
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The Flaming Arts Agency presents the 2019 run of the yearly FEMALE METAL VOICES TOUR over EU and the UK. Headlined by LEAVES EYES (DE) and SIRENIA (NO), who are joined by FOREVER STILL (DK), LOST IN GREY (FI), KASSOGTHA (CH) and ASPHODELIA (IT), the tour will run from late November to early December.   LEAVES' EYES has always been a band of superlatives: The international group has toured on five continents, playing concerts in more than 50 countries. Their live shows are spectacular events with breathtaking stage scenery and Vikings on stage! LEAVES’ EYES have been setting world history to music and have raced to the top of the symphonic metal tree. The Viking sails have been set - Uncompromising, combative, epic – the chartbreakers LEAVES’ EYES! One of the most exciting metal bands just released their smashing single 'NightOf The Ravens' and a brandnew EP will be in stores at the start of the tour on November 22nd 2019!!! Welcome the Vikings!   SIRENIA was formed by Morten Veland in January 2001. Morten’s musical work was already well known through his work with his former band TRISTANIA, a band he co-founded back in the mid-nineties. Being the main songwriter for this band he was a part of defining the gothic metal sound from a very early time on. SIRENIA has released 8 albums, an EP and several singles. Their albums have made it to the charts in 6 countries, receiving great reviews worldwide. Meanwhile their singles have topped radio charts in several countries.   A new spark of hope has started glowing in the darkness of the rock music scene and with their untamed female lead vocals and haunting melodies the new wildfire named FOREVER STILL is starting to spread from Denmark. On March 29th, 2019, FOREVER STILL have released a new album “Breathe In Colours” via Nuclear Blast and is ready to present it live within the Female Metal Voices Tour.   LOST IN GREY are without doubt one of the most promising newcomers within recent years, electrifying their audiences through their suspense-packed story and the terrific sound setting. Inspired by symphonic and folk metal, literature and the world itself, they are promoting their new album “The Waste Land” released in January.   The Italians from ASPHODELIA blend symphonic and choral sonorities, electronics and Mediterranean echoes into a solid metal frame with a strongly dark mood. Their lyrics are usually centered on the theme of the afterlife, on the life and death dichotomy, the fleetingness of time and the misery of the human condition. The band is named after the asphodel, typical Mediterranean flower connected to the ancient Greek Underworld.   Every once in a while, a Swiss band comes along ready to innovate and dominate their genre — think CELTIC FROST, CORONER, SAMAEL, ELUVEITIE. This time, the KASSOGHTA disruptors are hailing from Geneva, with destructive riffs, steamrolling grooves, and sweeping melodies, paired with a female screaming voice that can compete with any growler out there. Just like the aforementioned legends came to dominate their respective genres, ranging from prog thrash to folk metal (or indeed metal itself), KASSOGTHA are ready to take over modern melodic death metal.   Here’s the list of confirmed dates:   23.11 - Ingolstadt (GER) “Eventhalle-Westpark” 24.11 - Sneek (NLD) “Het Bolwerk” 26.11 - London (UK) “O2 Islington” 27.11 - Southampton (UK) “The 1865” 28.11 - Manchester (UK) “Factory” 29.11 - Birmingham (UK) “Asylum” 30.11 - Marche-en-Famenne (BEL) “Wex Club” 01.12 - Zaandam (NLD) “De Flux” 03.12 - Leipzig (GER) “Naumanns” 04.12 - Erfurt (GER) “From Hell” 05.12 - Brno (CZE) “Melodka” 06.12 - Zurich (SUI) “Hall Of Fame” 08.12 - Budapest (HUN) “Durer Kert” 10.12 - Bucharest (ROM) “Quantic Club” 11.12 - Cluj Napoca (ROM) “Form Space” 12.12 - Kosice (SVK) “Collosseum” 14.12 - Venice (ITA) “Revolver Club” 15.12 - Retorbido (ITA) “Dagda Live Club” ----- More about FOREVER STILL: Order your physical or digital version of FOREVER STILL’s new album now: http://nblast.de/FSBreatheInColours In case you missed the other recent videos, make sure to watch them here: 'Rew1nd' music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--CQeGZvo9M 'Breathe In Colours' music video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOo0qgHpCac    'Rew1nd' rehearsal session video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBkWJXzILmM 'Is It Gone?' music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARosHyZ8_jg 'Perfect Day': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO1pkCXu70U 'Say Your Goodbyes': https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jiAYt32TyE Catch the band on one of these dates: FOREVER STILL w/ CELLAR DARLING 17.10.  F          Paris - Les Étoiles 18.10.  D         Dusseldorf - The Tube Club 20.10.  D         Frankfurt - Nachtleben 23.10.  D         Munich - Backstage 24.10.  CZ        Prague - Futurum Music Bar 25.10.  PL        Krakow - Żaczek 26.10.  D         Leipzig - Hellraiser 29.10.  D         Hamburg - headCRASH 30.10.  DK       Copenhagen - BETA 01.11.  FIN      Tampere - Olympia-kortteli 02.11.  FIN      Helsinki - On the Rocks FOREVER STILL w/ BEYOND THE BLACK 05.11.  S          Stockholm - Fryhuset Klubben 07.11.  S          Göteborg - Pustervik 08.11.  N          Oslo - John Dee 09.11.  S          Malmö - KB 
Visit FOREVER STILL online: www.foreverstill.bigcartel.com www.foreverstill.dk www.facebook.com/foreverstill www.twitter.com/foreverstilldk www.instagram.com/foreverstillofficial 
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mimpathy · 5 years
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aci32 · 2 years
Hey everyone, here’s my 5th review of 2022, Destruction/Nervosa!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 6th time seeing Destruction and the first time in 4 years I saw them live as I last saw them in their home country of Germany at the Wacken Open Air festival, which was a great experience, even though their set was cut short. It also felt great to see them in Toronto for the first time in 5 years as they last came on the Under Attack tour with Jungle Rot and Warbringer at the MOD Club. 
