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xotis · 6 years ago
Did you drop this? [Nathan Prescott/reader] (One shot)
Title:Did you drop this? [Nathan Prescott/reader] (One shot)
Pairing:Nathan Prescott/Female!Reader (2nd Person, You/Your, Characteristic identified: can drive)
Summary: It was just one of those days you see a Prescott running from the security with his friends. Sadly, the idiotic boy doesn't know how to close his bag all the way as he drops something. Returning it would be a good idea but maybe
Word Count: 1,964
Warnings: Bondage, Foul language/Insults, Sexual short scene
Note: Yo this was inspired but a cute little bag picture I thought would make a good topic with a fic. Check it out~ I’ll also be writing the guys version of this but for now lets just say it was a normal bondage mag for ze ladies. ;) The guy versions gonna come out after I finish all my requests.
optional song: Alone by XXYYXX Its so soft but it has that edge to it you need when reading. My older sister said it sounds like the devil but Idk fits Nathan don’t you think? aha I’m kidding.
As soon as the bell rings you hear a fast footsteps and boys laughter behind you.  You turn to look at the boys and your books were slammed to the ground as Hayden laughs and continues to run. You’re ex is such a douche but you know he didn’t have any ill intent while doing so. Soon you hear many steps passed by just as quick as Hayden, another set of steps and a collision between you and him. Things went by so quickly you didn’t even register the brown haired boy slip on one of your books from the pile on the floor. “Ah you fucking idiot, that hurts..” He said rubbing his head. Soon you hear David the security guard. Nathan stood up and ran but some things fell out his bag. he turned to take a quick look and continue to run. You grabbed your things and the stuff Nathan dropped. “Hey missy, you’re littering, I’ll see you in the principal's office.” You heard David said as he stops to lecture you. Now you understood why Hayden did that, that bastard owes you one. You nodded, not even listening as you walked passed him. You had poise and this school was anything but, you went to your dorm and entered your room.
“What the fuck did he drop.” You said as you open his bag to find some cigs, “Typical.” You mumbled.You continue to empty out your heavy bag and notice one thing that caught your eye. A porn mag and it's not any normal mag you would see your normal guy friends would have. You checked its contents filled with many people of both genders bounded and tied with thick rope. You notice all the uncomfortable positions and thought about how a person can do that. You spend the night reading about it listening to Alone by XXYYXX, it fit the mood as you flip through the pages, taking in the new information. Now that you finished with the book, you quickly checked the time to notice it was midnight. You twist and turn on your bed wondering why would the Prescott have such a book at school. Wondered if he liked to be bounded or bound someone. These questions go through your mind as you slowly fell into a deep sleep, tomorrow was Saturday so you have no classes.
You wouldn't even remember but it felt like your sleep was only 5 minutes because you hear loud banging on your door. You slowly stood up and trudge your way to the door, opening it slightly.
“My stuff. I know you have it bitch.” He said sticking his hand out. You looked down at his hand and tried to process what he said. “What are you doing here..” You said turning around slightly to look at your clock by your bedside, “at four in the morning? How did you even get in…” You said as you slowly closed the door. His hand grabbed the door roughly, making you flinch. “Give it.”
“If you know my name I'll let you in.” You said, glaring at him. He pushes the door open, making you fall on your butt. “Ouch you asshole.” You said rubbing your bum. “Where did you put it.” He said throwing your things everywhere. Oh no fucking way, you ran to him and tackled him, both of you landing on the ground “You don't just mess up someone's room you asshole!” You said punching the ground by his face. He flinched at first but soon he glares. “Give it back bitch, I'll get my dad on you.”
You grabbed the mag below your pillow and slapped it on his face harshly. “And I have a photo of you with this Mag.” You said, he grabbed the mag, “No you don't--” he says but he soon stops when you took a photo of him. “Yes. I do.” You said.
“You're gonna regret this bitch.” He said walking away. Soon you remembered what you did with that Mag a few hours earlier, halfway through the magazine you ended up touching your lower regions, soon imagining yourself being tied and suppressed like that. You were in a doggy position when you were imagining yourself, biting the sheets while you muffling your sound. “Ah...ah..Nate..” You continued to deliciously enjoy the moment, sadly you didn't hear the crumpling noises when you released yourself. You tried to fix it but the more you did so, the more worse it started to look, a few hours later you just decided to give up and leave it the way it was, a slightly crumpled page. Will he even notice it? Probably. What will happen if it was limited edition?! He's gonna ask for you to pay for it if you do. Well at least you have some blackmail material as well.
