#Natsuo seems so crazy and i just noticed so i will leave this way
inkykeiji · 2 months
hello it is i, sprout again, with mindless thoughts (thank you for always being patient with my drawn out rambles).
so ive been browsing more on sd!nat. the last anon question got me curious and now im hell deep. he seems equally secure and insecure in a sense. perhaps in the way where the idea of reader leaving may make him feel vulnerable and reactive. correct me if im wrong!!
what if he found out that the reader was storing away money in a private account? like maybe she has intentions or maybe its just her trying to be financially smart on her end. but im curious about the whirlwind of thoughts that would race through his head upon the discovery :')
sprout babie!!! i am SOOO late on answering this, i apologize!! >.<
no you’re entirely right, he is both secure and insecure. he has confidence in himself and his abilities when it comes to specific things (work being the biggest one), but he is so obsessed with his reader that he’s terrified she’ll leave. it’s kind of one of those situations where you end up loving something so much that it becomes unfathomably important to you, and because it is now so important to you, you are petrified of losing it in some way because you don’t know how you’d survive or function without it. the more important and valuable something/someone is to us, the more scared we are to lose it, basically.
OOOH okay so!! technically, it would be extremely difficult for reader to do such a thing, as natsuo controls and manages all of her banking accounts and funds + personal info etc etc (he holds all of her identification on him at all times, for example). BUT!!! for arguments sake let’s say she was somehow able to stash away some money in a private account, and natsuo found out—he would absolutely go ballistic.
you specifically mentioned the streams of thought that would tangle in his head upon first learning about it, and that’s pretty much exactly what would happen. his thoughts would be so messy and so chaotic that they’d merely knot together into one huge, incomprehensible mass that weighs on his skull with each passing moment.
his mind is running at a mile a minute and he can hardly catch a single idea that races through his head, all of the potential situations morphing into one another, half-finished and hectic, as his brain jumps from one scenario to the next: what if she’s saving up to escape? to leave him and never return? to buy a ticket to some unknown, far-away land and change her name, to become completely untraceable? what if it’s someone else giving her this money? natsuo doesn’t pay much attention to the absurd amounts of money he is consistently dealing with, so he can’t remember if he noticed lump sums missing—what if she’s been stealing money from him and it’s been going undetected because he’s so busy? what if this money is coming from a new partner; someone putting silly and fantastical ideas in her head, someone who might rot her brain, poison her heart, and convince her to leave him? what if she’s gotten herself into some sort of trouble, and has been hiding it from him? what if she’s got some rare illness, and she’s saving up money for treatment without bothering to tell him? what if she’s somehow in some sort of danger? what if she fucking hates him, and is doing all of this just to spite him? what if she’s trying to gaslight him and make him crazy? etc etc etc.
it’s all so much that he ends up drowning in it, paralyzed by the endless number of possibilities, and isn’t able to confront her about this behaviour until he speaks to his beloved touya-nii first, who knows how to snip those knots into tiny pieces and weave them into something sensical again.
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crazyclarabr · 5 years
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BNHA Inktober, day 26: Utopia
You can probably guess.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
I know requests are closed so this isn’t a request I just had an idea based off an ask you got about hawks and the Todoroki clan. What if the reader escaped from yandere Todoroki clan (Dabi scared the reader/took it too far with the threats, or because endeavor and the brothers had a fight and the reader got scared)and they ran into hawks, crying and panicked thinking that he would help. But hawks recognizes them from the pictures in endeavors desk and offers them a lift to somewhere safe. Only for hawks to fly the reader back to the Todoroki estate where the whole family is waiting for them.
The reader feels hurt and betrayed and everyone is angry, but hawks being hawks tries to diffuse the situation by saying,”stop scaring the poor kid. They came to me scared out of their mind, but being the outstanding godfather that I am, I made sure to bring them back safely.” (Or something like that)
And endeavor just accepts that hawks claimed himself as the readers godfather, and tells the reader to get inside and to clean up.
So now hawks takes it upon himself to hang around the estate more to fulfill his “godfather” duties, spoiling the reader as much as he can.
Yandere Godfather Hawks x Todoroki clan reader
I was going to write boyfriend Hawks, instead of Godfather Hawks but this was just too good. I kinda thought that the age gap between Hawks and reader would be too much so maybe Godfather would be a better role for him, but the chaos that would follow if they find him dating reader would be just *chef's kiss*. I think I just might write bf Hawks too. Let me know what you guys think.
Anyways, enjoy!
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Yandere Hawks:
You didn't know how long you had been running for. You didn't know how far you had gotten away from their house. You didn't even know where you were going, to be honest. But you did know that you had to get away from there as far as you could.
Sure, you only had a few hours headstart. But for them, the most powerful family in Japan, this wasn’t enough time for you. 
You had planned your escape with their schedule in mind.
Enji would come home from his office at 9pm; he used to return at 11, but ever since you were kidnapped adopted by them, he tries to come home early.
Natsuo had already visited you during the day. He habitually comes after his shift at the hospital. Once he would check you over for any injuries and be satisfied with your overall health, he would join you, Rei and Fuyumi for a quick lunch before leaving.
Usually, you would spend the day with Rei, Fuyumi and Shotou, then Enji would come by the time dinner was served. And once everyone went to sleep, Dabi would come to visit you around 2 am. He would tap on your window and disturb you from your sleep, but its not like you have any engagements in the morning anyways. Once you would let him in, he would talk to you and maybe watch a movie too. If he's pissed, he might "accidentally" leave a burn mark on your arm (and you've tried asking your family for help, but they wouldn't do anything. Natsuo would just bandage you up, while Shotou would comfort you. Besides, you've learned not to snitch on Dabi because he would even get angrier than before.)
That was your routine ever since they had took you, almost 7 months ago. Well, they had actually adopted you an year ago, and everything was going well. But then you started noticing their odd behaviour. You thought they were just being protective of you at first, but as time went on, their obsessive tendencies and no regard for your personal boundaries started weirding you out.
Then one day, they just stopped letting you out of the house. No matter how much you cried, begged or fought, they just wouldn't let you go outside, telling that you its for your own good.
At first, they would use cuffs to keep you bound since you fought so much. But then you started behaving, and they slowly started trusting you more and stopped putting on the restraints.
What they didn't know was that you were just biding your time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to escape. Like today.
Shotou had to go to his friend's house to work on a school project, so he wasn't able to join you at lunch today and would be coming home late.
After lunch, once Natsuo had left, you asked Fuyumi if she could go to the mall and buy you some books. You had been complaining to her about your boredom for quite sometime now, so she agreed and left to go shop for you.
So that only left you with Rei in the house. And while she had a weaker quirk than the rest of the family, your quirkless self was no match for her either.
But she was easier to fool. You told Rei that you were going to take a nap in your room and to call you when dinner was ready. Rei nodded before going to the kitchen to start preparing for dinner.
You went to your room and opened the window to get out. It used to be bolted shut but after months of working on it slowly but stealthily, you had managed to pop it open. It was 6, and you were sure Fuyumi and Shotou would be coming home by 7, so without having anytime to pack, you ran.
It was stupid. You should've at least gotten your coat and shoes on, but there was no guarantee a chance like this would appear again, so you left without them.
You kind of regret it now, as you winced in pain at all the rocks and twigs pressing into your bare feet. You shivered in the cold, which didn't bother you at first because of the adrenaline pumping through your veins, but now as you slid against a dumpster in an alley to give a break to your legs, you wished Rei could've given you some proper clothes, instead of the light, pastel pink dress. In her defence, the house was centrally heated during winters so you didn't really need warm clothes inside the house. But now, looking at the dark clouds forming in the sky, you wished she could've at least given you a sweater.
It had soon started raining, and the wind had picked up as well. Shivering, you decided to stay put by the dumpster and wait until it stopped. It would be easier for them to find you if you ran now because the streets will be empty because of the rain. And its not like you could go to a police station either. How will you explain to them that the no.1 hero had kidnapped you?
Sighing, you closed your eyes. You just have to vanish from their eyes until they give up on you, or at least find someone else to replace you.
Hawks was flying home when it had begun raining. Tutting, he flew back to the ground to walk his way home. It was dangerous to fly during the rain; his feathers would get heavy and weigh him down.
As he was walking, whistling to himself, he heard someone whimper in the alley to his left. He walked in the dark alley, bracing himself for any sudden movements. The little whimpers came from near the dumpster. The alley had no light, so he couldn't see much. He walked closer to the source of whimpers and he could make out a silhouette of a shivering girl, who was completely drenched. Her eyes were closed so she hadn't noticed Hawks yet.
He took a step closer. "Hey. You okay?" As soon Hawks voice reached her ears, she snapped her eyes open and backed away from him. Hawks backed up a bit, raising his hands in surrender. "Its okay. I'm a hero." He said, calmly.
Once she seemed recognise him, or at least realise he wasn't dangerous, she relaxed a bit. "What are you doing in the rain?"he asked. She paused for a bit, before replying in a tiny voice,"none of your business." Hawks smiled. "It kinda is. Now you can either tell me, or I can take you to the cops and you can tell them. What's it gonna be?"
Your breath hitched at his question. If he takes you to the cops, Enji will surely find you, and the punishment that will be waiting for you...you didn't even want to think about it. "I'm just...running." you mumbled, hoping he would leave you alone. "From who?" When you didn't reply, he sighed. "Okay. Can you tell me why you're running?"
You thought for a bit. Would he believe if you told him the truth? You knew he was close friends with Enji and you heard from Enji that he was very loyal to him, so you doubted that he would believe you if you told him the no. 1 hero had been holding you hostage for 7 months. But maybe he could help you. If you just tell him that someone's after you, then maybe he could drop you off somewhere safe?
Gulping, you answered. "I- I was kidnapped. And they've probably noticed that I'm missing now and- and I need to hide before they can find me. I can't, I can't go back there-" your voice broke down as you slowly started crying.
Hawks's eyes widened as he heard you confess. He hugged you, rubbing your back soothingly. "Shh, its okay. I'm here now. Tell me who it is." You shook your head no. "Don’t be afraid. I'll keep you safe. Just tell me who-" "No!"you cut him off, realising that you would be putting his life in danger if you told him the truth. The Todorokis have done it before, with your old family and friends; you have no doubt that they will do it again.
Hawks was taken aback by your outburst. Who were you so afraid of? Was it a crazy ex? Or a family member? Maybe you had gotten in trouble with the wrong crowd? Whoever it was, fear was evident in your voice. He had to help you.
"Okay. I'm sorry. How about we get out of the rain? Maybe to a cafe, where we can get a coffee to warm ourselves up?" He asked you again, trying to look at your face in the dark. You shook your head again, before speaking. "Could you- could you just get me out of this city? Or at least as far away from here as possible?"
Who were you so scared of that you wanted to leave the city? He could investigate that later, but first he needed to get you out of the rain. 
He nodded. "Alright. It should stop raining anytime now, so I can't fly you out right now. How about we walk to my apartment and warm ourselves and then, I could take you anywhere you want?"
This was the best you were going to get. You know you need to leave the city right now, but he was your only chance of leaving. So you agreed. Hawks smiled at that. "Can you walk?"he asked you. You nodded, but as soon as you took a step, you yelped in pain, almost falling down. Thankfully, Hakws was near to catch you. He laughed. Noticing your chattering teeth, he gave you his jacket. "You're going to catch a cold." Once you had worn his big, warm jacket, he lifted you up into his arms and started walking out of the alley and towards his home.
As he got out of the alley, the street lights finally illuminated your face.
You looked familiar, like he'd seen you before, but he can't seem to remember where he saw you. His eyes scanned your face. Your brows were furrowed in worry, and you kept looking over his shoulder. You looked scared, almost like a child. Looking down, he noticed your pink dress was completely ruined. He moved his gaze to your feet. They were bleeding, due to the stones, twigs and broken glass that had pierced them. Your legs had tiny burns, some had faded, others looked still fresh.
Were you being abused? Is that why you're running? He wanted to ask you these questions but he knew he had to wait for you to open up.
"Thank you."your tiny voice brought him back to reality. Hawks gave his famous heroic smile. "No problem." You gave a tiny smile of your own. It was kind. "Why do you keep looking back?"he asked you. Your eyes widened slightly, looking like a kid who got caught stealing cookies. "Are you worried about them taking you away again?"he asked, not really sure who he was referring to. You started tearing up again. Your lips wobbled as you slowly nodded your head. He stopped walking, causing you to look up to him. "Its okay. I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise." His voice held such sincerity, you started crying into his chest as you kept on thanking him.
Hawks meant every word. He's going to make sure nobody ever lays a finger on you. How could anyone harm such a sweet thing like you?
He rubbed your shoulder with one hand to calm you down. Once you had stopped crying, he spoke again. "Hey, look. It stopped raining." You looked up and he was right; the sky had cleared up. "Well, are you ready to fly?" You smiled slightly before nodding. He told you to hold on to him tightly, and you buried your face into his chest before he took off.
Once you guys were in the air, Hawks told you to open your eyes. You did and the view was breathtaking. Tall buildings and sky scrapers were all over the city, and tiny lights from cars and street lamps looked like stars. It looked like a scene from an anime. Really pretty.
"Wow."you finally said. Hawks chuckled at that. Your looked like you just saw Santa. So adorable.
"I'm glad you like it."he said, as he started flying towards his home. You smiled. "Hey! You never told me your name."he said, mocking fake surprise.
You giggled at that. "I'm Y/n."
And just like that, Hawks finally remembered where he had seen you.
A year ago Endeavour had asked him to find everything he can on this one particular girl. Hawks thought that maybe you were linked to some case, but your records were clean, so he thought that maybe Enji was just looking for someone for Shotou. Hawks thought it was weird when you suddenly disappeared from the public eye a month later. He tried to ask Enji about you but he would just brush him off, telling him he had mistook you for someone else. It was odd, but Hawks eventually let go of it.
Wait. Does that mean Enji had been hurting you? No, that can't be it. Enji had been working with him on a lot of missions abroad, and the burn marks on your legs were rather fresh. 
"Whats wrong?"your soft voice brought him out of his thoughts. "Hmm? Oh nothing. Why do you ask?"Hawks faked a smile. You stared at him. Something was off. "Nothing. Its just you were lost in your thoughts, I guess."
Hawks laughed at that. "You’re really observant, aren't you?" Deciding to test out his theory, he continued. "Well, you're right. I was thinking about a work colleague. You might've heard of him. Endeavour, hm?"
At the sound of his name, you stiffened, confirming his suspicion. You were connected to him somehow. Hawks didn't know how, but he was going to figure it out. "Um, y-yeah. He's the no.1 h- hero, right?"the fear in your voice had returned, although you were trying hard to hide it.
Hawks nodded. "Yeah!" He had to find out how you were linked to Enji. Suddenly, he turned around and started flying back where you guys had started.
"W-what are you doing? Why are we going back?"you asked him. He looked down at you and replied, "we need to get bandages for your wounds. Otherwise your feet will get infected." You nodded. "Oh. Okay." With that you closed your eyes to prevent them from drying against the wind.
After maybe half an hour or so, you opened your eyes to look where you guys were flying to. You looked down and to your horror, saw a familiar house coming up. You looked at Hawks and he seemed to know what you were thinking. "We're going down there."he nodded his head towards the Todoroki estate. Your eyes grew wide, and your body started trembling. "No! No! We- we can't! We can't go there!" You started shaking your head. "And why not?"Hawks stopped flying towards the estate, simply flapping his wings to remain in the air. You just shook your head. "We can't. I can't. Just drop me off somewhere else. I'll be fine on my own." Hawks wanted to know the real reason. He frowned. "Tell me the truth right now or I'll take you down there this instant."
You gulped, his eyes were showing that he wasn't bluffing. Your eyes started to glisten with unshed tears as you finally told him the truth. You told him everything; about how Enji had kidnapped you, how he got rid of your real family, how he and Rei had tried to keep you a secret from everyone, how their kids found out about you but instead of helping you out, became attached to you just like their parents, about how the famous villian Dabi was Enji's son and how he would sometimes burn you. By the time you were done, tears were flowing down your cheeks as Hawks tried to process what you had just confessed to him.
"Do you trust me?"he suddenly asked you. You looked at him confused. "What?" He repeated again. "Do you trust me?" Did you? Honestly, not that much, but he was the only one who was going to help you so you slowly nodded. "Yes?" Not really sure of it yourself but Hawks accepted the answer anyways. "Good." As soon as he said that, he started flying again, towards the house. You started thrashing in his arms again. "No! You said you wouldn't take me back here! You said you wouldn't!"you were full on sobbing against him, trying to wring yourself free from his vice grip, but Hawks was neither listening nor relenting his tight hold on you.
You looked down and that's when you saw them. Enji, Rei, all of them, were standing in the garden looking at you and Hawks. Even Dabi was there. Rei must've panicked and called everyone. And from the look on his- everyone's face, you could tell you were in deep trouble.
You thrashed in Hawks arms, begging him to fly away, but he didn't listen to you at all.
Once you reached the ground, you didn't pull your head out of Hawk's chest. You don't want to see their rage or the punishments they have planned for you.
"Hey, Endeavour!" Hawks broke the silence first. "Mrs Todoroki. Kids." He nodded towards them. "Hawks. Who do you have there?"Enji asked, pretending as if he doesn't know you. Hawks laughed. "You don't have to pretend! I know everything." At this, Dabi activated his quirk, ready to cremate him but was stopped by Shotou.
Thinking that this was some sort of blackmail, Enji asked, "What do you want? Money?"
Hawks smirked. "Nope! Look, I know you kidnapped her and all but you are providing her a good life, right?" He paused to look at them. Everyone nodded. He continued. "And you're just keeping her home to protect her from harm?" Again, everyone nodded. "But she still managed to escape you all even though she's quirkless and you all are not."
"Get to the fucking point."Dabi said impatiently.
Hawks sighed. "Clearly, you need all the help you can get. You need me. I can help you help her keep safe and healthy!" He paused, before his eyes lit up. "I can't have my goddaughter getting hurt again." Everyone looked at him weirdly. Goddaughter?
"How about you hand her over and you'll still be able to fly." Dabi threatened, blue flames engulfing his hands. Hawks laughed again. He was right. It wasn't Enji who giving you those nasty burns, it was Dabi. "If something happens to me, I have enough evidence gathered against you" he pointed to Dabi, "and then cops will get involved and maybe take away Y/n away."
The threat of someone taking you away from them, made their heart drop. Rei, who had been previously sobbing, put a hand on Dabi's shoulder, telling him to calm down.
Hawks grinned at Enji, raising his eyebrows. "So what will it be, Endeavour?"
Enji understood the ultimatum Hawks was giving him. Either let him in the family or risk losing you to the authorities. And he knew Hawks wasn't one to make empty threats.
Enji's eyes snapped to you. You were trying to bury yourself into Hawks chest, trying to hide from them. He wasn't that mad at you for running, more worried if anything. Had his family really spooked you that much? He'll have to worry about that later. First he needs to get you back into his and Rei's arms.
Enji sighed, before nodding. "Fine. We'll do it your way."
Hawks beamed at that. "Great!" He was glad that Enji had accepted. "Now, you need to take Y/n in before she catches a cold; although I'm certain she already has. Oh and tend to her bloody feet too! Poor thing was just running around barefoot." He chuckled. Shotou moved forward to take you from Hawks but you clung tightly to Hawks shoulders.
"Please. Please. Just take me out of here. Please." You whispered to him, fresh tears pricking your eyes now.
You looked so scared. Your eyes were saucer wide, nose red from cold and cheeks flush. Fear. That was were you emitting. But the longer he looked at your face, he found something else too. Hope. Innocence. Naivety. And while fear was the predominant emotion, the latter were the ones that he wanted to protect. "Hawks." Enji's voice broke him out from his trance. Hawks smiled. Addressing you, he started rubbing soothing circles to your back. "Hey. Hey. Its okay, princess." You kept on crying, your eyes begging him to whisk you away anywhere but here. You looked so much like him when he was little. So afraid. "Listen, do you remember what I promised you?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You're so endearing. "I promised you that I'll never let anyone hurt you again, didn't I?" You nodded slowly. "I intent on keep that promise, dove. Infact I'll talk to your dad tonight! But you need to go in and take warm bath. I don't want you getting sick, okay?"
You had seemed to calm down as you slowly nodded and let him hand you over to Shotou, who quickly ushered you in, with Natsuo, Rei and Fuyumi quickly following behind, leaving Hawks with Dabi and Enji.
"Lets go to your office, Endeavour! I have to go over some details as Y/n's new godfather." Enji nodded and went inside to go to his home office. Hawks was about to follow but was stopped by Dabi. "What game are you playing, you freak?" 
Hawks chuckled, before swiftly pulling out a very sharp feather and pressing it against Dabi's jugular. "I'm just here to make sure that no one hurts Y/n again. And if I see another scorch mark on her, I'll find you and carve your skin into ribbons."
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I will be accepting requests and asks for godfather hawks and Todoroki clan!
Oh and don't worry, I'm working on part 2 of rei hurting the reader. It'll be done soon! :)
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crazyotakugal · 3 years
Soaring Hearts
Hawks/Keigo Tamaki x Reader Fluff Lemon
Authors Notes:
Thank y’all so much for all the support!! I’m so glad you enjoyed the story and like I said, here’s part Two!! I hope y’all enjoy!!