Let’s begin the festivities!
First band up was VX36!! I hadn’t heard of this band before but they had a Thrash/Groove metal vibe to them and as well my friend Derek had walked up to me and said “I thought that was you on stage”. I then go “Me?” So he pointed me to the direction of frontman Nate Klug as Derek said “You look just like him”. He wasn’t the only one, the guitarist told me to throw the horns at Nate Klug since he also noticed I looked like him, and my friend Alex “Stogie” Stojanovic had said to me by the end of the set “Your long lost twin”. They had great energy and got a pit going and at one point, synchronized headbanging amongst the moshers, which was a cool moment.
Second band up was Sunlord. I was honestly not impressed with them musicially as I thought they were out of place on the bill, but their frontman was funny as he called out a schmuck mosher for spraying other moshers and those of us at the front with his beer and the frontman said “You owe me a pushup” then before he kicked into the next song he said “When are you going to do your fuckin’ pushups? Oh you can’t because your too fat” which got my friends Nik Stogie and I cracking up.
Third band up was NERVOSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had heard of this band before as they’re a thrash metal band from Brazil, even though guitarist Prika Amaral is the only original member remaining and the only one from country of origin as bassist Mia Wallace, drummer Eleni Nota, and frontwoman Diva Satanica are from Italy, Greece, and Spain respectively, so 3 quarters Mediterranean Europe and a quarter Brazilian. This band has had numerous lineup changes but this lineup is absolutely phenomenal. They had great energy onstage and the crowd was enjoying them. I really hope they come on a headlining tour later this year or go on tour with another great quality band, either way Nervosa have earned my respect. I can also add Nervosa to the list of prominent metal bands from Brazil as the other 4 are Krisiun, Angra, Violator, and last but not least, Sepultura. Here’s their setlist:
Guided by EvilPlay Video
Kings of DominationPlay Video
Genocidal CommandPlay Video
Time to FightPlay Video
DeathPlay Video
Rebel SoulPlay Video
Masked BetrayerPlay Video
Into MoshpitPlay Video
Perpetual ChaosPlay Video
Blood EaglePlay Video
Under Ruins
Last band of the night was DESTRUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 6th time seeing them live as it had been 4 years since I last saw them at Wacken Open Air 2018. It was my first time seeing them as a four piece and the first time I saw them without original guitarist Mike Sifringer as he left Destruction last August as his passion for music had died on him, which is understandable. It was also cool seeing Destruction as a full international band with Schmier being the only German in the band as  Damir Eskić is from Switzerland but of Bosnian descent, Martin Furia is from Argentina, and Randy Black is from Canada but from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. When I heard Mike had left I was a bit reluctant to see them live again at first but after hearing Schmier say in an interview that he’s the main songwriter and hearing their awesome new release of Diabolica, it persuaded me to go and see them live. Sure enough I’m glad I did catch them live for a 6th time and as well this is the 3rd different venue I’ve seen Destruction play at in Toronto as I’ve seen them play the MOD Club 3 times, Rockpile once back in 2012, and now Lee’s Palace. They had a great setlist which looked like this and thank you Stogie for taking a photo of it since the people on Setlist.fm were slacking:
1. Diabolical
2. Death Trap
3. Nailed to the Cross
4. Mad Butcher
5. Repent your Sins
6. Born to Perish
7. No Faith in Humanity
8. Life Without Sense
9. Release from Agony
10. Tormentor
11. The Butcher Strikes Back
12. Tormented Soul
13. Inspired by Death
14. Curse the Gods
15. Thrash Til Death
16. Bestial Invasion.
Overall a great show and an even better way to spend a Sunday evening.
