#NeXus Anatoli
mr-laveau · 3 months
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Following the latest audio of mine, have Anatoli Ferris, the werewolf hitman who's got a crass vocabulary and a clear shot. Wanna hear from him?
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shrekyaoi · 21 days
The inner circle having a DND podcast like critical role
you may think makarov would be the dm because he’s a control freak but no. it’s lev. lev is the kind of dm that has a mean streak as deep as an oceanic trench and while he may not go super hard on the lore he does overcompensate by making the npcs have VERY strong personalities. he likes to make his plots about the end of the world and/or universe in some way but it’s always the question of “how” that compels you
makarov meanwhile always plays a wizard which makes him virtually fucking useless for the first two levels. i think his favourite subclasses would be either evocation or bladesinger. let’s say he mains bladesinger. gotta get that “fucking kills you with my overpowered sword” and “fucking kills you with disintegrate” double whammy combo. he does get downed a lot though. this is why yuri is a paladin. his storylines always inevitably get dragged into him trying to become a lich. he has about a 33% success rate so far but everybody’s rooting for him. in their current campaign he has managed to become a vampire and he is making it everybody’s (yuri’s neck’s) problem
yuri never uses any of his healing on himself either, always makarov. i’m thinking either oath of vengeance, glory, or oathbreaker with a veeery rare dip into redemption (mostly because. it fucking sucks. but the flavour bro the flaaavour). i think he’d enjoy bloodhunter if he could ever get out of the “need to stop makarov from getting downed fifteen times in one session” grind even though they HAVE a healer. he’s usually pretty minimal about his backstories but by association with anatoly they always leave you clawing at the walls, especially considering how mildly he plays it. his characters keep fucking dying. nobody lets him stay dead, though
if you think anatoly would be the healer you’d be wrong. usually he’s either an eldritch/echo knight or zealot barbarian. sometimes both. he deals NASTY damage and doesn’t give a shit if you hit him back. somehow he always has the most devastating backstories and his storylines in the campaigns are fucking gutwrenching. he and yuri keep making their characters siblings and it hurts every time 👍 kind of guy that made a deal with at least one god of death to being yuri back
kiril makes joke characters that get out of hand. every time. he likes artificer but he’s not picky. he also does wild magic sorcerer for the sillies. the goofs. this has backfired frequently, which is half of the delight. for a oneshot he made a wildfire druid with zero backstory and roleplayed her as cocky and arrogant the whole time and then at the end it was revealed her memories were taken and this whole quest was to kill the person that took them, which also just so happened to be the macguffin of the whole goddamn thing. everyone’s endings hinged on finding this guy. and she killed his ass so fast. kiril’s ruthless when he wants to be. somehow, despite himself, he manages to be extremely compelling. in their current campaign he’s playing a sentient sock puppet named horst. horst has made people cry
alexi is the healer. he’s fucking pissed. he tried to branch out by playing a hexblade One (1) time and the party got tpk’d instantly. usually he plays some form of cleric, any form of cleric, dear god he wants SOME variety, but occasionally he can pull off a shepherd or star druid if he’s lucky. maybe a lore bard. when he’s not trapped in the torment nexus of what anatoly refers to as “his daily life” he managed to create some viscerally offputting characters. his backstories are simple but effective. he once played a guy that hid his lycanthropy for the entire campaign until the last few sessions leading up to the bbeg fight and everyone was so put offguard they had to call a mid-session break. lev enables this kind of shit readily. the impression alexi gives is “would have been a murder hobo if he wasn’t forced to be the token full support.” sometimes he does shit though,,,, you do not usually see many clerics putting their axe through a priest’s chest but here we are
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mecharina · 6 years
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Tales from Outer Nexus p.1 - The Exiles 
I guess you can call this a series of characters I never really got to rp in Wildstar. As many of us are familiar with the amount of alts we could have made in the game (what with 40+ of them when servers merged), many of my alts never really had the chance to step out there and grow as characters. These are just tiny snippets of introduction with what I had in mind for them to grow off from. Enjoy readin’ o/
(They are also captions when you click on the images)
Sanira Silvergale - Owns a little tailor-shop in Celestion called the Petal & Stem. Here, she mends people’s clothing, as well showcasing and selling intricate sewn crafts, from jackets to satchels, to patches and blankets, the list goes on. Personality wise, Sanira has this calm-motherly type of nature and her voice is very smooth and sweet. As best described, would even put a baby to sleep. age: 30 h: 5′3″(160 cm) w: 140 lb (63 kg) 
Mama Rhoda - Is what she tells everyone to call her. Mama Rhoda resides in the rolling fields of Galeras, (in the safer parts at least), working on her ranch. Which mostly consist of a lot of Roan and a couple of Equivar. Her belief in the Exile dogma is strong, but she’s willing to make leeway with people who genuinely want to help others. She’s married to Aarium Kantivex, a CoGS mechari for the past 300 years. age: 758 h: 8′2″ (248 cm) w: ??