It’s been almost a month since your “encounter” with the Number Two Hero. You’ve been catching up with your family, seeing the sights, and wondering about your meet up with Hawks. Of course, you haven’t told anyone about meeting Hawks and the events that followed. However, there’s always the unexpected…
Part Two:
“ Come on, y/n! You gotta check out this place next!” Your cousin, Fuyumi, waved you over to yet another sweets shop.
It was a nice day today and Fuyumi had the day off, so she decided to take your sight seeing/shopping. The district was actually really cool and had a variety of different shops, but you really didn’t have much money to spend. Since your dad ditched you, things have always been tight. If your uncle, the number one Hero, had not paid for your trip, you wouldn’t have been able to visit. However, you’d never tell your family about your financial situation.
“Oooohhh!! They have that awesome cake and milk tea!! Let’s get some!” Fuyumi grabs your hand and starts to drag you into the shop.
“Umm, Fuyumi, maybe we should slow down?” You really couldn’t afford it, but didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
“Oh no worries! Dad’s covering everything today! He insisted!” She beamed.
“Uuuuhhh…” You were at a lost for words.
You just decided to go along with it and allowed yourself to be dragged along. Despite your uncle’s attitude, he was actually a really kind person. You remember your mom calling him a monster and saying he was evil, but you just didn’t see that.
You and Fuyumi were sitting at a table with a neon rainbow checkerboard tablecloth and a pink vase with white daisies inside. The place was really nice for being a sweets shop. It was cutesy kind of place with different kinds of teas and sweets and the atmosphere was relaxing. You just went with whatever Fuyumi ordered. She seemed to be really happy and enjoying hanging around you. To be honest, you were really having tons of fun and you were really happy you came to Japan.
Even your encounter with Hawks.
Even if it was just a fling and as much as it made your heart ache to want to see him again, you knew your best chance was on a screen versus in person. You didn’t regret spending the night with him, but you felt bad for how it ended.
It was either really late at night or very early in the morning when you had woken up. It was really dark and you were tempted to slip back into the lull of sleep. However, you had to pee really bad. Your body felt stiff and heavy. Nature calling, you rub your thighs together, feeling a sharp pain shoot between your legs, and a stickiness there.
‘Huh? Too early for my period.’
You try to shift to get up, but something was wrapped around your waist. It didn’t feel like your covers. It was warmer and heavier. As your brain slowly started to wake up, you realized the thing around your waist was connected to something heavy pressed against your back. You try to wiggle a little bit and whatever was around your waist tighten.
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You felt a lump in your throat and carefully turned your head. Holding your waist was Japan’s number two pro hero! His gold locks even messier then normal and he looked absolutely breath taking asleep. You very carefully slide away from Hawks without disturbing him, gather your scattered clothing, and tippy toe into the bathroom.
After a few minutes, you emerge from the bathroom, fully clothed. You glance over at Hawks sleeping form, feeling regret for leaving like this bubbling inside you. However, you weren’t going to put yourself through that. Even though what you two had shared was amazing, you weren’t going to kid yourself into thinking that there was anything there. You wiped a few tears from your eyes and quietly left his apartment.
~~~ End F/B ~~~
“Y/n? Hey, y/n, you there?” Fuyumi is waving a hand in front of your face.
“Oh! Oh I’m sorry!” You laughed. “I guess I was spacing out.”
A waitress comes over to your table, setting down your orders and leaves with a bow. The tea smelled amazing and the cake super delicious!
“I’m sorry, Fuyumi, what were you saying?” You take a sip of the yummy tea.
She takes a bite of the cake and swallowed it, “I was saying that there’s this big charity party that dad wants us all to attend tonight and was asking you if you had a dress you could wear?!”
You choke a bit on your cake, “What?! No! Noooo! I don’t have anything to wear that fancy! I really don’t need to go, I mean I’m just his niece!”
Fuyumi makes a slight pouty face, “But you are family! It’s for the family’s of that Camino incident, so it’s for a good cause! Dad even said we could go pick out new dresses!”
You feel really uneasy about that,” That’s not necessary! Really!”
Fuyumi just smiled at you, “Really! Don’t worry about it!”
Even though you were still getting to know Fuyumi, you knew her well enough to know there was no point to arguing with her once her mind was set. You just take a bite of your cake as she beams knowing she won.
After the sweets shop, you were dragged to a few clothing stores. Fuyumi found a few dresses she liked/bought, the one she finally chose for the evening was a navy blue tie back dress that had silver glitter at the hem slowly decreasing almost non existent to the waist, almost like a starburst effect. It looked amazing on her. In fact, a lot of stuff did.
You found a few things you looked for everyday wear and lingerie, which she bought you despite your protests, but nothing you felt confident in or really suited you. Finally, Fuyumi dragged you into this one store with all kinds of clothing. That’s when it caught your eye. It was an off the shoulder dress with loop sleeves, form fitting torso with lace up front. There was a satin bow at the waist, the bow resting on your hip. The skirt flared out into two layers, the top layer was sheer parted down the middle with tiny little diamonds (not real) that ruffled at the edges. The second layer was a satin material with the same diamond accents that came down to your ankles. It was your favorite color and the price wasn’t bad at all!
“Oh wow, y/n! That’s perfect! You should try it on!” Fuyumi beamed as she snatched the dress and pushed it and you towards the dressing room. A few minutes later, you came out with it on. It fit you perfectly and you couldn’t hardly believe it was you in the mirror.
“Y/n! You look beautiful!” Your cousin smiled at you, causing you to blush a little.
‘My little sparrow is so beautiful.’
You remember the last time someone called you “beautiful” and remembering that night made you turn bright red.
~~~ Later that night ~~~
Just as you thought, it was an extremely classy affair. There were ton of big time heroes there as well as a lot of influential names. You didn’t know everyone, but Fuyumi had no problem filling you in. She looked so pretty in her dress. Natsuo and Shoto of course didn’t show up. Fuyumi was squealing about all the hot and available guys at the party.
“Oh there’s dad!” Fuyumi grabs your arm and drags you over to where your uncle was.
He, of course being number one, was surrounded by a bunch of people. He looked really annoyed, but put on a front. Occasionally, shaking a hand. Once he saw Fuyumi and you heading his way, he excused himself and to meet you halfway.
“Hey, Dad! This things really great isn’t it?” Fuyumi smiles, as always, trying to be the sweet daughter.
“Fuyumi. Y/N. You’re both looking very nice this evening.” He gave a tiniest, quickest smile.
Fuyumi beamed at the compliment and gave even a little twirl. A waiter came by and offered you three a colorful drink in a tall glass with a cherry on top. Endeavor declined, but you two each took one and thanked him.
“Um, Uncle, thank you very much for the dress,” You bowed, careful not to spill your drink.
“Hey there, Number one! You sure are popular!” A familiar voice rang, making your heart stop.
You lift your head up, to see none other than Hawks standing next to your uncle, with his hand on his shoulder with his usual grin on his face. He, like the other pro heroes there, was wearing his typical attire.
“Ugh, Hawks, let me introduce you to my daughter, Fuyumi, and my niece visiting abroad, Y/N,” Endeavor holds a hand out gesturing your way causing your heart to stop.
‘Don’t be dumb, Y/N! It was a one night stand! He probably doesn’t even remember you!’
Hawks smiles at Fuyumi warmly, gently taking her hand, but there’s a split second of surprise and recognition when his eyes turn towards you. Your breath catches in your throat as he smiles, takes your hand into his, and brings it to his lips. You feel your face turn bright red.
“Nice you meet you, Y/n,” He says with a subtle hint of sarcasm. He was acting like you’d just met, but he definitely recognized you.
“Oh my God! Is that the number one and number two pro heroes together!” Someone yelled from the crowd.
Fuyumi grabbed your hand and hurried away so you two weren’t caught in the poparatzi fire. You glanced back at Hawks, who was still looking at you as you were being led away. The crowd of reporters encircled the two heroes.
After the craziness with the reporters, you’d lost sight of Hawks. You’d spent the rest of the evening being dragged around by your cousin, talking, eating, and drinking. It was actually lots of fun. You got to meet a lot of new people and eat a lot of delicious food.
A little tipsy, needing some air, you excused yourself from your cousin who honestly was too engrossed in talking to this guy to notice you leave. You found a quiet place in the outside garden. The cool air felt nice on your hot skin and the scent of the flowers around you was relaxing. You sat on a bench by a fountain, closed your eyes, and took a few deep breaths. As you started to cool down, the breeze was starting to make you shiver a little.
Suddenly something soft and warm is placed on your shoulders. Your eyes shoot open and you see Hawks standing there with a gentle smile on his face, he’d placed his jacket over you. Seeing him so close to you, made your heart race and you felt a ping of guilt.
“Little Sparrow a bit chilly?” He reaches and brushes a stray hair from your burning face.
Hearing him say that nickname, flustered you because images of that night came flooding back. You felt the familiar spark of desire start from just that little touch. The memory of how those hands felt touching you made you shiver slightly.
“I, um, I…” You stutter out.
He tilts his head slightly, “hmmm?”
You bow low, “I’m so sorry! About leaving like that I mean!”
Embarrassed you ramble on, “It’s just, um, I’ve never done that type of thing. Not saying I regret what happened, but…I didn’t know what to expect afterwards and panicked and…I’m so sorry I left and didn’t say anything…”
You’re afraid to look up, but a gentle hand on your chin, turned your gaze upwards to meet his. Those wonderful lips of his gently covering your own. At first it starts slow, but then gradually becomes more passionate. One hand wraps around your waist as the other cups the back of your neck, keeping you in place. His tongue sweeps over your lips and you grant him access to your mouth without hesitation. All the desire from that night reawakening as that kiss makes you melt.
When your lips finally part, both his hands cup your cheeks bringing your face forward so your forehead was resting against his. Your noses almost touching, both your eyes shut, and you both a panting for breath. Just from that kiss, you could tell that you probably were already soaked down there. Your eyes locked when you opened them. Desire burning so brightly behind his gold orbs.
You looked so beautiful to him right now. The dress you were wearing was absolutely amazing on you, your lips were red and swollen from his assault, and your cheeks were flushed. That morning, he felt sad that you had left and he hadn’t gotten your name or info. That night has been fantastic and he didn’t know what it was about you, but he just felt so drawn to you. Sure, he’d had experience with women and had some fun in his younger years. Despite the rumors about him, he didn’t go around jumping from woman to woman. That was way too risky for one, but shallow one night stands weren’t his thing.
“Y/N,” He breathed before kissing you again. His hands starting the explore your body over your dress.
“H…Hawks!” You gasp as his lips start placing kisses down your neck. Hearing your name from his lips completely overwhelmed you with need.
His arms lift you up bridal style and he flies up high onto a balcony. The door’s unlocked and Hawks carries you into the dark room. It looked like someone’s office, there were shelves with all kinds of books, a couple of couches by a fireplace, and a large wooden desk.
Hawks carries you over and gently lays you down on one of the couches, his jacket acting like a pillow, and leans over you. His lips once again taking yours captive. He uses one arm to support his weight above you as the other slides up your leg bunching the skirt of your dress higher and higher. You gasp against his mouth when you feel his fingers press against the damp cloth between your legs.
“Oh!” You toss your head back as his fingers slowly start to circle the wetness there.
“I see my lovely sparrow is still so sensitive,” he murmurs as he kisses your shoulder, his fingers dipping beyond your soaked panties.
“Keigo!” You cry out and you feel Hawks shutter above you, feeling how wet you already were for him and already crying his name.
He couldn’t handle it anymore. He gets up off of you, you hear the sound of a belt buckle being undone and the sound of rustling clothing. You give a surprise squeal as you feel your panties being pulled off you. Hawks pushes your skirt all the way up to your waist and settles himself between your legs. Before you can say anything, he sheaths himself into you with one thrust. You can feel him fill every part of you, once again stretching you.
“Ahhh!” Your body shudders as you cum just from the sensation of him utterly filling you.
“Did my sparrow just cum from me just putting it inside?” He says with a cocky tone as he starts to move, “You really are made for me! Fuck! You feel so good!”
You dig your nails into his clothed back as your rocked into ecstasy. You look up at Hawks; his face twisted with pleasure and his beautiful red wings completely spread out above the two of you. Your tangle your fingers in his blond hair and bring his lips crashing down onto yours.
The sounds of moans and slapping skin fill the room.
“You’re so hot and wet! It’s like heaven inside you!” He breaths, never halting his thrusts, “God Sparrow, you’re taking me so wonderfully. You’re just the perfect fit!”
You start to feel that wonderful familiar knot start to build again. Hawks thrusts start getting a little rougher and deeper. A film of sweat covering both your bodies. His length hitting the entrance of your womb over and over again. The pleasure is just as intense as before that you feel your mind slipping away.
“Keigo! I’m gonna…oh God! I’m gonna!” You sob out, feeling yourself about to tumble down that peak any moment.
Hawks grabs your hips in his hands and pounds into you mercilessly. He burned the vision of you in his mind. Your h/c spilled all over as your head thrashes about, you withering underneath him with absolute bliss plastered on your face, and those lovely lips of yours swollen, parted, quivering as you start to reach your peak. That lovely dress of yours bunched at your hips giving him a wonderful view of himself being swallowed by your lovely pussy.
“Y/n, cum for me! That’s it! Cum for me sparrow!” He urges, pushing his hips against that spot a few times, his cock hitting your cervix, before you finally tumble over.
“KEIGO!” You scream, tossing your head back as your orgasm hits you. You cling to the couch as it washes you over. He holds his grip on your hips as he pounds you.
Hawks loses it when he feels you clamp down onto him, cumming around his cock. Your hot fluids gushing all over him. A few sloppy thrusts later, he’s calling out your name as he fills you to the brim. Another climax hits you as feel his dick twitching and filling you. You both lay there, panting afterwards.
You both hold each other on the couch, bodies still connected. Hawks still breathless, placing occasional kisses on your shoulder. He didn’t want to leave your warmth yet. After a few more minutes of holding you, mumbling soothing words, Hawks slips from your depths. He watches as your combined fluids seep from your opening slightly and catches your soft whimper once he left you.
Hawks sits up and gathers you in his lap, holding you to his chest. You smelt amazing. Like a sweet dessert. Your h/c was soft and your skin as well. It felt so nice holding you like this. You laid your head on his chest and gave into him holding you. His fingers gently stroking your hair. You didn’t want to be parted from him yet. You wished time would freeze and you two could stay like this. He smelt like rain. His warmth radiating from his body into yours. You feel a bit of sleepiness come over you.
“We should go before someone comes in and we get in trouble for staining their expensive couch,” Hawks whispers in your ear, bringing a bright red blush to your face.
You get up on your unsteady legs and straighten yourself up. You look around, a bit panicked, for your panties that you’d been wearing, but couldn’t see where Hawks had tossed them too. Your face turned bright red thinking how horrifying it would be if someone found them.
“Looking for something?” Hawks smiles at you, holding the bunched up lace garment in his hand.
“H…hey!” You feel your face burn even hotter. “Give those back!”
You go to try to snatch your panties from his hand, but of course he’s too fast for you and easily dodges. You go to try and grab them again, but this time he catches your wrist, pulling your body against his.
He smiles down at you, giving you a playful wink,”Consider these my hostage so you don’t go disappearing on me again.”
You make a pouty face at him and playfully punch him in the chest. He simply laughs it off.
His lips brush yours as he stuffs the material into his jacket pocket and lifts you up again. He effortlessly leaps down the balcony, safely with you to the ground. He gently sets you down on your feet. You feel his hand cover yours then sliding something between your fingers. It was his card, but at the bottom was a hand written phone number. You look up at him again and he reaches to brush a hair from your face. You looked absolutely adorable at that moment, looking up at him with big, questioning eyes.
“I don’t usually give out my personal number, but I’m willing to make an exception for you my sparrow,” He grins, ” However, now that I know you’re related to the big guy, I can easily hunt you down too.”
You give him a look and mumble under your breath, “You can try.”
He’s taken aback for a moment, then bursts into laughter. You were just too cute. He couldn’t help himself, wraps an arm around your waist, and kisses you deeply before he finally steps away from you.
He flaps his wings and takes off a few feet into the air. Small red feathers raining down all around you.
“Until I see ya around, Y/N!” He grins before taking off into the air. Leaving you looking up at the night sky as he disappears.
So that’s it for part two!! Thank y’all so much and I’ll be working on part three soon. :D
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
A/N: Lord knows I got a nasty attitude when I get in my feelings. I swear I’m working on it 😭 Anyways, when my past entanglments used to (respectfully) put me in my place, it had me feelings some things 🥴 so I’m translating that into headcanons. Hopefully this will get me out of my little writer’s block. Hope y’all enjoy ❤️
Warnings: cursing, implied sexual activity
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Todoroki Natsuo:
natsuo is generally an easy-going person so it takes a lot to get him riled up 
when you get an attitude, it doesnt really bother him bc he can understand where you’re coming from
but dont get too disrespectful bc he’ll remind you who you’re talking to
like when you do poorly on an exam and it just ruins your mood
you don’t feel like talking to anybody so you ignore his text when he asks you to meet up for lunch 
he’ll assume you didnt see it or youre napping 
but then he spots you on campus and goes to hug you 
he notices you’re stiff in his arms but doesnt think much of it 
“did you see my text?” he asks 
“yea, sorry. i forgot to respond.”
that makes him give you a side eye bc that’s what you usually say to people when you just didnt want to answer their text 
“it’s okay if you had other things to do. you just had to tell me—“
“i said i forgot, okay? sorry!”
his head kind jerks back in surprise but he drops it
he’s a todoroki, so instead of giving you space, the dense™️ gene activates and he’s all up in your business 
even though he’s only being a good bf and trying to cheer you up, you’re annoyed af 
texts you throughout the rest of your day about how you’re doing even though you respond with two word sentences
shows up to your dorm and you only let him in bc you feel bad
and he brought food
but now you’re regretting it bc he’s just yip yapping away and his cheery attitude is pissing you off 
fed up, natuso finally confronts you after you snap at him one too many times
“what’s with the attitude, y/n”
“i don’t have one” (okay miss girl)
“well you’ve been acting like you have one all day”
you smacked your teeth and got up “i don’t care natsuo. if you think i do then you can just—“
natsuo barks your name in a way that makes you turn your head
he grabs your arm and firmly tugs you back on the couch so you’re face to face with his frown 
“now i dont know who you’re mad at, but i know it ain’t me. so you can either sit here and have a conversation with me like an adult or i can leave bc i don’t need the attitude”
you: 😮
you keep up an annoyed faaçade but inside youre melting  
who knew natsuo could be so assertive? 
like damn, okay daddy
you apologize and telling him what’s got you so sour 
once you seem relaxed, he goes back to his usual self and y’all end up cuddling until his hands start roaming your body 
next thing you know, youre making great use of the couch 
needless to say, you were back to your normal self the next morning LMAO
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Shigaraki Tomura:
shigaraki is not the one 
he might have his moments, but ever since he grew into his role, he expects everyone else to do the same 
he lets his friends and loved ones get away with a lot of shit so he doesnt think it’s hard to give him some respect
and usually, it isn’t
but ever since he woke up, he’s been practically ignoring you
you got one kiss and a “missed you” and he kept it pushing
like bitch, wtf?
you know you were being selfish and petty but you went three whole months without dick your man and for him to pretty much ignore you bc he was “busy with his responsibilities” was making you feel some type of way
king of the underworld or not, you weren’t gonna take this laying down 
for the next few days you were ms/r. petty 😌 
every time he tried to greet you, you’d just nod your head and keep walking 
he’d try to kiss you and you’d turn your head so his lips would land on your cheek instead
if you came back late, he’d ask you where you were, just to try and make conversation, and you’d just say “out”
shiggy is confused atp and it’s pissing him off
he didnt have the time to ask you about it before it got bad
there’s a meeting with the higher-ups, talking about the next game plan and you walk in about five min late bc you were held up with a previous responsibility
shigaraki happily regards you
“y/n, good. we wanted to wait for you before we started.”
“oh that’s suprising. didn’t think you’d notice my absense. sorry for the hold up,” you bite before sitting down with a huff
everyone: 😦
you: 🙃
shigaraki: 🤨
the people in the room are sweating bc now that shigaraki was thicc™️ and highkey indestructible, he was actually really scary now
even though you were his respected s/o, no one knew how he’d react 
surpringly, he ignores your attitude and starts the meeting; so everyone forgets about it
the meeting goes on and whiles someone else is talking, you notice your bf shuffle his chair closer to yours 
you give him a side eye “what do you--”
shigaraki grabs the side of your neck in a firm grip and pushes your ear against his lips
“i don’t know what’s up with you, but watch it, sweetheart” he whispers before he goes back to listening like nothing happened
you: well call me scared and horny!
when the meeting ends, it’s just the two of you and he eventually figures out why you’re being like this
he gives you a smirk and calls you a spoiled brat before laying you across the table and apologizing to you in the best way he knows how   
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lmaooo funny how you think this man gives a fuck
you’re really beefin with yourself bc he don’t got enough energy to deal with the pettiness 
if you act way out of line though, don’t put it beneath him to retaliate
you give him nice, he’ll treat you sweeter 
but you give him bitch, he’ll give you bitch back tenfold
it’s the same for you
you’re just as jelaous and stuborn as he is
you’re perfect for each other but still a lil toxic in a good way 💀   
one time, you dragged him to go grocery shopping with you (he really hates how much he likes you lmao) 
whiles you were a ways away getting something, a woman came up to him and started flirting with him
*spidey senses activated*
you watch from afar, expecting him to immediately turn her down but he “plays nice” and you can see him gobble up the attention
it’s not until she asks for his number that he points to you and she genuinely apologizes before taking her leave
dabi acts all surprised when you throw a soup can in the cart and stalk off 
“you good bro?” he asks
“i’m great and i’m not your bro” you say, but there’s a clear attitude in your voice 
you couldnt even hide it on your face
he’s mad confused, but dabi doesn’t push it bc he doesn’t time for all that
“okay, be mad by yourself lol”
you weren’t even that mad but now since he wants to be funny, it’s game over 
“and you go fuck your other bitches”
he literally turns into that nick canon meme
dabi’s head is spinning 
bc wtf are you even talking about, my guy?
