#National Security Guard
thisisbjoeblog · 3 months
Military 101: National Security Guard (NSG) - India's Elite Counter Terrorist Force
The Indian Armed Forces, alongside the National Security Guard or NSG, boast several elite special forces units, including the renowned Para SF, or Indian Para Commandos. This unit gained widespread recognition following its depiction in the 2019 Bollywood film “URI: The Surgical Strike.” Established in 1966, the Para SF is adept in a multitude of mission types, such as direct action, hostage…
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defensenow · 4 months
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  On this date in 2014, while working as a security guard at the headquarters of the Pittsburgh Steelers (a team I hate with the fire of 10,000 suns), I saved the building from burning to the ground.   True story.
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tallgh0st · 1 year
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juliansdiary2 · 1 year
Now this is F around and find out. Please not messing with black people because it is not the olden days anymore
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House Republicans on Wednesday released a report focused on security failures at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, highlighting well-documented breakdowns in intelligence sharing, Capitol security and coordination between various law enforcement agencies that responded that day.
Their primary recommendation centers around reforming the US Capitol Police Board and bolstering congressional oversight of the Capitol Police force – two issues that were identified by lawmakers of both parties in the wake of the January 6 attack.
But the GOP report is silent on other efforts to disrupt the transfer of presidential power after the 2020 election and selective in its criticism of political leaders and their culpability in the security breakdowns on January 6. The report resurfaces largely unfounded allegations to cast blame on Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi while glossing over former President Donald Trump’s own role.
Republicans cast the report as a rebuttal to the House Select Committee’s investigation into January 6 as they are set to take control of the chamber and endeavor to take back the narrative. Republican lawmakers have said the security failures are paramount and that the Select Committee overstepped its mandate in its 17-month probe.
The Democratic-led Select Committee had planned to release its final report on Wednesday but has delayed the rollout until Thursday. An executive summary released on Monday lays blame for the insurrection squarely on Trump.
The GOP report comes from the five Republicans who House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy initially appointed to serve on the Select Committee before deciding members of his party would not participate.
It includes a timeline of events that occurred on January 6, making no mention of the fact that Trump waited hours before calling on the rioters to leave the US Capitol that day and omitting incendiary remarks he made at the rally preceding the attack.
Instead, the report paints Trump as only encouraging his supporters at the White House Ellipse to march to the US Capitol and demonstrate “peacefully,” noticeably omitting other parts of the speech, including when he encouraged rally goers to “fight like hell.”
Similarly, the timeline includes a tweet Trump sent after the Capitol had been breached, saying: “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”
Missing from the report is Trump’s tweet in which he eventually told the rioters to leave the Capitol – several hours after the deadly riot began.
The House Select Committee has revealed testimony from several former White House officials saying Trump repeatedly refused to call off the rioters despite being asked to do so by a number of his closest advisers.
The GOP report also doesn’t address Trump’s claim that he issued a directive prior to January 6 to deploy thousands of National Guard troops to the Capitol that day.
Trump’s former Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, in an interview with the Select Committee, denied Trump gave him formal orders authorizing the deployment of National Guard troops to the Capitol on January 6.
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
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New York is not shy about deploying the National Guard.
NY Air National Guard were present when I got my first COVID booster at the American Museum of Natural History which was serving as a mass public vaccination site in January last year.
This photo was taken on Wednesday 08 April 2020 at 11:20 AM at The Oculus – a combination transit hub and shopping mall on the site of the World Trade Center; there’s an Apple Store there among other things. This was during the lockdown phase of the pandemic. Of the seven visible humans, five were members of the National Guard.
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wileycap · 6 months
I don't think I've seen anybody talk about how absolutely insane The Boiling Rock is from Hakoda's perspective.
Imagine getting captured, and your son tells you that you won't be apart for too long. That's sweet, but obviously your son has no resources to spare for organizing a breakout. You hope that the Avatar can defeat the Fire Lord soon - that's the earliest time you could hope to be rescued.
You get put into a temporary holding facility until the guards can sort out who is who. After a while, they put you on a prisoner transport to the Boiling Rock. Your captors try to intimidate you by telling you that it's the highest security prison in the Fire Nation, probably the whole world. It's far away from the capital.
You arrive at the Boiling Rock. It really is in the middle of a boiling lake. There's only one way in or out, and it's a gondola that takes you above the boiling lake. You meet the warden. They take you to your cell. You settle down to wait for the end of the war.
