#Nanny Training Center
simmyseo · 2 years
Nanny Institute
A course for all those ambitious students who want to move overseas(Canada, USA) for professional work. Opting for our 6 months Diploma comprises helps the student get well-versed with various aspects of Child Care and Home Management. After successful completion of the course, each student takes up the practical job training in real-life scenarios. The student has access to a range of opportunities after completion of this course, including applying for visa under the Care Giver category to work overseas.
Being a competitive field with many institutes offering this course, AROMA has an edge over them by the sheer number of subjects offered, exceptional coaching, international standard training and a very minimal fee that covers all this.
Aroma Institute certificate course in Nanny is perfect for those who are ready for childcare. The course prepares students to travel abroad and work as a caregiver for children. The study covers all the aspects of child care and the role and responsibilities of a nanny.
If you are looking to develop caregiving as your career, this is the right place for you. In the urban homes, both the parents are away from home and no one is there to look after children and young babies. Nanny‛ s job responsibilities cover taking care of the child, feeding, bathing, dressing, and personal grooming. Nanny also takes care of medications and coordinates with physicians for the healthcare of the children.
Nanny Skills Program
The programme for nanny training prepares learners to take up the profession of caregiver. Here are some highlights of the curriculum for our course.
• Basics and essentials of child care • Bathing and dressing • Meal planning and nutrition • CPR and First-Aid training • Familiarizing with common child problems • Handling common child healthcare issues • Coordinating with the healthcare team • Safety issues for children • Understanding child psychology • Play and learning in the early age • Training for communication
A professional nanny provides complete childcare in a family setting. They specialize in child care and taking care of health.
Career Opportunities for Nanny
Nanny is a lucrative profession one can have in overseas countries like UK, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, and other developed countries.
Nannies are in high demand in developed countries for many reasons. Nannies with good command over English are also highly preferred. It is one of the respectable jobs in many families around the world. With both the parents working and no one to take care of children, the demand for nannies is higher than ever before.
Families are concerned about hiring only trained nannies instead of untrained ones. A certification course in nanny helps to earn lucrative remuneration in overseas countries. A trained nanny has high chances to get work visas in many western countries as well as in Australia and New Zealand.
Benefits of Training in Nanny Institute
If you love babies and love being with them, the nanny is a right profession. Without any higher studies, you can earn well as a caretaker.
Countries like UK and USA held trained persons in high regard. Hence, it is important to have training in child care. A professional training will help to get high paying jobs in good household set-ups. Hence, our training centre train nannies to become aware of all the important aspects of the child care. Families today do not prefer untrained nannies. They believe trained caretakers are more safe and reliable for babies.
Nannies trained at Aroma Institute achieve a high level of qualification and knowledge for child caring. They are equipped to help children and able to communicate with the families. We assess skills and readiness to care for babies and develop right baby care skills for best career opportunities.
Aroma Institute is a right place to learn and grow for a variety of careers. All our trainers are experienced in relevant work and provide right guidance to all the candidates with one-to-one attention.
Nanny Institute
Nanny Institute Punjab
Nanny Training Center
Nanny Training Centre
Nanny Training Institute
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blkkizzat · 9 days
Mmm prof sukuna is just...yummy. I can't even.
But since we're doing this, Prof Gojo. He teaches theoretical physics. Your major required you to take it. So you do, your senior year of undergrad. But you're an experimental physics kinda person. So you argue with him day and night. So it surprises you when you're a grad student that he seeks you out to bounce ideas off of. He invites you to join a collaboration. He introduces you to people. This man is not your advisor, but he's always creating an opportunity for you. Eventually, your going to dinner meetings with him and several other professors from the department. You're surprised to learn they ALL think you're his girlfriend. And he doesn't deny it. In fact, he just smirks and changes the subject. Now no matter who you deny it to, they all just say that you don't have to pretend and that it's not that weird. Except now, no one asks you out. Because they all think you're taken. You ask Satoru to clear things up and he just says to let it pass. The more you deny it, the worse it'll get. Eventually, eventually, you just give up and hang around him like normal. You're getting good opportunities out of it and he's a really good friend. Even if he is a theoretical physicist. But it all changes after you defend your dissertation. He comes and listens and afterward takes you for ice cream, and he kisses you. he tells you he was waiting until you weren't a student anymore. You're flabbergasted. And a little mad cause you barely get laid for two and a half years cause everyone you met on campus thought you were dating this man and time off campus was rare. But fear not cause you decide to get even. You demand he make up for all 30 months you went without.
Side note: geto is def an English prof right? And Nanami is math?
- 🧠
🧠 nonny! pookies you eating with these! also prof geto is most def english, philosophy or anthro 100% and I can totally see prof nanami as math or he might be a dr on the md track and be your like attending when ur a resident kdhfkshfa.
prof gojo is really cute. i like how he played the long game and waited. i was surprised cause i didnt think he'd have it in him to do it but it make sense he could here if everyone thought you were dating already lefhdsdlkfhudslkfh. lmfao watch he's like fanning the flames himself behind your back.
ahhh wait i can't leave out my husband... even though i do NOT see him as an academic lmfao at all. buuuut WALK WITH ME HERE... professor toji of sports medicine.
prof toji happened to fall into the role more than anything. a former olympian he has over a dozen gold metals, the highest ever for a single person in japan and the first person to ever participate—let alone win in multiple categories. his physical prowess is a wonder to modern science and its purely his obsession with to being at his physical peak that drives him into academia so he could learn more about his body after being disillusioned with 'incompetent' personal trainers and physical therapist, taking his care into his own hands. prof toji now retired was practically begged to come to the university to teach. he teaches one class but mostly heads sports medicine at a university with a medical center where he trains and conditions sports athletes—you happen to be his TA/assistant, a former promising gymnast olympian but sidelined due to a wrist that never healed right. Toji is annoyed by you at first, brash disposition and a widower, he's not very personable at all. but one day you happen to be with him when his nanny has an emergency and drops a young 5 year old megumi off at his offices early. prof toji has to evaluate the swimmers in 20 minutes and it be too dangerous to take him to the pools, so you offer to watch him and toji, while skeptical has no choice but to let you. prof toji is quite shocked upon his return to find you in the aerobics area and megumi actually laughing—you taught him summersaults and he can almost do a cartwheel without falling over. he hasn't seen him laugh like that since his mom passed. prof toji feels indebted to you now and he hates that so he offers to take a look at your wrist even though you say theres 'nothing that can be done' which prof toji scoffs at. It takes a minor surgery and almost a year of physical therapy, strict diet and training regimine at his directive but your wrist actually heals!
fast forward 2 years and you are actually at the olympics! a bit older for the category but due to the immaculate physical therapy and training from prof toji you manage to get gold by mere fractions of points! taking it from the current champion of the last 3 years! prof toji is the first one to catch your eye when your scores are announced and when you flew into his arms out of gratitude he couldn't help the passionate kissed that followed as he literally kissed you for the first time in front of the whole world!
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hezzabeth · 9 months
Revati knew, as she walked back to Baker Street, that once again she was on the edge of things.
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Revati could barely remember the first edge she encountered, four years old and holding a balloon while drones flew above.
The second edge, seeing her father’s twitching hand under the rubble.
And now, Amma standing in the doorway with Dusk.
Her arms were folded, and she glared when she realized Camilo was with them.
"Hello, Camilo," Amma remarked.
"Sugafanna! I haven’t seen you since…" he began.
"Jay’s last birthday; you drank too much of your honeymede and threw up on the walls," Amma pointed out.
"Ah, yes," Camilo blushed with embarrassment.
"And I suppose you’re here to help Revati with this insanity?" Sugafana asked coldly.
"Is saving the ones we love really that insane?" Camilo asked Sugafana, who sighed, rolling her eyes.
"I’m going to the station now, Amma; where’s Nanni?" Revati asked.
"I’m right here, Dimpy," Nanni said from behind mother.
"Don’t die while I’m gone; you’ve lasted eighty years. You can last a little longer," Revati said firmly.
Nanni pulled her down, kissing her forehead, and then draped something around Revati’s neck.
It was her precious Kasithaali, a gold chain dotted with gold and coral beads.
In the center of the chain, there was a tiny golden idol, its features finely carved.
The Kasithaali was ancient, trailing far back to the first Sheik born on Mars.
The coral beads had been picked from a long-ago dead and abandoned Earth.
"Nanni, you know I can’t take this! Raiders will try to steal it," Revati pointed out.
"Hide it down the front of your clothes! You will need Lakshmi’s protection," Nanni said firmly.
"You will also need this," Amma replied, sliding off one of her bangles.
"Why are you both giving me wedding jewelry? I’m going on a rescue mission; I’m not getting married," Revati asked as Amma slid the bangle onto Revati’s wrist.
Amma tapped the bracelet four times, and it suddenly glowed a faint purple.
"DNA approved user confirmed, current balance nine thousand six hundred and eighty-three credits," the bracelet chimed.
"It’s not a bracelet; it’s my portable bank account! You’re not going to go out into the world with no funds," Amma said as Revati stared at the glowing numbers.
"Is this a lot of money?" She asked curiously.
"It’s enough. Now here’s everything else you asked for... including your sister's hairbrush," Amma asked, handing Revati a bag, and Revati nodded.
"Good, well, I best be off then," Revati said, and Amma nodded.
Revati realized it was probably time to say something else.
"I love you both," she added before reaching forward to embrace Amma.
Revati firmly believed in only hugging on her terms.
Still, Amma deserved it.
It took a moment to realize that Brigadeiro Bun was politely following her and Camilo.
"Why are you trailing behind me?" Revati had to ask.
"He's following you as well, as well as what I suspect is the android wearing a cloak," Brigadeiro pointed out.
"I need Camilo to help me at the train station," Revati replied as they reached the maze's entrance.
"I’m pretty sure I can turn the train on for one ride; I salvaged a power cell from the dragon," Camilo explained.
