#New Adult Friction
heartfullofleeches · 5 months
fake pizza boy yan developed a concerning taste for seeing darling eating his cum after that first encounter and starts bringing a variety of menu items with “ranch dips” and “vanilla shakes”. plenty of visual material to keep the supply up for his next “delivery” and he is definitely not spiraling into crisis just because the only thing that gets him hard for his other shoots is the mental image of darling stuffed full of his—
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(Slapping these two together since they have a similar premise)
Yan Adult Film Star Pizza Boy + Reader [18+]
[Masterbation, Food Play]
"Come on..... Come on....."
Twenty minutes till deadline. Since the beginning of his career he stuck to a strict schedule. A simple routine to get the ball rolling as he dipped his toes in the new venture. Now that he had so many eyes on him and his content, Brie was able to take more breaks in between filming, but at this point it had been almost two weeks since he posted anything at all.
He tried everything. His hands. Toys. Videos. Brie even thought about buying pills at one point, but gaining an erection wasn't the hard part of his situation. His viewers were into a lot of things - but if there was one thing that really got their wallets open for him it was when he painted the nearest surface to him with a heavy load of his release. His donations would be flooded with comments from his hands how they wished to be his desk or pillows - or for the opportunity to lick said object clean.
Kind of like how you licked your fingers clean on the day he first met you.
The brief flicker of your face in his mind made his aching length jump in his spit stained palm. The encounter he had with you was all that he could think about anymore. He was obssessed - The innocent confusion as you opened the front door, the genuine gratitude in your expression as you handed him some cash for all his troubles and the free meal. Brie would pay anything to see you sample his sauce again. The way your eyes lit up as the flavor registered on your tongue-
What he wouldn’t give to have those lips wrapped around him. If you liked what he gave you so much what better than to get it straight from the source, right? The slick sound of friction grows louder as his hand moves quicker - eyes scanning every corner of his room for more fuel for his fantasies. He wish he had kept the photos he found of you online on screen, but he feared loosing that knot of pleasure twisting at his insides if he took his focus off the task at hand for any reason.
His eyes fall on the drink cup from the takeout he picked up earlier in the day. A boring Styrofoam cup with no clear ties to any restaurant would be the perfect container to bring you another item off the menu. The peach tea he had earlier would be a dead giveaway for any tampering. He needed something thicker, ideally with a creamy texture.
A milkshake.
Who wouldn't enjoy a nice, refreshing shake after pizza? You surely had to be thirsty after eating all that bread. Brie fisted his cock to the image of you on your knees beneath his table - hands gripping the meat of his thighs as your mouth hung open awaiting your treat. You'd look so cute under him like that - his fans would absolutely love you-
A surge of jealousy strengths his grip. Nobody should get to see you like that but him. Those perverts could fotk over their life savings and it wouldn't be enough for Brie to share you with them. Maybe the occasional stream with the two of you couldn't hurt - your face held against his pelvis as he stuffed that pretty throat so nobody could see anything but his cock slipping past your perfect lips.
"Ah.... Y/n...." It's the first time he's said your name. The first time he's let his imagination run this wild. He makes a mental note to cut it out during editingthe. Brie swipes the camera off his desk, angling it better towards his lap and the empty floor below him. He then makes a grab for the empty cup - popping off its lid as he positions the container between his legs. They tremble - barely holding into the styrofoam without crushing it as Brie spits - whimpering as he coats his girth in another layer of his saliva. For a fleeting moment he can perfectly picturing the warmth dripping down his cock as your own - and that's all it takes for him to come undone.
Brie cries out your name with a shakey breath, clutching the edge of his desk for stability as his upper body lurches forward, pouring ropes upon ropes of his spend in the general direction of the cup. It's too much- With it being so long since the last time he came, this hard - tears stab at the corners of his eyes as he shutters, nails peeling chipping at the polished finish of his desk. He misses his intended target at first go, thighs glistening with cum as he hurriedly fixes the cup to catch the remainder.
Brie takes a long pause to catch his breath before wipping off his camera lense, posing with a shakey thumb up as he holds the cup for all to see.
"Shake's ready- Guess it's about time I make another delivery~"
"And here you are, one milkshake on the house. We're always trying out new things in the kitchen and like to reward our loyal customers by letting them sample new items first."
Swirling your straw through the thick slurry, you take another sip with a satisfied hum. "Hm. You said this was salted caramel, yeah?"
The delivery boy snaps back to attention - seemingly lost in thought as you gulp down the shake. "Y-yes. That's right- Your thoughts?"
"It's pretty damn good, actually. Been getting kinda hot these past couple of nights so this is just what I needed right about now."
Brie bites down hard on his bottom lip as you place the cool styrofoam against your bare neck, condensation running down to your chest.
"I forgot to ask the last time I can, but my boss finds it really helpful if I get some pictures of satisfied customers to put up. Would you mind if I took a couple of you right now?"
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rueclfer · 2 months
Reverse comfort reader taking care of Touya plsplsplsplspls 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I just had the amazing thought of it he's being overly cocky during winter "I don't need a scarf I have a fire quirk!" And the next days he's curled in bed with a fever and sore throat and there's a ton of I told you so's
Not even a fic if u don't feel like it maybe a smau but I think it'd be super funny 😭
🫐 Anon
sick touya supreme bc he can just lay there, be cute n not speak <3
sweat it out // touya todoroki
"What the hell are you wearing?" You exclaim after opening your front door.
"What?" He looks down at his attire. "What happened to hi, hello? A 'thank you for bringing me my package that I stupidly got delivered to your apartment?' Why don't we start there?" He huffs, stepping into your apartment, setting your package down on your kitchen counter.
It had been nothing but near freezing temperatures for the past few weeks- so cold that you had to layer up inside your own apartment to prevent your electric bill from skyrocketing.
"Hi hello, my sweet boyfriend." You roll your eyes. "Do you seriously need me to mommy you right now and scold you for not wearing a fucking jacket out in this weather? Are we not grown adults?" You drops the blanket draped over your shoulders and go over to rub his arms for the thermal friction. "Like you're seriously just wearing this long sleeve? It's freezing if you haven't noticed."
He raises his hand up to your face and snaps a flame into place in between his index and thumb. "You forget I run warm."
"Yeah okay, Mister. I-have-a-fire-quirk. How is that going to help you if it starts raining?"
He pulls you into his chest, letting his body heat transfer into your own, instantly warming you and most importantly for him, shutting you up.
You release a deep exhale in content. "Idiot. You just should stay. For the Winter. Just live here with me for a few months and never leave." You rub your face into his chest, savoring the warmth.
"I think we'd end up killing each other before Spring comes." He chuckles into your hair.
"I'll just chain you to the bed and duct tape your mouth close." You smirk up at him. "Everyone's happy."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, sweetheart." He pulls back, reaching out to tousle your hair. "But I gotta run. Told Shigs I'd be quick."
"Wait! Let me find you a sweater and an umbrella." You frantically look around your living room for any piece of clothing that you had previously stolen from him.
"No need." He bends down and quickly press his lips against yours, letting them linger for a few seconds before pulling away. "I have to go. I checked earlier and it's not going to rain and I'm not cold either. You on the other hand, worry about staying warm."
"It definitely is going to rain, Touya. I can smell it." You huff. "You'll get sick."
"What, is that a new quirk development or something? Weirdo." He lightly pinches your cheeks before slipping his shoes back on. "Also, I have a strong immune system."
"Seriously, let me find you an umbrella at the very least." You rummage around the coat rack for something that could fit him or a spare umbrella.
"Nope, no time. See you tomorrow, yeah?" He calls out.
"I guess." You mutter in defeat as you watch him slip out your door.
"Idiot." You sigh under your breath once the door clicks close.
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"I'm here!" You call out after stepping into Touya's apartment, using the spare he lent you after locking himself out multiple times.
You kick off your shoes and shed off some layers, draping your jacket, and scarf over his couch before making your way to his bedroom.
"Knock knock." You say as you gently crack the door open, revealing near pitch darkness with sliver of natural light peeking in from the blinds.
You make your way over to the dark lump of mass of blankets on the bed, kicking aside used tissue paper that were thrown onto the ground before kneeling down next to the bed.
"Hello, my sweet stupid boy." You coo, slowly stroking the tuft of dark hair peeking out from the comforter.
"Don't be mean to me." The nasally voice muffled from under the covers. "Princess treatment today, got it?"
Touya finally pokes his head out from under the covers. It may have been dark, but you could still make out his puffy bloodshot eyes, dry cracked lips and flushed cheeks.
"I'll say it this one time then and then I'll give you the best princess treatment, okay?" You lean in close, letting your lips lightly graze the shell of his ear. "I fucking told you so." You whisper.
He groans, retreating back under the covers.
"Did you hear me? Okay maybe one more time." You giggle, trying to rip the covers off from over his head. "I told you so. It rained and it rained hard. Not ideal for that fire quirk of yours, huh? I fucking told you so."
"Fuck off." He groans once more. "One more time and I'm kicking your ass out."
"As if." You successfully tug the covers down to his chin, placing the back of your hand on his forehead. "You don't even have to energy to, you poor thing."
"Am I gonna make it?" He gazes up at you with his tired bloodshot eyes.
"Looks like you got a fever." You push away the sweaty stray hairs sticking to his forehead. "But I think you'll survive."
"Damn." He wheeze out. "That's unfortunate."
"It is, but maybe next time you don't listen to me, you'll get lucky and it kills you."
"Let's hope for it, then." He smirks, bringing his hand up to rub his eyes. "Can I have a kiss?"
"Nope. I'm not trying to get sick, Touya." You smile at the neediness in his voice.
You move over to the blinds and slightly twist them open, letting in some of the dim daylight before tossing the haphazardly thrown stray tissues into the trash bin nearby.
"I don't give a fuck. I want a kiss."
"Too bad." You pay no mind to his piercing stare as you wander around his room, tidying the space as well as clearing off an area on his desk to set up the cough syrups and fever reducers that you brought over from your own medicine cabinet.
You come over to him with the stray glass on water sitting on his desk and a couple Tylenols in your palm.
"Sit up." You order, kneeling next to his bed again, holding out your palm.
"Pop a perc then I black out..." Touya mumbles to himself as he sits up, grabbing the pills from your palm and popping them in his mouth, following it with a large gulp of water.
In this moment, you couldn't help but notice how precious he looked with his old flannel pajama pants, dingy stretched out band tee, disheveled hair and tired eyes- a spitting image of his everyday look when you two were teenagers.
"...Fuckin' I'm blowing her back out." He continues, leaning over to press a kiss on your forehead. "Don't look at me like that unless you're trying to help me sweat out this fever."
Your own face heats up. "The fuck were you saying earlier?" You chuckle, brushing off the insinuating comment and setting the empty glass on his nightstand.
"I don't know. Nothing." He coughs, laying back down, pulling the covers up to his chin. "I think the fever dream-hallucination is hitting hard. You should get in and cuddle before the sickness takes over and kills me."
You roll your eyes at the dramatics, nudging him to scoot over before climbing in under the covers with him, which felt like you had just stepped into a furnace.
He groans in content, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you in as close as he could.
"Can't cuddle for too long okay? I'm going to have to leave and make you some food soon." You mutter into his chest, letting your hand run up and down his back.
"No." He whines. "Just stay like this and I'll get better. I promise."
"That's not how that works." You mutter.
"Maybe if you give me a kiss instead? I think that'll 100 percent make me feel better." He pulls away, inching down towards you with puckered lips.
You stuck your hand out against his mouth, pushing it away. "I can't get sick, Touya. I know your ass will not know how to take care of me."
"You love hurting my feelings." He huffs.
"Well? Who put themselves in this situation. I told you, didn't I?"
"Shush." He mumbles, letting himself close his eyes and rest his chin on top of your head. "You didn't tell me shit."
You let out a sigh and let yourself close your eyes for a moment as well, letting your deep inhale and exhales sync in unison. Maybe having this every night wouldn't be too bad. Sure you two would tear each other apart if you had to spend every waking moment together in the same home, but for moments like these, you wouldn't mind it. Your eyes pop open the moment you feel the deep vibrations of his snores again your body, now realizing that you couldn't dare move from this position, risking waking him.
Just an hour. You'll only give yourself an hour.
touya tag: @moonchild701
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"In a highly-anticipated world-first, the Texas Heart Institute has successfully implanted an artificial titanium heart that uses the same technology as bullet trains to pump blood mechanically throughout the body.
Called the Total Artificial Heart (TAH), the feat is seen as a major step in keeping people alive for longer and longer periods while they wait for heart transplants.
Texas Heart partnered with the medical tech company BiVACOR to create the TAH. It’s a titanium-constructed biventricular rotary blood pump with a single moving part that utilizes a magnetically levitated rotor that pumps the blood and replaces both ventricles of a failing heart.
The benefit of using magnetic levitation is that none of the moving parts ever scrape or slide against each other, reducing friction, and dramatically increasing the longevity of the device. But what’s really cool is the TAH can pump blood at a rate of 12 liters per minute, enough to allow an adult male to engage in exercise.
The first-in-human clinical study, overseen closely by the FDA, aims to evaluate the safety and performance of the BiVACOR TAH as a bridge-to-transplant solution for patients with severe bi or univentricular heart failure. Following this first implantation completed at Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center in the Texas Medical Center, four additional patients are to be enrolled in the study.
“The Texas Heart Institute is enthused about the groundbreaking first implantation of BiVACOR’s TAH. With heart failure remaining a leading cause of mortality globally, the BiVACOR TAH offers a beacon of hope for countless patients awaiting a heart transplant,” said Dr. Joseph Rogers, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Texas Heart Institute and National Principal Investigator on the research.
“We are proud to be at the forefront of this medical breakthrough, working alongside the dedicated teams at BiVACOR, Baylor College of Medicine, and Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center to transform the future of heart failure therapy for this vulnerable population.”