“yooo, i dont know who you talking to but i know it’s not me”
“who tf else is here, dumbass?”
now you got him heated and he’s this close to just walking up out the store 
but he thinks youre hot when you’re being crazy so he stays
he grabs your wrist to stop you “you’re doing a lot”
you snatch it out his hand, “and you didn’t do enough when that woman came up to you and started putting moves on you!”
ahh, so that’s why you’re angry
dabi’s anger fades and now he’s chuckling
“oh so you think this is funny? i’m not gonna stand here and be disrepsted by no man looking like a fucking burnt piece of charcoal--”
he pulls you into his arms and smothers your rant in a kiss that makes you see stars 
you’re lucky the aisle is empty bc you spend the next ten seconds with his tongue down your throat 
when he pulls back, he smirks at your speechlessness 
“well this burnt piece of charcoal is your man. no one else’s. and don’t forget it, doll-face”
he smacks your ass and walks away leaving you nearly skipping behind him
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meliorist-midoriya · 4 years
confessions for dummies
the request: HELLOOO KELLEY MY LOVE HEHE feeling sUper soft for shoto rn so could i please request a fluffy fic about him trying to work up the courage to confess to the girl he likes :"))) tHANK YOU BABYYY i love you uwu <333
synopsis: knowledge is power, and todoroki shouto doesn’t know what do to with what he’s learned.
pairing: todoroki x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: n/a
word count: 1.3k
a/n: HIIII SOPH I LOVE YOU TOOOOO!!! i hope you like all 1.3k words of this clueless baby HJSDFHJDSHJ thank you for requesting, and happy reading! the title was inspired by those old “(insert life skill) for dummies” books. does anyone even remember those?
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Todoroki Shouto could say, in confidence, that he had no idea what the hell he was doing.
Learning he liked you was the easy part, the romance-starved girls of 1-A all too eager to jump at the chance of helping him to his epiphany, and an epiphany it was. (He made a mental note to send Tsuyu a thank you gift for keeping the girls from getting too crazy.) All the warm faces, fluttering heartbeats, and clammy hands suddenly made sense now. 
Not that it made them any better. 
If anything, they got worse, suddenly hyper aware of all your little likes and habits and everything in between that had him using his right side more often just to pull the flush from his face.
Now, he was stuck in the limbo in between realized feelings and acting on them. Was this what people called a crush? Pining?
He hated it.
He’s spent all his life hiding how he felt, and now the one time he wanted to let his feelings be known, some unknown force was stopping him.
Every time he got close to confessing, his tongue stalled and his heart stopped, ice colder than anything he could create dripping through his veins and chilling his nerves, freezing him before he could get a word out. Other times, one of the girls would miraculously suspiciously pop in right as he got over that barrier, dragging him away and scolding him for his terrible timing.
So many things to think about, too many. He was forbidden from using the internet as a source like he usually did, so now he was completely and utterly lost. All that needed to be done was make his feelings known, why did it have to be so complicated?
The conflicting information he got from the group he deemed to be his only source of information wasn’t great either.
“It would be nice if you did it under the cherry blossoms-”
“Stop projecting Hagakure, it’s winter already and I think Todoroki’s going to combust from impatience before we get to spring. A sunset confession would be nice though, maybe play her a love song or something.”
“Who’s the one projecting now, Jirou?”
Todoroki pinched the bridge of his nose and allowed himself a quiet sigh. 
This was going nowhere.
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Today was the day.
He was sure of it.
He finally had a moment alone with you, comfortably studying in your dorm room. The only thing he had to do was find the timing.
Wait, he didn’t mean to do that. His mind had run faster than his mouth and your name had slipped by accident. Well, might as well go with it and-
You looked up, pretty eyes wide and curious, and the words died in his throat, leaving him with his jaw hanging around the half-formed syllable as his heart did a funny little flip in his chest.
“Yes, Todoroki?”
Just say it, you’re already here.
Alas, his rapidly beating heart pushed ice through his veins and his determination crumpled pathetically in the face of you and the confused tilt of your head.
“C-Can you tell me what you got for, ah, number… 7?” He lamely bluffed, his Quirk not enough to hide the flaming red of his ears that he hoped his hair would cover in its stead.
“Oh! It’s…”
He pressed his face into his hands, barely holding back a groan as you looked away to check your answer to a question he’d already solved.
Today was not the day.
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“How do you confe- Shouto, you like someone?” Fuyumi gasped in shock, emotional at her baby brother growing up. Todoroki was already slightly regretting his decision as he watched her wipe away tears before they shed. Anything was better than going to Natsuo, though.
“Yes. So, how do you?”
“Hm, well…” She stared thoughtfully at the now forgotten book in front of her, “It changes from person to person, I think. What they like, what seems romantic to them, things like that. Overall though, as long as it’s a good atmosphere and you’re considerate of her feelings, I think you’ll be okay!”
Never mind, Todoroki regretted nothing about asking her. That was the most coherent advice he’s received in the past two months. He nodded along to his sister’s words as she continued, absorbing everything he could and comparing it against the advice he’d received before. Slowly, bits and pieces of his knowledge were discarded and replaced, or reinforced. Hagakure’s “romantic” confession idea sailed out the window (honestly, that had been on the chopping block for a while now) and Fuyumi’s broader advice slipped into its place.
So, considerate of your feelings. That part was easy.
Good atmosphere…? Should be easy enough.
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Not easy, actually.
The one thing he forgot to ask was the very thing he was agonizing over right now. He had no idea what constituted a good atmosphere. What made an atmosphere good or bad? The people? The mood? What the hell even defined the mood?
All of this, crammed into the short wander from his dorm to the common room at an ungodly hour. On a normal night, he would’ve slept through the night into the next morning, but nothing has been normal these past two weeks and there were a few nights his sleep suffered from his constant pondering.
Tonight was one of those nights.
He shuffled into the kitchen, blearily rubbing the sleepy blur out of his eyes long enough to find the bottle of water in the fridge. This would help nothing but his dry throat, but that was one fork out of his back, at least. Tired fingers unscrewed the cap and he raised the bottle to his lips as he shuffled his way back to his room.
“Oh, you couldn’t sleep either?”
Todoroki choked on his water.
He painfully swallowed the loud cough his lungs tried to force through in favor of clearing his throat a little quieter instead (still sounded half-strangled, but anything was better than hacking his lungs out in front of you), and turned to the one he didn’t notice sitting in the dimly lit common room.
“Y/N? What are you doing up at this hour?” He winced at his raspy voice, still recovering from the water that went down the wrong pipe, and he cleared his throat again.
“I could say the same to you.” You scooted over, a silent invite to join you that he had no qualms taking you up on. Todoroki slowly realized too late that it was only the two of you, cast in the strange intimacy of shade and moonlight, and suddenly his left side felt a little too warm. Gingerly, he let his Quirk pull away the flush from his cheeks, praying to whatever deity that would listen that you wouldn’t notice the flame licking at his shoulder or the sudden chill at your side.
“So why couldn’t you sleep, Todoroki-kun? If you don’t mind me asking.”
God, if you were the one speaking, he wouldn’t mind anything you had to say.
He pushed down the thought before his sleep-loosened tongue betrayed him again. Alas, where he held back one thing, another slipped past. He pressed a cold hand into his suddenly clammy palm, his racing heart nearly shaking his voice from the force of his heartbeat.
“…Kept thinking about something, and the more I thought about it, the more I stayed awake.”
“Thinking about what?”
He’d blame it on being half-asleep later, he’d blame it on his loose tongue, or on the mysteriously intimate midnight silence of the dorm. He’d blame it on anything, but for now, seeing the moonlight filtering through the tall windows illuminate you in a silvery glow and reflecting off of eyes that he could never seem to look away from, he couldn’t help the answer that slipped past his lips.
Todoroki would lament over this in the morning, but the slow realization and joy spreading across your face let him forgive himself just a bit.
He wasn’t the only one thinking about the other, after all.
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tonya-the-chicken · 2 years
Also Hori seems to constantly go back and forth in tell about if Endeavor was already gone case from before marriage due to his power hunger or after with no show. Theres no story Endy has either so the constant push of its only power(a justification he gave Muscular as being too far gone as a person) is shallow because if murder is from abuse and mental problems, theres no way you can say someone with inferiority complex or being irrational about wanting power didn't have something go wrong
2. Also this'll sound bad but it falls back to he couldn't handle the pressure of being No 2 is what conclusion can be reached from everything as it stands. Endeavor contrasts to Takami as not very normal. With Takami even with minimum of show and tell, its enough to immediately grasp everything wrong in that family becuase its genuinely so common. With both Kotaro and Enji theres a missing link somewhere to their irrationality and at least with Kotaro we have two reasons- mom and foster care.
3. Horis pretty inconsitent is true. All he wanted were shock value shadowy scenes to say absolute abuse. But theres so many question Whyis Enji home so much? Was Natsu's comment what he really said? Theres also how theres lot of things in the light novel we cant take seriously despite them being some great happy moments milking their abuse because it brings up more questions- Rei made New Years food and everyone ate togteher? How was that possible on the same dinner table if Endeavor was crazy?
1. I think Enji was "predisposed" but at the same time the way the "hero world" is organised facilitated those "predispositions" and turn him into the man he became. But that feels like an interpretation, I wish we had more than guesses. It's, like, we know he felt pressured being No 2 but was the pressure only in his head? Hawks don't feel any pressure to become No 1 at all, in comparison and other heroes aren't shown to be as competitive as Endeavor. Does it mean everything he did is just because his brain is all messed up? But then, why is it so messed up and how did it stop being all messed up? If his thought process and priorities changed then we must be shown how and not only externally but internally too. Otherwise, the change feels shallow and deep at the same time which leaves me confused
2. Kotarou is a bit more clear. He was hurt because his Mom was a hero → he must do everything to prevent his children from becoming like that. His family played along with this idea instead of disputing it until it got too messed up. I think they felt pity for him so they just wouldn't address the fact his trauma makes him act in all the wrong ways. Until he slapped Tenko, that is. And, like, if Tenko's quirk didn't manifest, they could've fixed everything, I think...
It is kind of weird that we see a lot of depth in murderers and terrorists but not family abusers. If Horikoshi is making a point that people have reasons for why they are evil then showcasing those reasons in some crimes but not the others is a questionable approach. Other power-hungry people don't get any backstory either, btw, not High-End, not Muscular. It's just there
Takami family is showcased very nicely, yes. It's obviously clear what is fucked up and their actions are messed up but logical
Not only Hawks, but no one in the Top 10 appears to be overly concerned about the rankings which again makes you think the fuck is wrong with Endeavor
3. Enji is so well organized he got time to stop the record number of villains and to abuse his son every day (and crash any confidence Natsuo had in his cooking)
I didn't read light novels so I can't comment on them but they appear to just be fluffy pieces
Another thing I've been thinking about is how did they have a maid and a private chauffeur and none of them ever noticed their family is fucked up? And if we assume Untenmaru was just purely for work and rarely interacted with the family, he still could've noticed something is wrong with Enji, no? And maid literally was in the same house when Enji screamed at Rei and trained Shouto, how could she not notice? Did Enji gave her a task to keep the kids separated?
Anyway, Enji is obviously rich, couldn't he get a new maid instead of making Fuyumi do the cooking? This has such an "I don't give a shit" vibe, that it's hard to believe Enji didn't intend to neglect them
We are supposed to believe Enji cared for his kids but couldn't express it and ran away but we are never shown him caring for anyone but Touya before his change. Eeee
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loser-writings · 4 years
headcanons on endeavor introducing his male s/o to his family?
Endeavor introducing his Male S/O
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Enji will be EXTREMELY nervous about introducing you to his kids. He wouldn’t introduce you to them until after his battle with the High-End Nomu. That’s when he really is trying to be more open with his family, so one massive step for that is introducing you to them.
Enji would invite you over for dinner with his kids, but you force him to make sure it’s okay with them before agreeing. Hes glad that you reminded him to make sure his kids were comfortable because sometimes he can be selfish and forget that this could make his kids uncomfortable.
You dressed up a bit for the dinner. Nothing crazy like a suit, but just a nice outfit that Enji had told you he liked multiple times. He also doesn’t dress up a lot, but he makes sure he looks a bit nicer than usual. 
To say that they will all be...shocked to meet you is an understatement. They all expected their father to bring home a young woman, not another man since they were oblivious to his Bisexuality. Not to say they are rude about it, just a bit caught off guard. 
Their shocked reaction instantly makes Enji tense. He knows that he hid his sexuality well, but he was trying his best to be open and in a way, this was him coming out to his kids. Unsurprisingly, Fuyumi is the first to react to the situation.
Fuyumi would be extremely welcoming and kind to you which honestly calms Enji down a lot. She sees that he is trying and even if she is afraid of her father, she still cares for him and want to see her family grow closer. She will instantly take your hands in hers, introduce herself, and welcome you to their house. 
Natsuo would be a bit more hesitant compared to her sister and Shoto. He would simply wave and make small talk after introducing himself to you. He is obviously distancing himself, but through the night he will relax. You just have to give him time to warm up to you. 
Shoto is a bit more open to meeting you than Natsuo, but a bit more distant than Fuyumi. He is shocked by his fathers Bisexuality, but it also calms him knowing that his own sexuality would more than likely be accepted. He would shake your hand and introduce himself politely before moving to sit next to his brother.
Fuyumi would pull you into the kitchen with her to help with some last minute things, leaving Shoto and Natsuo with their father. Natsuo would ask about you a bit and Enji would do his best to answer anything they wanted to know. He was caught off guard when Shoto asked how long you both had been dating, since before he went to UA, and about his sexuality. That’s when Enji confessed to his boys that he had known as early as his early twenties, but never really dated.
In the kitchen, You would do your best to help Fuyumi. She instantly liked you since you tried to help out, and you didn’t ignore Enjis’ flaws when she asked about them. You admitted that he could be selfish and stubborn, and could easily be blinded by a goal if not given a reality check. She was glad you didn’t make excuses for his abusive behavior, and openly told you that she hopes that her family will grow closer.
Enji does walk in and can’t help but smile a little seeing you and Fuyumi chatting as if you had known each other for years. He will walk up behind you and press his hand to your lower back, asking what you are doing. As you explain that you have NO clue if you are doing it right, Fuyumi will notice how you both look at each other. It’s genuinely loving and she can’t help but be happy for her dad. 
After you and Fuyumi finished cooking, Everybody sat at the table and started eating. It was originally silent until Fuyumi complimented the food you helped make. You only laugh and shake your head, admitting that it was all her since you had no clue what to do. You both talked, eventually getting Enji to talk too. Natsuo seemed a bit uncomfortable until you asked him how college was going. He admitted that it was hard and that he was struggling a bit, but he was going to finish no matter what. You praised him for his positive attitude which got him to smile a bit.
Then you talked about the Sports festival, praising Shoto for getting second. Especially after the fight with Midoriya. He hummed a bit and mumbled that he could do better, but you stopped him and reminded him that he did amazing. It’s better to focus on what you did instead of what could’ve been.
Once dinner was over, Enji took the dishes to wash them as everybody got ready to leave. Natsuo gave his siblings a hug before smiling at you. He wasn’t ready to hug you, but he did wish you a good night before leaving. When Enji came back and saw Natsuo had left, he sighed but tried not to let his sadness show. You only held his hand to try to cheer him up. When Fuyumi and Shoto were ready to leave, Fuyumi hugged you both and said that she would most likley come by again soon to make sure the house didn’t burn down or something. What surprised all of you was that Shoto hugged you as well. 
You didn’t expect him to warm up to you so fast, so you just hugged him firmly and let him go when he started pulling away. He didn’t say much, but he waved goodbye before the two left. 
When it was just you and Enji, he visibly relaxed. His arm slipped around your waist and he sighed softly. “I think...They like you.” You only grinned before moving to kiss his warm cheek. “Well, Shoto hugged me so that has to mean something!” He chuckled a bit and nodded.
He would notice that you were getting ready to leave, but would stop you. “Spend the night.” It sounded more like a demand than an offer, but you knew what he meant. You would end up falling asleep with him as your personal heater.
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years
Happily Ever After
Shigadabi week day 7
AO3 Link
We won or we think we did When you went away you were just a kid And if you lost it all and you lost it Well, we'll still be there when your war is over
Redeemed / The End / Darkness
It took them three hours to reach their destination. Their driver, a person with an earth-moulding quirk, created a lizard-looking thing and took them to the quiet countryside house. Tanpo remarked about how it looked like Spinner and exclaimed and asked question about everything they passed by. When they arrived, an older woman with white hair was waiting for them at the door. Tanpo was the first one to get out, jumping out of their transport and running towards the woman in joy.
"Grandma Rei!" he screams and hugs the woman.
"Hi, Tanpo," the ice woman greets him, embracing him back. "How have you been?"
"Great! Dad bought me a ukelele, and I've been learning how to play it!" he tells her with a smile.
"That's wonderful, dear," she kisses his forehead and the rest of the family come closer, finally done with the driver.
"Hey Ma,"
"Hello Miss Rei,"
"Good to see you, Oba-chan,"
"Hi Dabi, Tomura, hi, Hiyuri, Did you have a good trip here?" she asks them as they go to the house.
"It was fine, a little bumpy," Dabi tells her as he carries some of the luggage along with Shigaraki. "What about you, ma? The neighbours are treating 'ya okay?" the woman nods.
"They are great. Miss Yuri invited me to her knitting club, and she even offered me a place on her flower stall on the local market," she tells her eldest son. "Do you need help with your suitcases? I prepared the room for you. I hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor. I only had bedrolls,"
"It's alright, Rei-san. We don't mind," Shigaraki says as they place their things on the guest room.
"Oh, Tomura-kun, you don't need to keep the honorific, we are family now," she smiles at the dark overlord, getting another in return.
"Thanks, Rei,"
"Hey, mom, do you think you can handle the two brats for a while? We need to pick up something," Dabi asks as they make their way back to the living room where Hiyuri and Tanpo were.
"Of course, I'll look after them while you take care of your things. But don't take too long, please. You are supposed to be on vacation," the two nod at the woman. "Alright, come Tan-chan, Hiyu-chan, I'm going to teach you how to make moon cakes," she offers her hand to them.
"YAY!" Tanpo cheers and heads to the kitchen with Rei.
"Where are you going?" Hiyuri asks. "Can I go?"
"No, we need you to stay here, we won't take long," Tomura tells the teen.
"But I can help, with whatever it is," she tries to plead with them.
"We need you to stay here, if something happens, you are the only one strong enough to protect them," Dabi reasons with her. "Besides, we came here to visit grandma, spend some time with her, she misses you," the teen sigh and nods.
War broke out not long after the raid. Villains moved to the west side of the country as the heroes held their ground on the east. What was more surprising though was that people soon started choosing sides. The heroes had thought that on the territory the PLF resided was hell on earth. That they were trapped in there like rats, that your life consisted of fighting for survival and living in fear under a crazy and violent regime, but it wasn't the case. On the villains side, there were no quirk regulating-laws, so everyone was able to protect themselves and whoever they wanted. They could leave their lives being whoever they wanted to. Everybody, no matter quirk, race or gender, was the same and were treated like human beings. And soon, word came around of the better living condition and ideals that were on the other side.
People started migrating, leaving the heroes side of the fight.
At first, it was a small amount. To reach the Villains, you needed to go through no-man land, and that could mean suicide if you weren't careful enough. The first instances, the heroes came across were a few low-time criminals and one or two civilians trying to cross to the other side. But after the HPSC declaration of Recruiting, the numbers increased like wildfire.
The Hero Public Safety Commission, after noticing the decrease on heroes the war was producing, released a new recruitment law. All people who had quirks that could be used for battle, would be recruited as soldiers to the end the war with the villains. Those that were of age to fight would receive a small amount of training and would then be taken into the battlefield and those who were too young, had to attend training. The law didn't make the public happy. The heroes weren't thrilled about it either, but there was nothing they could do. They were losing numbers quickly, and they needed help. Calling them heroes was a mistake. Heroes helped people. Heroes brought hope when everything seemed impossible. Heroes were the light that shone on the darkest of times.
But with the war, they spent all their time in the battlefield. There weren't any patrols or agencies or emergencies. Not anymore. And as more recruits came into the scene, the career of professional hero, became nothing.
On the other side, however, people could join the fight if they wanted to. Shigaraki was as strong as an army, but as more and more people started to join their army and fight for their happiness, he only joined when things were dire. Him and the rest of the PLF managed the war as lieutenants and generals and guided the new members of the army in battle. But everything changed when two kids stepped into the game.
Ryori Hiyuri and Tanpo were two siblings, who lived with their heroin addict mother. The woman was away most of the time, either getting high on drugs or selling her body to earn money for more. Thought that was better than when she was home. Their mother had a quirk that gave her the ability to immobilize someone if she touched you. She was easy to anger and would leave them outside on the cold or hit them when they made her mad. Hiyuri took care of her brother most of the time and tried to steer their mother's attention to her. But once the law got approved, she knew it wouldn't take long for the government to take her away. Tanpo was quirkless and just a kid, without her, he would not last long. So, one day, she packed everything they needed and burned the hole in the wall they lived in.