And 15 minutes later Sokka comes in like "hey dad I'm here I got the prince of the Fire Nation and an Earth Kingdom ninja leader gf ok let's go I'm busting you out"
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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gpstudios · 2 months
Celebrating National Coast Guard Day: Honoring the Brave Men and Women Who Protect Our Waters 🌊⚓
Happy National Coast Guard Day! 🌊⚓ Honor the brave men and women who protect our waters, save lives, and safeguard our shores. Learn about their vital work and show your support! #CoastGuardDay #SemperParatus
Introduction Happy National Coast Guard Day! 🌊⚓ Celebrated annually on August 4th, this day honors the dedication and bravery of the United States Coast Guard. As one of the nation’s oldest and most essential branches of the military, the Coast Guard plays a critical role in protecting our shores, saving lives, and ensuring the safety of our maritime environment. Whether through search and…
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mariacallous · 3 months
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 Our Nation has made tremendous progress in advancing the cause of equality for LGBTQI+ Americans, including in the military.  Despite their courage and great sacrifice, thousands of LGBTQI+ service members were forced out of the military because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  Many of these patriotic Americans were subject to a court-martial.  While my Administration has taken meaningful action to remedy these problems, the impact of that historical injustice remains.  As Commander in Chief, I am committed to maintaining the finest fighting force in the world.  That means making sure that every member of our military feels safe and respected.
     Accordingly, acting pursuant to the grant of authority in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution of the United States, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., do hereby grant a full, complete, and unconditional pardon to persons convicted of unaggravated offenses based on consensual, private conduct with persons age 18 and older under former Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), as previously codified at 10 U.S.C. 925, as well as attempts, conspiracies, and solicitations to commit such acts under Articles 80, 81, and 82, UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. 880, 881, 882.  This proclamation applies to convictions during the period from Article 125’s effective date of May 31, 1951, through the December 26, 2013, enactment of section 1707 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014 (Public Law 113-66).
     The purpose of this proclamation is to pardon only offenses based on consensual, private conduct between individuals 18 and older that do not involve any aggravating factor, including:  
     (1)  conduct that would violate 10 U.S.C. 893a, prohibiting activities with military recruits or trainees by a person in a position of special trust;      (2)  conduct that was committed with an individual who was coerced or, because of status, might not have felt able to refuse consent;      (3)  conduct on the part of the applicant constituting fraternization under Article 134 of the UCMJ;      (4)  conduct committed with the spouse of another military member; or      (5)  any factors other than those listed above that were identified by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces in United States v. Marcum as being outside the scope of Lawrence v. Texas as applied in the military context, 60 M.J. 198, 207–08 (2004).
     The Military Departments (Army, Navy, or Air Force), or in the case of the Coast Guard, the Department of Homeland Security, in conjunction with the Department of Justice, shall provide information about and publicize application procedures for certificates of pardon.  An applicant for a certificate of pardon under this proclamation is to submit an application to the Military Department (Army, Navy, or Air Force) that conducted the court-martial or, in the case of a Coast Guard court-martial, to the Department of Homeland Security.  If the relevant Department determines that the applicant satisfies the criteria under this proclamation, following a review of relevant military justice records, the Department shall submit that determination to the Attorney General, acting through the Pardon Attorney, who shall then issue a certificate of pardon along with information on the process to apply for an upgrade of military discharge.  My Administration strongly encourages veterans who receive a certificate of pardon to apply for an upgrade of military discharge.  
     Although the pardon under this proclamation applies only to the convictions described above, there are other LGBTQI+ individuals who served our Nation and were convicted of other crimes because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  It is the policy of my Administration to expeditiously consider and to make final pardon determinations with respect to such individuals.
     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-sixth day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth.                              JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR.
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defensenow · 2 months
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aurianneor · 5 months
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Violence against elected representatives
60% of elected representatives worldwide have been victims of violence or harassment, and in many cases this has led to the end of their careers. This is not a new phenomenon. These elected representatives are almost all progressive, and their actions have challenged traditionalist society. A young woman in charge, a white man who wants to give rights to blacks, the content of what is taught in school, etc. These elected officials are victims of traditionalists who feel deeply threatened by the actions of these leaders. The elected officials leave office, which is anti-democratic. More than 600 police emails were found in the FBI archives when Obama was president from officers who said they didn’t want to obey a black man. Obama backed down on abortion rights because he was afraid. Some people no longer dare to criticize far-right themes or run for office for fear of such violence. In Finland, for example, after the harassment of Sanna Marin, the main left-wing leaders did not dare to run.
Against the progressives, there’s a long history of traditionalists resorting to violence. What can be done to improve things? Why don’t the police protect the progressists more? Why is it only progressives who get attacked? John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed in Dallas, a Republican state.
In police forces worldwide, there’s a corporate phenomenon. The organization perpetuates beliefs and traditions. The police force decide who they will protect and who they will not.
In the Roman Empire, the Praetorian Guard protected the Emperor. They decided who was emperor. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who guards the guards?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? – Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quis_custodiet_ipsos_custodes%3F
Police do the minimum when protecting a progressive. Police delayed responding to Nancy Pelosi’s husband’s call for help. It was 4 hours before the police arrived during the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021. There was no evidence that a leader had given an order not to intervene. There is no national guard in Washington. The police force decides whether or not to protect elected officials. This violence is applied against people who want to change society: elected officials, against LGBT+ people, against teachers, against journalists. The police drag their feet and don’t protect them.
