#Neurology hospital near me
unitedhospitals123 · 1 month
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unitedhospital · 3 months
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mahehealthcare · 9 months
Understanding the Relationship between Kidney Disease and Sleep Problems        
Kidney disease, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide, can have a profound impact on various aspects of daily life, including sleep. Individuals with kidney disease often experience sleep problems, which can further worsen their overall health and quality of life. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the correlation between kidney disease and sleep problems, shedding light on the intricate relationship between the two.
1. Disrupted Fluid Balance:
One of the primary functions of the kidneys is to regulate fluid balance in the body. However, in people with kidney disease, this balance becomes disrupted, leading to excessive fluid retention or depletion. This imbalance can result in nocturnal polyuria, where individuals produce an excessive amount of urine during the night, causing frequent awakenings and disrupted sleep patterns.
2. Electrolyte Imbalance:
Kidneys play a crucial role in maintaining the proper levels of electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, in the body. When kidney function is compromised, electrolyte imbalances can occur, disrupting normal bodily functions. These imbalances can lead to muscle cramps, restless leg syndrome (RLS), and periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS), all of which can significantly disturb sleep.
3. Sleep Apnea:
Kidney disease is often associated with a higher risk of developing sleep apnea, a sleep disorder characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. The accumulation of fluid in the body due to impaired kidney function can cause fluid retention in the neck and upper airways, leading to narrowed air passages and increased episodes of apnea. Sleep apnea not only disrupts sleep but can also contribute to other health complications.
4. Uremic Toxins:
As kidney function declines, the body's ability to eliminate waste products, including uremic toxins, diminishes. The accumulation of these toxins in the bloodstream can lead to symptoms such as nausea, itching, and restlessness, making it challenging for individuals with kidney disease to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
Sleep problems are a common occurrence in individuals with kidney disease. The disruption of fluid balance, electrolyte imbalances, sleep apnea, and the accumulation of uremic toxins all contribute to the complex relationship between kidney disease and sleep problems. Recognizing and addressing these issues is crucial for improving the quality of life for those living with kidney disease.
Mahe Health Care, a leading healthcare provider, understands the challenges faced by individuals with kidney disease. With a multidisciplinary team of experts, they offer comprehensive care and support to manage kidney disease and its associated complications, including sleep problems. By addressing the underlying causes and providing tailored treatment plans, Mahe Health Care aims to improve the overall well-being of their patients, enhancing their sleep quality and overall quality of life.
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gopalhospital · 11 months
A Closer Look at Healing Hub: Exploring the Best Hospital in Ghaziabad
When it comes to our health, we all seek the best care possible. In the bustling city of Ghaziabad, finding the best hospital can be a critical decision that affects not only our well-being but also our peace of mind. Among the myriad of healthcare options, there shines a beacon of exceptional care – the best hospital in Ghaziabad. In this article, we take an in-depth journey into this healing hub, exploring what makes it the epitome of healthcare excellence and why it's the go-to destination for those seeking top-notch medical care.
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1. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: The best hospital in Ghaziabad is synonymous with cutting-edge infrastructure. It stands as a testament to modern healthcare, boasting state-of-the-art medical equipment, advanced surgical suites, and diagnostic technologies that rival the best in the world. This commitment to technology translates to accurate diagnoses, efficient treatments, and superior patient outcomes.
2. Specialized Medical Expertise: Exceptional medical care is not just about technology – it's about the medical professionals who wield it. The Hospital in Ghaziabad is home to a team of highly skilled doctors, surgeons, nurses, and specialists across various disciplines. These medical experts bring their vast experience, expertise, and commitment to the table, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care.
3. Comprehensive Services Under One Roof: Healthcare needs are multifaceted, often requiring a range of services. The hospital in Ghaziabad recognizes this and offers comprehensive medical solutions under a single roof. From routine check-ups to complex surgeries, diagnostic tests to rehabilitation, patients can access all necessary services conveniently, eliminating the need to shuttle between different facilities.
4. Patient-Centric Approach: At the heart of the best hospital in Ghaziabad is a patient-centric philosophy. Every aspect, from the layout of the facility to the demeanor of the staff, is designed with patients' comfort, convenience, and well-being in mind. This patient-first approach ensures that every individual receives compassionate care tailored to their needs.
5. Accreditations and Recognitions: The Hospital in Ghaziabad often boasts prestigious accreditations and recognitions from national and international healthcare organizations. These certifications validate its adherence to stringent quality and safety standards, assuring patients that they are in capable hands.
6. Advanced Treatment Modalities: Medical science is constantly evolving, and the hospital in Ghaziabad embraces innovation. It stays at the forefront of medical advancements, offering the latest treatment modalities, minimally invasive procedures, and even participation in clinical trials. This commitment to innovation ensures that patients have access to the best that medical science has to offer.