It's been over two weeks and Nathan has yet to say anything about it. Hayden paid you back by giving you a hundred, a good enough payment.
You soon start to lose interest about the mag. You thought long and hard as you were going to your car. Today was the last day before you go onto spring break. What you didn't expect to see was Nathan sitting on the hood of your car. You soon grew still. He took a quick glance up and walk to you, soon he was already face to face with you. “So I checked my magazine..”
“I know it's limited edition! Don't sue me and I don't have money to pay for it!” You yelled covering yourself with your book. You heard him laugh, sadly you couldn't see it.
“What a stupid slut. It wasn't limited edition. What I'm curious about is the crumpled page.” He said waving the book. “I never knew a girl would have the same interests as me. If you don't want me to say shit, we can have some fun for compensation?” He said when you put your books down to glare at him. “Fuck you Nathan.”
“That's exactly what I want you to do.” He said grabbing your hand to drag you to your car. “Let's spend the break together.” He says as his hand asks for the keys once you reached your car. “You're not gonna tell anyone right. No one. None.”  you said as you hand your keys. Hayden said this kids actually a blast to hang out with but he has his suspicious moments. “Yeah sure.” He says as he opens the door and enters your car like its his. This is about the time you gave up asking any more questions. He’s gonna have it his way and his way only. The only question you had in mind was blurted out suddenly during the drive. “Hotel, your home, or mines?” you said as you looked at him. His side view was a sight to behold, the sunset glistening on his cold and focused eyes. He gave you a sideways glance, making your heart flutter a bit. “You seem eager for someone who’s gonna be suspended in the air.”
Your mouth widened, “You guarantee my safety right? No broken necks or anything?”
He drives your car out of town and you watch from the passenger seat as you pass your hometown sign. “And you’re paying for gas right?”
He chuckled and revved your car, passing the speed limit. “We’re going to a hotel I know nearby. They have everything I need.” You looked at him for any signs of a silly joke but the way he said it was determined. Your lower half reacts and your body slightly quivers. You want it, you don’t know if you wanted to be bounded or you want something in you but you know you want something and soon. He pulls up to the most docile looking hotel, having heard the previous conversation, this hotel is anything but. You thought you might be paying for your stay but it seems like Nathan can handle it with a basic nod to the receptionist. You followed him to the elevator and all the way to the top room. “What a view” you said as you entered the hotel room, all three walls aside from the entrance was a glass window. Providing no privacy anywhere but the bathroom. There was a slight sense of privacy considering it was the only hotel in a middle of nowhere. You were too busy paying attention to the view, you didn't notice Nathan opening his drawer softly to pull out ropes. Hardware ropes that would grip your skin and cause some bruises. “You can remove your clothes and lay on the middle of the floor.” He said as he threw everything under your feet. You see some of the most disturbing items on the floor. Noticing and recognizing at least the lube and an anal tail.
“You can’t be serious Nathan. I only agreed so you don’t tell anyone. I never even told Hayden about any of this.” You said as you remove your top eagerly, contradicting your own words. “Don’t bring up my friends, that’s weird” he said as he turns you to face him and pushes you on the floor. Your butt roughly meets the floor and you groaned, arching your back. He leans on top of you, towering over your body, slowly removing your clothes. Your body begins to react to his every touch. “Nathan, get on with it. I can’t wait any longer.” You say letting loose every thought that comes in your mind. He begins bounding one of your legs and throwing the rope up to the hook on top of the ceiling. “I hope you're ready.” He said as he pulls the rope and your body goes flying up. You go in almost a splits position, your leg hurting a bit. “What the fuck, Prescott.” You cursed. He wraps the rope on another hook on the ground, hidden  under the floorboards that can only be revealed by lifting a piece of the floorboard. How many times has he been here? You thought as he wraps your hands together by another rope behind your back. “Choose, either I pull on your hair or your hands.” He said as he finishes the ropes. You were about to answer when you felt your arms being pulled as he thrusts into you. No preparation, you dig your nails into his forearms and you screamed. Pain and pleasure was mixed within your moans. Your body was already slightly prepared beforehand with all the teasing talk but it wasn’t prepared for the full thing. He grabs your leg and started thrusting in slowly. “How do you like being bounded. How about I bound more than your body.” Nathan says as he rubs your clit. Your body arches, most of the pain leaving your body. His dick rubbing your insides, your entrance getting wetter and wetter. Your body wanted release, but Nathan didn’t want you to yet. He stopped and he smirked. You look behind you, your eyes begging. You were close, you wanted to come. “Beg.” He says as he grips your leg with one arm. Your head goes back down, you want it, you needed it. “Please let me come. Give it to me.” You exclaimed, partially breathing in between. “Give what?” He said as he slowly tries to pull out. You moaned, “Your dick, I want your dick.”
