#New Birth
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blackmusicdaily · 2 months ago
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tha-wrecka-stow · 5 months ago
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djevilninja · 5 months ago
The New Birth "Wildflower" LIVE 1974
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Ordo Salutis: Regeneration
3 Jesus answered and said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 Nicodemus said to him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said to you, You must be born again. 8 The wind blows where it wants, and you hear the sound thereof, but can not tell from where it comes, and where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. — John 3:3-8 | American King James Version (KJVUS) The American King James Version is Produced by Stone Engelbrite. It is a simple word for modern word update from the King James English. Cross References: Psalm 135:7; Ecclesiastes 1:6; Ecclesiastes 11:5; Ezekiel 36:25-26; Matthew 19:24; Matthew 21:31; Mark 9:47; John 1:13; Romans 7:18; 1 Corinthians 15:50
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soisaidfine · 6 months ago
Rooney Mara, Terrence Malick: "It was like a new paradise. Forgiveness." - The way to change lies in a sacrifice, the sacrifice of his own anger
Ethel Cain: 'the only real strength you have in this lifetime is your forgiveness. I forgive it all as it comes back to me.'
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"This human freedom is symbolized by the door that Jack finds in the desert in 'The Tree of Life' (Terrence Malick), and by the many doors that Faye walks through in 'Song to Song' (Terrence Malick). Freely stepping through this door is the beginning of the eternal, of a new birth. In 'The Tree of Life' we see a short image of the creation when Jack steps through the door. In the same way, while we see BV knocking at Faye’s door we hear her: “It was like a new paradise. Forgiveness.” The free and gratuitous step of human freedom is the beginning of a new creation. In this sense we can say that forgiveness draws us closer to the eternal: it reveals to be one occasion to see glory at work in life, transfiguring nature in a new creation."
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"we hear BV: “I don’t know how to change. I want to…. How do you How do you get better?” A voice answers: “Gotta sacrifice something.” Here lies the last step that guides us towards Malick’s answer. BV, despite the anger, recognizes that something is wrong in him, he needs to change — and indeed the way to change lies in a sacrifice, the sacrifice of his own anger. Malick does not have this sacrifice occur in BV’s relationship with Faye, but in his relation to his father. … He sacrifices his pride and goes to his father to forgive him."
Terrence Malick Beyond Nature and Grace: Song to Song and the Experience of Forgiveness Elisa Zocchi, University of Münster
. . .
Ethel Cain: 'I forgive it all as it comes back to me':
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psalmonesermons · 1 year ago
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Our identity is in Christ Part 5
Leaving the old identity and the old life behind
I remember well the joy of my own experience of being born again, the burden of my sin lifting off my shoulders, being cleansed in my heart, it felt like a sauna in that every pore of my heart was cleansed. Being delivered from swearing and bad language. My new life in Christ had begun. The selfishness, pride, greed and pleasing only myself had to come off under the water of baptism. Yet we need to keep the old man of the flesh crucified. He would like to get down of that cross, but we do not need to let him.
John 3:7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ��You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” 9 “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
Nicodemus was around 60-70 years old and had a lifetime of personal failures and character flaws behind him. Yet here was Jesus offering him a fresh start free from the old life of bondage. The picture here to a Jew like Nicodemus, is that of the Exodus, where the wind dried up the Red Sea allowing the Israelites to pass over on dry ground. The main point is that we need to leave the old life of bondage behind in Egypt and the old life of being under the circumstances. Being born again is the only way we can turn back the clock of our lives.
When we are born again, we are brought into all the victories of Jesus Christ
All our blessings and spiritual riches are In Christ
In Him we have a higher ranking than the angels
In Him we are more than conquerors
In Him we ought to be living in victory
In Him we ought to be behaving like overcomers
In Him we do not have to be under the circumstances
Final Thoughts
But you say sometimes God does require his people to go through suffering, and yes that is true sometimes. But the question is ‘What kind of suffering does God require us to go through?’
The humbling of our pride or reputation, or putting under our fleshly desires?