Heart failure is a global epidemic affecting at least 26 million people worldwide, 6.2 million adults in the US, and is increasing in prevalence. Heart transplantations are reserved for those with severe heart failure and are limited to fewer than 6,000 procedures per year globally. Consequently, the US National Institutes of Health estimated that up to 100,000 patients could immediately benefit from mechanical alternatives.
The successful implantation of BiVACOR’s TAH highlights the potential of innovative technologies to address critical challenges in cardiac care, such as long transplantation waitlists.
“This achievement would not have been possible without the courage of our first patient and their family, the dedication of our team, and our expert collaborators at The Texas Heart Institute,” said Daniel Timms, founder and CTO of BiVACOR."
-Article via Good News Network, August 1, 2024. Video via 7News Australia, July 26, 2024.
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misshoneyimhome · 9 months
Can i please ask a small scenario of luke hughes finishing first and he is so embarrassed and cute and hides his face in readers face and neck. Reader is so calm and sweet to him. Thanks love 🥰
Okay okay, so this was very brief! And also my first time writing about Luke Hughes... and I know I said no players born after 2001, but what can I say, I do like a challenge 🙈 Though I do feel like I violated him...
Hope it's alright love 😉🤍
Warnings; 18+ smut; protected sex (p in v);
Word count; 1.5K
・✶ 。゚
Practice makes perfect | Luke Hughes 🖋️⚡️
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"What a game, huh?" you exclaimed with excitement as you greeted Luke, who was coming out of the locker room after the New Jersey game against the Blackhawks.
"It was alright," the young defensemen simply smiled in response.
"Alright? Luke, you played amazingly tonight," you embraced him in a hug, smiling up at your tall boyfriend, feeling he deserved more praise.
"Thanks," he flashed you a sweet, humble smile, wrapping his long arms around your body. Tucking you into him before letting you go and admiring your beautiful face. "So, what's the plan now?"
You could sense a slight hint of nervousness in his question, considering that you and Luke had only recently started seeing each other.
You had gotten to know him platonically during the summer, and as the regular season progressed, you slowly grew closer. However, your relationship was still fairly new.
"Coming over to your place?" you timidly suggested in a sweet voice, and Luke couldn’t help but return your joy. You always had a way of making him weak in the knees, from the very first moment he laid eyes on you, where he mentally had to kick himself multiple times for taking so long to ask you out.
And there you were, entwined on his sofa, celebrating the night's victory, with his 6'2" frame leaning over you. Your fingers intertwined in his brown curls as his lips caressed yours, his tongue gently seeking entrance, meeting yours with hunger.
The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of a lamp casting a warm ambiance. The celebration continued with the faint sound of the TV playing highlights of the game in the background. The scent of victory lingered in the air, mixed with the comforting aroma of the takeout you both had enjoyed earlier.
"Easy, Luke," you chuckled lightly into the kiss, feeling his desire growing, along with impatience and almost neediness. "Slow down, we've got time."
"Sorry, babe," he breathed out with a light smile. "I'm just so..."
"Turned on?" you asked, your eyes glancing downwards to his very hard member, concealed in his sweats.
"Yeah," he softly admitted before once again pressing his mouth onto yours. Although he did try to slow down a little, it was rather difficult for him.
You were one of the most gorgeous and sweet girls he'd ever met. His hockey career always making it difficult to date like a regular teenager, and as a young adult having to take life seriously now, it hadn't gotten any easier.
But then you came around. And though he wasn't exactly a virgin when the two of you met, he might still have been on the less experienced side. Again, his hard work to reach the same level of career as his brothers had limited his social life. Which also meant his intimate time with girls.
And as you felt his rather sizeable length, firm against your inner thigh, you knew he was too worked up to slow down any further.
"Bedroom, Luke..." you breathed in between his sloppy kisses, and before long, he guided you to his room, where he swiftly pulled his shirt over his head, exposing his toned hockey torso, while you discarded your own blouse. Trousers went next, and not many seconds passed before you were back in the same position, your legs on each side of Luke as he hovered over you, lips connected, bodies growing warmer with every touch, creating friction, and sweat.
Yet, despite his deep need to feel himself reaching the much-anticipated climax, Luke was still trying his best to focus on you.
So, as you shared the passionate kiss, his fingers found the edge of your knickers, gently sneaking a finger inside as he located your entrance, poking and teasing before sliding it in.
Soft moans escaped your lips as you felt the pleasure he was causing, and you slowly developed an impatient need for more, which was given to you with a second finger.
And as Luke skilfully fingered you, something he'd, of course, learned from his older brothers, he too felt the impending surge of pleasure within him. The room filled with the heady mix of desire and intimacy, creating a space where time seemed to stand still, solely dedicated to the symphony of your shared sensations.
His cock was already dripping with pre-cum, creating a small damp patch in his boxers as he felt it throbbing, almost pulsating, craving to be touched.
"Yes, Luke," you moaned softly as you felt his fingers massaging your walls.
But with every pump, he felt himself in more need to feel those walls around his length instead. So, as impatience took over, he withdrew his fingers, leaving you feeling a void as he shifted his position, pulled off his boxers, and then returned to tuck down your underwear.
His facial expression was so serious, much like when he was playing hockey - focused and determined. Yet, this time, he also seemed desperate to be touched and in need to reach his peak.
Reaching over to the nightstand where Jack had been kind enough to place a few condoms as a joke, he took out the little packaging. However, as he seemed to fumble with it, you offered him a helping hand.
"Here, let me," you smiled up at him as you took out the latex and gently wrapped his length, causing little squirms from the boy above you, as your touch made him feel the sense of pleasure he was craving.
And then swiftly, he returned to missionary once more and let the tip of his member gently touch and tease your tight entrance.
"Slowly, love," you tried with a soft whisper. However, as Luke eased himself into your depth, your whisper quickly turned into a moan instead, feeling his long shaft filling your warmth.
"Shit..." he breathed out, slowly beginning to rock his hips, letting his cock glide in and out of you as he stimulated your walls. The room echoed with the sounds of your shared passion, a harmony of gasps, moans, and the rhythmic dance of bodies entwined in the heat of the moment. The intensity grew, the connection deepening with every thrust, creating a heated atmosphere. 
"That's it, Luke..." you moaned in between breaths as he found a solid pace, thrusting and hitting the very end of your depth. Your hands finding his locks that you could pull on as you felt the building of an orgasm once again within.
However, the more Luke felt stimulated, the more he increased his speed. His thrusts slowly grew eager and more forceful as he got closer to his climax, still feeling the rush of a win from the match as he pounded into you.
And you felt him getting sloppier. His eyes shutting close as he desperately fought not to reach the peak, trying his best to have you come with him. Carefully he listened to your moans as you were about to let yourself give in to an orgasm as well.
"Yes, baby... I'm close... please come with me..." Luke almost cried out.
And you were almost there with him.
But as you were about to announce your climax, the tightening of your core around Luke's shaft had him involuntarily come a little too close to his peak. And with a deep, uncontrollable grunt, he let himself go, spilling his release into the latex as he felt the rush take over.
"Fuck..." Luke shouted, letting go of the last drops, his body trembling as he almost collapsed and fell with his face into the crook of your neck. The room was filled with the aftermath of passion, both of you catching your breath in the shared intimacy of the moment. The echoes of pleasure lingered in the air, creating a sense of vulnerability.
You let the silence fill the room as Luke slowly gained control of his heavy breaths, his body lying on top of you as he let out a deep sigh.
"I'm so sorry, babe..." he timidly mumbled into your skin, and you couldn't help but form a soft smile on your lips.
"It's okay, Luke," you tried to comfort him with a soft tone of voice, gently stroking your fingers through his hair before he lifted his head to look at you.
"No, it's not okay... you didn't get to come first, baby... you know I always want that," he whispered softly, his eyes darting from side to side as he kept apologising.
But you merely offered him another light chuckle and caressed his cheek. "Hey, it was your night tonight... after the thrill from the game, and how eager we both were, it makes sense it didn't take long."
“Still… I feel bad about not making you come…”
Once more, you just flashed him a soft smile.
“Well, I guess we’ll just have to do it again – you know what they say: practice makes perfect.”
And your words seemed to slowly reassure him as you both remained in the relaxed position, comforting each other while keeping your eyes locked onto his. Eventually, he accepted your words and withdrew himself from your embrace.
Though you had to admit feeling a little disappointed, having been so close to your peak, you were also okay with how Luke came to his release. He had made you feel good after all, and it truly brought you joy to please him.
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woso-dreamzzz · 8 days
Video IV
Lotte Wubben-Moy x Toddler!Reader
Summary: You go to soft play
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When Lotte looks back on her decisions in life, it's with a lot of fondness.
She's a football player now for both club and country. She's got a good life. Good friends. Good family.
But sometimes there's a few decisions she's made that aren't looked back on with such fondness.
Like that time she thought eating herself into a food coma last Christmas was a good idea or the time that she thought going for a bike ride without her helmet at seven years old was a good idea as well.
This is one of those moments.
She isn't quite sure what possessed her to make this decision.
Babysitting you was a common occurrence, whenever Beth and Viv wanted to go out on a little date without you or they were stuck in meetings and pr commitments that you just couldn't come to.
You stay over at Lotte's house a lot actually and with the introduction of your new trike, she's started to take you out to the park to do some laps.
But you're still little and growing and Lotte's sure that repeating the same things every day is harming your development more than helping it.
Which is why Lotte decided to stimulate your brain today by taking you to the soft play place.
She'd (wrongly) assumed that she would be able to sit by herself at one of the little tables for adults while you ran around and had fun.
Instead, she's scrunched up next to you, high up off the ground as you crawl around a few of the dangling things from the ceiling.
"Auntie Lolo!" You call when she doesn't crawl through too," Auntie Lolo! Let's go!"
Lotte sighs, shuffling through on her knees as you squeeze yourself into an even smaller space that she has to get into as well.
"Are you sure you don't want to go down the slide?" Lotte asks," Or maybe we can go back into the ball pit?"
It's easy to track you in the ball pit. Much easier than traversing all of these ledges and nooks.
You huff, little cheeks puffing out. "No, auntie Lolo," You say," We climb."
"Are you sure? I'm getting old, munchkin. I don't think I have much climbing left in me."
You frown a little, brow furrowing until a little crinkle appears. You shuffle back over to Lotte on your bum, little hand reaching out and touching her skin.
"Mmm, no. Not old. Doctor says so."
"Doctor Munchkin," Lotte says," Are you sure I'm not too old for all this climbing? I feel too old for it."
You shake your head. "Not old, auntie Lolo! We climb!"
You're off again, clambering up a few more ledges, ducking under dangling things and squeezing your body into spaces that Lotte struggles to follow after you in.
"See!" You say suddenly, pressing your face against the mesh rope to peer out to the rest of the play place," Is our kingdom. I'm King-Doctor and you're Queen-Auntie Lolo."
Lotte has to smother a bit of a laugh at how proud you are.
"A King-Doctor? That sounds like a lot of work?"
You nod seriously. "Is hard," You admit," But have you, Queen-Auntie Lolo. Lessi says you're prime minister!"
Lotte laughs. "Of course she did."
"So we rule together," You continue," Now! Slide!"
You go back the way you came, wiggling through the little nooks and crannies that Lotte has to shove her way through. She's pretty sure she's got a friction burn from dragging herself across the floor.
"Oh, now she wants the slide," She mutters, nearly falling head-first down a ledge after forcefully dislodging her foot from where it got stuck.
"Queen-Auntie Lolo!" You holler and Lotte picks up her pace.
The last time she let you go down the slide by yourself, you tumbled down like a log and there was still a little mark on your head from it.
"Alright, munchkin," She says, pulling you onto her lap," Are you ready?"
"Ready Queen-Auntie!"
"Alright. Here we go!"
The bumps in the slide make your tummy go all funny in the fun way and you burst into giggles as you make it to the bottom, kicking your legs happily.
Lotte looks up at the play structure, already knowing that you're going to take the long way, the one that includes all the detours and getting lost at least three separate times.
She winces at the thought, already reaching out to catch you by the back of the collar.
"How about we have some nuggets first? And then we'll see how we feel after lunch?"
It's sneaky on Lotte's part, that's for sure because you love nothing more than a nap after lunch.
You think for a moment. "Okay, Queen-Auntie Lolo. We can eat first."
Lotte smiles. "Thanks, munchkin."
"But only if we can get ice cream."
"Yeah, alright. We can get ice cream too."
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evanchantingpeters · 6 months
How I met Evan Peters (Fanfic - Part 2)
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Pairings ─ Evan Peters x Y/N (fem reader)
Genre ─ Smut/fluff, Romance
Summary ─ Y/N is fresh in East Hollywood, LA. After a major life overhaul, she’s ready to dive into a new chapter. So, when she hits the town for a night out with friends, she unexpectedly crosses paths with none other than actor Evan Peters. Y/N tries to keep her cool and act all nonchalant, but damn, Evan’s interest throws her for a loop. Their first meeting? Total tension and flirtation, hinting at an evening full of surprises.
Warnings ─ Obscene language, semi-public, dry humping, oral (both receiving), fingering, overstimulation, nipple teasing, spanking, vaginal sex, rough sex, extra smutty—you guys know the drill ;)
Read Part 1 here.
Word count ─ 4K
18+ This is ADULT content. I’m not your mummy to supervise your net access. If you’re a minor, do NOT read!
@evanchantingpeters — All rights reserved. Please do not modify, translate, or plagiarise my content.
If you were told ten minutes ago that you’d be straddling Evan Peters, skin-on-skin in the driver’s seat of his car, grinding your soaked pussy against his solid rock hard-on while your tongues explore each other like it’s a competition until your lips get swollen, you’d be like, “Yeah, right, when pigs fly.”
But here you are, parked in some dark, secluded spot near the club you’ve just met. Your moans bounce off his car windows as he hungrily fondles handfuls of your body. You do love you some manhandling, truth be told.
