#Namor the Sub-Mariner Conquered Shores 1
Tuesday Terrific Covers
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By BossLogic
Whatnot variant covers for Namor the Sub-Mariner Conquered Shores 1 - dressed and virgin / undressed covers.
This cover was changed a bit from the original art posted by BossLogic on Twitter.
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Yes, they eliminated the reflection of Shuri! Even though they used BossLogic's companion piece of Shuri for another cover.
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Where they removed Namor's reflection!
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
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Namor: Conquered Shores #1 SPOILERS
I’m gonna be read/reviewing the comic that has gripped my BODY AND SOUL today, and I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem.
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We start off Namor, 100 years in the future, and the explanation for why is short but to the point, I’m really glad Cantwell didn’t dwell on the whole end of the world plot because I have read those kinda plots so many times and I have zero interest in another one.
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When we first see Namor you get this sense of aloofness from him, as if he’s looking down at these two humans like they are bugs he can easily squash, even his offhanded judgement of “I don’t really care enough, to be honest” would make one think he’s removed himself from the situation of the surface human struggle to survive.
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Ferry’s art is wonderful, I do love how pointy he made Namor’s ears! But the sketchy quality of his work, really works for the story imo because it’s been giving me these raypunk scifi novel book cover vibe, it but it def has that astonishing stories cover art feel to it. As a person who loves most of the Punk subgeneres (cyberpunk, raypunk, steampunk etc.) this was great for me.
What I want to quickly point out is how awesome the colorist is as well, the toxic air in the surface world being represented by this mist is such a great touch!
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It's so refreshing to see Atlantis thriving when all we ever get in the current comics is another Atlantis is destroyed plot. I love the undersea scenes Ferry has created, it really has this beautiful underseapunk futuristic vibe.
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Namor’s arrogance is present as well, you can almost hear him saying “Am I not the most benevolent ruler?” and “It was I who usered in this golden age of Atlantis”, I love how Cantwell doesn’t shy away from his Pride and Arrogance which are both key traits for this character.
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You do not know how great it is to have Nita back, for many people who may not have read Namor and Nita comics, there is a Big Brother and Little Sister relationship, and when she died it really messed him up because she was the closest family he had. Future!Nita is now Queen, and there is a coldness to her in her regards to the humans that past Nita didn’t have, who knows what has turned her heart colder, one could explore a lot in the 100 years since to understand why.
However the aloofness we felt from Namor in the opening pages is contradicted by Nita’s words “When you do return home, you obsess over the suffering of the surface settlement clamoring for aid to a doomed people.” Namor once again showing that even if on the exterior he is a salty mean bitch, inside he is a bleeding heart. I love how this comic shows that Namor is still trying to bridge the gap between his two people, and how he’s always been the one to stand for and between them depending on the circumstances. The Atlanteans in the comics have always hated and mistrusted the surface world, Namor is one of the few who would actively seek peace (outside of plots that would require him to take vengeance for his people, etc)
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I ADORE this scene, lol. This Snobby Bitchy pair hold my whole heart, but I really love the third panel in the center, Nita trying to copy Namor, she’s looked up to him ever since her escape from Llyra’s clutches, and it’s just so cute, little sister coping her big brother. Also her words, her wanting Namor to be there to advise her. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR 1 CRUMB OF SUB-MARINER FAMILY FEELS? SO LONG.
lol, to Namor slyly suggesting/joking she give up her crown if she feels the burden is too much and have a council XD this is that dry sarcasm I don’t get from Namor these days because writers never write him well! I’m just really happy about this comic.
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Eudora is a great addition to the supporting characters. I do love a tiny science nerd lady.
The cool blues of the thriving people beneath the waves vs the harsh reds of the decimated world above really provides the best contrast between the worlds. I think the artist and colorist collaboration is perfect in setting the tones for each world. 
