#Napoleon letters to Josephine
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microcosme11 · 1 year ago
This is only part of a love letter Napoleon wrote
Je ne sais pas quel sort m’attend ; mais s’il m’éloigne plus longtemps de toi, il me [devient] insupportable ; mon courage ne va pas jusque-là. Il fut un temps où je m’enorgueillissais de mon courage, et quelquefois, en jetant les yeux sur le mal que pourraient me faire les hommes, sur le sort que pourrait me réserver le destin, je fixais les malheurs les plus inouïs sans froncer le sourcil, sans me sentir étonné. Mais aujourd’hui, l’idée que ma Joséphine pourrait être mal, l’idée qu’elle pourrait être malade, et surtout la cruelle, la funeste pensée qu’elle pourrait m’aimer moins, flétrit mon âme, arrête mon sang, me rend triste, abattu, ne me laisse pas même le courage de la fureur et du désespoir… Je me disais souvent jadis : les hommes ne peuvent rien à celui qui meurt sans regret ; mais aujourd’hui, mourir sans être aimé de toi, mourir sans cette certitude, c’est le tourment de l’enfer, c’est l’image vive et frappante de l’anéantissement absolu. Il me semble que je me sens étouffer. Mon unique compagne, toi que le sort a destinée pour faire avec moi le voyage pénible de la vie, le jour où je n’aurai plus ton cœur sera celui où la nature aride sera pour moi sans chaleur et sans végétation… Je m’arrête, ma douce amie ; mon âme est triste, mon corps est fatigué, mon esprit est étourdi. Les hommes m’ennuient. Je devrais bien les détester : ils m’éloignent de mon cœur.
Je suis à Port-Maurice, près Oneille ; demain, je suis à Albenga. Les deux armées se remuent ; nous cherchons à nous tromper. Au plus habile la victoire. Je suis assez content de Beaulieu ; s’il manœuvre bien, il est plus fort que son prédécesseur. Je le battrai, j’espère, de la belle manière. Sois sans inquiétude, aime-moi comme tes yeux ; mais ce n’est pas assez : comme toi ; plus que toi, que ta pensée, ton esprit, ta vie, ton tout. Douce amie, pardonne-moi, je délire ; la nature est faible pour qui sent vivement, pour celui que tu animes. [...]
Adieu, adieu, je me couche sans toi, je dormirai sans toi, je t’en prie, laisse-moi dormir. Voilà plusieurs jours où je te serre dans mes bras, songe heureux mais, mais, ce n’est pas toi…
I don’t know what fate awaits me; but if it keeps me away from you any longer, it [becomes] unbearable to me; my courage only goes so far. There was a time when I prided myself on my courage, and sometimes, casting my eyes on the harm that men could do to me, on the fate that destiny could have in store for me, I stared at the most incredible misfortunes without frowning, without feeling surprised. But today, the idea that my Joséphine could be unwell, the idea that she could be ill, and above all the cruel, fatal thought that she could love me less, withers my soul, stops my blood, makes me sad, dejected, does not even leave me with the courage of fury and despair… I often used to say to myself: men can do nothing to those who die without regret; but today, to die without being loved by you, to die without this certainty, is the torment of hell, it is the vivid and striking image of absolute annihilation. I seem to be suffocating. My only companion, you whom fate has destined to make with me the painful journey of life, the day when I will no longer have your heart will be the day when arid nature will be for me without heat and without vegetation… I stop, my sweet friend; my soul is sad, my body is tired, my mind is dizzy. Men bore me. I should hate them: they take me away from my heart.
I am in Port-Maurice, near Oneille; tomorrow I'm in Albenga. The two armies move; we seek to deceive each other. The most skilful wins. I am quite happy with Beaulieu; if he maneuvers well, he is stronger than his predecessor. I will beat him, I hope, in a good way. Don't worry, love me like your eyes; but that’s not enough: like you; more than you, than your thought, your spirit, your life, your everything. Sweet friend, forgive me, I am delirious; nature is weak for those who feel keenly, for those whom you animate. [...]