"Well, I’m following you because you’ll need my tent if you want to survive the elements," Brigadeiro replied.
"You got your tent back, then?" Revati asked as they entered the maze.
In the distance, Revati could hear someone giggle among the leaves.
"Yes, Isabeau found it in the lost property pile," Brigadeiro replied.
"And you’re going to give me your tent?" Revati asked.
"I’m going to share it with you; it’s a two-person tent! My ex and I were supposed to travel together, but we broke up," Brigadeiro said with a small shrug.
"You don’t seem that upset about it," Revati pointed out as they turned a corner.
The giggling was coming from two small children in medical dress fighting with sticks.
"I was; then I went out to find diamond roses for her, and everything else happened," Brigadeiro admitted.
"So you’re going to travel with me for an indefinite amount of time? Finding my sister plus take weeks or months," Revati said as they turned right.
"Or years; when appliances want to hide things, they stay hidden," Camilo pointed out.
"Well, I’ll stay with you until we reach a public teleportation station; then you can keep the tent," Brigadeiro said, and Revati shrugged.
"Fine, that’s a fair exchange for saving your life twice," she admitted.
The maze suddenly opened up onto the grand entrance of Olde Landon.
The ticket booths, in the shape of castle turrets, had long ago been abandoned.
The giant Elizabeth Twin statue was covered in gently glowing fungus.
Revati stared at them briefly.
One of the queens was in a grand solid carved ballgown.
The other in a neat suit and hat.
Both of them had lizard faces.
"We have the exact same statue on the South West Sydney Space station; apparently, the lizard faces allowed the queens to live for centuries," Brigadeiro remarked.
"That was just a myth; come on this way," Camilo replied.
The park bullet train ran from the park to Leeryasoar, the country's capital. Years ago, the station teemed with tourists. Feet would pound over the shiny tiles, the exact same gold and purple as the domed train. Creatrix vending machines were constantly humming next to the benches. Revati remembered Amma punching in several numbers to get Dityaa a bottle of mango lassi. There had been a stand in the center of the platform selling park maps and plastic magic wands. Pink and red roses grew in orderly bushes. Holographic signs floated on the walls, stating that all data cloud technology would stop working inside the park. Revati had dim memories of her father checking the news on his communications bracelet before they went inside. The signs had long ago been smashed to pieces and were now nothing more than broken screens. The Creatrix vending machines had been looted and were now filled with spiders. The roses all grew in wild tangles flowing over the garden beds.
"Wow; these roses have gone feral! They're singing about how much they wish they could prick people with their thorns," Brigadeiro remarked as Camilo approached the abandoned purple shuttle train with his tool belt.
"Are we far enough away from the wall?" Revati asked.
"We should be! All the vending machines were, so they led the attack during the invasion! The only thing that stopped them was the station's power supply getting cut off," Camilo said, gesturing about. Camilo was right; the station was dim and depressing under the grey Martian sunlight. Revati nodded and whisked the cloak off the figure. The maternity droid stared back at her. Camilo had taken the time to repaint its face. Its lips were a deep scarlet, its eyes bright cheerful green. Camilo had also replaced its broken legs with bulky steel ones he had spray-painted blue with cheerful flowers painted down the side. The belly door had been reattached and was now filled with a healthy white light.
"Hello, I am your custom-built Materno 4000 Deluxe prenatal droid! Would you like to grow a new baby or link to your pre-existing infant?" The android chirped in a flat metallic voice.
"Pre-existing infant," Revati said, and the Android's eyes fluttered.
"Your pre-existing infant is 218 months old, is this correct?" The android asked.
"Correct," Revati said, and the android blinked again.
"Your pre-existing infant is currently out of detection range; would you like to create a new infant?" The android asked.
"No! I want to talk to the lady who was using you as a microphone before," Revati said.
"You have to tell it to open maternal communication! I turned the channel off," Camilo said from where he had managed to open the front panel of the train.
"Open maternal communication!" Brigadeiro said eagerly.
The android's eyes fluttered shut once again. There was nothing.
"I don't think we're far enough away from the wall," Revati sighed.
But then the humming began. A faint, child-like humming came from behind the Android's lips.
"Whispers in the motherboard, a haunting tune,
A phantom dancing in the light of a digital moon," Brigadeiro sang along, and Revati shot him a confused look.
"It's humming Circuit whispers! From the hit musical 'The Android of Music,'" Brigadeiro explained.
"I've never heard of it," Revati confessed.
"You've never heard of 'The Android of Music'? Praise group! Once you've rescued your sister, I'll have to take you! Everyone needs to hear 'The Android of Music,'" Brigadeiro said firmly. Before Revati had a chance to reply, the android's eyes snapped open again.
"Thank Krishna! Finally, a decent signal; it's been eighteen years," the android exclaimed in an incredibly annoyed upper-class woman's voice. The Android reached clumsily toward Revati, snatching her bag. Then it reached inside, pulling out Dityaa's hairbrush. The belly door swung open, and the Android shoved the hairbrush inside.
"Did it just do what I think it just did?" Brigadeiro grimaced.
"How else do you expect me to trace my daughter's DNA?" The Android asked, and then her belly glowed green.
"Right, the last recording of her DNA imprint was in New Singapore six hours ago! Let's go find my baby," the android said firmly and cheered as the train burst back into life.
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burned-out-match · 1 year
800 words, jing yuan x fem!reader, royal arranged marriage au
You knew today was supposed to be a big day. Not just for you, but for everyone in Xianzhou. Your entire life led up to this day… this moment. 
Your childhood was adorned with the finest of luxuries. The finest of nannies and butlers, the most credible of professors and tutors, the most refined of artistic instructors, the most rigorous of royal training. Yet, all of these addends still don’t equate the ultimate sum. Your role in life was, and is, not that of a ruler. You are to be the shadow. All of this training, only to serve as the crutch of a family’s honor. And who would you hold up rather than the future general?
Jing Yuan has been in your life since your birth. The two of you were sometimes laid to rest in the same bed as children. But this doesn’t mean that you still speak with him… not by any means. The last time you saw the young general was the evening of your tenth birthday. The two of you parted ways to begin preparing yourselves to be the new faces of Xianzhou. Both of your parents insisted that you not see each other until your engagement, to avoid any ‘youthful nonsense,’ as they called it. 
So here you sit, facing a vanity mirror. Various women fuss over your appearance, perfecting every detail. It feels like you’ve been sitting for hours. You yawn before someone closes your mouth for you. 
“Now, Ms. Y/N, there’s no reason for you to be tired! It’s quite disrespectful to not give your full attention to those around you! Keep your shoulders up and your gaze graceful!” 
An older woman scolds you, and you laugh softly. You’re nervous about meeting Jing Yuan again, but not nervous enough to feel fully awake. There’s a swift knock at your door, and your mother enters the room. She wishes you well, fawning over your appearance, before ushering you out of your bedroom. You are promptly escorted to a starskiff, a rather elegant one at that, and towards the meeting place. 
You fully expected to meet your old friend, and new fiance, in the center of the Xianzhou. When you stop by a secluded garden, you’re confused. 
“Are… Are we supposed to be here? I thought I was to meet the general-”
The driver of the starskiff turns around, giving you a subtle nod. 
“The general informed your parents to have you brought to this address, without an escort. I’m simply following orders, Ms. Y/N.”  
Your eyes widen as you process this new information. You nod to the man, offering a simple thanks, and leave the starskiff. Usually, someone would be there to accompany you. A new air of independence washes over you, and you smile warmly. Jing Yuan used to always say that he wanted alone time, away from rules and formalities. Is he still the same?...
You pull yourself out of your daydreaming, looking for a direction to follow. As you gaze at the beautiful garden, a certain flower catches your eye. Did Jing Yuan remember your favorite kind? You notice that there’s a trail of them, so you follow them. You’re soon met by the gentle smell of tea. There’s a gazebo hidden away among vines. The flowers are unmistakably leading towards it. Your breathing is shaky as you approach the small hideaway. Before you reach it, though, a tall man steps out to greet you. He towers over you, looking over you. You would normally be nervous about such scrutiny, but there’s a kind interest in his gaze. A smile tugs at his lips before he meets your eyes. His fluffy hair covers one of his eyes, but you’re not sure if you could handle both of his golden orbs piercing through you. You’re speechless as he walks toward you slowly. He holds himself with an aura of authority and mystery. You can’t help but stare at the gorgeous man. For a moment, it seems as though Jing Yuan isn’t standing before you. Those thoughts instantly turn to dust when he smiles at you, that same cat-like smirk you remember from your childhood. You smile back at him, beaming. The two of you don’t share any words yet. This simple moment of closeness communicates more than mere words ever could. 
Jing Yuan steps closer to you… close enough for you to smell his cologne. He holds out his hand, one outstretched towards you and the other resting behind his back. You gently lay your hand in his. He looks at your hands together, gently rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. He brings your hand to his lips, gently kissing each knuckle as he looks into your eyes. You blush slightly, smiling.  “I’ve missed you… my dearest Y/N…”
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melanieph321 · 1 year
If you are still taking requests, could I ask for a Ruben angst to fluff where his daughter is like under 1 years old, but is at Nursery and comes down with a fever. They can’t get through to reader, so the nursery have to phone Ruben instead and he worries about his daughter and also why his wife hasn’t been contactable?! Hope this all makes sense 😅 thank you xx
Ugh, I loved writing this. 😭 Thank you for the request. I changed it up a bit so that the child is old enough to talk.
Ruben Dias x Reader - Daddy of The Day
"Hello, Mr Dias?"
"Yes that's me. Who's this?"
Ruben thought another journalist had gotten a hold of his phone number again, but it turned out to be the principal of his daughter's day care.
"Why would you need me to come and pick her up?"
Ruben was confused, it was barley lunchtime. He had just gotten out of his physio appointment at the teams training center.
