#Natan Levy
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thecoolerliauditore · 5 months ago
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update on martial arts youtuber smash bros. yeah they're still. they're still doing this
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girlactionfigure · 4 months ago
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Sometimes it's not what you are known for, it's the little things that no one even knew about.
Jerome ("Jerry") Lester Horwitz was born on October 22, 1903, one of five brothers born to Lithuanian-Jewish parents in Brooklyn. His full formal Hebrew name was "Yehudah Lev ben Shlomo Natan ha Levi."
He, and one of his brothers, and a friend would land on Adolf Hitler’s death list.
Jerry was known as a "knucklehead" - but, there were other sides of him that very few people knew about.
His older brothers were very protective of their baby brother - they called him "Babe". He was supposedly a quiet child, some even say he was an introvert. He kept to himself, and he idolized his older brothers.
When he was 12, he accidentally shot himself in the leg while cleaning a rifle. His oldest brother rushed him to the hospital, saving his life.
From then on Jerry would walk with a limp, sometimes exaggerating it, like a shuffle.
His two older brothers and a friend would get into show business. The brothers decided then to change their name from "Horowitz" to "Howard".
The two brothers and their friend would make a name for themselves, but after the second brother left the group, Jerry would join them. Their boss wasn't sure about Jerry because he didn't stand out, so Jerry excused himself, then returned with a completely shaved head.
The boss laughed at Jerry and called him "girly".
Jerry's older brother misheard their boss, and instead of calling him "girly", he started calling his younger brother "Curly". The name fit.
Curly had no formal training like his more experienced brothers and would often forget his lines. But, when he did, he would start improvising, such as getting down on the floor and spinning "around like a top until he remembered what he had to say" or barking like a dog - "Ruff, ruff". He also made up other phrases such as, "N'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk" or "Woo, woo, woo".
The rest is comedic history - Moe, the older Howard brother, Larry Fine, the friend, and, Curly, the younger Howard brother - known by many as "The Three Stooges".
The Three Stooges, despite their simple slapstick humor, became one of the most popular comedy teams in history. They were so popular that other comedy teams started copying some of their mannerisms; Moe even accused Lou Costello of Abbott and Costello of trying to copy Curly.
Others disregarded the Stooges' talents and criticized their brand of physical humor.
Some, however, believed their social commentary and satire was overlooked, pointing to their anti-hero status and their poking fun of class divisions, much like the Marx Brothers.
One movie buff, James Thompson, thinks the Library of Congress should recognize the Three Stooges' satires "You Nazty Spy!" and "I'll Never Heil Again" - which mocked Hitler's Germany. Both films were released before the U.S. entered World War II and despite an industry rule to avoid social and political issues.
At that time, the industry did not want to offend foreign countries, especially Hitler's Germany. The United States was still neutral and the public held predominantly isolationist views.
This was also 11 months before Charlie Chaplin’s critically acclaimed “The Great Dictator”, which was named to the registry in 1997.
It was also important because all three actors, the director and writers — were Jewish.
According to writer Simon Braund, "the immense popularity of the Three Stooges was deemed such a potential threat to the credibility of The Third Reich that Adolf Hitler added them to his personal death list."
Braund added, "The image of The Three Stooges as fearless, anti-fascist crusaders, willing to put their livelihoods and their lives on the line in the noble cause of liberty, will come as a shock to anyone who thinks of them — if they think of them at all — as a fifth-rate Marx Brothers knock-off whose principal contribution to the art of comedy was the twin-fingered eye-poke."
Curly Howard became the most popular and outrageous member of the Three Stooges. Comedy legend Steve Allen called Curly one of the "most original yet seldom recognized comic geniuses."
But, he wasn't always a wise guy, eh. He was also a sensitive fella.
Although he was known during his popularity to be wild, "Soitenly!" zany, and very unpredictable, there was one consistent thing in his life - (other than the love of his brothers), he loved dogs - "Ruff, ruff."
Whenever he found a homeless or abandoned dog while the Stooges were traveling, he would go out of his way to rescue the dog. He just could not bear to leave the dog alone in the world.
He would take the dog with him, he would care for it, and he would search for a home for it.
