#Neutral!Solo Sikoa
cavinginhisfvce · 11 months
just a small snippet of my Little!Jey story. it's a lil angsty, but also cute. i haven't yet figured out who i want his caregiver to be, but it's getting too long so i have to decide soon. lmao
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He just wanted Jimmy, or even Solo. He wanted Roman, who was unpleasant to be around unless Jey was Little, because he would protect the boy from the terrors of backstage and his own mind.
He wanted his brothers, Roman included, to wrap him up in their arms and tell him he was okay! He just needed the assurance that everything was alright…but, no one on RAW knew Jey was a Little.
Even though they were widely known about, and accepted, Jey had no friends on the caregiver spectrum on Raw, at least none he knew of.
Legally all businesses were required to have a space dedicated to any employees who were Little in case of a drop, but going down to that center was going against everything Jey held close to his heart in relation to his classification. 
No unknown caretakers.
They had to be friends. They had to be approved. 
In the realm of trusted friends, he had Sami, but Sami was also a Little. And his caregiver didn't even like Jey! So the boy couldn't be sure Kevin would accept him, even if for a moment. He wasn't unkind to Littles, that was something Jey knew for sure. But given his history with the other, he wasn't sure if that kindness would be extended to him.
It hadn't felt like it the first few weeks, but Jey was utterly alone on the RAW roster. With more enemies than friends littering the halls, Jey couldn't afford to be so vulnerable with no one watching his back.
He knows he can't go to Cody, because going to him means telling him of his classification, and for some reason that thought alone scared the shit out of Jey.
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sydsaint · 5 months
I am INSUFFERABLE when it comes to him <3
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Summary: Solo enacts his plans to take over as the Head of the Table. Complete with his own new enforcer, Tama Tonga. And to top it off, Solo also has a new inside (wo)man to replace Paul in Nick Aldis's assistant, whom Tama takes an interest in.
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It's going down tonight. So stay ready.
You read the text from Solo on your phone with an eager smile on your face. Across the room, Nick yaps away on the phone with someone from the FOX executive office. You glance over at him and nod to the door signaling that you're stepping out when he meets your gaze.
Nick nods and goes back to his phone call. You rise out of your worn-out office chair and step out into the hall. You make the journey from the office all the way down to the staging area backstage, where some of the crew are keeping an eye on the flow of the show.
"Everything alright down here, guys?" You head over to the crew once you're through the door.
"Yep." One of the crewmen nods and glances back at you. "Need anything boss?" He asks you.
You shake your head and turn your attention to the monitors on the wall just as Solo is making his way down to the ring. "I just came to check up on stuff for Nick." You explain.
The crewman nods and both of you go back to watching the monitors carefully.
Out in the ring, Solo steps into the squared circle with Jimmy and Paul at his side. Roman is busy sulking after his loss to Cody, so he didn't bother to show up for work. Like usual.
Paul attempts to start his usual spiel about Roman's loss and how this obviously isn't the end of the Tribal Chief. But Solo cuts him off. Paul watches in shock as Sikoa snatches the microphone from his grasp and lays down the new law.
Backstage, you watch with a neutral face as Solo embraces his brother in one last heartfelt hug. The brothers share a friendly-seeming hug before suddenly a hooded figure rushes the ring and takes Jimmy out with a hard blow to the back of the head.
The hooded figure rises to their feet and pulls off the hood to reveal Tama Tonga. One of the great Haku's sons.
"What the hell?" One of the crewmen comments once Tama is revealed. "I didn't see this on the schedule." He picks up the schedule for the night and does a quick once-over of it.
"It's been cleared with the boss, don't worry." You set a hand on his shoulder with an assuring smile.
With the secret now out, you walk away from the stagehand desk and head for the curtain. Solo comes marching up the ramp and through the curtain a few seconds later. You smile at him and glance over at Tama as he steps up behind Sikoa.
"Tama, this is, YN. She's our inside girl." Solo glances between the two of you. "YN, this is my cousin, Tama Tonga." He introduces the two of you.
"Nice to finally meet you, Tama." You step forward and offer your hand for a handshake. "Solo's been talking nonstop about his new enforcer."