Goodbye, goodbye, I'm going to bed without you, I'll sleep without you, please let me sleep. It's been several days since I held you in my arms, happy dream but, but, it's not you…
link to the entire letter on napoleonica
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ciderbird · 3 months ago
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eternal--returned · 2 months ago
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Cynthia Grow ֍ Love Letters - Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine, Paris, Dec 1795 (2023)
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empirearchives · 2 years ago
Me: *feels guilty about reading the private love letters of historical figures which can get pretty intimate at times*
Also me:
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josefavomjaaga · 19 days ago
A fabricated letter from Napoleon to Joséphine
@gabrielferaud wondered about a fake letter I had mentioned in another post; here it is. It has been included (nolens volens, as it seems) in the "Correspondance générale" - despite huge doubts about its authenticity – as No. CG3 – 5436 :
[no date, but assumed to be written after the battle of Marengo] My dear friend, my first laurel was for my country, my second will be for you. When I fought Alvinzi, I was thinking of France; when he was beaten, I was thinking of you. Your son will give you a dragonne offered to him by General Morbach, who was taken prisoner by him. You see, Madame, that your Eugène is worthy of his father. Do not think me too unworthy to have succeeded this brave and unfortunate general, under whom I would have been honoured to learn to triumph. I send you my love.
The editors of the Correspondance Générale have added the following explanation in a footnote:
Bourgeat was the first to publish this text, but he did not say where it came from. According to him, the letter was written after the victory at Marengo. By a sort of tradition, it is therefore always included in editions of letters from this period. We are following this tradition here, but, along with Chantal de Tourtier-Bonazzi, we doubt that the dating is correct. Alvinzi, the defeated Arcole commander, did not take part in the 1800 campaign. Furthermore, the tone of the document is not consistent with that of the letters sent to Joséphine during the second Italian campaign. ‘One has to wonder whether this is not a forgery,’ concludes Chantal de Tournier-Bonazzi.
One really has to wonder, especially as this letter is part of a book called Mémoires et Correspondance de l'Imperatrice Josephine, published in 1820 by one Regnault-Warin, a novelist and pamphlet writer who, according to his Wikipedia page, was producing this kind of thing en masse. At the time, Eugène was still alive, and he apparently took the pain to write to the "Moniteur" about it. I could not find any reaction of that newspaper directly, but there were several comments in German newspapers from Bavaria to Berlin, (one of them translated below), so apparently Eugène really had protested vehemently.
And when a Beauharnais protests vehemently, it sounds like this:
The Moniteur recently communicated the following letter addressed to it by the Prince, Duke of Leuchtenberg: ‘Monsieur, I have just read a work published in Paris under the title: Mémoires et Correspondance de l'Imperatrice Josephine. I thank the author of this work for the justice he has done my mother by almost always marking the verbal utterances and letters which he attributes to her with the imprint of the genuinely French sentiments that inspired her throughout her life. I declare, however, that there is not a single line in this writing that really came from my mother, not a single line that came from my sister or from me, not a single anecdote concerning my family that corresponds to the truth. I am sorry, Monsieur l'Editeur, that I must speak of myself, or allow myself to be spoken of; but as I do not wish to contribute to the deception of the public by my silence, I have thought it my duty to publicise this statement, and I expect from your justice that you will not deny it a place in your journal. Receive etc. Munich, 15 January 182o (Signed) Prince Eugene.’
Eugène’s protest did not keep other writers to publish similar inventions, the most famous probably the memoirs by Mme Lenormand. But Mme Lenormand wrote some years later, in 1827, and had the advantage that by then, Las Cases’ Mémorial had already been published, and that Eugène was already dead.
Most of this kind of fabricated letters probably come from memoirs.
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ic-napology · 1 year ago
So I am reading this novel about Naps and Josephine's story and his passion has already worn out in Italy, so his whole great love for here is also over by consequence. An idea is worth loving, not a human woman. He's already ogling Giuseppina Grassini. (Btw funny how his first serious mistress's name was the same he gave to his wife).
I'm bothered when they come to picture this as the ending of all Napoleon's love for Josephine. Mostly in fiction, but even non-fiction tends to give this interpretation of their dynamic, sometimes already during the Italian campaign.
(I should point that this is an old novel, though.)
Why should any feeling of love go away once most passion and enthusiasm is over? The "mio dolce amor" period seems to me as just one phase of a much more complex relationship. I'd rather see it like Napoleon matured out of an excessive enthusiasm, stopped idealising her wife and gave her a more balanced vision and sentiment. He certainly had to do this after facing her faults, maybe also suffering while doing so, but should that not be love too?
He must have stopped worshipping a divinity and begun comprehending a woman, and that should be framed more as a positive thing, not as a delusion.
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saulwexler · 2 years ago
small insignificant thing but love that logan told connor this funny mausoleum story. he’s the least favorite but they had their own thing going on.