As the Stooges toured, he would take the dog from town to town, until he could find a good home for the dog.
And, when he was able to find a good, loving home for one, he would find the next homeless dog and do the same.
Curly and the Stooges had a remarkable run and became comedy classics. But, the constant touring, intense work schedule, and the hard work of always trying to be funny would take a toll on the Stooges, especially Curly. On January 23, 1945, he was diagnosed with extreme hypertension, a retinal hemorrhage and obesity. He would eventually suffer several strokes, leading to a decline in the quality of his work.
"Half-Wits Holiday" was Curly's final appearance as an official member of the Stooges. During the filming on May 6, 1946, Curly disappeared. When Moe searched for his baby brother, he found Curly, his head dropped to his chest, unable to move or speak - all he could do was cry.
In 1951, Moe was contacted by the North Hollywood Hospital and Sanitarium, where Curly was now at. He was advised that due to Curly's mental deterioration, he needed to be placed in a mental hospital. Moe refused.
Moe instead relocated his younger brother to the Baldy View Sanitarium in San Gabriel, California. On January 18, 1952, Curly died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage. He was 48, the shortest-living of the Stooges.
Curly was given a Jewish funeral and was laid to rest at Home of Peace Cemetery in East Los Angeles.
Curly's and Moe's other brother, Shemp, who was actually the original Stooge who was replaced by Curly, would in turn replace his younger brother, but the Stooges were never the same again.
Steve Allen would say in 1984, "Although they never achieved widespread critical acclaim, they did succeed in accomplishing what they had always intended to do - they made people laugh."
Many still remember The Three Stooges. The Simpsons is known for their Stooges references. Michael Jackson, a huge fan, supposedly based his famous moonwalk on the Curly Shuffle, a move invented by Curly that made it look as if he was walking backwards.
Yes, Curly and the Stooges were known as knuckleheads. But, there was more to him and the Stooges that many never knew about.
The Jon S. Randal Peace Page
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mental-mona · 1 year ago
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gryficowa · 9 months ago
Oh shit, Muslims saved Jews from the camps, I googled to find out if Polish Muslims were victims of the Holocaust, but I found many articles about Muslims saving Jews
(Yes, this Israeli flag irritates me too, but it's an article from 2913)
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"Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust will be honored with a special exhibition"
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The British Jewish Council is preparing an exhibition in London about Muslims who saved Jews from the Holocaust during World War II. 70 Muslims were included on the list of Righteous Among the Nations, and the exhibition will present their stories.
The authors of the exhibition hope that it will inspire young researchers to look for cases of cooperation between Jews and Muslims in the past and will show the previously unknown role of followers of Islam, mainly from Bosnia and Albania, in saving Jews during World War II - British media report"
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There is a small group of Jews who are trying to rewrite history and claim that Muslims overwhelmingly helped the Nazis murder Jews. This is one of the reasons why the exhibition is being created, said Fiyaz Mughal, president of the board of the British non-governmental organization Faith Matters, which seeks to develop a platform of understanding between Jews, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians in Great Britain"
(The Muslims didn't leave, so they started accusing the Poles, right?)
"On the other hand, there is also a small group of Muslims who have no sympathy for Jews and do not want to talk about the Holocaust at all. We cannot accept this, added Mughal, who is the author of the booklet "The Role of Righteous Muslims""
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"Rabbi Natan Levy, coordinator of the exhibition, said that "this project builds a unique bridge connecting both communities. From now on, they will be able to remember and honor the memory of the murdered together. The exhibition will facilitate mutual rapprochement between Jews and Muslims in the future." The Israeli Institute of Holocaust Heroes and Martyrs Yad Vashem has so far honored almost 25,000 people. people with the title of "Righteous Among the Nations". The distinction is awarded to those who risked their lives to save Jews from Nazi extermination. Among those awarded, the largest group are Poles - over 6,300"
Tia… It got old because of how Zionists see Poles (As Nazis)
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garamterang · 3 months ago
Siapakah Ananias dan Safira?