Yekaterina Lisitsyn - Before the grim events on Grismara, Yekaterina, or better known by her friends as Katya, was an heiress to a very successful brand of hand-crafted ornate samavors. Known as ‘self-brewers,’ metal containers used to heat water, despite the fact the Grismarans had tech that made this process quicker and much easier to use, they reminded its denizens of comfort and times of old. Katya was excited of the prospect of taking over the family business, but after what had occurred with the Life Elixir and the barricading of her home planet-- those dreams were dashed. That didn’t stop her though, as the last living line of the Lisitsyns, Katya is determined to recreate her family’s business on Nexus. age: 113 h: 7′5″ (226 cm) w: 215 lb (97 kg)
Abe Goldenleaf - A soldier of FCON, Abe is a scout whose job is primarily to observe and survey areas for possible signs of Dominion activity or danger. When not on duty, Abe enjoys sunbathing on the beaches of Malgrave and playing video games, mainly role-playing games. He’s very fond of fruits, mangoes in particular and pretty much any treat or goody that is mango flavored. age: 26 h: 4′4″ w: 153 lb
Krig Honeyrock - A miner working in one of Algoroc’s many mountains, Krig’s motto is to enjoy the simple life. He own a modest shack out in the valley, tending to his Buzzbings to make honey. which he likes using as a spread when he makes his ‘famous’ Krig Honey Sammiches: two slices of either whole wheat or white bread, with a generous spread of his home-made honey. He often drinks glowmelon-tea with his sammiches. age: 589 h: 8′3″ (251 cm) w: 678 lb (307 kg)
Anatoli Tolstoy - Company Sergeant to the Scourge. Swordsman. Learning to try and be more relatable to his troopers as he gained his position through the death of the previous company sergeant. He exudes an air that seems to scare the other troops of his company. He means only well. age: 143 h: 7′10″ (238 cm) w: 230 lb (104 kg)
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shrekyaoi · 1 month
Another crossover idea: Pyrrhus leading into The Softest Voice. As in, TSV but all the characters that were werewolves in Pyrrhus are werewolves in TSV. I got the mental image of werewolf Yuri biting Roach stuck in my head and it's not leaving.
in a weird way this is kinda how i write them. i don’t think you can have a complete understanding of either fic unless you read them both solely because i’ve had to do so much to give these guys useable backstories and they (even as different as they are between the aus) still provide context for each other such as setting up for the original dynamics then showing how they ended up (before everything goes COMPLETELY wrong). plus, in tsv, yuri is metaphorically a werewolf. that’s just how i write him.
but, with respect to actually making it a full au, i see it too. perhaps a little too much. you’re absolutely right in thinking of yuri turning roach—i keep resisting the urge to write that part of the metaphor in, at least in an obvious way. it works too perfectly. the only issue is mitya. in pyrrhus, i see him as having already died by the 90s, but his death in tsv is the driving factor of the entire plot going from act two onward. you could probably substitute him with anatoly but that would cause some difficulties later on. whatever, we don’t need to worry about that too much. this is just a theoretical.
yuri would be too used to hiding his lycanthropy for roach to know right away, but roach would probably be able to recognise the signs anyway later on considering the 141 specialise in killing werewolves. that adds to roach’s inner conflict nicely. dude is already in the torment nexus, let’s just stir him up a little more. and then yuri turns him; i think i know exactly when he’d do that, but it wouldn’t be for another good few chapters i think. you’ll know when pretty easily. i am a predictable man.
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