Hiyuri knew the two wouldn't be able to survive on the street along with her brother, and if they found them, they would separate them. It was her job to protect her brother, but she needed somebody to teach her how to do it. And she knew who would be a perfect teacher. The guy who was blamed for their house fire. The man who had the same blue fire quirk as her, Dabi, the cremator of heroes.
It took them four months to reach one of the villain's camp. They were packing everything to leave, but when she tried to sneak them into their trucks, they were found. A parka wearing gremlin found them and took them to his co-commander, saying something about spies and an execution. What a turn of events it ended up being when said Commander was no other but the man she had been looking for so long. The two men in charge started arguing about them, but Hiyuri didn't listen. She interrupted their conversation and demanded the scared man trained them. The two looked at her as if she was crazy. She told them their story and promised to pay the scarred man bak when she was strong enough. She would have done anything to stop being helpless and be able to protect her little brother.
"So you're telling me, you ran away from home, which you burnt down, so I would teach you how to use your quirk, to protect your little brother?" Dabi asks and starts laughing after she nods. "Oh, God, that is priceless!" he says between chuckles and gasps. "Hey, Spikey," he suddenly addresses one of the men loading crates into a van who had purple spikes coming out of him. "Make room in my van, we have two new passengers and get them some food," he orders.
"Am I doing it right, Oba-chan?" the small child asks as he kneed the dough.
"Yes, you are doing it perfectly," Rei tells him. "Now, we need to stretch the dough and place them on our moulds," she says, grabbing a rolling pin from one of her kitchen cabinets. Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door. "Hiyuri, dear, could you go check who it is?" she asks her granddaughter, who had been watching them bake.
"Of course," she agrees and goes to the front door. Remembering her training, she checks who it first through the peep-hole before opening the door. When she does, she sees a tall, muscular man with white hair and grey eyes. Once she identifies the man, she opens the door and gets pulled into a bear hug.
"Hiyuri! I missed you so much! Look at how much you've grown!" the albino cries, making too much noise, which alerts the other people inside the house.
"Uncle Natsuo!" a Tanpo covered in flour screams and dashes towards them, joining their group hug.
"Tanpo, my man! How are you, buddy? Did you miss me?" the older male asks and messes his hair, finally letting them go.
"Natsuo, I'm so happy you came," Rei says when she steps into the room and hugs her other son.
Nobody had been safe from the recruitment law, not even those who mentally couldn't fight. When the Todoroki siblings, those who still lived on the hero side of the country, received the note that said their mother and Fuyumi would have to join the fight, they did the unthinkable. Fuyumi and Shouto made a distraction while Natsuo took their mother to the other side of the country. The two wouldn't have made it very far if it wasn't for a lizard man who recognized them. Spinner took them to the main base, and Dabi gave them a safe place to stay. It was a shock to see the dead brother and son, both albino though they would never see him again. And if they did, they didn't imagine he would have a boyfriend who could level the entire country with a snap of his fingers or kids.
"I wasn't going to, but one of the nurses threatened to neuter me if I didn't take a few days off," the man explains, with an awkward grin. "We are the two love-birds, anyway? Aren't they supposed to be taking a break too?" he asks, looking around and not finding his brother or his in-law.
"They went to take care of something, they should be back in a minute," she tells him and goes back to the kitchen. Tanpo follows behind her, wanting to keep helping her with the moon cakes.
Natsuo leaves to put his stuff in the guest room and when he comes back down, finds Hiyuri looking through the window. The image was certainly nostalgic. He had seen the same thing years ago when Dabi was still Touya, and mom had recently been taken to the hospital. He would find him looking out the window, waiting for her to return.
"You know," he interrupts her inner thoughts and sits near her on the couch. "You remind a lot of your dad when he was younger," he tells her, and she huffs.
"I just want to help them," she admits, avoiding his gaze. "Repay them for what they did for us..."
"Well, that's going to be a problem, since they only want you and your brother to be happy," he says, making her blush. "You know you're more than just an apprentice for them. They're your family. Seeing you happy is enough for them,"
The trip to the main base of the PLF took an entire day. Hiyuri and Tanpo fell asleep on the way there, even if the elder didn't want to. But after weeks of no eating or resting, the warm food and comfy chairs made them drop in an instant. When she woke up, she and Tanpo were in a room with two beds they didn't recognize. She quickly went to the door, to check they weren't trapped, but found something she didn't expect. They were at an apartment, and there was food being prepared for them by the villain Dabi and next to him, the supreme leader, Shigaraki Tomura.
"Good Morning," the scarred man says without turning back to see her. "Wake up your brother, breakfast is ready," he tells her, and she follows.
The two eat the food quietly, glancing between the two males as one finishes cooking, and the other reads the newspaper. When Dabi is finally done with the cooking, he places a plate in front of his boss. The thin male puts down the papers and scan thems as he eats. It must have been quite the sight for him. A twelve-year-old with golden hair and blue eyes asking to be trained along with a brother of six years with the same hair and grey eyes, definitely not something you saw every day. When he is done, he whispers something to his employee and kisses his temple before leaving. That last part almost knocks her out of her chair.
"Listen, brat," he calls her attention. "I'll train you, see if you have potential. But there are a few conditions which are not negotiable. Number one, you both get checked out and into a school,"
"What? Why!?" Hiyuri complains.
"Because if things don't work out and I can't train you, you still have a future. You both need basic education. The second thing, while you are my protegee, you are going to stay here. It might be dangerous to live somewhere else," he explains.
"Alright, when do I start?" she asks.
"Not today, you're dehydrated and hurt. If you want to train, you need to be in top condition. Toga is going to drop clothes for you two. Take a bath, change, and we'll have a doctor check you out," he said and disappeared through another door. The two kids looked at one another and did as they were told.
It took an entire month for the training to start. During that time, the two kids got to know the rest of the league and got closer to the two people who lived with them now. The two males cooked for them and left them their space. They didn't scream at them, they didn't beat them. They even got rid of the first tutor when they found out he sometimes slapped them with a ruler. There was also Toga and Spinner and Mr Compress, who would drop by and babysit them. Even if Hiyuri complained about not needing someone to look after her.
Not even when they started training did they raised their hand at them. Soon enough, the kids began to get comfortable with the two. Dabi wasn't always there, but Tomura was. The supreme leader, who gave pros nightmares, would cook for them (or have somebody do it, since he didn't know how), help them with homework and play videogames with them. He even took care of them when they got the flu.
After a year together, Tanpo was calling them dad. Hiyuri took more time to accept it. But her breaking point was the day Tomura released the ceasefire offer. It was in the form of a video, and it was uploaded to the internet so everyone could watch. In it, he talked about how he was tired of putting others to fight the war, how this would become an endless battle with enormous and pointless casualties, and he didn't want that. What he didn't say though, what only Dabi and their small circle knew was that he didn't want that for them. For Hiyuri and Tanpo.
"Why do I want to do that!?" Shigaraki screamed. "With the Noumus and my followers, we could decimate the heroes in a decade or so! So, why!? Why do I want to stop now!?"
"Because Hiyuri showed signs of joining said fight," Kurogiri, a man with purple mist hair and yellow and blue eyes tells them. "You care about her, and you don't want her to go through the same you went through. She's your daughter. You want what's best for her,"
"Oh god, we adopted two kids," Dabi says, sitting shocked in a chair.
"We are parents now..." Tomura whispers hauntedly.
"When are you two going to stop doing that? This is the millionth time you have that revelation," Spinner says, tired of their shit.
Dabi and Tomura had something they been calling 'parent-crisis' ever since the two kids appeared. The two would suddenly grow quiet and then state they were fathers now, like they didn't know that yet. The first time it happened, after Tanpo had given the two a drawn picture of their family, had been funny. Now that they did it every time, it wasn't as fun.
That day, when the two reached their apartment, and they got greeted with a hug by Tanpo and an aloof 'Hey Dads' by Hiyuri, the two villains felt their hearts beat with a thousand emotions. Pride, love, belonging. They had found a home in each other a long time ago, and now, they had welcomed two new additions into that home, which they wouldn't change for anything. It didn't matter if there were still heroes out there. They were happy, and that was enough to understand that they had won. They had created a world where they could live in. The outcasts of society, their friends and their kids would be happy. They would make sure of that.
"Can you believe this is how our lives ended?" Shigaraki asks his boyfriend as they come back to his mothers house.
"No," he sighs. "But I weirdly don't want to change it," he admits and takes his hand.
Tomura understands. It had been years since they adopted Hiyuri and Tanpo and every moment with them was priceless and memorable. He can't exactly pinpoint when he got so attached to them. But he did. He looks forward to seeing them after his meetings. He loves playing videogames with Hiyuri and listening to Tanpo practise with his music. He loved those kids with every molecule of his body and worried about them 24/7. Toga had called him a mother hen and that he was wrapped around their fingers. So what? She wasn't any better, neither was Dabi.
If somebody had told him years ago that he was going to have his own family, he would have believed they were crazy. But now. As he held a gift, he had bought for his children with his boyfriend outside his mother-in-law's house, he was happy. The happiest he's ever been. He had a family, friends. A place he could call home. He had hope.
The two ex-villains go inside the small house, leaving the gift at the living room, and step into the kitchen. The kitchen is covered in flour as they throw it to each other in some sort of harmless scuffle. You couldn't see much of the white powder in the two albinos head and Tanpo's. But on Hiyura's black hair is hard to miss. The two kids, on their first official father's day with them, dyed their golden hair to black and white. Toga had helped them, and they said they did it to look more like them. It was so touching and moving Dabi cried.
"Dad! Pa!" Tanpo interrupts the play-fight when he notices them. The nine-year-old runs to them, throwing himself at Dabi's arms.
"Hey, careful there smiles," Dabi tells him as he picks him up.
"Did you finished what you had to do? What was it?" Hiyuri asks, coming closer.
"Come, find out. We choose it just for you," Tomura says and guides them to the gift.
Dabi puts Tanpo down, and both get closer to the big crate, covered by a white sheet. Hiyuri is about to put her hand over it, when the case slightly shakes and a small whine and a bark come out of it. Tanpo gasps in excitement and in the blink of an eye, pulls the sheet away and opens the cage. "It's a puppy!" he exclaims, taking the small creature in his hands and then shoving it towards his sister. "Look, Hi-niisan, look!"
The girl approaches the dog with caution, as she does with everything, and the small thing whines and licks the tip of her nose, making her blush. The adults watch the interaction with fond smiles. Dabi places his arms around Tomura and his head on his shoulder and taps his hip three times, signalling he wants the man to read his mind.
Sensei, who was dead in a ditch after an ugly discussion with Tomura, had left him a plethora of different quirks at his disposal. Some he kept, some he gained on his own and some he gave away. Tanpo, for example, was born quirkless, but one day asked him if he could give him a quirk to protect his sister. Tomura gave him a defence one, knowing the calm and gentle nature of his son. It allowed him to grow blue scales on his body that worked like an armour and were heat resistant. Tanpo had loved it, and Spinner started calling him 'dragon partner' since then.
"Not bad for an ending sequence, right?"  he smirks by his side, pulling him closer against his chest.
"A true happy ending,"  Tomura chuckles and kisses the back of his jaw.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
Todoroki’s Relationships Analysis Part 7: Chapter 169-now. Culture Fest, Pro Hero, JTA, MLA & Winter Internship arcs.
Culture Festival Arc
The new, party person post retake arc Shoto
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Shoto’s retake course has helped to change his perspective on things a little, and understand the value of fun a little bit more (which is what this arc is all about)
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He remains critical towards Bakugou here, though Katsuki definitely starts it. 
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Or more accurately, the rest of the school starts it by acting like Class A asked to get attacked by crazy supervillains. Bakugou initially in this scene seems like he’s being a jerk, but he’s actually having one of his moments of kindness and empathy, as he defends his classmates from the rest of the school, and Shoto stops criticizing him once that lands. 
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Shoto spends most of the CF arc hanging around twith this group, whom he mostly gets along with on the level of fairly normal friendship, so there isn’t much to say about these scenes.
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We see Shoto to be the most concerned classmate about Deku’s wellbeing, probably because he’s learned by this point that an unavailable Midoriya probably means he’s breaking his body in two.
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He watches Izuku getting scolded by the teachers.
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And hangs out with Iida during the Culture Fest event itself. (Iida is the universal bro)
Culture Fest Shoto is still fairly quiet, but much more sociable than before. He suggests throwing a big party for the school, which should probably tell you that he’s a very different kid from the start of the year.
Pro Hero Arc
This arc is mostly about Shoto’s relationship with his dad, though we get a quick glimpse of his classmates looking after him when the fight plays on TV.
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Four classmates are specifically watching Shoto. Now, while Kiri and Shoto do have a friendship, Kiri is generally the “glue that holds the class together”, so essentially, he was written to be the kid who always looks after his teammates. The other 3 are Shoto’s 3 main ships: Bakugou, Deku, and Momo. 
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Though just about everyone comes over to him afterwards.
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Included because how can you not.
joint Training Arc
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Sero and Shoto sure have come a long way since “nice try” huh? And yes, Earlyroki is the phrase I want to use too.
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Shoto is focused on watching Yaoyorozu’s fight.
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He showcases some understanding of Momo’s tactical expertise and confidence in her ability to win. He believes that only a total assault on her could have been sufficient to actually defeat Momo. 
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He looks worried for Momo after she loses and states firmly that he “hopes she doesn’t get all discouraged again”, recalling her previous sadness and worrying for her in the future.
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We see a moment of Todoroki and Bakugou being on the same wavelength here, as following the above panel Shoto immediately does just that. 
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Tetsutetsu pushes Todoroki to the point where he has to use way too much firepower. However, his team still loses/ties.
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He has a Deku-like moment and this triggers his actions in the next arc (tears at BabyTodo in the left hand panel.)
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This is his reaction to BlackWhip. He goes over to Deku after the JTA is over and after Deku’s training session with Bakugou and All Might and asks him directly, indicating he thinks Izuku has two powers.
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Clearly, Shoto felt a bit betrayed that Deku asked him to go all out but was apparently holding back himself. I wish we could’ve had Shoto’s thoughts while the whole thing was going on.
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He instantly believes Midoriya and doesn’t think to question this strange development. He compliments him as well, showing that Deku has joined Momo and Kacchan’s ranks as someone Shoto admires. Deku shoots right back at him.
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Shoto, having tied while Deku and Kacchan, his two Official Rivals, both won with a complete knockout, obviously feels like they’ve surpassed him. This is, basically, his equivalent (though less angsty) to Bakugou at the end of the PLE arc, feeling completely surpassed by everyone.
The Joint Training arc sees, to Shoto, his classmates surpassing him, and spurs him to decide and seek out Endeavor as a Utility. We see his admiration for Momo, Kacchan and Izuku on full display.
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Newly minted Licensed heroes Todoroki and Bakugou are here to save the day Together!
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They’re referring to each other as “we” and working together to end the villains.
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Shoto’s showing concern for Kacchan, who as usual takes all concern for his wellbeing as an insult. (and as usual makes everything about Deku. Holy crap, was that really as powerful as the Sports Fest move?!?! They’ll have to bust out some sick animation for that).
Winter Internship Arc (up to present chapter, Chapter 250)
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So Todoroki and Kacchan work together well. Are they friends? What does Shoto think of their relationship? His self-definition is that they get along well.
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Todoroki apparently defines friendship as “spending a lot of time together”. Bakugou objects to this. Todoroki basically calmly insists that they get along anyway.
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Shoto’s motto of heroism here is that he wants “to put others at ease’. We’ve got his manifesto as to heroism laid out here.
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This is funny, yes, but also kinda heartbreaking. Shoto is incredibly awkward in his interview and doesn’t seem to understand that he’s being flirted with. It’s possible he doesn’t have much conception of what romance, flirtation and attraction even are. This is a facet I’d like to see explored more in shipping fics, actually, because any idea of Shoto as some smooth charmer with great flirting skills should be heavily dispelled by this instance.
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Although he’s talking about his dad here, the words could just as easily apply to Midoriya.
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Shoto instantly apologies to Katsuki, taking it as his fault that Bakugou was cut, because he’s not socially adept enough to get that Bakugou’s behavior is inappropriate. While one doesn’t have to, you could take Bakugou’s reply as him relieving Shoto of feeling guilty by telling him it wasn’t his fault. Just in Bakugou-speak.
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Deku’s 3 most popular ships watch him try and conquer his quirk. Or is this in his head?
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Some nervous solidarity between Shoto and Izuku, + bonus Jealous Bakugou.
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ChristmasTodo notices Bakugou feeling down.
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And immediately offers him and Deku internship jobs with the #1. Shoto’s motives her deserve some consideration. He states later on that he sees Endeavor, as far as regards his career as a pro, in a utilitarian manner. He views him as a means to an end for success (outside of their past and family drama, obviously). So Shoto is, essentially, offering Deku and Kacchan the best possible internship opportunity he can, even though it involves asking his old man for a favor. That’s some serious supportive friendship power right there.
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Endeavor complains about having to teach all 3 but Shoto shuts him down quickly.
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He agrees with Bakugou that Endeavor’s dismissive attitude is not what they signed on for or what he promised Kacchan. 
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Todo and Kacchan are again on the same wavelength here and act like they both find Deku’s constant chatter annoying.
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In his big speech to Endeavor, he states that “competing with these guys” before correcting himself and trying to include the rest of his classmates in that estimation. But he ca’t take back that initial impulse. Deku and Kacchan are placed first in his estimation. They are the first ones he thinks of. And both, as well. It’s  very clear that Deku and Kacchan (Twin Stars of class A indeed) changed his life. Thinking about it too...he didn’t immediately use fire after his match with Deku. It wasn’t until he hurt Bakugou by holding back and lost hte match that he really started to change.
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“IN front of my friends”. Shoto again points out that he came her to use Endeavor, regardless of feelings. He insists on being treated the same as Deku and Kacchan, and tells Endeavor not to pretend to be dadlike to him in front of them. This impulse is interesting too. He doesn’t wish to present any kind of lie to these two.
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Shoto pays a lot of attention to Kacchan and actually smiles when Bakugou calls Endeavor’s power a “rip-off” of Bakugou’s own explosion quirk. I guess he likes the chance to insult dear ol dad.
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When Deku and Kacchan are both in a bad mood, Shoto plays supportive cheerleader.
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He’s totally cool with the invitation.
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He shows again some understand of (and criticism of) Deku.
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This is where Todoroki comes to understand that Katsuki knows about his situation with Endeavor. Interestingly enough, while Deku is the one he told, he hasn’t shown any inclination to add more to that knowledge since the Sports Festival. 
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Deku shows some incredible understanding of Shoto’s mind here and supports his decision with Endeav either way. Shoto’s expression is astonished, as if he had never thought of his situation this way before.
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He immediately opens up to Deku and Kacchan about Toya with Fuyumi’s help; once again, both know Shoto’s backstory.
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He also reaches out to get the recipe from Fuyumi to give to Bakugou. Always the caring, considerate friend.
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Presumably she doesn’t thank Bakugou too because he keeps insisting he totally isn’t friends with Shoto. Shoto looks so adorably embarassed here.
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He’s solicited as a study buddy for Deku, and for now (until Friday) this is where we leave them. Jumping forward to save Natsuo.
So this retrospective on Todoroki’s relationships - Todoroki’s relationships only, from his POV alone - was interesting. And very informative, as it changed my perspective on Shoto’s character dynamics a lot. I hope you enjoyed, and let me know if there are any other characters you want me to do a Relationships retrospective on in the future.
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proherostories · 4 years
A Ridiculous Notion
WC - 1327
Archive Warnings - Rated T & Choose not to use Archive Warnings.
TW - Blood & Injury
Pairing - DabiHawks
Summary - Dabi’s lips were pulled tight and he crouched, going quiet and thoughtful. How funny that the first time he would touch Hawks’ skin was because the dumbass had gotten hurt.
Notes - Written for "#writersmonth2020" from tumblr
Day 5 Prompt = Soulmates
Written for "#writersmonth2020" from THIS POST
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Ending up a vigilante was never something Dabi had anticipated. Then again, who did? Sure there were some kids who grew up wanting to become a vigilante because they didn’t like the ‘hero-villain’ aspect, and would prefer following the grey road.
Dabi didn’t have a problem with that. He helped people like that, actually. Why not, since he was right here doing the same thing? It helped a lot that he had contacts in the police department.
The difficult part was avoiding the Hero Commission. The ones who tried to shut people like him down because he didn’t ‘fit the mold’. 
Fuck the mold.
Unfortunately, that also meant they tried sending people under their thumb to track him down. 
Unfortunately, that meant meeting with Hawks, the one and only number two hero.
They’d crossed paths three months ago, and it felt like he wasn’t able to shake him ever since. Something felt off. It was as if there was a magnet pulling them together. As cliche and vomit-inducing that was, it was true. It pissed him off, and he had plenty of arguments with the goddamn bird, but none of them got physical. They never touched. Closest was ever three feet apart.
Recently, however...something was changing. It started when the arguments turned into more playful banter seemingly without either of them noticing. That had been around two months. Now Hawks was more quiet than usual; it freaked him out a little, but Dabi found it easier to talk to lost kids and angry teenagers than it was to the stupid bird. 