7. Personalized Care Plans: Every patient is unique, and healthcare should reflect that. The best hospital in Ghaziabad tailors care plans to individual needs, ensuring that patients receive treatments and interventions that align with their specific health conditions and goals.
8. Positive Patient Experiences: A hospital's reputation is often reflected in the experiences of its patients. The hospital in Ghaziabad garners positive reviews and testimonials, highlighting its commitment to delivering exceptional care that exceeds patient expectations.
9. Community Trust and Legacy: A healthcare institution's legacy speaks volumes about its credibility. The best hospital in Ghaziabad often has a rich history of serving the community with distinction. This legacy is built on trust, reliability, and a longstanding commitment to providing top-tier medical care.
10. Focus on Preventive Healthcare: Prevention is better than cure, and the best hospital in Ghaziabad understands this principle. It emphasizes preventive healthcare measures, promoting wellness and health education to empower individuals to take control of their well-being.
Conclusion: A Beacon of Healing Excellence
The best hospital in Ghaziabad is more than just a medical facility; it's a haven of healing, a hub of expertise, and a testament to its uncompromising commitment to patient's well-being. From advanced technology to personalized care, from skilled professionals to a legacy of excellence, it encompasses all that one could desire in a healthcare institution.
As you navigate the journey of seeking medical care, remember that the hospital in Ghaziabad stands as a beacon of healing excellence. It's a place where medical expertise meets compassionate care, where state-of-the-art technology converges with a patient-centered philosophy. Whether you need specialized treatment, routine care, or medical guidance, this healing hub is ready to provide you with the exceptional care you deserve – because at the hospital in Ghaziabad, your health truly takes center stage.
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williamroger123 · 1 year
Best neuro hospital in lb nagar
Prasidh Hospital consist of Best neuro hospital in lb nagar, When necessary, neurologists at Prasidh hospitals may also send their patients to neurosurgeons, which are surgeons who specialise in treating neurological conditions. A variety of symptoms could be brought on by structural, metabolic, or electrical abnormalities in the brain, spinal cord, or other nerves.
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cancerhospital247 · 1 year
The best gastric cancer treatment center in Bhopal, MP is the Career Institute of Medical Science where experienced doctors recognize symptoms at the earliest and start treatment.
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hospital0 · 2 years
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Career Hospital Bhopal is the closest medical center because of its strategic location. Very easy to reach hopital for all.
neurology hospital near me
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softzenia-tech · 2 years
The Implication of Neurologists for neurosurgery
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A Neurologist is a medical doctor who diagnoses, treats, and manages problems in the brain and nervous system. A neurologist from a neurology hospital in Noida is aware of the anatomy, feature, and situations that affect your nerves. It controls everything you think, sense, and do — from shifting your arm to the beating of your coronary heart.
What's a Neurosurgeon?
A Neurosurgeon at the best Neuro hospital is a scientific medical doctor who performs surgical treatment on the brain. Neurologists treat humans with medicinal drugs, bodily therapy, or different strategies. You can find the Neuro hospital in Noida for neurosurgery.
What forms of tests does a neurologist advise?
• Angiography: Angiography can show if blood vessels to your mind, head, or neck are blocked, damaged, or extraordinary. It could come across such things as aneurysms and blood clots.
• Biopsy:  A biopsy is the removal of a chunk of tissue from your body. Biopsies can be taken of muscle, nerve, or brain tissue.
• Cerebrospinal fluid analysis: This check entails the elimination of a sample of the fluid that surrounds your mind and spinal twine. The take a look can come across evidence of mind bleeding, infection, multiple sclerosis, and metabolic diseases.
• Electroencephalography (EEG):  This test measures your brain's electrical interest and is used to help diagnose seizures and infections (which include encephalitis) mind damage and tumors.
• Electronystagmography (ENG):  This organization of exams is used to diagnose involuntary eye motion, dizziness, and stability issues.
• Myelography: This test enables diagnosing spinal and spinal cord tumors and herniated disks and fractures.
• Polysomnogram:  This look measures mind and frame activity at some point of sleep and enables the diagnosis of sleep issues.
• Positron emission tomography (pet):  This imaging check can show tumors or be used to assess epilepsy, brain tumors, dementia, and Alzheimer's sickness.
• Thermography:  This test measures temperature adjustments within your body or precise organs and is used to assess pain syndromes, peripheral nerve issues, and nerve root compression. You can check online for the best trauma hospital in Noida.
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careerhospital010 · 2 years
Know your options Immunotherapy vs. Chemotherapy
As research and development in the field of medical science progress, the effectiveness of treatment is increasing. Knowing the difference between various treatments is very important. It enables you to have a better discussion with a doctor. Also being fully aware of the kind of treatment you or your loved one is undergoing decreases stress and anxiety.
What is chemotherapy?
Chemotherapy is administered to kill cancer cells and shrink cancer cells so that the tumour decreases and surgery can be performed, at times it's even used to control the spread of cancer cells to prolong the life of a cancer patient as much as possible.  