"I'm sorry to bother you Mr Dias but it would be better for your daughter to go home as soon as possible."
"Why?" His heart jumped.
"She has a very high fever and complaining of pain in the rectum. We're guessing the flu."
Ruben nodded. The flu was bad. "I'll call my wife, she's usually the one to handle these things."
"I'm afraid we've tried reaching your wife Mr Dias, several times."
"She's not answering?"
"We've called your nanny and your wifes listed emergency contact, her mother. You're the first person I could get a hold of Mr Dias."
Ruben took a minute to collect his thoughts. It was clear what he had to do. "All right, I'll be there in thirty minutes."
"Again, sorry to bother you Mr Dias. Your wife has informed us not to call this number unless..."
"It's an emergency." He nodded. "Don't worry, I'll be there."
After speaking to his coach and his team, Ruben left Manchester City's training ground. He could imagine the headlines in the tabloids tomorrow, "Ruben Dias out of the squad?". He couldn't care less though. This was a family emergency and to him family always comes first.
"Y/N, please call me as soon as you get this. I'm on my way to the day care now." Ruben left you a third message as he drove to the day care center. He was starting to worry that somthing might have happened to you because this wasn't normal for you not to answer his calls, even during working hours.
"Daddy my tummy." Your daughter groand. Ruben had picked hebrup from the day care and was now rushing through traffic to take her to the hospital. She was too weak to walk so Ruben carried her in his arms to the ER front desk.
"We'll run some blood tests and see what we can do." Said a nurse after Ruben and your daughter was taken into a separate room.
"Daddy what will the doctors do?" She asked. They had her lie in a hospital bed but she quickly became anxious being detached form Ruben. He settled with holding her in his lap as he sat on the edge of the bed.
"They're just going to run some tests baby, draw some blood from your arm.
"Blood?" Your daughter gasped. Then her lip began to tremble. "I want mommy."
"Trust me I want mommy too."
Ruben checked his phone. There was no messages from you. Where could you possibly be?
"Daddy I want mommy!"
It didn't take long for your daughter to be in a sea of tears. Ruben rocking her back and forth was to no use. He felt so hopless without you by his side.
"Okay look." Ruben said, in a tone that startled your daughter. He only ever used this tone with his teammates during half time in a tough game. "Daddy wants mommy too. He really really does. But mommy isn't here right now, it's just you and me. But you and me are also strong. Not as strong as mommy, but mommy has taught us well, hasn't she?"
Your daughter wiped her tears and gave a slight nod.
"Good. Now when the doctor comes in to runs some test, we will show them how strong we are, together."
"That's my girl."
The doctors ran many tests on your daughter and by the time you left your final  meeting at work you realized that your phone had no battery and needed to be charged. Your heart jumped seeing dozens of missed calls from Ruben, the day care and your mother.
"Where is she?"
You made your way to the hospital as fast as you could. Your mother was there to meet you at the entrance.
"She's resting. The doctors ran many test."
"And...?" You were walking with rushed steps down the hospital hallways, thinking that the worst things has happened to your daughter.
"They say she might be allergic to gluten."
You altered your steps. "Allergic to what?"
"Gluten. That would explain her stomach aches."
"Where's Ruben?"
You arrived in front of a hospital room. You're mother gestured towards the door. "In there. I think they're asleep."
It was a peaceful sight, Ruben and your daughter laying on the hospital bed hugging each other.
"Ruben?" You felt slightly guilty to shrugg him awake.
"Y/N?" His eyes flung open at the sight of you. "Y/N, where have you been are you okay?"
"Am I okay? You're the one in a hospital bed with our daughter."
"Right." Ruben looked back to where she was sleeping. "Turns out she's gluten."
You sighed in relief, everyone seemed to be okay.
"I tried calling you and the school tired calling you."
"I know baby and I'm sorry. My phone died during one of our meeting runs and I forgot my charger at home."
"Well after this I'm buying you a box full of charges." Ruben stretched his arms above his head and yawned. He looked so exhausted, you thought.
"I'm sorry you had to leave training to pick her up." You muttered. "It should have been me."
Ruben shook his head and railed you on with his hands on your waist. "We're in this together, you and me."
"And her." You smiled. Your daughter stirred, slowly coming to.
"Yes, baby, I'm here." You caressed her cheek as Ruben helped bring her to sit up. Her arms were covered with smiley stickers and a big bandage where blood had been drawn from her arm.
"Mommy,  I'm gluten." She said.
"So I've heard." You chuckled.
"Daddy says I'm strong no matter what. Just like you."
You looked to Ruben who blushed. You ran a hand through his hair. "Well Daddy is strong too. Especially today when Mommy couldn't be there for you."
"Will you be there for me next time?" Your daughter asked,  tossing and turning in Ruben's lap.
"Of course I will and Daddy too. We will be there for you together, always."
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gamerwoo · 2 years
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part One)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft best friends/ex-roommates!Chan, Minho, and Seungmin.......and Jisung is there lmao)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, boy next door/neighbor!hyunjin, virgin!reader, fluff ig, some humor, mentions of Chan doing OF, reader has anxiety and self-esteem issues, mentions of bad porn plots, one mention of reader being around hyunjin’s height and having big hands (but this is one of the few times i mention reader’s appearance in this series), it’s mentioned that reader is in her 20′s, reader may or may not have a hand kink lmao, minors dni!!!
Word count: 2,889
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
Permanent tag list (italics are unable to tag): @minluvly @awkwardnesshabitat @woozarts @septicrebel @4kwp @thepencilkorner @shmooooo​ [be added to the taglist by filling out this form!]
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“Last box?” Jisung huffed as he almost dropped the large cardboard box full of your stuff onto the tiled kitchen floor. He stood up straight and looked at you with pain on his features. “Please tell me that’s the last box.”
“I don’t know why you’re complaining when you showed up late,” Seungmin told him with a frown, leaning against the center counter while he tried to catch his breath.
“Well I hardly even know _____, so you’re lucky I showed up at all,” he spat back.
Jisung was one of Chan’s friends, and Chan was one of your friends – one of three that you had since moving. The rest of your friends were left back in your hometown, so all you got was the occasional text when it was convenient for either of you. 
For a little while, you were crammed into an apartment made for three people, and those three were Chan, Minho, and Seungmin. The trio needed another roommate to afford rent and avoid being evicted, so it was Minho and Seungmin who took two of the bedrooms, Chan offered you the third bedroom, and he slept on the couch. Once you got comfortable, though, you ended up rooming with Chan – he made a great roommate since he was always awake doing something until 5am when he’d return to the bedroom and sleep until noon.
But then you got a new job – well, same job but new family. As a nanny, you knew your kids would eventually get too old or their parents would get new jobs or whatever reason that they’d decide they didn’t need your services anymore. In this case, the twins you were in charge of had gotten into some daycare that their parents were on a waitlist for forever. Childcare was hard to get into since it was in such high demand, but it was also hard to afford – not like money was an issue for the family you worked for considering their house. But since their kids got in, they essentially had to fire you.
“But,” the father told you with a growing smile, “we know a family who could use a good nanny, and we want to recommend you – if you’re interested.”
You were interested, but then you found out how far away they lived. They lived on the outskirts of some busy city in a fancy gated community that would take several hours by train to get to. But the mother and father insisted that you meet with them anyway because maybe they could work something out if they liked you enough.
Maybe it was that they liked you that much, or maybe they were just that rich, but they rented an apartment nearby for you to live in – and it was a nice apartment. It was the kind of place only rich people could afford, with several ovens, a nice fridge that you could knock on and it would light up, and one of those fancy jacuzzi bathtubs that you thought only rich people or hotels could own when you were a kid. And all of this was included in your contract to nanny their three-year-old-son, Seojoon, and their one-year-old-son, Hajoon.
“So can we crash here with you now, or…?” Minho asks, his question hanging in the air as he raises a brow.
“What, can’t afford rent without me still?” you smirk. “I always knew I was the real breadwinner.”
“Look, if I could find a rich parent with kids–”
“They weren’t that rich,” you interject, referencing your old family.
“These people are, though!” Jisung bursts as he throws his hands in the air and looks around the space that you now call yours. “Holy shit, this place is sick! Yo, you need a roomie?”
Seungmin narrowed his eyes, “You just said you hardly know her.”
“We’re besties, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jisung stated completely deadpan with a shrug.
“How does one get themselves into the nannying business, might I ask?” Chan wondered with a smile that had ‘mischief’ written all over it.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Mr. Onlyfans,” you teased. “I’m sure parents will love that.”
Chan’s face turned bright red as he tilted his head down to the counter and let out a long sigh, “Alright, never mind…”
You didn’t actually think anything of Chan trying to do Onlyfans for money – actually, you kind of envied his confidence. But you did unfortunately see and hear on a couple occasions, all the cringey stuff he had to say and do to get any sort of traction. But he did gain traction, and despite being faceless to avoid issues like a possible future employer finding him, he was making enough money to afford the rent without you. He might’ve been paying more than ⅓ of it, but at least him and his friends weren’t homeless.
Jisung let out a groan, “Don’t remind me about the Onlyfans. That shit haunts my dreams.”
“Don’t you mean nightmares?” Seungmin asked with furrowed brows that melted to show an evil smile. “Unless…”
“Ew! No– Fuck off, Seungmin!”
As Jisung threw packing paper from one of the boxes at Seungmin, and Seungmin began happily teasing the older boy about his possible wet dreams of Chan while Jisung threw even more brown paper at him, Minho seemed basically oblivious to it all as he let out a deep sigh and ended it with, “I’m hungry.”
Chan rolled his eyes, mumbling, “I deal with a bunch of toddlers…”
“Can we get lunch before we unpack?” Minho whined, looking to Chan for the answer. “Channie, can you order us something?”
“Well, here’s your nannying gig you wanted so badly,” you giggled.