You have your friends’ blessings about leaving with someone. Though, the chances of them believing you’ve pulled and bagged Evan Peters as your sneaky link for the night are slim to none, especially after you lecture Adria on the celebrities-normies combo being far-fetched. But it’s fair to say you didn’t choose the night with Evan Peters; the night with Evan Peters chose you.
His veiny hands on you and his gravelly voice against your ear trigger a muscle memory, recalling the heat you felt—but never vocalised—during Murphy’s close-ups on Evan’s hands in the Dahmer series and his viral ‘Relax, I just wanna take some pictures’ line. His baritone in that unsettling scene still gives you chills.
“Damn, miss...you’re something else,” he rasps out with a sly smile. You become his Roman Empire as he worships the sight of all of you on top of him, eyes devouring your entire body as you move gracefully, biting your bottom lip.
He groans deeply as his hands knead your tits and waist all the way down your thighs. With a cheeky squeeze of your ass, he draws you closer, a little squeal escaping you as his raging erection rubs harsher against your wet centre.
“I’m dying to fuck you,” he huffs after your lips meet again, his eyes imploring as he buckles his hips against yours. The friction sends your arousal flying. You just know he’s the type who promises to rail you until your guts rearrange and actually delivers. Better hold on tight.
With a coy grin, you reach down and caress his bulge straining under his jeans. “I can tell,” you whisper, your hot breath making him shudder as you mischievously trace his upper lip with your tongue.
Evan sucks in a sharp breath and bucks against your touch with a choked grunt. You can feel his length convulsing beneath you, your wetness still squishing against him.
“No...for real, Y/N. You’re insanely hot...and while I wanna bang your brains out right now, I don’t wanna objectify you. I respect you an—”
You cut him off mid-sentence with another steamy kiss. The urge to sit him in front of a mirror as he unravels his feminist, anti-alpha male stance, all while you jerk him off before riding the shit out of him, is stronger than ever.
“Aren’t you a sweetheart, Evan? So virtuous with your strong values and morals,” you praise his ‘golden-retriever’ and ‘husband material’ nature, delicately caressing his cheek. “But let’s cut to the chase—I’m here to hook up.”
With newfound energy, you attack his neck with eager kisses as you roll your hips against him more vigorously. Your fingertips roam over his sculpted Greek-God chest, travelling down to the contours of his divinely marbled abs.
Body is damn bodying.
You go on full “pick-me girl” mode as you purr, “I’m thirsty” and playfully toy with the buckle of his belt, hinting at your intentions. You can’t let that mound on his jeans go unnoticed; it’s practically screaming for your attention and attentive care.
He lets out a dark chuckle against the crook of your neck as he nibbles his way up to your jawline. “How can I quench your thirst?” he murmurs, now nipping at your pouty lips.
“You’re the best refreshment around,” you hush before swiftly shifting to the passenger seat and bending over, knees near your head and ass pointed skywards in a tantalising display he can’t resist.
You begin to pepper mouth-watering kisses along his chest, sliding down to his boner. Your tongue stumbles over the ridges of his abs as you venture lower, your moaning mouth leaving a trail of fire in its wake.
He cocks his head to the side with a knowing smirk, admiring the view that the curve of your ass provides, smacking it along the way.
With practised ease, you undo his jeans, palming the damp patch of pre-cum on his boxers. Glancing up at him with a crooked smile, you coo, “Eager, are we?” before sliding down his boxers.
His head lolls back, muffled moans escaping him as you swipe your tongue along the underside ridge of his hard, red-tipped cock. His breath rushes out in laboured, choppy huffs like his life depends on you. The way you take him deeper, double-fisting him, becomes his lifeline.
“Holy shit, Y/N,” he manages to utter under his breath as he tenses in your grasp. You mewl softly around his cock, sending vibrations rippling through his body like shockwaves.
You’re insatiable, sucking him up from taint to balls, coating him in your saliva as you pump him harder in your mouth. Your swollen cunt is aching for him as you feel his head harden and twitch in your mouth with building pressure, forcing gagging moans out of you.
Gripping your hair in a messy ponytail, he watches intently as he fucks your mouth with increasing intensity. His free hand brushes along your clothed slit, his sturdy fingers running up and down your soaked panties. You gasp at the stimulus, clinging to the door handle for support.
“E-Evan,” you slur out as he applies more pressure on your throbbing heat, your words faltering as ragged breaths escape you.
“Yes?” He whispers, feigning innocence, though his arched brow and smirk betray his true intentions. He knows he can edge you with minimal effort, making you cum in his hands on the spot.
“Don’t stop,” you plead through your desire, your hips swaying in harmony with his rhythmic in-out motion.
“Keep sucking, baby girl. You drive me nuts, but I wanna see you multitask,” he challenges, no pun intended with his nuts reference.
As he tucks aside your lacy panties, he begins to circle your arousal, teasing your slopping folds. A low grunt slips off him as he feels how wet and ready you are for him. “Jeez, I need to take a dive in those Niagara Falls,” he chuckles and keeps fiddling around your throbbing clit.
Before you know it, he plunges two fingers in your begging entrance, eliciting a whimper from your lips that’s louder than you expect. The way he expertly curls his fingers inside you, hitting all the right spots, sends bolts of pleasure through your core.
Soon, the sound of your moans blends with the wet squelching of your pussy, echoing throughout the car.
The faster his fingers pop in and out, the louder you moan in delight as you suck his dick relentlessly. When his thumb joins in, smoothly rubbing against your clit with no mercy, your thighs begin to wobble.
His fingering inevitably loses momentum as he tightens his grip on your hair. You giggle quietly as you realise he’s about to hit his climax, his head striking against the back of your throat, causing your eyes to well up with tears.
“Fuuuck, I’m gonna burst, Y/N,” he growls, delivering a sharp slap to your ass. His fingers dig into the sensitive flesh of your thighs, leaving faint red marks on them. He lets out the cutest, most contrasting sounds—something between a low groan and a high-pitched whimper—as his hips thrust harder each time.
With a wicked grin, you intensify your suction on his tip, sending him over the edge with a primal groan. His hot cum spurts into your mouth, filling it with its salty sweetness, before trickling down your chin. You eagerly lick his shaft clean and swallow his juices with greedy gulps, savouring his taste with a satisfied hum.
“Told you, you’ve freshened me up,” you chirp, playfully wiping him off your face. “You’re okay?” you ask with a bashful smile, reaching out to brush back the sweaty curls that have clung to his forehead.
He throws his head back, his chest still heaving with shallow pants as he stares at you with hooded eyes. “Damn, you’re good...I’m wrecked,” he breathes out.
Grinning lazily at you, he buries your face in his hands and grazes your cheeks with his thumbs.
“If you need a dopamine boost, I’ve got just the cure for you,” you coo and lean in close, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“Oh, yeah? What’s the prescription, doc?” he teases, his eyes dark with lust as he bites his lip, his hands massaging your ass cheeks. It’s a silent prompt for you to climb back over him as his mouth desperately fumbles your skin.
You peer into his lustrous eyes with a sly smirk. “Sure, I can give you a ride, sir,” you purr, your fingers tracing tantalising patterns through his locks.
His grin widens as your sex alights on his crotch that’s twitching eagerly at the prospect. “I’m all for it,” he murmurs, pulling you close for another heated kiss.
His arms envelop you as you bend together towards the compartment by the passenger’s seat with shared anticipation. Your hands remain entwined around the back of his neck as you sprinkle kisses across his flushed face.
He delves into the container, rifling through its contents. “Shit,” he hisses, clicking his tongue in annoyance.
“Houston, we have a problem?” you ask, your voice deep with desire.
“Mission abort...out of condoms,” he admits, his eyes meeting yours with regret.
“Consider it solved, let’s head to mine.”
You fling open the door to your apartment, ushering Evan inside with a goofy grin. “Come on in and behold the fortress of fun!” you announce, gesturing grandly to the vibrant interior.
He giggles and steps inside, taking in the cosy yet funky vibe of your place. “Dang, this place’s dope,” he compliments, nodding approvingly at the eclectic mix of pop art and rococo décor.
You beam proudly. “Thanks! Gotta give props to my housemate, Mayra. She’s the mastermind behind all this coolness,” you explain as you lead him down the hall towards the living room, giving him a quick peek into your room.
“Ah, gotcha. She’s got skills,” Evan comments appreciatively as you both shuffle back to the living room, clearly digging the ambiance.
He scans the space more thoroughly this time before turning back to you. “Is your housemate around?” he inquires casually, hands in pockets.
You shake your head, a playful smile tugging at your lips. “Nah, she’s living it up in NYC for work. Won’t be back for a while,” you reply with a shrug, not missing the mischievous shine in Evan’s eyes as he looks you up and down.
His gaze darkens slightly as he inches closer with a smug smile that grows with every step, pinning you against the wall next to a small table stand. “Just you and me, then, huh?” he murmurs, his voice coarse and velvety just like it turns you on.
You affirm him with a smirk. Your fingers tangle in the soft strands of his hair as he closes the distance between you with a soft kiss that rapidly turns into a full-blown makeout session. What begins as sensual brushstrokes—your lips caressing softly—soon morphs into a heated exchange, your tongues kicking off a seductive twirl.
With a breathy moan, you shed his jacket and tug at his shirt, balling it up with a scrunch as you press his chiselled body firmer against yours.
“I like your lips,” he rasps out between kisses, a broad smile etched on his lips.
“My horizontal or vertical lips?” you toss out nonchalantly with a smirk, seemingly unfazed by any potential consequences. As if that isn’t daring enough, your gaze pierces into his eyes, radiating a sexual intensity that tips him off the edge.
He reciprocates your challenge with a devilish grin, as it’s his turn to strip you off your jacket and dress. His gaze is hungry as he takes you in. “Let me do an audit down there first, assess the vertical ones, and I’ll come back to you,” he mumbles as he drags sensual kisses down your boobs.
You moan softly as he latches onto your perky nipples, giving them a tantalising pull that only worsens your wetness down there.
His mouth trails down your body and sucks onto your hip bones until it finally presses against the fabric of your thong, right on your clit. You instinctively arch your back and grip the edges of the table as he kisses and inhales against you with a hum of delight.
“Where’s my boy dinner?” he teases, staring up at you. He stretches your panties down and leaves a kiss on the peak of the mound between your legs, causing you to squirm in his firm hold.
You shoot him a sultry grin, your voice tinged with desire. “Where do you want it served?”
With a swift movement, he flips you over, offering deliciously tingling love bites on your ass cheeks. As he rises to his full height, his lips shower your neck with fervent kisses.
You instinctively rest your head onto his shoulders, granting him easier access, and you can’t help but moan lightly as you feel the firm press of his hardness against your lower back.
“You see that couch over there?” he coos. You’re quick to grab onto his belt and tug him over there without breaking the kiss. You both let out muffled moans and smile-kiss as Evan finds his leg ensnared in the folds of a blanket, miserably fighting to wiggle himself free.
You slump down on the couch together, him on top, and instantly dive into a deeper kiss. His groans fill your mouth, assaulting your senses. You playfully suck on the tip of his tongue as you feel his stiff cock on your stomach, eager to set free.
“I’ll lick my plate clean, I promise. I just want you to feed me,” he begs, flashing you an imploring look.
“How do you want it?”
“On my face...only for me to feast,” he grins, pulling you in for another sloppy kiss while groping around your thighs all the way up your tits.
Lying on your back, you watch as he stands beside you and slowly chucks your thong away. His eyes fixate on your slick sex with a mix of awe and hunger, his fingers itching to dig in and explore.
You spread your thighs wider, inviting him closer between your legs, hands on his chest. He positions his head under you, his warm breath tingling your skin. His mouth brushes along your inner thighs, leaving tender kisses as he moves closer to where you want him to be.
And then, without warning, he savagely stretches apart your dripping pussy and licks a long stripe along your slick folds, making you squeak with pleasure. Groaning with delight at your taste and the slimy texture, his lips begin to suck on your clit.
You gasp and instinctively clutch his biceps as his tongue starts to glide against your slit, forcing choked whines from deep within you.
“Fuck, I could eat you out all day long,” he moans against you, his hands gripping your ass tightly as his licking becomes harsher and more aggressive. Damn, even his voice alone can make you squirt in an instant. There’s nothing about him that can give you the ick.
Your mind goes all foggy as his nose lightly nuzzles your clit. His tongue tirelessly laps back and forth against your sobbing red pussy, twirling along your gummy walls. He lifts you up by the hips, his tongue sinking deeper each time as he pulls you down onto his face. You drop your head back, a string of moans spilling from your lips.
Your toxic trait is believing that this is just a hook-up, and you won’t catch any feelings. Even when you’re riding Evan Peters’ face, receiving head so good your coochie can explode.
Well, why toxic? E v a n P e t e r s has you seeing stars as he works his magic on your clit and jams his tongue inside you like there’s no tomorrow. And there may not be a tomorrow, so why not just enjoy him on you, next to you, under you, or in you while it lasts? He makes you feel like the hottest and luckiest chick on earth (sorry, fandom), that’s just straight facts.
Reconsidering, you set off a swirling dance on his face to keep up with his pace, your legs getting all quivery. The knot in your stomach stiffens as your high builds, hitting you like a train wreck.
“Evan, fucking hell... I’m finishiiing,” you almost scream shakily as you fight for breath, your vision getting hazy. Your legs involuntarily tense around his head, and your knees tremble, while small, punchy sobs slip off your lips.
You catch him staring at you, a triumphant smile spreading on his lips as you writhe and wriggle back and forth under him, the throes of your orgasm in full glory.
He draws comforting circles on your stomach and plants sweet pecks on your thighs, giving you space to catch your breath. Your hand cradles his face as your vagina keeps throbbing, making you giggle from the tingly sensation.
“I want more,” he cries out, his lips curving downwards in a mock frown as he presses a few more gentle kisses on your heat before you climb off his face, your steps unsteady.