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Oleh Levi Berntson
Pada awal pasal kelima Kisah Para Rasul, Ananias dan Safira muncul di hadapan Rasul Petrus. Lukas, penulis Kisah Para Rasul, telah menjelaskan bahwa karena pencurahan Roh dan pekerjaan para Rasul, gereja mula-mula bertambah dalam jumlah dan iman (Kis. 2:41; 4:32). Faktanya, pertumbuhan ini begitu kuat dan tulus sehingga orang percaya berbagi harta mereka satu sama lain dengan menjual aset dan mempercayakannya kepada kebijaksanaan para Rasul (Kis. 4:34-35). Lukas bahkan memberikan contoh Barnabas, penduduk asli pulau Siprus, yang menjual ladang miliknya dan meletakkan seluruh hasilnya di depan kaki para Rasul. Barnabas akhirnya menjadi relatif terkenal di gereja mula-mula, dan dia menemani Paulus ke Antiokhia dan dalam perjalanan misionaris pertamanya (Kis. 11:25-26; 13:2-3).
Tidak ingin tertinggal, Ananias dan Safira juga meletakkan karunia finansial yang mereka dapatkan di kaki para Rasul (Kis. 5:2). Mereka berdua sangat mungkin termotivasi oleh kesempatan untuk mengesankan komunitas Kristen dan mendapatkan posisi terkemuka seperti Barnabas. Tetapi apa pun niat mereka, karunia mereka jelas tidak dimotivasi oleh iman yang tulus. Lukas menjelaskan bahwa, seperti Barnabas, pasangan suami istri ini menjual sebidang properti, tetapi mereka hanya membawa sebagian dari hasilnya, bukan jumlah penuh. Masalahnya bukan bahwa para Rasul mengharuskan pasangan ini untuk mengosongkan seluruh rekening bank mereka, melainkan bahwa Ananias dan Safira menyiratkan bahwa mereka telah melakukan hal yang persis sama seperti yang dilakukan Barnabas ketika, pada kenyataannya, mereka diam-diam "menyimpan" sebagian untuk diri mereka sendiri (Kis. 5:2).
Petrus melihat dengan benar penipuan ini dan menyebut niat jahat Ananias yang dimotivasi oleh Setan sendiri (Kis. 5:3-4). Dengan pengumuman penghakiman Apostolik ini, Ananias jatuh mati di tanah (Kis. 5:5-6). Tak lama setelah itu, Safira muncul, dan Petrus mengujinya dengan menanyakan berapa banyak yang mereka dapatkan dari properti itu. Ketika dia berbohong di hadapannya, dia juga jatuh mati seperti suaminya, mengejutkan seluruh gereja (Kis. 5:7-11).
Kisah Ananias dan Safira adalah bagian Alkitab yang signifikan karena setidaknya ada tiga alasan.
Peristiwa ini menyingkapkan keseriusan penipuan yang jahat, terutama di antara umat Allah.
Kisah Ananias dan Safira ini menyinggung Yosua 7. Selepas kejatuhan Yerikho, Akhan, seorang Israel, "menjauhkan" (perkataan yang sama ini digunakan dalam Perjanjian Lama Yunani) sebahagian daripada rampasan dari Yerikho dan menyembunyikannya di bawah kemahnya (Yos. 7:1, 21). Mengikuti langkah licik ini, Israel pergi berperang melawan Ai, dan tentara Israel dikalahkan (Yos. 7:4–6). Allah mengungkapkan dosa Akhan dan dia dan keluarganya dibunuh (Yos. 7:7–26). Alkitab mengucapkan peringatan keras tentang penipuan jahat semacam ini (lihat Kel. 20:16; Ams. 12:22; Zak. 8:16; Ef. 4:14-15; Yak. 5:12) karena sering mengungkapkan kurangnya iman yang tulus (Maz. 5:6; 1 Yoh. 1:6; Why. 21:8) dan itu merusak kesaksian umat Allah di dunia (Maz. 15:2-3; Mat. 5:16). Umat Tuhan tidak dapat melayani-Nya jika hidup mereka dipenuhi tipu daya. Mungkin inilah sebabnya Paulus menyatakan bahwa mereka yang tunduk pada otoritas seharusnya tidak "menahan" apa pun untuk diri mereka sendiri dengan niat egois, melainkan mereka harus menunjukkan iman yang baik untuk menghiasi pengakuan kesalehan mereka dengan praktek yang saleh (Tit. 2:10).