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evildilf2 · 2 years ago
[I’m not projecting voice] If there’s evidence for Connor being autistic I think it would be his interest in Napoleon
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thefabelmans2022 · 2 years ago
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sunsetagain · 3 months ago
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Wander in Wonder + Mountain Journey + Radiant Brilliance + Waking Reverie
at first i thought King's Banquet was a continuation of Mountain Journey where MC asked Sylus to make a new wreath.
Then I got inspired by The Coronation of Napoleon by Jacques-Louis David completed in 1807.
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MC: Have you ever written a love letter, Sylus?
"I hope that before long I shall clasp you in my arms, and cover you with a million kisses as burning as if under the equator."
- one of Napoleon's 228 letters to Josephine
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thegreatzombieartisan · 1 year ago
Reminder that Napoleon was an even bigger Josephine simp IRL than in the Ridley Scott film. He also wrote a romance novella. Saddam Hussein did too. Tangent: many dictators were former, or even ongoing, artists.
Napoleon’s love letters are like a jealous boyfriend out of his f*cking mind
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His letters to Josephine… how do I sum these up?
Romantic, desperate, steamy, angry, flowery, pathetic, obsessive like 18th century texts and voicemails.
1. Napoleon as a bit clingy
“Your tears rob me of reason, and inflame my blood. Believe me it is not in my power to have a single thought which is not of thee, or a wish I could not reveal to thee.”
2. Napoleon when being literally Emperor of Europe
“Without his Josephine, without the assurance of her love, what is left him upon earth? What can he do?”
3. Napoleon sexting
“How happy I would be if I could assist you at your undressing, the little firm white breast, the adorable face, the hair tied up in a scarf a la creole.”
5. Napoleon asking, “Why aren't you texting me back?!"
I write you, my beloved one, very often, and you write very little. You are wicked and naughty, very naughty, as much as you are fickle. It is unfaithful to your faithful loving tender husband! You know how much pleasure they give me!”
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microcosme11 · 1 year ago
It's impossible to be more weak and more degraded
Two weeks before their marriage, Josephine apparently accused Napoleon of being in a relationship with her for utilitarian reasons, and he took umbrage. At first, he addresses her as "vous" but switches to "tu."
Je vous ai quittée emportant avec moi un sentiment pénible. Je me suis couché bien fâché. Il me semblait que l’estime qui est due à mon caractère devait éloigner de votre pensée la dernière qui vous agitait hier au soir. Si elle prédominait dans votre esprit, vous seriez bien injuste, Madame, et moi bien malheureux !
Vous avez donc pensé que je ne vous aimais pas pour vous ! ! ! Pour qui donc ? Ah ! Madame, y avez-vous bien songé ! Un sentiment si bas a-t-il pu être conçu dans une âme si pure ? J’en suis encore étonné, moins encore cependant que du sentiment qui, à mon réveil, m’a ramené sans rancune et sans volonté à vos pieds. Certes, il est impossible d’être plus faible et plus dégradé. Quel est donc ton étrange pouvoir, incomparable Joséphine ? Une de tes pensées empoisonne ma vie, déchire mon âme par les résolutions les plus opposées, mais un sentiment plus fort, une humeur moins sensible me rattache, me ramène et me conduit encore comme un coupable. Je le sens bien, si nous avons des disputes ensemble, je devrais récuser mon cœur, ma conscience : tu les as séduits, ils sont toujours pour toi.
Toi cependant, mio dolce amor, tu as bien reposé ? As-tu seulement pensé deux fois à moi !!! Je te donne trois baisers : un sur ton cœur, un sur ta bouche, un sur tes yeux.
I left you with a painful feeling. I went to bed very angry. It seemed to me that the esteem which is due to my character ought to remove from your thought the last which agitated you yesterday evening. If it prevailed in your mind, you would be very unfair, Madam, and I very unhappy!
So you thought that I did not love you for you!!! For whom, then? Ah! Madam, have you really thought this! Could such a low feeling be conceived in such a pure soul? I am still astonished, however, less so than the feeling which, when I woke up, brought me back to your feet without rancor and without will. Certainly, it is impossible to be weaker and more degraded. What is your strange power, incomparable Josephine? One of your thoughts poisons my life, tears my soul with the most opposing resolutions, but a stronger feeling, a less sensitive mood binds me, brings me back, and leads me again like a guilty one. I really feel that if we have arguments, I should challenge my heart, my conscience: you seduced them, they are always for you.