You looked around at the open living/kitchen area that was now mostly decorated. There were a few small things here and there, but most of your stuff was put in a place that seemed suitable. You at least didn’t have to worry about furnishings like a coffee table or chairs for the island – the owners made sure the apartment came furnished when they found out all your furniture belonged to your roommates.
You checked the time on your phone. 7:48. Good timing, honestly. Your bedroom was only half decorated since there were some things in some boxes that you did not want your friends – and Jisung – seeing, but everything was put away in the kitchen and moved how you liked it, and the living room was presentable. Your toiletries were away in cabinets in the bathroom or in the shower, and towels were folded neatly away. Clothes were folded in drawers or in your closet, but underwear and bras and any lingerie you bought on a whim was still put away in a box that Jisung had opened before screaming and accidentally knocking it over in his race to get up and away from it. But overall, it took about 5 hours to get settled in.
A knock at the door made you jump.
You were never an ‘answer the door’ kind of person. Chan was the one who answered the door. Minho would if he had to, and so would Seungmin, but Minho wasn’t a people-person, and Seungmin just didn’t feel like talking to any of the neighbors or the delivery guy – yet this kid was somehow an extrovert. Chan would warmly speak to whoever was knocking at the door. You? You had family friends thinking you were mute or non-verbal because you never spoke. You were painfully shy as a child which blossomed into full-blown anxiety as you got older – but still painfully shy.
But you figured it was maybe the landlord or the parents that you worked for now. So you walked to the front door and looked through the peephole.
Who you saw was definitely not the parents, though you would probably call him daddy if he asked. You wondered if he was the landlord, in which place you considered one of those bad pornos where the girl can’t pay for whatever service she was getting and offered alternate means of payment.
‘Yeah, not even in your fucking dreams would you have the balls for that,’ you told yourself.
You undid the two locks on your door and then the chain before opening the door and smiling at the stranger, who had already began smiling warmly before the door was even open. His eyes crinkled as his full lips stretched into the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen.
He was tall, had long, dark hair that was half-up in a ponytail on the back of his head, and looked like he was hand-sculpted by a god. His body, while you couldn’t tell the exact shape since his clothes were a bit on the baggy side, was well proportioned – you could stare at his body proportions all day, especially in his black joggers, windbreaker, and white t-shirt underneath. Still, you could tell he was lean. He looked…cool. And oh-so stunning.
“Hi,” he grinned, holding up a hand in a motionless wave. “I’m sorry, this is probably a little weird, but I noticed you moved in today. Well, not like I watched you move in, but I saw the trucks and heard you and your friends coming up with the boxes.”
“Oh, yeah,” you chuckled, trying your best to make normal conversation even though your brain was short-circuiting the whole time, “they’re pretty loud. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, no worries at all!” he assured you. “They’re kinda funny, actually. Who’s the small one with the brown hair? Almost looks like a coconut?”
You snorted, breaking into a real grin instead of a forced, polite one to hide your anxiety, “Probably Jisung.”
“Yeah, he’s funny,” he nodded.
“I mean, he’s something,” you shrugged, still laughing softly.
“Oh, right,” he seemed to remember why he even knocked in the first place. “I’m your neighbor. I live across the hall and thought I should introduce myself or something since you’re new. I kinda heard you say something about having no friends, so here I am!”
Right, the breathless and annoyed comment you made walking down the hall, carrying a box in your arms while Minho was nagging you about when you were going to throw a ‘sick house-warming rager’ and you had to tell him your only friends were him and the other two boneheads he lived with, and they were now about 2 hours away from you.
And back to the awkward polite smile and laugh you went, exclaiming, “Well, thanks for the gesture! I’m _____.”
As he moved to hold his hand out to shake yours, he seemed to pause, mouth open like he wanted to say something, but he stayed silent for a second too long.
“Hyunjin,” he finally said, though it sounded…off. Almost unsure. “My name’s Hyunjin.”
‘Maybe he’s also full of anxiety.’
“Nice to meet you,” you told him as you shook his hand.
His was so much warmer than yours. And seemed a bit bigger, which surprised you since you seemed to be similar heights and you had the biggest hands in your entire anatomy class your senior year – that was a weird contest looking back on the memory. You glanced at his hand as he pulled it away – maybe you had a thing for hands, so what? – to see his hands seemed strong but delicate with long, slim fingers.
As if you needed another reason to have a crush on this seemingly-perfect random man.
No, not random man. Man who lives across the hall.
“I’m sure we’ll see each other pretty often, so feel free to say hi,” he offered with shrug. “Or if you need help with anything like building furniture or something, let me know. Since we’re friends now and stuff.”
“Cool,” you nodded, feeling your face get hot for absolutely no reason, “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Hope so,” he said in a tone that made you feel…things. But it was quickly brushed off as he said, “I won’t keep you any longer since you’re probably still moving stuff around. I’ll see you later, _____.”
“Yeah, of course. Thanks, Hyunjin,” you replied before closing the door.
Hyunjin. His name just felt good to say. Of course a super gorgeous person would have a nice name like Hyunjin.
‘Thank god it’s not something like Carl or Eustace. Imagine dating someone named Eustace, or moaning like, Timmy or something,’ you thought to yourself before quickly reminding yourself, ‘What does it matter? You don’t have a shot.’
That was the harsh reality. You’d let yourself fantasize while you fell asleep at night, but the truth was you knew it was impossible. You were average-looking at best, so insecure and hyper-aware of what everyone might possibly be thinking about you, and to top it all off: you were still a virgin in your 20’s. How were you going to explain that one to a guy who seemed like he could pull anyone? 
You weren’t. Because there was no chance someone like Hyunjin would be interested in you.
‘Don’t say that!’ you automatically heard Chan in your head like he was living there, too. ‘Don’t ever put yourself down because you’re amazing as you are, and somebody out there will think so too.’
“Thanks, dad…” you mumbled to yourself as you shuffled back into your apartment.
“So how do you like the apartment?” Mrs. Park asked after they were caught up on how your first day with their children went.
“It’s so nice!” you gushed. “Thank you guys so much again for doing this for me.”
“It’s nothing, sweetheart,” Mr. Yoon promised, waving the matter away. “We’ve heard all about how you treated Marcus and Maisy and how well their English has gotten, and Donggun and Jiwon loved you so much. We had to do anything we could to have you be Seojoon and Hajoon’s nanny.”
“Truthfully, we don’t trust just anyone,” Mrs. Park admitted. “These nanny sites say all these people are certified, but I’ve heard so many horror stories from the girls at the salon.”
“We’ve been friends with Donggun and Jiwon for years, so we trust their judgment,” Mr. Yoon agreed. “Plus, the twins always seemed happy and healthy when we saw them. We could tell their family adored you.”
Your cheeks were heating at their compliments, and your smile reached your eyes as you held your hands to your chest, “Aw, thank you! That really means a lot to me. Honestly, the boys are such easy kids. Seojoon’s so sweet, and he really knows how to make someone laugh, huh?”
“He really is something,” Mr. Yoon chuckled. “Well, we hope you find your new place as cozy as your last. We understand moving somewhere new can be scary, but everybody who lives at The Brooke is nice.”
“And safe,” Mrs. Park interjected, pointing a finger at her husband and then at you, giving you a pointed look. “Living alone as a woman is frightening, but I assure you, not just anybody can live at The Brooke.”
Yeah, that was something that crossed your mind. Honestly, moving in with three boys was nerve-wracking enough even if your high school best friend knew them. She reached out after her second year of college because her roommate’s brother was Chan, and she told her that he and his roommates were looking for a roommate, and she told you because she knew you were looking to move out of your mom’s place but couldn’t afford living alone. But it kinda felt like pure luck that that worked out. 
But now you were alone. If somebody broke in, there was no Chan to wrestle them to the ground if he had to. There was no Seungmin with his baseball bat that he kept behind his door. There was no Minho there to go feral with a kitchen knife. It was just you, who typically had ‘freeze’ as their fight or flight response – the ‘secret third option’ as you called it.
However, you knew The Brooke was basically for only rich people. It was all elite people who were influencers or businessmen and women, and the like. They weren’t necessarily trying to tell you those people were background checked, but they were basically saying poor people didn’t live there because poor people were the bad people.
Gotta love rich people logic.
But then that made you wonder who Hyunjin was. Truth be told, you weren’t really keeping up with the latest influencers or ‘It’ people. He seemed like he’d be some trendy influencer that a bunch of girls thirsted after, but you figured you would’ve seen him on social media somewhere, right? But he didn’t really seem like a businessman if you were going based off of his aesthetic. Maybe he just came from money.
“The Brooke is full of the best of the best,” Mr. Yoon continued. “Remember that if you ever feel nervous.”
You smiled warmly, “Right, thank you.”
“Alright, we won’t keep you,” Mrs. Park smiled, gesturing for you to follow her so she could show you out. “Go get some rest, okay? We’re glad you had a good first day.”
“I’m really looking forward to getting to know Seojoon and Hajoon more. Have a good night!”
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necromatador · 5 months
Below is some basic info and a drawing of each!
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Chesslin Ken'ana; Drow Witch. Originally 4th edition D&D. Was originally searching for her lost half-brother to help free him from inherited slavery, showed up later in a different campaign a few years older and now working on her thesis on genius loci for mage college. Has a white-eyed crow familiar named Valdyn who she dresses in tiny sweatervests.
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Luk; City Goblin Cleric. Originally Pathfinder 2e playtest. A goblin from an urban underground nest that was taken over by more violent outsider goblins. Luk ran away and tried to find a group that would help him free his home. He's a cleric of Desna, under her aspects of Luck (haha) and Freedom.
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Theodosia "Todd" Sylvaine; Shifter Artificer. Originally 4th edition D&D; actually most notably used in FATE's Wild Blue setting. Became an outcast in her hometown after a jaunt into some fey-cursed woods ended up either revealing her werewolf nature or getting her cursed with it. Joined up with the Blue Wardens originally in an attempt to cure herself, but eventually became a top agent. Also known as Warden Mooneyes, and The Bookworm Werewolf.