In chemotherapy, various drugs or medicines are given through intravenous (IV). A tube attached to a needle is inserted into a vein in the patient's chest. Some chemotherapy drugs can be taken in the form of tablets too while some drugs are injected into the muscle, under the skin or directly into the spinal fluid.
When administered correctly chemotherapy is a painless procedure. It should not cause any pain. In case it does call the doctor immediately. In rare cases, the medicine leaks into the surrounding tissues and that may cause pain.
Depending on the kind of cancer and stage, chemotherapy can take 5 mins to a few hours. You will be continuously monitored to ensure that the medication is not reacting negatively to your body.
Chemotherapy does have side effects but with the help of a good doctor, the side effects can be managed well and will not cause the patient discomfort. 
Nausea, diarrhoea, mouth sores, fatigue and fever are some of the common side effects that can be treated easily. Keeping in touch with the doctor is very important. Any discomfort which is increasing should be immediately reported.  
Hair loss in chemotherapy- not all patients lose hair while undergoing chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs kill growing cells. They can’t differentiate between normal and cancer cells. So not only cancer cells, but also those found in the hair follicles, mouth and gastrointestinal tract are killed. That is why some patients develop mouth sores, nausea, diarrhoea and lose their hair.
What is Immunotherapy?
This is a form of treatment that boost a person’s immunity to fight the cancer cells. The patient’s immune system is stimulated with the help of certain drugs, proteins and other elements. This kind of treatment is easy to produce and administer and therefore can be used extensively. Immune cells travel throughout the body via the lymphatic system. Since cancer cells do not contain the same composition that normal cells contain, immunotherapy targets mostly cancer cells.   
Biomarkers are tests that determine the level of abnormality. They give a clearer picture of the patient's genetic makeup, behaviour, and interactions with the immune system. Biomarkers in Immunotherapy are easy to obtain. Biomarkers are very important in cancer treatment because they determine the course of treatment. 
Also for immunotherapy liquid biopsy can be conducted so that results can be obtained easily and quickly. General biopsy for immunotherapy assesses immune cell status rather than tumour characteristics. Which again is very unique to this treatment. 
 IHC- Immunohistochemistry assays are used widely because they can indicate the distribution and localization of specific cellular components within cells and in proper tissue context which doctors can use to provide better treatment. Its specific standards are laid down for immunotherapy. It is also easy to predict responses in patients being administered immunotherapy. 
Immunotherapies are administered into a vein (IV), through an injection, under the skin or into a muscle some are injected directly into the body cavity where the tumour is located.
This kind of therapy also causes side effects like fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea, headache, decreased appetite, rash and itching. 
On the whole, immunotherapy is relatively cost-friendly. 
Many oncologists prefer a combination of Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy. 
Several clinical trials are being conducted to increase the effectiveness and decrease the side effects of immunotherapy.
Depending on your case, symptoms, and stage of cancer Oncologist at Career Cancer Hospital, Bhopal MP decide which treatment to offer. Doctors use biochemical markers to decide the kind of treatment that is best for patients. Biochemical markers like hormones, enzymes, proteins, antigens, or antibodies produced or altered while cancer cells come together are studied carefully. A team of specialised and dedicated doctors and staff are here to make this journey to fight cancer easy and successful.  
neurology hospital near me
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klblogs1 · 2 years
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ramakrishnahospital · 9 hours
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sugunahospital1 · 1 month
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mahehealthcare · 9 months
Primary Care Treatment in Coimbatore
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Primary Care Treatment in Coimbatore
For primary care treatment in Coimbatore, look no further than Mahe Healthcare. With a commitment to providing comprehensive healthcare services, Mahe Healthcare offers a range of primary care treatments to meet the needs of patients. Their team of experienced doctors and medical professionals prioritize patient well-being and provide personalized care. From routine check-ups to managing chronic conditions, Mahe Healthcare ensures that patients receive quality care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Visit mahehealthcare.com to learn more about their primary care services in Coimbatore.
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samanvayhospital123 · 4 months
Dental Hospital in Vadodara
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dratampreetsing · 6 months
What is the common name for a cerebrovascular accident?
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A cerebrovascular accident is commonly called a "stroke." It occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, leading to damage or death of brain cells. Strokes can have various causes, such as blood clots or burst blood vessels. Identifying the signs, such as sudden numbness, confusion, or difficulty speaking, is crucial for prompt medical attention. Timely intervention can minimize long-term effects. Remember, a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet can significantly reduce the risk of strokes. Stay informed, stay active, and prioritize your well-being to safeguard against this serious health concern. Meet Dr. Atampreet Singh, your go-to expert for neurological concerns in Greater Noida. As the best neurologist in Greater Noida, Dr. Singh specializes in stroke treatment, earning him the title of a trusted stroke specialist. Whether it's epilepsy, headaches, or any neurological issue, his expertise ensures compassionate care. Trust Dr. Singh for top-notch neurological solutions in Greater Noida.
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