Feelings. His own were closely guarded and he could tell so were Hawks’. Even if a begrudging understanding was formed, they were both terrible at it. Dabi even more so since leaving the Todoroki household. He could be ‘Touya’ for family holidays to make Fuyumi and Natsuo happy, but he hated running into his father.
Grunting, leaning back against the brick wall, he turned his head up to the starless sky above the alleyway. He’d been busy, trying to keep unfortunate souls off the street so they didn’t get in trouble with the Hero society. All he wanted was to reduce the amount of people going through what he’d gone through. He couldn’t save everyone, he knew that going into this, but he could find satisfaction in helping those he was able to. 
A feather floated in front of his face, nearly making him cross-eyed as he snapped back and suddenly focused on it. There was a soft, warm laugh and he looked over after snatching the dumb feather out of the air. Hawks’ breath hitched and he narrowed his eyes at him. It wasn’t the first time he’d grabbed an offending red feather, but the way Hawks leaned against the opposite wall had him frowning. “What’s the matter with you, birdie?”
“Ah...nothing.” Hawks was off one foot, but it wasn’t casual. Dabi had been around the block, he could tell he was favoring that side. His hands were dug into his pockets, and Dabi came over to him, lips thin as he raked his eyes up and down the other. “Why are you looking at me like that? I’m not-” he froze when Dabi got in his face, golden eyes widening. He sucked in a breath and because he was so close, Dabi noticed the grimace as tiny of a movement it was.
“You’re not fine, stupid bird. Where are you hurt?” He reached for his coat, though didn’t force it open in case he aggravated whatever injury there was.
Hawks smacked his hand away, leather gloves loud against flesh, “It’s not like you care so why are you trying?”
What Dabi was taken aback by was the venom in his voice and he blinked slowly at him. “What makes you assume I don’t care? You know what I do. I do exactly what you do, just in a different way. We’ve had this talk before.”
Hawks’ feathers ruffled and he seemed to shrink in on himself, digging his hands deeper into his pockets and hunching his shoulders up, “I’ve met a couple of people you helped. One of them works at a convenience store I frequent.”
Dabi arched a brow at him, “Yet you don’t want my help.”
“You don’t need to, hotshot. It’s not necessary.”
Dabi rolled his eyes and grabbed at his coat regardless, pushing it aside and he grunted at the sight of the blood by his hip. “Not necessary my ass. This is fresh.”
“Yeah ‘cause-” Hawks was cut off as Dabi pressed his hand against it, moving the torn flight suit to look at the gash closer, forcing him to move his arms to give him more room, “-I pulled it open while flying.”
Dabi’s lips were pulled tight and he crouched, going quiet and thoughtful. How funny that the first time he would touch Hawks’ skin was because the dumbass had gotten hurt. A tingling warmth as if his Quirk was activating crawled up his arm and he froze. Suddenly, his heart was pounding and it was hard to keep his breathing even.
He’d heard about this while out and around among the people. A ridiculous notion, but it had key factors to it. Soulmates. Now he was thinking about it and taking all of his encounters with Hawks into account…
Swearing softly, his eyes flicked up and blue met gold. “I know you carry a first aid kit in your pockets.” He reached into one of his own and pulled out his own, “Sit your ass down and take your jacket off.”
“Unless you want me naked I can’t take off my suit.” Hawks snorted but did as he was told, getting a matching kit from the cargo pants pocket. He used his jacket as a cushion to sit on, leaving his entire upper body basically bare.
There was a throb through his body and Dabi let a long breath out, “It doesn’t matter. Just your jacket, and kept your arms out of the way.” Grunting as he got down, he opened both boxes and went about cleaning it of the blood and whatever could’ve been in the gash. Once ointment and gauze was on, he started on the wrappings, “You better go straight home after this, birdy. No crazy stunts, twists or turns. This needs to heal or your precious Hero work will be affected, so think about calling tomorrow off, too.”
“How’d you even know I was hurt?” he clicked his tongue.
“When you leaned against the wall, it wasn’t your casual cockiness. You were favoring this side and didn’t look normal.”
Hawks snorted, “Oh? What’s normal?”
“A pinched expression, like you were wincing but keeping your face neutral. I know a mask when I see one. Takes one to know one, after all.” He fought the reflex to lift his lips at Hawks’ bark of laughter. “Stay still.”
“S-Sorry,” he kept the shaking of his body to a minimum, “So you’re admitting you keep things locked away, too, yeah?”
“I’m not going to get all touchy-feely with you in an alleyway, birdy.”
“No need to, hotshot.” He shook his head, “It’s just...nice to know. Another time, maybe.”
Dabi rolled his eyes and finished up, pinning the bandages together so they wouldn’t move, “Sure, whatever you say.” He bore into him with his intense gaze, “Don’t be so stupid and maybe it’ll happen.” Maybe it was realizing they were soulmates, but Dabi genuinely felt ill seeing Hawks covered in blood. “Be more careful.”
“Yes mom.” Hawks winced openly when Dabi smacked him upside the head, “Sorry, sorry. No need to abuse me.” He was perceptive enough to watch Dabi freeze up and his face went icy. The Hero’s throat bobbed, “Hey...I didn’t mean it.”
A deep breath through his nose and out his mouth, “I know. Another time, maybe.”
This time Hawks smirked, expression softer than Dabi’d seen it before, “Maybe.”
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holdmyowos · 4 years
Todoroki Family Reunion
A story about Dabi before he revealed himself to Endeavor.
There are two bad words so keep that in mind. Mild violence and action.
It was nearly Christmas. Fresh snow littered the ground around the houses, with little flakes of snow flittering downwards to join it's brethren on the earth.
Dabi stood outside the Todoroki household. Or, at least, where he thought the Todoroki's lived. He hadn't kept track of the family very well. Why should he? He hadn't thought he'd ever be paying them a visit, that's for sure. Not that he cared much about them. He had heard that Enji hardly ever was home, even during Christmas. That would make this reunion a lot easier.
"Come on Dabi! Hurry up. You promised me you would do this," Toga whined. Dabi rolled his eyes. "Uh, yea, with a knife at my throat... seriously Toga, sometimes you are a bit more than crazy. Besides, my social life is none of your business. How did you drag me here again?" The blond just gave him a wide smile. "You need to talk with them. It isn't their fault for what your dad did." Dad. The word sent chills down Dabi's spine. "My fath-..." He couldn't even bring himself to say that word. "Endeavor is no family to me. We both made that painfully clear the night I left that godforsaken house." He was lost in thought, of another time and another place. "Snap out of it or else I'll knock on the door myself." Toga backed into the shadows in front of the home, hiding herself from view.
He exhaled, his breath forming icy crystals in the air. It reminded him of his mom, and her ice quirk. In the freezing cold, he softly knocked on the door. A few seconds passed. Dabi turned around, starting to leave. "Oh well. Looks like they aren't here. Too bad guess we-" "Nuh-unh! Knock harder!" Toga shoved him back to the door. He sighed, and knocked harder. Another few seconds ticked by.  Dabi shuffled his  feet in the snow. He started feeling some anxiety. What if this was the wrong house? He didn't exactly have the best reputation. What if a hero lived here and saw him, the infamous Dabi from the League of Villains? Or worse, if Enji really was there?
The door opened and revealed a boy. He was a tall, teenage boy, with his hair split down the middle, two different colors. He had a burn down around one of his eyes. "Anything I can help you wi-?" The boy stared down at Dabi, noticing his burnt skin and tattered clothes. "It's a choice, kid," Dabi said, acknowledging his gaze. "Anyway, wrong address." Dabi turned around to leave, and Toga sighed from the shadows. A male voice behind the boy called out. "Who was that at the door?" Dabi kept walking away. "No one. Wrong address." The teen started closing the door. "Shoto? Natsuo? What's going on?" Dabi stopped in his tracks. That was his sister's voice, and his brother's name. He turned around, and knocked on the door again. Shoto, was that his name? He being there had thrown Dabi off, and he was surprised that even hero students got Christmas break. They had a few run ins with each other, but it was obvious that Shoto had not recognized him. Also, Dabi had never connected the strong U.A. student with his little brother, Enji's 'chosen child'. The more he thought about it, the more sense it had made. If he was a U.A. student, did that mean Shoto was trying to follow in Enji's footsteps? Dabi took a step away from the door. This family had him feeling all kinds of conflicted emotions. He decided he was going to leave when the door swung open.
Fuyumi come out of the door this time. "Let me guess, still wrong address?" She joked. "Still trying to decide," Dabi responded truthfully. Toga gave Dabi a thumbs up. "You seem familiar. Were we classmates or something?" Fuyumi questioned, tilting her head. "Something like that," Dabi replied, shivering. The young woman gasped. Dabi was sure she had figured out who he was, but he was wrong. "Where are my manners making you stand out there in the cold? Come on in." She stood aside for him to pass, motioning her hands for him to go inside. Reluctantly, he passed the threshold. Natsuo entered the room. "Excuse me, I have to borrow my sister here." He gave an apologetic smile towards Dabi, walking ushering her out of the room. As she was going, she called, "Please sit down, when I get back I'll have some tea for you!"
Dabi looked around. What a big, fancy, rich house. He couldn't  believe he used to live somewhere like this. The two in the other room started talking. Dabi overheard their 'private' conversation. "Fuyumi, what are you doing? You can't just go letting homeless people into our house! He'll steal stuff, and then he won't leave!" Dabi snickered. He didn't look that bad, did he? "I think he's a friend from elementary school," she replied. "Look, guys like him spell trouble for people like us. I know it's near Christmas, but really?" He stomped away angrily.
Dabi bent down and looked at a photo on an ornate dresser. It was the whole Todoroki family, all smiling. Enji, Mom, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Shoto, and Toya Todoroki. That was from a long time ago. Dabi pointed to Toya. His hair color was different back then. How things had changed. Why did he care? That whole photo was staged. Enji would have never allowed Shoto near the rest of the family.
Fuyumi entered the room with a tray of tea, looking slightly more wary of Dabi than before. "That's our older brother, Toya," she said, sadness filling her voice. "What happened to him?" Dabi had to ask. "One day he just... left. He was tired of... of the way our father treated us." She lowered her volume. "I think my father and him may have fought and, well, honestly Natsuo thinks... he thinks father may have burned him to death. And to be honest, I wouldn't put it past him. I mean if you were my childhood friend, I'm sure you already knew that. Anyway, such a bad thing to talk about with my guest! What brings you here?" "Umm..." Dabi struggled for a reason. "Just wondering..." Shoto walked in the room. Dabi's heart started pounding. Shoto looked at Dabi as if observing him, from head to toe. Hopefully, he won't recognize me, Dabi thought. "What ever happened to Mom?" Shoto tilted his head. "Who's mom?" He inquired. "O-oh your mom. That's her in the picture, right?" Dabi regretted coming here. They would find out who he was, and who he'd become, and hate him. Damn Toga!
"What did you say your name was again?" Shoto asked , catching on. "Actually, I never said." Dabi snapped back, standing up and spilling the tea Fuyumi had brought. "And I think I will be going now." The tension in the room was high. "Wait. I think I do know you." Shoto grabbed Dabi's arm in a quick action, knocking over the family picture, scattering glass all over the carpet. "Natsuo! He's with the villains! Help!" He shouted. Crap. He started trying to freeze Dabi in place, but Dabi jumped away from Shoto just in time. "What's got in on? Shoto why are you attacking him? He hasn't done anything wrong! Quit it he's my guest!" Fuyumi grabbed her brother Shoto, hugging him tight so he couldn't use his powers without accidentally getting her too. He apparently didn't have to hurt her, and used his ice powers anyway, shooting ice from his fingertips, freezing Dabi's leg. Natsuo showed up. There were too many people here. In a panic, Dabi shouted, "Toga!" And shot flames from his fingertips, melting the ice. Suddenly, the world was still. Everyone was silent. Except for Shoto, who was struggling against Fuyumi. She must have been really strong to keep that boy at bay. "What's wrong with you? He's a villain! He's Dabi, and he work with Toga, and Tomura Shigaraki, and the rest of the League of Villains! Don't just stand there Natsuo, help me!" He shouted. Instead, Natsuo helped Fuyumi restrain Shoto. Dabi backed away, towards the door. Blue flames still danced on his fingertips. "Back off, Shoto. Don't you know who that is? Look at his quirk for heaven's sake! His burns!"
Shoto's eyes widened in understanding, and he stopped wrestling with his siblings. Fuyumi reached out to Dabi and held his burnt arm. "T-Toya? I-is- could it possibly truly be you? What happened?" Dabi shrugged her hand off. "Enji made me like this. You thought he killed me? Well, he only killed the good half. The proof is written in my skin." Dabi opened the door, fire blazing around him, little bursts of blue anger and sadness, and slammed the door shut. "Come on Toga, let's get out of here." Dabi took off down the alleyway, happy for the snow, the small flakes cooling himself off. When Dabi was a safe distance from the house, he waited for Toga to catch up. "So, maybe not the best family reunion, but you tried, right?" Dabi walked by her side silently. Yea, I tried.
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chocochar · 5 years
ᴍʏ ɪᴅᴏʟ ʙᴏʏꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ | ɪᴅᴏʟ!ꜱʜᴏᴜᴛᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | Part 1
Part 2: TBA
(AN: I'm excited af to do this, and yet I've never written for Shouto before and I don't know how well this will do. XD But here we are! 
Quick Notes:
Everyone is 3 years older than canon, so like Shouto, Izuku, etc are all 18, Natsuo is 22, Fuyumi is 26-27, etc.
This is a no quirks AU.
(F/n) = First name
(L/n) = Last name
(C/n) = Cousin's name
With almost every chapter I'm going to include fake tweets or texts/DMs that the characters make during the chapters. Just mentioning this so they don't seem out of place, I thought it'd be an interesting idea... (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ
I think that's it, so let's jump in, yeah? (๑´ω`๑) )
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[(F/n)'s POV]
        It's a day that, for the most part, is like any other. I wake up at around 10 AM, shower, and get dressed before having something for breakfast and sitting on my couch. Living in a small apartment not too far from my college my walls hold pictures of me and my friends and family, some shelves with things I like to decorate my little home with, and posters of my favorite shows as well as my favorite idol group: DYNAMITE.
        In this day and age Japanese and Korean idol groups are the big things people talk about; social media is flooded with posts and profiles dedicated to these celebrities, from the girl groups to the boys. The top two, though, are undeniably H3R0 and DYNAMITE. While I'm a huge fan of the latter most of my friends and my cousin are big into H3R0. Given the groups rivalry we've discussed which is better and who would win in a 'singing and dance battle' between the two, that's supposedly been rumored about, but I've always tried to stay out of arguments involving which is better. Sometimes it's unavoidable, but most of the time I escape the situation.
        Not saying I don't like H3R0, they've got great music and the members are all gorgeous, I mean I follow them all on Twitter, I just prefer DYNAMITE. Checking my phone and Twitter I see the three boys of H3R0 all posted within the last hour, talking about their concert tonight... 
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        ...Which I'm being dragged to. By (C/n). Having today and tomorrow off of work at my family's restaurant and currently on a break from school I was going to relax the days away, probably be glued to my laptop or TV, but last night she decided to call me begging I go with her tonight.
        "(F/n), pleeeeeeaaaasssse!! Suki fell through and Erika has work, please come with me!!"
        "Why me? You know I'm more of a DYNAMITE fan, plus I don't know how I feel being your last resort," I replied, in the middle of making dinner.
        "I'll give you all my DYNAMITE stuff if you do! And you were my first thought but obviously I didn't ask you right away since, y'know, you being a fan of their enemies and all," she said, and I nearly told her no, but then again staying home for 2 straight days might get a little lonely... And I wanted that merch.
        Checking the time after a couple of hours watching TV and playing around on my phone I see it's after 1 and knowing she'll be here around 4 to get me so we can get there early I stand with a groan and go to do any makeup I feel like doing as well as brushing my hair.
        By the time (C/n) shows up I'm all ready and I comment,"I thought you said 4, it's only 3:15."
        "Well it doesn't hurt to get there as early as possible! I want as much merch as I can get," she replies, crossing her arms. I grab my jacket and follow her out, replying,"They're not going to run out of merch just because we're behind a few dozen people."
        The drive there is as expected, busy and we get in nearly two accidents because she's driving like a crazy person. Parking she almost doesn't wait for me as she runs to get in line, the two of us getting a decent spot at least right before the mobs show up. Looking around I feel awkward; so many excited and screaming people, I feel sort of out of place knowing I'm like an enemy invading their territory. I scratch the back of my head looking up at the large screens on the outside of the venue, the trio all displayed with their names and their group's title in front of them. The place is huge, and even as they start filing us in after an hour and a half of waiting it still feels crowded; I get my foot stepped on her bumped into more than once, and I hold my phone and wallet tightly in my jacket pockets not knowing who might try to take them.
        "Okay, (F/n), what do you want?" (C/n) asks me once we reach the stands to buy merch and I look at everything provided. All in all, I really don't know what to get, but shrugging I figure a t-shirt won't hurt. Telling the woman behind the table she nods, takes my money, then grabs the one I want and hands it to me. "That's all you want?" my cousin asks, to which I nod.
        "Well I gotta save room for the DYNAMITE stuff you promised me," I remind her with a 'sweet' smile, and she averts her eyes, mumbling while pouting her lips something like,"Psh, lame..." before getting everything she wants (which I get stuck helping her hold, how does she have this much money?!) then we leave to go find our seats.
        The place is packed, again I feel way out of place here, and even as they start doing a countdown the boys coming out I stay quiet while the stadium fills with thousands of voices counting down. (C/n) and I aren't too far from the stage, hell we're in the third row in the front of it! I wonder how much she paid for these... Suddenly everyone stands and starts screaming so I jump to my feet and look up to watch as one by one the boys come running out. First is Izuku, waving his hands and holding the big, sweet grin everyone adores; next to come out is Iida, also waving his hand, who comes across as the middle man of the group, a bright personality but still fairly level headed and bookish; last is Shouto walking out smiling, who I've always thought was the best looking of the trio. He's won a lot of fans over with his more reserved, blunt attitude, a lot considering him so mature for his age. They're all dressed in outfits that, while different, still go together with Izuku in a green shirt with no sleeves, Iida in a long sleeved white shirt, and Shouto in a black hoodie over a blue shirt, all wearing black jeans and different types of sneakers.
        "Hey everybody, how're you all doing tonight?!" Izuku exclaims, the fans cheering in excitement.
        "Are you all ready?" Iida follows, the crowd somehow getting even louder and I cover my ears as Shouto adds,"I can't hear you, are you guys ready?" while pointing out to the crowd. I keep my ears covered over the piercing cries and I watch as the boys all shout,"Let's go!!"
        The concert starts, and while it's not the one I would normally want to go to the boys are pretty good! Their moves and voices in sync, I clap after every song and even sing along a bit when they do one I like or have heard over a dozen times thanks to (C/n) or my friends. The one I'm most mesmerized by is Shouto, his melodic voice enrapturing me as well as the smoothness of his dance moves, my eyes hardly leave him for more than a few moments when one of the other two is singing or taking center stage. If I was as big into this group as everyone else here I'm sure I'd be one of his thousands of fan-girls.
        As it seems to get closer to the end I say to (C/n),"Hey I'll be back, I'm going to go look for a bathroom!"
        Managing to squirm my way out of the masses of people I'm almost to the exit when suddenly people start rushing down the aisles as the boy's come down to the front rows to give hugs and high five or touch the hands of the fans, a barrier and the 'guards' being set up around the ground floor rows so the people in seats higher up can't come pouring down to crowd the trio more than they already are. I start getting pushed around, squished, but I push on until I find an exit and I rush out of it. It's not like the other exit doors, and I see a few doors lining the wall. When I walk further down I start to get confused, mumbling,"Uh... Where did I..." I don't see anyone, the stage crews and security all out making sure the boys aren't getting mobbed, and I freeze when I reach stairs to my right... leading up to the stage. My eyes widen, and I'm about to turn around and run out when the music ends and the boys are back on saying their thank yous.
        "We're so lucky to have fans like you! Seeing all your faces here tonight..."
        "... it makes us feel fantastic! If it weren't for all of you..."
        ".... We wouldn't be here, so..."
        "Thank you everyone!" They call out in unison, waving as screams erupt in the large room. I jolt when hearing someone coming and looking around I quickly duck into the nearest room. It looks like a dressing room... "Oh no..." I don't have time to dwell on that as I shut the door just as I hear the boys exiting the stage and I run to the couch against the opposite wall. Hopping behind it I hide and cover my mouth, waiting. I can hear my heart beating in my ears so loudly, which makes it difficult to hear if anyone is coming. When the door opens the noisy organ jumps into my throat and I hope I wasn't noticed slipping in. If I'm caught I have no idea what they'll do, and I also have no idea how to get out of here!! The person steps in and shuts the door; it's silent for a moment, and I almost wonder what he's doing.
        "I know someone else is in here, come out before I get security." 
        'Oh hell no, is that...?!' I think immediately, gulping. Do I get out or risk him going to get security?? Is that really Shouto?! Did he see me??! When I don't come out, being too lost in my panic to think straight, he sighs and I hear his feet shift as he adds,"Fine, have it your way."
        "W-Wait!" I exclaim, popping up from my hiding spot holding out my hand with a frantic expression. "Please, I swear I wasn't trying to sneak into any of your rooms!!"