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Salakesh Marivaldi; Half-Orc Bard. Originally 4e D&D. The "adopted" son of the well-to-do Marivaldi merchant family, he's actually the unfavorite bastard son of Lady Marivaldi and her orc stable-hand. To save face, the family lied about fertility issues and nobly adopting an abandoned half-orc. When their first full son was born, Sal was dumped quickly and painted as a troublemaker. When he grew up he volunteered frequently to go on extended travel as a representative of the family so he could escape his home life. He has a passion for cooking, drinking songs, epic poetry, and zweihanders.
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Skree; Aarakocra Monk. Originally 5e D&D. Skree was a famous actor in an equally famous theatre troupe until he made the mistake of angering a nobleman who had him blacklisted. In an effort to save his troupe from financial ruin, he negotiated their names clear as long as he left the city and never came back. He is attempting to make a living as an adventurer. It's harder than it looks.
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The Scarred One; Vesk Mystic. Originally Starfinder. As a young Vesk, Scar was trapped in a cave during an avalanche on her snowy homeworld of Vesk-7. While stuck there, suffering from hypothermia and severe frostbite, she swears she saw the secret at the center of the universe: a massive field of black devouring the stars and planets alike with a hunger unmatched and eternally unsated. After her rescue, she developed psychic abilities that she trained to use to her benefit.
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Pike Deepfisher; Kalo Operative/Mystic. Originally Starfinder. Born to a pair of famous Kalo fashion designers, Pike spent most of his childhood travelling and sickly until it was discovered that he was dangerously allergic in a chemical used in all rebreather technology on the market. Forced to stay at home under the care of nannies, and especially hurt when his younger sister was born and didn't have the same condition, he developed a bit of an attention-seeking drive that led to a life of crime. Eventually he was caught and hired by the head of a mega-corp called Zenith. By day he's a representative of their new line of rebreathers that he can use! By night he does corporate espionage for them. Also he starts dating the adopted son of the head of the company, a Lashunta named Ace.
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T'k Threadborne; Thri-Kreen Monk. Originally 4e D&D. A travelling tailor by trade, T'k is terrified of only two things: being eaten and women. While he's not a powerful fighter, he can hold his own. While he someday wants to settle down and start his own family, he has...reservations at the moment.
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Shochraos; Dragonborn Barbarian. Originally 4e D&D. Shochraos, or "Raos" as he prefers to go by, used to be a courier until one day he was attacked in the wilderness between towns by some monstrosity. Left scarred both mentally and physically, Raos struggles now with a berserk fury that rears its head whenever he finds himself in trouble.
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Harlan; Hengeyokai Assassin. Originally 4e D&D. An Unseelie assassin, Harlan hates all things Seelie. He was captured on a mission outside the Feywild and experimented on by a crazed mage, who succeeded in turning him into a living Dragonlance. When he killed a dragon that was attacking not long after, it merged with him and became a part of him.
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Zeruah; Hengeyokai Witch. Originally 4e D&D. The fortune-teller of a travelling circus of hengeyokai, Zeruah was found and rescued by the troupe's owner: Malachi the ferret hengeyokai. Little does he know that this strange fox escaped from a Fomorian who had enslaved and transplanted a cursed eye into them. They fear ever being caught again, and wear intricate eyepatches to both hide the eye and obscure their location from the Formorian.
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Shaward P. Sinsinger; Tiefling Paladin. Originally 4e D&D. An orphaned young tiefling in a largely human town, he is a member of the town guard and a devout follower of the goddess of music and fairness. He can't abide lawlessness, but hasn't really had a chance to get out of his sheltered tiny town and experience the world.
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crybabytoy59 · 1 year
A window in time…..pt6.
Naughty crybabies do not Ever swear In front of her caregivers ! 
Thwack !
Thwack !!….
My rear was on fire as the both paddled my bare bottom relentlessly as I squealed into my wet pissy gagging… 
Suddenly they stopped as I strained in the Punishment bench, Auntie Lottie rubbed my stinging rear as she spoke..
“Are you sorry Crybaby? (I nodded rapidly £ Well am sure you are but lest just make sure little one !”
I heard the ripping of tape as Nanny pulled my right belt marked rear out to the side, followed by Auntie taping the skin out wide ! 
My left cheek got the same treatment as Auntie Lottie patted my fuck hole now stretched open wide ! 
She lifted a small rubber flogger then whipped my hole ! 
Over and over she whipped me there using various items she finished with a small bendy steel rod ! 
This was amazingly painful and I started crying again openly in front of them both ! 
Nanny had lifted my headie as I was given my punishment to talk to me..
“Clever Baby crying is a part of your journey into babyhood towards us princess, so Nanny help you as Auntie Lottie puts your new special pluggie up that naughty ass of yours !”
She took my center panel of the maids dress down as it had a zipper around the frilly chest heart… Nanny took my nipples teasing them …
“ You’re such a clever girlie crying these lovely tears for us… Infact they are so cute let’s have lot and lots of them !”
Nanny lifted a syringe with white fluid in it !…
The needle looked quite thick and was around 3” long  ! 
“Look at Nanny !”
She pulled my nipple away painfully from my body the skin now taught Nanny pushed the whole needle into my skin behind my nipple then pushed the contents slowly into my chest ! 
The nipping pain was instant as I renewed my struggle in the punishment bench ! 
Auntie Lottie laughed “Have you hit gold Nanny !”
Auntie Lottie put a finger each side of my Fuck hole then pushed the large black intruder slowly home to more struggling from the bondage bench ! 
As Nanny pulled on the other nipple she counted 1….2….3 in we go ! 
They both pushe at the same time as I nearly passed out ! 
They both clapped as I slumped bawling my eyes out ! 
Auntie Lottie pushed the Center of the rubber plug as the four inner “Wings parted  holding the plug firmly home ! 
“Clever Crybaby are you ever going to use naughty language In front of us again….
The room filled with my genuine wish to serve them both as an Obedient little toddler void of any Big thoughts or words”
I had waited Years to be in this space and genuinely wanted nothing else in life at that moment in time but to bawl my eyes out ..
Few would understand what had just happened in their Dominant care outside.
But here strapped tightly to the punishment bench they both knew the gift that was being exchanged….
“I do hope so Crybaby… now Nanny and I have a nice gift for you princess  !”
Auntie Lottie  held up a training bra ! ! 
It was lined with lots of little rubber nipples! 
That would constantly tease my now Very sensitive nipples due to Nanny’s injections…
They tugged this onto me as the tight pink rubber training bra pushed out from my sissy chest !
Auntie Lottie zipped up the pink frilly chest panel I found this was stretchy, with my new little titties poking out from the frilly chest line …
Again Nanny took pictures…as Auntie got another item a large cotton bud ? ….
“Can you hold her cute headie Nanny nice and tightly please…as someone is going to want to struggle!”
She had a wee jar that she was rolling each end of the bud in ?
Lifting a steel nose hook she removed the rebreather mask, then fed the rubber laces to my face harness pulling them down Auntie pushed the hook up my nostrils wedging them up like a baby piglet ! 
“Ok here we go Crybaby take lovely Deep breaths six in total ! Then hold your breath !”..
At six I held my breath as Auntie Lottie coated inside each nostril pinching my nose to ensure the green slime spread evenly…
They both stood back to watch the spectacle unfold !! 
I pulled at my bonds trying not to breath as it stung my nasal passages! My eyes instantly started streaming as my mouth watered profusely and I choked on the mustard fumes ! … 
Nanny was taking more pictures…
“Now that’s much better Tears Crybaby  ! Look at you being the perfect Potty Toy !”…
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bellamy-taft · 10 months
Glass Epilogue: Joey
Joey cupped his hand over the phone screen to block some of the sunlight, and leaned closer to watch Serenity’s graduation video. She had worn her hair braided—he’d never seen her wear it that way before now—and when she accepted her diploma, turned to find their mother in the crowd to give a wave.
“Can’t believe you wore heels for it.”
Serenity bumped her swing into his. “Of course I did. I could hardly wear sneakers.”
“Course you could’ve. More comfortable that way.”
“I don’t think the aim of graduating is comfort.”
Joey still drew stares, but he noticed less of them today. Maybe it was because they saw Serenity first and didn’t expect to find of the of DK7 with her.
He hated the name. Hated the label. Hated the reason for being labeled. Hated a man two-months buried.
Or maybe he burned after he fell.
“Tell me Ma treated you to ice cream after.”
“Hardly. I’m now at the age sushi is a more appropriate celebration.”
They rocked forward and back in silence, toes dragging ground, letting the weight of all Joey had missed hang between them. It wasn’t only that she graduated. He had left her an awkward teen and come back to find his sister a woman. She lived with roommates and worked at the student center around her class schedule. She told him about her strict professors and her dating coworkers and their mother’s new boyfriend.
He couldn’t tell her about the dungeon cell.
The park wasn’t too busy at noon on a Thursday. A few mothers or nannies sat around while children played on the equipment, and Joey wished he had chosen a different time. They weren’t loud enough. There were still too many quiet moments.
“I still wish you’d called to let me know you were moving,” Serenity said. “I would have helped.”
“Me and Trist managed it all. Not like I had anything too big.”
His dad pawned off everything except Joey’s clothes and some odds and ends. Joey could hardly blame him. If his dad disappeared for three years, he wouldn’t have held onto his shit.
He would have liked to keep his deck, though. Even considering the creator.
“Then I could have come for moral support. Made you a moving playlist.”
“You fishing for an invite?” Joey nudged.
“School’s not so far away. I can be here in an hour, anytime.”
He heard the real offer hidden poorly in her tone, and twisted on his swing to face her.
“I’m fine. Really, Ren. Or you just looking for an excuse to pop in on Trist?”