A quoi sert la police? – Les Idées Larges – Arte: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/117234-001-A/a-quoi-sert-la-police/
If we want the police to be in tune with the diversity of ideas in society, policing must be carried out on the model of the American National Guard. Time must be allowed for people to be trained in weapons handling and policing. The career police officers are selected, they are recruited by the former, they can be bought. Policemen should be citizens as long as they are physically able to do so. This would train citizens to de-escalate conflicts, protect their neighbors and so on. We are all entitled to protection.
The criminal investigation department requires professionals, because it’s highly technical, but not law enforcement.
The police are the kingmakers. They should be protecting democracy.
The list of politicians who have been unable to carry out their programs because of violence is long:
Matthias Ecke (SPD candidate in the European elections)
Pedro Sanchez (Spanish Prime Minister)
Léo Varadkar (Irish Prime Minister)
Yannick Morez (mayor of Saint-Brévin-les-pins in France)
Jacinda Ardern (Prime Minister of New Zealand)
Sanna Marin (Prime Minister of Finland)
Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the US House of Representatives)
Robert Kennedy (U.S. Attorney General and presidential candidate)
John Fitzgerald Kennedy (President of the United States)
Léon Blum (Prime Minister of France)
Jean Jaurès (Prime Minister of France)
Abraham Lincoln (President of the United States)
and so on.
Ukraine’s new military branch: Citizens protecting their neighborhood – Politico: https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-russia-military-citizen-reservist-defense/
Le nombre d’agressions d’élus marque une hausse – Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2023/03/15/l-inquietante-hausse-du-nombre-d-agressions-d-elus_6165642_823448.html
Violence against women active in politics in the EU – A serious obstacle to political participation: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2024/759600/EPRS_BRI(2024)759600_EN.pdf
A deluge of violent messages: How a surge in threats to public officials could disrupt American democracy – CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/07/politics/threats-us-public-officials-democracy-invs/index.html
Thousands turn out at rally for Spain’s PM Pedro Sánchez – BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68914181
Gardien de la Paix – La Chanson du Dimanche S01E11: https://youtu.be/C-nViGKosyE?si=Z1-mFHrqrdy_jl9X
La violence contre les élus: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-violence-contre-les-elus/
Violencia contra los representantes elegidos: https://www.aurianneor.org/violencia-contra-los-representantes-elegidos/
Police, Army: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-army/
Police and justice for the people: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-and-justice-for-the-people/
Illegitimate authorities: https://www.aurianneor.org/illegitimate-authorities/
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deadpresidents · 5 months
"What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world. To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 millions people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland. He would let red states monitor women's pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers. He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn't carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America's founding. He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury. He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn't paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen."
-- "How Far Would He Go", TIME Magazine's interviews with Donald Trump, April 30, 2024.
I know we're saturated in coverage of Trump and it's easy (and probably better for our mental health) to usually ignore most of the articles when we see them, especially since he's so full of shit and infuriating. But it's also important to recognize that he is going to be the Republican nominee for President and he could absolutely be elected in November, and if you thought his first term was scary and dangerous, you need to understand that in a second term he's going to have people around him that are better prepared and VERY willing to do the crazy shit that he wants to do to this country. They aren't even hiding the fact that they are seeking vengeance against political opponents whom they feel have wronged them, and are ready to fundamentally dismantle the democratic foundations that are barely holding this country together after nearly 250 years.
Just look at what Trump says about the people who he incited to attack the United States Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election and halt the peaceful transfer of power that has happened every four years since 1789:
"Trump has sought to recast an insurrectionist riot as an act of patriotism. 'I call them the J-6 patriots,' he say. When I ask whether he would consider pardoning every one of them, he says, 'Yes, absolutely.' As Trump faces dozens of felony charges, including for election interference, conspiracy to defraud the United States, willful retention of national-security secrets, and falsifying business records to conceal hush-money payments, he has tried to turn legal peril into a badge of honor."
Oh, and please note that Trump -- a former President of the United States and possible future President of the United States -- said on the record in these interviews with TIME: "There is a definite antiwhite feeling in the country and that can't be allowed either." We are at a point where political leaders are outright saying that in this country again, and it's because of Donald Trump.
So, take the time to recognize that Trump is straight-up telling us the country we're going to be living in if he wins again in November. And understand that your vote matters -- and WHO you vote for matters -- because, as I've been saying for years now, ELECTIONS HAVE FUCKING CONSEQUENCES.
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shattered-pieces · 7 months
It's because the US is a free country January 6 was even able to happen. Imagine if people had tried to overrun the Kremlin. What sort of security forces and violence the people would have been met with.
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etccsy · 7 months
The horizon of American strikes on Shiite militias
Khoury's article proposes actionable strategies for Washington amidst these escalating tensions. It advocates for the expansion of airstrikes along the Syrian-Iraqi border and offers support to Arab groups to effectively counter Iranian proxies. #Biden
By, Issam KhouryCSIORS, Feb 2024 Researcher Charles Lister[1] published an article on January 24, 2024, titled “America Is Planning to Withdraw From Syria—and Create a Disaster,”[2] in which he stated that the White House is not interested in continuing the missions of American forces in Syria, based on information from four sources within the Defense and State Departments. As the #MiddleEast…
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