#Neeghan Fincastle
professorlegaspi · 4 months
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Neeghan’s cell
How the Pandemic Has Transformed the Idea of Home - Chris O’Connor // Courtney Love Prays to Oregon by Clementine von Radics // I Was Born in the Dark - Fireworks // The Final Word - Melissa Gunther p.93 // Giovanni’s Room - James Baldwin // @chloeinletters // Two Renewal Poems - David Young // The Waste Land - John Beer
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professorlegaspi · 30 days
Neeghan’s paper flowers pity monologue was a bit contrived, yes. But on the other hand, she’s gonna have a great college application essay
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professorlegaspi · 6 months
I can’t remember if I’ve talked about this here, but it would be really interesting if post-basement Neeghan had paranoid delusions
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
Do I think it’s a coincidence that the person Celia asked to help contact Neeghan is the one person in her friend group to have a protective older sister of his own? No, I don’t.
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professorlegaspi · 10 months
And you know what else is heart-wrenching about Neeghan? Before her cousins, she was the only child in that basement room. No friends, no playmates, not a single person who wasn’t decades older than her
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
Everyone who was in that Huperpetra dungeon must know each other so intimately
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
The Fincastle siblings grew up with seperate problems. Big empty loveless house vs. small full oppressive cell
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
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professorlegaspi · 10 months
What if - hear me out - Neeghan got out of that cell and didn’t know how to open a door by tuning it’s handle
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professorlegaspi · 10 months
So crazy that Celia was raised as an only child but is an older sister and Neeghan was raised as an older sister but is the youngest child
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professorlegaspi · 10 months
Every place where Neeghan has lived has been some sort of castle or fortress: Huperpetra, Villiandre, and now Renasci. Has she ever been in like, a normal house
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
AU where Neeghan Amelia and Shay were taken from their parents and indoctrinated into the Desert Knights
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
Do you think when Neeghan first learned how to castle in chess she went “like our name :) ??”
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
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Sososo sad Neeghan wasn’t a chess nerd. All I want is one JUST ONE person with mind gifts to have a cringey chess-themed internal monologue about how they think so much faster and more advanced than anyone else
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professorlegaspi · 1 year
Let 👏 Neeghan 👏 have 👏 therapy 👏
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