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I've always said "Namor going to the surface world should feel like he is setting foot on an alien planet bc to him the humans ARE aliens, their world isn't the world he was raised in by his mother, Princess Fen", for once I finally get that feeling that Namor is in another world.
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There is this vibe, this tone, that Cantwell sets within his words that I'm trying to describe, it's like a sadness? but deeper. It's sorrow. It's like they lost something long ago, and while Namor's people are thriving his heart is torn with sorrow over the plight of the humans. This whole surface scene is just ALOT, but the way Namor is shown is so in character, yes Namor is older and less brash and less ready to talk with his fists, holding himself back even when attacked. I like to think it’s because Namor knows how sensitive things are in the relationship between his people and the humans. A human dying at his hands would make his mission to convince the rest of the surfacers to move to one of his undersea settlements much harder, they already hate him.
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I was NOT expecting Jim to show up in issue one, but aaaahhhh my HEART, the way Namor is screaming for him!!! I wonder how long has it been since he’s seen Jim? I just love Namor and Jim SO MUCH, and this comic is gonna make me cry over them I just know it.
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Cantwell's letter at the end of the comic is a must read as well! I really enjoyed reading it and it really feels like I have a person who understands what makes these characters so beloved even if most of the world and time has forgotten about Jim and Namor.
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There’s more I haven’t talked about but I urge people to give this comic a read and to follow along with future comics!
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namorthesubmariner · 2 years
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Writer Christopher Cantwell on Character & Conflict in NAMOR: CONQUERED SHORES. Interview by Freaksugar
Namor the Submariner has been experiencing a well-deserved moment in spotlight in the last few months. The half-human/half-Atlantean underwater king and superhero-sometimes-antihero first appeared in the unreleased Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 in early 1939, before formerly being introduced in Timely Comics’ Marvel Comics #1 later that same year. As Timely would eventually change its name to Marvel, this makes Namor one of Marvel’s first comic book characters, predating Captain America, the Avengers, and the X-Men.
And over his 83-year history, the Submariner has acted as ally and adversary to such superhero teams as the aforementioned X-Men and Avengers, doing what he deems best for his Atlantean subjects, regardless of who is spurned. That Namor is the one it seems we’ll meet next month in the Marvel Studios film Wakanda Forever and one that speaks to Namor’s nuanced character and history.
It’s that same nuance that writer Christopher Cantwell (Iron Man, Star Wars: Obi-Wan) will bring to the miniseries Namor: Conquered Shores, debuting this week from Marvel. In Conquered Shores, we meet a Namor decades in the future on a flooded Earth, with the king-no-more acting to help the planet’s remaining humans in an attempt to atone for his sins against the surface dwellers. The book spotlights a reflective Namor that is sure to bring pathos and dimension to an already rich character.
I spoke with Mr. Cantwell recently about the conceit of Namor: Conquered Shores, where we find the Submariner at the beginning of the story, how the character has changed over the years, and the appeal of Namor, both to readers and to Cantwell himself.
FreakSugar: Before we delve into Namor: Conquered Shores, what is your personal history with the character, either as a fan or a creator?
Christopher Cantwell: I’ve long been a fan of the Original Human Torch and the Timely / Atlas Era of Marvel Comics. It’s Marvel’s own Golden Age. That definitely includes Namor and the Bill Everett era of his stories. The epic battles between the Torch and Namor have always captured my imagination, more so than any of the more contemporary stuff Namor has showed up in over the years (although I love that too). I’ve always wanted to write a “Golden Age” type Marvel story with those characters.
FS: What is the conceit of Namor: Conquered Shores?
CC: My way in for this story was to do precisely that—write a Golden Age-style story, but set it at the end of time, or at least at the end of the Marvel Universe. The concept is that the Earth has flooded due to both human errors and climate change, and a devastating atmospheric attack by the Kree. 100 years have passed, and Atlantis is now the de facto ruler of the planet due to much of it being ocean. Namor has ruled over that for much of the time but has recently stepped down from the throne. In his twilight years, he’s turned his attention to trying to save the remaining humans on the surface, which is really him confronting and dealing with his guilt over the way he behaved in the past.
