roadarchie · 1 year
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These bills are harmful to america and the internet as a whole!
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azspot · 3 months
The idea of net neutrality is to keep ISPs from treating internet traffic differently by throttling or blocking, for example. The FCC installed net neutrality rules back in 2015, but they were repealed in 2017 under a Trump-nominated chair. Republicans on the commission believed that removing what they saw to be onerous rules would lead to greater innovation. Democrats believed that repealing the rules would lead to disruptive throttling of internet traffic. Though neither scenario really came true, some point to net neutrality rules in California and the lingering threat of return at the federal level as heading off major changes that could soon be undone.
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d-blue02 · 3 months
We need all the help we can get to put a stop to this bill! Click the link, sign the petition, call your representatives, and donate as much as you possibly can! There’s no time to lose, KOSA must be stopped at all costs!!
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bloggerattumbler · 3 months
Major ISPs agree to new net neutrality regulations, ensuring equal access to all online content. Victory for internet freedom!
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mbartl14 · 8 months
"But I wonder: what if Ferguson had started to bubble, but there was no Twitter to catch on nationally? Would it ever make it through the algorithmic filtering on Facebook? Maybe, but with no transparency to the decisions, I cannot be sure. Would Ferguson be buried in algorithmic censorship? Would we even have a chance to see her?This isn’t about Facebook per se—maybe it will do a good job, maybe not—but the fact that algorithmic filtering, as a layer, controls what you see on the Internet. Net neutrality (or lack thereof) will be yet another layer determining this. This will come on top of existing inequalities in attention, coverage and control."
-Zeynep Tufekci
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inovi · 9 months
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Affordable Internet for all!
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osintelligence · 11 months
https://bit.ly/3KEkRWW - 🔒 In 2022, rightsholders in Austria were granted permission to block various pirate site domains and IP addresses, some of which belonged to Cloudflare. This move inadvertently caused ISPs to block access to many legitimate Cloudflare customers. Following reviews by local telecoms regulator Telekom Control Commission (TKK), it was determined that this type of IP address blocking violated EU net neutrality regulations, and it will no longer be permitted in Austria. #NetNeutrality #Cloudflare #IPBlocking ⚖️ While Austrian ISPs raised concerns about the implications for net neutrality, the court's decision favored rightsholders, and ISPs found themselves mandated to block certain torrent and streaming sites, including those offering unlicensed music, scientific articles, and textbooks. This brought up the issue of overblocking and the risk of unintentional censorship. #AustrianISPs #CourtOrder #ContentBlocking 🌐 A significant shift occurred in the summer of 2022 when new blocking orders included a list of IP addresses alongside domain names. Discovery that these IP addresses belonged to Cloudflare led to an unavoidable blockade of numerous innocent sites using Cloudflare. Although initially disruptive, the long-term effect of this ruling should lead to more responsible regulation. #Cloudflare #ISP #DomainBlocking 📡 The local regulator, Telekom Control Commission (TKK), has recently stated that the IP address blocks from last August amounted to net neutrality violations under EU law. While DNS-based blocking will still be available as a method to protect rightsholders, IP address-based blocking is now considered unlawful. #NetNeutrality #TelekomControlCommission #EUlaw 💻 In an effort to preserve net neutrality and freedom of expression on the Internet, TKK clarified its stance against IP address-based blocking. Emphasizing the risks of overblocking, TKK affirmed the need to continue implementing DNS blocks, which only block individual domains, thereby maintaining legal proportionality. TKK's commitment to transparency includes the publication of all blocking decisions and affected domains.
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plutusias99 · 1 year
Net neutrality
Net neutrality is the concept of an open, equal internet for everyone, regardless of the device, application, or platform used and content consumed.
The idea’s supporters think that all organizations, including internet service providers (ISPs), should treat internet data and consumers similarly. They shall not limit access, slow down access speeds, or prohibit content to serve the interests of specific users.
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freshnewsnow · 2 years
For quite some time, Ethereum has been working on converting from proof-of-work to proof-of-stake. This merge means that expending boatloads of energy to generate ether tokens will no longer be necessary.
Ethereum and Bitcoin have been neck and neck as crypto competitors since their inception. Today, Ethereum has stuck its neck out further to become a greater asset in the cryptocurrency arena. The reason for this is due to the merge that Ethereum just successfully completed that reduces the need for crypto mining. For quite some time, Ethereum has been working on converting from proof-of-work to…
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rum-inspector · 1 year
Since usa is literally pushing to ban their own citizens access to the internet (with penalties like 20 years in prison for using vpn - its deliberate they call it tiktok ban to make you think it is not that serious when in actuality its ban on your whole internet privacy) AND since they are in many states simultaneously trying to ban the existence of lgbt people - can you see how that would be even more horrible mix?!
How many of you would go to jail over your tumblr for "promoting gay agenda to cHiLdReN)? Assuming they don't simply ban this site as well. Don't think your straight gay hading ass is safe either, they have been pushing for p0rn bans for years now so yes indeed the government is coming to take away your tits too my dear american friends.
Guess its time to be a huge gay communist slvt on main so you got something to remember me by.
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isobug · 2 years
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Netneutral / Netneu
A Neutral gender that is expressed more frequently online than in real life.
Etymology: Net + Neutral
Pronunciation: /  nɛt ˈnjuːtɹəl   /
If this was accidentally double-coined, apologies. Made by putting the Netgender and Gender Neutral flag together
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azspot · 2 months
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information-source · 9 months
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newzquest · 1 year
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amandacooperkf · 1 month
AI makes the fight for net neutrality even more...
"The 2024 iteration of the open internet debate is the reiteration of an issue that first surfaced in 2004: whether the dominant and essential network of the 21st century will go unsupervised." #ai #netneutrality #tech
AI makes the fight for net neutrality even more...
Restoring net neutrality rules is a crucial step toward protecting open access to increasingly important AI-powered tools.
Korn Ferry Connect
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mbartl14 · 8 months
Minorities and Net Neutrality
In the digital age, the internet is a powerful tool that should be accessible to all, regardless of background or socioeconomic status. Net neutrality, the principle that ensures equal access to all online content, is a crucial aspect of this inclusivity. It's not just about an open internet. It's about preserving a level playing field for everyone, especially minorities.
Minorities often face systemic challenges that extend into the digital realm. Without net neutrality, there's a risk that internet service providers could control and manipulate the flow of information, potentially disadvantage minority communities. This could limit their ability to share their stories, access educational resources, and participate. 
By advocating for net neutrality, we stand for an internet that fosters diversity and empowers all voices. Let's ensure that the online world remains a space where minorities can thrive, connect, and contribute to the global conversation. It should be a platform for equality and inclusivity.
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