“Then, make sure you tone down your clit game. Most men act like it doesn’t even exist,” you scoff as you throw shade, shooting him a teasing grin as you clean his chin from your juices and his saliva.
“How can you take away the tomato from tomato juice? Same goes for Evan and a woman’s climax when I eat pussy,” he retorts, flexing his muscles with an arrogant smirk.
You playfully roll your eyes, ready for a comeback. “Sorry to humble you, but for us ladies, it’s mostly a mental process. Too many tricks won’t cut it,” you counter, picking up your underwear from the floor.
He raises a sceptical brow and narrows his eyes at you, his tongue sliding against his side teeth. “Oh, really? Care to see my tactic and put that theory to the test?”
“Be my guest,” you smirk with a provocative flair, motioning towards your bedroom with a sweep of your arm.
He seizes your arm, pulling you close, and melds his lips with yours in a fiery kiss. As his tongue enters your mouth, you can still taste yourself on him, making your cunt pulsate for him tenfold. You’re so turned on that you’d fold no matter what he asks you to do.
“Challenge accepted, you’ve been warned,” he quips, wagging a finger at you before scooping you up his arms and carrying you to the bedroom.
There you are, sprawled out in the middle of your bed, all bare and irresistible, sensually touching your body as your eyes lock onto his.
His imposing figure looms over you as he unzips his jeans, instantly giving you heart palpitations. With a lustful half-smile, he tilts his head and lets his eyes linger at your legs, testing his rizz.
Realising he’s only zeroing in your glistening cunt, you deliberately part your legs, granting him a sneak peak into your “inner world” up to his appetite. “Here it is, baby Ev, all yours and ready,” you grumble, a bright grin stretching across his face as he observes your marvellous pussy.
Talk about a man who sticks to his promises! He said he’d take on your “inside work” while chatting you up at the bar, and here he comes, offering in-house service.
With ease, he sheaths himself in a condom, his gaze never leaving yours as he crouches down on you, propped up on his toned forearms (veins popping all over, goodness me). Pressed flush against you, he peppers eager kisses along your face, neck, and tits, sending shivers of pleasure down your spine.
“I wanna take good care of you,” he whispers, his hands travelling on your body.
Wrapping your legs around him, you let out a needy moan in a desperate attempt to get him inside. Your tongue pushes feverishly into his warm mouth, and he sucks on it gently, eliciting more soft whines from you.
He pulls away, tut-tutting softly against your lips. “Not yet, baby girl. First, tell me how much you want it.”
“Like mad,” you reply with a fervent nod. “And give it to me hard.”
With his throbbing length poised at your drenched entrance, a shared gasp brings smiles to your faces before turning into exhilarating groans. His eye contact never wavers, and from that missionary angle, he looks so Lana Del Rey “West Coast” coded, goddammit.
Your bodies mesh and merge together quicker than a click. Each thrust is a slow and agonising burn, as if he does it on purpose for you to beg him for more. You ache to explore every inch of him, but he just prolongs his torture by leaving only his tip nested inside you.
That’s until his gaze sears into your soul, and you feel him plunge back deep in with a force that sends you reeling, flooding you with ecstasy.
Your body jolts at the abrupt fullness, a raw wail of satisfaction ripping out of your lips as you dig your nails into his shoulder blades.
Taking the reins, he captures your hands above your head, lacing your fingers with his as he sets a relentless pace. He shoves his tongue into your mouth, and before you know it, the room reverberates the sound of skin slapping mingled with your mutual moans.
He releases one of your hands, fingers tracing patterns of comfort on your wrist as he slams in you faster and rougher. “Fuck, you feel amazing, Y/N,” he grunts hoarsely as he watches his cock disappearing into your dripping heat, a satisfied grin plastered on his lips.
Your body responds eagerly to his rough ministrations, hips rising to meet his with a desperate need to go harder. The rush of your pleasure overwhelms you as you yelp his name.
He meets your gaze with a cocky smile as his hand brushes along your lips, his hot breath a tempting tease on your face. Driven by your unhinged horny ass, you delicately snatch his ring finger into your mouth, licking and sucking on it as he grumbles joyfully, driving deeper into me.
“Evan...” you whimper, momentarily squeezing your eyes shut to handle his magnitude.
“You like it rough, baby girl?” he asks in a raspy tone, and his throaty chuckle rings in your ear, sending bolts of electricity down your spine.
“I do,” you gasp chokingly as you look up at him with imploring eyes. “Just right there.”
With a gleam in his eyes, he lifts your legs, draping them loose over his shoulders to penetrate even deeper. The slimy walls of your cunt grip onto his dick like they’re about to devour it, throwing him to the edge.
Your foreheads press together in a feverish intimacy as he pushes you closer to release. His hungry eyes fixate on the jingle of your boobs, his groans of delight mixing with the frantic rhythm of your heartbeats.
“Let me cum inside, Y/N, please. I need to feel you around me,” he begs, his voice strained with desire. His words hang heavy in the air, laden with raw desire as he gazes at you with an intensity that makes your heart race. Your lips meet in a fiery kiss, your tongues moving in sync.
Just as you’re about to cave, a sudden loud crash echoes from the hallway and shatters the air, causing both of you to freeze in place.
His eyes widen with alarm, mirroring your dread, and you instinctively cling to his arm for support.
Wide-eyed and tense, you exchange worried glances, his typically zen demeanour replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. “What was that?” he whispers, his voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart.
“I-I... I don’t know,” you stutter as you smooth out your hair.
A second loud thud breaks out, and it’s louder than the last, making your shrill in terror. Sensing your tremor and the urgency of the situation, Evan scoots closer to you and muffles any incoming outcry by gently covering your mouth with his hand.
“Shh.. easy... I’m with you, Y/N,” he mumbles, kissing the crown of your head. “Okay, let me throw on my clothes and go check. You stay here,” he instructs in a hushed tone, giving you a soft peck as he scrambles near him to pick up his scattered shirt and boxers.
Still nestled in his embrace, your grip tightens on his arm as he makes a move to stand up. “No, Evan,” you protest whisper-shouting. “Let’s go together.”
He hesitates and sighs in exasperation at your refusal to stay in safely. But, ultimately, he nods, his jaw set with determination.
You hastily slip into your satin robe, ready to face whatever danger lurks in the shadows. Hand in hand, you both venture cautiously into the dimly lit corridor as you stand behind him, your senses heightened in anticipation of what you might find.
The tension is palpable as you switch on more lights, illuminating your path as you dive deeper into the unknown.
After scouring every room, you return to the living room, puzzled. “There’s no one in, so we can rule out a break-in or th—” Evan’s words are cut short by a series of loud bangs resounding from the balcony, forcibly pulling your focus to the final frontier in your quest for answers.
“Promise me you’ll stay in. I got this,” he mumbles with a determined gaze. You nod silently with a bated breath, unable to utter a single syllable.
With resolve, he steps outside, the night air is thick with suspense as you watch him while biting your cuticles. Meanwhile, you pace nervously, your mind spiralling through disaster scenarios.
Suddenly, his voice pierces the silence as he calls out your name, giving you the jump scare.
“Evaaan?” you howl frantically as you sprint to the balcony, your heart racing and your hair whipping in the wind. 
Relief washes over you as you spot him pointing to a twisted chunk of neon metal lying on the ground, bathed in the moon’s glow. The gusty wind continues to slam the panel against the sliding door, confirming your suspicions.
You lean over the balcony, verifying that the fallen piece has flown from the drugstore sign banner next to your apartment—just a harmless casualty of the night. “I’ll drop it off for repairs tomorrow,” you mindlessly assure Evan as you share a chuckle that mixes nerves with relief.
His grip tightens around your waist as he suggests heading back inside. You both retreat indoors, leaving the metal piece by the balcony door.
“Water?” you offer, and he accepts with a grateful nod, his gaze softening in appreciation.
As you saunter to the kitchen together, you catch him checking you out as you bend over the counter and reach up on your tippy toes to grab a glass.
Just as you’re about to stride out of the room, your cleavage skimming his chest a bit too long, he swiftly corners you against the glass kitchen door.
“Where you think you’re sneaking off to?” he whispers, a smirk playing on his lips as his hands wander over your upper half.
Your eyes flicker across his face as you struggle to draw a breath, your heart pounding with anticipation. “Out?” you manage to squeak.
He inches closer, his voice dripping with suggestion, “We’ve got some unfinished business, don’t we?” he murmurs as his stubble grazes against your jaw, intensifying the pool between your thighs.
“Remind me?” you tease, your lips curving mischievously. You’re in your villain era; if not Evan Peters fucking you, why even bother?
He slides a hand under your loose robe and tenderly tweaks your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger. A gasp escapes you at the sensation as his fingers find their way to your clit, setting off a relentless rub that brings a buzzing on your sensitive bundle of nerves. It’s like with each stroke, he’s hitting the pleasure jackpot.
Panting, you sway your hips to match his rhythm, lost in sensation. The play of his thumb on your clit drives you wild, leaving you craving more.
“Bring me a condom, and I’ll give you a reminder,” he chuckles, and in an erratic heartbeat, his lips crash onto yours, warm and demanding. You melt into the kiss as the room spins around you. He kisses you harshly, nearly biting you with a reckless passion, desire raging like a tempest.
With this move, things accelerate viciously. Gone is the playful banter; now it’s all primal need, Evan turning animalistic towards you. In a blur of motion, your body ends up pressed into the cold surface of the glass door; his hands firmly cupping your breasts from behind; his cock throbbing and pounding inside your slippery centre; raw horniness bursting forth through loud moans and grunts.
He’s so damn big, stretching your pussy to the point it stings. He doesn’t give you much time to adjust before he pulls out and jams back in you with primitive force. The door lock rattles incessantly as he pounds into you hard, his lips embellishing your soft skin with red, soon-to-be purple marks, his hot breath making you shiver.
He clings to you, his stomach against your lower back, hips still snapping into your soaked cunt. Together, you set a rhythm, rocking in and out with a measured tempo and sensual grace.
The pain blends divinely with euphoria in your body, leaving your mind foggy and dizzy as he continues to jab in and out of you despite your whimpers. His balls slap against your clit, making your climax hurtle towards you like a tidal wave. Salty tears of pleasure prickle at the corners of your eyes. “I’m close, Evan,” you yelp, your knees beginning to fail you.
“You’re doing so good, baby,” he praises out of breath as he smacks your ass, kneading all the way down your clit. “Let go, give it to me,” he urges, punctuating his last word with a particularly deep thrust, jerking inside you and causing your screams to spill out.
Pleasure shoots you like an electric shock, and soon, liquid dribbles down your legs. As the tension in your lower belly finally cracks, you feel him buckle as well, his hips stuttering. Letting out a guttural groan, he gushes out inside of you, followed by small whines of your name.
You urgently ask him to peel the condom away and spill his cum all over your ass and back. Soon, white, sticky cum from both of you mingles and trickles around you until you become a leaky, sticky mess.
His arms band around your waist, your fingers intertwined, his smiling eyes drowning in yours.
“Fuck, what did you do to me, Y/N?” he sighs, and you both giggle, your sweaty lips meeting again in a passionate kiss.
After a mutual clean-up, you slide into a fresh nightgown and return to your room, only to find Evan rummaging under your bed, his firm backside an enticing sight.
“What are you looking for?” you ask, enjoying the view as you lean against the doorframe.
“My car keys,” he growls, his brows furrowed in concentration as he takes a glimpse behind the curtains. “Must’ve fallen out when I took my pants off,” he infers with a low and husky voice as he glances back at you.
You nod sympathetically, folding your bed throw neatly on the corner armchair. His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer before he resumes his search, the tension between you growing thicker by the second.
“It’s late already. You can crash here tonight, and we’ll track down your stuff in the morning,” you suggest, settling onto the bed.
He looks up, relief sets on his handsome features as he creeps back towards you. “You sure?” he murmurs, his arms encircling your waist, his touch igniting sparks of arousal.
“Never been surer,” you breathe, leaning in for a kiss, unable to resist the pull between you.
But just as your lips meet, the jingle of keys shatter the moment, and you feel something sharp lightly nudging your lower waist. Pulling back, you shoot Evan a knowing smirk, your pulse racing with excitement.
With a nonchalant shrug and a wink, he tosses the keys onto the bedside table before pulling you under the covers and into a heated kiss.
Taglist: sillysillygyal, junkie4weezer, frankiesweird, divinerulerz, nickrhodeslittledarling
@evanchantingpeters — All rights reserved. Please do not modify, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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vixensp1ce · 7 months
them as japanese p rn tropes
fem!reader / pt. 2 (jing yuan and aventurine)
he's the sleazy coworker, the one who ogles your boobs whenever you bend over and thinks pencil skirts are a gift to humanity (his dick).
of course, accepting his invitation to hang out and drink at his place is a sure sign that you're not as innocent as you look.
and when he has you on the carpet, legs folded up to your chest, looking so sweet and breedable just for him, he realises you're not wearing underwear. just stockings. and a gasket blows in his mind.
there's an adult movie playing on the tv, but he's muted it. he wants to hear your voice and your voice only, after all.
he fucks you slowly at first, relishing the way your boobs ripple with the movement in your tight office blouse. you might be wearing a smaller one today, because the buttons are straining and he can see a peek of your lacey bra underneath.
your walls squeeze and flutter around him, betraying your need, but childe ignores it for now.
"so pretty, so, so pretty, all for me..." he mutters, still rocking his hips, grinding gently into you. the buttons come open with ease, revealing a scrap of red lace, transparent so he can see your hardened nipples.
he pauses. you seem to know what's coming next and squeeze around his dick in anticipation.
"you little slut," he growls in delight, slamming into your g-spot with such accuracy that you cry his name.
he sets a frightening pace, his dick scraping against every inch of your ribbed walls you've never been able to reach on your own, and you wonder, did he just get bigger?
