#Nama the 13th Lame Guardian
na-nossa · 22 days
Meta Fridays #1
So, we were rewatching Mukuro's fight with Tsuna in episode 26 (for academic purposes, obviously), and I noticed something I missed the first time. Mukuro calls the human realm the ugliest and cruelest, and he's hesitant to use his 五 skills, though they're his strongest, only doing so when he’s pushed to the brink. Even Reborn points out how intensely dark his vibe gets in this realm. It makes sense: Mukuro was a victim of of some horrific experimentation, twisted by human hands, and now he's essentially trapped in that same cruelty. He treats his allies like mere pawns and plans to plunge humanity into a war that matches the chaos swirling inside him. Tsuna's kindness also really irritates him, as to him it's foolishness, too soft for a world like this.
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Now—in Katekyo Hitman Reborn, the Dying Will Flame is more than raw strength; it's energy drawn directly from a person's life force, deeply connected to their emotions. When Mukuro clashes with Tsuna's flame, he's not just confronting power; he's encountering Tsuna's will, his soul laid bare in its purest form. That's why when Reborn casually drops, "Looks like the Dying Will Flames purified Mukuro’s dark aura," it implies that Tsuna's flame might have broken the cycle of hatred Mukuro was trapped in. It's ultimately what changes him (plus, I like to think hearing Ken and Chikusa tell him he's their "place of belonging" helped, too 🥺). After, though Mukuro keeps up his mask of indifference, he softens, even becoming willing to sacrifice himself for his friends.
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While turning enemies into friends with the power of Le Feels™ is classic shounen stuff, what stands out in KHR is how this transformation isn't just a simple change of heart. It's linked to the supernatural foundation of the story and the source of the protagonist's powers, with the Dying Will Flame representing a connection to the characters' very souls. Tsuna doesn't hit Mukuro with a fireball; he messes with his entire being, like Reborn said. Indeed, the show lingers on shots of Tsuna's hand on Mukuro's face, emphasizing the moment of contact. After Tsuna's final attack, Mukuro's lying there all soft and innocent, looking way more angelic than he has any right to. And sure, it could be because he's knocked out cold 😃, but I think it's more than that. It's the first sign of the change already taking root inside him.
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na-nossa · 1 month
Hey there! 👋
We're three friends from Portugal who run this multifandom blog. Right now, we're rewatching Katekyo Hitman Reborn! and a bunch of other anime, so expect screencaps and some eventual meta. Feel free to ask us anything!
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