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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horrorpatch · 2 years
DEATHHAMMER Detail Upcoming New Album, 'Electric Warfare'!
DEATHHAMMER Detail Upcoming New Album, ‘Electric Warfare’!
Norwegian blackened thrash metal band DEATHHAMMER has set February 25th as the release date for their fifth full-length album, Electric Warfare via Hells Headbangers. You can check out not one, but two new videos from the new album down below along with more information. From The Press Release Today, Hells Headbangers announces February 25th as the international release date for Deathhammer‘s…
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metalshockfinland · 3 years
Lebanese Thrash Titans PHENOMY Release Blistering New Single + Video ‘Ominous’ from Upcoming Album
Lebanese Thrash Titans PHENOMY Release Blistering New Single + Video ‘Ominous’ from Upcoming Album
Lebanese thrash / groove metal titans PHENOMY have released their blistering new single and video for ‘Ominous’, from forthcoming album ‘Syndicate Of Pain’, depicting a paranoid patient, possessed by internal voices taking control, leading toward gruesome consequences. Watch Video: Listen: http://smarturl.it/PHominousAvailable on YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, Apple Music and all other major…
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johnerigo-blog · 3 years
NORTHTALE (Power Metal - International) - Release Lyric Video For "Future Calls" + new album "Eternal Flame" is OUT NOW via Nuclear Blast #northtale
NORTHTALE (Power Metal – International) – Release Lyric Video For “Future Calls” + new album “Eternal Flame” is OUT NOW via Nuclear Blast #northtale
NORTHTALE (Power Metal – International) – Release Lyric Video For “Future Calls” + new album “Eternal Flame” is OUT NOW via Nuclear Blast #northtale Power metal newcomers NORTHTALE have unleashed their new album, “Eternal Flame”,  via Nuclear Blast. Produced by Dennis Ward (PINK CREAM 69, UNISONIC), the album features 12 brand new tracks and a whole range of new influences, from thrash metal,…
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theheadbangers · 4 years
SLAYER - Celebrate The International Day Of SLAYER On Demand
Saturday, June 6, for the first time since its theatrical and DVD release last November, the motion picture 'Slayer: The Repentless Killogy' will make its VIDEO ON DEMAND debut. The release is in celebration of “International Day of Slayer,” the annual heavy metal holiday that commemorates the uncompromising, loud and defiant music of the iconic thrash/punk/metal band SLAYER.
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Since the holiday’s inception 18 years ago, every June 6, Slayer fans have staged a “Slay-out," skipping work or school in favor of spending the day listening to Slayer at nuclear blast level, in their car, at home, or the public place of their choice.  However, this year, to make sure every SLAYER acolyte stays lean and mean, the "International Day of Slayer" can be saluted in the privacy and comfort of your own home - a "Slay-In." As part of the celebration, the feature film will premiere at the special rate of $6.66 USD for one week, with 50% of the proceeds, donated on behalf of SLAYER, Nuclear Blast and Global Merchandising Services, earmarked for Live Nation’s Crew Nation charity to help support live music road crew members who have been directly impacted as a result of COVID-19. Check out the trailer for the film: pre-order "Slayer: The Repentless Killogy" ON DEMAND VIDEO here: http://slayer.net/internationaldayofslayer Part One of "Slayer: The Repentless Killogy" motion picture was written and directed by BJ McDonnell, who conceived and directed the three brutal music videos - 'You Against You,' 'Repentless,' and 'Pride in Prejudice'-  for SLAYER’s final studio album "Repentless" (2015). The film opens with the three music videos assembled as one chronological storyline, and then segues into a present-time narrative written and filmed especially for this motion picture.  Part One stars many of the actors who appeared in the original video series: Jason Trost (“Beats of Rage,” “Hatchet III”), as Wyatt, Danny Trejo (“Machete,” “From Dusk Til Dawn”), Richard Speight (“Band of Brothers,” “Supernatural”), Derek Mears (“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), Jessica Pimentel (“Orange Is The New Black”), Tyler Mane (“X-Men,” “Halloween !!”), Bill Moseley (“The Devil’s Rejects,” “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2”), Caroline Williams (“The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2,” “Sharknado 4”), and Sean Whalen (“Twister,” “The People Under The Stairs”).