He smirks and started thrusting in roughly. He didn’t care about your body, the pleasure was too much. You drooled and smile, coming. He pulls out and comes all over your body, painting a pretty picture. “We aren’t done yet.” He said. You have one hell of a ride with the Prescott and a a full spring break to explore your interests.
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flyacrossadoublerainbow · 6 years ago
Perfect Girl| Life is Strange Nathan Prescott x Reader
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Author's note: I'm sorry if i go a little overboard on Nathan's character ot god knows what else, i just had a small plot in my head and decided to use it and it will follow the timeline of the game and it may be seperated into different parts, in any case i hope you enjoy my drabble.
You were what people called the 'perfect girl'. Not because you were the girl every guy wanted, or because you were popular, but because you never attended parties on your own accord and you always stuck to your work. You wanted to focous on your writing career and become an author, you already had an idea for a story worked out, but it just didn't know if you wanted to take a chance and try to make a comic or actually write a book. Just because you wanted to become an author doesn't mean it has to be limited to a book filled with words, but you also knew that words are the most powerful thing to humans, it describes scenarios, allows you to give detail and can make a story feel alive, but a comic can allow people to see the action and not have to look up so many big words. You remember those days before you learned so much, you figured you may as well put it to use. 
As you sat back in your dorm, listening to some music to help bring your story some light, you heard a loud knock on your door. After pausing your music, you got up and opened the door and was greeted by Dana's annoyed face. "why didn't you hear me knock? Blasting your music again?" "yeah, I've been working on a character for my story and i needed some music to help me gain ideas" you nodded as Dana sighed "imagination isn't bad, but you should come out with Hayden, Juliet and i tonight, we're gonna go to the beach for a little and have a small party." "no thanks Dana, maybe if i get a date or convinced I'll consider the vortex club's 'End of the World' party." Dana sighed and nodded. "alright then (y/n). But if you do want a date come hit me up and I'll hook you up with someone." you giggled at Dana's response "I'll keep that in mind Dana, but for now I'll stick with my fanfics." "alright then my little nerdette, but you'll have to come down from your tower someday." "maybe if my knight in shining armor shows up." Dana grinned and giggled "you would even turn down your prince? That's sad, but your also a fighter at heart and he'll have a lot on his hands, i wish you luck." smiling, you told Dana that one day you'll find your 'prince' and that she better hurry and meet Juliet and Hayden. Once you closed your door, you were alone again, in your perfect room of solitude.
As you sat in the back of the class barley listening to what Mr.Jefferson was saying, you glanced around the class and ended up resting your gaze at Nathan Prescott. You have no reason to talk to him, let alone think about him, but from what you know about Nathan and have seen, you know he's an asshole, but it's sad. If you had the courage you would try to befriend him....But you've had too many experiences with guys like him and most of them attached themselves to you, you were like their 'angel' that they couldn't let go. Despite your past, you wouldn't mind getting to know Nathan although, it would be dangerous, and take forever to pull him out of his shell. As the class continued while you were taking notes and drawing small pictures and symbols all over your spiral, a crumbled note landed on your desk from god knows who. As you looked up at Mr.Jefferson who was too busy talking to pay much attention, you grabbed the ball of paper and carefully unfold it that had told you to meet at the Two Whales diner after school and to sit in the back near the Jukebox, but the writer is still unknown. The rest of the day went on as usual until you arrived at the Two Whales diner.