        He looks surprised at first, like he wasn't expecting me to just show myself, before he grows immediately suspicious while looking ready to run out the moment I even move. "Then what were you doing here? How did you even get past security?"
        I scratch the back of my head and can't seem to find the words. Being in the presence of one of the biggest idol stars in Japan right now, it's a weird feeling, like I feel smaller than normal while also a bit anxious. Although that's mostly from being caught unintentionally sneaking into his dressing room. But I can see now is not the time to hesitate so holding up my hands to show I'm not holding a weapon or anything I reply,"Uh, well, you see, there wasn't anyone in the hall, I think they all either went elsewhere or were keeping you guys safe when you left the stage. B-But again, it wasn't my intention at all to sneak in here, I was only looking for a bathroom but the crowds basically forced me through the door leading here! I mean you can frisk me right now, I don't even have my phone on me!!" 
        His eyes narrow as he watches me, probably looking for any sign I'm lying, but fortunately he seems to loosen the stiffness of his body a bit as he says,"... Alright, I'll believe you." Letting out a sigh of relief I didn't realize I was holding I climb over the couch and I get a better look at him; He looks pretty exhausted, which I'm not surprised by, but his eyes don't look at bright like they normally do in pictures and interviews. I don't think much of it, maybe he's just really tired from the concert, but I do still feel bad for him. He's still watching me, and smiling at him I try to be as friendly as I can.
        "Sorry again about this, I'm sure you were pretty startled! Ummm... Oh, here, do you have a pen?" When he provides me with one I ask for his hand and I write down an address on the back of it, Shouto looking puzzled. "As repayment for giving you a scare that's the address of my family's restaurant. The place isn't very well known and small, but the food is 5 stars! If you and your group ever want a good meal come over and I'll treat you guys!... Even though I'm sure this is nothing for you guys, huh?" I nearly forget I'm still holding his hand and letting go my face heats up with embarrassment and I take a step back, scratching my cheek. "A-Anyways, uh... Can you help me sneak outta here? I don't really want to get busted and arrested..."
        He's quiet for a minute staring at his hand before he meets my eyes with his own heterochromia and nods. "Sure, let me look before we go out," he tells me, stepping past me and opening the door to see if anyone is outside. I sneak up behind him and peek out too, able to see a few people out there talking; one or two look like stage hands and security, while the other 3 are a chubby, sweet looking woman who looks quite a bit like Izuku, a rather muscled blonde man whose hair is slicked back, a man with black hair who looks a bit like Iida, and another muscled man with short, messy red hair and a beard and mustache. Shutting it he runs his hand through his red and white locks and faces me, saying,"Unfortunately, I think they're discussing some things with our managers so we'll have to wait until they leave."
        "Well... what about you go and distract them while I sneak out like a ninja?" I ask, somewhat joking although he cocks a brow. "Sorry, um, so what about that?"
        "I could try but they'll most likely only tell me to get some rest and brush me off," he admits, turning and walking over to his couch while slipping his jacket off. I rub my neck trying to think of something else but nothing comes to mind and I follow him, plopping down next to him. "They should only be there a few minutes."
        "Well then I hope you don't mind me sticking around until they leave," I say, smiling at him although awkwardness immediately settles around us. For a few moments I chew my lip trying to come up with some way to break the ice, and turning to face him I see he's on his phone. He doesn't seem too stiff like me, I'm sure he's realized by now I'm not a threat although I'm pretty sure he's not thrilled having a stranger in his room when he's supposed to be changing and relaxing, I'm guessing. So to make it at least a smidge less awkward I say,"So, uh, my name is (F/n) (L/n), although it's a really weird situation it's nice to meet you." 
        He looks at me before nodding, locking his phone and replying,"You too, I'm actually pretty glad it wasn't someone trying to steal my things or take my picture again. That's happened way too many times to count." He shakes his head, before asking,"You seem pretty calm, though. Have you done this before?"
        "Me? No, no this is my first time even being in the same room as someone famous. I guess..." I hum, trying to think about why I'm not freaking out over sitting next to a celebrity. Even though inwardly I'm still a little shocked by all of this. "I guess it's cause you seem pretty normal to me? Like you're a big idol, you've got millions of fans worldwide, I won't lie I am kinda starstruck, but I can tell you're a regular guy under all that spotlight." I go pink after saying this and I laugh, adding,"That was cheesy, huh?"
        He stares at me before turning his head away and giving a soft, tired looking smile as he says,"No, it's the first time I've heard something like that, thank you." He turns his head to look at me again, the smile gone but he adds,"You seem pretty nice, (L/n)-san."
        "Really? Thanks, I'm glad you think so," I grin, resting my chin on my palms and deciding to continue the conversation  we start chatting, asking each other different questions like our hobbies or silly stuff like that. I decide to ask,"So, how is showbiz like?" and I catch the way his face falls and he looks away, me now regretting asking since it seems personal.
        While he doesn't outright say it, I can tell he's not keen on talking about it, his words sounding like they hide bitterness underneath as he explains,"It's... Fine. It seems glamorous on the outside, but it isn't all like that. While having so many fans and making so many friends of big names is nice sometimes it feels a little lonely, that and all the lessons and the little rest some of us get wears us out when we have big shows like this." I feel sympathy for him hearing this; it sounds like he's been through or seen the darker side of the red carpet life, and now I wonder if that's why his eyes look a little lifeless. "Sometimes some of us just want to run away from it..."
        I watch him stare at the floor after mumbling this, sounding like he was talking to himself there. 
        "So, why don't you?" I ask. It seems to catch him off guard and he looks back up at me surprised.
        I shrug and cross one of my leg over the other as I sit back, continuing,"Why don't you try to leave, or at least go on a break for a bit to get yourself in order? If you're an adult, even if you're on a contract, if you're wiped out you need to take some time for yourself. Granted I don't live in your world so I'm pretty sure it's not that easy, but maybe you or whoever is to that point, you just need to think of your own needs for a change."
        He stares at me speechless, eyes wide and his lips slightly parted. I'm guessing he's never been told that before. Noticing it's been at least 10 minutes it feels like, I stand and walk over to the door, peeking out and telling him in a whisper,"Oh, they're gone! C'mon, my cousin is probably waiting." He seems lost in thought so I walk over and poke his forehead, his heterochromia orbs blinking as he focuses on me. "You said you'd help me out, remember?"
        "Oh, right," he says, standing and following me to the door. He steps out, nobody luckily nearby or looking as he hurries me out. We take another way out where no one can see us, and it leads outside. Taking in the fresh air once out the door I face him, the night air causing a chill throughout my body as I hope my cousin didn't forget my jacket, phone, and t-shirt.
        "Thanks Shouto, and again, sorry for all that but it was nice meeting you," I say, getting ready to leave but I freeze when he grabs my hand. Looking at him I'm confused, seeing he has something on his mind.
        "Did you really mean what you said earlier, about doing what's better for yourself? Even if it means leaving?" He asks, leaving me more puzzled since he still seems stuck on this. He can't really be thinking about running away right?
        "Y-Yeah, I meant it all," I reply, tilting my head. I slip my hand out of his grip and start to walk away, calling back,"You should probably get inside before someone sees you, and remember to come visit the restaurant sometime!" With that I hurry and run off to find (C/n), glancing back to find he's gone back inside.
        I thought that was going to be the only encounter with the idol, so if you told me I'd run into him again a few hours later when he shows up at my family's restaurant as they're closing up looking for me I wouldn't believe you. Getting a call as I'm laying on my couch watching TV I'm confused about why my mom is calling me this late and answering I ask,"Hello? What is it mom?"
        "(F/n), sorry if I woke you up, but there's a young man here looking for you. He said he's your friend, I think his name was Shou... Shouta... Something like that," she tells me. I sit up right away, wide eyed and my phone nearly falling out of my hand. What the hell- I meant to visit when it's in the day time, when I'm actually there! But it sounds like it's just him...?
        "Mom, I'll be there soon," I say as I quickly get my shoes and jacket on and grab my keys as well as my wallet. Hanging up and essential items in my pockets I hurry out of my apartment.
        Getting there by taxi I rush in and look to find my mom talking to someone, who I can only guess is Shouto. He's wearing the hood of his jacket up, a beanie to hide his hair, and sunglasses. A bag rests on the floor beside him and when my mom looks at me he does too, my expression one of confusion and shock as he stands and takes off his sunglasses; he meets my eyes and lifting his bag onto his shoulder he walks up to me and says,"I know this is strange, but... I felt like you could help me."
        "... Huh?"
        "I took your advice, and I ran away."
        ".... Huh?!"
(AN: THAT WAS SO MUCH TO WRITE. And it wasn't even supposed to be this long, I just couldn't stop writing... (〃 ̄ω ̄〃)ゞ 
Sorry about how long it is, later chapters won't be over 10 pages... Unless you guys prefer that?? But I hope you guys enjoy it, I'm going to try to regularly update it every few days or once a week, I guess the more response it gets the sooner the updates? 
Also I am looking for ideas for future chapters, since I'm planning some chapters dedicated to cute moments between (F/n) and Shouto along with the main story so if you have any ideas feel free to leave them in the comments! Hope you like it, let me know if you did?)
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Season Two
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Season One Review Here.
Here we go again! Those crazy kids, will they ever confess their feelings for each other?
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HISTORY: Love is war! The first one to admit love is seen as weak and is thus deemed the loser in this fight. That reigns true in the minds of student body president Miyuki Shirogane and student body vice president Kaguya Shinomiya. Both of them are mad for one another, they just won’t admit it. So, Miyuki and Kaguya play mind games with one another to see if they can make the other crumble. In a war with many wins and losses, who will be the first one to admit their feelings for the other?
SEASON TWO: While the mind games are still happening, it seems like they’re going towards a cuter case (at least when it comes to Kaguya). Yes, she still covers her tracks so she comes out looking cool as a cucumber, but inside she’s a mess. We start the season off with Kaguya wanting to celebrate Miyuki’s birthday. It’s just that Miyuki is stubborn about celebrating his own birthday or even receiving gifts (due to his upbringing). And then we add a few more road-blocks to this story with the addition of new members of the student body.
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Then we end this memorable era of the student council as new members are set to take place with an election. Despite the sad atmosphere with remembering all the fun stuff that occurred last season, everyone will be coming back to their old positions for the upcoming school year. I mean, this was the third episode! It would be a real cock-tease if everyone left their positions this early in the season.
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NEW CHARACTER: Let’s enter the Student Council Election arc! With the disbanding of the previous student council, it’s time for the students to choose their next president, vice president, etc. Miyuki was skeptical about continuing his reign as president, but he’s going to run for a second term. While Miyuki is still popular, a first-year student is ready to take him down. In comes Miko Iino! She’s seen as a sticler for the rules. Even when she’s in the student council, she doesn’t waste time scolding every member (except Chika) about minor imperfections. Here’s what you might recognize her from.
*Miko is played by Miyu Tomita (known for Crim on Interspecies Reviewers)
LICENSING: This anime is licensed by Aniplex of America (just like season one) and is EXCLUSIVELY streamed only on FUNimation. I wouldn’t be so pissy about this if sites like Crunchyroll and Hulu hadn’t already streamed the first season from the start, but FUNimation and Sony want to keep the series all to themselves. The company’s a monster!
THE DUB: Holy crap, the unthinkable has happened and FUNimation has scrounged up an English dub to this series. But only for this season! What the shit is going on? Is it like when Crunchyroll and FUNimation shared the anime Free! for a while? Why is it only this season that’s being dubbed? Well anyways, if you’ve read my thoughts on season one, you’ll know that I had “strong” feelings towards this getting a dub. Meaning, the narrator had to be voiced by R. Bruce Elliott! Well…they did voice the narrator with someone from Space Dandy. I just didn’t expect it to be voiced by Space Dandy himself! In short, Ian Sinclair is voicing the narrator and I am okay with this. He’s no R. Bruce Elliott, but Ian Sinclair is friggin’ awesome. I actually think the dub is really good from what I’ve heard so far. There’s only a few episodes available at this date and time, but make your own decisions here. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
ENGLISH CAST: *Kaguya is played by Alexis Tipton (known for Honey on Space Dandy, Lala on To Love Ru, Iris on Fire Force, Mizuki on Baka and Test, Aoba on Keijo!!!!!!!!, Hana on Prison School, and Saya on Blood-C)
*Miyuki is played by Aaron Dismuke (known for Al on FMA, Hiro on Fruits Basket, Kakeru on Fruits Basket 2019, Van on Escaflowne [redub], Marx on Black Clover, and You on Deadman Wonderland)
*Chika is played by Jad Saxton (known for Charla on Fairy Tail, Hana on Fruits Basket 2019, Koneko on High School DxD, Dorothy on Black Clover, Tamaki on Fire Force, Megumi on Food Wars, and Chika on Love Live Sunshine)
*Ishigami is played by Austin Tindle (known for Accelerator on Index/Railgun, Kaneki on Tokyo Ghoul, Karma on Assassination Classroom, Marco on Attack on Titan, Natsuo on Domestic Girlfriend, and Sunakawa on My Love Story)
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SHIPPING PART II: Ooh boy, we’ve got some extra cute moments between Kaguya and Miyuki this season. From Kaguya giving a slice of cake to Miyuki for his birthday to the star-gazing moment where Miyuki grabs Kaguya and things get a little too close for comfort, this season was getting a little hot and heavy! Although, we didn’t get another moment with sick Kaguya this season! And it becomes increasingly clear to both characters that it’s getting harder and harder to put up that façade in front of one another. In the case of Kaguya, she ends up going to the emergency room only to learn that her “heart condition” is just the love for the president.
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Even though we don’t get any kind of love confession this season, we do get some choice moments like Kaguya becoming friends with Miyuki on LINE, Kaguya’s run-in with Miyuki’s father, and of course that awkward position in a locked room between the two star-crossed lovers. You know what I’m talking about, the misunderstanding position. Literally every high school anime has this happen at one point!
MUSIC: So…no cute ending theme like Chika’s from last season? Crabapples!
Aside from that, the first time I heard DADDY, DADDY DO, I was a little skeptical on the visuals they chose to match the music. Thankfully, that only lasted for two episodes at the most and the rest of the time I’m dancing around to this catchy theme.
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And while I’m on the subject of music, has anyone else noticed the amount of 80s music references that was shown throughout the season? Maybe I’m just stuck on that episode where Kaguya is trying to vogue like Madonna.
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FUNNIEST MOMENT: Underwear and man-whores! So much misunderstanding it was too much for me to contain my laughs.
ENDING: The last couple of episodes revolve around the school sport’s festival. Surprisingly, we get a fair amount of time dedicated to long-time holdout Ishigami. He ended up doing something quite surprising by joining the cheer squad and was willing to participate by dressing in drag for a skit. I find Ishigami made a cute girl. Then, we get some cute Miyuki x Kaguya shenanigans when Miyuki’s father visits the sports festival.
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So the episode before the second season finale, we get a full episode dedicated to Ishigami. In episodes prior to this one, we were getting a taste of what’s up with our favorite gamer. There was talk of Ishigami being a violent psychopath in middle school with the way the faceless rumormill has been talking. Apparently when Ishigami was in middle school, he would frequently talk to this girl in his class. But then this girl gets a boyfriend! That wouldn’t bug Ishigami until he overheard that boyfriend cheating on this girl. It does get worse with what this scumbag tries to do. And that’s when Ishigami beat the crap out of him!
Unfortunately for Ishigami, his class and the girl walked in when he was pummeling the shit out of this dude. And so the truth gets warped! Especially when dude starts lying by saying Ishigami did this because he was jealous of their relationship. Because of the altercation, Ishigami was suspended from school for a time, had to see a councilor, and was forced to write a letter of apology to the jerk he beat up. That last one, he was unable to do so. If you were in his shoes, you wouldn’t write an apology letter either, you’d write a note that simply says...
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“Go to hell, Dumbass”!
Amazingly, those are the exact words Miyuki told Ishigami to say to that jerk. Miyuki was the first person to open up to Ishigami after this incident. Despite the harsh time Ishigami had in middle school, after starting high school he learned who his real friends are, both from the student council and the cheer squad. I really should state that I was happy to see Ishigami get an episode revolved around him. He was introduced only half-way into season one and felt like he didn’t make that big of an impact with me. Ishigami this season stood out a lot more and I was very satisfied with the results.
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Now in the final episode, Kaguya lost something dear to her. Her phone! Let me explain. She was given a flip-phone when she was 5 years old to only be used for emergencies. Kaguya really didn’t use her camera until she was in the student council and these photos are pretty special to her. So imagine her shock and horror when it falls off the school building and being told that she can’t retrieve her photos. Just as well, she had an obsolete flip-phone. Even me, with my retro media collection, I don’t own one of those! But now that Kaguya has joined the rest of society with a brand-new smart phone, she was able to join LINE and all of her friends shared with her the photos they took during those special moments Kaguya thought were going to be lost to her forever.
In the final segment, it wasn’t really anything romantic-driven. It was just another game brought on by Chika. Basically they all took turns blowing up a balloon until it pops. Or, an anime version to the Spongebob Squarepants episode, “Wet Painters” where Patrick blows a giant paint bubble. And leave it to Chika to inadvertently blow up the balloon by doing something you wouldn’t expect. It blew up, blew everyone and the school away while DADDY DADDY DO plays in the background.
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We end with Kaguya and Miyuki standing up together and the narrator assuring us that the war of love is not over.
I love this series, I truly do. I just feel like the way these stories were set up, I feel as though the first season should have ended with the 3rd episode of the second season. Don’t get me wrong, I do like the ending to the first season with the firework episode. It’s just that this particular episode gave us the end of the student council, Kaguya actually called Miyuki by his first name, and with Miyuki announcing his candidcy for president again, it opens up for more to look forward to with season two. But that’s just my thought on the matter. I’m sure this was the setup in the manga, but in the 12 episode dynamic with the anime feels weird. And same can be said about having the Ishigami episode right before the season finale. I’m glad this story was told, I just wish it was placed better in the 12 episode anime season setup.
Despite my tiny gripes there, I enjoyed this season very much. There’s definitely been a lot of development between Miyuki and Kaguya this season with some overused tropes and surprising moments no one expected. I can honestly say I didn’t expect Miyuki to take Kaguya by the shoulders as he talks about stars and constellations. Although, I did expect Miyuki to freak the fuck out sometime afterward because he thought he acted like a dork. But we get the main duo get a little closer with certain moments like the star-gazing episode, Miyuki’s birthday, and Miyuki adding Kaguya to LINE. So it once again leaves us on the hopes of a season three. Unfortunately at this date and time, no word on that happening! So maybe I should go on and read one of the 15+ volumes of the manga.
If you would like to watch the second season of Kaguya-sama it seems like the only one that has it available is FUNimation, with the English dub airing once a week. But if you would like to watch the first season, Crunchyroll and Hulu have it available for streaming.
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whydoesfireburn · 5 years
Chapter Five  Why Does Fire Burn? Local Boys Gay AF
I should probably add links to the other chapters, but I don’t know how to do that. I can spell or have proper grammar for shit, but I want you to enjoy
“Hey, Midoriya!” Shoto called running after the green-haired boy after school got out.
    “Oh, hi Yukitomo,” Midoriya said, turning to look at him, “Do you need something?”
    “Um,” Shoto felt his checks turn pinkish. In case anyone would have asked, he had no plan.
    “I was wondering,” he said slowly, “If you, um... I wanted to know if you wanted to... train with me sometime?”
    “Oh, you mean like to get ready for the Sports Festival?” Midoriya asked. When they got back to school after the USJ attack, it had been told to them the annual UA Sports Festival was going to take place soon and that they should prepare for it.
    “Um yeah,” Shoto said, “Yeah, I thought we could train for the festival.”
    “That’s a great idea!” Midoriya said happily. Shoto felt his heartbeat quicken. Could this mean he would be alone, with Midoriya for an extended period?
    “And we could invent a few others too,” Midoriya said. Well, scratch that plan.
    “Oh, yeah, that sounds good,” Shoto said, looking to the side a little bummed.
    “Great! I’ll talk to Iida and Uraraka,” Midoriya said, “And you can invite Yaoyorozu and Yoarashi. Your friends with them, right?”
    “Yes, I am,” Shoto said. It was still weird for him to say that he had friends. Before, there were only his siblings and Shiki.
    “Okay then,” Midoriya said, “I’ll text you tonight, so we can plan it. Sound good?”
    “Sure,” Shoto said, still a little disappointed.
    “Great, um, here’s my number,” Midoriya said, after scribbling something down, tearing a strip of paper off the top of the blank page, and hand it to Shoto. When the white-haired boy looked at it, he saw a phone number and a smiley face written in Midoriya, slightly messy handwriting.
    “I’ll talk to you tonight,” Midoriya said before waving goodbye. Shoto watched him leave and looked down at the number again. He had Midoriya’s number. There was a tiny voice in the back of his head that screamed, yes!
    He carefully placed the paper in his pocket. As he walked out of the school, he saw a familiar flash of bright white. Gekko was trailing him. When Shoto first saw her in the morning, she had seemed mad, as if she was upset, Shoto didn’t listen to her. But now she was much happier. On the train ride, he texted Yoarashi and Yaoyorozu in the group chat that Yoarashi had made.
Rich, Loud, Soba Group Chat: 
Chaotic Soba: Hey, remember when you told me I should just talk to Midoriya if I like being around him?
Chaotic Loud: YEs!!!
Neutral Rich: Yes, we remember.
Chaotic Soba: Well, I did.
Chaotic Loud: AND!?!?