FS: You said that this is the first idea you’ve ever blind-pitched to Marvel. How did the idea come to you?
CC: I was reading some (Namor creator Bill) Everett Sub-Mariner stories and it struck me. Water is a big issue in Southern California where I live, and in other places it’s also a problem when it comes to flooding. In a Marvel Universe parallel, this kind of geographic shift seemed to create a paradigm where Namor and Atlantis would eventually have much more power and territory than they currently have. That was at least the germ of the idea. I was on a road trip with my family through the southwest and I was lying on a couch one night after everyone had gone to bed and I thought of a flooded Earth in the future where Atlantis ruled everything. It was one of those ideas where I actually said out loud to no one, “Oh that’s interesting,” and I built it out from there.
FS: From your description, the book is going to feature a more reflective Namor, something that he hasn’t always been in his long-lived history. Where do we find Namor at the beginning of the series?
CC: As I mentioned, Namor has finally stepped off the throne. Namorita is now in charge. Namor concerns himself with trying to help the remaining surface humans, who basically live on degraded and ruinous islands of land that remain, many of which are garrisoned by Atlantean soldiers. Namor has a pilot program—an underwater oxygenated settlement—that he’s trying to get off the ground. But the settlement has a lot of fuel problems, supply problems, food problems… so it’s really not a great place. Namor can’t get the full support of Atlantis to make it better and expand it. He’s out to prove that it can work and that he can make a better life for the remaining air-breathing humans… but it’s all wrapped up in him trying to make good on his vengeful, mercurial attitudes and actions toward the surface in the past.
FS: How would you describe the world we see in Conquered Shores? How has Namor shaped the Earth we find?
CC: Atlantis is thriving. It’s the unified power of the planet and unchallenged. It’s so big that there’s infighting and real politick going on within it. Alliances with old enemies have been made while other ones continue to stir up trouble within the empire. Atlantis is sprawling, bigger than it ever has been.
Humans remain up above, but are largely neglected. They rankle at being overseen by Atlantis. They can’t reckon with being second class citizens and having the roles reversed in such an extreme way.
There are still other factions hiding out and trying to go unnoticed by Atlantis, too. The book is really global in scale, and deals with everyone left alive, and how they ally and sew conflict.
But it’s also a highly intimate story in that we’re following Namor on this personal sojourn on the surface, this singular mission. It just all has global implications from the get-go.
FS: Namor is one of Marvel’s first characters, predating even Captain America. You mention that the miniseries is both a love letter to Marvel and that it builds on the first war of Marvel heroes. Can you expand on that?
CC: I love the Bill Everett / Carl Burgos / Alex Schomburg era. I can lose myself in that art. Those early All-Winners and Invaders stories. It’s Marvel’s Golden Age. So much attention is directed to DC’s Golden Age because it contains all the characters we still know and follow in the same way today. Marvel’s is more interesting to me because it all kind of reinvented itself with the Fantastic Four, which kicked off most of what we now and read now. But Namor survived and made the transition, using the Fantastic Four as a bridge into the modern era. That is fascinating to me and there are deep psychological and emotional resonances that allowed for the character to survive. He is so elemental. So is the Human Torch (who survived… literally, but albeit mostly in a different way as a new incarnation in Johnny Storm). I like taking bygone characters and telling new stories with them. I did that with Patsy Walker / Hellcat in Iron Man, who is another Timely era character in origination. It’s just fun to juxtapose then and now in text and have characters grapple with that very thing in their identities.
FS: The great Pasqual Ferry is illustrating the book. What has the collaboration process been like with you two?