Catatan Ananias dan Safira mengungkapkan bahwa semua dosa pada akhirnya adalah dosa terhadap Tuhan.
Ketika Ananias mencoba untuk menipu Petrus, Rasul mengatakan bahwa Ananias tidak berbohong kepada manusia, tetapi kepada Roh Kudus (Kis. 5:3-4). Demikian juga, ketika Natan berhadapan dengan Daud tentang membunuh Uria dan mencuri istrinya, Daud berseru, "Aku telah berdosa terhadap Tuhan" (2 Sam. 12:13), dan dia berseru kepada Tuhan, "Terhadapmu, terhadap Engkau sajalah aku telah berdosa" (Maz. 51:6). Sebaliknya juga terjadi. Ketika kita berbuat baik kepada orang lain, kita pada akhirnya berbuat baik kepada Tuhan (Mat. 25:40). Inilah salah satu alasan mengapa Martin Luther berpendapat bahwa sebuah pekerjaan hanya bisa menjadi "baik" jika itu dilakukan karena iman dan untuk kemuliaan Allah. Setiap pekerjaan lain pada akhirnya dilakukan untuk melawan Tuhan dan untuk kemuliaan diri.
Dalam kisah ini, Tuhan menyela pola belas kasihan-Nya yang normal untuk mengingatkan umat-Nya bahwa mereka tidak pantas mendapatkannya.
Pada awal Kisah Para Rasul, Roh Kudus telah dicurahkan ke atas para Rasul, menghasilkan ucapan mukjizat yang mengarah pada keselamatan tiga ribu jiwa (Kis. 2:1-12, 41). Kita juga mengamati bahwa Roh yang sama membawa kesembuhan kepada orang lumpuh melalui Petrus dan Yohanes di gerbang bait suci (Kis. 3:1-10). Namun sekarang, kita melihat Roh Allah sebagai alat penghakiman, mendatangkan malapetaka kematian atas orang-orang berdosa, yang semuanya tidak pantas menerima apa-apa selain kehancuran semacam ini (Rm. 6:23). Interupsi yang tiba-tiba dan mengejutkan dalam cerita ini membawa ketakutan besar ke seluruh gereja (Kis. 5:11). Dengan cara ini, kita mengenali bahwa Roh yang sama—sesungguhnya, Allah tritunggal yang sama—adalah Allah yang murka dan berbelas kasihan. Apa yang membedakan Ananias dari Petrus? Akhan dari Daud? Mengapa yang satu mati, tetapi yang lain hidup? Mengapa seseorang menerima murka dan yang lain belas kasihan? Roh yang sama ini memberi tahu kita bahwa karunia iman dari Allah yang membedakan mereka yang menerima murka dan mereka yang menerima belas kasihan (Ef. 2:1-10).
Tulisan ini pernah dipublikasikan di website Ligonier Ministries dengan judul Who Were Ananias and Sapphira? yang ditulis oleh Levi Berntson. Diterjemahkan oleh Wira Yulianto.
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dianapopescu · 7 months ago
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25 iulie: Adormirea Sfintei Ana, mama Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu
Sfânta Ana, mama Preasfintei Născătoare de Dumnezeu, a fost fiica preotului Natan și a soției lui, Maria. A provenit din seminția lui Levi și a familiei lui Aaron. Potrivit tradiției, a murit în pace la Ierusalim, la vârsta de 79 de ani, înainte de Buna Vestire. https://www.diane.ro/2024/07/25-iulie-adormirea-sfintei-ana-mama.html
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realfightjunkie · 11 months ago
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Mike Davis {-420} DEFEATS Natan Levy {+320} via 2 round SUBMISSION on UFC Vegas 88. Won't go 3 rounds {+110} & Davis wins inside the distance {+115} hits!  
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thecoolerliauditore · 4 months ago
update on lawsuit-bait the martial arts show: no more weird oversharing of staff injuries but my boy jordan teaches bjj drops out due to injury. wow if only there was a way to avoid those. guy was literally in first place too and it just kinda gets glossed over hello??
