#Nerimoira's Party
dizaraksanar · 6 years
Masquerade (Pt1 of the Bloodbath Arc)
The manor hallway leading into the ballroom was bathed in gold. Nobles of all races mingled throughout the halls and danced in silken attire within the grand room. At one side of the dance hall stood tables of food and drink the occasional waiter slipping between guests with trays of finger foods and champagne. The end of the hall was decked in a single large chair, atop it rested a fiery red head whose eyes scanned the crowd in mock boredom. The crimson red and black gown clung to her form and draped in waves at her feet as she sat, the billowing sleeves adding drama to an already intriguing neck line. Somewhere across the ballroom Dizarak stood stiffly just outside the entryway, donning a long black vest with flowing black fabric to his ankles, black pants and a black long sleeve top hugged his toned figure. Ashraen tugged at the collar of his shirt before smoothing his vest, and a few stray hairs. He'd opted for an outfit, much akin to the one he wore during the Tavern's anniversary event, however, everything was carefully embroidered with light touches of gold. He'd even gone so far as to find a very nice pair of leather boots that only stopped when they reached his knees and were adorned with golden buckles, and glittering patterns.
He licked a long fang as he approached his mate, a few loose braids swinging lazily with that confidant gait he always seemed to have. A large hand was placed on the small of Dizarak's back as a breathy chuckle was offered. 
"Nervous? Don't be," he mused. "Aside from Moira, you'll outshine anyone in there. Besides, we're here to get out. Do something different. I... Wanted to spoil you a little." "Nervous is an understatement..." his hand idly tugged on one of his sleeves wishing he could be the skin just beneath it, hidden from view and anywhere but here. 
"You are sure we couldn't just go stand on Murder Row and call it a night? Bound to get preferable attention there than here." 
He grimaced at the crowd, his teeth tugging at the ever present lip ring, he could already tell the night would be spent attempting to make b-lines for the door for smoke breaks. The last time he had been to a gala he had been paraded around for potential wives. Ashraen opened his mouth and his ears sagged. He too eventually was chewing on his lip. This was a bad idea. Diz told him he wasn't about this life anymore and yet.... He wanted to see it. He wanted to see the man his mate seemed so convinced needed buried.
"Don't be like that, baby," he purred. In the slight shadows to the doorway, he bent and lightly nipped at the flesh of Dizarak's ear. "I needed to come for Moira and I didn't want to be alone. This is more your knowledge than mine. I thought... You might hate it less if I was here." 
His words trailed off and he was a bit put off by Dizarak's attitude, but he simply covered it with a smirk, and a smoldering gaze. He held out his arm for the other male as his opposite arm swept toward the doorway. He offered a partial bow of his form. 
Please don't leave me standing at the metaphorical alter.... 
Diz scowled, his mismatched gaze peering over at Ash. He was right...everything was more enjoyable with the golden eyed male by his side but he couldn't shake the sense of dread. In his scanning if the room he was relieved to not fully recognize anyone immediately. He slipped his hand into the crook of Ash's elbow and tugged him close, planting a kiss on the others lips in plain view of the attendees. 
It was all the Paladin could do to not take Dizarak to the floor with that kiss. He broke it with a slight pant and ran a hand over the end of his ponytail that was slung across his shoulder. Hoo boy, Diz was going to be the death of him.
Screw it. None of these people would recognize him....hopefully.
"Fine....for you." He said.
Ashraen tucked his free arm behind his back and kept the elbow of his other close to his side as he led them into the proverbial lion's den. It was a mix of scents that immediately assaulted him. Expensive perfumes mixes with the baser musk of emotion. Ire, desire, disappointment... 
Moira had really stacked her deck and when someone brushed past, Ashraen's head was snapping on a swivel to catch the scent with a heavy huff if breath.
All eyes swiveled to the void male, the weight of his presence palpable in the room. Silvermoon had been less than welcoming to his kind and rightfully so but with Ashraen and Moira's pull he had been allowed to attend the event provided he remain in Ashraen’s view while there. That didnt stop raised eyebrows. 