CC: I just love receiving his pages. His art is so incredibly unique. It also has this timeless quality to it that is perfect for the story. He’s aged Namor appropriately (who ages more slowly due to Atlantean genes), but he speaks to the beginnings of the character too. There are flashbacks where Pasqual is doing his take on a Golden Age Namor in such a cool way. There are even new Atlantean characters who feel like they stepped off Everett’s panels. Pasqual nails Atlantean eyebrows, let’s just say that.
I don’t know if he internalized it, but when I first talked to him I said I wanted this to feel like Terrence Malick directed it. It’s coming across, at least to me, in these sweeping and haunting vistas that Pasqual has created, these pensive close-ups. It’s spectacular work. I’m hugely honored to share the byline with Pasqual.
FS: Namor has been in the spotlight more than ever of late, from his roles in everything from the X-Men universe to the Defenders to the Avengers, as well as significant part in the upcoming Wakanda Forever. He’s often described as one of comics’ first antiheroes. What do you think it is about Namor that fascinates readers?
CC: As I mentioned, he’s elemental. He also straddles two worlds. He’s part human and part Atlantean. Those characters who feel apart, belonging to neither of the places they’re from… I think people can dig into that, because who among us doesn’t feel like that? All the characters in this story are of divided worlds. The Torch is a machine who looks like a man, and so is comfortable as neither. Frankenstein’s Monster shows up, and he’s a living corpse, neither alive nor dead. Even Captain America and Luke Cage are men who often feel divided inside. All of that swirls around in this story.
But yes I think Namor endures because he defies categorization. He feels more like a force of nature than a typical hero. He’s been an Avenger and also an ally of Doctor Doom. Namor serves no master, no codified rules. He’s like a samurai ronin in that way. He goes with his gut, even when his gut is selfish and wrong. But he’s noble and sincere and has a moral compass. He’s incredibly rich as a character in the Marvel Universe.
FS: Following up on that, what is it about Namor that draws you to the character as a creator?
CC: His divided nature is attractive to me and I can identify with that. Also that he can be an asshole. I am certainly guilty of that. He has a temper and gets heated but also has a profound and deep love for the people and the world around him. He despises human inclinations and yet shows some of them himself. It’s something I reckon with in myself daily.
FS: Is there anything you can tease about what we can expect to see in Namor: Conquered Shores?
CC: How about: Latveria. How about: Attuma. How about: some other sentient machine characters?
FS: If you had one last pitch for the series, what would you say to potential readers?
CC: We did this story in five issues, but I think Pasqual and the team and I created something with some real breadth and depth. Some of it to me feels novelistic (and I almost wish I could adapt it into a novel, of all the comic things I’ve written… Marvel, can I?). It’s the Marvel you know and love, but almost an entirely different universe and set up. The rules have changed and the deck has been shuffled. All bets are off in this book. It’s also unexpectedly wistful and quite beautiful, both in the story and the art. We dug deep in every way we could. I think people will dig it.
Namor: Conquered Shores #1 (of 5) goes on sale Wednesday, October 12th, from Marvel Comics.
From the official issue description:
A century into the future, not much land remains on Earth. A combination of a worsening climate and a devastating war with the Kree has left the surface of the planet mostly inhospitable, with an ever-dwindling population of air-breathers and a profound lack of super heroes to protect them. Enter NAMOR, who these many years on is no longer King of Atlantis…but ruler of the entire world.
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honmyoseagull · 2 years
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Namor The Sub-Mariner: Conquered Shores #1
(W/ Christoher Cantwell / Art Pasqual Ferry)
Well, that was visceral a cry, wasn’t it…
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cybercitycomix · 2 years
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Top New Marvel Comic Releases for the Week of November 16th, 2022.