Chaotic Soba: Is your cap lock always on?
Chaotic Loud: Basically
Chaotic Loud: There, I use small letters? ARE YOU HAPPY??
Chaotic Soba: I’m never happy
Neutral Rich: You were saying?
Chaotic Soba: It backfired entirely, and now I have to ask if you two wanna train with me, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida.
Chaotic Loud: Sure!!!
Neutral Rich: Sound fun, I’ll go.
Neutral Rich: And I’m sorry talking to Midoriya didn’t work out well.
Chaotic Soba: It’s okay.
Chaotic Loud: I’m just happy you are out of DE NILE
Chaotic Loud: *Denile. Sorry about that.
Chaotic Soba: How could I not admit it when you badgered me ever six minutes about.
Chaotic Loud: OWO
Chaotic Soba: There is one good thing, though.
Neutral Rich: What is it?
Chaotic Soba: I got his number.
Chaotic Loud: *LOUD CHEERING*
Chaotic Loud: THAT Is AWESOME!!!
Chaotic Soba: Yeah.
Neutral Rich: Now, what do you plan to do with it?
Chaotic Soba: No clue.
Chaotic Loud: OH!! We could help you!!!
Chaotic Soba: Noo
Chaotic Loud: Why Not?!?
Read at 5:45.
Chaotic Soba has left the chat.
Chaotic Loud: Did he just leave us on read?!
Neutral Rich: I think it’s more he left you on read.
Chaotic Soba: She’s right
Chaotic Loud: Hey!!! D:<
Read 5:47.
Chaotic Soba has left the chat.
Chaotic Loud: Jerk.
Dabi slumped against the door of the apartment. He was greeted by the sound of the TV and dinner cooking. He was so fucking drained. Hawks and Mirko coming to the shop and having it posted it on his socials things, did help bring people in. A lot of people.
    Dabi was now booked thru the next three months, which was good, but gods he was tired. The raven-haired man slipped out of his shoes and hung up his jacket on the post. 
    When he walked father into the apartment, he found Fuyumi making udon because she always claimed they ate too much soba, and Shoto and Natsuo were in the living room doing homework and sorta watching the news.
    Dabi walked up to Fuyumi in the kitchen as she was chopping up vegetables. Slowly he pulled out an envelope and set it next to her. Fuyumi stopped what she was doing and opened it. Her jaw dropped when she saw the contents. She pulled the money out carefully and counted it even more thoroughly. Then she counted two more times, just to be sure. She looked at Dabi.
    “I’d told you I’d figure it out, didn’t I?” he asked, placing a hand on his sister’s shoulder. Fuyumi looked down again and then back up to her brother. She looked ready to cry tears of relief, but she didn’t. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Dabi's neck and hugged him.
    Dabi pulled his sister close to him and buried his face in her hair. For the first time in months, he wasn’t worried about finances or bills. For once, both he and Fuyumi could take a moment and just breath. They were going to be okay, for now.
    When pulled away from each other, Dabi asked, “You think it’s enough?”
    “It’s more than enough,” Fuyumi said, “At least for a good while.”
    “And this isn’t even the best part,” Dabi said.
    “What’s the best part?” Fuyumi asked.
    “I got promoted at the record store,” he said, “Which means more pay.”
    Fuyumi covered her mouth with her hand. She was quiet for a minute before she pulled her hand away from her mouth and smiled. Then she was laughing.
    “Oh my goodness,” she said, looking so relieved.
    “You know what we should do?” Dabi asked, “You and I should go out tonight.”
    Fuyumi looked at him like he was crazy, “And do what?” she laughed.
    “Drink, dance, something if not anything,” he said.
    “We don’t drink, Dabi,” she said.
    “Coercion, you don’t drink, I do.”
    “Dabi,” Fuyumi said, giving her brother a look.
    “Come on, Yumi,” Dabi said, “We don’t go out, ever. We save money. We save, and save, and saved, even on rainy days. Let’s go out, be twenty-somethings. Just once, then we never have to do it again.”
    Fuyumi looked down, shaking her head and smiling. She looked back up at her brother. She smiled, “Fine, after dinner, we’ll go out.”
    “Yes!” he said, throwing his hands, “That’s what I’m talking about!”
    Fuyumi shook her head the shooed her brother out of the kitchen so she could cook.
The club was darkish with pink and red lights everywhere. There was some weird music playing that neither Dabi or Fuyumi recognized. They sat at the bar, Dabi drinking Jack Daniels, and Fuyumi had club soda.
    Dabi just finished his third drink when he turned to Fuyumi and slurred, “Isn’t this great?”
    “Oh yeah,” the white-haired girl said, “Loud music, the smell of cigarettes, obnoxious people everywhere. It’s great.”
    “Come on, Yumi,” Dabi said.
    “What?” she asked, looking at him, “Oh gods, are you drunk?”
    “No!” he said. He didn’t seem to notice that right then, he had been messing with his sister’s hair the way a cat uses its paws played with a string of dangling yarn.
    “Really?” Fuyumi asked, raising an eyebrow, moving brother’s hand away from her head. “Why do you drink? You know you’re a lightweight.”
    “I’m not a fucking lightweight!” he exclaimed.
    “Mhm, okay,” Fuyumi said, rolling her eyes.
    Dabi shook his head. They left a little while later and went to a different place, this time a bar. It was calmer than the club. Much quieter. They got a table area towards the back, per Fuyumi’s request.
Dabi got another drink, even though Fuyumi told him not to. Although she did preck up a bit when Toxice came on and she and Dabi all but screamed it. After a little bit when they had been sorta dancing for a bit, (it had really been Dabi spinning Fuyumi in circles), Dabi said, “I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you going?” she asked, laughing a little because she was dizzy from Dabi spinning her around for minutes on end.
“Nowhere, I’ll be back.
“You better not get another drink,” she said.
“I’m not,” he cried, “And even if I was, it’s no big deal.”
“Your Quirk makes you crazy when you drink!” Fuyumi yelled at him over the music, “Fire and alcohol don’t mix!”
“I’m fine,” he said, turning around.
“You better not been smoking!” she yelled.
“I’m not!” he called, not turn back to look at her. He was lying.
Dabi used to smoke a pack every two days, but when Fuyumi found out, she threw an absolute fit. Dabi had never seen her so angry. She yelled about how he was setting a bad example for Shoto and Natsuo, and how he was gonna get lung cancer. She made him swear to quite. And for the most part, Dabi did. But every now and then he would sneak one or two.
When he stumbled out into the street, he was met with cold night air, which sobered him up a little, not a lot but still. The noise coming from inside the bar could yet be heard, but it was muffled. There were two other guys smoking. Dabi pulled out his pack, but he stopped. Even when his brain was muddled with liquor, a nagging voice said he knew that he shouldn’t, for his sister’s sake, at least. Besides, there was no doubt Fuyumi would smell it on him. So he crushed the pack in his hand and set on fire. He let the box fall to the ground and stopped it with the heel of his boot.
The raven-haired man huffed. He decided to get one more drink. Yeah, his sister told him not too, but she would be too upset over that. But when Dabi got to the bar, he caved and got water. He cussed at himself. Fuyumi was lucky he loved her so much. He took the water and drank it in one gulp.
He was about to go find his sister when a voice called out, “Hey! Guy with the tattoos!”
Dabi turned around, looking for the voice called out for him. Then his eyes landed on messy ash-blond hair and warm brown eyes. It was the wing hero.
Well, this should be good.
“Hey,” Dabi said, trying very hard not to come off as too hammered.
“Hey yourself,” the shorter man said, smiling. He smelled like whiskey and fried chicken.
“What are you doing here?” Hawks asked after a minute.
“I’m with my sister,” Dabi said, pointing to the other end of the bar, very clumsy like, “She’s over in the corner.”
Hawks moved his head, try to see if he could spot where Dabi pointed. The raven-haired man turned to look to, only to see his sister talking to Miruko. Just then, Fuyumi looked up and waved. Dabi waved back.
“I see Rumi has taken an interest,” Hawks said, running a hand through his hair, laughing a bit. Dabi looked back to him. Maybe it was all the alcohol in his system, but Hawks looked really good. Like his face looked good in the bar’s crap lighting. His clothes hugged his body well too.
Before Dabi could overthink it, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped and turned to see his sister and the other pro hero.
“Hey,” Fuyumi said, “I think I wanna head back home,” she said, quietly.
“Okay,” Dabi said, nodding, “We’ll go home.”
“Oh man,” Hawks, most likely without thinking, seeing as the next thing he did was cover his mouth and say, “Oh fuck was that out loud?”
“Yeah, it was,” Miruko said.
Fuyumi whispered very quietly to Dabi, “If you want to stay, you can.”
“I don’t want you walking home by yourself,” Dabi said. That may have seemed a bit overprotective, but they weren’t in the safest area right now. Even if Dabi was as drunk as he was, if he walked home with his sister, few people were going to give them problems.
“Hey, wait,” Miroku said, “I could walk your sister home,” she said, placing her hands on her hips.
“Why the hell would I let you do that?” Dabi asked.
“Oh come on,” Miruko said, “I’m a Pro fucking hero. I’m more than capable of walking your sister home. Besides, I’m not as drunk as you.”
“You’ve had three White Russians since we got here,” Hawks said. The taller of the two pros hit him in the stomach with the back of her hand and shot him a glare, and Hawks fell quiet.
“Dabi, I’ll be fine,” Fuyumi said, resting her hand on his shoulder, “You need a break, you should get it. I promise it will be fine.”
Dabi chewed on his lower lip before asking, “Are you sure?”
“Mhhm,” Fuyumi said, nodding, “I’ll be okay.”
It took some time, but finally, Dabi agreed. Miruko was still gonna walk her home, stating she had the morning shift, and she should really head home herself.
Dabi gave his sister a quick hug, “I’m glad we spent some time having fun together.”
“Me too,” Fuyumi said to let him go, “Next time, let’s just do something that doesn’t get you sloshed.”
“Okay,” the taller man said, smiling at her.
“Make safe choices,” Fuyumi begged, walking towards the door.
“No,” he said back.
“Don’t drink and fly bird brain,” Miruko said as she followed Fuyumi out. Hawks turned back to Dabi and said, “So um, you wanna stick around here?”
“Not really,” Dabi said, “I mean, I don’t wanna go home, but it’s kinda lame here.
“So, um,” Hawks said, “I got alcohol back home, good stuff, been saving it. Do you wanna, I don’t know, go there?”
Dabi usually would have said no, but his brain was clouded with whiskey. In his mind, what could go wrong going home in a way, way, above average looking guy and drinking some more? Well, a lot, but he wasn’t thinking.
“Lead the way,” he said.
Fuyumi had to bite her tongue,, trying not to laugh at the hero walking next to her. Miruko wasn’t overly drunk, but she was at the very least tipsy.
The whole thing was a bit strange. Fuyumi didn’t go out much with Dabi, they really didn’t have the option, and it was even rarer for her to be with people outside work and her family. Honestly, she would be fine if she didn’t go out at all.
“So,” the rabbit hero said, her words slurring a bit, “What's your brother’s deal?”
“What do you mean?” Fuyumi asked.
“Well, when me and birdie were getting our tattoos, he seemed to be I don’t know.”
“He’s just focused when it comes to work,” Fuyumi said, pulling her sweatshirt tighter around her. Fuyumi was dressed in jeans and a white shirt with roses on the front. At one point in the night, Dabi had thrown his hoodie on her shoulders. Fuyumi looked back to the other woman walking next to her.
“So, where's your place?” the taller of the two asked.
“It’s that building there.”
Soon Fuyumi found herself in front of the apartment door. She didn’t see the lights on through the windows, so she guessed Shoto and Natsuo were asleep.
“Um, thanks for walking with me,” Fuyumi said, turning to look at the other white-haired woman.
“Hey, no problem,” Miruko said, giggling a little, “Oh, hey, have this,” she dug around in her pocket for a minute, then pulled out a small card and handed it to Fuyumi.
Fuyumi adjusted her glasses to look at the card. It was white and had purple accents. It read:
                                        Rabbit Hero: Miruko
                                           Rumi Usagiyama
                                 Phone Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX
“It’s my info,” the Pro hero said, “Hit me up if you need help, or if you need someone to go out with. You seem like someone who desperately needs to go out more.”
Fuyumi bit on the inside of her cheek and looked down at the ground.
“In any case,” Miruko said, “I gotta get going.”
“Do you need me to call you a cab?” Fuyumi asked, seeing as the other was still reasonably buzzed.
“Nah, I’m good,” Miruko assured her.
“Well, goodnight,” Fuyumi said.
“Night,” Miruko said as she walked down the stairs back to the street.
Fuyumi didn’t go inside right away. Instead, she stood in front of the door looking out over the neighborhood. Everyone was tucked into bed fast asleep. All the lights turned off, except for the few street lamps. It was calm and quiet. This place was always quiet, that’s why Dabi picked.
A quiet place for the family to grow together.
Fuyumi then sighed and walked into the apartment. When she walked into the kitchen, she saw that Natsuo had been there seeing the leftover crumbs on the table and counter. She shook her head, she cleans it in the morning.
Fuyumi was about to head to her room when she felt the need to check on her brothers. It was a bad habit both she and Dabi both had. She pecked her head in to see Natsuo had fallen asleep studying again. A smiled pressed her lips as she went to pull the textbook out of his hands and place the blanket over him. Fuyumi left the room, the sound of Natsuo light snores following her as she checked on Shoto.
When she walked into her baby brother’s room, Fyumi saw one of Shoto’s arms was dangling over the side of the bed, his phone still clutched in his hand. She walked in and placed Shoto’s arm back, and went to plug his phone in. As soon as it was started charging, Fuyumi saw a message form Shiki pop up.
Shiki: Call me if you want advice.
Now Fuyumi wasn’t going swipe, or snoop, or even ask questions, but that didn’t stop her from wondering as she walked to her room. Shoto was always questioning Shiki’s judgment, why would he be asking for her advice?
Keigo had to thank Rumi so much when he saw her again. It was her idea to go out tonight, and she most definitely didn’t have work tomorrow. She clearly left him alone with the hot tattoo artist, so he could try to get something.
Keigo’s original plan was to go back to the tattoo parlor and get more ink work, but seeing the place was booked thru the next three months thanks to him, that wasn’t the best plan.
But it worked out, seeing as he was on his way back home with the raven-haired man in question. Dabi was quiet most of the way, sometimes tripping over his own feet. He wondered if it was a good idea to be drinking with this guy, but he wasn’t backing out now.
When they reached the door, Keigo struggled to dig his keys out, his mind still pretty hazy from the bar. He didn’t drink often, but when he did, he was not the most put-together person.
“Come on in,” Keigo said, pushing the door open. The place was nice, but the wing hero tried his damnedest not to make it too nice. He didn’t want to come off like he was trying to shove things in people’s faces, but at the same time, he wanted his place to look presentable. It was big though, Keigo couldn’t do anything to help that, nor did he really want to.
Dabi shrugged off his jacket and took his shoes off before going any farther, and Keigo went and got the alcohol.
“You can have a seat in the living room,” the ash-blond said.
“Okay,” Dabi nodded, flopping down on the dark brown sofa. Keigo brought the bottle and two glasses over and set them on the coffee table. First, the winged hero poured himself a drink, then he handed the bottle to Dabi.
The tattoo artist poured himself a generous glass and began to drink. He let out a hiss and looked at his glass.
“That’s some strong shit,” Dabi said.
“Yeah, it is, but it’s good.”
They made small talk for a bit. They both drank about two more glasses, when Keigo’s eyes fell around Dabi’s collarbone/neck area, right where his tattoos began. 
“My eyes are up here,” Dabi said, snapping the ash-blond out of his trace.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
“Wanna see em’?” Dabi asked casually. Keigo’s head shot up to look at other men.
“What?” he asked stupidly.
“Wanna see em’?” Dabi repeated. Naturally, Keigo was left without words. Was this guy for real gonna take off his shirt to show him his tattoo? In the end, he chalked it up to Dabi being drunk. But at the same time, Hawks wasn’t the soberest either. He might have said no if he was thinking clearly.
Finally, the wing hero nodded. Dabi grabbed his drink, drain of its contents, and lost his shirt.
“Woah,” Keigo whispered under his breath. Dabi’s tattoos were insane. His eyes didn’t know where to start looking. He stared with the raven-haired man's arms. At the top of his left shoulder, curling around and going down the middle of his bicep was a dragon. It was in traditional Japanese style and was light blue and white, with small flames coming from its mouth. The going from there to his elbow were waves with water lilies and small colorful koi fish jumping up and swinging against the current. Then from there to his wrist were clouds, and coming from them was a beautiful flurry of snowflakes on one side and rain on the other. There was a gold compass with the needle pointing north on top of his hand.
Then on his right shoulder, there was another dragon spiraling to the middle of his biceps again; only this one was red and looked angrier, with blue flame coming from its mouth. Then downward, there was a red oni mask on the inside of his arm and a small turtle on the outside. Then below that, there was the kanji for safety, peace, healing, family going down the inside of his forearm, and a tiger on the outside of it. And on the top of his right hand was a lion’s head, looking sharp and proud.
Without thinking, Keigo dragged his fingers down the side of Dabi’s arm. His skin was warm, like burning hot, and Dabi shivered a bit when Keigo touched him, but he didn’t say anything.
Then Keigo moved on to looked at Dabi’s chest. On the left side of his chest on his collarbone, was a silver chain, and then it hung down a bit and went up to connect to the other end by his shoulder. Then the chain dropped down to about his waist, and at the end of the chain was a pocket watch. The time was set to 12 o’clock, but Keigo was having trouble looking at the date on the bottom of the clock.
Over Dabi's heat was a list of names followed by a date, then a flower. The first was the name Rei, followed by a date, and the flower was a lilly-looking one. Then it was the name Fuyumi, the date December 6, and then a narcissus flower. After that was the name Natsuo, July 1, and larkspur. The last name on the was Shoto, January 11, preceded by a carnation flower. There was still room for more names, so most of that part of his chest was uncovered.
Dabi’s other pec had a beautifully detailed Calavera over it. Behind the skull was blue, and whitish colored flames dancing up towards his collarbone. Around the bottom of his neck was a rope of rose flowers and vines wrapping around. It was done so that if that when Dabi wore a  shirt, it would mostly be covered. Starting at the base of his neck by the rose tattoo, down the black-haired man thorax, stopping right about two inches from his navel, was a detail katana sword. It was done so well that it looked like there was a reflection of fire in the metal.
After that, Keigo looked down. On the left side of Dabi’s mid-section, there was a much bigger tattoo. It was a phoenix perched on a sarkar branch. It went all the way down to the waistband of his pants. It was so detailed, it looked like it was going to come off of Dabi’s skin and fall away. On the other side of his midriff, there were two more tattoos. The one closest to his navel was a heart, like an actual human heart. There was a hand above it, and it looked like his heart was dangling for marionette strings. On the inside of the heart were stitching. The last tattoo was in a circle shape. Inside was the circle was a crystal blue lake, an island looking mountain. At the bottom of the ring were the words “Thanks for the Memories,.”
Keigo pressed his palm gently against the last one. They had been sitting in silence for a long time. Finally, Keigo said, “They’re all beautiful.”
Dabi just hummed in agreement.
“Did you do any of them?” Keigo asked.
“My forearms and hands,” Dabi said, “And the ones on my legs and thighs. A friend did the rest of them.”
“Can I see them?”
“Take me to dinner first,” Dabi slurred.
“Hell, yes,” the ash-blond muttered quietly. Neither of the two of them seemed to notice that Keigo was all but lying on top of Dabi. Dabi’s hand was running threw Keigo’s hair in a prolonged matter. Keigo kept his eyes trained on the ink work in front of him, scared of saying something stupid.
“You know,” Keigo said, still not looking up at the other man, “I wanted to go back to your shop to get another tattoo, but you're all booked up.”
“Well, that all your fucking fault,” Dabi said.
“That was mean.”
“I am mean.”
“I don’t you think you are,” Keigo said, resting his hand on Dabi's neck.
“Hm,” Dabi said, “Maybe, after-hours sometime I could fit you in. If the price is right.”
“Done,” Keigo said. They stayed like that for a while. It was almost like the most peaceful moment they both hand in a long time.
And then things got kicked up a knock.
When Dabi woke up, he had the world's biggest hangover. His head felt like hammered were banging against his skull. There was a ringing in his ear and a small voice in his head telling him that Fuyumi told him so.
He was surprised that his alarm didn’t wake him up. In fact, it was a few minutes until he realized he wasn’t in his bed. The sheets and blankets were too soft and nice to be his bed. 
Dabi forced himself to set himself up. He blinked a few times and looked around. He was in a nice bedroom. The walls were a warm shade of red, and there were large black and white photos of some forest someplace.
Dabi looked at the nightstand next to him. There was a glass of water and two aspirin with a note that read: Drink me! :)
“What is this,” Dabi muttered to himself, “Alices in fucking Wonderland?”
Regardless Dabi grabbed the two pills and swallowed them with the water. It was like magic because his head was because of increasing less bad.
Then Dabi realized he was only in boxers. And that these boxers weren’t his.
Fuck! What did he do last night?
He rubbed his head and tried to think. He went home, told Fuyumi about his rise, and went drinking for the first time in a year and a half. Then things got fuzzy. He ran into Hawks, the Winged hero. Fuyumi left with Miruko. Dabi went to Hawks apartment, well he calls it more of a penthouse. They drank, Dabi took off his shirt, oh boy, that meant he had a lot in him. Then he and Hawks talked. What else happened?