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Part Two features SLAYER’s entire live set performed at the Los Angeles Forum on August 5, 2017 and was directed by Wayne Isham who has directed videos for artists including Metallica, Foo Fighters, Michael Jackson, Kelly Clarkson, and Britney Spears.  Presented in front of one of the most striking stage productions of the band’s career, SLAYER performs fan-favorites including 'South of Heaven,' 'War Ensemble,' 'Mandatory Suicide,' 'Dead Skin Mask,' 'Raining Blood,' and 'Angel of Death.' For the "Slayer: The Repentless Killogy" feature, the band - Tom Araya, Kerry King, Gary Holt and Paul Bostaph - were filmed discussing the "Repentless" album, SLAYER fans, being a member of The Big Four, and more on “A Prequel to Slaying…” After making some of the most brutal, breathtakingly aggressive, all-hell's-a-breaking-loose music ever created, being one of the four bands that defined an entire musical genre and being the band that other heavy acts are measured against and aspire to...after 38 years, releasing 12 studio albums, multiple live recordings, compilations, live video and two box sets, playing nearly 3000 concerts in all corners of the world, receiving countless awards including five Grammy nominations and two Grammy awards, Gold records and other accolades...having its own exhibit in the Smithsonian Institute, gracing hundreds of magazine covers, experiencing the devastating loss of a founding brother, and even appearing on "The Tonight Show," the Age of SLAYER, one of the greatest thrash/metal/punk bands of this or any age, came to an end on November 30, 2019 when the band wrapped up its Final World Tour with two sold-out nights at the Los Angeles Forum. On its final tour, SLAYER performed more than 140 shows in 20 countries and 40 U.S. states. Long live SLAYER.
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More info: www.slayer.net www.facebook.com/slayer www.instagram.com/slayerbandofficial www.twitter.com/slayer www.nuclearblast.de/slayer   Read the full article
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gigsoupmusic · 4 years
BBC Radio 6Music Festival - Review - Camden (6th-8th March 2020)
It’s probably safe to say that not everybody who listens to 6 Music likes everything they play, but it’s almost certain that all the listeners are united in their unconditional love of 'proper' music. In that spirit, the offering at this year’s BBC Radio 6 Music festival is a veritable smorgasbord of musical genres, each artist contributing their own distinct flavour to the musical feast. Opening the festival, black midi meander between delicate fingerstyle melodies and thrashing, aggressively distorted guitar. They are chaotic and slightly unsettling, though hopefully not too brash so as to scare off the fans expecting to see Michael Kiwanuka later that night - this odd line-up juxtaposition testament to the versatility of 6 Music and its listeners. The band’s powerful vocals emanate from a largely static Matt Kwasniewski-Kelvin, while conversely, on the other side of the stage drummer Morgan Simpson goes to town on the drum kit whilst delivering a brilliantly tight and complex performance.
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Nadine Shah, drafted in to fill a gap left by the laryngitis-stricken Michael Kiwanuka, has a soulful voice, and her music is slower, more sultry. The band’s sound is a somewhat exotic infusion of middle-Eastern influences in the sitar-like guitar riffs and complex drum patterns - Shah has talked about her father’s Pakistani heritage and its influence on her music. Thrilled to be on stage to kick off her 'residency' (she will also open the closing night of the festival on Sunday evening) she also sends her best to Michael Kiwanuka for a speedy recovery - have a lemsip on us, Mikey! The last artist in the Roundhouse on Friday night is the wonderful Brittany Howard; a vibrant and joyful soul singer set against a classic Americana backdrop. Howard’s amazing falsetto ad-libbing dazzles against the choral backing, much like her glittery shawl against the dusty orange backdrop. She holds her own as headliner in Michael Kiwanuka's absence with a more jubilant, celebratory sort of soul music; very much what the doctor ordered.
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On Saturday in Dingwalls, Jordan Rakei delivers a startlingly raw set with record-perfect precision. Rakei's voice is used as an instrument, his beat-box like percussive breaths punctuating his silky smooth flows. The band too are tight, and super precise, but not lacking in flexibility. There are melodic similarities to the likes of Fat Freddy's Drop, hinting at Rakei’s New Zealand influence. One of Jordan’s guests on stage is the inimitable Loyle Carner with his signature hushed vocals and gentle swagger, together the duo perform their hit ‘Ottolenghi’, Carner’s appearance makes the crowd go wild and their performance doesn’t disappoint. Grammy-winning pianist Robert Glasper kicks off his set with a dazzling Radiohead cover, putting his own New-York-Jazz spin on their distinctly British sound. Glasper and his band create a rich narrative; sonic layers phasing in and out to guide the listeners along on a musical journey. Together their sound is expansive, with plenty of jazzy improvisation thrown in for good measure.