Blade Vampire Nation #1,
Captain America Winter Soldier Special #1,
Demon Wars Shield of Justice #1,
Gold Goblin #1,
Immortal X-Men #8,
Iron Man #25,
Murderworld: Avengers #1,
Namor the Sub-Mariner: Conquered Shores #2,
She-Hulk #8,
Star Wars: Hidden Empire #1,
Thunderbolts #4 +
Wakanda #2.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Review: Namor: The Sub-Mariner - Conquered Shores #1
Namor: The Sub-Mariner - Conquered Shores #1 is an intense story that will remind many of DMZ but set in a sunken future. #comics #comicbooks
Kevin Costner is one of those actors whose resume is more prolific than most living actors. When I think about the breadth of movies he has starred in, I often look at the diversity of roles  he has occupied. The only other actor to have done as much may have been Robert Redford. It helps that both often take on roles to subvert their looks. As Costner has played in every genre, with his most…
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newsaza · 2 years
Atlantis Becomes the New Wakanda in Marvel's Future
Atlantis Becomes the New Wakanda in Marvel’s Future
Contains spoilers for Namor the Sub-Mariner: Conquered Shores #1! The underwater continent of Atlantis, home of Namor, has taken Wakanda’s place as a bastion of progress in Marvel’s future. Wakanda, home of the Black Panther, is a major scientific and technological powerhouse, but in a future decimated by climate change and rising sea levels, Atlantis has stepped up, offering peace and stability…
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weirdsciencecomics · 2 years
Namor: Conquered Shores #1 Review
Namor: Conquered Shores #1 Review
Written by: Christopher CantwellArt by: Pasqual FerryColors by: Matt HollingsworthLetters by: VC’s Joe CarmagnaCover art by: Pasqual Ferry, Matt HollingsworthCover price: $4.99Release date: October 12, 2022 Namor the Sub-Mariner #1 imagines a future Earth where a Kree WMD devastates the atmosphere and melts the ice caps to cover most of the livable ground in water. Years later, an older, wiser…
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imperiuswrecked · 2 years
Does Namor have any notable/interesting appearances since the 2020 Atlantis Attacks series? Other than appearing in the lastest Hellfire gala I've completely lost track of it and not sure if the events mentioned on the Marvel wiki are worth reading.
2020 really gave us a ton of great stuff even after Atlantis Attacks, so if you haven't read these already then I highly recommend:
King in Black: Namor (2020) Marvel's Snapshots: Sub-Mariner (2020) Marvel (2020) #3
Eternals (2021) #10-12 - small cameo
Marvel Voices: Community (2022) #1 Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022) #7
Black Panther (2021) #13 - last few pages, pretty sure he will be in the next issue.
For AU's
Maestro: World War M (2022) #1-5 Namor: Conquered Shores (2022) - ongoing
Marvel also put out a Who is? Namor comic on their Marvel App, which is basically a retelling of Namor's backstory - present.
I can't recall anything else being memorable or even worth the read, and honestly I just check Avengers stuff to complain these days.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Preview: Namor: The Sub-Mariner - Conquered Shores #1
Namor: The Sub-Mariner - Conquered Shores #1 preview. NAMOR, who these many years on is no longer King of Atlantis...but ruler of the entire world. #comics #comicbooks #namor
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cybercitycomix · 2 years
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Top New Marvel Comic Releases for the Week of October 12th, 2022.
All-Out Avengers #2,
AXE Eternals #1,
AXE Iron Fist #1,
Black Panther #10,
Ghost Rider #7,
Namor the Sub-Mariner: Conquered Shores #1, Punisher War Journal Brother #1,
Star Wars #28,
Star Wars High Republic #1,
Star Wars Visions #1,
Venom #11 +
Wakanda #1.
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graphicpolicy · 2 years
Preview: Namor: The Sub-Mariner - Conquered Shores #1
Namor: The Sub-Mariner - Conquered Shores #1 preview. NAMOR, who these many years on is no longer King of Atlantis...but ruler of the entire world. #comics #comicbooks #namor
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honmyoseagull · 2 years
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Just gonna leaving it here for you to bask in awe…
Namor the sub-mariner: Conquered Shores #1 Cover by Pepe Larraz
Source Instagram
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