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What Is The Symptoms Of An Overdose Of Pentobarbital Sodium
The danger of taking this substance is that often an overdose can be overlooked. The addict simply falls asleep, and then stops responding to external stimuli, neither pain nor a loud sound can wake him up. To determine that there is intoxication and a health hazard, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the pupil to light. A healthy person has a narrow pupil in the light, and a wide one in the dark.
If you touch the cornea, the eyelids normally close instantly. If the addict does not have these reflexes, it is worth calling a narcologist to the house. Emergency drug treatment services in Moscow and throughout Russia are provided by the Center for Healthy Youth.With a critical overdose of Nembutal for sale, the addict experiences depression of the respiratory center, he begins to breathe less often, the pulse slows down and the pressure drops.There are 4 phases of intoxication:
1. Falling asleep. The victim does not respond to stimuli, is drowsy and indifferent to everything.
2. superficial coma. The person is unconscious, swallowing is difficult, tongue retraction is possible, airways are blocked.
3. Deep coma. Complete absence of reflexes. Violation of the work of internal organs, breathing.
4. post-coma state. Consciousness returns to the person, he can behave irritably, nervously, excitedly, have problems with sleep, feel overwhelmed, lethargic.If the poisoning is mild, two intermediate phases are missing. If an addict has a deep coma, he may not get out of it without the provision of drug treatment. Death is not uncommon in drug abuse.
Also Read: What is nembutal used for?
Consequences of use
Regular use of this sleeping pill can lead to significant health complications. Among them: neurological disorders, depression, mental disorders, disruption of the internal organs, kidneys, heart, coma. In 30% of addicts, after providing emergency care and resuscitation and detoxification, problems with the respiratory system, as well as trophic ulcers, dermatitis, bedsores, develop.The causes of death of drug addicts are: cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, liver dysfunction.
Providing emergency care
Even a slight overdose is a serious reason to call an ambulance doctor at home. It is important to make a call in time, as the condition of the victim may worsen. The primary task of doctors in case of intoxication is to remove toxins from the human body as soon as possible. If the victim is conscious, the stomach is cleansed, it is necessary to give him as much water as possible, adsorbents and induce vomiting so that toxic substances are no longer absorbed into the blood through the gastrointestinal tract. If there is paralysis of the respiratory system, it is worth giving the addict artificial respiration before the doctor arrives.It is worth entrusting all other rehabilitation and medical measures to doctors. Specialists examine the patient and, based on express diagnostics, will be able to select symptomatic drugs, in particular, diuretics.
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