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Later that night in the Roundhouse Sackler Space The Orielles take to the stage. They look like they're straight out of a 70's music video, striped sweaters and flared jeans a plenty. Lovely crunchy bass and swimmy vocals abound in a performance that resembles a pick’n’mix of musical styles with cascading 80s synths, grungy 90s rock and everything between. The erratic and disjointed 'Rapid Eye' paints a vivid dream sequence with shimmering guitar and quirky percussion, toy-like laser sounds adding to the quasi-nostalgic feel of the band. The Big Moon start their set with a live radio broadcast on 6 Music, with a little help from DJ Tom Robinson, who warms up the crowd and introduces the band. Again, this is genre bending music, much like the Orielles but more fluid. Juliette Jackson’s husky vibrato vocals float over the band’s rolling rhythms whilst punchy synths create a dynamic, spacey atmosphere. All four of the women have amazing voices and they make full use of their abilities with some delightful, uplifting harmonies. 
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On Sunday, again in Dingwalls, Ghostpoet delivers an electrifying performance - his body is an extension of the music as he twists and flows with the melody. Dark and twisted, his sound borrows from a diverse catalogue of influence, from heavy metal to trip-hop. He also debuts a new song ‘Nowhere to Hide' - a song that builds on an escalating tension, pierced violently by eery, cinematic strings. It is a powerfully intimate performance that goes hand-in-hand with the intensity of his music. Not long after, The Hot 8 Brass Band, the textbook example of creating joy through music, give a jubilant performance that gets everyone moving. In a double-whammy shout-out they perform an Amy Winehouse cover to celebrate the late artist’s life in her old stomping ground of Camden whilst also celebrating international women’s day. This performance is a treat, the bright and bold brass lifting the spirits of the crowd.
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Closing the festival in the Electric Ballroom are the indie stalwarts Bombay Bicycle Club; the masters of turning quotidien melancholy into excitable, upbeat anthems. Having returned from a 5-year hiatus to release their 5th studio album in January this year, the band have been gigging non-stop, though evidently this hasn’t tired them out. Their performance is gentle at first, but builds to a fever pitch as they turn to their older tunes; bound to put smiles on the faces of the thinning-haired indie kids amongst the crowd. The snarling bass-solo in ‘Overdone’ sets the ballroom alight, and the vibrant, fruity melodies of ‘Luna’ get the room dancing. The festival draws to a close, but 6 Music very much lives on - and as well as continuing to serve up musical cocktails to its loyal listeners, fans will be able to listen back to recordings from the festival on the BBC sounds app. All photos by Rob Waters. Read the full article
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shemakesmusic-uk · 3 years
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Thrash outfit Nervosa have just released their new album, Perpetual Chaos and have also shared a music video for the latest single, ‘Under Ruins’. The new album comes after major lineup changes left guitarist Prika Amaral as the only longtime member of the band. Singer Diva Satanica, bassist Mia Wallace (ex-Abbath), and Eleni Nota all joined Nervosa to create an all new thrash metal force, with the band essentially learning to live and play together when recording Perpetual Chaos in the remote Artesonao studio in Malaga, Spain. What was once a Brazilian band is now an international group, with the new members hailing from Spain, Italy, and Greece. “It was a wonderful experience with these girls, they are all very talented and did an excellent job,” Amaral said in a press release. “I have never been so happy with the final result of a record. I chose Artesonao studio in Malaga, because it is isolated and in an extremely beautiful place, we worked hard but we had the best vibe between us.” New song ‘Under Ruins’ is a bulldozing ripper in the Brazilian thrash tradition. Befitting of her name, Diva Satanica’s vocals are bestial and demonic, and she sounds right at home fronting Nervosa. “It was undoubtedly a very intense process in every way,” Satanica remarked. “Not only did we learn to work together, but also to get to know each other and live together. I am very lucky to be able to be part of a project like this and I am sure that with the release of this album, Nervosa will take a very important step in its career. Working with [producer] Martin Furia was incredible, he helped me to find nuances in my voice that I didn’t know I had. Get ready, for a new era more powerful than ever!” Lyrically, the songs range from “political grievances and amplifying the voices of minorities to protesting against factory farming, capitalism and succumbing to the ill-informed musings of social elite.” The arena of thrash metal has always been vocal on these issues, and Nervosa aren’t holding back. [via Consequence of Sound]
Hamilton, ON grune/alt-metal quartet Planned Dilemma share a new single from their forthcoming debut Inspace. Listen to ‘Softly’ below.
French industrial metallers Dust In Mind unveil a new single. It’s titled ‘Break’ and it comes with a dark music video, which you can find below.