When you arrived at the diner you sat in the back near the jukebox as the note instructed while you waited for your anonymous sender. We're you worried? Well, worried was an understatement, you were kinda scared especially since in a town like Arcadia Bay where there are mostly druggies, even most students were into that stuff and who knows if a druggie or a dealer comes in for you for anything they want. Your worries we're washed away as Joyce came to your table to take your order, and to make yourself better you went with a strawberry milkshake. You sat and looked out the window as you heard the bell hanging above the diner bell ring, it was nothing unusual until you spotted Nathan walking towards you in an assertive manner. As you turned your head and watched as Nathan sit on yhe opposite side, he told you that his time better not be wasted by meeting with you.
"why do you want to meet with me?"
"don't ask questions, i don't want anyone to assume anything between us and meeting here is a bad thing anyways, so don't ask questions and be thankful that it's not an alley!"
"alright, i won't ask anything. Now what do you want?"
You watched as Nathan glanced around the diner and turned back to you and saying in an almost whisper
"i need someone to help cover for me at the next Vortex club party and you would be a good candidate."
Now you were worried 
"I'm sorry Nathan, but why me and not someone lile Victoria?"
"because, you are the good girl, you don't wanna get into trouble and you barely join any of the parties so you can make up for me being gone, a lot of people in the Vortex club watch what you do and a few of them swear that your a better dancer than most of the girls in the club especially after you drink."
"so...What your telling me is that you want me to attend a Vortex Party on your behalf because I'm the talk of the campus?"
"pretty much, and if you want i can pay you-"
"i don't need your money, and if i would go to the party i would need to be heavily persuaded, amd not by money."
As you sat back and watched Nathan's face turn hard, Joyce came back with your milkshake that you gladly accepted. The ment that Joyce left Nathan spoke in a low, harsh tone.
"if you don't do this I'll make sure that your out of Blackwell!"
"why should i worry when i pretty much have my degree? I'm only staying for the next year or two for any extra degrees i want."
You could tell that Nathan was gonna go ballistic, but Nathan didn't do something that you ever thought he would do, bargian.
"fine- if that doesn't work, then what would it take?"
"hmmmm... If you can fimd me a date by Thursday, I'll go and make it worthwhile and I'll habe more leverage for the Vortex to talk about."
Nathan grinned, he had to admit that for a good girl who studies hard and doesn't care to party, you know exactly how to gain people's attention.
"you have yourself a deal (y/l/n), i already have a few people in mind that will be perfect for you. And you may as well stay in contact with me too just in case."
"what for? In case i change my mind?"
"if you find someone other than one of my friends for the dance."
You nodded as Nathan put his number into your phone and put yours in his. You have no other choice than to agree.
"alright then, i guess I'll see you in Photography."
"don't worry, you'll see me a lot more than just in photography."
As you watched Nathan walk out of the diner you knew you sold your soul to the devil of Arcadia Bay, and that the week was gonna be a long one.
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casteldecristal · 7 years ago
First post🌚
I'm ready to stay all night reading NathanPrescottXreader fanfictons on here :) this is my first post Also i ship caulscott too Bye😂
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xotis · 8 years ago
Dear No one [Nathan Prescott/Reader]
Title: Dear No one
Editor: Check her out, though I haven’t used her for this chapter because she's busy
Rating: T for Teen
Pairing:Nathan Prescott/FemaleCollege!Reader (2nd Person, You/Your, Characteristic identified: )[You don’t have to be a college student to read this ;3 ]
Summary: Letters for a special someone.
Word Count: 1,150
Warnings: Angst
Note: I’m trying something new, check this for my usual writing style and pairings. Really short because I’m trying to pick myself back up on writing.
You picked up your laptop and decided to write for that someone. It felt surreal, he wasn’t talking to you anymore. You started by opening your email and going for the first name, Nathan. You sighed, college has made you lack the connection. Considering that your relationship is long distance, you'd expect him to email you everyday but nowadays he isn’t. You missed the times at Arcadia Bay where he entwines your hands together when he hangs with his friends as he smokes. You weren’t much of a smoker, you even had your first puff with him but you decided that you'd rather be surrounded by the smell than actually doing it.
You started your email as if you don’t know him
Dear No one,
    How have you been? It seems as though you’ve forgotten you have a girlfriend, here, thousands of miles away. She’s finishing up her college credits and misses you a lot. Have you ever thought of contacting me soon? I don’t remember your face anymore, the college is gonna have a break soon and I thought I should visit as soon as possible. I’ll be there soon.