However, you, mio dolce amor, have you rested well? Have you even thought of me twice!! I give you three kisses: one on your heart, one on your mouth, one on your eyes.
napoleonica correspondence of Napoleon
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cherie-doll · 2 months ago
Cheriee, some mood on harmless funny prank? Asking husband to leave the room so we can change.
This is the cutest one I found- maybe because there's children? Haha.
Please have fun and take it easy ❤
Aww, I love this video.. I've been rewatching it
Asking your cod husband to leave the room while you change
♡︎ Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Roach, Alejandro, Rudy, Phillip Graves, Makarov, Keegan, König, Horangi, Nikto
ɞ Price would immediately turn his head at any sign he might pick up on your feeling down. He figured this might be one of those times. So he's turning to you and asking what's wrong. Did someone say something? You're worth a lot in his eyes.
ɞ If you asked and didn't sound serious Simon would only grunt and laugh, shaking his head at your request. He would think there would be some truth or meaning so he'd get up because he understands wanting space.
ɞ Johnny was probably talking, going off about something as he waited for you to finish getting ready to go out. That is until you interrupted him to tell him you wanted to change your outfit but if he could please walk out. He sat there speechless for a minute before asking if you were okay.
ɞ Kyle would think it might have something to do with your self-esteem. Maybe you didn't feel well that day so him being the caring and gentle husband he is, went over to you gave you a peck on the cheek and started reciting all the reasons why he loved you.
ɞ Roach would be the one to be the most understanding and doesn't question anything. Silently crawling out the door saying you look great in anything you wear and he loves you and will be waiting outside. ARGGH- go give him a kiss.
ɞ Alejandro is raising an eyebrow at you right now. Would think you might be having a bit of body dysmorphia and start reciting beautiful verses of how beautiful your body is that would put Shakespeare and Napoleon's letters to Josephine to shame.
ɞ Rudy was understandably confused at first. He wondered if he'd done something or said anything that made you feel uncomfortable showing your body around him. Still he understood that perhaps you wanted some privacy, he sweetly smiled and nodded as he stood up.
ɞ Phillip is sighing as if he didn't watch you give birth, as if he hasn't showered with you before. He's glancing over to the kids and just going "yep, okay I'll go".
ɞ Makarov bought the clothes you're trying on right now. He thinks he has the right to watch you try it on AND change in front of him. Unless... something is wrong?!
ɞ You're crazy if you think Keegan is walking out as simple as that. He's leaning back and getting comfortable. "You act as if I haven't watched you change before".
ɞ König just holds up the baby like going "??" and you just nod and point to the door. Yeah, okay he's leaving. Takes the kid too, maybe he'll be in the kitchen making a bottle for it while you finish up in there.
ɞ Horangi is grounding himself to that chair and not moving. Matter of fact he's getting up and helping you get out of those clothes and helping you change personally. Would drop a few teasing lines here and there.
ɞ Nikto would just stare at you. The logic is not there for him right now, he's holding the fat baby you BOTH made on his lap as he watches you show him your new clothing item. He just stays silent but doesn't move, if you don't want him there just go into the bathroom and change there.
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eternal--returned · 2 months ago
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Cynthia Grow ֍ Love Letters - Napoleon Bonaparte to Josephine Bonaparte [1796] (2023)
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empirearchives · 11 months ago
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Beautiful unpublished letter from Josephine praying to Berthier to protect Napoleon
“Above all, take good care of the emperor. Make sure he doesn't expose himself too much. You are one of his oldest friends and it is on your attachment that I rely.”
Lettre de Joséphine à Berthier. Mayence, 15 octobre (1806). Une page 1/2 sur bifolio, papier doré à frise gaufrée de palmes, urnes et lauriers, in-8. "(...) ayés surtout bien soin de l'empereur. faites qu'il ne s'expose pas trop. vous êtes un de ses plus anciens amis et c'est sur votre attachement que je me repose.(...)"
Source: Sotheby’s — Une famille et Napoléon, Collections du Maréchal Berthier, Prince de Wagram
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captainknell · 1 year ago
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Rating: Cute!
This Napoleon thinks he can write comprehensively!
He’s wrong.
Napoleons can and will only produce chicken scratch. Sometimes their mates even think that a Napoleon is just sending them a drawing of a country they mean to conquer rather than a declaration of love.
But that doesn’t mean this Napoleon isn’t having fun! He thinks he’s communicating, and he’s enriched and healthy! Very cute.
((He was drawn by Bruno Wennagal for the Quelle Histoire series))
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