Germany’s dark rock/modern metal band Enemy Inside presents a music video for their new single titled ‘Crystallize’. Vocalist Nastassja comments: “Isolation has left everyone afraid, stuck and frozen. Lethargy made our bones weak and our hearts tired. We feel unconscious, powerless and numb. This isn’t a life, this is hibernating. Breathe us back to life, ’cause we’re numb inside. Heat us up inside ’cause we’ve crystallized.” [via Metal Goddesses]
Dutch symphonic metallers Epica will release their new album, Omega, on February 26 via Nuclear Blast. The follow-up to 2016's The Holographic Principle was once again produced by Joost Van Den Broek in part at Sandlane Recording Facilities in Rijen, Netherlands. Epica has released the third single from the album, titled ‘Rivers’. Singer Simone Simons comments: "Our third single has arrived! 'Rivers' symbolizes the calmness and at the same time the uncertainty in life, the ebb and flow. The calm water represents peace, and a strong river stream means that you have to face challenges and swim against the tide of life." [via Blabbermouth]
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
Doomed & Stoned in Russia with Neuropolis
~By Billy Goate~
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Photographs by Darja Fetisova
I like to keep my finger on the pulse of scenes around the world, especially those that are lesser known in the light of the mainstream. For the past three or four years, for instance, we've been covering events like the Sludge Convention and Tune Low, Play Slow in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Russia has a thriving heavy underground that trends towards dark, dank sludgy doom, much of it with a hardcore or southern rock twist.
Support for local gigs is robust compared to what most bands experience in the States. Alice in Chains just played their first gig ever in Moscow and it was incredible to see the fast crowd singing along with every song (yes, even the new ones). Bands in the doom-stoner scene such as Acid King, Eyehategod, and Elder have, in recent years, taken the long trek into what was once forbidden territory to perform before a most grateful (and highly involved) audience.
The homegrown scene is no less impressive, though much of it is tragically unknown outside of local circles. Some have broken free from obscurity, like The Grand Astoria, and more and more people are sharing the likes of The Re-Stoned, Dekonstruktor (formerly The Moon Mistress), Pressor, Stoner Train, Tsygun, Without God, Lord of Doubts, ИЛ, Illegal Ones, C.X., Phantomass, 609, and Fuzzthrone on the socials.
This is the point at which we're introduced to a fresh face in the doom scene, a six-member crew called NEUROPOLIS. I happened upon them while browsing a Russian-language metal forum one afternoon, which led me to a YouTube video for the EP, 'Temptation' (2019), which itself was quite the unexpected emotional odyssey of peaks and valleys. Take a listen for yourself:
Temptation (Искушение) by NEUROPOLIS
Perhaps the band got lucky their first go around and composed a masterpiece of doom with deft touches of death. Perhaps there is more greatness awaiting in the creative well of these young musicians. Regardless, the time is ripe to get to know them all better. In the process, we're afforded a rare window into the St. Petersburg heavy underground and the cultural distinctives that are shaping the Russian doomers of today.
Doom resonates with our worldview and perception.
It has already become an integral part of us
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Take us underneath the soil, into the roots of Neuropolis. How did it all begin for you as a band?
Now it is difficult to note any one of the band's stages of existence as an absolute foundation point. Every one of us has been creative, mostly in music, before we became a band. The first crew, from which our band slowly began to develop, was formed approximately five years ago. It was a naive time of experiments and searching for sound. Kim, Freakedelic, and Dmitry (the former vocalist of the group, whom we jokingly call Maestro), arranged jam sessions together, tried and eventually learned to play instruments, and worked on their first songs ("Heaven in Hell," "Secret Paradise," "Killing Machine"). Then the guys gave their first concert in a bar called ZIS and got a couple of whiskey shots for their fee.
After this, due to internal contradictions and uncertain life circumstances, Freakedelic left the band, devoting himself to spiritual practices and psychedelic experiments. Our band hasn’t got him back for a very long time. In those days, the number of session musicians, bassists, and drummers has changed and two concerts were given in clubs Ulitsa and Money Honey. None of the invited musicians, however, could find their place in the group.
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In 2017, Freakedelic, who achieved enlightenment, returned to the band together with his wife, Miroslava Antonova (aka DegraDante), who began to play keys, and Maestro brought in a new bass guitarist, Sergey Berezhansky (aka Sotona, aka Diversant). In such a composition, the band recorded its first single in mid-2018: "Surf (Priboy)." This was an important stage in the history of the band, which can be considered the moment of foundation.