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rokas' editing confuses me so much like i know the show was shot literally years ago but. you'd think he would take a look at the current political climate and go hmm maybe this one shot of natan levy saying it's hard to live in israel isn't necessary actually!! it's already so unneeded like bro is getting on a bus and the edit immediately will pull up a clip of him in an interview saying "back home in israel it is dangerous for us to on bus" what is the point big dog
just when i thought there couldn't be a competitor to the shitty sexual harrassment scenario from season 1 that heavily encouraged beating the shit out of an unarmed, non-violent woman, season 2 comes out with its own shitty sexual harrassment scenario that heavily encourages beating the shit out of an unarmed, non-violent* caricature of a gay man. really awesome
*non-violent except for the competitors who didn't "play along", when they tried to act like normal people the guy would just break character and start throwing hands lmao
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celebsgonecrazy · 1 year ago
UFC's Natan Levy Hoping Internet Troll Beatdown Sends Loud Message To Others
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infosisraelnews · 1 year ago
Un combattant juif de l'UFC frappe un supporter de l'antisémite Nick Fuentes dans un match en cage
Dans une vidéo publiée sur YouTube vendredi, le combattant juif-israélien de l’UFC, Natan Levy, a battu un partisan du célèbre suprémaciste blanc antisémite Nick Fuentes qui s’est battu avec lui dans un match en cage chronométré. Levy, qui a gagné le surnom de “Lethal”, détient actuellement un record professionnel de huit victoires et une seule défaite. “Il y a quelques jours, une mauviette sur…
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messias-ben-ephraim · 2 years ago
77 Jesus 76 Josef, 75 Eli, 74 Mattat, 73 Levi, 72 Melchi, 71 Jannai, 70 Josef, 69 Mattitja, 68 Amos, 67 Nahum, 66 Hesli, 65 Naggai, 64 Mahat, 63 Mattitja, 62 Schimi, 61 Josech, 60 Joda, 59 Johanan, 58 Resa, 57 Serubbabel, 56 Schealtiël, 55 Neri, 54 Melchi, 53 Addi, 52 Kosam, 51 Elmadam, 50 Er, 49 Joschua, 48 Eliëser, 47 Jorim, 46 Mattat, 45 Levi, Simeon, 43 Juda, 42 Josef, 41 Jonam, 40 Eljakim, 39 Melea, 38 Menna, 37 Mattata, 36 Natan, 35 David, 34 Isai, 33 Obed, 32 Boas, 31 Salmon, 30 Nachschon, 29 Amminadab, 28 Admin, 27 Arni, 26 Hezron, 25 Perez, 24 Juda, 23 Jakob, 22 Isaak, 21 Abraham, 20 Terach, 19 Nahor, 18 Serug, 17 Regu, 16 Peleg, 15 Eber, 14 Schelach, 13 Kenan, 12 Arpachschad, 11 Sem, 10 Noach, 9 Lamech, 8 Metuschelach, 7 Henoch, 6 Jered, 5 Mahalalel, 4 Kenan 3 Enosch, 2 Set, 1 Adam;
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rebeleden · 2 years ago
Watch "Jewish UFC fighter calls out Kanye West" on YouTube
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news247planet · 2 years ago
#Natan #Rodriguez #UFC Natan Levy vs. Pete Rodriguez scratched from UFC on ABC 4 https://news247planet.com/?p=239129
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feet2eat · 2 years ago
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A post shared by Natan Levy ✡︎ (@natan_levy)
natan_levy and ilaybarzilayy
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theanticool · 2 years ago
If Genaro Valdez was any type of pressure fighter, I really think he would have got Natan Levy out of there. Instead Levy is up 2-0 heading into the third.
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just-merce · 2 years ago
UFC Fight Night: Thompson vs Holland
UFC Fight Night: Thompson vs Holland
Photo Credit: UFC After having the weekend off, the UFC heads to the sunshine state for UFC Fight Night, Thompson vs Holland. Stephen ‘Wonderboy’ Thompson faces Kevin ‘Trailblazer’ Holland. In the co-main event, Bryan Barberena will look to keep his winning streak going when he meets former Lightweight Champion Rafael Dos Anjos, while Australian fighter Tai Tuivasa returns to action taking on…
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