Moira kept watch from her perch, her hired guards told to keep the tall men comfortable and safe, even if that meant disposing of a noble or two. 
The dark haired male stood a little taller despite heafty gazes upon him, his hand squeezing Ashraen's arm once to draw his attention back. 
"You realize they think I'm here because I'm your property. Right?" He muttered glancing at a few of the people around them. Quickly he dipped his head in greeting to the older gentleman who approached them with what appeared to be his daughter. 
The older male spoke to Ashraen, "I didnt know they allowed slaves at these events? However did you manage to smuggle him in?" 
Something in Dizarak snapped, he slipped his hand free and extended it toward the older man "Perhaps you'll forgive my forwardness but I wasn't aware they allowed ancient relics either. I'll forgive you for the comment about my being a slave. Cant blame ignorant people for not knowing to whom they speak. Dizarak Sanar of the Sanar Noble line." 
It was as if the other male choked on his drink, quickly he dipped his head in respect and pressed his forehead to the back of Diz's hand before scurrying off.
The exchange was a whirlwind of quickly executed actions that nearly had Ashraen crawling after Dizarak as he moved about the room. Throwing physical weight around was one thing, but seeing his lover throw political weight around... The way he carried himself and addressed others... Sweet Light above.
Gold flicked to catch Moira from across the room and brows lofted quickly. She'd had her doubts. Excuse. His boy could fall back into line just fine. He simply chose not to, for whatever reason.
Ashraen was all too happy to follow Dizarak until a particular scent caught his attention. His head snapped around to locate the source and he seemed hyper fixated on the male he had located, conversing with a group. Young, up and coming thing that had a penchant for the nastier side of Silvermoon. He smelled of deceit, stale blood, and an updated desire that had Ash licking his fangs like an animal lining up his meal. He was so focused he had no idea that he was staring.
Dizarak had just finished turning away a young female elf who he could have sworn was about to swoon, when he turned back briefly to Ash. His face fell flat as he watched his mate stare at something that looked younger than Melisande.
With pursed lips Diz snapped his fingers next to the wolfs ear, no way in hell he would be ignored. This was Ash's idea and for once his mates wandering gaze drew unamused irritation. 
Moira grinned from her perch, watching the void male morph back into the Sanar noble she was familiar with tales of.
That same ear flicks and stiffened with the snap causing the copper male to look back at his partner. The look simply read confusion until Dizarak's own look was registered. His ears sagged dramatically and he coughed an awkward apology as he snagged glasses of champagne from a waiter? A quick sniff determined champagne and the glass was offered to his mate with an adverted look.
"I, ah, I think I know why she wanted me here," he mumbled. "Sorry, I..."
Another scent sent his eyes wandering over Dizarak's shoulder and he bit his lip, fighting to pull his gaze back to Diz rather sheepishly.
"Do us both a favor and memorize the targets for later. Tonight you brought me to this hell, and you're staying put." He accepted the champagne, more for something to keep his hands busy than actually drink. Personally he disliked the stuff, but he figured there was no spiced rum so this would suffice.
With a single hand Diz reached to and adjusted something on Ash's shirt, a wrinkle or something. He frowned.
"I am staying put, darlin'. I haven't even mo--"
As he spoke, his eyes had wandered again and the void male reached and turned the paladins head with a rough tug, "understood?" He bargained, "or you'll be returning to a locked bedroom door with both your mates behind it."
Golden eyes now widened with shock and completely focused on his mate as he attempted to find words. He was rather sure this was a spectacle for all, further cementing Dizarak as the Noble he claimed to be, but the Paladin suddenly didn't care.
Ashraen swallowed thickly, murmuring, "Y-Yes, Dizarak."
Once he was released, he would exhale a low breath, and take up his place beside, yet just behind his mate. The adjustments to his attire had him glancing at himself and oddly now concerned with his choice. Was he not appropriate? It wasn't as fancy as his partner? To be right honest, he was positive he paled next to his date. Ash was not of Noble line, after all.