"gonna cum inside, fill you up, inside inside inside," he chants, lost in his pleasure and tugging down your bra. your boobs spring free, now rippling freely like a wave. he ducks his head, suckling on one nipple, a hand coming up to tease the other one.
"ajax! oh, please, please, i'm so close," you moan, the pressure in your lower tummy building.
"with me," he mumbles, switching to your other nipple. "cum with me, baby, together..."
your rapidly contracting walls betray how close you are, and his dick twitches and twitches inside of you. childe grabs your leg, slinging it over his shoulder so his dick reaches even deeper into you, and the new position is just what you need for the dam to break.
you scream his name. you clamp down on him, hard, your back arching taut, pushing your breast further into his mouth. he cums at the same time, ropes of thick, hot cum filling you up in a place you hadn't even known was empty.
he's still pistoning into you at a violent pace, fucking you both through your first orgasm of the night.
funny guy has funny tastes. if you'd known that one of his favourite things to do was to have you tied up and restrained, you would have... well, nothing, seeing as you enjoyed it just as much as he.
you were under the dining table, draped over the support crossbars and trying to clear out a particularly stubborn cobweb. blade eyes you hungrily, feeling his cock just begin to strain at his pants. he can see the outline of your panties through your clothes, the lucious curve of your ass tempting him to do something only in his fantasies.
then you pull back and stop.
"um, blade? a little help?"
his patience snaps. striding up to you, he lands a glancing blow on your behind. you yelp, your back arching. "hey, what was that for?"
he doesn't care. blade gives himself a moment to fix the image of your ass in his mind, then pulls down your clothes and underwear in one smooth movement.
"you little bitch," he snarls. a string of your arousal stretches from your pussy to your underwear. "fucking slut."
he slides his dick back and forth in your inner lips, coating it in slick and the tip rubbing aginst your clit. you moan, your back arching, grinding against him to try and get more friction.
blade reaches under the table and tugs you free, hoisting you up into his arms and carrying you to the couch.
another slap. you whimper, trying to turn back to get a look at him, but he grabs your head and forces it down.
"a slut like you shouldn't even be looking at me," he growls.
he spreads your asscheeks with his thumbs. the movement has your pussy weeping a few drops of cum onto his slick, wet dick.
"slut," he mutters again, half to himself, and slams himself into you.
you gasp, back arching, the fabric of the couch crinkling under your grip. "bla~ade," you moan angelically.
"shut up," he commands, pulling you roughly into him again. your shut up obediently. the flesh of your ass ripples up your body, and he can just see your boobs swaying to his rhythm.
he leans over you to whisper into your ear. "does my naughty little slut wanna cum?" he whispers, his gravelly voice sending sparks into your lower tummy.
you can feel his dick, thick and rock-hard, weighing down inside of you, and you can almost imagine the outline of it showing through your tummy. you nod.
he pistons his hips into yours, humping like an animal in heat, aiming right for the most sensitive gummy spot within you. you whimper and moan, your back arching in pleasure, and then you feel his hand clasp your boob to stimulate your nipple roughly.
"no-!" you squirm against his hold, but blade has you completely pinned. his other hand snakes down to where the two of you are connected, flesh smacking together and ringing through the room.
"if you want to cum, then cum." you can hear the smile in his voice as his hand finds your sensitive little nub and rubs it fiercely.
the pressure in your lower tummy spikes, and you claw at the couch as you cum, looking for something to hold onto. "bladebladeblade, ah, harder, please~"
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candycandy00 · 1 month
Let the Whole World See - A Togame x Reader Fanfic
Your boyfriend Togame convinces you to go on a date with him while wearing a very short skirt and no underwear. 
Smut. 18+. Fem Reader. Togame is in his mid 20’s. Exhibitionism. Humiliation. Oral sex. Slightly rough. Public sex. Public nudity.
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“Jo!” you whine, trailing close behind your boyfriend, rubbing your thighs together nervously. 
Togame invited you on a date to the park, saying you could take a leisurely stroll and enjoy the beautiful autumn colors. It sounded romantic so you happily agreed, not realizing you’d end up like this. 
He even bought you a new outfit, picking it out himself. You were surprised by how cute the outfit turned out to be - a white tennis style skirt and a pale pink sweater that bares your midriff. He also bought white over the knee socks to wear with it. Supposedly he got help from a friend of a friend from the other side of town. You appreciate the effort he put into this day, but you’re starting to think it was more for him than for you. 
Because he insisted you wear no underwear, and the skirt is far too short. 
A few weeks ago, only a few days after you started dating, he told you about his exhibitionism kink. Your initial reaction was that there was no way this would work out. You’re extremely shy, and you told him so. He’d only smiled and said, “That’s what makes it so hot.”
The comment turned you on, and since then you’ve been wanting to try indulging his kink at least once. So today is the day. You agreed to this setup, of walking in public with him in a short skirt with no panties on.
He chose a place with hardly any people. It’s a weekday, at a time when students are in school and most adults are at work. And with the weather getting cooler, the park is nearly abandoned. He said he wants to ease you into this. 
But it’s still nerve wracking! Earlier you passed a lady jogging, and you’re very aware that there could be other people in the park. You keep tugging the skirt down, terrified a breeze will blow it up. 
Togame notices, and takes one of your hands in his. “Just relax,” he says. “Look how pretty the leaves are.”
He doesn’t understand. Part of your discomfort is from the fact that you’re very aroused right now. The cool air passing between your legs, the friction of your thighs, the thought that anything could go wrong and a random passerby could get an eyeful… all of it is getting to you. 
By the time you stop in front of a bench, your face feels hot and your skin is flushed, never mind the wetness that is just starting to drip down your thighs. 
Togame stands facing you, smiling in his easy going way as he watches you blush. “Do you trust me?” he asks. 
You look up at him, your eyes shifting about nervously before settling on his. “Yes, I trust you, Jo.”
He leans down and gives you a quick kiss on your cheek. “Good,” he says before squatting down in front of you. His warm hands move up your thighs, pulling your skirt up and exposing your glistening pussy. You shudder at the cool air, and give a little squeak of protest, trying to pull the skirt back down. What if someone sees?
“Is this too much?” he asks, looking concerned. “We can go back to my place or-“
“N-no! I want to do this. I just got a little scared,” you say, moving your hands from your skirt. You trust your boyfriend with your life, but you’re not so sure about whoever else might be lurking in the park. 
He smiles again, pushing your skirt back up and pressing a kiss to your bare pussy, sending a shiver down your spine. Then, he pulls your whole skirt down to your ankles. You gasp, realizing this leaves you totally exposed. You’re so stunned you can barely react as he helps you step out of the skirt, wads it up, and shoves it into the pocket of his jacket. 
“Jo! What if someone walks by?!” you demand, coming to your senses. You couldn’t just quickly put your skirt back down like when he was holding it up. With it in his pocket, you don’t even have access to it, and your sweater is way too short to cover anything, no matter how much you pull it. Togame has complete control in this situation. 
And you’re so turned on you can hardly stand it. 
Togame stands back up and wraps his arms around you, the sensation of his clothes against your bare lower half making you feel giddy. And you notice something: a big, prominent bulge in his pants. He’s looking down at you as he says, “Can you take care of this for me?”
You nod, starting to sink down to your knees, but he stops you. 
“Not on your knees,” he says. “Squat.”
Squat? Like this?! You know that would put you in an extremely lewd position, but if it makes your boyfriend happy, you’re willing to try. So you lower yourself down, squatting, your legs automatically spreading apart. You can feel your juices dripping out of you and onto the concrete of the stone walking path below you as Togame pulls the front of his pants down low enough to free his thick cock. 
You’ve sucked him off before, but not in public, and not while trying to balance on your high heels in a squat that’s already straining your leg muscles. So you don’t waste any time taking him into your mouth, your tongue burying itself in his leaky tip. You’re trying to get him off as fast as possible, before someone walks by or your legs give out. You pull out all the stops, deep throating him, letting your drool and spit cover him, licking his shaft bottom to top, suckling his balls, even using your hand to stroke him when he’s not halfway down your throat. 
He’s breathing hard, making light grunts and groans as his fingers lace through your hair. You start to lose your balance, your head lurching forward and causing you to nearly swallow him. “Fuck, you’re being so good for me today,” he says as your hands move to his hips to hold yourself steady. 
You can feel his cock twitching, and you know he’s close. You know how this usually ends too, how he likes to do it. His hand on your head presses you further onto him, and once he’s so far down your throat you can’t breathe, he shoots his load right down your neck. You swallow quickly, wanting all of it. Even as he’s pulling out of your mouth, your lips are still sucking out the remaining drops. 
He helps you to your feet, his face a bit pink and his breathing still a little erratic. Then suddenly he pushes you behind him and turns his back to you. “Don’t move,” he says, and soon you find out why. 
“Hey, Togame!” you hear a voice say casually. 
You don’t recognize the voice, but it’s clearly one of his friends. Oh god, they’re going to see you like this! Your lower half is completely exposed, your pussy is dripping noticeably down your legs, and Togame’s cum is probably on your lips. You have no choice but to stand perfectly still behind Togame’s back, one hand clutching his jacket while the other vainly tries to cover your pussy. 
“Hey,” your boyfriend says back. “What are you doing out here?”
“Just taking a walk. Are you out here alone?” the voice asks. 
Oh no. Can he see your legs behind Togame’s? 
Togame chuckles. “No, I’m with my girlfriend.”
“Oh? Is that her behind you?”
Togame shifts slightly, probably to keep blocking view of you as his friend tried to look. “She’s really shy, so I’ll introduce you some other time.”
“O-okay,” the voice replies shakily, and you wonder what sort of look Togame gave him to make his voice quiver like that. “I’m heading back now. See you later.”
After a few more seconds, Togame sighs and turns to face you. “Sorry about that. He’s gone. I understand if you wanna go back now,” he says, reaching into his pocket to get your skirt. 
You put a hand on his arm to stop him. “Wait… I’m unsatisfied,” you say, shyly looking at the ground. 
He tilts your face up to look at him. “Really? Then I guess I better satisfy you.”
Togame flops down on the bench and pulls you backwards into his lap, so that you’re facing away from him. Then his hands are on your thighs, pulling them apart. You rise up enough for him to slide his pants down a little, and when you feel his fully hard cock against your skin, you use your hands to line it up with your entrance and then sink down, taking him all the way inside your wet, needy hole. 
You hiss at the stretch, but love the feeling of fullness only his huge cock can provide. His hands stay firmly on your legs, holding you open for all the world to see as you begin riding him, bouncing up and down on his shaft. 
Your breaths are hitching, quick, sharp little moans and whines escaping you as you fuck yourself on his cock. His hands are hot and strong on your thighs as he leans his face close to your ear and says, in that maddeningly calm voice, “Someone could walk by any second and see this, see your slutty pussy gushing around my cock.”
“Jo… Jo… I can’t… I can’t stop!” you cry out, clenching around him, your hands gripping the fabric of his pants beneath you. 
He reaches around with both hands and pulls your sweater up, exposing your breasts, letting them bounce freely with your movements. “It’s okay,” he says into your ear, “I want people to see. Let everyone see how well you take me, how deep I can fuck this little pussy. I want everyone to watch you cum, so they’ll know I’m the only one who can make you moan like this.”
One of his hands slides down, his fingers rubbing your spread folds, finding your swollen, tender clit and giving it a pinch that makes you scream in pleasure. There on the park bench, where anyone could see or hear, you cum with a loud cry, sinking down as deeply as possible on Togame’s cock.
As you ride out your mind blowing orgasm, you swivel your hips, leaving him plunged deeply inside you. His hands are on your tits now, squeezing them gently. Suddenly his grip on them tightens, and you hear him grunt as he cums again, filling you absolutely full. 
When you finally climb off him, your legs are wobbly. He pulls up his pants, and just then you hear voices. “Jo, my skirt!” you say, and he hurries to pull it out of his pocket and help you step back into it. Just after you pull it up, you see his friend Choji and a few other guys coming around the bend. Choji spots the two of you and runs over. 
“Hey, are you guys here on a date?” he asks, looking excited. You hope to god he doesn’t notice how hard you’re clamping your thighs together, trying not to let Togame’s cum drip out of you. 
“Yep, just the two of us,” Togame says, putting an arm around you. 
Choji laughs and slaps Togame’s back playfully, though it looks a little too hard to you. “I get it! We’ll leave you alone. Have fun!”
As they walk away, you and Togame both sigh in relief. Then he grins. “That was a close one, huh? Let’s go find a restroom.”
You nod, suddenly feeling shy again. You can’t believe you had sex in public! 
Togame takes hold of your hand, leading you along. “Next time, let’s try something a little more daring. Maybe a place with more people.”
“What?!” you yell, shocked by the prospect. But you can’t deny that the thought made you a little horny. Maybe this would all work out after all. 
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rayassecretlife · 2 years
“What happens when you disobey me?”
Pairing: Adult!Neteyam Sully x Fem!Omaticaya!reader
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TO FULLY UNDERSTAND, READ PART 1, this part picks up right where part 1 leaves off.
Summary: It’s you and Neteyam’s 4 year anniversary but after he catches you talking to someone you shouldn’t have, he can’t help but teach you a lesson.
Warning(s): FILTH (MINORS DNI). Jesus Christ, just pure filth.
Not proof read… sorry for mistakes!!!
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The ride home was longer then you had expected and you couldn’t help but fall asleep against his Ikran, his arms tight around you the entire time till you landed. You thought you were going home, but you had to of been far from it because when you opened your eyes, a whole new area you had never seen before had came into view.
It was a secluded beach connected to the forest, many bright glowing flowers lighting the path he took you on. There was a hut not far from the beach, flowers and such scattered on the steps.
“Neteyam” you frown, realizing he had planned so much and you couldn’t help but smile, continuing to walk further toward the hut.
Your cheeks flush as you slowed down by the steps, taking in the many flowers on the floor and the small lights that led inside the hut. Your eyes watered, you felt terrible. How could you even be mad at him?