But does God require us to go through depression or live in constant defeat or fear, downtrodden, always be the tail and not the head?
The answer is an emphatic No!
Prayer and ministry
Brothers and Sisters, it is now time to reclaim your identity in Christ. Let us do it.
Let us pray and ask the Lord to help us leave our old identities behind
and move into our new victorious identities.
False identity/ vs True Identity in Christ
Defeated /Victorious
Depressed or Downtrodden/ Uplifted
Cursed or hate your life/Blessed/ or love your life
Lonely/ Part of his family
Sleepless/ Resting in Him
Empty/ Full
Worried or anxious/ Faith filled
Poor or lack/ Rich or plentiful
Hopeless or a Loser/ Hopeful or a Winner
Oppressed or addicted/ Set free
Panic attacks or under unhealthy pressure/ Peace of mind
Personal prayer
Printable copy of the full composite study and much more in 'related posts' below.
Footnotes from Parts 1-5
[1] From Ephesians 1:18
[2] Roger Price, Special Topic Series no. 11: The Glorified Man [mp3]. See Additional resources menu on last dropdown menu.
[3] Roger Price, Basic Bible Study no. 102: 37 Things which accompany salvation [mp3].
[4] Greek: metamorphoo (metamorphosis) same word as used in Jesus’ transfiguration, coal to diamond, caterpillar to butterfly etc.
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kdiddy1 · 1 month ago
Lamont will be joined today with Allan Frey former member of the 70!S 80 R & B Group. Wild Flower,Dream Merchant,Got to get a Nutt, just to name a few of there songs. we will be dicussing the Groups music and history.
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lgcyab · 3 months ago
The Spiritual Reset: Being Born Again in Christ
Imagine life as a journey where the roads are marked by the choices we make. Over time, some paths may lead to dead ends, others to muddy detours, and some may even feel like an endless loop. What if you could start fresh? What if you could recalibrate your internal GPS and head toward a destination that guarantees peace, purpose, and eternal joy? That’s what it means to be “born again.” The…
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ultrachoppedpenguinbouquet · 7 months ago
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
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ausetkmt · 9 months ago
🚨 New Birth is in Trouble Again: No Pastor No First Lady
In this eye-opening video we will examine why New Birth's new "First lady" is a massive red flag for the congregation and the wider Christian community. We'll explore the real implications of their actions on the church and how it affects the perception of faith among believers and non-believers alike.
Dr Karri Turner is to be the new first lady of New Birth - hmmmmmm ?
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segunolumide · 10 months ago
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djevilninja · 6 months ago
You should have told this fool to stop it, You should have made this blind man see; I've got my pride back into my pocket - Oh, won't you bring her back to me?
New Birth - Dream Merchant
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Born of Water and the Spirit
Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. — John 3:5 | Cambridge Paragraph Bible (CAMB) The Cambridge Paragraph Bible of the Authorized English Version, by Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose, 1813-1891. Published by Cambridge University Press. Cross References: Ezekiel 36:25-26; Matthew 19:24; Matthew 21:31; Mark 9:47; Mark 10:14; John 1:13
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homkamiro · 2 months ago
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Those stupid. Buckteeth.
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Original by @ the_angler_mann on twt
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psalmonesermons · 10 months ago
Jesus explains the new birth
In John's gospel chapter 3 there is a fascinating discussion between Jesus and Nicodemus which we can follow through verse by verse.
3:1-2 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:2 The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that you do, except God be with him.
This important man was probably part of the rich and powerful Gurion family. His name was Nicodemus, and he was highly influential Pharisee and religious leader you could say the 'top man' in Israel. Nicodemus addresses Jesus with respect calling him ‘Rabbi or teacher.’ Nicodemus thinks that because of the miracles Jesus had performed that God must be with him.
3:3 Jesus anticipates Nicodemus direction of conversation but cuts straight to the chase by saying ‘unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Jesus is telling Nicodemus and in a sense all humanity that a second birth is necessary to enter all God’s ways, purposes, and blessings here on earth. The natural birth gives us the 5 senses and the second birth open our spiritual senses of hearing, seeing, and sensing the things of God.