Your future someone
You ended up pressing send after a few minutes of reconsidering. You sighed and started packing, you said the break was going to be soon but the break is happening now. You just thought it might have been wrong to say your coming there now, sounds clingy. You just want him to pick you up and spin you around once he sees you. You heard a buzzing in your back pocket as you were almost close to finishing up.
Nathan P.
You looked at this in the most puzzling way. His emails always has a signature “Nathan P.” so him sending you just a period seems quite puzzling. This really does feel surreal. You booked your flight on your phone as soon as possible, even if it was a few cities away. You can just drive there with a rental car.
Once you reached the city by car from a few cities away, you parked in the front of your old senior high school. Even though you know that he wouldn’t be in the area, you wanted to see how the place has been. Is the Vortex club still a thing? You exited the car and saw a flyer on the ground. “Vortex Club meetings and--” Yeah, it’s still a thing. You decided to go inside and see what was happening. Class seems to be in session still, and you took a quick look inside the photography room. He was there, teaching the class. The new permanent substitute for Mark was there sitting and admiring Nathan. It seems he changed a lot, he stopped wearing the red jacket and his slouching was fixed. He stood tall with a confidence stance. White cashmere cardigan with a black shirt, and some glasses. Dear god, he looked like a hipster, but he was your hipster. He was talking about the newest camera and he was chuckling and faintly smiling. He doesn’t even have the usual eye bags.
You waited outside the classroom as you heard the bell and students leaving the class. “Thank you for teaching today Mr.Prescott.” You hear the substitute said. “No worries Joseph, I’ll see you again if you need me.” He said as he grabbed his stuff and exited out the classroom. “Excuse me..” you said as he passed you only to stop in his tracks and turn around. He scowled, “What are you doing here. Leave. Now.” The sudden change of atmosphere shocked you. You were his girlfriend, why is he acting like this. “Nathan what the fuck.” You said but he turns around and speeds walk out. You ran and followed him, following his pace. “Nathan why are you acting like this?! Look at me!” You yelled as you grabbed his arm and turn him around. “Can’t you just wake up?! I never loved you anyways you bitch!” he said as he smacked your hand off his arm.
You breathed slowly in. “Tell me why.. Just tell me why and if the reason is good…” You slowly worded out, shakingly. “I’ll leave.” you said as tears slowly stream out of your eyes. You didn’t expect this, you expected a hug, a spin, and a kiss. He looked at you as if you broke his heart. He took his time as if he's trying to find the right words.”You don’t belong here, you weren’t supposed to be here.” He said as he combs his hand through his hair. “Please just wake up.” He says as he grabbed his bag to look for something.
“Wake up? Stop Joking Nathan! That's not a reason!” You said as you were basically bawling at this point. You took out a newspaper and mumbled, “If only we weren’t drinking.” You looked at him puzzled, not once have you drank together, “I love you but you need to leave.” He said as he push the newspaper to your chest, you grabbed onto it and looked him in the eyes. He had the look of grief on him, eyes basically red and already teary, his teeth clenched. He turned around and entered his car to drive away. You watched the car leave, and then you quickly looked at the newspaper's headline,
“Car accident due to drunk driving of two teens.” Your head started to hurt as you were still bawling. You continue to read, “One teen, Nathan Prescott, has died on spot and the other is an unidentified girl who has been sent to the hospital.” You stared at the name of the teen that died. You grit your teeth and ran to the car, you drove to the one place you know he'd be at for alone time. The lighthouse, you parked your car near his and there he was, sitting on the bench. You smacked his head with the newspaper, “What kind of sick joke is this.” You said, he stayed quiet. “Leave.” He said again but in a softer tone. You stood behind him, “Then let me follow you!” You bargained, he turned around and placed his hand on the bench as the other one goes behind your neck and he kissed you assertively and passionately. When you pulled apart his eyes were sad and his smile was faint, “Just go, You’ll see me later.” “No! Stop! Nathan!”
You heard the beeping, and you slowly opened your crusty eyes and sat up. The nurse that was currently there went to go get the doctor. You were patched up, you felt hollow. The doctors came running in and you just sat there.
What's the point of living when a part of you has died.
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