You continued to walk in, following the trail of flowers till you reached the end, a quiet sob breaking through your chest. “Syulang?” You turn to your mate, wrapping your arms around his neck before he could say anything about your tears.
“This is beautiful, Nete” He chuckles at your weary voice, wrapping his arms around you. “Thank you, Ma’Teyam”
He pulled away just a bit, still having your body in his arms as he leans down to kiss you, but you crashed yours into his before he even got close. Yes, you were a still angry about earlier, but you couldn’t deny your need for him.
You’d been waiting all day for him to stop with the teasing, and you hoped now that it was almost the end of your anniversary that he’d give you want you wanted.
“I need you, Teyam. I’ve been waiting all day” He chuckles against your lips, pulling you up to wrap your legs around his waist so he could carry you further inside.
But you must’ve forgotten that he was still burning with anger and jealousy, practically slamming you into the wall, catching your gasp in his mouth. He used this to push his tongue against your own, hands gripping your skin as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He sat you on the hut’s table, pulling you to the very edge before he removed your chest piece, hand pushing your chest down so your back laid against the wood. “Nete…” You mewl as his hand gets lower down your leg, his lips planting small kisses down your bare chest.
Your hands fought to grip any part of his body as his hand entered your loincloth, thumb instantly finding your clit. You moan softly, hands finally gripping his shoulders as he rubs circles against your already beating bud, hips moving towards him for more friction.
You yelped at the sudden slap against your thigh, the burning sensation spreading throughout your body.“Keep doing that and I’ll leave you like this. Brat’s don’t get rewarded” Your breathing is much heavier now, biting your lip to stay quiet. His head dips down to your chest, his tongue swirling around your cold nipple. “So wet, baby. Need to taste you”
“Nete, please” you begged breathlessly, propping yourself up on your elbows as he pulled away from your chest, untying your loincloth. “I need you now”
“Oh, baby” he tsked, “You disobeyed me, Remember?” he kisses between your rib cage, bending your knees and spreading your legs further for him. “You know what happens when you disobey me”
“I didn’t! Nete, I swear-“
“You know he’s not supposed to be in your tent so why did you let him in” his finger tips ghost your entrance, teasing you more and more, causing you to whine. “Because if you actually gave a fuck, you would’ve kicked him out”
“I-I told kiri I’d take the last one, I didn’t know it was him! She was already gone, Neteyam” His head shook at your excuse, “please, I’m telling the truth”
“It’s one thing when you patch him up, but it’s another when you do it after I warned you to stay away from him” You cry at his words, accepting you weren’t getting out of this. Nothing made him more mad than when you were around Kaonu, or any guy really. “Now, what happens when you disobey me?”
You begged him, giving him a pleading look in hopes he’d go easy on you. He wouldn’t, only when you were trembling under him, is when he would let up.
“Fucking answer me!” His voice raises as he grabs your neck and you cry out, grabbing his arm out of reflex.
“I get punished” You finally admit, watching his eyes soften at your words, leaning down to your face and pressing a small kiss to your lips. You could tell he thought he was hurting you and that’s why he stopped all of a sudden, but the truth is, you fucking loved when he was like this. When he treated you like a slut who needed to be taught a lesson. He gave your jaw a few small kisses before moving to your ear, “I may be angry, but you tell me how you want it, pretty girl”
Your heart thumped at his words. He was such a softy when it came to his mate, even when he was angry with you. Your hand gets lost in his long hair, a shaky breath leaving your mouth. “I can take it, Teyam. I want to take it” He chuckles in your ear, pulling your leg to lay against his side.
“There’s my dirty girl” He takes your lobe between his teeth, biting down only a small bit but enough to make you bite your lip. It didn’t hurt, it just felt way too good. He pulls away, trailing kisses down from your neck all the way down your bare body and your hand stayed atop his head, watching his move all the way down to your dripping core.
You watch in awe as he stares down at your soaked cunt, his fingers ghosting over your entrance. You were so beautiful to him, the most beautiful girl in the world.
He gave you one last smirk before pushing two of his fingers inside of you, taking you by surprise. You gasped as he took your swollen clit in his mouth, your head falling back at the unbelievable sensation. He chuckled, vibrations flowing through your fragile body and you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling, trying your hardest not to push his head down.
“My sweet girl, you taste so fucking good” Your a mess above him, begging him for more as he eats you like your his last meal, curling his fingers inside you and torturing your clit with his tongue. He was so good at this, driving you insane every second he wasn’t touching you.
“Neteyam!” You cry out, starting to squirm from his grip. You couldn’t take it anymore, you looked so pathetic like this.
“Gonna come already, Baby? I thought you wanted Kaonu to do it?” He pulls his head from your core and you cry, spreading your legs more as you gripped his braids. “And to think, he really believes he could make you this wet? Not like this, not like me”
“Fuck, Nete. I’m gonna come” Your words were falling from your mouth at this point, begging him to draw you to your end. You waited all day for this, all day for him to stop teasing you and actually give in. In just a second, his mouth is back on you, except this time with way more hunger then before. You didn’t know, but his free hand palmed himself through his loincloth, his arousal becoming painfully hard at the sight of you. He wasn’t just teasing you all day, but holding himself back from the mess he could’ve made, fucking you in all those spots you had been in today.
You feel the familiar feeling grow in the pit of your stomach and your hands grip his hair tighter, walls tightening around his fingers. He didn’t stop at your moans, letting you hold your legs down so you wouldn’t clamp around his head.
“I should leave you like this after you talked to him. You wish I was him, don’t you? Making you come like this?” He coaches and you whine at his words, back arching off the table as you felt your release just a second away from bursting.
“Nete..!” You practically cry his name, hand flying to your mouth trying to silence your very loud moans. Your words didn’t slow his actions, only making him pick up his pace, pulling his head up as he watched you unravel. It was such a pretty sight—watching your body shake and how your release wet his lower stomach, dripping all the way down to his loincloth. “Fuck, I-I-“
“Maybe I need to start doing this more” He chuckled as you stare at his body, sitting up to pull him down to kiss your lips. You needed him badly, you needed him to fill you. “So greedy” he leans you back against the table, tongues dancing against one another’s as he pulled his fingers from your core, bringing them between your faces.
You batted your eyelashes at your mate, taking his drenched fingers into your mouth as he watched you closely, bottom lip stuck between his teeth. “That’s it, such a good girl” Oh gosh, how wet it made you to hear that.
You pull back with a pop, reaching down to his waist to unclip his loincloth. You hand brushed his arousal, biting your lip as you looked down between the two of you, his cock just an inch away from touching your stomach.
You hum, taking him in your small hand and stroking him, watching his eyes squeeze shut above you. You had your eyes on your mate, whispering small things against his ear. “Goddamnit, Y/N” he curses, grabbing your hand and slamming it against the table above your head, taking his cock in his free hand to brush against your core. “You can never be patient, can you?”
“Looks like your the one who can’t be patient, Pretty boy” You really should learn how to keep your mouth shut but how could you when he had you like this? Under his control like his own personal puppet.
“Yeah? We’ll see about that” without a warning, he’s already sliding into you at once, not giving you a second to adjust to his size. You gasp, hands gripping his at the sensation. It didn’t hurt, after all these years of being with him, your pussy was like a home for him, inviting him in Every. Single. Time.
He’s usually let you adjust but not this time, this time, he was taking his anger out on you—fucking you like it would be the last thing he ever did. “So big, so fucking big—oh my god” You whined, eyes starting to water as his tip kissed your cervix repeatedly. “Nete, It’s too much!”
“No” He dismissed your words, hand wrapping around your throat once again as he let go of your hands, standing up while continuing to rut into you. “You wanted it, you fucking take it”
Your jaw fell as he picked up his pace, whimpers and moans spilling out every other second. He leaned back down to you, forcing his cock to go deeper inside you and you practically yelled his name, nails digging into his skin so hard your sure you drew blood.
You were already coming undone without any warning, your core tightening around his cock as he chuckled, coaching you through your high. “So pathetic, Y/N. Legs shaking and all” He pulls both of your legs onto his shoulders, you arousal milking his cock of its pre.
He pushed down on your lower stomach, watching your face twist in pleasure and your loud moans begin to fly again, tears filling your eyes. “Feels so fucking good, Baby. Such a good girl letting me fill you up, taking my cock so well”
Your cunt squeezed him tight, hands gripping his shoulder to pull him closer to you. Neteyam loved watched you lose control, watching you cry for more. You could cry all you want, but the way you moaned his name told him everything he needed to know.
“I bet Kaonu wishes he was wearing this necklace right now” He chuckles at your shaking legs on his shoulders, leaning down to kiss your soft lips and capturing your moans in his mouth. “Might have to replace mine with this one, It’s far more beautiful”
“Keep talking, Teyam. I’m all yours, take what’s yours!” you begged, his dirty words doing wonders to your core. He was barely keeping his composure, the feeling of you squeezing his cock was far more then enough but he couldn’t let go—not until he was finished with you.
He groaned, pulling out of your soaking wet core. You protested but were quickly silenced once he pulled you to the floor, turning you away from him and pushing you onto all fours.
“Neteyam!” You cried his name as he slipped back into you, hitting a whole new spot then before. He pulled the root of your hair back, your head thrown back at the pleasure. You couldn’t take it, his balls slapping against your wet cunt with every thrust, giving your clit a tease of small sensation. “Please, please!”
He knew what you wanted, his hand pulling his queue from behind him to connect with yours. Both of your pupils shot bigger at the feeling, a whimper leaving his mouth as he leaned against you.
“Mmm, Nete… I-I-“ he grabs your hips, nails digging into your skin as he forces you backwards, pussy clenching around his cock every time. You cry his name louder, your mind growing foggy as your nails grip the wood floor, his cock bruising your insides.
He pulls you up by your hair, your back pressing against his stomach as he continues to thrust into you harshly, his hand now wrapping around your neck. “Who’s making you feel this good? Who’s pussy is this, Y/N” You whine, looking up at your mate as he stares down at you, beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.
“Yours! God, it’s only yours, Teyam. Only you can fuck me this good!” You mewl, reaching back to grip onto him in any way possible.
“That’s right, Sweet girl. Only me. Not that fucking Skxawng—or anyone else, me” he pushed you back down, pressing his stomach to you as he picked his pace back up, placing multiple kisses along your back as you begged. “My dirty fucking girl, come for me”
You cried, moving your tired hips against his as he coached you. He needed you to come now before he lost himself, he didn’t want to come like this. He needed one more out of you.
“Teyam… I’m so tired” You wipe your eyes, tears of pleasure rolling down your cheeks.
“I know, Sweet girl. You can do it, hold onto me” He intertwined your hands on the wood floor, pushing into you as deep as he could. “I can feel it, baby. Let it go, I’ve got you”
Your hands gripped his as you felt your third release crashing over you, a mixture of moans, gasps and cries leaving your mouth while he stroked you through your high. You knew what was next but you didn’t know If you’d be able to take it, you were so tired to the point that if you had closed your eyes you would’ve passed out.
“Neteyam” you cry as he pulls out of you, hands gently lifting you to his lap. Your body trembled as your cunt rubbed against his cock, head falling in the crook of his neck trying to catch your breath. “I can’t”
“You can, baby. You can” He was weak but he needed to release soon or it would start to hurt, watching you and listening to you moan for the past hour was fun and all but it was torture to his own.
He’d always take care of you first.
You tirelessly nod your head, wrapping your arms around his neck as he lifted you up, lining himself up to your entrance for the last time. You both let out a shaky breath as he slid inside you, slowly sinking the deepest he had been all night. He needed you like this to come, needed you to look at him as he released inside you.
“I fucking love you” He says breathlessly, guiding your hips as you ride him. Your hands tugged his hair making him moan, your ears peeking at the sound. “So fucking close, Y/N”
You cup his face in your hands, laying your sweating forehead against his. “Come for me, Sweet boy. Give me another baby” He let out a loud moan, his ears perking up and his cheeks getting hot as he stared into your eyes, pulling you all the way down.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck” He whimpers in your ear as he grips your hips tightly, finally letting go and painting your gummy walls white with his thick seed. You moaned his name once more, the warm feeling never ceasing to amaze you even after four years.
You collapse in his arms, eyes fluttering shut as his arms wrap around you, breath still shaking as he came down from his high.
“Syulang” He calls your name but your entirely too fucked out to care, falling into his body more then before. “Y/N, baby” He slightly panics, worried he had pushed you unconscious. “Talk to me, Sweet girl” He lifts your head up, cupping your heavy head in his hands.
You hum, nodding your head as you relax against his grasp, you were so beyond tired but you were okay. “I’m okay” He sighs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “so tired, Nete…”
“I know, baby. Go to sleep, I’ll take care of you” You open your eyes, laying your hand against one of his against your face, a weak smile washing over your lips.
“Happy anniversary, Ma’Teyam” He leans down, pressing a final kiss to your soft lips before leaning his forehead back against yours, closing his eyes as your queues disconnect.
“Happy anniversary, My love”
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If you liked this, make sure to check out my other writings on my masters list! Thank you all for the support 💙.
This is a little rushed but not really so it might be a little bad but I’m too lazy to proof read it sooo
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strawberryblue-blog · 5 months
Disaster. Part 2. —Joao Felix.
summary: second part of disaster.
warnings: YES. +18. smut. unprotected sex, some choking kink, cursing, role play.
words count: +1.9k.
tag: @yourknightinshiningarm-or
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Yes. It was too late.
Kissing him had not been a good idea, it was clear. Nothing had been a good idea. Not the date, not having him bring you home, not letting him touch you, not kissing him in the first place.
It had all been a disaster. You shouldn't have listened to your friend. Now there were consequences and the consequences were going to eat away at your head for life but you couldn't help but run back to him and kiss him desperately before you locked yourself in your house.