Without the new spiritual senses how can anyone experience the joys of God’s
kingdom or God’s rule in our lives?
3:4 Nicodemus replies Jesus ‘How can a man be born when he is old, can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb and be born’? The idea here is that Nicodemus is saying to Jesus surely you are not suggesting a second physical birth!
3:5 Jesus answered Truly, truly , I tell you that ‘Unless a man be born of water [1] and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’ This means each person who is born in a natural biological and physical birth must also experience a second supernatural spiritual birth that will enable them to enter all the joy and blessings of life in God’s kingdom.
3:6 Jesus now describes the rules of natural and spiritual generation, that which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Jesus is saying that the sinful human nature (the flesh) transmits its fallenness to each baby born through natural childbirth. However, the new spiritual nature can only be transmitted to a person by the Holy Spirit.
3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.Jesus tells the puzzled Nicodemus, do not be amazed, or surprised or begin to wonder why it is that (Jesus insists) that he must be born again (born anew). As a religious leader Nicodemus was well acquainted with salvation through keeping the torah yet this person Jesus was clearly saying that it was mandatory to be born again to be able to enter God’s kingdom. Something had to happen via the Holy Spirit working on Nicodemus’ heart so that his eyes could open to the Kingdom of God.
3:8 The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but canst you cannot tell where it comes from, or where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. Jesus now gives an illustration or metaphor to help Nicodemus understand what he means. We cannot see the wind, yet we are clearly aware of the effects of the wind. We can hear it and we can see its effects on leaves, trees, and plants. In the same way when the wind of the Holy Spirit blows on your soul or mind, we cannot see it but are aware in hearts that new things are taking place. We can feel compassion or love as never before, or a new generosity of spirit. The Holy Spirit moves in and through the born-again hearts in a mysterious way as he wills. Nicodemus would be stunned to hear this as he was still focused on keeping the Law.
3:9 Nicodemus answered and said unto him, how can these things be?
Yet again the stunned Nicodemus asks, ‘how can this be so’? It is clear he had not a clue about how God intended salvation to work. Perhaps his strict training in the Law immunized him to the Gospel?
We break off the story at this point to consider what does this mean to you and me? If you are a follower of Jesus, then this story is an effective way to introduce Jesus in a conversation that could lead to that person coming to faith in Christ.
If you are not yet a follower of Christ, you must realize that Jesus’ stark message to Nicodemus is that we must be born again to enter God’s realm and enjoy all his wonderful benefits including forgiveness of all your sins.
But you say, how can I do it, The bible is clear (Romans 10:9) says that 'if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation'.
We now need to turn this belief into a prayer spoken from your heart.
Dear Jesus , thank you for taking my punishment on the cross, which I deserve for all the wrong things I have done in the past. Help me turn away (repent) from the ways of this world and all its the false promises. I ask now for your forgiveness and a fresh start in my life. I invite the Holy Spirit into my heart and mind to show me how to live from this time on. Amen
If you have prayed this prayer for the first time and meant it, you now need to start praying, reading your bible and find a church where they teach and believe the bible.
Bless you , the angels in heaven are rejoicing over your decision to turn to God.
Personal Prayer
[1] The likely picture here to Nicodemus would be like a mikvah (bath for ritual cleansing) which although enough for physical cleanliness was not enough to cleanse in a spiritual sense,
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nightmaretheif · 1 year ago
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So i wanted to do more Gods/Goddess's to go with my 3 sisters, and so i did Wenet:
Unut, also known as Wenut or Wenet, was a prehistoric Ancient Egyptian hare and snake goddess of fertility and new birth
because of this, i gave her more of an hour glass shape, with more emphasis on her chest and hips due to being a rabbit. On the human plane, she works as a nurse and has healer tendencies.
When she gets flustered, her ears and tail pop out. She is also prone to high anxiety attacks that could lead to palpitations that can cause serious harm.
i am working on her background :).
Wenet is also part of @the-slender-doll
cursed Gods univurse
Wenet (c) Nightmaretheif
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