Tama glances down at your outstretched hand before he does a once-over of the rest of you. A sly smile plays on his lips as he reaches out and shakes your hand firmly. "The pleasure is all mine. Trust me, sweetheart." Tama grins at you.
Your eyebrows raise slightly with intrigue as you drop your hand back to your side. Tama continues to look at you with a gaze that could bring a girl to her knees. The look on his face screams smug, self-assured, fuckboy. But boy are you digging it.
"Well, I'll let you two handle whatever business that you need to get done." You step back over to Solo. "News about our new buddy here should be reaching Nick's desk by now. So I've got to go smooth that over with him." You explain.
"Anything I need to worry about?" Solo asks you.
You shake your head and wave your hand dismissively. "Not at all." You assure Solo. "Nick's a pushover. And I already submitted all the mind-numbing paperwork earlier today."
"Atta girl." Solo nods with a pleased look. "Meet up back in the locker room after the show, yeah? We'll grab drinks and get to work on the next phase of the plan." He suggests.
"Yes, boss." You tease and dismiss yourself. "I'll catch you two sinister backstabbers later." You add with a playful wink.
Solo and Tama both watch you walk off before Tama turns to his cousin. "She single?" He outright asks Solo.
"Far as I know, yeah." Solo rolls his eyes. "Come on, I'll show you where the locker room is." He nods to the hallway to the far side of the room before taking off.
Tama grins to himself and follows Solo back to the locker rooms. Plans are already forming in his head about how he's going to knock you off your feet the next time that he sees you.
A few hours later, you finally finish putting all of Nick's worries about Tama to rest. Smackdown has come to an end and the arena is beginning to become deserted save for the cleaning crew. You make your way down to the locker rooms and knock on the new Bloodline locker room door.
"Yeah?" Tama answers the door with a sneer that instantly warps into a shit-eating grin when he sees you standing in the doorway. "Well well well, look who finally decided to show up?" He steps out of the way and lets you into the room. "How are you doing tonight, pretty mami?"
"Better now that I'm done listening to Nick bitch and moan about you." You quip back with a playful grin. "You're not here for more than a couple of hours, Tama. And you're already a pain in my ass." You tease him.
Tama chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, by all means then, gorgeous. Tell me? How I can make it up to you?" He asks you.
"Oh, I'm sure that I'll come up with something." You giggle and step past him so you can get to Solo. "Everything's all smoothed out with, Aldis, Solo." You report to Sikoa. "Tama is officially entered into the roster database as a member of Smackdown."
"Good." Solo nods. "You ready to head out then?" He asks you. "Because I am more than done with this place." He sneers and gets to his feet.
You nod and everyone heads out. You all stop back at the hotel to change out of your work clothes and agree to meet back up in the lobby later.
You get back to your room and immediately dig around for the most suggestive top and pant combo that you have with you. You find what you're looking for and touch-up your makeup as well before heading down to the lobby.
When you make it down to the lobby, Colo and Tama are waiting for you. Solo doesn't seem phased by your wardrobe change. But the look in Tama's eyes makes you shiver. Oh, yes. You're about to have one hell of a good rest of your night.
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empressdede · 2 months
TikToks - Solo Sikoa
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Based on this tiktok …. Short oneshot so I hope you guys like it.
Word count: 761
Pairing: Sefa x Y/N
Sefa laid on his best friend’s bed bored waiting for Y/N to finish getting ready, he called her 30 minutes ago to get ready cause he was taking her somewhere but apparently 30 minutes isn’t enough time.
“Are you done now?” He asked again for the umpteenth time which caused Y/N to roll her eyes.
“Asking me the same question over and over ain’t gon make me be ready any faster you know?” You replied, finishing up with moisturizing your lips with your peach scented chapstick. “But yes, I’m ready now.”
Sefa closed his phone and gave his undivided attention to his best friend. She wore a simple outfit but she still looked so pretty to him. “You look good.” He commented.
Y/N smiled, the butterflies in your stomach refusing to settle. Sefa’s compliments always did that to you.
“Thank you. Now, are you going to tell me where we going or am I being kidnapped again?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
With a blindfold over your face, you let Sefa walk you to the destination he wanted to bring you so badly.
The kidnap comment was a joke so imagine your surprise when he actually pulled out a black scarf from his pocket.