She twisted to face him too, but her expression read of overwhelming frustration.
“You aren’t fine. You still won’t talk about it.”
“What’s there to say? Crazy billionaire played a blame game and we all got caught up in it. Took him out like we always do to those creeps.”
“You were gone for years.”
“Okay, so we didn’t execute as well as we have before. That’s what we get for letting Kaiba take the wheel.”
“Just…give me anything,” Serenity said. “I want to help.”
“Got the shrink for that.”
Although, he hadn’t told her anything about it either. How to explain magic items and a man trying to revive a dead wife to someone trained to tell him it was all in his head? No one was trained to deal with anything like what they’d gone through. He didn’t need someone trying to convince him that the months alone in the dark twisted his mind.
“I’m your sister.” It came out half accusation.
“I don’t know how to explain it anymore than he knew what to do with us,” Joey said. “And I want that time to be over. I need to put it behind me.”
A horn blared from the street and helped keep Joey grounded in the present. Serenity had grown, but she had been safe through it all. She easily could have been another Mokuba. They were on a playground, like old times. The island was far behind him.
He resolved to keep it there.
Her lips tightened, but the frustration shifted into something softer.
“When you’re ready, I’m always here for you.”
“Never doubted it,” Joey said, and gave her a smile he almost believed was real.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
New York Moment
Premise: Max and Sienna get cast as extras on a movie set, and funny antics soon follow.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,425
A/N: This fic was requested by @trappedinfanfiction from @creativepromptsforwriting Meet Cute list (prompt 15). Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills. I'm using @choicesflashfics week 29, prompt 3 (in bold). Submission for @aprilchallenge prompt "dance"
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The streets of Manhattan were teeming under the steaming summer sunshine. Native New Yorkers walked determinedly about their business, and tourists ambled on sidewalks, smartphones in hand, ready to capture their New York moment.
Cars honked, buses wheezed, and people yelled. It was noisy and exciting, annoying and fascinating. It was New York.
Sienna Valentine watched the drama unfold from the relative peace of a shaded sidewalk patio in Greenwich Village, and thought, “I’ve missed this.”
She’d attended medical school at Columbia, and this city had been home for four years. She had so many memories here. Studying in Central Park on a warm spring day. Taking the A Train downtown for a night out with her friends. Ice skating at Rockefeller Center.   
Sienna had enjoyed her life in Boston and loved living in DC now. But whenever her husband Max needed to visit New York for work or family, she tagged along if her work schedule allowed.
Luckily for Sienna, Max had no issues making non-work trips either. An overnight trip to watch a Broadway show, a quick day trip to go shopping in Midtown or a romantic weekend getaway.
Life with Max was never dull, Sienna thought dreamily, looking away from the view outside to watch him walking toward her.
“Sorry about that. The guy just wouldn’t stop talking,” Max said, sliding into the chair across from her. He started to reach for his wine glass but suddenly stopped. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you want to drag me to the nearest restroom and have your wicked way with me,” he grinned lasciviously.
“I’d rather wait until we get back to our hotel,” she countered with a wink and a smile. “And then I’ll have my wicked way with you. So you might want to load up on carbs.”
“Good plan,” he chuckled. “Check, please!”
Sienna burst into laughter. Definitely not boring, she thought again.
They finished their lunch, talking and just enjoying each other’s company, lingering over their wine. While Max settled the bill, Sienna quickly called their nanny.
“Noah okay?” Max asked, clasping her hand in his as they left the restaurant.
“Yes. Mrs. Banks said he was still asleep and to take our time.”
They started walking east toward Washington Square Park for an open-air concert, passing leafy residential streets lined with brownstones and avoiding the crowds on Bleeker Street by cutting through Cornelia Street.
They were two blocks from the park when they saw steel barricades and a clump of trailers and trucks lined up along one street. Security guards held back crowds as a film crew set up for a shoot outside the park; light stands, cameras and film equipment were everywhere.
“Now what?” Sienna said, disappointed at having their afternoon plans disrupted. It would take time to go around the barricades and crowds.
She turned toward Max, but he was standing a few feet away, reading an information notice taped to the side of a tree trunk.
“Hey, Si? Wanna be an extra in a Hollywood movie?”
When Sienna glanced at him in confusion, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his side, pointing at the sign.
Intrigued, Sienna read the words block printed on bright yellow paper. “Extras wanted. Couples only. Report to Production Office.”
“Well?” Max smiled, a hint of adventure in his eyes. “It can be our New York Moment.”
“I thought our New York Moment was that extravagant proposal on The Highline?”
“Who says you can only have one?” he challenged, arching his eyebrow.
Intrigued by the idea, Sienna found herself nodding, her apprehension about being on camera carried away by Max’s enthusiasm.
They were outside the production office a short while later, standing in a queue with other couples. A production assistant collected their details and directed them to a trailer for a wardrobe check. That done, they joined the others in a closed-off waiting area near a fountain.
“What kind of movie do you think this is?” Sienna said, craning to see if she could spot any stars.
“Definitely not a porno, given the location,” Max teased, his lips quirked in a half-smile. “I was really looking forward to seeing you in a leather catsuit.”
Sienna snorted. “I don’t have time for your prurient fantasies, Valentine.”
“You say fantasy, I say, meet me at midnight.”
Max took her hand and twirled her into an impromptu dance, their hips swaying to the jaunty tune drifting from a street musician behind the barricade. He tightened his grip on her hand; his other hand splayed across her lower back.
Well used to their rhythm, Sienna readied herself for the backward dip, confident he wouldn’t let her fall. Suddenly, Max tugged at her, and she tripped over her feet, falling against him.
Sienna giggled at her clumsiness, but his smug look and hands cupping her ass made her think it was on purpose.
She locked her hands behind his neck and leaned in, kissing the open space at the base of his throat where he'd left the buttons of his shirt collar undone. She felt his breath hitch before he pulled back slightly. But she wasn’t done.
Sienna stretched on her toes and drew his head down to place her lips against his ear.
“Are you trying to seduce me in public?” she whispered.
He chuckled. “What a thing to say? I’m just rehearsing. For all you know, my character is a suave international spy trying to throw the assassins off his scent by dancing with a beautiful stranger in the park.”
She scoffed. “We’ve both seen that movie, and it usually ends with the spy seducing the woman before jumping out the window.”
“Maybe in this movie, the beautiful woman is the seductress,” he said, amused. “And hopefully she has handcuffs so the spy can’t escape her bed.”
He said the last in such a deadpan manner that Sienna burst into laughter. She laughed so hard she had to wrap her arms around her stomach and gasp for air.
The production assistant walked over, still talking into a headset, clipboard in hand.
“All right, folks. Thanks for your patience,” he said hurriedly. “The AD’s just finishing setting up the shot, and then we’ll escort you to the set. Just some house rules….”
Sienna tried to school her face to pretend interest and attention. It didn’t help that Max moved behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and leaned down to speak in her ear, cracking jokes.
“Don’t feed the pigeons? Why would we do that?” Max murmured, deliberately twisting the production assistant’s words about not disturbing the actors.
Sienna covered her mouth with one hand so people couldn’t see her laughing, but there was no hiding the tears spiking her eyelashes.
“Wait? I thought this was a family feature. Why would we be dancing naked in the square with a clown?”
Sienna guffawed, and the production assistant stopped to stare at her. Embarrassed, she pretended to cough and waved a hand in apology. The man continued his instructions, squinting suspiciously at her.
She could feel Max’s body shaking in mirth behind her. As soon as the coast was clear, Sienna slapped the arm around her waist and hissed in annoyance.
“Are you trying to get us kicked off the movie? And you know he didn’t say anything about naked dancing. The extras are supposed to be couples dancing in the park to a summer concert.”
She shivered as Max kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear.
“Tomayto, tomahto,” he said, voice smug. “Want to go back to our hotel for naked dancing?”
Before Sienna could tell him to behave himself, the production assistant announced it was time to head out.
They took their places on discretely placed x-marked spots on the floor. After listening attentively to the director’s instructions, they turned to face each other.
The more it dragged on, the technicians adjusting lighting and whatnot around her, the more nervous Sienna became.
Max placed her hand on his shoulder and put his arm at her waist, ready to swing her into an impromptu dance on a beautiful sunny day. The setup was so similar to what they’d been doing in the waiting area earlier that Sienna’s nerves vanished.
“It’s a good thing we rehearsed earlier,” Max said, a winsome smile hovering on his lips, reading her thoughts perfectly.
Sienna kissed his jaw. “Don’t worry. If you mess up, we can keep practicing back in our hotel. Clothing optional. One more New York Moment.”
“And cut!”
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All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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babyspacebatclone · 8 months
Gah, I hate when I do this to myself.
I was thinking about the one child at my daycare center, who I call “Margaret” here, and how spectacular her gains have been in the past year.
And how much a struggle getting her nutrition continues to be.
And I was absently daydreaming about working full time one on one with her, and what I would do to try and reduce her trauma around feeding…
The first of which would be finding a way to get her used to drinking her own bottle!!!
Gah! 😤
Why has this not been a priority yet????
I haven’t worked directly with her in this past year, including the entire time she’s been working with our local state-support group (e.g. weekly visits at the center for directed skills work).
So I literally don’t know the answer.
But she’s so independent, has so much trauma about feedings, why focus on punishing her into working on finger foods????????????
(beyond the answer “ableism” making the bottle “undesirable” 😤😤😤)
And I’m just….
I know the family gets assistance for daycare fees, and I have zero understanding about how that could transfer to a nanny.
But I am crying, wanting to “casually” bring up, “You know, I live exceptionally frugally, I could look after Margaret full time at your place for about $10 an hour…”
(a big pay cut for my current income)
But it would be the definition of “Love your job and you won’t work a day in your life,” Margaret adores me, I have a relevant Bachelor’s degree and 110% interest in getting specialized trainings in her particular disabilities to support her….