Damn. You couldn't even think about it when he himself also ran to you and took you in his arms. You had missed his touch, his mouth, his warmth so much. You hated him so much. So much that every time you felt him near you, you wanted him to take you right there.
Your body longed for his touch, the fire in your chest could only be quenched by Joao, the thirst you had could only be quenched by him.
His kisses were going to your neck when he slammed you against the door of your own house, moans escaping your lips like desperate cries. And yet he hadn't really touched you yet. You were desperate. His hands moved across your belly, back and ass, they went back and forth, they couldn't stay still.
You wanted to hit yourself, to curse yourself, to scold yourself. But you were enjoying his mouth, you were lost in the feeling of pleasure and power. Everything had been a disaster from the beginning, at least you wanted to have some reward at the end.
You took his hand guiding him to your couch and with your arm you pushed him until he fell onto the cushions. His eyes were a jet black with a special glow that made you bite your lip, his mouth swollen and red and his body tense and needy for you. It made you feel powerful. You climbed on top of him, taking his jaw to kiss him. Hard and hot. Just like he was underneath you. Needy.
Your legs were at his sides and when his hands slipped into your shirt, you gasped as you felt his cool fingers caress your skin. He caught your lips as one of his hands went to your chest and squeezed it making you cry out in his kiss. On the fabric of your lace bra, he played with your nipple, giving it little deep touches, which drew moans from your throat. He had power over you too. And he knew how to show it.
His lips become like an addiction for you, you can't stop kissing him, his sweet taste has you cloying and you feel like you'll die to have them. His hands grab the hem of your shirt and lift it up your arms, so you help him take it off. Within seconds his fingers are on the clasp of your bra and he hurriedly removes it. His gaze focuses on your breasts and you try to cover them with an embarrassed look but he stops you and looks at you.
You have never felt ashamed of your body but with Joao it was different. It always was. Now you are an adult but deep inside you are still that teenager who lost her virginity to the same man who is touching her and vague memories come back to your mind.
Fuck him. You don't have to be ashamed of anything, so you gain confidence and show him that you've matured too. That you are not the same girl you were before, the one who let him take a part of you and break you. You want to forget about that Joao, the immature teenager who treated you like just another one and you want to enjoy this new Joao for your own pleasure. You can do it, you can also enjoy without feelings.
His mouth goes to your breast and when his lips take your nipple, you squeal holding his hair tightly. His tongue works wonders on your nipple while his fingers squeeze the other one free.
The wiggling in your hips seeks friction as you moan his name over and over, you are eager to feel him inside you, so much so that you can feel your wet heat soaking your underwear. Joao's bulge beneath your center makes you gasp. There are no words to describe what is happening, you can't find the ideas in your head to think.
The clothes on your body end up lying somewhere in your living room, your hands can't get enough when it comes to touching each other, your voices moan in tandem as you sit. Your body is on top of his at every moment, as you kiss, as you touch, as you look at each other.
He himself helps you settle on top of his lap preparing you to position yourself on top of him, you grasp the base of his cock and line it up at your entrance, stroking it a little on your wet lips, making you both gasp loudly. His gaze meets yours and he holds you tight as you sink into him, moaning as you feel his hard and hot cock opening up room in your tight walls. The connection between his eyes gives off pure sparkles that light up the atmosphere, gasps beginning to sound as he continues to try to settle inside you.
Your hands rest on his shoulders as his hands help you move over him. The movements are relaxed at first, taking time to feel, to enjoy, his lips placing small kisses on your neck, chest and breasts as you move up and down on his cock, holding onto his muscular shoulders. The sensation leaves you lost in a world apart, you can't see clearly, the atmosphere feels suffocating, so much so that you can smell the fluids of your bodies, making it more exciting.
Your voices sound in unison, moaning as the movements become harder and faster. You pull away from his mouth as the pressure in your belly begins to grow, you stretch your body backwards helping to support yourself with your hands on his knees as you continue to jump on top of Joao, who with his hand runs down your body, starting from your lower belly, up your belly and chest, until he anchors himself on your neck.
You let out a cry as his hand wraps around your neck, exerting a little pressure, making you explore a pleasure you've never felt before.
"That's it baby, move" he gasps at your intense frenzy.
You bite your lip so hard you feel the metallic taste in your mouth and squeal again and again as his hands press on your soft spots.
Damn it. Your vision blurs, your ears are dazed and the air starts to go out of your lungs. Your legs start to burn from the exhaustion of riding him but you can't stop not when you're so close to climaxing.
"Fuck, Joao, i'm going to come..." you scream moving even faster, so close to your orgasm.
"Hold on a little longer, baby" he asks at your near tremors.
You do your best to hold on, stopping your movements a little to settle back into him, your chest are pressed against each other and you feel his hands on your back, hugging you.
Your movements are slow, torturous, he is suffering, you can see it in his eyes. You want to make him understand that you have the power and that if he wants to come with you he has to give you something in return.
"Kiss me, baby" he says teasingly, panting but enduring your torture.
You try to hold on but you know you won't last long, you need it, you need to explode.
"I hate you, Joao Felix" you spit so close to his mouth you can feel him smile over your lips.
He opens his mouth to receive you but you don't kiss him, you just stand there, brushing his lips against yours as you start to vehemently jump on top of him again. You can't hold back as your walls begin to contract, as his cock feels so good inside you. Your movements are erratic, unrestrained.
You scream as your orgasm hits your center but Joao's lips take over to take your mouth and shut you up long enough, starting to kiss you fiercely. You feel his penetrations start to become violent, desperate to reach his spot as well and it's a matter of seconds when you feel his liquid spill out of you. Juices begin to drip down your thighs as his mouth continues to kiss yours. Your body feels weak, dazed and shaky, you fall limp in his lap, holding onto his hard chest.
You both lie there, Joao still inside you, as you try to regulate your breaths and settle your thoughts. Your chest rise and fall as his hands caress your lower back, warming you.
You have so many things to say, so many things to think but you can't move from there. Every second that passes you long for Joao more and you don't want to let go.
You were a disaster, literally.
The blind date was a disaster but at least you ended up fucking like the gods, now you feel it was worth everything. You're still mad at him though, you want to hit him and curse him but you want him to fuck you non-stop. Joao had always had that effect on you.
You really hated everything about him.
So much that you couldn't stop thinking about kissing him.
«Damn you, Joao»
He had turned you into a disaster.
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gauloiseblue · 7 months
TF141 + König | sensory deprived sex
[+18 | Adult Content MDNI]
You told your partner that you wanted to try something new, and that involves him being tied up, blindfolded, and keeping their ears covered. They'd be on the receiving end, and you'd be in control of the situation. At least, that's what the initial plan was.
He, of course, would laugh at the idea first, but agreed to it later on
But he will find a way to negotiate one or two things, and that ends up with you riding on his face
He'd still have the blindfold, handcuffs, and earplugs on, but those wouldn't stop him from knowing how much he draws reactions from you
He won't hesitate to start off with a rougher pace, as he sucks, licks, and presses his tongue against your clit without missing a beat
In the end, he pulls out several orgasms from you, just by his mouth
"Luv." He said as he kissed the side of your thigh, "Sit on my lap now so I can fuck you properly, a'right?"
He'd jokingly agree with you, but in his mind, he's actually nervous about it
The thing is, he's a vanilla guy, and while he can go for rounds, the kinkiest thing he ever done with you is choking (that is, if you can call wrapping his hand around your throat in loose grip as choking)
Still, he wants to give it a try. He can't resist a good challenge
He'd feel a little disoriented when you first put the earmuffs and blindfold on him, but he'd follow your command as he lays down on the bed
When you sink yourself down on him, he hisses at the newfound sensation. It's like his sensitivity has increased by tenfold
While it's fun to treat him to a new experience, the sex is pretty much the same, but with extra step
But if you release him from his bind and earmuffs, you're in for a wild ride <3
It'd take several pleas and persuasions to get him on board with it
And when he's in, he's not holding back. He warned you that, but you didn't take it too seriously. After all, you'd be the one who has control over him
Everything would go smoothly as you planned if you had brought stronger cuffs
So when you tease him with a languid pace, purposely edging him several times, he decides that he had enough
You didn't even realize when he broke the chain and flipped you over with his now free hands
He doesn't let you process what just happens as he snaps his hips against yours repeatedly, making it hard for you to form any words with your lips
His pace would be brutal and unforgiving, as he drilled himself into you without a break
At the end of the session, you'd be thoroughly filled and sore. With two sets of bruises on each side of your waist
One thing that you know about him, is that he's always up for a challenge
You wanna know if he can still make you cum without seeing or hearing it from you? Why the fuck not?
Since you don't have a pair of cuffs, you settle with a long piece of cloth. And that's honestly a mistake
You know that he's athletic, and capable of knocking people down with his hands tied up, so you shouldn't be surprised when your position is flipped
One moment, you were riding him, yet the next second, you're under him, with his legs supporting yours in a mating press
"Sorry lass, ya won't cum at that speed." He'd grin, before thrusting himself into you
You'd be lying if you say he's wrong
Picture this; he's fucking you against the table with his hand tied behind his body, that's it folks, that's the prompt
Just like Ghost, it'd take a lot of convincing before he agrees to do it
But since he's bitchy about the arrangement, you decide to put a gag on him as well
You sat him on the chair, before you sank into his lap, cockwarming him as you do the paperwork
He's quiet for the first 5 minutes, but after that, he'd bounce you on his lap to get any friction. You dig your nails on his thigh as a warning, and he groans in displeasure
You almost reach the 30-minute mark before he suddenly growls in your ear and gets up
The sheer strength he possesses knocks you down as he presses his body against you, effectively stopping you from running away
With your body trapped between him and the table, you are completely at his mercy
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generallemarc · 3 days
TMNT hot take
The ROTTMNT writers were just straight-up wrong when they said Leo didn't have a personality outside of "the leader". Like, I enjoy their take on Leo, I think he's well written just like everyone else in the show, and it is interesting to see a new dynamic among the siblings. But while they arrived at a good spot, the way they got there is just plain wrong. Even though previous versions prior to Rise Of had them all as being basically quadruplets, Leo always took on the "older brother" role, albeit in a less-pronounced way than Rise Of's Raph since, again, same age. He was something of a teacher's pet, usually being shown as the best in training sessions with Splinter that demonstrated his elevated abilities but also highlighted potential friction with the others, since of course that's not just their teacher he's getting the most/best attention from, but also their father. He was the team mom(April notwithstanding), but in that very specific "stop annoying me with reality" way-like a fusion of Katara and Superman in the moments where someone miffed by his by-the-book morality calls him a boy scout. He was usually right in those moments, but he'd often end up making himself seem like he was talking down to the others even if he didn't mean to. He was the leader, but he had to learn how to lead while already in a leadership role.
I got all of that from my childhood watching the 4Kids version. I'm only now going back and re-watching it, so ^^^ is all from memories I have of watching it as a kid run through the lens of an adult who can analyze media. And I just don't see where the Rise Of crew could've missed all this.
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ann1-wr1tes · 8 months
bondage with jill valentine?
Too tight?
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Synopsis: Jill decides to try something new with you...something new that includes some bright red rope~
Warnings: Bondage, Adult themes, Jill being a slight tease
Word Count: 1,267
A/N: Jill simps, I hope all of ya'll enjoy!
You watch nervously as Jill tightens the bright red rope around your wrists. She ties them firmly to the headboard of your shared bed. Anxiously you watch as she ties perfect little knots that end with a dainty little ribbon on each of your wrists.
The position you were in was nothing short of humbling. Your legs were widely spread apart and pulled towards your chest, exposing everything you had by the vibrant red rope that wound around your thighs. It was all quite beautifully done if you said so yourself. Luckily the material of the rope was soft and wouldn't be too uncomfortable as Jill tightened it.
Looking down Jill notices you watching as she binds you in place. A slight smirk forms on her lips as she notices how flushed your face was. You are far too adorable sometimes.
"Are you okay? Is anything too tight?" Jill asks softly. Despite the intimate acts that were about to take place Jill still made sure you were comfortable. It was always one of her top priorities when she was with you.
"No, it feels fine." you respond back meekly, you were too entranced by her stunning figure that hovered over your own. Her skin lightly glowed with the soft light of the candles on your nightstand and you make out all the beautiful curves and imperfections on her body. You liked to look at her scars in particular. They always seemed to catch your eye and while you never asked, it still made you curious and almost endeared to see such private things painted across her skin.
Jill can't help but let out a breathy laugh at your starstruck expression. She gently cups your cheek and leans down to capture your lips with hers. Softly she grazes her fingertips against your cheek as carefully slots herself on top of you, between your legs. Her tongue gently prods at your bottom lip and her other hand rakes through your hair. She suddenly tightens her grasp on your hair by the base of your neck and pulls back, making you gasp. The way she pulled you back gave her all the access she could ever want to your neck.
She immediately leans in and starts peppering kisses across your sensitive skin. You desperately wanted to reach down and rake your finger through her hair or touch her in some sort of way but your hands stayed tied above your head. The worst part was how she took her time with it. She never seemed rushed or needy, she made sure every kiss she left on your neck was slow and sensual. She wanted you to feel it all, letting your sensitivity build and the warm feeling between your legs intensify.
She slowly works her way down your body, leaving little blossoms of red and pink on your skin that would be sure to turn into hickies tomorrow. By the time she gets to your chest you're already squirming but she laughs lightly before gently taking one of your nipples into her mouth.
Tenderly she sucks on the bud while her other hand comes up to massage your other breast. Kneading her palm against your chest and her warm tongue on the other, drawing little circles around your nipple made your head spin.
A light gasp comes from your throat as you arch your back, trying to get more from Jill. Being the generous woman she was, she shoves a knee in between your legs, resting it right against your naked cunt. At this point you were wet and clenching around nothing, but as soon as Jill started grinding her knee against your heated core you let out a series of moans.