By that time, the name of the band had already existed -- Neuropolis. After the release of "Surf" online, a concert was held in the club Banka and one was planned in the club ROUTE148, but difficulties arose. Maestro was fired from our band for his inappropriate behavior and his personal ambitions based on nothing. A week before our concert, the band was left without a vocalist. Sotona invited his old friend Vladimir Alekseev (aka "V") to scream into the microphone at the rep and he immediately made an impression on us with his pitch, and especially the frail, deep lyrics that he immediately wrote for three old versions of songs. We decided that V would perform at ROUTE148 with Neuropolis.
In just a week, a new song was written and the old material was reworked. It was the beginning of the modern history of Neuropolis, which lasts to this day. At the end of 2018, rhythm guitarist Valentin Rebrov (aka "Verghil Alighieri") joined our band. He was invited to our concert by the keyboardist, having just moved from Sakhalin (almost from the other side of the world). He had few friends, so he was interested and offered to write an Intro to one of our songs. Then he decided to become our rhythm guitarist and contributed a lot of good stuff to our band and music. Given the crew we work with today -- and the release our debut EP, 'Temptation' (2019) with V’s lyrics -- there isn’t any reason to for us to break up the band.
This is our sad six-person party in the basement
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What was you goal in creating new music together? Did you specifically choose to play music in the doom genre?
We do not think that each of us himself has chosen doom as a genre. Many of us like heavy music: someone is fond of black metal, someone of thrash, someone of death, and someone likes specifically doom. You may like different music, but when you start to create it, it is so-so -- like it comes out of you and if there isn’t one person in the band, the result depends on the preferences of each, so it is a kind of the general mood quintessence. We made doom that sounds quite old-school.
In the end, each of us has his own interests and motivations: for one it is a hobby and profit, for another a leisure time with an instrument in his hands, for the third it is an opportunity to work in a certain genre niche, the opportunity to improve his composing talent. For still others of us it is an opportunity to express emotions in a musical and poetic form. The atmosphere of the genre, its emotional component, is sometimes striking, and in some forms of this genre -- from the smallest detail to the greatest effort -- is worth it to do.
The musicians who love all of these different styles have met and have made doom, therefore it must be fate. The most interesting thing is that doom never bothers us, it resonates with our worldview and perception, it has already become an integral part of us -- minor viscous riffs, powerful drums, texts permeated with doom. This is our sad six-person party in the basement.
Air here is saturated with the fall of several empires and thousands of crippled destinies of young people.
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'Temptation' has some very sad and moving moments, indeed. What inspired you to write this pair of songs?
Our first EP is imbued with the spirit of the city we live in, the spirit of St. Petersburg. Life here leaves a certain imprint on perception. We live in a rather shitty climate between the Gulf of Finland and Ladoga Lake. It is cloudy and rainy here, with sunny days in the year limited to about 50. This northern city is considered one of the most depressing in Russia, while it bears the title of the cultural capital of the country. This explosive combination -- depression and creativity -- such mood is close to Scandinavians (Swedes, Norwegians, Danes). But, in addition to the weather, we have a huge area decorated with monuments, cathedrals, buildings, and grotesque mythical figures of granite, which lie on a huge variety of islands, canals, and stone waterfronts.
The air here is saturated with the spirit of the fall -- the fall of several empires, thousands of crippled destinies of young people. The soul of this location is impossible to express through the textbooks. It penetrates inside of us throughout life. Through our creativity we broadcast it.
In addition, if we exclude the influence on our music of recognized masters of doom metal (and their influence is undeniable), such as Candlemass, Saturnus, Katatonia, Saint Vitus, and Black Sabbath, there is something else that inspires us. Here is just the question of whether we will draw inspiration from life. Yes, we draw it from the experience of our own lives. It happened so that each participant of Neuropolis has had quite a difficult fate -- alcohol, drugs, hospitals, wars, suicide, loss. We have seen some shit. Almost every living inhabitant of the planet Earth is faced with these things. This, of course, could not but affect our music and our lyrics. The lyrics of our songs are always permeated with references to both religious texts and masterpieces of classical literature. It's not as easy as it might seem. We're working on every word. And Kim and Verghil sometimes just write good riffs.
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This seems like a good time to introduce us to the individual members of the band and tell us what instruments, gear, and amps you all use.
Vladimir Alekseev (aka V) -- vocals, lyrics. Before meeting the musicians, Neuropolis wrote sad lyrics and worked on a solo album in the genre of psychedelic rock. Suddenly, he felt a desire to experiment with extreme vocals and to play old-school doom metal. Microphones: Oktava MK-319, Shure Beta 58A.