“Still think its a little kinky you keep a scarf laying around in your back pocket.” You joked and he rolled his eyes.
“How is having a scarf kinky?” He asked with the most neutral tone.
“How is it not? C’mon Sefa, don’t tell me you’re that inexperienced in the bedroom.”
He stopped walking which cause you to stop in your steps, he leaned down to whisper, “If only you knew.”
Goosebumps rose on your arms and a small shiver ran through your spine because damn did you wanna know.
“You ready to see what I got for you?”
“If you brought me to the middle of nowhere I swear to God Sefa-“
“Can you shut up and take off the blindfold?” He stressed and it caused you to finally take off the scarf.
Your eyesight obviously being blurry, you turn to Sefa while blinking to wait for everything to become clear to you again. Once you could get a full look of the nervousness on his face, its when you turned and the sight before you took your breath away.
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“Sefa.” You whispered as you took in the picnic set up in front of you, the question that was on the board read loud and clear: Can I be your boyfriend?
He took you, on a date.
You turned back to face him, tears pooling at the edge of your eyes. “You… You liked me this whole time?”
He shrugged in response, “I’ve liked you since we accidentally kissed at my moms birthday party. We brushed it off as something platonic but I couldn’t stop thinking about you like that.” He confessed, taking your hand into his.
“Watching Cairo shoot his shot at you only made me realize I don’t want to wait to make my move. I want you all to myself.”
You took in his words, turning back to face the site again with loving eyes before facing him again. “Of course you can be my boyfriend Sefa.” You answered and leaned forward to press your lips against his.
After the date, you guys decided to just stay and enjoy the lovely day that it was until an idea pops up in your head.
“Wait. Can I show you a dance that I made up?”
Sefa raised his eyebrow at you. “What?”
But you didn’t give him much of a chance. You pulled him up from the floor and told him to stand while you readied the camera. “I just want to get your reaction, thats all.”
You entered this was all kinds of seriousness so that’s why Sefa stood and waited for you to show him this so called dance that you’ve made up.
What you want from me
You’ll get your wants and needs
Focus on this pussy concentration
It look even better when I’m naked
Go a little harder I can take it
When you started your dance Sefa only focused on you, watching you thrust you back out and move your arms, so when you turned around to see his half amused but half serious face you couldn’t help but giggle. You tried to be committed to finish the dance but the both of you ended up laughing. It was the perfect way to publicly claim each other whenever you decided you wanted to post this.
Lmaoo how we feeling? And who y’all want me to release next, Jimmy’s or Roman’s?
Tagging the lovelies: @blacst4r @whatdoeseverybodywant @wrestlingprincess80
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void-detective · 5 months
Welcome 🌙
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Hello! Welcome to my blog ヾ⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠*⁠)⁠ノ I decided to create a more in depth post going over things such as commissions (which are set up!) and my rules for requesting fanfics!
Some basic information including DNI can be found on my carrd! I use bunny writes tags for my writing!
If you'd like some examples of my work outside of Tumblr for reference, you can check out my AO3
All dividers made by cafekitsune! 📌
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I have the right to deny request or commissions on the basis of personal reasons or because they make me uncomfortable.
Do not request anything that can be seen as non con, I will not write that!
Please be patient!! Depending on the situation and my understanding of a character it may take longer to write
I separate characters from the person who plays them (i.e wrestlers)
Most of my stories are gender neutral unless started otherwise
You can repost with tags I love to read them!!!
I will take requests from the same person more then once! But do not spam requests!
I will write wrestler x wrestler
I will do gay and straight relationships along
I do mxm or fxf
Logan Paul is black listed from this (sorry to his fans)
I don't do oc x wrestler fics
I will do 18+ fics!
DM me on Tumblr or send an ask if you have a request
You can reblog my fics with tags it makes my day!
🌙 will be used with the DM or ask to prove you read my rules!
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Currently requests are open!!
[1/3] slots are open! I will keep updates tabs on my username above
Currently my requests are limited
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I now have a cash app! You can send to rushingbunnies on cash app
My requests are $5 a piece for each so every time you request I will cost you about $5. If you want longer stories like a chapter related fic it will be up to $10.
I won't have you pay till I am finished just so you don't have to waste cash in case something occurs!