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Why do I do this to myself???
How can I make this happen in a way that’s not creepy?????
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texasobserver · 1 year
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From ”Why Nurses Are Making Lone Star Labor History,” words and pictures by Senior Staff Writer Gus Bova, in the Texas Observer:
Lindsay Spinney was born in the same hospital where she now works in the newborn intensive care unit. A 43-year-old registered nurse at Ascension Seton Medical Center—a 524-bed Catholic hospital in central Austin—Spinney has spent almost six years caring for babies born sick or premature, some so small their weight registers only in grams or ounces. It was her dream job.
Spinney had worked with kids for years as a nanny and teacher, and she grew up spending time in hospitals because of a sibling with disabilities. One day, she shadowed a nurse during a shift and knew instantly that she’d found her calling. Specifically, she wanted to work at Seton, a nonprofit whose roots lie with an order of nuns who moved to Austin more than a century past. After nursing school, she “applied there only; that’s the only job that I wanted.” 
But reality at the hospital soon diverged from Spinney’s expectations. Above all, she found the place was understaffed, forcing her to split her time and attention between four fragile infants when she should be charged with one or two. Babies were often left to cry, even though all her training told her to respond immediately. “We’re starting with this blank canvas of this super-delicate being, and we’re not even able to provide the most minimal, basic things,” she said. Sometimes, visiting parents would notice and even offer to help with babies other than their own. 
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These staffing issues deepened after COVID hit, as veteran nurses left the hospital and were replaced by temporary travel nurses. The understaffing caused a stress at work that soon curdled into a gnawing guilt—a phenomenon that nurse advocates have taken to calling a form of “moral injury,” akin to the experience of soldiers. “It is not uncommon for a nurse to leave their shift and go sit in their car and cry,” Spinney said, as feelings of inadequacy pile up. “It also starts to provoke a lot of anxiety about your next shift. … It’s a really hard cycle to break.”
Last year, Spinney was on the verge of leaving what she’d thought would be her lifelong career. She’d earned a master’s degree related to healthcare leadership, a lifeboat to get her away from hospital bedsides before she drowned. But that’s when she learned her coworkers at Seton were starting the process of unionizing. “Being from Texas, I have very little experience or information with unions, with striking, with the labor movement,” she said. Nevertheless, she saw a chance to turn things around: She ditched her plan to leave and threw herself into the effort. 
Read more at the Texas Observer.
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dangraccoon · 2 years
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 3: Shutdown
Original Character & The Bad Batch
Summary: Jaine find the squad in the middle of a brawl. Hunter is overwhelmed by one of his senses.
Warnings: fighting
Author’s Note: Chapter 3 is here! It’s not quite as long as the previous 2, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it!
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“It is currently 0748 hours. If we are to meet Lieutenant Vale for training at 0800 hours, we will have to leave the mess shortly,” Tech prattled on.
“We know, Tech,” Hunter hummed.
“That’s right, the Sad Batch got a new nanny,” jeered a reg at the table next to them. “She’s a freak just like the rest of ‘em.”
Wrecker growled.
“Easy, Wreck,” Hunter grumbled.
“We don’t have time for talking assholes today,” Crosshair kindly informed the reg.
“What’d you say?” the reg bristled.
“Not again,” mumbled Echo.
“I said, we don’t have time to waste on you today,” Crosshair reiterated.
Before anyone could take a breath, the reg leaped at Crosshair, but was grabbed by Wrecker, and thrown to the floor.
More regs joined in while most of them just cheered from the sidelines.
Hunter groaned, but stood up, dodging a punch from another reg, using his arm to flip him onto the table. His face landed on Echo’s tray and Echo used the opportunity to slide the poor man across the table.
Tech sat at the table, scowling down at his chronometer, and effortlessly avoided an incoming punch from a reg. He was less fortunate that Hunter was then shoved against him, sending them both toppling to the floor.
The chaos of the brawl was at a peak when a vibroblade suddenly stuck in the table the Bad Batch had been sitting at, clanging sharply enough to force the whole room to stop.
“At attention, men,” Jaine scolded. “I am an officer.”
The mess of soldiers quickly got to their feet and stood at attention. She walked around the group, removing her knife from the table and placing it back in its sheath at her hip. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around the mess of soldiers, before landing on the reg that provoked Crosshair.
“You,” she demanded, pointing at him. “Front and center.”
When the soldier did as told, she grabbed his chin harshly, inspecting the bruising forming across his face.
“Started this nonsense, didn’t you?”
The clone’s jaw clenched. “Yes, sir.”
“Got a name, Trooper?”
“Argus, sir.”
“Your armor’s got some green on it. Belong to the 442nd?”
“Yes, sir.”
“And what was it you said to this squad?”
Argus swallowed. “Said they’re freaks,” he mumbled.
“Speak up, trooper,” Jaine demanded.
“I said that they are freaks, sir.”
“I see. You know something, Argus? I’ve met General Koon and Commander Verd before. Good men. I don’t think they’d appreciate you talking down to your brothers like that, do you?”
The trooper fidgeted. “No, sir,” he squeaked.
“Next time you have anything to say about me or my squad, you say it to my face, understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Do all of you understand that?” she called to the whole mess.
“Yes, sir,” came the resounding response.
“As you were, men,” she said to the mess. “And Argus?”
“Yes, sir?”
“Get your shit together,” she turned to her squad. “You five come with me.”
“Sir,” Hunter started, but was met with a dismissive hand from Jaine.
“Sit down, all of you,” she commanded once they had reached her quarters. They all shuffled into various spots around the room. Echo and Wrecker taking seats on the couch, Tech sitting in the armchair, with Crosshair perched on the arm. Hunter remained standing near Jaine, who was glaring at him. She won out, and he took her desk chair and turned it around before sitting as well.
“First of all, the formalities end today. I don’t give a shit about rank. My name is Jaine. Any of you call me ‘sir’ to my face, I will fight you and I will beat your ass, understood?”
There were general hums and nods of agreement from the men.
“Next, what in the kriffing hell was all that nonsense?” she seethed.
None of the men answered. Wrecker, Echo, and Tech wouldn’t look at her, Tech’s leg bouncing nervously. Hunter was pinching the bridge of his nose again. Headache, I’d bet, she noted to herself. Crosshair was watching her defiantly.
“Well? No one has anything to say?”
“We didn’t like how he was talking about the squad,” mumbled Hunter.
“Yeah, and they were mean about you, too,” Wrecker added.
Jaine nodded slowly. “Well, starting now, this unit is defense only when off the battlefield. You will not attack any other person unless they pose a threat to someone’s safety. Got it?”
Crosshair tsked. “We were defending ourselves. That reg came at me.”
“After you purposely provoked him,” she scolded. “There will be no more of that. From now on, we take the high road.”
The men were silent.
“Hunter,” she said, finally. “A word?”
She gestured to the adjoining room of her quarters and they both stepped inside.
Hunter quickly realized this was her bedroom as he was overwhelmed with her scent. He had caught a brief whiff of her perfume the previous day, but hadn’t had time to really register it. Now he could and it was sweet and floral. He could smell the regulation soap on her, but she covered it well with some kind of lotion that smelled like a field of wildflowers. Beyond that he found her natural scent. It was subtle, but a soft, earthy kind of smell. It was intoxicating.
“Hunter?” she probed, breaking him out of his stupor.
“Sorry, what?” he asked, dumbly.
“Are you okay? I was asking if I was being too harsh on them but you’ve been out of it for a minute,” she explained. Her brow was furrowed with worry.
“I’m fine,” he lied. “And they’ll be alright. Not the first talking-to they’ve gotten, probably won’t be the last.”
“Right,” she supposed. “Well, I apologize if I’ve overstepped.”
“You outrank us,” he offered.
“I’d rather I didn’t. You are the leader of this squad. I would never intend take your place.”
Hunter hummed. “Why are you with us?”
Jaine sighed. “That’s a good question. I got hit in the field, somehow survived, and then was transferred to your squad. I’m still trying to figure it out myself. General Kenobi said he meditated on my survival, whatever the kriff that means. He said the Force showed him the next step of my path. And apparently that is with your squad.”
“And you’re an officer. You’ve been sent to babysit us,” Hunter scoffed.
“I am your medic before I am an officer. As I told you before, I don’t care about rank. I only use it when I need to,” she shrugged. “The higher-ups seem to think that having another officer will help clean up your act, but if that’s what they want, they picked the wrong officer.”
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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thisfairytalegonebad · 6 months
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @zanarkandfayth, thank you so much - this is such a cool concept for a tag game and I was super excited to do it, but by the time I would've been free, I'd totally forgotten, lol. Really appreciate the tag <3
I considered my Love List project one of the "last 10" fics because it's the latest I updated, but I'm going to pick the opening line from the first chapter even though the chapters are technically all just oneshots - but I wanted to have at least one older thing in there since the other 8 are just going to be Whumptober which was written last October.
I also added a honorary +1 because I wanted to include something not FFXV and there's really only one fic I've written recently to which that applies, lol
Ignis brought his hand up to his face again to rub at his eyes for what must’ve been the third time within the past fifteen minutes. Gods, he was so tired, all he wanted was to lie down and get some sleep. if something comes on the way (we face it as one)
Prompto learns a lot of new things about his friends once they’re stuck practically in each other’s laps twenty-four hours a day. at first light
Noct isn’t quite sure how they ended up like this. Prompto’s his best friend and arguably the person he feels most comfortable discussing stuff with, but Noct’s famously terrible at talking about his feelings in any way, even to Prompto. Emptiness
The sight of Ravus crouching next to Ignis makes Gladio’s heart skip a beat. His hand itches to reach for his sword, but Ravus rises and stalks past him without a word. Bridal Carry
Prompto awakens to a world of pain. "What happened to me?"
Gladio is a protector, born and bred. "You'll have to go through me."