(To Be Continued....) (Mentions: @courtingfate , @ashraenv ,A brief mention of @melisandemeadowshine) (OOC Note: This piece and the ones to follow are previous writing that are just now seeing the light of day but I and my RP partners are now comfortable sharing. Pieces for this may be posted based on which of the characters appears the most, this one clearly Dizarak and Ashraen, others may appear on Nerimoira’s tumblr be sure to follow the hastags to keep up with the tale)
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courtingfate · 6 years
Temptation (Prt 3 of the Bloodbath Arc)
The shuffling of fabric may have been heard as the hostess made her way towards them, Nerimoira glanced quickly between the three.
"Viviane, I don’t recall having sent you an invitation...care to explain what you’re doing here?" She looked bored, her red curls piled atop her head, "On second thought, I’m glad you’re here," she snapped her fingers and a hired hand stepped behind the woman, "remove her."
The guard pushed the noblewoman away, though they did not head for the door, instead she was guided down the hall way and stuffed into a room, just out of earshot if the bustling ballroom.
Moira turned to the males, "Aside from that unfortunate attendee, enjoying ourselves?" She said.
Dizarak took her hand and touched his forehead to the back of it, "Madam Kel'Dani. I apologize for being a visual thorn this evening."
Ashraen grit his teeth as his words went unanswered and his mate remained somewhat cold to him. Eventually he simply gave up and resumed his place behind Dizarak, arms tucked behind his back. He watched the pair with a flat gaze before his attention shifted to where the woman had been taken. 
"Really, Diz?" The words were hissed irritably, despite his best attempt at silence. "I rather thought you brought a bit of excitement to an otherwise boring evening. However, it's not like I know anything when it comes to these things."
He flicked a gaze back at his mate snapping his fingers again as he caught the other looking away, "And yet I still cannot keep the attention of the one person in this room I would most enjoy it from."
"Who said you could stop touching me?"
Long ears stiffened and while Ash didn't leap into action, he was rather swift at returning his arms to wrap around Dizarak's waist. He buried his nose in dark strands, purring low in his chest.
"Bring you to the fancy parties and all that sass just crawls right on out. I have been giving you my attention, love." He groaned in Dizarak's ear, splaying his hands across the front of Diz's thighs. "Absolutely delicious. But, keep on with your conversation. I'll not move~"
Moira licked her lips, what she wouldn’t give to be sandwiched between those muscles. She cleared her throat and dipped her head.
With a snap of her fingers Moira's attendant held a gold sealed envelope out to the two. "A token of my gratitude for all you have done for me Mr. Ven'dala. And incentive for both of you to seek me if you have need of work."
Dizarak blinked, so unused to hearing such formalities directed at Ashraen. A tanned hand reached to pluck the envelope from the outstretched hand and casually tucked it into the back of his pants.
"Why, thank you, darlin'," he purred, curling that same hand to be placed upon Dizarak's chest, and hold him as flush as possible. "It's always such a pleasure to work with you. Dare ask what you have done with the little trollop you just carted away?"
"Nothing gets past you does it, Ashraen." As she carried herself uncomfortably close to Diz to peer up at Ash, "would you like to dispose of her after the festivities?"
A dark chuckle bubbled from him even as he pressed his lips to the expanse of Dizarak's neck. He cared not for those staring or whispering. His mate wanted attention, he would get attention.
"Generally, few things get past me and... As much as I would love to abuse the little bitch, I think Dizarak should have last say on what happens to her. He should also be present for whatever punishment is deemed appropriate..."
His hold tightened on his lover and a hint of fang was pressed against the vein of his throat. "What do you think, babe? Shall we play a bit?"
Composure, Dizarak, remain composed. He couldn't help himself and his eyes slid shut as a shiver ran down his flesh. When the moment passed he snatched another glass from a traveling tray.