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LA Knight
The Miz
Eddie Kingston
Gunther (closed)
Jon Moxely
Drew McIntyre
Cm Punk
Solo Sikoa
Seth Rollins
Austin Theory
Rhea Ripley
Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens
Christian Cage
Cody Rhodes
Roman Reigns
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
The Imperium (closed)
These aren't the only options but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head!
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Gunther x reader fics
Impending Doom
Still my Champion
Earned Place (original series end)
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Wrestler x wrestler fics
Voice in his Head (Punk x McIntyre)
You're so Obsessed with Me (Punk x McIntyre)
A Man can Hate (Punk x McIntyre)
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Wrestler x reader (non specific)
Daddy's Girl (Christian Cage x reader)
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msbigredmachine · 2 years
Watched Survivor Series: Wargames. My highlights:
1. The women’s match was chaotic in a good way. Waited for a Dakota Kai-esque betrayal at the entranceway but didn’t get it sadly.
2. LOL at Asuka’s mist finally neutralizing Rhea’s rampage.
3. Frenemies Becky and Bianca working together to get the W warmed my heart.
4. Sami near tears as he explained to Roman what being in the Bloodline means to him was some top tier acting. But the look on Roman’s face when he hugged Sami was 🥶 .
5. Shoutout to Damian Priest’s hair! The literal definition of bone-straight!
6. Always happy to see Dominik get his ass beat. That Thanksgiving beatdown he gave his Daddy made me mad lol
6. Finn and AJ beat the shit out of each other. Both guys are in their 40s and they still move the way they do. Very enjoyable.
7. Still don’t like Austin Theory but I’m taking him a little more seriously now.
8. Chocolate Daddy Lashley always looks like such a badass. 🍫
9. LOVED the double Hurt Lock on both Seth and Austin.
10. The Super Stomp from Seth! The finish was GREAT. Really good match IMO.
11. The entire Bloodline coming out together (in red, no less 🤤). I could feel the atmosphere change even through the screen.
12. I believe Roman is the first person to ever sit on a chair in the War Games cage lol.
13. Roman you ain’t slick, I know you sent Jey in first on purpose to get tortured before he could get any help! 👀 😡
14. Am I the only one that loves when Butch turns people’s fingers into pretzels? Sorry Jey.
15. TBH I initially thought the men’s match was going a little slow, but once Sami came in, I quickly understood that this match was all about the storytelling.
16. Fam, Solo Sikoa coming in second to last for the Bloodline made him look so important. He changed the match, the badass shooter making way for the final boss. And don’t forget the way he stared down the opps before the match even started. Straight flames!
17. Sami making the save for literally every Bloodline member 🥹🥺. Yet I was still on the edge of my seat because I was sure they would turn on him during the match
18. Jey superkicked that man in the face with zero remorse 😩🤦��‍♀️ And the crowd calling him an asshole afterwards was perfect!
19. Sami giving Kevin that low blow followed up with a Helluva kick was essentially Sami shooting Kevin in the head. Then sacrificing Kevin to Jey to finish him off. MY EMOTIONS!
20. You know you’ve been accepted when Roman hugs you with his hand on the back of your head, lol.
21. THE HUG FROM JEY 😳😳😳 I couldn’t believe my eyes!
I don’t care what anyone else watches. The Bloodline storyline is THE BEST story being told in wrestling today. Rikishi’s boys are exceptional professional wrestlers.
My MVP - Sami Zayn, hands down. Stole the entire show. Stole this storyline and pocketed it. He has been amazing since this started in May. Plus this was funny af:
Line of the night:
“Come fight me, you little bitch!” - Becky to Bayley, repeatedly 🥴😂
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ucetheones · 1 year
Story Requests Open!!🖤🩸🦇
I'll be taking requests for Wrestler x OC or Wrestler x Wrestler fics/one shots. I accept word prompts and will write headcanons if needed.
The pairings can be fem!reader, male!reader or gender neutral!reader.
I've only written Jey fics, but I am also open to Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, Roman Reigns, Rhea Ripley, Trinity, and many others!
Angst is my strong suit, but I'll try my hand at just about anything. Smut will take me a bit longer, but I'll do it.
If you're interested, just send me an ask or a message. 🖤🩸
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