Gladio has had scars for as long as Noct can remember. Scars
“What the hell is up with you?” Gladio snaps when Ignis loses his footing and just barely avoids Gladio’s blade, for the third time. “If you’re not up for training, just say so! Better than letting yourself get cut in half by my sword.” Working to Exhaustion
Noct wakes up in darkness and blinding agony. Buried Alive
It would be a bit self-centered to say Ignis and Gladio were the ones who raised Noct. His mother passed away when Noctis was less than a year old, but he still has his father who loves him dearly. He had nannies, tutors, people who took care of him and made sure he was fed, clothed, and prepared to handle anything that was expected of a young prince. Neglect
Yuki frowns. if you're here, if i'm with you
Lmfao, there's a pattern here alright - 8 out of 11 start with a character's name. That's really interesting actually, I never noticed I was doing that! Unfortunately most of these were written very recently and a lot of them within the same month, so there's not much change to be observed here, but it was still neat to see that there is a pattern, even if it's an unconscious one.
This was super fun, thanks again fayth for the tag! Had a blast with this <3<3
Tagging: See, here's the thing... there's not all that many people I talk to anymore, and I'm not at all sure anymore who is and isn't a writer at this point, so I'm not going to tag anyone specifically. BUT! I really, really enjoy reading these because it IS super interesting, so if you want to do this, please do, and please please tag me in it so I can read it!
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thee-horny-thicky · 5 months
I am …. so obsessed with your exchange student series …. esp seeing the family dynamics between suguru, yua and jona 😭 ofc I loveee ur other works too!! and will be sending some asks for them soon if it’s oki :>
but I hope we get to explore more of their relationships in the future! how reader and the twins dynamic is now, whether anything’s changed with jona and sanyu being born, ofc jona and sanyu’s relationship with their mama and papa, the twins and the kids, bcs I’m now assuming suguru and yua adopted the twins so technically the family portrait will have all 4 of them in it ..
also poor jona 😭 he keeps catching strays … first suguru expects the best of him and gets annoyed whenever he displays normal! behaviour! of! a child! then everyone followed suit and caused him to feel lonely leading him to be immensely attached to his mama which is what suguru is annoyed about in the first place but he refuses to stop the cycle 😭 then a horrible nanny left him to drown nearly killing him and leaving yua despaired beyond belief leading to the birth of sanyu (which I was wondering if you’ll explore it later on? like in-between the spare and nightmares) and then he faced a horrible curse which probably traumatised him and all his daddy cared about was pounding his mommy’s ass and patching up his wound …. 😔😔 but good for yua for being an AMAZING mother and risking suguru’s wrath just to ensure the well-being of her children … love it sm that’s why she’s the main character!!!! /j
in all seriousness though I hope you take care of yourself!! love your work so much 🥺❤️
I'm so happy you're enjoying the series! I know updates to it are slow, but I plan to release another multi chapter FES fic sometime this year. As for sending more asks, feel free to do so, because I love getting into the logistics and character analysis for the fics I write.
All the upcoming fics in the series will explore family dynamics. Since Yua is the MC, it'd largely be centered on how everyone interacts with her. Things with Suguru will remain tense, and her relationship with the twins will be up and down. And yes, I imagine they are adopted at that point, which will be made clear.
The way the twins treat Jona strains their relationship with Yua, and increases her resentment toward Suguru. He's the root of all evil to her, and she's aware that the girls will do anything to please him, evident when they left her to fend for herself in FES. Yua's feelings toward them are conflicted, as she knows they're impressionable, traumatized children, but their actions have caused harm. First to Yua, and now to Jona.
Speaking of Jona, the nanny incident will definitely stick with him, despite his young age. As is what happens in Nightmares, which will be revised to better match with Spare. Both will lead him to cling to Yua, but also to be a protective big brother. His brother, (and any future siblings), and Yua will become the center of his world. As he gets older, he'd be willing to make sacrifices for them, i.e. willingly training with Suguru. Time jumps will happen between fics, so we'll get to see Jona evolve.
None of Yua's pregnancies were good news to her, but each child she births she loves. Moreover, she's aware her kids are the best way to get back at Suguru, as having them devoted to her undercuts one of his motivations for heirs: blind loyalty. Unlike Suguru, she doesn't see her kids as pawns, or even extensions of herself, but as their own person who need protection. Yet, some pettiness is present in her parenting, and making sure her children dislike their father is very important to her.
I hope this answers some questions, and I look forward to your next ask :)
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burstingwithbellies · 2 years
I smile, your flirtatious remark showed me how much you changed. Not physically, anybody can see that. But mentally. To think you used to want those pounds to come off. I feed you more of your dinner, a smirk spreading across my face.
"And what would that goal weight be?"
You chew, swallow, and get cutoff be an ominous creaking. The couch cracks and splits, making you jostle and jiggle as you sink towards the center. You clutch your belly in pain, not from the fall but from how it woke up the quintuplets, their kicks tossing your several meals around.
I couldn't do much about the couch situation, but you didn't stay there long because the quints were very punctual, arriving exactly on nine month mark. The doctors were surprised about every aspect of your pregnancy. How much you weighed before and gained during the pregnancy. The number of babies and size of them made them shocked you weren't premature. I had the doctor weigh you once the babies were out of you but kept you from knowing the number.
You stayed at the hospital for a while. You had gotten bored of the bland hospital food. You were given extra meals but you could swear the doctors were making you lose weight with how little they were. Finally I had returned, ready to bring my prized piggy home.
I rolled in on a comedically large mobility scooter. I looked like a child driving a car with how big the seat was. I hoped out and presented the scooter to you. The extra wide seat was the only custom feature you cared about. I had been training for this moment, my hands digging deep into your fat rolls. I grunted as I tried to help you into the scooter. You rolled out of the bed and into the scooter, your body looking like jelly as it eventually stopped jiggling. Tired, I threw myself on top of your beanbag belly. You drove out to the parking lot were I finally regained my strength to take you home.
After stopping for some drive-thru, you noticed that I wasn't driving the direction of the house. You mentioned I was going the wrong way but I crammed another burger into your mouth.
"You never would have noticed because you spent half a year on the couch, but the house was for sale for a while. The rooms were empty well before you popped. You don't need to worry about what I've planned or how long I've planned it, you just focus on the food and getting fatter."
The new house was a gorgeous mansion. The front doors were massive and wide, it was the first time in years you didn't have to be squeezed through. I guided you to a huge room on the first floor. Inside there was a bed that took up most of the room. The walls were lined with minifridges and a walk-in closet had been repurposed into a small kitchen.
"This is an Alaskan King bed. It is 9 ft. by 9 ft. and I am certain you will not outgrow it, but we are going to try anyway. You remember our nanny? It turns out her sister is a professional chef, so I hired her too"
A cart full of baked goods and sweets is rolled into the room by a woman who look just like the nanny but slightly older and fatter. You settle into your new throne, your weight already sinking into the mattress. You start eating the treats by the handfuls, moaning in pleasure with how fresh they are. I firmly grab your belly and lift it up, tipping you over onto your back so I can start breeding you again.
(1) (2) (3) (5) (6)
I don’t know why I denied myself of this before. I don’t know why I was so stubborn and didn’t submit sooner.
You elate more moans out of me as you supply my latest filling of your babies. The food falls out of my hand. My mind shatters with each thrust and as my rolls jostle. Everything is moving. My voluptuous flesh, I can especially feel it now as you pound me. My paunch slaps you and it slaps against my own body. There is so much moving, you’ve made me so obese. I’ve never been so aware of my weight before, so labored by it, so held back by it. And it’s all because of you.
I am beyond morbidly obese and still advancing in size, because of you. I’m becoming unrecognizable, because of you.
This was paradise.
God, I want to eat, but I want you too. I can’t get a grip of my food as you’re fucking me, but I want to be filled in both ends.
“Hmmm ~ Give me more babies! 12 is just not enough!” I want all your babies and to be as fat as inhumanly possible. “All this fat isn’t enough. I need more!”
From there on out, I really let loose. I can’t go a full hour without eating something. My growth doesn’t stop for a moment nor slow down. I do get knocked up again and my pregnancy amplifies my development. You will be a father to 10 in the next 9 months. We will become parents to an astounding 22 children in less than 5 years.
“More!” My meals increase too. My breakfasts are heavier, my lunches triple and my dinners could feed a large family. And I’ve become so disgustingly greedy, so much so that I still yell “I’m starving!” through after all of what I just mentioned.
I’ve become a relentless food disposal.
“Honey, just how big am I now?” I pant while I’m stuffed to the gills, yet hungry. I’m always either hungry or full or both. It is amazing; to be full and at this size. My capacity for food has enlarged, but I’m always go over my limits still.
My last remaining clothes that I have on were like string attached to me, ready to snap. My tits were heavy and bigger than my own head. My colossal tummy that dwarfs anyone who may encounter it has long prevented me from getting up ever again.
I have gone without walking for so long that I have forgotten what it was like. Or what it was like to even be out of bed. I had outgrown my scooter. My custom built scooter was broken due to my weight and size, so I haven’t moved in a long while.
If you were to lift me off the bed somehow, you would probably see the shape of my gigantic ass imprinted on the mattress. The only thing I’m able to move nowadays were my arms, but even that is a little hard. I struggle to reach my mouth and feed myself. Even my prime function, I can’t deliver on anymore.
I have grown so much that now I just let you feed me, and honestly, that’s how I prefer it that way
“Baby, tell me.” I sweated as you lifted my belly to reach underneath me, readying yourself to give me newest batch of babies. I had gone through my pregnancy with my decuplets too fast. They were overdue babies, but it was too quick for me. I needed more.
I want it more.
I want more so badly. But I needed to know my size first. With labored breaths, I begged again: “Tell me how big I am! Tell me what it is before you impregnate me up again. I’ve grown so much for you, it’s the least you could do.”
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