"Ah- Please Jill…need more!" you whimper. You let your head fall back against the pillows as you focus your hips on grinding against her. You could feel your own slick collecting on her knee and while in any other situation you would feel mortified, however now, it all made it so much easier to get that delicious friction that you were searching for.
"So needy baby." Jill snickers lightly. "You want more than my knee?" she asks mockingly.
You nod feverishly as she lowers herself onto her stomach, her face level with your cunt and boy was it such a beautiful sight.
Your swollen lips were glistening in the candlelight and she could see your poor little hole clenching around nothing. Luckily for you, she'd be able to fix that.
She takes her pointer finger and drags it up and down your slit, teasing you as she collects your wetness on the pad of her finger.
"Please Jill! D-Don't tease!" you cry out, watching helplessly as she adds another finger and traces your slit, ghosting over your entrance.
"I don't know. Do you really want it?" she asks, tilting her head to the side as if she's unsure.
"Yes! Please! Please, I want your tongue…" you whine pitifully.
Jill chuckles deeply at your request and she licks a stripe up your cunt and licks at your clit. You couldn't help but let out a loud moan as she attacks your little bundle of nerves with her tongue vigorously. With her tongue circling your clit, she brings two fingers to your entrance and she pushes into your pussy, feeling you squeeze tightly around her.
She makes sure to build a steady rhythm between pumping her two fingers in and out of your hole and her tongue licking up and down your folds.
It all proved to be so, so much. Your hands clenched together and you yanked on the rope roughly when she replaced her fingers with her tongue. Both hands come up to grip your hips and pin them in place, giving her enough leverage to bury her face nose deep into you, eating you out like she was dying of thirst.
Loud slurps and wet noises could be heard throughout the room, bouncing off the walls back at you as your moans started to sound more needy.
Jill smiled into your cunt as your thighs squeezed around her head, trying to somehow get more of her.
"Such a good girl….being so, so good for me right no." she mutters against your cunt. "You taste so fucking good-"
You can feel yourself clench at her words and in the pit of your belly you can feel all the tension and warmth building steadily. You could tell your orgasm was coming quicker than you had anticipated.
"Aw, you gonna cum on my tongue?"
You nod your head frantically. Jill dives back in and you can feel her tongue hitting that sweet spot inside you.
Your thighs squeeze around her and you start to grind your hips against her face needily. You cursed the rope that kept your hands bound as your nails dug into your palms. You wanted to just bury your hands into her hair and leave scratches down her back to show just how good she was doing.
Your body tenses up as you feel yourself teetering on the edge and then suddenly Jill brings her thumb up to your clit and rubs little circles on it. That was the last push you needed as suddenly you let out a cry of her name and your head falls back onto the pillows behind you.
Jill continues to lick and suck your cunt as your orgasm gushes out of you and onto your tongue. Jill cleaned it all up as her eyes rolled into the back of her head from just how good you tasted on her tongue.
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mxtxfanatic · 21 days
I already explained the history of friction between different readers on Jiang Cheng’s character, but now I’d like to address the “neutral,” “idk what’s happening but why can’t we just get alone?” readers: mdzs may be a book with raunchy sex, comedic moments, an over-the-top drama queen, a group of cute ducklings, a cast of goofy-at-times adults, etc etc, but at the end of the day, this is a book about how a bunch of grown ass adults, victimized by a system of normalized injustice that orphaned most of them as children, got together to defend that very same system of injustice. If you are in this fandom and consider any discussion on how every adult save for like 3 actively aided and abetted the repeated massacres of innocent people that happens throughout the story to be “anti” or “negative” behavior, then why are you here? If you are upset that people enjoyed reading about a canonical villain and decided to discuss him and his canonical villain role in a public forum meant for that discussion, then why are you in the public forum???
Not everyone enjoyed the book because they wanted to get in on what roles this new set of characters would fill in a coffee shop au. Not everyone read the book just to figure out what new ship they wanted to obsess over. Some of us read the book because we liked the heavy themes, and we want to discuss said themes with others. The tags should be for everyone, regardless of whether or not you like a character in a “positive way,” but if you don’t want to see certain content that is relevant to the book, it is up to you to filter it out or form your own space. You don’t get to police fandom as a “positive vibes only!” space, especially not ones founded around a source material dealing with themes of war and genocide. Ain’t shit positive about that! This isn’t The Care Bears!
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justcallmesakira · 9 months
Bsd men with a childish s/o part 2!
Sypnosis: Bsd men with a very silly and goofy s/o with ranpo, akutagawa and nikolai! Genre: Lowkey fluff, crack
Warnings: poisoning with peanuts, sliding down a metal Rollercoaster railing, implied doxxing a Mexican kid, blasting, teeth 😇
A/N: Okay so my last post got loads of likes so I decided to do a part 2 because why not? I don't think I will do part 3 but you can request if you want..?
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Wow... look two autistic lovers challenging each other who can eat the most sweets without getting cavity!
You one time tried stealing his candies,, so he kept you in those childrens tents filled with colorful balls😧😧😧 yk those silly cages made for children so they think they are meant to have fun?
Nahh fukuzawa gunna call the CPS
If you think he will be all sweet with you.... No shit bro your in for a ride, AND I MEAN A LITTERAL RIDE-
"uhh ranpo I don't think we should use a Rollercoaster as a slide" "shut up you kid! Sliding not a crime xD"
Two grown up adults found sliding down a roller coasters rail
BRO let the news reporter have a break 😭
He's kinda like dazai but a bit more childish with you (awh how cute...)
One time he tried to play with a kid on the sandbox but he refused so you came and gaslighted the kid to eat a peanut butter lollipop 🍭🥜
Turns out the kid had allergy to nuts
Kid: AUGHHH AGUH AGHGh AEEEEUGHH you: :3 Ranpo: god must be happy
FAMILY GUY Reference??? YES
And so two totally romantic lovers go on a journey to poison little kids!
Hohoho if aomeone bullies you he's gonna go "Hello (first name) (middle name) (last name) who lives in (full address) and was born in (birth hospital)" on that Mexican kid who tried to bully you
That's hot😋😳🤭
One time you lost your left glove in the winter so he took your left hand and slid it in his gloved hand
YES THAT'S POSSIBLE I DID THAT TO MY hopeless romantic ass Self!!!!
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How did you get him to date you bro 😀
He does not even understand what wrong with you so he always has be the one saving your ass during a mission just in cas3
OH it's not for your protection.... It's him protecting the building so you don't blow it up
You know how he goes ◉ - ◉ sometimes? That's exactly how he questions your silly antics
"I can't wait for the tooth fairy to come for the teeth under my bed!" "◉-◉" higuchi: you are too old for fallen tooth what are you sa-- Y/N WHO'S TOOTH IS THA--"
He only glared at higuchi telling her to not question it with you behind him ":3"
Sometimes you play with his rashoumon by putting make up on it
"sir we bombed up the plac-" "good" 💁‍♀️💄👹---🧑
If anything akutagawa is questioning why he has to keep you in a children's daycare
BRO give him a break-
When dazai met you and you two had matching energy he was just staring at you two with respect... He felt a bit felt out though
Other then that he tries to understand you and protect you from danger because of your goof :)
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This is gonna get messy.... 😨
Honestly you have matching energy butttttt- BONUS POINTS IF YOU ARE A TERRORIST WHO Goes >:3 WHILE BLOWING UP A BUILDING-
Fyodor is questioning his life choices because you two acCidENtaLly burned his kitchen
"Damn.... It's 7 am..." Fyodor said calmly as he saw his only house burn down
Your gonna become his pretty assistant in his circus or sth🤡
Anyways you know those bumper cars? You two ride those and bump each other with it causing a friction and blasting the whole place
He will let you lay on his thi- I mean lap if you are too tired but don't be surprised to wake up with pigtails and heavy makeup :>
NIKO I love you but if you do that... Things are gonna get way messier😊😊😊
If you want anything he Wil just open up his portal and bring
"oioioioi koala (the name you gave him because of kolya) I want to drink shrimp and lollipop soda" *opens up portal and takes out a golden can* "here you go! :3" "Oh tank yew :3"
Totally sane and normal!!
Yes you call him koala instead of kolya but he always goes 😳🤭
I would too bbg wann-
Overall I think it's sort of good to be cheerful I mean at least you get too get away with his pranks (slightly)
Just make sure he doesnt sigma 3 breakdown hair you
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A/N: I know this wasn't good but I am not in the mood to write yk--so sorry it's not funny or anything anyways I am not sure whether I WI will write part 3 or not
Tag: @silverbladexyz
Reblogs and likes are very much appreciated!
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heyyy, I hope you’ve had a nice day I was wondering if I could request ushijima, bokuto and sakusa with a fem tease sitting on their lap for a bumpy car ride and they get ‘excited’ down there 😏 it’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable with writing this! <33
Don't worry lovie I'll do my best to delivery!! Hopefully you enjoy it! Sorry if this took a decade, I ran into some writer blockages along the way heh! 😫
Bumpy Car Rides
Summary: How would the Haikyuu boys react to their dear lover sitting on their whilst on this bumpy ride?
Warnings: Characters are aged up, dirty talk, mentions of sex, teasing. Not Proof read!!! New writer!!
It had been almost a decade since you and Ushijima had a fun day out. It was always him having to leave early in the mornings and coming home after you finished dinner. But this time you ahd somethign fun planned. It was autum and it had almost seemed like fate, a hay bale ride!
You smile hugging onto your muscular boyfriend's arm in pure joy. He sat down beside you far in the back of the cart. The guide moved and paid their attention to the younger children in the back, but you had other plans. Why bring your perfect boyfriend to this boring childish ride, maybe it was time to spicy it up a bit!
The hay bale ride was a hour and a half long. So you had loads of time to make this more fun for both you and your lover. You leaned closer to Ushijima's ear and whispered softly, practically breathing on him.
"Ushiii.. My seat is so rough, can I sit on your lap? Pleaaase.."
His eyes widened as he looks at you in utter confusion, were you really asking to sit on his lap?
"Wha-" You interrupted him by lifting your body up, just high enough to snuggle your bum comfortably on his thighs. His face was merely inches away from you, this cart was filled with children, adults, and old people.
You placed a small peck on the bridge of his nose, giving him a sweet and innocent smile.
"Y/n-" You cut him off again.
"Look babe, seems like it's about to get bumpy.." You wiggle in your seat atop of him, causing some friction underneath you. He raised his hand to cover his face, he lowly groans and sighs.
"Babe, I don't think this is the right time for-"
The cart bumps and you rub against him adjusting yourself again. It wasn't long till you felt something poking and prodding at your butt. A sly smirk plastered your face as you kept calm, continuing you effortless tortures. He places his hands on your waist tightening his grip.
If this wasn't bad enough for him, you managed to lean back and rub yourself against whilst letting out a small lewd noise for only him to hear.
Long story short, your little shenanigans put you in a bad position when you both arrived home.
The bus was full and compacted. And well, there was only one free seat near the back. You grasped your boyfriends arm and pulled him through the crowds on people. Bokuto sat down and you wiggled yourself into his lap.
"Uh, b-baby owl!" He exclaimed a bit embarrassed at your small yet impactful movements.
You turned back to place a sweet kiss on his lips, licking his bottom lip before leaving the kiss. His face was flushed a bright red as he gripped the seat's edge in frustration.
Fortunately for you the bus ride has seemed to hit a few bumps along the way. This caused you body to fly and then hit back down on his little friend. Bokuto gritted his teeth holding back a groan every time you landed back down effortlessly perfectly square on his sweet spot.
You looked back at him and raised a brow. "What's wrong baby?" You tease asking so innocently. He had a mind to rip you to shreds when he got home, because his little friend decided to wake up and greet you.
"Baby owl, I'm not sure you want to play this game your trying..." He groans lowly in your ear. And well, I guess it turned you on a bit.
"What ever do you mean my love?"
"I'm not sure why your acting so innocent babe, you know damn well what your doing... And you'll regret it when we get home.."
You ignore his mindless and ballsy threats and notice that you have seemed to hit a mine bomb. "What a nice surprise.." You whispered feeling his member poking at you.
He huffed as the bus stopped and grabbed your hand taking you off the bus as fast as you could. And according to his promise, he sure did rip you apart the second the front door was closed.
Sakusa wasn't one to go on public transports all the time, but this was the same cute trolley you would see everyday. After thousands of 'pleaase Omi' s and 'I'll literally die if I don't get to go on' , he finally gave in. You led him through the bundles of screaming children and messy toddlers to the back of the ride. There were two seats you you sat on the inside.
The trolley continued on its course and you were sure to watch the guide and make sure she wasn't looking at your boyfriend. You caught her catching another glance at him and you frown.
You lean over to Sakusa and whisper in his ear. "Omi, my seat is so dirty and close that nasty toddler in front of me.. Can I sit on your lap pretty please?" You whispered in the soft and sincere tone that he loved.
He shakes his head but you completely ignore it in jealousy. You slip yourself onto his comfortable lap and grab the hand that were near his side and wrap them around your waist. He stifles his breath and looks at you a shocked reaction. He was lucky that he had his mask on at all times because your boisterous action were sure to make his cheeks as red as tomatoes.
The trolley trudges onwards and hits a few bumps on the way. Between bumps you rub yourself gently across his groin, he lets out a breathy groan and bites his lip in frustration.
The guide glances at you wild actions whilst sitting on Sakusa's lap. She turns away now feeling silly that she was even thinking about making a move on him.
Meanwhile you kept doing your silly little antics causing your boyfriend unbearable pain. It wasn't long until you felt his anticipation peak. You leaned you back against his chiseled chest.
"Awh, are you excited for the next bump omi babe?" You whispered smiling in your words.
"Oh, you really want to play this dirty game again hm?" He quietly snaps back at you.
"Feisty huh?" You rub yourself against him again. He hisses and catches his breath, not able to say another word.
Long story short he had you in the shower bend over and screaming his name. He managed to wash away your dirty actions and reprimand you for acting like a jealous and territorial brat.
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