Then he remembered.
He remembered they did, things. Not sex, but things. He also remembered that he didn’t kiss the guy either, that stuck out in his mind.
“Fuck,” Dabi ground, flopping back on the bed. After that, if Dabi remembered correctly, the hero gave him a new pair of boxers, and they both went to bed. 
Dabi ran his hand over his face. Then he jumped out of bed and began looking for his clothes. Then there was a voice.
“Your clothes are on the chair over there.”
Dabi looked up to see Hawks standing in the doorway. His ash-blond hair was a bit messier than normal. He was only jeans and a simple black t-shirt.
Dabi didn’t say anything. He just walked over to the chair and started getting his clothes on. After a minute, Dabi looked up to see the hero was still watching him. He bit his lip, unsure what to say. Then he asked, “Do you know where my phones it?
“Your phone?” Hawks asked. His face looked a little worried at the idea of Dabi having his phone. Dabi said, “What’s wrong? Afraid I’ll tell everyone the number three heroes gay?”
“First off,” Hawks said, “I’m bi, so jot that down.”
“I’m bi, too, so.”
“Oh,” Hawks said. Finally, Dabi stood up and saw his phone on the dresser. He grabbed it and slipped it in his pocket.
“So um,” Hawks said, “I was wondering…”
“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to, like, I don’t know, go do something. Like dinner, or maybe a movie.”
Dabi was taken aback a bit. He thought about it. A small part of him said, no. This was a bad idea, this was a way to get caught. But another part of him told him that a hot guy was asking him out.
“I’m free next week on Thursday.”
Hawks looked up surprised. “Really?”
“Hell yeah,” Dabi said, “You said you take me out anyway.”
“Um,” Hawks said, “Okay, yeah.”
“Here my number,” Dabi said, handing the ash-blond a piece of paper. 
“I’ll call you,” Hawks said.
“I plan on it,” Dabi said, as he headed out the door.
When Dabi walked into the threshold of his own apartment, Fuyumi was waiting with her hands on her hips, looking pissed. Dabi groaned inward.
“And just where in this green and glorious earth have you been?” she asked.
“Places,” he said, trying to walk around his sister.
“Bullshit,” she said.
“Don’t you, Yumi me,” she snapped, “Do you know how worried I was?”
“I am a grown man,” Dabi said, “I can take care of myself.”
“You’re a grown man who becomes a toddler when he drinks,” Fuyumi said, crossing her arms.
“I wasn’t that bad last night,” he said. His sister let out a huff.
“Where were you?” she asked again calmer.
Dabi sighed, “I went to a guy's house,” he admitted.
“I’m sorry.”
“Do all your working brain cells leave when I do?” she asked.
Fuyumi let out another groan and shook her head.
“Cheer up, sis,” He said, “Now I have a hot date.”
“Oh, yes, that makes me feel so much better.”
Shoto waited for Shiki to answer her phone. He was heading to training with Midoriya and the others, but he needed to talk to her first. Shiki, the closest human being Shoto could call a childhood friend, was currently studying in the US, training as a basketball protege. She left right before the UA entrance exam, and with the time difference, it was hard for the two to talk.
Finally, she picked up.
“Shoto Yukitomo,” she said, the smirk so evident in her voice, 
“Space Jam,” he said back.
“How is my darling friend?”
“Fine,” Shoto said, wanting to get to the point.
“So I’m told,” she said, “So, there is a boy.”
“Yes,” Shoto said.
“And he cute, you say?”
“Very much so.”
“Well, my dear,” Shiki said, “You have come to the right place.”
“Please,” he said, his voice still monotone, “I have to leave soon, and I need your lesbian wisdom.”
“Okay, first off,” she said, “Lesbian wisdom is not going to help you gay ass ever. Second, tell me how far you’ve gotten with this guy?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, are you just talking, has there been back and frother?”
“Well, yeah, I talk to him,” Shoto said, “He’s my classmate.”
“Okay,” Shiki said, “That answers my questions.”
“Nevermind,” Shiki said, “So you want my advice?”
“For the first time in my life, yes.”
“Rude,” Shiki said with a fake gasp. “All right, what I think the best course of action is to take it slow. Just find time to hang out, just the two of you. Just talk.”
“About what?”
“I don’t know anything.”
“Okay,” Shoto said.
“What’s wrong?” Shiki asked.
“Shoto, I mean it.”
“I’ve never-” he paused, “I’ve been, I’ve never felt-”
“Sho,” Shiki said. “I get it, man. I do. It’s scary the first time you really, really like someone.”
“What if he doesn’t-?”
“Shoto,” Shiki said, “You have the social skills of a paperclip half the time, but anyone can admit, you are the catch of the century.”
“But what if he’s not gay?”
“Well,” Shiki said, “You move on. Find the new boy who’s got the eyes of a cartoon lamb, as you say.”
Shoto rolled his eyes and smiled a bit. “Thanks,” he mumbled, “I needed this.”
“No problem, Elsa.”
“I’ll call you again soon,” he promised.
“No pressure,” she said, “You’ve got to go to school, and so do I. But know that I’m just one call away.”
“I know,” Shoto said, “I appreciate.”
“Aww, he does have a heart.”
“Oh, text me a pic of quote, “the cutest boy ever” sometime,” she said. “I wanna see his face.”
“I’m hanging up.”
“What? No! Come on, Shoto!”
“Hey! Yukitomo!” Inasa called, “We’re over here!”
Shoto looked up to see the group of five other kids. They were at Dragbaon beach, a place Midoriya said he trained all of the time, to practice.
“Sorry,” Shoto said, when he reached them, “I got held up a bit at the station.”
“It’s fine,” Midoriya said, “We haven’t been here long.”
“Should we get started?” Uararka asked.
“Yes, we should go,” Yaomomo said.
They broke off into groups. Shoto started training with Iida. They began with quirk training. Shoto found that the best way to beat Iida was to stop him from moving. And to do that, Shoto froze the ground on which Iida ran on. The white-haired boy watched his classmate slip around on the ice before freezing him in place.
“It seems you’ve won,” Iida said, having trouble staying upright.
Shoto stepped towards him, “Here, I’ll get you out.”
Soon enough, ice was gone that he could get Iida out. Shoto was pretty sure he may have gone a little too far, seeing as Iida was shaking from the cold.
“I’m fine,” Iida said, his teeth grit a bit. 
“Why don’t we both sit down?” Shoto suggested. It took a bit of time, but finally, he got Iida to say yes. They sat down in the on the sand, and Iida took out his water bottle. Shoto looked over to the others.
Yaomomo and Yoarashi were going against each other. Yoarashi using all the wind he could without sand interrupting other fights, and Momo was using metal barrier she had made to bock the wind. On the other hand, Midoriya and Uraraka weren’t using Quirks. Both of them were using well-timed punches and kicks. Shoto watched for a while before turning back to Iida and asking, “Do you wanna go again?”
They trained for a good couple of hours. Everyone gets a chance to go against everyone. In Shoto’s opinion, it was a pretty solid workout. Everyone had their own abilities and disadvantages to bringing to the table, making each match different.
Momo clearly was one for strategies, as was Iida and Midoriya. Although Midoriya’s approach was less organized than the others. Not that it was terrible, it just was different. Inasa's fighting style was based a lot on his Quirk. Shoto didn’t doubt that he could fight without it, but it seemed as though, Yoarashi relied on it a lot. Uraraka didn’t seem to know how to use her Quirk in combat a hundred percent, but she definitely knew how to fight. She gave Midoriya a run for his money.
As the sun began to sink, and the sky turn, orangish pink, everyone started heading home. Yaomomo was picked up by her family’s driver. Yoarashi and Uararka both had to catch the train, and Iida had to get to dinner with his family. Then it was only Shoto and Midoriya.
“So,” the greenet said, “Are you heading home?”
“Well, are you?” Shoto asked.
“Um, well, my mom’s not going to be home for a while, so I, I don’t know.”
“We could just stay and talk? I mean only if you want to,” Shoto said.
“Oh, well, um, that sounds okay,” Izuku said. Shoto nodded, and then there was silence, and the two boys stood there awkwardly for a while. Shoto felt his cheeks heat up. Shiki said to talk about anything, but he didn’t know how to even start.
Finally, Midoriya said, “Can I ask you a question?”
“You just did,” Shoto said, and then internally yells at himself.
Midoriya nodded and went on, “I noticed something about you, Quirk.”
Shoto felt fear fill his gut and swell up like a balloon. He told himself to stay calm, there was no reason for him to panic, and besides, there was no way Midoriya had found out. Right? Right?!
“What about my Quirk?” Shoto asked.
“It’s just,” Midoriya looked as if trying to piece together how to phrase the words he was trying to say, “When you use your Quirk, I’ve only ever seen you use the right side of your body. Why is that?”
Shoto felt his heart jump into his throat. It’s okay, he told himself, remember the story.
“My Quirk is stunted on my left side,” the white-haired boy said.
“Stunted?” Midoriya asked carefully, tilling his head to the side.
“Yeah,” Shoto said, “there was an incident when I was younger. I don’t like talking about it. It’s how I got my scar, it’s why I can only use my right side.”
“Is it also what the left side of you seems warmer?” Midoriya asked.
“Yeah,” Shoto said.
“That’s, crazy,” Midoriya muttered. Shoto nodded and said, “Well, at least I don’t break my bones all the time.”
“Ah!” Midoriya said, “Well, yeah, I guess, when you look at the two of them next to each, mine does seem a bit more bizarre. I mean, having a Quirk that can damage your own body isn’t that uncommon, but the rate of mine is a bit-”
Shoto listened to Midoriya mutter and ramble on for a few minutes a smile pressed his lips. Cute, he thought. Although Midoriya talking about his Quirk, it got Shoto thinking. When the green-haired boy stopped, he let out a sigh looked off to the side.
“Do you want me to walk you home?” Shoto asked once they had been quiet for another extended period.
“Oh um, sure, sure, that sounds,” Izuku looked down at his feet, his face the color of Kirishima’s hair, and then he looked up again, “That sounds nice.”
“Hey,” Fuyumi said, as Shoto walked through the door, “How was training?”
“It was good,” Shoto said, slipping off his shoes and heading to his room. He flopped down on his bed and pulled out his phone. He needed to ask Yaomomo and Inasa something that had been on his mind all week.
Rich, Loud, Soba Group Chat:
Chaotic Soba: Hey, I have to ask you guys a question.
Chaotic Loud: Yeah?
Netural Rich: What is it, Yukitomo?
Chaotic Soba: What do you think the chances are that Midoriya is All Might secret love child? Or something.
Chaotic Loud: What?
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craftyshipper · 5 years
Bring Me Home, Chapter 10: Father And Daughter
The raven-haired beauty slowly came awake as a soft male voice called out to her. It was almost similar to Shouto’s voice, in the way he was soft-spoken most of the time.
“Hm,” was her only response before she sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
When she was finally able to focus, she glanced up to meet the soft smile from Natsuo, one of Shouto’s brothers. The male has been an amazing uncle to little Kira and always made time for the little girl despite his busy schedule due to his medical career.
“Oh, hi,” she murmured and stood up to hug him.
“How are you doing?” He asked when he let her go.
“About as well as I can.”
She turned to Shouto who seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but then she noticed the photo album that rested on his lap. She quirked a brow in confusion. Had he woken up while she was sleeping?
“Did the doctors say anything about him waking up?” Momo inquired to the older Todoroki.
Just as she asked this, a knock sounded on the door before it opened. Fuyumi stepped in, a drink carrier holding four cups of coffee in one hand, a small smile gracing her lips.
Rei walked in behind her holding Kira who had been fussing in her grandmother’s arms.
“Mama.” Kira pushed against Rei, reaching out for her mother.
Momo hugged Fuyumi and then Rei, thanking her for helping care for Kira, before taking the little girl from the older woman.
“To answer your question,” Rei began as she walked over to Shouto’s bedside, “We talked to the doctor on the way in, and yes Shouto woke up briefly a few hours ago.”
“Did their scans find anything unusual?” Momo asked as Kira settled in her lap when she sat down again.
Fuyumi handed her a cup before passing one to her brother and one to her mother. After they each thanked her, Fuyumi filled Momo in on the information that the doctor shared with them.
“When’s he’s in deep sleep, his brain activity is a bit high but other than that, nothing too serious.”
Momo contemplated this for a moment just as Shouto began to stir in his sleep. She smiled when hetero-chromatic eyes flickered open and met her gaze.
“Hey there sleepy head,” she playfully teased.
He sat up on the bed and tiredly rubbed his eyes as he stifled a yawn. When he looked back to Momo, Kira caught his gaze with a huge smile on her face. The little girl stretched out her arms towards him and Shouto stared in surprise as Momo handed her to him.
Kira settled into his arms, wrapping her own short limbs around his neck and snuggling into his left side, her face pressed tightly into his neck on his fireside.
“Um...” The fire and ice user hesitated, “I don’t understand.”
Momo wanted to tell him about the relationship between the two of them. That he was the father of this perfect and beautiful human being. But she feared he wasn’t ready to hear it, not now. Then again, would he ever really be prepared for that kind of information?
“She recognizes you,” Momo leaned her elbows on the bedside and watched Kira hug her father, “You’re the one that saved her from the fire...the one that kept her safe.”
The young girl pulled back enough to meet her father’s gaze before reaching out and placing her tiny hands against his cheeks as a giggle escaped her.
“Hero,” she stated without hesitation and he froze.
Quickly wiping away a few stray tears at her daughter’s words, Momo sat back and turned to the Todoroki family. Telling him about his daughter could wait a little while longer, his siblings and his mother could be first.
“Shouto,” Momo called his attention as she stood to her feet, “I want you to meet your family.”
The red and white-haired male glanced at the three people next to Momo and he couldn’t help the sense of familiarity when he stared at each of them, but there were no images to accompany that feeling. He sighed as Kira moved to sit in his lap, her dual colored gaze watching the adults in the room.
“Hey little brother,” Natuso stepped forward first, “I know you don’t remember us, but I’m your brother Natsuo,” he then gestured to Fuyumi, “And this is our sister Fuyumi.”
The large male didn’t give his sibling time to mutter a hello before he hurriedly introduced their mother.
“And this is our mother Rei.”
"Give him a minute to process everything Natsuo," Rei scolded her son and stepped over to Shouto's bedside, "may I?
Shouto's eyes widened when she held out her arms, questioning if he would allow her to hug him. When his eyes flickered to her own stormy gray stare, there was no way he could say no. With a hesitant nod, he raised his arm as Momo took Kira from his lap, the little girl fussing over being moved from her comfortable spot.
When Rei's arms finally encircled the son she thought she had lost, she couldn't hold back the tears that slid down her cheeks. A sob broke from her as she stroked his dual colored hair just as she had done when he was just a boy.
"I never thought I'd get to hold you like this again," she whispered brokenly into his ear, "I know you don't remember us now, but just know that we love you, and we always will."
Feeling an ache in his chest, Shouto squeezed her back, letting her know he had heard her loud and clear. All of these people had been so kind to him when he didn't deserve it, he truly felt there was no way they could fake any of it.
"Thank you."
"Oh come on, how can you bring me to tears like this," Natsuo furiously wiped his eyes of the tears he had shed due to his mother's words and immediately jumped forward, dragging Fuyumi and Momo along into a very awkward hug of tangled limbs.
"We love you, little bro!" Natsuo hollered joyously.
Momo couldn't help but giggle at the male's antics while Kira pouted since she had been squished in the group hug, obviously not very happy with their overzealous affection.
"Mama," she grumbled when her face was squished against Momo's cheek.
"I'm sorry honey, but your Uncle Natsuo is crazy," the raven-haired beauty laughed at her daughter's dismay before the white-haired male released them from his hold.
"Sorry guys, I needed that," He wiped his face again as he said this.
"We understand," Fuyumi stated as she pats his back in reassurance, "I think we all did."
He wouldn't admit it, at least not yet, but Shouto knew he needed it too.
“Alright, where is the bastard?!”
“Kacchan, calm down!” Midoriya grabbed the explosive hero around the waist and tugged him back. “He still doesn’t remember anything, you can’t just go barging in there demanding answers!”
“I’m not demanding answers, I still owe him for the damage he did to the agency!”
The blond froze in his spot at the call from his boyfriend. The redhead running over to them before pausing in his strides to catch his breath. “Dammit, you run fast.”
“I didn’t run,” Bakugo stated arrogantly, “I used my quirk to blast my way here.”
“Well no shit,” Kirishima gasped out and stood back up, “I meant that as slow the fuck down.” He said it in such a calm tone that Midoriya wasn’t sure if he was angry with the blond or not.
With a sigh, the green-haired hero plopped himself in a chair in the hospital lobby, glad that Kirishima was able to distract Bakugo for the time being. Shouto had barely woken up a few hours ago, the last thing he needed was to get in a fight with the impulsive male.
After Kirishima managed to convince Bakugo to leave the hospital to calm down, that allowed Midoriya to head to Shouto’s room in peace. As he approached the door his friend's room, he was surprised to see several police officers standing outside the doorway. Fearing the worst, he sprinted towards them and shoved his way in, his strength easily allowing him to bypass the officers.
Momo stood protectively in front of Shouto’s bed as Tsukauchi spoke to her in a serious tone. The fire and ice user just stared down at the blanket that rested over his legs, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze.
“What’s going on?” The one for all hero demanded as he came to stand next to Momo.
“They want to arrest Shouto and take him down to the station,” Momo’s voice cracked as she spoke, “the doctors aren’t even done evaluating him yet.”
“Tsukauchi, what’s the meaning of this?”
“I’m sorry Midoriya, my bosses are demanding that Todoroki be arrested for his crimes now that he is awake.”
“What?” Came his incredulous reply. “You can’t be serious.”
Tsukauchi sighed and rubbed his temples. “They are afraid Shouto will become a threat if he is left unsupervised.”
“And they think locking him up is going to solve anything?” Momo challenged the police’s words. “Shouto has been taken advantage of, he shouldn’t be treated like a criminal because some asshole decided to take him for their own nefarious purposes.”
“What else do you expect me to do with him?”
Momo scrambled for something to say before an idea came to her. “What about house arrest?”
Tsukauchi raised a questioning brow, clearly wanting her to elaborate.
“He is a witness in this case as well as a victim,” Momo began, “locking him up in some cage might put him in more danger.”
“And whose house is he supposed to go to?”
“Mine.” The raven-haired woman didn’t hesitate in her decision.
“You’re willing to accept any and all responsibilities regarding his stay with you?”
With one look to the male sitting on the bed, she didn’t need any other confirmation.
With another sigh, Tsukauchi nodded. “I’ll contact my superiors and see if this arrangement suffices.” He turned to Shouto who finally looked up at him. “And I expect you to be on your best behavior from here on out.”
“Yes sir,” Shouto muttered before he turned away again.
Once the officers left, Shouto had immediately shut down, refusing to talk to anyone. As if the realization of what he had done all came crashing down on him at once. Momo and Rei had attempted to talk to him but to no avail. Rei had ushered her children from the room, hoping Shouto would speak to the Creation hero if left alone together. But even that hadn’t worked.
The only reaction that he gave was when little Kira played with his hair as she once again sat in his lap. His gaze softened towards her as if she was the only one keeping him grounded.
“I’m going to go grab some lunch for Kira, would you like anything?” Mom offered.
“No, I’m fine, thank you,” he finally spoke.
“Do you want me to take Kira or would you like her to stay here with you?”
“She can stay,” he softly whispered as Momo smiled sadly.
Once she left the room, Shouto didn’t stop the one tear that escaped his eye. Before he could wipe it away, a tiny hand beat him to it. Kira’s dual-colored gaze met his own once more. It wasn’t hard to figure out that this perfect little girl was his. If Momo had indeed been his girlfriend as she had claimed, it only made sense that Kira was his daughter, considering the heterochromia that they shared. He figured Momo didn’t want to pressure him to accept her right now, but how could he not when his heart already had.
“You sad?” Kira’s tiny voice pulled him from his thoughts.
“Yeah, just a little,” Shouto cleared his voice when it cracked just a bit.
Kira tilted her head and stood up on the bed so she could easily reach his face, before she placed a wet sloppy kiss on his left cheek, just at the edge of his scar. When she pulled back, she smiled at him.
With an incredulous stare, Shouto let out a laugh at her sweet attempt to make him feel better, which in this case, it kind of did.
“Mama say kisses makes stuff better,” Kira spoke slowly as she struggled to pronounce each word but Shouto understood her just fine.
“Your Mama is smart,” Shouto smiled, “Just like you are.”
Kira grinned again and threw her arms around his neck to hug him. Feeling to emotional to speak, Shouto just hugged her back, glad that she was so willing to help him smile again.
How can a monster like me have ever fathered a beautiful being like you?
The words swirled around in his head, filling him with doubt of ever being someone that had wanted to be a hero. To save anyone. He had hurt these people.
Would all of them be as forgiving as Momo?
Momo leaned against the wall just at the entrance of Shouto’s room, she had heard the entire exchange between the two. Her heart ached even more when she saw Kira throw her arms around the male, hugging him tightly and she couldn’t hold back the tears as she stepped away to hide against the wall.
She had been overthinking telling Shouto about Kira, but it seemed he had already come to accept her as a solid confident despite the girl's young age and she couldn’t have been happier.
“I have to tell him,” she told herself as she quietly walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria, wiping her eyes in the process, “he deserves to know.”
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