#Nerite snail
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photozoi · 7 months ago
Sadly, I could not get good focus as the Killifish is TOO SMALL and TOO FAST for me, but...
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LOOK!!! His stripe is perfectly lined up with the wood he is passing!
(I am so bummed out I did not get focused on the fish in time.... D:)
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horsesarecreatures · 7 months ago
Nerite snail must have some algae on its shell.
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oceanicscribbles · 1 year ago
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Day 14 - Castle
I dedicate this pic to the most mischievous and rebellious lil guy I ever kept, and also my betta.
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thefoilguy · 2 years ago
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Nerite Snail - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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theskyisdown · 11 months ago
Got some Neocaridina shrimpies and some nerite snails for my new freshwater tank and OH MY GOD THEYRE SO CUTE
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wachi-delectrico · 1 year ago
Tank update!
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On plants:
I keep having to trim back the rotala rotundifolia because it grows at insane rates and covers all the other plants, the light gluttons. The cryptocorine wendtii are doing much better: one that had completely melted is growing back leaves at really quick pace for a crypt; the one I accidentally cut the leaves of (was trying to cut a bad leaf and accidentally cut that one and the only other healthy leaf the plant had) is coming back and growing a new leaf slowly but surely after I cut its bad-looking roots and replanted it.
I'm fiddling with the amount of potassium I should add as fertilizer, since many plants started showing signs of a potassium overdose - started at 5ml, now 3ml to see if any signs of a potassium deficit show up.
I've also been experimenting with the placement for the CO3 diffuser* (*see: a chunk of aquarium sponge pushed into hose, lol). I've now moved it to where the bubbles rise to the filter's waterfall, so it naturally pushes and distributes smaller bubbles around while bigger bubbles get broken into smaller bubbles. The first location I put it on, one of the corners, worked ok-ish but it wasted a lot of CO2. The second location was right underneath the filter intake, testing if the filter's impeller could maybe break the bubbles and dissolve the CO2 in the water before going back into the tank, but that not only didn't work but also put extra stress on the impeller which made it very noisy and annoying lol. Its current location as previously described seems to be doing the best out of the three, with the plants releasing a lot of oxygen! :3
Lastly, I'm still experimenting with the light fixture. Went from two 325lm 6500k bulbs and one 475lm 2700k bulb, to changing one of the 325lm bulbs for an 800ml 6500k one, two having two 800lm 6500k + one 475lm 2700k, to taking the 2700k out. The two 800lm bulbs have a good reach and colour temperature, buuuut they did leave a darker spot right in the middle where the hygrophilla angustifolia are, so I added one little 325lm 6500k bulb back. Right now, I'm using two 800lm bulbs and one 325lm bulb, all 6500k, with the dimmer one right in the middle.
On water chemistry:
I've gotten the nitrate levels down considerably, from 120ppm (very unsafe and bad) to 20ppm (good :3), turns out the food I was using to up the ammonia created inconmensurable and uncontrollable amounts of waste, gracias Shulet ni para ciclar acuarios servís.
Speaking of ammonia, I'd gotten the ammonia down to 0ppm but these last few days I've noticed it increase up to 0.25ppm - possibly due to a drop in pH caused by the DIY CO2, which could mean the "ammonia" detected is actually ammonium, much less toxic than ammonia, as the API Ammonia test detects both and has no way to distinguish between the two. As An Autistic Guy obsessed with numbers and data and accuracy I'm so happy that the numbers are inaccurate and the test is so vague, I love that so much, it doesn't make me want to pull my teeth out at all (I am in pain).
Despite the "ammonia" issues, things look good rn! Especially thanks to keeping nitrates under control at long last, the presence of visible algae has started to decrease. I've been taking the brown algae out with a stick, and have been dosing hydrogen peroxide locally to the harder-to-deal-with filament algae to weaken it enough for the snails to go at it. I'm happy to report that the hydrogen peroxide has weakened the filament algae to a point where the nerite snail is able to eat it.
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(All the little dots floating in the water are planorbis snail larvae that hatched today!! Yippee!!!)
On stocking:
It's still just snails for now. A week or two ago I discovered a bunch of dead or half dead planorbis snails in the filter intake tube, victims of the siren call of all the brown algae within it - apparently - though two adults survived and have laid various egg sacks on the glass, on plants, etc, so their presence in the tank will make a triumphant comeback for sure. The one adult bladder snail I had also fell victim to the filter intake, though that one's babies had been crawling around for a few days before its untimely death; there'll be plenty of snails going around for everyone. Don't worry, I've fixed the issue now and snails with shells that are 2mm thick or more will be safe from now on. The nerite hasn't laid any eggs yet, though when it does I'll probably scrape them off (they don't hatch in freshwater).
I'll be gone from monday til thursday, and though I'm a little worried (as always) I am also confident in that things will be fine once I come back. I'm really excited, I should be able to add the tank's main attraction, a betta fish, very soon. :3
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mod2amaryllis · 1 year ago
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my oldest snail hasn't slowed down even a little. bonus peel!!!
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camerapits · 1 year ago
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That is all.
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clarification-sfw · 1 year ago
typical nerite shenanigans
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photozoi · 1 year ago
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I would like to thank you all for coming to my Tank Talk...
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bonezaw · 8 months ago
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fishhag · 1 year ago
I have a hate-love relationship with nerite snails. They are hands down the best hard-spot algae eaters, with their cute little teeth. The female, unfortunately, will lay hard white eggs absolutely everywhere, and there’s no good way to sex them. I lucked out this time and got a male 🎉
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mincefart · 11 months ago
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fuck it
oatchi on the dash
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Keeping the shell of my Nerite Snail that passed away last week of what I’m assuming is old age at the age of 11+
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pwecie · 7 months ago
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dead-philosophy · 1 year ago
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It baffles me that I've had this silly man for five years and he's still going.
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