"Personally I don’t care what happens to her, but I do feel she doesn't deserve to set her sights on me as the life drains from her." He mused taking a sip of the new drink. Peering down into his cup curiously.
He quirked the brow above his void eye and glanced over his shoulder at the grin no doubt plastered on Ash's face. The grin was absolutely full of malice as their gazes locked.
The hand on Diz's chest snaked up to casually lay across his neck, turning his mate's face back toward the mingling guests as lips were pressed to an ear once more. The words were hot and oozed sensuality as his tones lay hushed.
"So don't let her see you. I'll do my work and... You can end her. Slide up behind and drag that blade across her throat. Vengeance is no fun unless you carry out some of the act yourself." 
"The thought is... Exhilarating. Don't you want to see her die knowing she was nothing and deserved nothing?" 
Dizarak’s tongue darted out to pull the metal ring in his lip between his teeth. The tension between the men unquestionable 
Moira's face was the painted image of sadistic perfection as she watched the two, shifting on her feet She grinned at Ash when Diz wasn’t looking and slipped away, to prepare their little desert.
(To be continued... at @dizaraksanar)
(Mentions @dizaraksanar, @ashraenv)
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courtingfate · 6 years
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Name: Nerimoira Kel'dani
Nickname: Moira, Neriberry
Gender: Female
Species: Blood Elf
Sexual Orientation: whatever pays well
Life Story: Taken from her home, the lowborn, Nerimoira Kel'dani, soon was a public sight among highborne clients. Raised under her "master" Moira spends most of her time working as a courtesan and escort, returning (most) of her earnings to her owner. Over the past few months the old man has been a little less kind, Moira has had enough and tricks him into signing his possessions and wealth to her upon his death. Recently enlisting the aid of a few old friends and clients from her under the table dealings, Moira plans the untimely end of her captor after all these years and regain her freedom, while maintaining her new wealth and power.
Faceclaim: Sabrina Lynn
Eye Color(s):  Gold
Hair Color: red
Hair Style(s): loose curls or rail straight, sometimes pinned up, usually down.
Skin tone: light tan
Body type: fit and voluptuous
Height: 6ft
About her
Personality: sultry, confident and mostly polite
Good Habit(s): bowing her head in respect, self care habits are on point!
Bad habit(s): I am a bad habit
Like(s): money, parties, being called Baby Girl, the finer things in life.
Dislike(s): public restrooms, old men, beer
Hobbies: Reading, smoking Bloodthistle
Allergies: gunpowder
Fear(s): being no longer desirable, or needed
Strength(s): skilled in using her position and body to obtain information and wealth
Weakness(es): gets attached to the people who treat her decently fairly quickly. Weapon(s): magic
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courtingfate · 6 years
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Nerimoira Kel’Dani
The Basics ––– –
Age: 200
Birthday: She won’t say
Race: Sin’Dorei
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Whatever pays well or intrigues her
Marital Status: Single
Relationship Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: red head, mid length, wavy
Eyes: dark green
Height: 6ft
Build: voluptuous and fit
Distinguishing Marks: Several hole looking scars at the base of her spine, scar under left breast
Common Accessories: whatever is sparkly, she doesn’t have ones she wears regularly
Personal ––– –
Profession: Courtesan/Hostess
Hobbies: Intel gathering
Languages: Fluent in almost anything thanks to her upbringing in a noble home, she cannot speak Zandalari though
Residence: Silvermoon City
Birthplace: Small village outside of Silvermoon
Religion: N/A
Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Other Relatives: Unknown
Pets: None
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Drugs: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To excess
Smoking: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To excess
Alcohol: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To excess
OOC Info:
Nerimoira is a very secretive character, any information bestowed to you should be kept between your OC and her
Dark and Adult themes, I will ask age before you initiate RP beyond basic walk up to keep all parties safe.
While she is an adult character I retain the right to refuse adult themed RP, IC=/=OOC
Available times: Discord: ALL THE TIME, In game, at request as she is still a low level alt.
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