Valentin Rebrov (aka Vergil Alighieri) -- guitar, arrangements. Arrived from the other end of the world and joined Neuropolis in late-2018, proving himself as a good sound engineer, reliable guitarist, and talented arranger. Guitar: Schecter Omen-7 Walnut with stock pickups. Pedals: AMT Heater + AMT B2 + AMT Pangaea CP-100
Alexey Antonov (aka Freakedelic Anvy) -- drums. Our drummer is also one of the band's founders. This guy really has seen some shit and in some shit had to play. His custom-crafted drum kit was used to record our Temptation EP, with its iron ED Cymbals Legat and Pearl Eliminator Redline pedal. In everyday life and for gigs he uses a hi-hat Paiste 303, 201 Paiste ride, crash Sabian El Sabor, and Pearl Eliminator. "There was some experience using Axis," he says, "but the chain drive was closer to me."
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Dmitriy Kim (aka Kim) -- guitar. One of the founding fathers of Neuropolis. The most beautiful riffs are his job. Guitar: Epiphone Les Paul Custom with prophecy Pickups - EMG 81/85. Guitar processor: Zoom G5n.
Sergey Berezhansky (aka Sotona, aka Diversant) -- bassist, millionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He has two bass-guitars -- the first very strange ESP The Surveyor (there are doubts in originality) and Fender Precision Bass'82 -- plus a rather unique "craft" guitar. Despite its mystique, the ESP sounds pretty good for its price. "Well, Fender just made me happy with a single touch to the strings," he remarks. "In general, this is the very case when playing the guitar, is the great pleasure of the instrument. I use processor Boss GT-1B. It satisfies me completely. I used the delay pedal, but with the help of the processor, this no need to use a separate pedal. And the presence of preamp removed some inconveniences with connecting to different guitar speakers in different rehearsal rooms."
Miroslava Antonova (aka Degradante) -- vocals, lyrics, keyboards. Originally from Ukraine, she met Freakadelic in a chat and moved to St. Petersburg. Instruments: Diapason (mezzo soprano), Akai MPC mkII MIDI keyboard, PC, and reaper. Microphones: Oktava MK-319, Shure Beta 58A.
Some delicate ears do not stand up and bleed a bit from what they hear.
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Well, you are certainly loaded for bear! Have you turned your attention to composing new material for an upcoming record?
Good question. We don't want to work on anything else, but it seems to be necessary, because it is stronger than drugs. (laughs) At the moment, we are working on a new EP, Golem, which we plan to release in the fall. This release will be different from EP Temptation, with a sharper, heavier sound. Presumably the Golem will be four new killer songs in the genre of death-doom. We have already recorded some demo tracks for the new EP. Some songs have lyrics, but there is no music and vice versa. Some are completely ready for studio recording. We hope to surprise those who liked our first release.
We want to bring doom metal out of the underground.
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What is life like for a heavy music artist in Saint Petersburg? Do people understand your music or is the heavy music scene more of an "underground" phenomenon?
The life of a musician playing heavy music in St. Petersburg is like trying to give people vitamins, while everyone wants to eat a triple burger with sauce. Some delicate ears do not stand up and bleed a bit from what they hear. It's not bad, we love blood -- it's beautiful.
Music takes a lot of time and money, especially when you do something ideological and conceptual, not mainstream. The genre in which we play is not common here. Our music can really be called underground. This is the trend of our time: there is more in fashion pop music and light indie rock, which is convenient to play in bars and clubs. Such music helps the owner of the clubs to sell more alcohol. But we are still a young band, we hope to find like-minded people and organize concerts together. After the release of the second EP we will pay a lot of attention to concert activity. We want to bring doom metal out of the underground and are ready to make a lot of effort, not only in terms of sound, but also in terms of visual performance.
They come to us after the concerts to thank, praise, and even scold us.
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Take is into your scene and tell us about some bands you play with that you might recommend to our listeners.
Freakadelic recommends cool Moscow guys Kamni. They play great stoner metal, although in recent years they trend more and more towards psychedelic rock. V recommends Arkona. This is a well-known Russian band. We haven’t not played on the same stage with them, but maybe someday we will be lucky to do it. Arkona's guitarist helped us with the EP Temptation, as we are close to his vision of heavy music. Degradante recommends a wonderful St. Petersburg band Theodor Bastard. Although it is not metal, the guys are original, with a gorgeous sound and interesting vocals. And also black metal collective Second To Sun.
We played with different bands, but we have never met anyone like us. Sometimes we saw a lack of understanding in the eyes of the listeners who came to have a rest after a hard day, but sometimes we saw interest in their eyes. There are all kinds of feedback: they come to us after the concerts to thank, praise, and even scold us, so we are doing something right. This world needs us.
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